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0 · 210 views · located in Modern Earth/Terrathiea

a character in “The Shattered Mirror”, as played by Lyriael


Nickname: Aki

Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Salamander
Time: Past
Class: Rogue
Weapon: Blackjack (a sort of small, lead-weighted club attached to a lanyard)
Back-up Weapon: Sling
Orientation: Pansexual, aromantic

Physical Description: In her humanoid form, Aki is very short, about 4’ 9”. She has a round, pixie-like face, dark skin, and large, bright, slightly orange-tinted hazel eyes. Though she is still very young by salamander standards (since salamanders live significantly longer than humans), her “cute” face makes her look even younger, and she is often mistaken for a child. Her tightly coiled, kinky hair is a dark reddish-brown, and she usually keeps it very short. Since she’s a salamander, she has scales on her arms and shoulders, legs, and spine, as well as on her tail. Much smaller scales accent areas like her brows, nose ridge, and fingers. She has two small, twisted horns.

Her salamander form is the size of a large dog, but much heavier and more compact. Her head is broad, flatish, and spade-shaped, and her thick, leathery hide is heavily armoured with spiky scales (image a cross between a tuatara and xenodermus javanicus, or something a bit like Toothless). The scales are a dull coppery color, and her hide is mottled brown. The horns that she has in her human form are much larger in her salamander form.

Personality: Aki is almost pathologically cheerful. She likes everyone, trusts everyone, and seems incapable of holding a grudge. She’ll be friendly even with people who are openly hostile towards her, since she seems to take no offense personally. This, in addition to her young appearance, makes it almost impossible not like and trust her in return (unless, of course, you just find her insufferably annoying).

Her emotions tend to be fierce, but fleeting. She is also impulsive, reckless, and curious to the point of self-destructiveness - probably due to her exceptionally short attention span. Aki loves being around people, but doesn’t seem particularly interested in forming deep connections or serious friendships. She has superb instincts, and her nomadic lifestyle has made her very adept at languages, but otherwise she is intellectually undistinguished.

On the surface, she seems utterly amoral, neither pleased nor particularly troubled by the cruelties and atrocities that she sees around her. This perception may not be entirely accurate: when virtuous acts are required of her, she usually gets around to them – eventually, and often seemingly accidentally. And when asked to do unsavory things, she is… inclined to get distracted. Still, whether this is a sign of nascent moral character, or merely a survival tactic to keep her out of trouble, it is impossible to tell.

Background: Born in the Lanlish Desert to a very small tribe of salamanders, Aki left home – or, perhaps more accurately, wandered off – at age 12. Since then, she has travelled all around Terrathiea, living day-to-day, earning food and money working for anyone who needed an extra pair of hands. This has taken the form of everything from odd blacksmith jobs (where the heat-resistance of salamanders is highly prized) to petty thieving for small-time criminal gangs.

So begins...

Akthskina's Story

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#, as written by Lyriael
Aki stared at the boat with undisguised horror.
“And what,” she said indignantly, “makes you think I’m going to get on that?
“It’s just a short trip,” Borrel soothed. “Just a few days.”
“A few days?” Aki squeaked out. A few days on that rickety contraption – that rickety contraption made of highly flammable wood - with no land in sight, surrounded by miles and miles of dreadful water… No. No, this would not do at all.
She began to sidle furtively away from the leader of their motley gang, smiling nervously.
“Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’d best sit this one out, Borrel. Send me a letter from Kalandor, huh? I’ll just sit tight, right here, and… you know, keep an eye on things. Man the fort, and all that,” the salamander said cheerfully. She eyed the boat as one might eye a large, rabid dog.
“C’mon, Aki, we need you on this. We’ve only got eight more days to pull this off, and Kalandor is twelve days away by road, at least. You don’t even have to go above deck! Just stay below, you never even have to see the ocean.” The burly man was practically wheedling. Amusingly incongruous as it was, Aki was not persuaded.
“I can see it quite well enough right now, thank you, and I’m not sure I want to let it out of my sight. Who knows what it could be up to?” She shifted her baleful glare now to the offending ocean. “Sitting all cooped up in a little cabin, with all that water… all around…” her eyes narrowed, “waiting.
Borrel sighed, and shrugged apologetically. Aki tensed, sensing something amiss -- but not fast enough. Something hard and heavy hit the back of her head with a spectacular thud, and she staggered. Ears ringing, vision darkening around the edges, she tried to make a break for it, but was to the ground by Kita and Sharlou, the small gang’s team of muscle. Before her head had time to clear, she found herself bound hand and foot with sturdy metal chains, with a similarly metal gag stuffed in her mouth. Because metal doesn’t burn, she thought in frustration. Great.
Then, just as efficiently, the pair heaved their stunned cargo into the back of a wagon full of… quarried slate. No escape that way either. Better and better.
“Sorry, Aki,” Borrel said, sounding honestly regretful. “But… we really do need you. The plan depends on you; we can’t have you just running out on this one.”
“Gnglmmmgrn,” the gagged salamander replied reproachfully.

They untied her as soon as the dreadful little dinghy tottered out of sight of land. Borrel was full of awkward, mostly sincere apologies, while Kita and Sharlou seemed to have suddenly become intensely fascinated by cloud patterns.
“You’d better double my cut this time, Borrel.” She crossed her scaly arms, petulant, and tried to glower at her boss and the whole expanse of ocean at the same time. “And if you get to shore with nothing left but my cold, soggy corpse, you can go take that cut to Kalandor’s market, buy a chimney brush, and bugger yourself with it.”
Sharlou sniggered, then diplomatically tried to disguise the lapse as a cough.
Borrel, nearly cross-eyed with indignation but trying to make amends for Aki’s forcible enlistment, managed to keep his mouth shut.

Aki spent the first day of the voyage being violently seasick. But she recovered quickly, and, despite the appalling quantity of water surrounding them at all times, by the second morning had bounced back to her usual exuberant self. Halfway through the third day she knew every boisterous sea shanty and dirty ditty in the crew’s repertoire, and was buddying up with the crewmen like they’d all been best friends their whole lives. The captain and first mate still watched her with barely-concealed loathing, but that was only to be expected. No captain in all of Terrathiea would tolerate a fire-creature like a salamander on their ship without some extremely convincing incentives. Occasionally Aki would wonder idly what staggering sum Borrel had paid for her passage, and how he planned to recoup it. Whatever the prize was at the end of this job, it must be remarkable. She never wondered very hard, though. Thinking about details and logistics was Borell’s department, and Aki had better things to. Like getting the sailors to teacher her how to tie all those fiendishly complex knots.

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Character Portrait: Akthskina Character Portrait: Alison Gardner
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#, as written by Lyriael
Aki was cheating outrageously at cards when a loud splash! shattered the tranquility of the morning. The card-playing sailors looked up from their cards while some of their on-duty shipmates hurried over to the rail to see what had caused the disturbance. Aki used their distraction to pinch a few choice cards, then lay her hand down and scampered across the deck to investigate.

The hubbub had increased substantially by the time she reached the rail, and as soon as she peered over the side, she saw why.
“Throw a rope!” Someone shouted, and someone else obliged. The lifeline dropped into the water beside the funny-looking girl who was currently thrashing about in the water and hollering. She stopped thrashing about and hollering long enough to grab the rope, and Aki watched in fascination as the crewmen hauled their strange catch aboard. The girl flopped onto the deck, wet, bedraggled, and still funny-looking, and the concerned but baffled sailors gathered around her uncertainly.
“Where’d she come from?” one muttered.
“Ain’t no other boats out here,” another added.
“…Is’t a mermaid…?”
“Naw, stupid, mermaids can swim
“I swear I saw ‘er fall from th’ sky!
“Shaddup, pudding-brain. That’s r’dic’lous.”
Aki, impatient, ducked and shoved her way through the legs of the gawking circle, and crouched down beside the girl.
“Hi!” the salamander said brightly, grinning. “Nice hair!”