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Alexander Jameson

"I'm not just another pretty face, doll."

0 · 273 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “The Start of the Insanity”, as played by DemonDante


Alexander Jameson

Anything but his full name.




Love Interest:
He goes from one person to the other, he has no real love intrest.

Alex is a crazy and outgiong guy, not caring what anyone else thinks. He does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, and with whoever he wants. Even before he got infected, he was always in his own world. Now, it has gotten worse, or better, depends on how you look at it. He is constantly jumping around and hyperactive, as if he has ADHD. It's almost like he never runs out of energy. He speaks his mind and speaks the truth, whether it be hurtful to others. If he doesn't like your face, he will look you dead in the eyes and say so. He constantly gets in fights with big burly men because he either flirts with their girlfriends, or with them. Being unnaturally strong, he usually wins his fights of course. Although he seem like a womanizer, he is a romantic at heart, just too insane for it to come out very often.

He is also an adrenaline junkie, who enjoys being chased down my marauders, and skydiving off of buildings. Being a masochist, he loves it when he gets hit and will let out an orgasmic moan. However, it seems as though nothing will completely satisfy him, and is always looking for the next big thrill. He has yet to find someone that can keep up with his happy-go-lucky attitude, his insane groping, and his pain and thrill obsession besides Aokami, who he has nicknamed 'Blue' for her bright blue hair and big blue eyes.

Socially Unacceptable!:
He openly flirts with both girls, and guys. He says corny stuff like, "Where have you been all my life, dollface?" However, the real thing that makes him odd is that he will dry hump stuff or people out of impulse and will sometimes even walk around naked as if nothing is wrong. He will even try to strip those that are around him, yelling something like, "Embrace your sexy body, and put on your best suit. Your birthday suit!" He also tends to grope people out of the blue for no apparent reason. Of course he gets smacked, punched, and chased by cops, but he loves the thrill and will toy with the cops.


He offered to be part of the test in order to help pay off his tuition for college, but now he can't even remember why he done it in the first place. However, he doesn't care anymore. He's just along for the ride. Although he may be considered a rapist, he really can't help his self. If your cute, girl or boy, watch out.

Theme Song:
Martyr's Edge

So begins...

Alexander Jameson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aokami Kureijī Character Portrait: Alexander Jameson
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Aokami Kureiji [Kisu]

Kisu was walking down the street with the other Matryoshka (Alexander) by her side. Everything was in ruins and the only thing you could hear was the rustling of newspaper as the wind blew it down the street. After an episode of the news talking about the Matryoshka escaping everyone panicked and fled the small village of Namazu. They pretty much over exaggerated the situation to keep everyone safe. Since both of the infected only recently escaped they didn't know what happened. There only mission was to find some friends to play with. Well at least that was Kisu's mission. Kisu was skipping along looking at the village that was so new to her, even though she grew up in Namazu. She completely lost her whole memory, all of her old friends, her home, her family, her name. The scientists told her that her name was Aokami, and that she was 17. Aokami hated her name so she just called herself Kisu. The scientists also told her about the whole radiation, but Kisu just completely forgot because she didn't care. She was sick of being in the stupid quarantine with no windows or escape. The only thing she liked was the food because she loved food. What did she do in her free time? Well most of the time she was just bouncing of the walls and not using her brain. Plus she barely slept. The only other thing she did was tests. The ones the scientists did on her. Eventually Alexander was thrown into the room. All of the sudden something in Kisu's brain clicked, she remembered they said something about her infection being contagious, so she kissed the boy and awaited his transformation. After he became crazy she made the plan, because for some reason she felt suddenly smarter. Next time food would be delivered they would team up against the deliverer. They both pounced on him and ran. They found a window and since they were only on the third floor they jumped into some bushes. The scientists weren't very secured. They were quite stupid actually. No injuries except a big slash across Kisu's face. She hit a bush branch when she tumbled in there. After they escaped the building, they ran and ran and found the empty village.

Kisu rubbed her scratch and meowed at her new friend. (Alexander) She then held his hand and still skipped along the street. "So what's your name friend!? I'm Kisu, but I don't care what you call me! Meeooooooow." A big grin was on Kisu's face as she stared at him waiting for his answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aokami Kureijī Character Portrait: Alexander Jameson
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Alexander Jameson

Alex looked over at his new Matryoshka friend, who introduced herself as Kisu. Looking at the two, you wouldn't guess that the just escaped a testing facility with how carefree they were being skipping down the streets holding hands. Alex wouldn't even believe you if you just told him what happened, for the radiation is messing with his memory. Right now, the only thing he can conjure up in his thoughts were his name. He smiled widely and his pupils grew wide. "My name's Alex, but please, call me whatever you feel like. Heeeey, your cute, I think I'll call you kitten~." Alex said laughing like a maniac, which is now what he is.

Alex stopped skipping and faced the wall of a nearby building. He stared at it for a few seconds before he pulled his head back and bashed his forehead into it. Alex looked back over at Kisu, with blood running from his forehead. Then he did what any sane person would never do, he laughed. "Haha, man that felt good!" Of course Alex would like it, he's a masochist. "Huh? Wait there seems to me a shortage of... people. Where are they?" Alex said looking over at Kisu awaiting a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aokami Kureijī Character Portrait: Alexander Jameson
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Aokami Kureiji [Kisu]

"My name's Alex, but please, call me whatever you feel like. Heeeey, your cute, I think I'll call you kitten~."
Kisu smiled and giggled with a blush. "Hehe! Thank you! Hmm Alex, no no no. Imma call you brother!!" Kisu giggled loudly and hugged him tight. Kisu forgot that his name was Alex right away, and made his name Brother. She didn't really care if he didn't like it. It was quite ironic though, because they were the first Matryoshka, kind of making them like family, them being the leaders. Kisu twirled around and meowed once again. She then stared at Brother after he stopped. He then bashed his head against a wall, causing him to have a stream of blood coming down his face. Kisu wide eyed thought about doing it too, but she knew it wouldn't be very fun for her.
"Haha, man that felt good!"
"That looked painful! Here let me help you brother!" She said in a sweet voice. She then licked the blood off his forehead and smiled big. She then purred and fell to the floor, she then started walking on all fours. "Come on Brother!"
"Huh? Wait there seems to me a shortage of... people. Where are they?"
"Hmm I don't know, but lets go looking! I want to have some more friends!" She then continued walking on and looked at the rain clouds coming this way. She knew it was going to rain soon, so she hissed at the clouds. "Rain! I hate rain!!" She frowned and looked up at Brother.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aokami Kureijī Character Portrait: Alexander Jameson
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Alexander Jameson [Brother]

"Hmm, I don't know, but lets go looking! I want to have some more friends!"

Alex, now known as brother, looks over towards Kisu and smiles. "Yeah! Let's go!!" Alex yelled in a happy, cheerful tone. He charged forward and stopped when he realized that there were huge, gray clouds heading their way. "Oh, would ya look at that, rain." Alex remarked about the rain clouds. Kisu seemed to notice them too, for she hissed at them. Alex never really did like rain. It made him groggy and sleepy, and he could tell that Kisu didn't like it either.

"Rain! I hate rain!!" Her voice was filled with hatred. It's only rain, what's so bad about it? She looked up at Alex and frowned. Just then, an idea popped in to Alex's head. You can almost see the light bulb floating about his head. He raised his hand jumping up and down like a kid that wants to answer a question.

"Oh, oh, I know! Let's bust down the doors to one of the houses and stay there! We may even find people to make friends with! Come kitten!!" Alex said screaming as loud as his voice would allow him as it echoed through the deserted city.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aokami Kureijī Character Portrait: Alexander Jameson
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Aokami Kureiji [Kisu]

"Oh, oh, I know! Let's bust down the doors to one of the houses and stay there! We may even find people to make friends with! Come kitten!!"

Kisu's eyes brightened as she thought about how great that idea was. She was a little startled though at how loud he screamed his idea. Five seconds and she didn't care anymore. She smiled brightly and looked around at the houses. Trying to pick out the biggest and nicest looking one. She had some trouble because a lot of the houses were run down in the village. But then she spotted a really cute mailbox. It was in the shape of a kitty. The place where you put the mail was the cats' mouth. Kisu giggled and stood up and ran over to the mailbox. She then saw a pathway leading to a little pretty Japanese house. There was bamboo everywhere. Kisu smiled big and yelled at Brother playfully. "Come on Come on! Look at this house! It's perfect!" Kisu giggled and twirled around and waited for Brother. She picked that house because it looked the least run down and it looked really fancy and beautiful. I wonder if there is any food in the house... I'm hungry! She looked at brother with big Kitten eyes as her tummy rumbled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aokami Kureijī Character Portrait: Alexander Jameson
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Alexander Jameson [Brother]

Alex smiled as he followed Kisu and looked around for a house. Some houses looked decent, but they were run down from the riot of everyone fleeing the village. There were a few that caught his attention, and he would have went for them, if he didn't see Kisu uninterested. Even though he isn't always in his right mind, he does realize that they need to stick together. If not, then they will surely will be recaptured. Honestly, he doesn't care what house he gets in. "Come on Come on! Look at this house! It's perfect!" He looked over at Kisu, rather excited. He ran over next to her and gazed upon the amazingly awesome house that stood before them. Alex's eyes grew wide.

"Your right. It IS perfect!" Alex began to say, as he heard Kisu's stomach growl. He glanced over at her and tilted his head.

"I wonder if there is any food in the house... I'm hungry!" She looked up at him and gave him an adorable set of kitten eyes. Alex couldn't help but to smile at how cute she looked.

"Aww, don't worry kitten, brother will bust down that door! Onward!!" Alex yelled, running at the door. He jumped in the air and did a funny looking flying kick and kicked the door down. The door flew back and Alex looked around. "I got it kitten, now come on."