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The Seas of Docruth

The Seas of Docruth


Fantasy pirate RP. Take a look if your interested :D Still spaces

1,941 readers have visited The Seas of Docruth since anvil created it.


β€œThe wind whistled and rippled through the sails up ahead, and the waves crashed softly against the wooden bowl. The sea gave off a golden glow as the sun set begins to fade. β€œRemember when that was all it was? Just the wind in the sails, and the thrill of the open sea?” Rylan stood, staring out to the great expanse of ocean that lay behind them. His long black coat twisted and turned in the evening breeze, and the ship rocked slowly from side to side. They would reach port tomorrow, and the crew members would go there separate ways… He assumed it would be his final voyage. The years had taken their toll on his once young body, and time had worn away his soul. Day by day he had chipped away at the great mysteries of the ocean. And now? His life belonged to the sea, and that was where it would stay. He grabbed hold of a rope and stepped up onto the wooden bannister, staring down at the swirling pool below him. Was this really it? Was he really going to just end it all here. Close the last page of his life story?

No. Rylan Redcap would not simply fade away into obscurity. He would die a legend of the seas. One last voyage, to rediscover the great mysteries of the ocean. He would carve a path that would forever set him in legend, as the greatest captain of all time! And all he needed now, was a crew…”

Hello and welcome to the The Seas of Docruth!

This rp is set within the fantasy world of Docruth, and to be slightly more specific, upon its vast oceans. There are islands filled with unimaginable treasures, uncharted lands shrouded with mystery and myth, and terrifying creatures of the deep. Step upon this ship, and witness untold wonders, but face also perilous risks that threaten the lives of all but the most skilled of sailors. Myth and superstition hold more water in Docruth than they do in our world, with demons, undead and witchcraft being just as real as the wind that pushes our sails. Docruth is dangerous, and it will take all your skills, smarts and luck if you wish to complete this voyage in one piece. Be not mistaken, the treasures at stake are certainly worth the risk. Join us on this voyage, and learn of the many great wonders Docruth has to offer….

The story will follow the final voyage of Rylan Redcaps ship. It aims to investigate some of Docruth’s greatest mysteries, chart the four corners of the globe, and hopefully amass a huge fortune whilst doing so. Your characters will have a huge influence as to what you wish to do, be it become bloodthirsty pirates, seek out vast hidden fortunes, or do battle with terrifying beasts of the deep. You will dictate the corse of every encounter, and point your ship in whichever direction you wish to explore.

The rules of magic are by their very nature dark and mysterious, so below is attached more knowledge than any mortal could hope to learn in Docruth. Though for you lucky people, I will elaborate on the ways of sorcery. There are 3 domains of sorcery, each unique and wild in its own way. They fight against each other constantly, making access to more than one domain impossible. Sorcery starts with a talent, and innate ability to sense and wield this energy from birth. It is here and then that ones domain is selected. This gift is rare, and very few mortals receive it. From then, it is a matter of patience. This unearthly sense grows along side you, slowly growing stronger as time slips away. It takes years to train a gift to its full potential, and skilled wielders are extremely rare. Of course, people naturally fear something so strange and alien a sorcery, so practitioners are often labeled as frauds, or outcast from civilisation...

Perhaps the least understood of all the domains, practitioners of Divination seem to be able to draw upon supreme knowledge that they themselves could never possess… Predictions and prophecies are common, but only the most talented can take it a step further. With years of training, or extreme innate ability, some individuals appear to have the almighty ability to alter future events. Charms of luck, or weather manipulation would all fall under the Divination domain…

Whilst magic by its very nature, dark and evil, no Domain comes with such a high price to pay as the Unholy. It takes a toll on its practitioners that no other domain shares. It curses, warps and distorts the soul, often causing its wielders to plunge down into eternal madness. And yet, some still attempt to control its power, and a select few have managed to hold this power and keep some resemblance of sanity. The ability to curse, hex and plague creatures all stems from this domain, a long with any attempts made to raise the dead. It is dark, unholy and very very powerful…

Whilst disease and injury are common place in Docruth, the Domain of life stands as one of the few barriers against certain demise. Whilst a doctor can saw off a leg, or pull out your teeth, only practitioners of this domain have any real defence against disease and illness. The life domain also covers the study of herbalism and potion craft, both powerful tools when in the right hands...

Now this an interesting section. I have previously considered making an rp with some kind of mechanic system, and I think I have come up with a quite fun way of doing it. This is highly experimental, and is open to feedback and suggestions. I think it creates a sort of PvE atmosphere, and helps give you guys a clear and shared goal, encouraging people to RP more effectively. It doesn’t change anything about normal rp, and you can input your characters actions whenever and however you deem fit. The difference is that I will present the crew with several scenarios or conflicts that they have to RP out of. The outcome of a scenario, conflict or encounter will depend on two things. First is your crews plan. I encourage players to discuss plans and tactics OOC, so scenarios go smoother IC. A well thought out and well executed plan will be rewarded with a good victory. Second is how well you RP. The higher quality the posts are, the more effect your actions will have. This is not set in stone, and can easily be removed if the system doesn’t work.

Well, it wouldn’t be a very good RP without rules now would it?

1) No power playing, God modding, Meta gaming or anything along those lines. These rules are shared by pretty much every RP, and should be respected here as much as anyway
2) No purposely attacking or inconveniencing other players characters. Your the crew of the same ship, and should be working together. In the same way teamwork will be rewarded, behaviour intended to sabotage the crew will be punished.
3) Realistic posting. Whilst it is a fantasy setting, I will not accept your character single handedly taking down 500 pirates, or anything that seems unrealistic. Your characters can be more skilled than your average sailor, but bear in mind that they still have limits. Should be obvious, but you never know :/
4) In the β€˜other’ section of your character sheet, write something in a different colour or font. Yes, I am checking ;)
5) Maintain a certain level of quality about your posts. They don’t need to take 5 hours each to write, but correct spelling, grammar and well though out posts will be rewarded

Character sheet:-

Backstory: (As detailed or as basic as you wish)
Motives: (This is really important. Explain why your character wants to join the voyage, and what they wish to get out of it)
Appearance: (Text preferred to pictures)
Role on ship:
Skills: (What stuff is your character good at. in this setting, low level sorcery is allowed, but so long as it is used effectively. Keep skills to a minimum. No character is a perfect shot, master of two-blade fighting and knows how to use magic perfectly. Anybody who intends to have a magic wielding character, it should be the characters main/only skill, and focuses on superstition, divination and curse style magic.)
Tale of the seas: (This is your chance to show off your writing ability. Write a short, naval based tale. It can be about anything, I just want to see an example of you write something :D )

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Kenston Character Portrait: Ryland Redcap Character Portrait: Jesper Character Portrait: Mathilda Locke
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0.00 INK


Ignored like always! What could the young man do about it? With a hearty chuckle he squished his feet back out on to the deck. Finding a young man shivering for his life in the corner, he tapped him by the shoulder shoving the extra weapons into his hand. β€œCome.Come. Now don’t be so scared we’ve been through worst!” he smiled at the sailor twirling his two guns in his hands.

They came like the endless waves that stroked their ship. With a crack from the gun one of the sea lubbers fell over not knowing what had hit him. After that another one fell, then another. Sure the crew was caught by surprise but they were the ones in control now. He whistled as the savage first mate cut through the monsters as if they were paper. He looked very enthusiastic about his job.

β€œAt least you know we won’t be starving for days,” he chuckled kicking over a sea monster. They did look a little bit like a fish. β€œDo you think they’re edible?” Jesper asked his partner who made a disgusted face. The monkey probably was not the right person to ask.

β€œCaptain are these thing edible?” he called as he placed a bullet through one of their heads while walking over to the captain who was speaking with their cute blonde mechanic.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryland Redcap Character Portrait: Mathilda Locke
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0.00 INK

Gia was ducking and slicing her way around, picking up crew members who were wounded. She would take them over to a safe spot behind the ale racks and run off again. One of the mechanics-Mathilda was it?-was fighting also.
She jogged over to her, narrowly avoiding a claw to the face, and asked Mathilda
"Do ye' mind helping me with tha' wounded? I'll lend ye' a dagger,"
Before she knew it, one of those blasted creatures had tackled her. T'was on top of her, but she managed to kick her legs behind it and roll over. Two stabs in the throat were all it took to kill it. She stood again, tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and made her way over to the young mechanic again.
"Ladies band together, correct?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Sincaid Character Portrait: Ryland Redcap Character Portrait: Jericho Maddox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jorxio
"Aww, Cap'n! The show was just gettin' good!"

Jericho called down as the rest of the crew was forming on deck, even Madman John. The numbers were shaping up a bit nicer from the vantage point Jericho had on the mast, not to mention it was a hell of a spectacle to behold. Still, Jericho sighed with a breath of acceptance as he turned a look over to Sincaid.

"Damn with freezing my bits off up here. If the bastards mean to brawl, we've got the muscle."


"And I'm not letting Redcap ration off my drink."

Taking hold of a few tying lines, Jericho began his descent down from the mast, and towards the horde below. It wasn't the smartest choice of the night. In fact, the monsters were pretty intent to meet him halfway. Once again, a beast was ripping into the wood and clawing its way up. Just as it extended its razours hands, Jericho dropped. Releasing the rope, the rigger fell towards the monster from halfmast and knocked it loose.

Both bodies began hurtling down, the end result being Jericho smashing the creature under his heels against the solid deck with a sickening stomp. Jericho's legs buckled from under him as he hit the ground, but the monster suffered a worse fate; its head caving in under heel with a sickening noise and a comical squirt of...whatever these things are made of. Mostly blood, it looked. Stained from the knees down from the splatter, Jericho pulled himself back to his feet, glancing about with a grin.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Sincaid Character Portrait: Jericho Maddox
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0.00 INK

β€œHave fun, handsome,” Richard cheerfully called after Jericho.

Alone, his expression soured. β€œLords below, who makes their navigator fight?” He whinged, as he ran through his coat's many pockets. Half his stock was soaked through from the rain, and a good chunk of what was left was useless in the rain. He mixed the contents of three waterproofed pouches; copper dust, powdered pine resin, and dragon's breath. Splitting the mixture equally back into the bags, he stuck a slow fuse in two before tyeing them and kept the third in easy reach.

Marginally satisfied, he made his way back down the way he came, the rain causing him to nearly lose his grip several times before catching himself. One of the beasties climbed up the ratlines towards him, so he swung over the side brought his feet around and kicked it through a gap in the lines, causing it to tumble back into the sea. He let go of the ropes and dropped delicately to the deck only to slip on the wet boards, landing on his arse.

Another of the creatures was already hauling tail towards him. Richard rolled back onto his feet, at the same time, plucking a punk from his cuff and lighting it with his flint rings. He readied a handful of powder from his pocket. Bouncing on the balls of his feet, he waited for the mer-thing to get closer.

When it was an arms reach away, Richard sprung forward, dipping between its outreached arms and blew the powder over the lit punk. A green flame erupted in the beast's face. Unfortunately, Richard had not taken momentum into consideration and the beast, now blind and gasping for air, rammed into him, pulling both of them to the deck in a tangle of limbs.

Pinning him to the floor, the thing tore at him with claws, it was all he could do to keep it from gouging him. He tried to headbutt it, but only managed to gash his forehead on its teeth.

β€œA little help, please?” he cried out.

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Docruth by anvil


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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Gianna "Gia" La Riviera
Character Portrait: Alannah Driscoll
Character Portrait: Dominique Lenoir
Character Portrait: Richard Sincaid
Character Portrait: Jesper
Character Portrait: Ryland Redcap
Character Portrait: Mathilda Locke
Character Portrait: John Kenston


Character Portrait: John Kenston
John Kenston

Silver Tounged Tradesman

Character Portrait: Mathilda Locke
Mathilda Locke

"I'm small now, but I'll be the biggest in ten years."

Character Portrait: Jesper

"I am the most notorious pirate on earth! MUHAHAH! And this is Scratch."

Character Portrait: Richard Sincaid
Richard Sincaid

Answer is hazy, try again later.

Character Portrait: Dominique Lenoir
Dominique Lenoir

Freeman from the West Indies out to fulfill a dead man's dream

Character Portrait: Alannah Driscoll
Alannah Driscoll

"For the Driscoll family name!"

Character Portrait: Gianna "Gia" La Riviera
Gianna "Gia" La Riviera

"If you don't like being a doormat, then get off the floor."


Character Portrait: Mathilda Locke
Mathilda Locke

"I'm small now, but I'll be the biggest in ten years."

Character Portrait: John Kenston
John Kenston

Silver Tounged Tradesman

Character Portrait: Gianna "Gia" La Riviera
Gianna "Gia" La Riviera

"If you don't like being a doormat, then get off the floor."

Character Portrait: Jesper

"I am the most notorious pirate on earth! MUHAHAH! And this is Scratch."

Character Portrait: Alannah Driscoll
Alannah Driscoll

"For the Driscoll family name!"

Character Portrait: Dominique Lenoir
Dominique Lenoir

Freeman from the West Indies out to fulfill a dead man's dream

Character Portrait: Richard Sincaid
Richard Sincaid

Answer is hazy, try again later.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jesper

"I am the most notorious pirate on earth! MUHAHAH! And this is Scratch."

Character Portrait: Alannah Driscoll
Alannah Driscoll

"For the Driscoll family name!"

Character Portrait: Richard Sincaid
Richard Sincaid

Answer is hazy, try again later.

Character Portrait: John Kenston
John Kenston

Silver Tounged Tradesman

Character Portrait: Mathilda Locke
Mathilda Locke

"I'm small now, but I'll be the biggest in ten years."

Character Portrait: Dominique Lenoir
Dominique Lenoir

Freeman from the West Indies out to fulfill a dead man's dream

Character Portrait: Gianna "Gia" La Riviera
Gianna "Gia" La Riviera

"If you don't like being a doormat, then get off the floor."

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Re: The seas of Docruth

Any updates on what's goin on?

Re: The seas of Docruth

Np. Sorry to say I'm not going to be able to post for the next few days :(

Re: The seas of Docruth

Hello, thanks for letting me join, and thanks for setting it up so that John gets to be a god damn savage.

Re: The seas of Docruth

Logging on to see 5 new posts? You guys have made my day :D

Re: The seas of Docruth

Yo XDcakeXD, it's the Captain with the prisoner. Richard is still up on deck.

Howdy, Jorxio

Re: The seas of Docruth

This is the part where I should probably the part where I should say hi, and say that I'm jumping in.

Hi. Thanks for the quick acceptance, by the way.

Re: The seas of Docruth

No, this is still accepting :D (Sorry for the late reply, I keep forgetting to check the OOC)

Re: The seas of Docruth

I think he's still accepting, but don't take my word for it.

Re: The seas of Docruth

so this is full, i take it? didn't see anything that was set in stone about character limit so i want to be sure.

Re: The seas of Docruth

Sorry not dead, just delayed. Had a lot of stuff going on this past week, but I'm about to write up the post now :D Sorry guys XD

Edit: Ok, managed to get the first post up. Sorry its quite short, but I haven't had a lot of free time this week, and I wanted to get this started for you guys :D

Re: The seas of Docruth

Is this still goin on? I know you said you weren't feelin well, so I just wanted to know
if this is dead or just delayed.

Re: The seas of Docruth

Ok guys, we have our crew of four :D I'm still accepting apps, but we now have enough players to get going. I'm gonna finish up the first post, and get it up sometime this evening :)

Re: The seas of Docruth

No problem :D (Sorry, I read this after I messaged you.) I'm not feeling too well today, but when you have finished off the last few details, I can accept it and write up the first post tomorrow.
apps look great, and I'm really looking forward to getting started :D

Re: The seas of Docruth

Sounds good, I'm aimin to finish my sheet after work tomorrow. Meant to get it done tonight, but I fell down a wiki-hole.

Re: The seas of Docruth

Generally as active as people can manage, but it shouldn't be too much of an issue :)
We are currently only waiting for one more player before we can start, so if your interested, I urge you to apply ;)

Re: The seas of Docruth

Hi. I was thinking about joinin this, but I wanted to ask how active you expect everyone to be first. I'd probably only be able to post once a week; more if they're shorter, 100 word-ish posts.

The seas of Docruth

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