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The Spear of Sheogorath



a part of The Spear of Sheogorath, by WildSky214.


WildSky214 holds sovereignty over Skyrim, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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Narasa Aveen

Narasa Aveen frowned at the book in her hands, the red leather cover adorned with a tree enticing her to peel it back and learn its secrets. Too bad those secrets were most likely a load of horseshit.

”There's no way this works,” she said to Farengar as they stood in his workplace in Dragonsreach. ”If this was real, I'd have learned it at the College.”

He fixed her with a blank stare that she knew to be his 'how stupid are you' look. “Its a new spell. Apparently some member of the Mages' Guild in Cyrodiil discovered it a year ago. And its not like the College keeps you updated.”

She ignored the hidden insult in his words and continued to frown at the book. ”I just feel like there would be a lot more rich people in the world with a spell that can transmute minerals into gold.”

“Most people are not intelligent enough to grasp the complexities of such a spell.” The look on face suggested he felt she was one of those people. Well, he obviously didn't know a talented mage when he saw one.

Narrowing her eyes, she said, “This better not be a scam, Farengar.”

“That would be terribly foolish of me, considering you know where I live and work,” he said, shrugging with indifference.

”Six feet from the Jarl!” He shrugged again, and held out his hand. Sighing with frustration, she dropped the bag of coins into his outstretched palm and strode away.

She hadn't even left the Jarl's hall when she cracked open the tome. Her brow furrowed as she read, and she realized that it might take sometime for her to fully grasp the spell that could potentially make her very wealthy. Not that she cared, she was more interested in it for scholarly reasons than greedy ones. She was so engrossed with that book that she didn't notice the giant doors in front of her that led outside, though she did give a quick 'thank you' to the guards that were nice enough to open them for her before she slammed into them.

She finally lifted her head as she walked outside, but only to admire the view from the top of the stairs gave her. The sun was setting, so the city of Whiterun was bathed in a beautiful orange light. The streets were starting to empty, the priests retiring to the temple, the merchants packing up their stalls for the night, and mothers calling their children inside for dinner. The normal, everyday lives of people in the city brought a smile to Narasa's face. This was why even though her and the mercenaries traveled all over Skyrim, she always found herself coming back to Whiterun. The warm atmosphere and the familiarity of the people had for each other, even the ones who didn't like each other, made her feel like she was home.

Pulling her gaze away, she turned her attention back to the book, and its complicated explanation of the casting process. This was how she walked all the way down the stairs, through the Wind District and Plains District to the door of the Bannered Mare. Frustrated at not being able to fully understand the spell right away, she slammed it shut and shoved it into her bag. She opened the door to the tavern, and the cold Skyrim air was immediately chased away by the warmth from inside. The place was full tonight, like it was every night, and was filled with the sound of laughter and smell of alcohol. The revelry all around her made Narasa smile as she walked over the table at the back of the room, sparing a wave to the busy Hulda as she passed. She sat down at the table where she was supposed to meet the rest of the mercenaries for drinks.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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"I understand what you're getting at, Adrianna, but I just can't do it. My armor is like a second skin." Kotadal leaned heavily on one of the beams holding up The Warmaiden's overhang, his arms crossed over his chest, as he spoke to the owner of the weapon's shop. That day had been a quiet one, and, like most of his quiet days, he spent them pestering Adrianna to quell his boredom. Not that she minded, or, at the very least, she never seemed too annoyed when Kotadal showed up at her doorstep looking for a chat.

Adrianna lifted her face from the forge, eyeing Kotadal keenly, a promptly rolled her eyes, "Your second skin is going to get you run-through with the next Nord's sword." She pulled her pliers out of the fire, glowing white with it's intense heat and a chunk of soft metal clutched in between the pincers, and placed it down on her anvil. She continued to speak as she worked, "I've told you time and time again that I would make you a set of plate, at a discount no less! And still you refuse me?" Adrianna picked up a hammer, hitting the soft metal with well-trained vigor, the crash of metal on metal ringing through the streets, and sending up a spray of sparks.

"You mock me." She spat, throwing all of her weight behind another strike, and causing Kotadal to feel slightly uneasy. Not that he had no faith in Adrianna, she was a wonderful blacksmith, but he still twitched with the urge to take the hammer from her. Before she got hurt.

Not that he would ever tell her that. No, Kotadal didn't have a death wish.

"Mock? You?" Kotadal feigned an expression of hurt, placing a hand upon his heart as if it could take no more. She didn't look up, the gesture was lost on her. He sighed, letting his hand fall and a smile return to his face, "I would never. But, the thought of plate and steel sounds so..." He couldn't find the right word, letting himself trail off before starting up again, "How anyone fights in it, I will never know."

"Don't expect me at your funeral then." She said, though not completely unkind. The metal was dropped into a bucket of water at the blacksmith's feet, sizzling loudly. As the sizzle died down a distant shout was heard behind the Warmaiden's wooden walls. Adrianna frowned, pulling off her gloves, "The husband calls... I should be going."

Kotadal glanced up at the sky, the sun was already on its way behind the horizon. Pink and orange sky was fading into blues and purples, "Alright. I have to be off anyhow."


"Mm... Something like that."

They parted ways with a simple goodbye, Kotadal making himself scarce before Adrianna's husband, Ulfberth, could make an appearance. The old man wasn't particularly keen about Kota, and was definitely not one to like the fact that Kota loiters outside their shop whenever he can. Ulfberth most likely assumed that he was trying to steal Adrianna away. Not that he hadn't thought about it once or twice, but that is beside the point.

The Plains District was completely silent as he walked the short distance to the Bannered Mare. Narasa had given word that she had plans for them. For the Mercenary Group, that is, and that always ends in some sort of excitement. It pays not to be late. Kotadal shouldered his way in, the warmth of the Inn instantly warming his cheeks and fighting back the cold. Unlike the streets, which had been all but deserted, save a few guards, the Inn was bustling with activity.

Kota's eyes slowly scanned the room, looking for Narasa. He had to pause a few times as he caught people's eyes and had to nod hellos, but he eventually found her. She sat near the back, at a table by herself. Narasa looked as she always did, fierce as ever, but there was a hidden sort of tension in her shoulders. A stiffness. Kotadal shuffled his way around chairs and drunken Nords, trying not to knock anyone's mead into their laps or meats down their fronts. Reaching Narasa's table, he pulled out a chair for himself, sitting in it backwards, straddling the back and folding his arms atop it.

Kotadal rested his chin on his folded arms, smiling at the Nord-Elf pleasantly, "Have the Divines been tough on you lately? You look a bit stressed." He spoke maybe a bit too casually to someone who was suppose to be his leader, but he had known her for so long, formalities were the last thing on his mind.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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#, as written by iCakez
Aevar Viding

There wasn't a damn thing in this world or Sovngarde that could make him stop his stride. When Aevar set out and started putting one foot in front of the other, with a set destination, he didn't stop. Not unless he was hungry, too tired or had reached his destination. That way, he covered rather large distances quite fast.
His axe hung by his side while his sword was tucked into it's sheath, strapped to the side of his backpack. A walking stick in his right hand to help keep the tempo when he walked. His very bright blue eyes looked left as he walked down the southern path toward Whiterun. He'd come from Riverwood, heading for the Hold Capital to sell pelts as well as other business. Aevar had a purpose in coming to Whiterun, an idea, a hope, a mission. And he wasn't going to take no for an answer.
His feet carried him onwards, down the sloping path to where it turned left and led to the farm and past the mill. He followed it to the gates of Whiterun and looked up at two guards who eyed him back, but let him pass.

Other scents were in the air in the city. The smell of the blacksmith's furnace, smoke, cookfires, leather, horse dung and juniper berries. Aevar stopped as he passed through the gates and sniffed the air, taking in all these scents. He shouldered his way through the mass; Whiterun being rather crowded at this hour. As he approached the market place it didn't get better. Everywhere around him people were selling, buying and haggling over prices. The pelts he'd brought with him went for little less than he had hoped for, but it would suffice. It was enough.

The trading part of his business here in town was now done, and it wasn't much. His other wares were sold in Riverwood, but pelts were best to sell in Whiterun. The coins he stuffed into his leather purse and he swung one strap of his backpack over his shoulder, starting for the Bannered Mare. Many thoughts went through his head on his way up the steps, but it all came to the same thing. Aevar was still grieving over his parents, but he believed in nothing anymore. Only the strength of his arm and his ability to fight. That was why he was there, to seek out a company that would have him and use his abilities.

The door opened, oiled hinges prevented it from creaking and only the sound of it shutting was heard when he entered. The tall Nord stood a moment and looked around. There were the usual drunks and the usual guests, but it still felt crowded. Then again, I don't come here very often... He thought to himself. Frost blue orbs scanned the large room for a table. At the back there were a few less-occupied ones, one among them vacant. Aevar moved towards it and had his eyes fixed on it as he did.
He lay his axe over the table and his backpack was leaning against the wall. Bread and cheese and spiced wine was what he ordered, and it was brought to him swiftly. "Thank you, I'm starving."

As he ate, Aevar sat and listened to the conversations around him, trying to figure out if there were any potential employers among the crowd in the Bannered Mare. It may seem impossible in such a place with so many people, but it was worth a try. If not, he'd have to go and outright ask someone. Work shouldn't be impossible to find. He hoped.

Halfway through his meal, his eyes focused on a pair seated not far from him. One of them sat on a chair backwards and spoke to the other person, a woman. Aevar tilted his head and looked more intensely at them. "They have the looks of mercenaries, the two of them." But he didn't get up. For now, it'd be better to sit and watch.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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-Ograza gra-Kalrag-

Ograza walked down through the city of Whiterun, wiping some dirt off of her helmet for a little, making sure there was none left in the grooves of the pattern etched into it before placing it back on her head once more. She was on her way now to Whiterun's tavern, the Bannered Mare, to meet her team for something important Narasa had for them, but important or no, it had been a fair amount of time since she'd been back in Whiterun, or Skyrim proper for that matter, she couldn't go without visiting her old Shield-Siblings in Jorrvaskr.

While it had certainly been fun, it hadn't gone what most would consider smoothly, but for as rowdy a group as the Companions were, it was rather tame. It began with just trading the latest stories, clearing a cave of frost trolls, destroying the Draugr infesting an important crypt, hunting down a tribe of bandits. It soon escalated to the rather typical toughness contest, specifically, Ograza herself attempting to prove herself stronger than Farkas, the mostly friendly argument eventually leading to a fierce brawl, which Farkas rather handily won, but that didn't hurt the orc woman's mood, not a bit, the revelry and rough housing was exactly the reason she joined to begin with.

After cleaning herself up a little, Ograza made her way to her modest home at the edge of the city, dumping off her latest spoils of victory from the groups last big job in her trophy room before beginning the brief walk back to the tavern. She pushed open the heavy wooden doors of the tavern, greeted by the sound of numerous conversations and the pleasant warmth of a well tended fire.

Ograza spotted her allies, pushing her way past the other patrons to get to where they sat together, a bit less gently with some, but most aren't stupid enough to start anything with the orc carrying a warhammer over something so trivial as pushing through a crowd. Ograza pulled up a seat, giving a nod toward Kotadal in greeting before turning toward their leader"Sorry i'm late, got a little rough in Jorrvaskr, had to settle a bet with Farkas, things got drawn out" she explained, before noting the look on Narasa's face, "You really got another spellbook didn't you Narasa? You and you're magic... things would be much simpler if you picked up and axe" She said rather callously, she never did care much for magic, seeing it as overly complex and weak, ironic given she at one point spent the better part of a year learning two words of a Shout, but Ograza sees them differently. "So what is this important job you had for us Narasa? Hope it's another crazy mage, I've had an empty space for a staff in my trophy room for too long" She said, as usual largely concerned with spoils and glory over other things.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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Narasa Aveen

Narasa watched Kota take a seat next to her. "Have the Divines been tough on you lately? You look a bit stressed."

She motioned to Hulda to bring her some mead. ”Oh, don't pay any attention to me. I'm just being a big baby because I didn't instantly pick up on a new spell. I'll get over it.” Her mead was brought to her, and she didn't waste any time in taking a big gulp. She turned to Kota and smiled. ”I take you've been bothering Adrianne? You'd better be careful or her husband will pound you into the ground until just your head pokes out,” she teased. ”Then I can charge people to see the amazing bodiless man.”

Beside her, Ograza took a seat. ”Sorry I'm late, got a little rough in Jorrvaskr, had to settle a bet with Farkas, things got drawn out." There was a pause, then she said, "You really got another spellbook didn't you Narasa? You and you're magic... things would be much simpler if you picked up an axe."

Narasa laughed at that. ”Sometimes I'm inclined to agree with you. But I'd probably break my delicate mage wrist the first time I swing it.” She took another huge gulp of her mead.

"So what is this important job you had for us Narasa? Hope it's another crazy mage, I've had an empty space for a staff in my trophy room for too long."

Narasa shrugged. ”I'm not sure. I ran into this guy named Dereod in the market stalls today who said he's heard of us, and wants to hire us to retrieve something from a tomb. He set he'd meet us here and give the details. But be warned.” She paused to finish off her mead. ”He's a tool. But a rich tool, based on the fancy clothing he was wearing.”

“The job might be difficult. After Hagmar left to live his life for Kynareth by living off of nature as naked as the day he was born...”
she made a face to show what she thought about that. ”That leaves us one member short. We might have a hard time with just the three of us, so we need to be extra careful.”


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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#, as written by iCakez
Aevar Viding

Jorrvaskr... The word left a mark in his mind. At least that had something to do with fighting. Aevar listened intensely as they talked. His eyes hadn't moved from the people at the table. Since he'd sat down, two had joined the woman who'd sat alone. One of them a Redguard, the other an Orc. This was looking promising. He ate the last bite of cheese and the last piece of bread, washing it all down with the spiced wine. If he was going to do something, it would have to be now, but he wanted to listen for a little while longer to figure out what they were about.

The orc inquired about a job. That made him perk up in his seat and smirk his crooked smirk. During all this time, his bright blue eyes had not moved from the three. The more they talked, the more he got the impression that this was the right people he had found. Aevar cocked his head to the right and narrowed his eyes in thought. There was a brief moment before he downed the rest of his wine and gathered his things. He swung the backpack over his shoulder and took his axe from the table, standing up.

These steps were about to change his life. That was what he thought, anyway. This was going to be a big decision in his life, and potentially also life saving. The fact that he would use his abilities to fight and kill other people, to get over the loss of his family didn't register in his mind. Aevar didn't care, he just wanted something to happen. He wanted to feel the rush of a battle. I want to stand in a shieldwall and brace against an enemy. The rush when a larger opponent strikes at you and when you lock swords with an enemy. I want to see them fear me again. But he didn't want to fight for the Imperials or the Stormcloaks. He wanted to fight for himself, or maybe these people would become great friends.

One foot landed heavy on the floorboards, followed slowly by the other. Aevar approached the three he had been inspecting while he ate, sitting down opposite the one he suspected to be their leader. His backpack landed heavy on the table and the axe was laid in front of him. Slowly, he folded his hands, rested them on the table and looked at the orc for a moment, clenching his jaw. He inspected her for a moment, then shifted his gaze to the redguard and did the same. Finally, he looked at the woman in front of him.

"Who are you?" The question was simple, but probably didn't make a lot of sense. That didn't matter though, Aevar didn't give her the opportunity to reply just yet. "I've been listening to your conversation for quite a while now. From what I gathered, I assume that you are a...." He paused and looked at the orc and the redguard again, wondering how to word his sentence. "Group with certain abilities and contracts." Aevar let that hang in the air for a moment, letting them think about it. "If that proves to be true... I possess certain abilities and skills," His eyes moved to his axe for a couple of seconds to let them know what he was talking about, "That I believe you can utilize."

Aevar let out a long breath, looked at the orc and the redguard once more and then back at the woman in front of him. He silently and patiently waited for an answer, his intense eyes fixed at the person opposite him and his head cocked a little to the side.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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”I take you've been bothering Adrianne? You'd better be careful or her husband will pound you into the ground until just your head pokes out. Then I can charge people to see the amazing bodiless man.” Narasa smiled around her mead at him, teasing.

Kotadal couldn't help but share her smile, grinning a wide grin of his own and letting out a boisterous laugh, "Hey! What can I say? She's quite the beautiful woman," A curvy gesture was made with battle-callused hands, "and I'm lusting for a wife of my own. So, if The Old Bear buries me to the neck and leaves me for the skeevers, so be it!" He all but shouted the last bit, merry as ever and catching the attention of a few neighboring drunkards, rocking back in his chair in delight. It was nothing but the truth he spoke. Ever since he made it to Skyrim so many winters ago, his one goal was to catch a wife. Kota fell in love easily, having a fastened heartbeat for almost every woman he's met. The problem so far is getting them to return the feeling.

"Speaking of beautiful women." Kota mused as the chair beside Narasa slid out, and was quickly occupied by Ograza and her monstrous warhammer, who nodded to him in greeting. Kota returned the greeting with a wide smile and a small wave. She inquired Narasa about her wary state, and suggested Narasa take up a battleaxe of her own. Kotadal couldn't help but snort at the suggestion, and not quietly.

However, his joking manner ebbed away slowly as Ograza asked about the reason they were here, if not just for drinks and merriment. Kotadal leaned forward keenly, folding his hands neatly beneath his chin to listen intently as their leader grabbed their attention, ”I'm not sure. I ran into this guy named Dereod in the market stalls today who said he's heard of us, and wants to hire us to retrieve something from a tomb. He set he'd meet us here and give the details. But be warned.” He found himself leaning in farther in anticipation as she paused to swig down the rest of her mead, ”He's a tool. But a rich tool, based on the fancy clothing he was wearing.”

As Narasa continued, Kotadal's expression hollowed slightly, “The job might be difficult. After Hagmar left to live his life for Kynareth by living off of nature as naked as the day he was born... That leaves us one member short. We might have a hard time with just the three of us, so we need to be extra careful.”

"No good goddess-lover." Kotadal muttered with an uncharacteristic bitterness. He had always been quite fond of Hagmar. He might have even considered him a friend at one time, but he was no better than a traitor now. At least, in Kota's eyes, "Placing The Divines before ones allies makes you no better than a deserter--" A fourth occupant joining their table made Kota stop abruptly from his rant. The Nord stranger sat in complete silence, comfortable as if he were a friend, eyeing each of the mercenaries in turn, seeming to be sizing them up.

Kota's hand moved on it's own, sudden alarms sounding inside his head, reaching over his shoulder at a snail's pace for the hilt of his sword. Everything in Kotadal's mind screamed that this guy was a threat, a stranger, an unknown variable. The Nord, if only currently, was a danger to his allies. He was all but ready to spring to his feet when The Nord's eyes rested on Narasa for a moment too long, when he finally spoke, making Kotadal pause, "Who are you?"

Baffled, Kotadal glanced to his allies, his hand still on his sword, wondering who this strange Nord was. He felt obliged to wait for Narasa to answer, but the Nord didn't give any of them the chance, "I've been listening to your conversation for quite a while now. From what I gathered, I assume that you are a... Group with certain abilities and contracts. If that proves to be true... I possess certain abilities and skills, that I believe you can utilize." The Nord took so many pauses that it seemed he was just coming up with this on the spot.

Releasing his hand from his sword's hilt, Kotadal relaxed his arm, though the stiffness in his shoulders didn't release, "Before you go making offers," He started out warily, looking The Nord straight in the eye as he spoke "How about a name? Yours would be preferable, but any will do"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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-Ograza gra-Kalrag-

"I ran into this guy named Dereod in the market stalls today who said he's heard of us, and wants to hire us to retrieve something from a tomb. He set he'd meet us here and give the details. But be warned. He's a tool. But a rich tool, based on the fancy clothing he was wearing." Ograza gave a light nod in acknowledgement, they all knew the type, they'd been in the business long enough after all. Although, if he truly was as bad as Narasa said, all they'd need to do was play along with each other and they'd rather easily get a fair amount of extra coin.

"No good goddess-lover." Ograza rolled her eyes as Kotadal had his short rant, she never understood the obsession with the so called Divines, after all to her knowledge there was only a single known case of them being definitively involved in mortal affairs, during the Oblivion Crisis. Whereas the much more active Daedric Princes, at least as far as she was concerned, were more worthy of worship, and in her case, like many orcs, she worshiped Malacath. She raised an eyebrow at the new person joining them, a nord from the looks of him, inquiring about their group.

"We may as well let him join, we're more used to having a group of 4 anyway, and if he isn't useful in battle we can use him as a distraction" Ograza said, somewhat callously, but she did value battle more than most, true everyone had weaknesses, but with a team a weakness here or there was workable, unlike people who were just weak or boastful, she knew from personal experience years ago taking a newly joined Companion on a job.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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Narasa Aveen

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, a Nord man walked over to the table and took a seat opposite from her. She raised an eyebrow as the silence stretched and he stared at Kota and Ograza, then finally turned his gaze to her.

”Who are you?” the Nord strangely asked. Narasa opened her mouth to reply, but he kept talking. "I've been listening to your conversation for quite a while now. From what I gathered, I assume that you are a....Group with certain abilities and contracts. If that proves to be true... I possess certain abilities and skills that I believe you can utilize."

Beside her, Kota said wearily, "Before you go making offers, how about a name? Yours would be preferable, but any will do."

"We may as well let him join, we're more used to having a group of 4 anyway, and if he isn't useful in battle we can use him as a distraction.” Ograza said, putting her opinion into the mix.

Just then, the front doors opened, and blonde Breton man dressed in red finery entered, putting a handkerchief up to his nose as shielding his nose from an odor. Narasa resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and stood up to signal her location. To the Nord man, she said, ”That's our client. You can listen to what he has to say, and if you like it, and are willing to answer a few entrance questions and pass a test of skill, then you can join us.”

The Breton man approached the table, but shook his head when Narasa indicated an empty chair. Pursing her lips, she sat back down. ”So what is the job you told me about, Dereod?” she asked, tightly.

Reluctantly removing the handkerchief to he could speak, he said, “In the year 428 during the Third Era, the Museum of Artifacts in Mournhold, Morrowind was given the Spear of Bitter Mercy...”

”By a nerevarine,” Narasa finished smugly.

Dereod glared at her for the interruption. “So you know the story? That the nerevarine won spear from Sheogorath...”

”By killing a netch with a fork,” she finished for him again, the edges of her mouth curving in a small smile. ”Yes, an educated mercenary. Wonder of wonders.”

Dereod huffed in annoyance. “Anyways, the spear was stolen some hundred years ago. It was never found, but through some divining magic, I believe it somehow ended up in a tomb in the Pale.” He produced a map put it on the table. There was a small dot north of Whiterun in the mountains. “Its called Valarik,” he continued. “I have heard of your skill, and believe that you might have a chance of retrieving it. I'm willing to offer one-hundred-thousand gold for it.”

Narasa fought to keep her face expresionless. She had never been in the business for money, at least that was not the sole reason, but that was a staggering amount. Even divided among four, that gave each of them twenty-five thousand gold. She looked at each of her companion. ”What do you all think?”


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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-Ograza gra-Kalrag-

”Yes, an educated mercenary. Wonder of wonders.”. Ograza couldn't help chuckling aloud at the exchange between to their leader and their apparent client. Crossing her arms and getting herself a bit more comfortable in her chair as she grinned at the clearly stuck up Breton. "always fun to see snobbish types like this get taken down a few pegs" she thinks as she keeps her eye on the man. Something about it seemed off though, she'd heard the name of the spear before, but couldn't quite place it's origin, probably a result of her near constant traveling before joining their little group, though she was somewhat sure it was related to daedra. "Definitely not related to Lord Malacath..." she though absently for a moment before turning her attention back to their client.

At the mention of a tomb, a few different thoughts began going through her mind. First, that the job shouldn't be too difficult then, most of the Nord tombs and ruins had largely the same design schemes and were easy enough to navigate, aside from the occasional need for one of those claw keys or dealing with one of those rotating pillar puzzles. "Usually nothing more than draugr in those tombs anyway, nothing we haven't dealt with a few dozen times." she commented to the group.

Though a moment later she suddenly had a look of fear and anxiety. It was only for the briefest of moments, but if either Narasa or Kotadal had seen it, they'd be able to guess why, there were only two kinds of things that were commonly found in those old ruins, Draugr, and Frostbite Spiders, the mere thought of one making her apprehensive, but she was experienced enough to keep it hidden.

She glanced over to their potential recruit, looking over him for a moment, he didn't yet seemed turned off of the idea of joining, raising Ograza's opinion of him quite a bit, though she wasn't one to make up her mind on such things without more direct evidence.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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#, as written by iCakez
They eyed him up, which was only to be expected. He was a stranger and had abruptly sat down in front of them and interrupted. They didn't have the time to really reply to him. One of them asked for a name while the other seemed positive about the idea of letting him join. Aevar looked as the client she had talked about came into the tavern and quickly found a seat at their table. Aevar had trouble hiding his smirk as he moved over to make room for his delicate behind. Clearly, this wasn't a place he visited often.

He remained quiet as he listened and watched each of the four people around him. The client spoke up and explained why he needed their services. A spear. Not a spear he had ever heard of before. History had never played a big part in Aevar's life. He was alive and didn't see the need to bother himself with past lives, or the history of the world. On this world, you were given a period of time. To him, it was very important to do something with that time.
His eyes moved to the leader of the band with a look of surprise, when she spoke and seemed to know of the spear. That was unexpected. Never in his life had he met a literate and book smart mercenary.

The mission in itself didn't sound too overwhelming, but nothing really did to Aevar. He went with the flow and took things as they came. If there proved to be great dangers, they would simply have to face them. Draugr tombs weren't foreign to him, but it wouldn't be a walk in the park either. Not in his experience at least. I'm already putting too much thought into this! The Nord reminded himself and sighed, shaking his head to snap out of his own thoughts.

"Well..." Aevar let out and leaned back, tilting his head to the side. "This all sounds terribly exciting. I do believe it's a good thing you've come to such a fine band of people." He smirked and adjusted his seat. "A spear and ancient tombs sound great. If you have room for another, I should very much enjoy assisting you in spider-swatting." Aevar rested his arms on the table and looked around at them, waiting for their answer. If he was to pass a test of some sorts, he wanted to get done with it and move on. "And frankly, for that amount of money, I'd kill your granny for you."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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It would be a lie if Kotadal said he didn't feel a little more than a bit betrayed by his comrades welcoming the stranger in without a word of wary. It was as if they brushed off his worry as nothing by a madman's fantasy, and it hurt a man's pride to think such a thought. He did trust them. They were capable, and far from stupid, so maybe they were right to accept this Nord in without batting an eye. However, just because Kotadal trusted them didn't mean he had to trust this stranger too. Kotadal kept a wary eye on him, though he allowed the tension in his shoulders to release, slumping in his chair.

Narasa brought herself to her feet, catching Kotadal's attention and making him looked. He tried to stifle the snort that was building at the appearance of their client for the sake of professionalism. The Breton looked as though he had never stepped foot in a tavern before, let alone drank at one. It was rather amusing, and it took every ounce of Kota's restraint not to roar with laughter when Narasa bluntly back-talked him.

When their client produced a map from his pocket, splaying it out on the table for all to see, Kota leaned forward. Truthfully, the mixture of squiggles and lettering were lost on him. The whole sheet of parchment looked no more useful than a madman's scribblings, and yet everyone else seemed to understand their meaning effortlessly. Kotadal nodded along with them, not daring to make comment, as the client pointed out a location.

At the monetary offer the Breton offered, Kotadal choked. One-hundred-thousand between the four of them? For just a retrieval of some dusty old spear? It sounded too good to be true, but Kotadal was itching for an adventure. He had been off-duty for so long that he has become antsy, restless from sitting, from milling around without a goal.

"I say we go for it. Anything to get back in the game."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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Narasa Aveen

Satisfied with her companions' answers, Narasa turned back to their client. “It sounds like we have a deal.”

For the first time, Dereod showed a modicum of pleasure. “Good. I'll be waiting in Solitude for the spear.” And without so much as a farewell, he fled from the inn.

Straight to business, Narasa turned to their newest member. “Alright, so I only have two questions that I pose to potential members. How many people have you killed and why. There's no right or wrong answer, but if I'm going to trust my back to a man, I like to know his track record, or at least an estimation of it. And you might want to tell the truth, I'm very good at being able to tell when someone is being dishonest with me.” She gave him serious look to emphasize this. “As for your test of skill...there is a cave on the way to Valarik the locals call Shimmermist Cave. Its infested with falmer and we've been meaning to clear it out for months. You're going to help us, and if we're satisfied with your skill, then you can continue on with us.” She glanced at both of her friends. “Are these terms acceptable to you?” She posed the question more-so to Kota since Ograza had already seemed to accept the newcomer.

She got to her feet. “Well, if everything is settled, I believe I'll turn in early. We have a long few days ahead of us, and I'd like to leave in the morning no later than seven-thirty. I'll be in my room upstairs if anyone needs me.”

She walked away from the table and trekked to her room upstairs. She settled onto her bed, dug through her bag, and pulled out a book on the Daedra Sheogorath. It was mostly nonsense and she only kept it for its entertainment value, but in light of their new job, Narasa decided to take another crack at it. So she opened the book and was able to read contentedly knowing that whatever the newcomer did that night would be reported to her by every resident of Whiterun.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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-Ograza gra-Kalrag-

"As for your test of skill...there is a cave on the way to Valarik the locals call Shimmermist Cave. Its infested with falmer and we've been meaning to clear it out for months. You're going to help us, and if we're satisfied with your skill, then you can continue on with us." Ograza raised an eyebrow at the apparent test for the would be new recruit. Mostly due to this being the first time she'd heard they planned on clearing out that falmer den again, as far as she saw, while some of them could be pretty tough, most weren't all that much of a threat to someone who knew what they were doing, Ograza saw no honor or glory in wiping them out even if they did pose a danger to less trained people, to her there were little more than an armed nuisance.

However she nonetheless gave a nod to their leader, glancing briefly back at their Nord recruit as Narasa left them. Ograza didn't feel any need to linger either, she stood and stretched briefly, "I'm going to spend the night up in Jorrvaskr" she said as she started toward the door, she briefly noted her own preference to staying at Jorrvaskr while in Whiterun despite owning her own house but didn't dwell on it, readily admitting to herself her home was little more than storage space for her trophies and spoils of battle. "Don't worry about waking me either, I'll be on time" she reassures Kotadal, after all she wasn't the type to go overboard with drinking. With that she went out the door and slowly made her way back up toward the Companions mead hall.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aevar Viding Character Portrait: Kotadal Daythorne Character Portrait: Ograza gra-Kalrag Character Portrait: Narasa Aveen
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#, as written by iCakez
Aevar Viding

The fancy man fled from the inn rather quickly. It had been obvious from the moment he entered that he didn't like it there. It didn't look like the sort of place he frequented anyway.
Aevar looked at Narasa when she turned to him and spoke. He liked the way she was up-front about it all. Patience was not one of his virtues. He listened to what she said and found it quite interesting that she seemed to be able to tell if he was lying. That gave something away about her as well.
For a few moments, Aevar thought about what he should answer. He was not inclined to lie, but it was difficult nonetheless. Over the years, the body count had grown. "Not including animals and other dangerous creatures?" He asked jokingly and chuckled. "To be honest, I've lost count. When you pass a certain number, it doesn't matter anymore." Aevar was satisfied with his answer. Narasa had asked for the truth and there she had it.

“As for your test of skill...there is a cave on the way to Valarik the locals call Shimmermist Cave. Its infested with falmer and we've been meaning to clear it out for months. You're going to help us, and if we're satisfied with your skill, then you can continue on with us.”

I suppose that all sounds fair... It wasn't like he was asked to go retrieve some ancient artifact, hidden in some dangerous cavern or ancient tomb somewhere, on his own. "That sounds fair." The Nord stated. The sooner they could get going, the better. Evidently, he was tired of waiting around and eager to get started. When you spoke to him and looked at him, it was obvious to see that he came prepared and was anxious to get into battle. From the clothes on him to the look in his eye to the things he was carrying. It all gave the impression that he meant business. "You won't be disappointed." Aevar said and looked around at each member, lastly fixing his eyes on Narasa and matched the serious stare she had given him just a few moments ago.

No one had anything to say against Aevar joining them, so he merely nodded and sighed contently. While Narasa announced that she was going to go to bed , he decided to stay and drink some more ale. He too wouldn't stay for much longer since he should be ready in the morning. It wasn't a problem for him to drink tonight and get up, but it was all about impressions right now.
He lifted his hand in a wave when the orc left them as well. Jorrvaskr? It was difficult to hide the surprise. It wasn't everyday he met someone friendly with the Companions. Now that he was left alone with the man whose name he had already forgotten, Aevar searched for something relevant to ask about while taking another large gulp of his ale, emptying it and immediately motioning to the barkeep for another.
The next morning would bring a new beginning.