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Samantha Joelle


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a character in “The Stoners and Runaways”, as played by TheRamblingsOfAFangirl



"Over the past seven years I've gone by so many different aliases that am surprised I can still remember my real name. I was born Samantha Joelle but come tomorrow I may be introducing myself as Alexis and the day after that I'll be Natalie and who knows who I'll be the day after that."
Samantha Joelle

”The rest of the world might not know who I really am but the five people that I call my friends know the real me. They tend to call me either Sam or Sammie when where together and away from the rest of the world. When in public if am going by another name for whatever reason they'll call me a nickname that relates to the name that am going by at that time.”

Birth Date
April 12th

Sexual Orientation
"I have done things with girls but am not lesbian nor am I bisexual. I like dudes. I may have fun with girls but at the end of the day I could never see myself actually being with a girl; relationship wise."

Closest to in the Group
”While I would say that am more or less tight with everyone in our small tight-knit little band runaways, I would say out of everyone am closest to Cassie and Adam.”
Cassandra Thames & Adam Belmont

"I like them and they know I like them. Now its just up to them what they want to do about it."
Jamie Johnson & Adam Belmont




120 lbs.

Body Shape

"Right now I'm rocking the ombre hair color but I probably won't keep it this way for very long. I've been a wander since I was eleven and for one reason or another I've always found myself changing up the look of my hair. At this point I've dyed it. Cut it. Grown it back. The only thing I probably haven't done is shave my entire head. Which is probably the one and only thing I wouldn't do when it comes to my hair. Not many people know this as it's been forever since I wore it that way but naturally am a raven-haired beauty."

”Nothing special am afraid.”
Dark Brown

Piercings or Tattoos
"So far I've gotta both ears and my belly button pierced. I recently just got two tattoos that are on my inner wrists. Love and pain. Story of my life."

Face Claim
Vanessa Hudgens


The very first Sign of the Zodiac is Aries. And, much on the same lines, the ones born under this Sign consider themselves as the first. Aries are known for their fiery zeal and exuberance. Most impressive are their leadership qualities and optimism. Most Aries have a burning desire to start things off, and make things happen. Individuals born under the Sign Aries are also known to be pioneers of the Zodiac, and many a times it’s their brave journey into the untrodden path that helps them emerge victorious. Aries individuals also exhibit energy and dynamism, and with their innate charisma, they are often able to convince and lead people effortlessly. The Zodiac Sign Aries is found to be compatible with the Signs Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius and Gemini (Leo is the best suited among others, as a partner for Aries). In relationships, it is often found that the Aries mate is a loving and loyal one. When the Aries falls in love, he/she will not wait, and would rather straight away go and express his/ her feelings, without even giving this a considerable thought. Affectionate Aries individuals are known to pamper their love ones and beloved to the degree of being excessive. The guileless and usually β€˜a child at heart’, Aries natives, however, are extremely dejected and disappointed, when their love is not reciprocated in the equal measure. They try to be understanding and appreciative of their beloved, but only till the time they receive and see the requisite attention and love (or the hope of it) in return.

Meaning of Name
The Ram

Ruling Planet

Lucky Day

Lucky Colors
Scarlet, Red

Lucky Stone(s)
Diamond, Ruby

Compatible Signs
Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius

Aries Positive Traits
Loves adventure, very energetic, inventive with lots of courage. Confident, enthusiastic,sharp and quick-minded. Fiery and warm, passionate and expressive. Possessing a strong sense of urgency.

Aries Negative Traits
Can be self-centered at times and prone to being quick-tempered, Impulsive and impatient. Takes unnecessary risks and a procrastinator at times.

Aries Personality Profile
The Aries person seeks adventure and has unusually high energy level. Pioneering, Aries will be the first to take a risk. There were no doubt, a lot of Aries day traders when that first became popular for example. The sunsign Aries is considered by their peers to be a courageous leader, not afraid to take risks, will often feel confident that "They know better". Aries always seems to have a quick grasp of essence of most any situation, BUT aries does not often hang around to closely examine the details. However, give fiery Aries a cause, or a good reason to fight for something, a problem to solve, or a fresh new idea to ponder, and you will find this dynamic personality rises to the cause. Aries is also a very dynamic person and can easily draw attention to themselves when they enter a room. Make no mistake, an Aries person will be on of the first to risk their life to save yours, and also the first to get really mad at you for putting yourself at risk in the first place!


Positive Personality Traits
Spontaneous ~ Brazen ~ Proactive ~ Plucky ~ Debonair ~ Straight-forward ~ Alluring ~ Versatile ~ Realist ~ Passionate

Negative Personality Traits
Impatient ~ Impetuous ~ Foolhardy ~ Ruthless ~ Possessive ~ Violent ~ Stubborn ~ Tactless ~ Hot-Tempered ~ Apathetic

Attitude in Detail
Working in Progress

| Listening to Music | Singing | Dancing | Partying | Getting High | Sex | Hanging with Friends | Stealing | Thrift Shopping | Jewelry Making | Hustling |

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." I couldn't tell you who wrote or said it but whoever they were they were right. Fear is pointless. Which is why I fear nothing. Everything I've every been afraid of I've faced head on because I don't like the feeling of being afraid. Which is all fear is. A feeling. I've never let anyone or anything stop me from doing what I want to do so why in the hell would I let something like having a fear cripple me. Yolo bitches! Yolo."

❀ Skinny Dipping ❀ Drugs ❀ Alcohol ❀ Money ❀ Dancing ❀ Drinking ❀ Shopping (more so Stealing) ❀ Hookah ❀ Sour Patch ❀ Being High ❀ Chocolate Covered Anything ❀ Her Friends ❀ Nightlife

βœ— Being Alone βœ— Hangovers βœ— Mornings βœ— Authority Figures βœ— Being told "No" or "You can't" βœ— Being Judged βœ— Party Poopers βœ— Rejection βœ— Boredom βœ— Bland Food βœ— Being Ignored βœ— Delays βœ— Dishonesty



"I hate talking about the past. Almost as much as I hate planning for the future. I'm more of a in-the-moment kind of person. I don't care about what happened yesterday and am not worry about what's going to happen tomorrow. I just live for the now. Oddly enough I think that my past has a lot to do with the reason I'm like the way I am today. My mom died when I was four. It's not big deal shit happens. Her death wasn't anything tragically sad like cancer or some shit like that. Freak car accident. Drunk driver? I couldn't tell you because I honesty don't remember shit about my mother other than the fact that she's dead. Regardless of the why and the how the facts are that she's dead and that left me with my abusive scum of a sperm donor. I would love to say that my mother's death is what pushed him over the edge and turned him into the abusive bastard that he was but truth be told he was always a dick. At least I think he was. Not that it would make much of a difference whether he was born that way or just became that way.

Skipping ahead of all the boring stuff my dad was an abusive asshole and the school took notice. When I was seven child services came and took me and he was arrested for child abuse or something of that nature. A lot of people whose have been through the system have all these stories of how terrible group homes are and all this shit but I liked the group homes. Not to say that I didn't get my ass beat by some of the kids here and there but a kid around my age I at least stood some kind of a chance. Anyways, I was bounced from group home to group home for a couple of years until I was like ten. When I was ten I was taken in by my first foster family. If there was one time in my life when I can say that I was truly happy it would have to have been then. The family was amazing and they actually wanted me. They were going to adopt me and everything was going to be happily ever after. At least if my life was some fucking disney princess movie it would have worked out like that, however, its not. This is the real world which means there are no happily ever afters.

Unbeknown to me while I was moving on with my life and trying to find some semblance of peace and happiness my good-for-nothing daddy had been paroled and had been talking to courts about getting me back. Apparently he had spent time in some kind of problem and the courts were starting to think of giving him visitations so me and him could start to "repair our relationship". As if. He may have been able to pull the wool over the courts' eyes but not mine. I didn't care what those people had to say I know that man backwards and forwards and there was no way I was ever going back to him. So, I left. It was about three months after my eleventh birthday and I remember our first visitation was going to be that following day so I had packed a bag and I left at like four something in the morning. I haven't looked back since. I had used my birthday money to by a bus ticket and that was the end of that.

I've been living on the streets as a runaway ever since then. Over the last couple of years I've done just about any and everything to survive. A couple of months after I first ran away I meet this drug dealer that took me in. He started me out as a look out and by my twelfth birthday I was dealing. It had worked out great until that said drug dealer got busted. I didn't trust the guys he worked with so I took what money I had collected over the years and I booked it out of there as fast as possible. I lived off of the money for as long as I could but eventually it ran out and so I had to do what I had to do to survive. Which basically means I robbed, stole and occasionally broke into people's homes, stores and what-have-yous. I became a stripper at fourteen, was a prostitute by fifteen and started escorting at sixteen.

I met Cassandra around the time I was escorting and she introduced me to the others. Cassie became my number one bestie and I grew to love Adam. At first as just a friend but now me things are starting to get a little hazy there. I wouldn't say that I'm like in love with Adam or anything like that -- I just like him. He was the first person outside of Cassie that I got close to and I can just see the potential. He knows about my past -- they all know about my past, and I like that he doesn't judge me. He has that ability to sympathize but not pity and I love that about him. I love different things about everyone in my tiny inner circle of friends. Since becoming friends with everyone and become a member of this little group of misfit troubled teens I've stopped doing certain things. When I found out about Adam's mom being a prostitute I got out of the work of selling my body; which means no more stripping, prostituting and escorting. All of that is in my past and I'm hoping to keep it there. Hopefully. Although I make no promises."


So begins...

Samantha Joelle's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaxon Lennox Character Portrait: James Clement Character Portrait: Cassandra Thames Character Portrait: Samantha Joelle Character Portrait: Jamie Johnson Character Portrait: Adam Belmont
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Magenta

Cassandra couldn't believe that she was truly doing this. All her life she dreamed of a life filled with nothing but adventure and freedom to be herself. But now that she had the chance, there way no way she would ever decided to turn back on it. She was going to spend the rest of her life with her best friends. This was definitely going to be the opportunity of a life time.

She sat on her front porch, smoking a blunt as she waited on Jaxon to pick her up with the others. Thankfully one of them had a vehicle because it would suck trying to get around with a taxi all the time. She sighed as she took a hit from her blunt and inhaled before blowing the excess from her mouth.

As Cassandra sat there, all she could ever seem to think about was Samantha and James. Those two were her world and she would definitely do anything for either of them. But if anyone were to find out how she felt about either of them, her life would be completely destroyed. Yes, she would love to have a life with either of them but for one, Samantha showed no interest at all in girls and James, she just didn't seem to think that he would ever want to give her the time of day.

She shook her head and took the last hit from her blunt before dying it out and tossing it aside. Whenever she was alone, Cassandra always seemed to think too much or over think things. Sometimes it can come in handy, but most of the time all it seems to do is stress her out more and more. No matter what she tries to do to keep herself from thinking, it never seems to work. Most of the time it all just becomes worse for Cassandra.

"Where are those fuckers?" she questioned to herself out loud.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaxon Lennox Character Portrait: James Clement Character Portrait: Cassandra Thames Character Portrait: Samantha Joelle Character Portrait: Jamie Johnson Character Portrait: Adam Belmont
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Magenta

Cassandra laughed a bit and leaned against the fence, closing in the backyard from the neighbors. She couldn't believe he said that. Though then again, it was James, she should have known better than to be shocked at those words.

She took his flask back from his hand and took a much needed sip. "At least I know one of us has the alcohol," she stated before glancing over to him. "We need to get out of here and tell Jaxon to meet us some place else. If my parents catch me with my suitcase, there will be a huge fight that I am not in the mood to deal with. Besides, I'm hungry," she stated as she lifted her suitcase and began walking through the neighbor's backyards, not caring if they see her or not. She would rather deal with them than her parents.

Dialogue Color Code: #8c00ff

Jamie sighed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted James. "Hey, has Jaxon picked you up yet?" he typed before sending the message.

Jamie sat in his living room, watching TV. His parents were out on vacation, so he didn't have to worry about them coming home, finding that he was packed and ready to just get the hell out of there. He reached for the bottle of bourbon that was sitting on the coffee table and sipped from it. He couldn't wait to just leave. Life would be a whole lot better spending it out on the road with his friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaxon Lennox Character Portrait: James Clement Character Portrait: Cassandra Thames Character Portrait: Samantha Joelle Character Portrait: Jamie Johnson Character Portrait: Adam Belmont
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0.00 INK



Dialogue color: color=#008040

James grinned at Cass, watching her take a swig out of his flask. Taht was another thing he loved about her. She had great taste. Turning serious, she poke.

"We need to get out of here and tell Jaxon to meet us some place else. If my parents catch me with my suitcase, there will be a huge fight that I am not in the mood to deal with. Besides, I'm hungry."

"Pity. You're hot when you're angry," he told her with a grin before a familiar voice interrupted them. He laughed, feeling his phone buzz with Jamie's message. He texted back.

"She is now."

"You're late, Jaxie," he greeted her happily, though he was painfully aware of how smoking hot she looked right now. With a witty smirk on his face, he took a swig from his flask, "Christ, you could have caught me sober."