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The Stone Goddess

The Stone Goddess


A pirate crew goes in search for the stolen stone goddess.

2,753 readers have visited The Stone Goddess since L.P.Fairen created it.




Thousands of Years ago, the land and people of Ladiera was created by the goddess Gravina. The goddess ruled over her creation with a loving, but strict hand, but over time the Ladierians began to resent Gravina for being so much more powerful than them. They elected a man named Rufios de Korvo to rule over them as king instead, who ordered all of Gravina’s temples and statues to be torn down and erect statues of him in their place. All the temples fell, except the biggest and richest one, Gravina’s Church of the Sisterhood, a cloister of priestesses dedicated to the Goddess. The loyal soldier of the church defended it and the priestesses with all their strength until Korvo’s army retreated. Greatly saddened by the betrayal of her people, Gravina turned herself into stone so she would no longer have to bear witness to her people’s treacherous deeds. Word has it that the Gravinian Sisterhood keeps the stone goddess in a vault deep underneath the church to this day.

Today, Ladiera is still a monarchy ruled by Korvo’s descendant, King Jalen de Korvo. The people still believe in the goddess, but she is mostly thought of in a bad light. There are people who still revere Gravina, the Sisterhood, for example, but they are few and far between.
Men and woman are treated as equals, with the exception of only male heirs can be kings, and only women can dedicate their lives to the church. There is a low amount of magic in the world, such as a human may rarely be born with physic powers. These people are usually reviled by society because the powers are considered to be a gift from the goddess.

The mainland of Illadia is the home of the humans. Across the Sea of Serpents, (named for the overwhelming number of sea monsters that inhabit the waters) is the island of Paedon, where the uncivilized non-human races live. Not much is known about this island, for the few humans to make it across the Sea of Serpents have to go through Mermaid Bay, because of the rocky mountains that surround the edge of the island. And the mermaids are vicious creatures that climb up ships using their sharp claws and rip out throats with their sharp teeth! The only man to make it to the center of the island and come back to tell the tale is Dievan Vulgo, who was named a hero because of it.


The story starts with the Sisterhood announcing the theft of the Stone Goddess, and a 100,000 gold piece reward for anyone who recovers it and brings it back to church unharmed. Immediately, every mercenary and adventurer goes out looking all over Illadia for the goddess, but the king makes a proclamation of his own that anyone thought to be looking for the Stone Goddess is to be arrested and punished with hard labor in the mines outside of the capital city Korvia. This discourages all but the bravest and most desperate. Among those still looking is the pirate crew aboard The Dragon’s Greed.

The story will start in the seaport city, and pirate haven, Mrackia. The only places we will visit are on the map below, but feel free add more in your character’s bio. And to cover all bases, your characters will be a crew member on The Dragon's Greed.

Position on Ship-
Captain: Taken by L.P.Fairen
First Mate/Quartermaster: Taken by RPGNerdette
Boatswain: Taken by SkullsandSlippers
Sailing Master/Navigator: Taken by Oborosen
Weapons Master: Taken by Oborosen
Cook: Taken by pheonixheart
Surgeon: Taken by SkullsandSlippers
Striker: Taken by pheonixheart
Bard- Taken by RPGNerdette For more info on crew positions

Character Skeleton

Other: some suggestions for avatars


1. Usual rules for RoleplayGateway

2. Please reserve the role you want in the OOC before submitting a character. Your character must have a role listed above.

3. I will be the first to post. Please do not post before me. I would like to limit posting to three posts per person per day. Some people have more going on than others, and its easier slow down than try to catch up.

4. Please taking existing characters that are not yours and tailoring them to the roleplay. You can use inspiration from other characters, but try to be original.


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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benedikt Steffanson Character Portrait: Jenna McKay Character Portrait: Dania Steffanson Character Portrait: Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd Character Portrait: Citali Character Portrait: Alois Kensington Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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The smoke-filled tavern was busier than Kieran had ever seen it. Dirty bodies lined the walls and ruckus laughter bellowed from all corners. Whores clung to men as much as the men clung to their rum.
β€œOk, people, places your bets,” he said as he dole out the cards to the other people at the table. Gambling was his favorite thing to do while docked. And the Bitter Hag Tavern in Mrackia always had the most colorful clientele, and the most interesting opponents.
β€œIt’s busier than usual,” he said to his friend, Vishtor. β€œIs there a β€˜free whore with every drink’ deal that I don’t know about?” Kieran heard a grunt of approval nearby.
Vishtor snorted. β€œUnlikely. It has to do with that Stone Goddess being stolen, I’d imagine.”
Kieran rolled his eyes. β€œOf course. I’d have to be death not to.”
Vishtor raised his eyebrows. β€œAnd going after it is not something you’d be interested in? I hear the reward is life changing.”
β€œYes, well while those idiots are going off looking goddess-knows-where, for something that might never have existed at all, much less been stolen, and incurring the wrath of the king, I’m going to do the smart thing; raid and loot the merchant ships without competition from other raiders and looters. And why is there no competition?” He tapped the side of his head twice for effect.
Vishtor huffed. β€œYou have no ambition.”
β€œNo, I have a will to live and not waste my time.”
Suddenly, the man behind Vishtor stripped and dropped his drink on Vishtor, drenching him.
β€œBlast!” he said.
Kieran burst out laughing so hard he nearly fell back in his chair. β€œYou can’t beat the Bitter Hag!”

The setting changes from Mrackia to Ladeira


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benedikt Steffanson Character Portrait: Dania Steffanson
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The ship swayed gently below his feet as he looked out across the water. They were anchored and most of the crew had gone into town. Benedikt remained aboard the ship. He took stock of everything. Sails had been checked. Ropes counted and checked for fraying. The crew had made sure to carefully coil them.

He was proud of them. They were an efficient team and as such the Dragon’s Greed sailed better than most ships of her kind.

His arms were crossed.

β€œYou should let me braid your hair. Going to get it caught one of these days if you let it just blow around like that.”

Benedikt turned to see his sister. He had not heard her footfalls. She was smiling at him. Dania approached her brother and stood beside him. Until like Benedikt, Dania leaned on the side of the ship.

The man grunted a little. β€œI tie it back sometimes but we aren’t sailing so what does it matter?”

Dania rolled her eyes, β€œAye you are right we aren’t sailing at the moment but you look a fright standing there like that. I can just imagine the knots you have.”

He scoffed, β€œWhy should I care about knots? They comb out.”

Dania turned and pressed her back to the railing. She regarded her brother with amusement in her eyes. β€œTrue but anyone of the female persuasion who might be looking out at you from the dock might find you scary instead of handsome.”

Benedikt laughed. β€œI will give you that but my beard never fails to make them swoon.” He scratched at the mass of curly blonde hair.

Dania laughed. It was a light and easy sound that travelled on the wind out to sea.

β€œSing for me Ben.”

She slid down to sit on the deck, her legs tucked up so that her chin rested on her knees.

β€œDemanding aren’t we?” He smiled down at her and began to sing. It was a song that was often sung to them as children. It was the story of the man, a warrior and how he bested a beast in the water.

Dania sighed and listened to her brother’s soothing voice. When that finished she demanded another. He nudged her with his foot in good nature and began a new one. He now leaned on the railing and sang more to the sea than anything.

Beside him Dania closed her eyes and relaxed.


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Elsa smirks, leaning against the wall. She watches the goings on quietly, feeling the eyes of hungry men on her. They know a whore when they see one, even if she is semi-retired. Even so, she struts like a peacock from the attention. Elsa pushes her chest out slightly showing off her assets. She recognizes some of the other girls in the bar as former co-workers, if you can call it that. She brushes her hand across Kieran's back as she crosses behind him, watching Vishtor. She listens to him insult the man she admires and keeps quiet. Until he is splashed with ale. Elsa burst into laughter.
"It's about time someone gave you a bath, Vishtor!"

Alois keeps quiet and to the shadows. He takes everything in, quietly hoping to get a tale out of this encounter.

The setting changes from Ladeira to Mrackia


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jenna McKay Character Portrait: Citali
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Jenna raised an eyebrow at the trader, "Is that really your best price?" He nodded. Jenna bit her bottom lip, "You couldn't take even another two off? Please?" She added when she realised the trader wasn't going to budge on the price. When did food get so expensive? Finally, he relented.
"Fine, since you asked so nicely, I'll take another two off the price," the trader began wrapping the food while Jenna counted the coins out onto the counter. She handed over the coins and took the food from the trader with a quiet thanks. She hugged the parcels as she limped through the market. At least it wasn't aching yet, she thought, that was always a good sign. Jenna spotted Citali among the throng. To be fair, he was easy to spot in most crowds, given he seemed to have an aversion to wearing a shirt. Jenna waved to her fellow crew member. His wave was a little less enthusiastic than Jenna's had been, but she still took it as invitation over.
"Citali, would you mind-" Citali took some of the food parcels from Jenna before she had a chance to finish her question, "Thank you."
"Your limp is getting worse," Citali said simply as they headed back to the ship.
Jenna shrugged, "I'll live." She blew off his concern and quickened her pace.
Once they were in the ship's kitchen, Citali looked disapprovingly at the parcels. Jenna folded her arms and glared at the striker, daring him to say anything, "We aren't all as skilled a hunter as you are Citali. Us mere mortals have to buy our food." She joked.
"Then I will go hunt and see what I can get," Citali countered.
"You don't have to do that."
Citali shrugged, "I want to."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric Kloon Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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Eric Kloon

Eric stood a head above the other men at the circle his feet planted firmly on the tables edge and he lead them all in song..

Well, I used to be a farmer and I made a living fine..I had a little stretch of land along the coastal line.
But times got tough, and though I tried, the money wasn't there..The bankers came and took my land and told me, "Fair is fair".
I looked for every kind of job, the answer always no "HELL NO!!"

The crowd of men would join in from time to time and hoist the tempo as it ran. That was until someone dropped their drink and it began to skip across the floor knocking into shins and toes along its ride. The upstairs of the tavern exploded into a roar of shouting and fighting as they tried to figure out who caused the fight.
But there in the midst of the fighting was Eric, with mug in hand and a half unconscious man in the other. "Ha ha ha... you boys sure know how to throw a party."

He tossed the man into a group before flipping the table with his foot and kicking it to the wall.
A man burst from the corner and tried to take Eric down, but as his shoulder made contact with the larger ones midsection Eric did not budge. He looked up to see Eric finish off his drink and look down on him with a large grin as he hefted him up the smaller gentlemen and hurled him over his left shoulder letting him crash over a low counter. He scooped another drink up off the floor and lifted it to his lips.
"Hire you now?" they'd always laugh, "We just let twenty go!" "HA,HA,HA!!!" He chugged the ale fast and returned to the fight with a merry tune in his throat.


The ocean breeze swept over the bow of the ship as Doug looked out over the ocean, Spinning his fathers sextant in his hand softly. He could see all manner of life swimming in the water below, as he looked on a sea turtle could be seen toddling back and forth in the water to get to where it was going.

He had been laying half way off the edge of the ship for some time, using a makeshift net as a hammock he kept his sight turned down to the ocean below. It was refreshing to do so seeing as he spent most of his time looking to the horizon or the sky and not having the sun sting his eyes was a good feeling from time to time.

With almost the rest of the to port, he was relaxing to the sound of the ocean for once this week.
He did wonder what would come of the day however, when the captain and the rest of the crew go ashore they usually return with some hair brained idea at fame. Or some hodunk treasure map that leads them to a well hidden box of junk.

He pulled a small piece of cloth over his eyes and decided to let the breeze sway him to sleep now.

The setting changes from Mrackia to Ladeira


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benedikt Steffanson Character Portrait: Jenna McKay Character Portrait: Dania Steffanson Character Portrait: Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd Character Portrait: Citali Character Portrait: Kieran Urthadar Character Portrait: Alois Kensington Character Portrait: Eric Kloon Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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After the card game was over and the other players walked away, Vishtor leaned close to Kieran.
β€œNow listen,” he whispered, β€œYou always said that you wanted to be rich and famous. This may be your chance to make history.”
Kieran put a reassuring hand on his friend’s shoulder. β€œI will. As a pirate. Not as a fake hero like my grandfather. I will become a legend as raiding, powerful pirate. I don’t want to die in my twenties chasing rainbows for pots of gold.”
Vishtor smiled deviously. β€œWhat if I told you I knew where the Goddess was?”
β€œI’d probably believe you. Somehow you are all-knowing.”
The old man’s eyes twinkled. β€œIn Paedon.”
Kieran scoffed and leaned back in his seat. β€œNow I really don’t want to go. I’ll die broke for sure.”
β€œCome on. Your grandfather went there.”
β€œMy grandfather was a drunk who exaggerated. More likely he got lost at sea and got so drunk he imagined it all.”
Vishtor sighed in exasperation, but otherwise did not acknowledge this comment. β€œLook, I’m going to go straight to my point. I have a contact who’s with the Sisterhood. They’re worried that the King’s threat will hinder the process of finding the Goddess. So this person, who trusts me, asked me to find someone capable of going to Paedon and retrieving the Goddess. Now don’t say anything!” Kieran had opened his mouth to protest. β€œJust go back to your ship and wait for me. I’ll bring my contact there in an hour. She’ll explain everything and then you can decide.” With that, Vishtor rushed out of the tavern before Kieran could say anything.
Kieran huffed in annoyance and banged the table with his hand as he stood up. β€œWell,” he said to Ellie, β€œI guess we’re going to have to hear the old coot out. Maybe we’ll get lucky. If not, we can use his head as our banner.” He winked at her to show he wasn’t serious. β€œI suppose we should go back to the ship and tell the crew. Alois,” he said, spotting the boy,” Go see if you can tear Eric away from his fun and catch up with us.”

As he boarded the Dragon’s Greed, Kieran shouted, β€œAll right everyone, get off your lazy hides and gather around me. I have an announcement. Vishtor is coming with a priestess to send us on a suicide mission to retrieve their deity from an uninhabitable island. I’m not going to make the decision to stay or go myself, however, it must be a unanimous decision. We’re going to hear this woman out, and if we don’t like what she’s got to say, we’re going to rob her blind, and send her on her merry way. Sound good?”
After an hour passed, Vishtor and a woman appeared and boarded the Dragon’s Greed. Vishtor was wearing his famous black hooded cape that he used as a disguise. The woman was obviously a priestess, as she had on the signature white priestess robe and blue jewelry.
β€œMy name is Shyla,” the stern woman told Kieran immediately. β€œI hear your grandfather was Dievan Vulgo. I wonder what happened that his grandson would be such a scoundrel.”
Kieran temper flared, which usually happens when strangers bring up his grandfather. β€œLook lady, he was just as big a scoundrel as me, only he got lucky!”
Shyla gave a laugh devoid of humor. β€œWell, maybe you’ll get lucky, too. I know all the information regarding the stolen Goddess, and I’m willing to double the reward for you. Will you hear me out?”
Kieran’s temper evaporated instantly. 200,000 gold was the kind of money only nobles possessed. He would be set for life, even divided among the crew.
β€œAlright,” he said, β€œGet on with it.”


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Citali returned to the ship, a small dear resting on his shoulder, stopping in his tracks when he saw the two newcomers on board. During his travels, he had crossed paths with various religious bodies, so he recognised that the woman was a priestess. No one else would wear white robes on board a ship, unless they were completely out of their minds. The whole crew were gathered around this woman and her darkly clothed companion.
Citali took his place in the circle around the priestess, waiting patiently for her to begin her tale. He gave a small smile when Kieran's temper disappeared at the mention of the reward. Such a high reward was tempting, even Jenna seemed to be mildly interested at the mention of the substantial reward, the slight raise of her eyebrow the only giveaway of her thoughts. Otherwise, her gaze remained fixed on the priestess, waiting for her to spin her tale, as they all were.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benedikt Steffanson Character Portrait: Jenna McKay Character Portrait: Dania Steffanson Character Portrait: Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd Character Portrait: Citali Character Portrait: Kieran Urthadar Character Portrait: Alois Kensington Character Portrait: Eric Kloon Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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Alois does as he is told with a quick, "Y-Yes Sir!" He returns to the ship one he has done as he is asked. Once he sees the woman there, he shrinks back into the shadows and watches quietly from a distance.

β€œAll right everyone, get off your lazy hides and gather around me. I have an announcement. Vishtor is coming with a priestess to send us on a suicide mission to retrieve their deity from an uninhabitable island. I’m not going to make the decision to stay or go myself, however, it must be a unanimous decision. We’re going to hear this woman out, and if we don’t like what she’s got to say, we’re going to rob her blind, and send her on her merry way. Sound good?” Elsa smirks at Kieran's words and drapes an arm on his shoulder with a laugh.
"I say we rob her blind regardless!"

When the priestess finally shows up, Elsa eyes her, as she does any woman, and makes sure she doesn't get to close to her Captain. She's pretty, not pretty enough, but pretty. Her robes are pure white and Elsa questions if this so-called "Priestess" is the same. If she's on a ship with a bunch of pirates, the "pure" thing doesn't really make much sense. When the woman speaks, it becomes clear to Elsa that she is definitely not-so-pure.
"I hear your grandfather was Dievan Vulgo. I wonder what happened that his grandson would be such a scoundrel.” Elsa is officially finished playing nice with this lady. She steps forward from her spot next to Kieran and pulls a pretty, small blade from her thigh.
"Listen, Princess. I don't care who you are, but if you talk like that again to my Captain, I'm going to show you what that pretty little tongue looks like from the outside of your pretty little mouth." She twirls the blade's tip on her finger and stares with fire at the priestess.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benedikt Steffanson Character Portrait: Jenna McKay Character Portrait: Dania Steffanson Character Portrait: Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd Character Portrait: Citali Character Portrait: Kieran Urthadar Character Portrait: Alois Kensington Character Portrait: Eric Kloon Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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Benedikt and Dania were still in their spots on the ship. He was still singing and she relaxing on the deck when the captain returned, shouting for everyone to gather up.

Dania looked up at Benedikt questioningly. He returned her look with a shrug and a hand out to help her up. The pair moved closer to where Kieran stood.

Benedikt crossed his arms as he listened. He simply nodded at Kieran. Hearing someone out was never a bad idea. Decisions made in haste typically had a fault to them. Benedikt could do nothing but shake his head and smile amusedly at Elsa’s comment of robbing the priestess regardless of the outcome of the meeting.

The siblings waited out the hour until Vishtor and the priestess arrived. Dania regarded the woman’s robes. It reminded her of home, snow white and bright. She was thrown by the woman’s tone however. Stern and a bit harsh she addressed the captain. Dania frowned.

Benedikt remained stoic as the little exchange went down. She was offering quite a lot and he couldn’t help wonder why she was willing to double the reward.

His keen eyes did not miss the hunter as he returned. The deer over his shoulders though would make it hard to miss him.

The siblings looked to each other and then back to the scene that was unfolding. Elsa had a knife out and was threatening the priestess. Benedikt looked to Kieran trying to gage his reaction to the threat. There was a lot of money on the line should Elsa act rashly. It did not do to have the priestess speak to the captain that way but Benedikt knew Kieran could hold his own and had. No one would fault Elsa for standing up for Kieran but if she did cut out the priestess’ tongue then she couldn’t tell them where to find the Stone Goddess.

Benedikt weighed the options and waited to see what the priestess and Kieran might do. Dania began making a mental list of what she would need to stop the bleeding and maybe sew the tongue back on if Elsa followed through.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd Character Portrait: Eric Kloon Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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Eric Kloon

As Alois comes to find Eric he see's that the man is sitting on a small pile of unconscious bodies with a partially broken mug in his hand. It only took one look from him to tell that it was time for Eric and the others to return to the ship, so with that he downed the rest of his drink and stepped off his makeshift chair. Several of them groaning as he moved down, slapping several silver on the bar before he left and grabbing a small jug of rum with a wink at one of the barmaids.

Though his time had been sodden with much drink his steps were clean and straight, it would take more then a few tankards to get a man like him off his rocker. But the rum would do just that and even though he was feeling a bit thirsty for the jugs contents he knew some of the crew would be aching for a taste as well. The boarding plank gives a little whine as it always did when he came aboard and it was that soothing sound that told him he was home on the ship once again.

* * *

Both Eric and Doug had gathered to see what was going on about this new adventure. Eric could still be heard with a sullied tune in his voice while Doug would still wipe some of the rest from his eyes before putting them on the two new guest.

Doug knew of the woman's status as soon as he laid eyes on her, she was a priestess of that temple of the goddess. Though he knew much about them it was partially thanks to his father having connections to them when he was a child and he could even recall several being guest at his home estate. He leaned in as Elsa tempts to hurt her and he lays a hand on her shoulder giving her a slight look of disapproval. Its not the fact that she could hurt the woman that bothered him, but the fact that the priesthood has been defending itself for a long time against aggressors. The woman before them could most likely hold her own in a fight and he was not willing to allow Elsa to chance such an occurrence.

Eric on the other hand gave a hearty laugh as he set a barrel to his side and sat himself down.. "Listen miss, I believe you should get ta telling us what the story is.. we don't take kindly to threats or insults if you don't mind." He still had the jug gripped in one hand, either by choice or by the thought that if he put in down someone else would take it.

The setting changes from Ladeira to The Dragon's Grees

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benedikt Steffanson Character Portrait: Jenna McKay Character Portrait: Dania Steffanson Character Portrait: Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd Character Portrait: Citali Character Portrait: Kieran Urthadar Character Portrait: Alois Kensington Character Portrait: Eric Kloon Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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Kieran laughed at Elsie’s threat, delighted to see the sneer on the priestess’s lips. β€œNow, Elsie, your haggling skills are much to be desired,” he said.
Shyla huffed, but started her story, somewhat reluctantly. β€œI’m afraid that this whole incident is my fault. I placed my trust in the wrong man, and now the church could fall apart. I hope that doesn’t happen again.” This she directs at Kieran, who just rolls his eyes.
β€œThis man is my twin brother, Shaine,” she continued. β€œAs you probably know, there are very few men within the church, as men are corrupt by nature. But he was allowed in as a guard because of his attachment to me. I was in charge of guarding the Stone Goddess, but since it was in an underground vault it seemed like a boring job, so I handed it off to my brother. Which was a grave mistake. One day he just disappeared, the same day as the Goddess. At first we didn’t know how he got her out, it’s a big statue and no one had seen him with it. Then we discovered a hidden passageway that lead out to the coast where he undoubtedly boarded a ship and escaped.”
β€œSo why us?” Kieran asked, taking advantage of the pause in her story.
For the first time, the priestess donned what could be passed for a kind smile. β€œAs children, my brother and I were fascinated by Dievan Vogul’s adventures. We knew every tale from the land beyond the sea, and even play acted them together. Shaine always dreamed of going to Paedon. And you remember your grandfather’s tale of the monster in the volcanoe?”
β€œOf course,” Kieran said, β€œIt was his favorite. He used to say how he spied this great red creature made of lava coming out of the volcanoe. It was like a human, but not quite. After studying it for a while, he found that this creature thought itself a god, and it’s power like none he had ever seen. Hogwash.”
Shyla nodded. β€œYes, well whether it is true or not, my brother believes it. It was his favorite story. He talked about it all the time, and often wondered aloud what kind of power it could possess. That’s where I believe he has taken the Goddess, to sacrifice to this creature in hopes of gaining power. You must know something about your grandfather’s travels that will aid you.”
Kieran thought about the journals’ that had belonged to his grandfather that were still in the Captain’s Quarters. β€œI might,” he said mysteriously.
Suddenly, fear shone in the woman’s eyes. β€œThere’s more. He has also kidnapped one of the orphan’s and taken her with him.”
β€œFor an additional sacrifice?” Kieran pondered.
Shyla shrugged. β€œMaybe. Or maybe he took her as leverage in case we found him. She’s the queen’s eight year old daughter. Mayley was given to us when she was a baby to hide her mother’s indiscretion. And since Rowena has become queen, we’ve been getting bribes and threats to keep the girl’s identity hidden and to keep her safe. That’s why we’re doubling the reward for you. To keep your mouth shut. If the queen finds out that her daughter is gone, the church is ruined. If we can’t get the Stone Goddess back, we’re ruined. I need you to get them both back safely.”
At the end of her story, Shyla looked hopefully at Kieran.
β€œFor 200,000 gold? Why not! We’ll get pack up the ship tomorrow and set sail in the afternoon. As long as the crew is up for it.”
Their business done, Vishtor and Shyla left for the night.

The setting changes from The Dragon's Grees to Ladeira


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Benedikt Steffanson Character Portrait: Jenna McKay Character Portrait: Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd Character Portrait: Citali Character Portrait: Kieran Urthadar Character Portrait: Alois Kensington Character Portrait: Eric Kloon Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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Alois jolted his head up when he heard the mention of the orphan.
"We have to save her!" He shouts. When he sees the attention drawn to him, he slips away to his quarters.

Elsa watched the priestess leave and then turned to Kieran.
"An evil twin...who would have thought?" She says with a chuckle. With a yawn, Elsa stretches, pushing her chest out toward Kieran.
"Well, I'm getting a little tired. Anything you'd like to do before we all take our leave for the night, Cap?" Of course she was referring to the job they had just been offered, however, whomever heard her words could decide their meaning for themselves.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benedikt Steffanson Character Portrait: Jenna McKay Character Portrait: Dania Steffanson Character Portrait: Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd Character Portrait: Citali Character Portrait: Kieran Urthadar Character Portrait: Alois Kensington Character Portrait: Eric Kloon Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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Dania shifted her weight back and forth between her feet. The fact that her own brother, a twin at that would betray the priestess saddened Dania. Her eyes looked to Benedikt and she knew he would never do such a thing to her.

For his part Benedikt was listening closely to the story the priestess told them and what the captain had to say about it.

The siblings came from a land of many legends. Tales of creatures and gods who walked among the people. It was not hard for him believe that there were creatures in volcanoes. He was disappointed to hear that someone would be willing to betray his family for a quest. Surely there had been a better way to do that.

The talk of a child, an orphan was troubling. That this child was the Queen’s daughter even more so. The product of an indiscretion or not this was still a child that had been taken.

Both Benedikt and Dania were frowning but turned to look at Alois when he proclaimed the child needed to be saved. He slipped away but the siblings looked at each other. They shared his sentiment. Regardless of everything else the child was an innocent and it was not right that she be caught up in this.

The captain accepted and the visitors departed. Both Dania and Benedikt remained in their spots to see if the captain had any orders for them.


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Jenna watched after Alois as he hurried away from the group. For such a gifted storyteller, he was remarkably shy, painfully so in fact. She returned her attention to the group, ignoring Elsa's blatant flirting with Kieran. It was almost uncomfortable to watch, "Alois is right, regardless of anything else, the fact he's kidnapped a child, it...," Jenna sighed, rubbing her brow with frustration, "We can't just stand by and do nothing," She snapped. Jenna took a deep breath, calming herself, "Even if we don't succeed at least we tried right? I don't think I could live with it if we stood by and did nothing and something happened to the kid." She looked around the group for support in her words.

Citali nodded in support, "I agree with Jenna," He shifted the deer on his shoulder, "However dangerous it may be, a child's life may be in danger. That comes above all else as far as I am concerned." He let his words hang in the air as he left the group, taking the deer carcass below deck.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric Kloon Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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Doug looked off the side of the ship to see the priestess and her companion move down the pier and disappear from sight.

He leaned back and began to pace over the other side of the deck as he could see the sun taking its last few minutes of sunlight at a leisure. it was slowly loosing is glimmer as the arch of light was touching the top the distant mountains and he felt that it was beginning to get time to take count of the day and head for bed.

Eric ruined the solemn moment in that instant as he grabbed the smaller man from behind and shook his shoulders. "Alright Dougy this time you take first watch, I'll go and take a listings of all our stocks..Hehe."

He rushing off for the hold rum in hand, he was obviously going to add the jug to his own private stash.

It was a nice little stash though, not to say that he wasn't willing to share with the crew. It was most likely that he felt better knowing that there was another stock of drink other then the ships own stores somewhere on board and it wasn't like the other crew members didn't know about it. He used to try and hide it in vain every single time but someone would always find it no matter what. So now that he considers it his stash, the others still know either way.

The setting changes from Ladeira to The Dragon's Grees

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Urthadar Character Portrait: Ethan "Doug" Cartwright
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After most of the crew had dispersed and Eric had taken his own personal treasure down to the hold, Doug backed off from the gangplank and looked over to Kieran and he approached him with a small look of worry. "Captain?.. I know the money is a tempting offer but is it really worth while to search for this statue on such a godforsaken piece of rock?" He was rolling the edge of his sashes clasp between his fingers as the question was doing the same on the edge of his mind.
"I fear to think that nothing good could come from this.. adventure."

The sound of ocean birds circling about as the sun was retreating past the mountains filled the air. Soft tide was beginning to end and many of the harder waves were going to soon be taking hold.

The setting changes from The Dragon's Grees to Ladeira


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alois Kensington
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Alois sat very silently in the cargo hold alone. He was desperately holding back years as he was lost in thought. He sighed as he stood up and began to pace around the room. He seemed to be in an internal conflict which was making him relive something in his mind. After a few moments, he took his mandolin from his back and sat on a barrel. He began to play, and then began to sing.
"Cassandra, Cassandra,
your name is like a dream.
Cassandra, Cassandra,
Your smile just has a gleam.
Your golden hair shines,
Like an angel divine.
Your emerald eyes glisten
And oh how you listen to my song.
Cassandra, Cassandra
The way that you look in my eyes,
Cassandra, Cassandra
Though you're young,
Don't you know you're so wise?
Your heart filled with love
A gift from above.
The beauty I can't bear to lose,
Cassandra, my love and my muse...

His song slowly fades as his eyes begin to brim with tears.

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Character Portrait: Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd
8 sightings Elsa (Ellie) Maynerd played by RPGNerdette

Character Portrait: Alois Kensington
8 sightings Alois Kensington played by RPGNerdette

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