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Saxton Derin

Can I just find peace?

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a character in “The Secret and the Demon of Grimes”, as played by Negative Bowser


Name: Saxton Derin Demon of Grimes

Race: Elf

Gender: Male

Appearance: Image

Description:He stands about Five foot Eight, and he is of a slim muscular build (143 Ilb). When his magic is Used his eyes glow red, Hence the Title "Demon of Grimes.

Equipment: Prefers using his sword but when he has to he uses magic. He has a red egg shaped rock that
glows when he uses his magic and he has a magic pouch that he got from a friend he believes dead. The pouch has a spell that it won't catch on fire so he can put the rock in it

Personality: He likes to be by himself and tries to avoid other people when he can. When he does talk to other people he is nice to them or tries to be. Has a fear of spiders and gets ticked off when someone tries to steal from him.

History: Born in the country of Grimes and learned magic after he found a mysteries red egg shape rock, he practiced with using fire magic and learned how to fight with a sword. When he turned 18 the Rulers of the land of Grimes passed a law that banned magic and order for all of the magic users to be killed. He lived by burning the guards sent to kill him and leaving the country of Grimes. He travels through the kingdom of Fenarin trying to stay out of trouble and away from other people.

Other: Is twenty-two


So begins...

Saxton Derin's Story


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Character Portrait: Sabariel Ryul Character Portrait: Saxton Derin
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Looking at his surroundings Saxton felt a power that he hadn't for some time. Magic of someone else it was a welcoming feeling yet it brought a lot of sadness bringing memories that he didn't want to have. "Maybe this land will hold something that will bring me peace that I've been seeking. This land seems peaceful enough but looks can be deceiving." Saxton stopped at in the woods where he thinks he can rest for the night "This will do for now I think" Saxton set up camp and and fell asleep. Something in the middle of the night stirred him from his sleep, whispers from people looking through his stuff. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the people. Two of them, two thieves
"Lets hurry and take care of him before he wakes up"
Saxton stood up staring at the two thieves "Will you please let me get some rest I just stopped walking from a whole days worth of walking and I'm tired" The thieves took out knives and smiled the first one laughing a bit "We know who you are from looking through your stuff and looking at that scar on your face you are the Demon of Grimes, fire mage outlaw and you got a big price on your head. I think we will take your head and take that price and people will fear us cause we kille..." Before the thief could stop talk Saxton took his sword covered it in flames and cut him in half then turned to the other thief and turned him into ash "Well looks like another night of walking for me. Maybe I will come across an Inn and can get some rest there." Looking at the thief he cut in half "I'm sure he has money on him that I can use" Saxton cleaned his blade and sheathed it then gathered his stuff and started walking again looking for the road so he can find the nearest inn.

Sabariel walked into the capitol of Fenarin staring at the castle "It looks nicer than my castle, probably cause my castle still needs to be repaired from the war." Looking at her surroundings "I wonder how much they know? I guess its know of my business anyways. Focus Sabariel I need to go the castle and talk to the Ruler tell him or her that I am her to help in their time of need and to ask for help finding The Demon. Only one problem, No one has told me what he looks like or his real name. Only things I know about him are his eyes glow red when he uses magic, is a fire mage, and is really young for an elf." Sabariel sighed and continued walking towards the castle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabariel Ryul Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar
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Saxton walked onto the road and brushed some leaves off of his clothing. "I hope an inn is nearby so that I don't have to worry to much about other things" He looked at a sign "I have no idea what that even says but I will just make a lucky guess and go this way" Saxton started to walk down the road hoping that it would take him to an inn or some place that he could at least stay at for the night. After walking for awhile he could see a village "At last a village, and that building looks like it could the inn, at last some rest and relaxation" he walked until he was in front of the building that he thought was an inn "Yup this is an inn no doubt about it" He walked into the Inn
"Another visitor?" A woman was cleaning one of the tables and smiled "How can i help you sir?"
Saxton bowed his head "I need a room, a good nights rest, and a tasty breakfast"
She smiled "Of course one moment and I will get your room key" The woman walked into a different room for a minute then came back out with a key your room is number 4 yup the stairs it is the second room on the left" She gave the key to Saxton
Taking the key "Thank you" Saxton walked up the stairs to his room unlocked the door set his stuff down, he locked the door then laid down on the bed and fell asleep

Sabariel walked up to one of the guards "Please tell me the name of your Ruler" The guard stared at her like she was crazy "Do I need to repeat myself?"
"Sorry Miss our Ruler is Princess soon to be Queen Tayia Fenarin"
"Thank you, now can you please inform her that I Sabariel Ryul the Queen of Grimes am here to speak with her and make it quick I have a lot on my mind that I need to tell her"
The guard was surprised by this "Yes your majesty, also would you like to wait inside for Princess Tayia?"
"Yes" The guard lead Sabariel to the throne room
"Please wait here while I look for her" the guard walked off looking for Tayia.
"There is to much on my mind" Sabariel stood there thinking about different things.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar
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Calvin, was slowly dosing off in a chair in front of the fireplace, when the inn door creaked. It caught his attention, as he glanced behind him to notice a male elf walk into the inn. "another visitor?" asked the inn keeper woman. "How can i help you sir?" she continued. While only turning his head to the slightest, Calvin's attention was fully on the elf. "Hmm...that strange, we are in human territory. I haven't seen a single elf since I've arrived at this area. This could be interesting for my studies." Calvin thought to himself, as he pulled out a small note pad and quickly wrote something down. "Alright Calvin. approach this correctly, we do not, i repeat do not! Want to scare him off!" he yelled to himself in thought. He jumped out of his chair and quickly turned around. "Excuse me! Mr.elf!" Calvin yelled embarrassingly , as an upstairs door, slammed shut, and the elf was nowhere in sight. There was an awkward silence in the room. "Um. are you okay dear?" asked the innkeeper woman. Calvin rapidly glanced around the entrance hall. "Oh...uh..nothing...just...a...bad dream you know...hehe. Was writing in my journal, and i happened to dose off. Silly me" Calvin embarrassingly made an excuse. The innkeeper woman giggled. "Its quite alright dear, you can talk to "mr.elf" in the morning." she said mockingly. "But, for now dear, I think it's about time you get some rest. If he is awake before you, I'll pass along you wanted to talk to him." she stated. Calvin paused for a moment and sighed. "Maybe, you're right...I am extremely tired."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabariel Ryul Character Portrait: Masenai Zadiel Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar Character Portrait: Tayia Fenarin
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Saxton woke up in a different room holding his chest "What?" Looking around the room "This is my room, am I reliving the past?" A lady shouted up the stairs "Saxton come down here and do your chores before you go and train" Saxton got up and smiled "I will start my chores right away mom" Saxton got dressed and walk down stairs. Everyday started the same for him his mother would tell him to do his chores which was just to go take care of the animals they had then he went to train with his sword and his magic after finishing his chores Saxton woke up in the inn "Why did I dream about the past? Why did I dream about that day?" Saxton walked down the stairs and asked for some breakfast he sat down at a table and the lady handed him some eggs
"There is someone who wants to talk to you before you leave he is sleeping right now but he might wake up soon"

Sabariel was approached by a guard "Queen Sabariel, Princess Tayia will meet you in the conference hall shortly. Please follow me" The guard lead her to the conference hall after they got there he left "Who was the man that I saw the Princess with and why did he look so tired? Its none of my business who he was" She sat down and waited for Tayia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar
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*creak, creak creak* There was footsteps, outside the door of Calvin's room. *knock knock knock* Someone knocked on the door. "Excuse me. Sorry, to bother, but, "Mr.elf" is downstairs waiting for you." said a feminine voice. There was silence for a moment. "Hello! You awake in there?!" *knock knock knock*. Calvin's eyes opened widely, then closed slowly. "Huh,...oh...." Calvin said, as looked over out a window, and noticed it was still rather dark outside. The voice talked again. " Oh good. You're up. Just making sure." Footsteps were heard walking away from the door. Calvin stretched his neck and back, and slowly got out of his bed. He grabbed his journal, a book, a quill, and some ink, and headed for the door; forgetting to put up his hood like he usually does. He entered the hallway and locked the door behind him. "Well, hopefully, this won't turn out to be a bust." he said to himself, as he sighed and walked down the stairwell. When he got the bottom of the stairwell, he looked around the room for the elf. He noticed a black haired elf eating at a table on the far side of the room. "That must be him...well, what could possibly go wrong." Calvin thought to himself. As he approached the table, he could tell the elf knew he was coming towards him. Calvin pulled out the other chair, across from the elf, and asked politely. "Mind if I sit here?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabariel Ryul Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar Character Portrait: Tayia Fenarin
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Saxton looked up at the stranger "I don't mind" Saxton finished his meal and smiled turning to the lady "This is the best meal I've had in weeks" Turning back towards the stranger "I'm Saxton Derin"

Sabariel gave a slight bow when Tayia walked into the room then stood up "I have come to give you my help during this war, now to answer a question before you can ask it is the reason why it is just me here. My kingdom was just in a war that lasted 10 years, I'm sure you have heard about it. Well the war ended 4 years ago and my armies is to spread out in my kingdom that I can not gather them to help." Sitting back down she continued "There is another reason why I didn't bring my armies, there is an outlaw in your kingdom known as The Demon of Grimes, he is an elf fire mage who eyes glow red when he uses his magic and there are to many soldiers with injured pride that would gladly kill him if they ever met him. I'm seeking him out cause he would be a great ally in this war and the reason he is an outlaw was a mistake that should of never happened. Only one problem however I don't know what the Demon of Grimes looks like or what his name is, I barely know anything about him" Sabariel frowned a bit "There are to many problems and to many complications but if we can find The Demon of Grimes then this kingdom chances grow. I talk to much sometimes"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar
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"I'm Saxton Derin" said the elf. Calvin was surprised at how friendly he seemed, just to give out his name like that. He sat down in the chair, and just stared at him for a moment, in awkward silence. Calvin suddenly shook his head. "Oh, excuse me,...I..I was trapped in thought." he said, laying the book on the table. He then, pulled out the ink and quill from his coat and set it also on the table. "Since, you had the courtesy to you give me your name, i shall give you mine. Name is Calvin Delmar, but you can just call me Calvin for short....that is if your comfortable with calling me Calvin that is." he said nervously. Calvin then thought to himself. "dang it! I'm already blowing it! acting all nervous like I've never seen an elf before! Although. I'm, glad this one is not a female....then other words, this would be impossible!" He then snapped back to reality. "Um, yeah, like i was saying, I'm Calvin, researcher and adventurer. I go around the many kingdoms, plains, and mountains of this lovely world, learning, what i can." "Would you also like some food dear?" interrupted the innkeeper woman. "No, thank you, I'm a little busy at the moment." Calvin replied shoeing her off. "Okay, then...geez" she replied, walking off......there was silence for a moment. "Wait! Come back!...yes..please...I'm rather apologizes." Calvin yelled. He then sighed. "anyways, its not all that common, to see many elves around uh, yeah, i was wondering if i could learn something today? Maybe some background? History? Purpose out here? anything, will do you you can tell...I'm not very good at this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabariel Ryul Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar Character Portrait: Tayia Fenarin
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"So you want to know what my history is?" Saxton smiled "First time someone wanted to know about me, well this will take awhile to tell you." Saxton stood up and walked over to the lady paying for his room and the food then payed for two drinks, when he came back he put down two drinks one in front of Calvin and one in front of himself "My story started ten years ago in the kingdom of Grimes, there was a war that started four years before that when people wanted the Queen at that time dead. Mostly it was magic users that were fighting against that Queen I would tell you her name but I don't know what it is. So ten years ago I found a rock that was shaped like an egg." Saxton's hand touched a pouch at his side then took a sip of his drink "The rock woke something up inside of me, fire magic something that I didn't want to use during the war time so I practiced in secret after my chores and after I trained with a sword. Six years my life was like that until we found out that the war ended with the new Queen taking the thrown, Queen Sabariel; oldest daughter of the late queen. Soon after the war ended, I went to the village elder and told him about my magic and he said he would help me be able to control it better to be able to become a powerful fire magi and he did train me for a few weeks. Then on my eighteenth birthday four years ago something happen that no one saw coming. A purge, a law that said that all magic users were to die and a most of them did die, soldiers came to my village and killed my friends my family everyone in the village, everyone but me." Saxton took another sip "I killed every soldier that came to the village in rage and anger, with fire magic that none had seen before. I am the only known living magi of Grimes, I am "The Demon of Grimes" named cause my eyes glow red when I use my magic. I am sure that there are other magi from Grimes that lived but not of them are as famous as I. Well I found out two years ago that the Queen killed her advisers for tricking her to pass a law that was meant to be a simple ban into a purge of the magic users." Saxton looked around the room and noticed everyone left "Well people know that "The Demon of Grimes" is here, what will they do with that knowledge?"


"Where the Demon is all I know is that he is in your kingdom, and even though I don't know what he looks like he should stand out cause he is an elf and there aren't that many in your kingdom. Do I know if he will be willing to help us, sadly I don't know but I do need to say I'm sorry to him for the pained I caused him. His entire village was destroyed and his family was killed. I'm sure if he knows that I seek his forgiveness for the mistake that I did and that I would do almost anything to make it up to him, that he will help in this war." Sabariel stood up "Do you have anything that I could eat? I'm rather hungry"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar
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Calvin was writing down any important facts as Saxton was explaining his background. "I killed every soldier that came to the village in rage and anger, with fire magic that none had seen before. I am the only known living magi of Grimes, I am "The Demon of Grimes" named cause my eyes glow red when I use my magic. I am sure that there are other magi from Grimes that lived; but not of them are as famous as I. Well I found out two years ago that the Queen killed her advisers for tricking her to pass a law that was meant to be a simple ban into a purge of the magic users." Calvin's hand had stopped moving, and just quietly stared at the notes he had been writing down. "Well people know that "The Demon of Grimes" is here, what will they do with that knowledge?" Calvin dried off the tip of his feather pen, and put it away. He then ripped out the piece of paper he had been writing on, and crumpled it. Calvin then began to speak. "'re the..Demon of Grimes?" He then looked up at Saxton. " I mean, I have no reason to disbelieve you, no one, in their right mind, would dare go around and call themselves that, so it must be true." Calvin continued. Calvin sat there for a moment, put his supplies away and stood up. "Why are we still here? We have no time to waste! Everyone looks at you as a demon, I don't care. Even if you are or not; you're a magi, which is perfect for my studies, besides, i needed a magi's help for a couple of reasons anyway; one; to protect me, just in case those demon rumors in Fenarin are true; and two; I need a magi's expertise with a little experiment of mine." Calvin coughed and slowly sat back down. "Forgive me, that was unusual, It's just fate has had our paths cross, and I believe, its not just coincidence. Well, either way, even if it is fate, or even just pure luck. What do we have to lose right?" Calvin stated, then his stomach growled. "Well, maybe besides my breakfast."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar Character Portrait: Caled Hinori
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"Ah, but is your breakfast all you have to lose...?" came from a voice that neither of the table's inhabitants could exactly pinpoint where. Though, suddenly, they both realized that a third person had joined Calvin and Saxton at their table. He looked to be very feminine in his facial characteristics, dark azure hair reaching down to barely touch his breast, with pale light green eye. He wore a black, almost silk looking, shirt, with cuts and tears running through it, revealing silver chainmail armor underneath it, as well as matching black pants that seem to be made of the same material. Over his pants are silver plated gleaves and matching sabatons, which are armor pieces for the lower legs and feet respectively. Over his right shoulder, was a medium sized bag that seemed almost full. The man was apparently writing something down onto a small notebook-like object, before placing it into his bag. "The Demon of Grimes, eh?" he whispers as he turns to Saxton. "I foresee death in your future, though not necessarily yours."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar Character Portrait: Caled Hinori
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"You foresee death? I hope you're not talking about me." commented Calvin. "But then again, I've encountered many "magic men" that say that load of crap, but none of it is ever real." Calvin continued. "Alright Saxton, we have places to go, no need to bother our time with this gypsy trash." he stated, signaling Saxton to leave. But as much as Calvin wanted to leave the building, he was intrigued at how this person had not fled when they heard the name "The Demon of Grimes". Calvin was wondering to himself why this? man? seemed to have an interest in Saxton; cause any normal person, would flee from hearing such title. Again, there was a silence in the room, only this time, a slight feeling of unease filled the atmosphere. "Hmm, this might be time to maybe test my cannon, but then again, its still not fully operational without Saxton's magic. Who knows, maybe i can intimidate this person way." Calvin thought to himself, then reached in this inner coat pocket to grab something. The pocket was empty. "What?!" Calvin thought to himself. "Where is it?!....oh wait....its still in my room!! D*** it!" he shouted in his mind. Calvin kept a straight look on his face, and waited to see if Saxton would give a reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar Character Portrait: Caled Hinori
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"Death? Death is in everyone's future yours, mine, even the royals. No one can avoid it the old the young even immortals see death even if it isn't themselves." Saxton stared at the new stranger then began to speak again "Death is a natural part of life that we all will see, if death takes me soon it will be welcomed, it will be the peace I've been seeking for these past four years." Saxton stood up and stared at the door to the inn then let out a sigh "Well that took them faster than I thought it would" Poorly dressed men started to walk into the inn, each holding a sword or dagger. The one that appeared to be the leader of the group stepped forward and smirked pointing at Saxton then spoke
"Demon of Grimes huh? You are pathetic looking when I heard that the Demon of Grimes was here I thought you would look more demonic and more cruel" The leader laughed and so did his men "Alright "Demon of Grimes" you will come with and my men preferably dead so we need to kill you now to bad if you looked more demonic then I would of hired your to work for me" Saxton stood staring at the group of bandits then looked at the floor "Are you listening to me Demon?!"
Saxton looked up his eyes glowing red then he drew his sword "No I'm not listening to you only cause this is the same thing that has been happening to me for most of the past four years" The bandits stared in confusion then the Leader shouted "Attack!" The bandits charged at Saxton pointing their swords at him aiming at his heart and head. Saxton deflected the first bandit then used him to protect himself from another attack "One" He stabbed the second bandit in the stomach then picked him up tossing him towards the other bandits "Two" The third bandit attacked from behind and Saxton stepped out of the way the bandit missing Saxton but his sword hitting another bandit in the head "Three" Saxton stabbed the bandit then picked him up throwing him at the leader "Four of your men went down how many will die because of your greed?" The Bandit leader stared in shock then order the rest of his men to attack "The rest of course" Saxton eyes turned black and a black fire consumed the rest of the bandits and the leader, the fire slowly went away and Saxton's eyes returned to normal and he fell onto the floor passing out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar Character Portrait: Caled Hinori
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The man simply looked on, his facial expression unmoving, even when Saxton began his massacre of the bandits. ”Hm, the Demon of Grimes is as grand in magic as I thought...” Even though he is looking at Saxton's unconscious body, Calvin feels as if his words were directed at him. ”May I ask what you have planned for him, simply a question for my studies.” He spoke as his notebook returned to his hands from its waiting place within the bag.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar Character Portrait: Caled Hinori
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Calvin noticed Caled grabbing a notebook. "May I ask what you have planned for him, simply a question for my studies.” Caled asked. Calvin look at him in astonishment. "A Scholar? Researcher? Magi?" He questioned him, then looked at Saxton. "Never mind, doubt it matters that much at this point anyways." he continued. "One moment." Calvin went upstairs and came back down with his gear. He picked up Saxton and put his arm around his shoulder. "We are going to Fenarin, heard some interesting stories about some things going on there." He walked over to the door. "Here." Calvin said, pulling out a map and tossing to Caled. "Not sure how familiar you are with the area around here, so hopefully this helps you." "Never know, maybe we'll see you there."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar Character Portrait: Caled Hinori
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"A Scholar? Researcher? Magi?" Calvin questioned him as he began to write in his notebook. "Never mind, doubt it matters that much at this point anyways." He paused, but only for a moment as he began writing again, not even hearing Calvin request a moment as he went upstairs and gathered his things. He finally put the notebook away as Calvin picked Saxton up and put him around his shoulder. "We are going to Fenarin, heard some interesting stories about some things going on there. Here." Caled caught the map that had been tossed to him, examining it before placing it inside his bag. "Not sure how familiar you are with the area around here, so hopefully this helps you. Never know, maybe we'll see you there." Caled nodded as he gave his thanks for the map, watching them as they left the inn. He would later go to the inn-keeper, pay her for his room, and depart as well; albeit in a different direction than Calvin and Saxton had left.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar
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The rain was pouring; the sky was dark; and the atmosphere was gloomy. "As much, as I like the rain, I do hate getting soaking wet." Calvin said to himself, still carrying Saxton. "Thank the maker, this coat of mine is thick, or else this would be bad for all my work. That would be catastrophic, right Saxton?" Calvin said, then looked over to Saxton. There was a pause. "Oh're still out. Must be losing my mind; trying to make conversation with a sleeping person." Calvin dragged Saxton over to a very small cave, away from the thundering rain. He sat Saxton against a wall, then sat down on the opposite side of the cave from him. He took supplies from his coat; set them next to him; then took off his drenched coat. Revealing more of his long sleeve vest; barrel cuffs and chain mail. Revealing, his brushed forward, but spiky tipped hair. "Looks like, we'll need to camp here for the night. I hope he wakes up soon. All the wood outside is drenched, there is no way I can start a fire with that...besides. the sooner he awakes, the sooner I can continue my project" Calvin said, then sighed. *Sigh* "Again...I'm talking to myself...Maker."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar
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Saxton watched a village burn to the ground, soldiers killing everyone in sight soldiers who had a thirst for blood killing anyone trying to stop them. "Why is this happening? The war is over? Why would our kin our brothers and sisters kill us?" A soldier walked up to Saxton swinging his sword to strike him down.
Roar of thunder and a flash of lighting woke Saxton up as he looked around "My head hurts I'm soaking wet and in a cave with someone I just met a little while ago" Saxton got up and stretched "So Calvin before those bandits attacked you wanted my help with something? Is that why you carried me to this cave?" Saxton walked out of the cave for a few minutes then walked back with a pile of wood. Saxton put the wood on the ground and started a fire. "Before you tell me what it is you want help with. I want to know who you are Calvin, yes I know your name but besides that I don't know a thing about you." Saxton watched the fire "And after that you can learn the full reason why I am know as The Demon of Grimes, if you wish"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saxton Derin Character Portrait: Calvin Delmar
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Calvin was sitting there, meditating, when Saxton woke up. He noticed Saxton say a view sentences, and then left the cave before he even got a chance to reply. "Okay then." Calvin thought to himself. A few minutes later; Saxton came back with a pile of wood in his arms, then threw them on the ground. "Don't even bother that wood is dren-" Calvin was interrupted by a roaring fire. "'re a mage. You can do that. My apologies." Calvin continued. "Before you tell me what it is you want help with. I want to know who you are Calvin, yes I know your name but besides that I don't know a thing about you." Saxton watched the fire "And after that you can learn the full reason why I am know as The Demon of Grimes, if you wish"
Calvin stared at Saxton for a moment, then looked into the fire. "If you wish, I guess that's only fair enough. Since I would be asking a great deal of you." Calvin replied, then paused for a moment. "Now...where do I begin..."