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Cynthia McKnight

Perfection may be impossible, but I'll still strive to attain it.

0 · 487 views · located in Chicago, Illinois (2012)

a character in “The Struggle to Love”, as played by OurStars


N i c k n a m e ? Cyndy, Thia, Blondie

A g e ? Twenty-two

R o l e ? Girl 3

A p p e a r a n c e :
Height --Thia stands at a slightly petite height of 5'3"
Weight --90 Ib
Body Shape --Thia has a slight hourglass figure, and is irregularly thin due to Anorexia. Without her clothing on, you can see her ribs and some of her bones.
Body Piercings --She only has her earlobes pierced.
Tattoos --None
Eyes --Her eyes are pale green, thickly lashed and of medium size. They are almond shaped, and have a sense of depth to them.
Hair --Thia has naturally pale blond hair, that is layered to accentuate the soft curl that it ends in. She will often wear it up in a bun or ponytail. If it is down, she has usually curled it into a few large spirals.

P e r s o n a l i t y ?
On the surface, Cynthia seems like the sort of woman who has everything under control and could go the distance to achieve great success. She has an organized nature, leading her to be the sort of person who has a closet organized by color and brand, and a bookshelf set up by the author's last name and the publication date. Everything has a place and is in it when it comes to Cynthia, who actually finds it relaxing to organize things in a way that is just so. When bored, she has been known to actually make a number system for her things. This stems from a desire to have control. Part of her childhood was helpless, thrown about by people who could have made everything monumentally easier if they had thought to stop and care about the child who was stuck in the system. She takes control of anything that she can- hence the organization kick. Back to her appearance of being under control, Cynthia also seems to be very level-headed, able to keep her calm in the most stressed of times. She can maintain a smile even while being insulted horribly by the people around her, and then proceed to clean up a mess that they had made. Looking at such a scene, at the organized and controlled young woman, they would think that she has everything figured out. They would be wrong.

Underneath the facade of a collected and successful student lies an insecure young woman who is terrified of not being good enough. She practices faking smiles in front of the mirror until her mouth hurts so that she can use them to make people think that she can tolerate anything- only to return home and try and vent into a (childish, she knows) diary or go to the gym and work out. Her low self esteem is what pushed the young woman into her current state of anorexia and constantly worrying about being perfect. She pushes herself too far to get the grades, the scholarship, the job, the life that she thinks she has to have for people to tolerate her. The family that raised her for the latter part of her childhood were loving and warm, but they couldn't erase the desire to be accepted that had been imprinted into the young woman from years past. In fact, they only intensified her fear of disappointing others. They were so kind, so loving and so warm- she felt as though disappointing them would be like kicking a puppy. So Cynthia studied harder during her high school years, trained more and practiced keeping her cool at all times, even when she wants to scream and shout at people. She has to remain calm, or else she may end up accidentally pushing people away. Despite all of this, the young woman has a large sense of hope- hope that she can be perfect and disappoint no one. If she didn't have hope, why would she work so hard?

Besides that, recently Cynthia has been discovering a different side of her personality, brought about by feelings that she had never experienced before. Sure, she has had crushes before, but he feelings towards [Girl 4] have revealed a side of the young woman that she didn't know existed. She can be jealous and possessive, becoming anxious any time that she sees [Girl 4] speaking to someone attractive. She knows that they aren't together, and that [Girl 4] doesn't even know how she feels, because she hides it for the shame of having feelings for her sister (and because she is in the closet), and that she doesn't deserve to feel this possessiveness. All the same, she cannot help but feel what she does, and so the young woman becomes jealous easily, it should seem. Not that she would ever voice this jealousy to anyone- that would threaten to ruin her carefully built facade of calm and collected, the beautiful Miss Cynthia. Appearance is her world, after all, and her driving factor.

L i k e s ?
+Her Adopted Family
+Living in an Apartment
+Her flatmate/ adopted sister
+Watching the News
+Bad Horror Movies
+Fish Fingers and Custard
+Doctor Who
+Nice Clothing
+Academic Success
+The Gym

D i s l i k e s ?
-Things She Doesn't Understand
-Her Adopted Sister's Job
-Bad Grades
-Not Feeling Good Enough
-Disappointing Others
-Rap Music
-Diet Mountain Dew
-Romantic Comedies
-Girl 4 flirting with people
-Being Alone
-Chewing Gum
-Her Own Appearance

F e a r s ?
-People finding out about her feelings towards her adopted sister
-Not being good enough

H i s t o r y ?

Cynthia was initially born as Cynthia Darcy, the daughter of a fifteen year old girl and the unknown rapist who had attacked her in an alleyway nine months prior. Immediately upon her birth, Cynthia was given to a family who had arranged to adopt the child when she was born, in order to have the child they couldn't conceive, and also to help the fifteen year old girl continue on with her normal adolescent life. The couple which had adopted her were Marianna and Joel Pepper, both middle-aged Doctors who were successful and pleasant. They raised the young girl for the first five years of her life, years which she loved dearly, happy and completely oblivious to the fate that would come to her because of a drunk driver one fateful night. Her parents left her with a babysitter and went out on a date for their 20th anniversary. They had been driving home at 11pm, when Cynthia was fast asleep in her bed, when the accident happened. A drunk teenager ran into their car, killing both parents. The deaths were painless, according to the police, but still deaths nonetheless. There was no one to take the child whom the Peppers had adopted five years ago, and so she was put into foster care with inheritance kept in a bank account until she was of age. Thus began her life in the system.

The young girl went through several foster homes throughout her life in the system, but each one of them was temporary, and she would eventually be shuttled on to the next house. Some were pleasant, like the Jones family, who had bacon and eggs every Sunday and gave her a warm bed to sleep in. Others were less so, like the house that was too small for the amount of kids that the family took in. The worse, though, was one which she went to at the age of twelve, two years before finally being adopted by the family which she would eventually consider to be her true siblings and parents. That house that came prior to the warmth was one with a harsh, paranoid mother and a father with wandering hands. It was the only instance of such a thing that Cynthia had encountered to that severity, and it scarred her completely. The mother came home from grocery shopping one day and saw the father raping Cynthia, who was screaming and crying. Not right in the mind -neither of them were- she screeched and accused Cynthia of seducing her husband, and beat her senseless. She stayed in that house for another month, a victim of the father no longer, but regularly of the mother, before social services checked in and immediately drew her out to find a better place. Those years made her come to the decision that she wasn't good enough to be kept, that one had to be perfect to be loved. Especially if you were an orphan- without blood bonds, she believed love to be something that one must go to great lengths to have.

Two years later, she was adopted by a family which she would come to love dearly. Still, she dreaded the idea of disappointing them, and so strove for perfection in order to please them. Every compliment that they gave her for a perfect test score or for winning a game gave Cynthia a sort of high that she became almost addicted to. In order to be 'perfect', she would study until one in the morning, train intensely for the girls' basketball team during the season, and eventually began to stop eating regularly when she decided that she was 'fat'. That, on top of her religious exercising, made the girl lose weight rapidly. She was popular in high school, hailed as perfect for her grades, athleticism and looks, and couldn't bear to lose this reputation people had created for her. As the pressure increased, so did her motivation to push herself further. During the summer before going to a University, which she had gotten a full scholarship to for grades and athletics, Cynthia collapsed. The family realized that she hadn't been eating and got little to no sleeps most nights. They kept the young woman home for that year, and when she seemed to be getting better allowed her to go to the University, who had made an exception based upon 'health issues'. Although she promised to be better, soon Cynthia was under stress again, as a Pre-Med student with a part-time job and a scholarship to maintain. Not letting anyone know, she reverted back to anorexia, although she has been trying to sleep more.

When her younger adopted sister moved into her apartment with her, Cynthia's first concern was that she would discover her relapse. However, it wasn't long before another issue came to the table- she had fallen in love with her adoptive sister. Shame at such a thing overcame Cynthia, and it is a thing which she has vowed to tell no one about, not even the one that she loves. Well, except for her diary, though that is completely confidential. After a bit of time, they decided to move into a different apartment, closer to the school. This is where the story begins.

So begins...

Cynthia McKnight's Story

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Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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Ainsley McKnight

Ainsley was tired and wished she didn't have to wake up as early as she did but she had to move and she couldn't help that the night before was one of her work nights. She was in her jeep driving to the new apartment that Cynthia and her was going to share. At first she was nervous, Cynthia was the perfect one and she was the black sheep, the one that their parents said disgraced their family. Her parents didn't understand her and that was one of the hardest things for her as she grew up, they never appreciated her art and always where telling her she could do better.

She turned the music up louder and sang along to the songs on the radio, she was to meet Cynthia at the new apartment to move their things in. She was thankful for the help Cynthia was giving her, she wasn't able to keep up rent and paying for college on her own with the salery she had.

As she got closer to the house she thought about the drugs in her purse, she decided to not take one this morning but as she was driving she couldnt help but feel the tiredness in herself. When she parked the jeep in front of the apartment she reached over to her purse and pulled out the bag of pills, she took two out and then put the rest back where she had them. She placed the two pills in her mouth and took a drink of water from her bottled water then stepped out of the car.

She knew she looked tired, with dark circles under her eyes but she tried to ignore how she looked, it didn't matter how she looked anymore. She grabbed a couple bags from her back seat and walked up the path to the front of the apartment and looked around to see if Cynthia was there yet, not spotting her sister, she takes a seat on the steps near the front door and waits. Cynthia was the one that got the apartment for them, so her sister had they keys. She leaned back against the porch and closed her eyes, almost falling asleep as she waited for her sister.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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An impeccably dressed young woman with pale blond hair stands in line at a grocery store just down the street from the new apartment that she has just begun renting with her adopted sister. She taps her left foot somewhat impatiently, only holding a basket that is filled with several of the foods which she knows that Ainsley likes. After all, she figures that the girl may not have eaten yet, and doesn't want her to starve while they finish up moving in and such. Some of the furniture has already been moved in, thanks to the help of a young man who lives next door to them, but there remain a few things to be dealt with- mainly little stuff, like decorations and other touches to be added that will make it seem a bit more. . .lived in. Part of perfection is making things less intimidating, in the eyes of Cynthia, who has always striven for that goal which is impossible to attain; perfection, that is. It is that quest that has led to so many of her insecurities and neglect to always take proper care of herself- that led her to anorexia twice, and has prompted her to get very little sleep, spending most of her time either studying or working at one of the clothing stores at the mall. The latter pastime being another motivation for her to dress well, because it is expected of the employees. Cynthia brushes a strand of hair out of her face before glancing over at the soda in the cooler that can be found in every other aisle. She grabs a Dr. Pepper for herself, the beverage being one of her minor addictions. The basket already contains hot chocolate mix for Ainsley, so she doesn't purchase a soda for the young woman.

Approximately ten minutes later, she has gone through the aisle and begun walking down the sidewalk back to the apartment, key safely nestled in the gray purse that rests at her hip. She has a car, a second-hand gray Prius, but prefers not to use it if it isn't necessary- the short walk hardly called for starting the vehicle up, after all. Besides, it is so lovely out, the brisk weather of autumn settling nicely over the city, especially this area of it, and the skies are lovely, clear and a crisp color of blue. If she had to name a perfect day, this would be it. The very thing gives her a bit of a smile, which increases slightly when she catches Ainsley asleep on the porch, unable to get in because Cynthia still has both keys. However, the smile is quick to fade slightly when she catches herself thinking about her flatmate, And Sister she reminds herself, in a way that is more than just platonic. Gently, the young woman nudges Ainsley with her knee, one hand holding the groceries and the other unlocking the front door. "I've already eaten," lie number one, "but I bought you some food, because I wasn't sure if you had."

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Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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Ainsley McKnight

After she closed her eyes it didn't take long for Ainsley to fall asleep, but just as she fell asleep she felt something nudge her. Her brown eyes blinking open, she looks up to see her sister, Cynthia, there, groceries in one arm and unlocking the door with her other hand. A smile forms on her face as she looks up to Cynthia "Sorry, I had..." she stretches her arms above her head and yawns, her hand coming down to cover her mouth, before she continues "...a long night".

"I've already eaten, but I bought you some food, because I wasn't sure if you had."

She stood up as her sister talked but her vision started to blur as she got a little dizzy and had to brace herself against the house, her hand going to her head as she stood there for a few second waiting for herself to recover. The drugs starting to take affect to her, making her heart race and the feeling of unable to stand or sit still hitting her quickly. "Not really hungry right now, ill eat in a little bit. Just really like to get the rest of the stuff in while I have the energy" she said all with a smile.

Once the dizziness faded she leaned down a picked up the couple bags she brought to the porch with her and then walked inside the apartment once the door was open. She walked right into the room that was hers then dropped the bags off to the side of the room then went back out to where Cynthia was "is all your stuff inside or do you have more moving to do?" she asked. Her eyes looking over Cynthia and seeing a piece of her sisters blonde hair in her eyes she brought a hand up and moved the hair behind Cynthia's ear "sorry you know how hair in the eyes bug me, everyone needs to see those pretty eyes" she said as she looked around the apartment. "I only have a few more boxes I need to bring in then im done, I might need to take a nap in a bit, I have to work again tonight" she said looking away, knowing Cynthia was not a big fan of her job.

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Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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Although the words of her adopted sister do not technically tell her anything, Cynthia bites her lip slightly at the mention of a long night before smiling once more and opening the door for the two to go in, not wanting to stand outside for too long. Ainsley rejects the offer of food with a chipper smile, mentioning that she would like to bring in all of the extra boxes while there is still energy in her. Meanwhile, the blond young woman notices that her flatmate's pupils are slightly dilated. It could be from opening her eyes to the light so quickly, the girl assures herself, keeping up the smile and stepping into the apartment. She makes her way over to the kitchen and sets the paper bag of groceries down onto the marble counter top. As far as apartments within the duo's budget went, this one was really quite nice- it had been a bargain rental price, honestly, and Cynthia has been ecstatic to find it. "I just have one more box of things in my car. As you may guess, I moved in most of the stuff this morning- there really wasn't that much to bring in, honestly, and one of our new neighbors helped me carry the heavier stuff."

She blinks, slightly startled, when Ainsley suddenly reached out and tucked a piece of her golden hair behind her hear, commenting on Cynthia's eyes as she does so. For a brief moment, a look of panic flashes across the girl's face before she laughs lightly and begins to take the groceries out of the bag. She's my sister, damnit, the young woman reminds herself as she places the box of hot chocolate mix onto the table, her Dr. Pepper going right beside it. There is something seriously wrong with me. Oh, god. None of these thoughts are revealed on her carefully composed features as Cynthia looks back over at Ainsley while the dark-haired young woman begins to speak about more boxes, taking a nap, and. . . .her job. Cynthia tries not to, but she can't help but frown at the mention of Ainsley's job. Her sister, flatmate, and crush works as a prostitute to pay her student loans- a fact that nearly kills Cynthia each time she is reminded of it. They have had a few arguments over it but, though she wants to say something, Cynthia resolves not to start one here. Not in their new apartment. So she bites her tongue and continues to pull things out of the bag until it is empty, a tense silence falling over the room like a heavy blanket- uncomfortable and nearly suffocating.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Keller Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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Ainsley McKnight

Ainsley watched Cynthis for a few minutes as her sister emptied the bag of groceries, she noticed the hot chocolate and squealed, giving Cynthia a hug "im so glad you got the hot chocolate, I so have been craving it!" She then stepped back, it got really silent all of a sudden and the silence was making her fidgety, she couldn't stop fidgeting her fingers. In the bqck of her mind she knew it could be the drugs but she tried to not think about that. "Well I guess ill go finish um bringing in my things" she said kind of awkwardly.

She went outside and to her jeep where she picked up the last two boxes and brought them up to the apartment then into her room. Her furniture was mostly black and her sheets and blankets where white. She placed the boxes on the floor, deciding she would unpack her things later, she took out her phone and decided to text Lucas.

From: Ainsley
Hey you! Finally got all my sturf moved out of that dumpy aprtment. What are you up to?

After she sent the text, she put her phone in her pocket then went back out to the kitchen and grabbed the hot chocolate "I think I shall make some hot chocolate, Cyn do you know where the mugs are?" she asked as she started opening cupboard doors. As she looked for the mugs she tried to think of what she wanted to do for the day besides nap, she disnt have classes today but she wasn't up to do anything outside the apartment really. "Hey Cyn do you want to vegge out and watch movies with me today, I am not up to doing too much today. Unless you have plans, I could just ask if Lucas would want to come over" she was hoping Cynthia would say yes but if not she would just bug Lucas.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Keller Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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After the undeniably awkward pause, Ainsley makes an excuse to leave and is soon out the door in order to grab what is left in her car of her things for the apartment. Meanwhile, Cynthia sits down at a bar stool (they don't have a kitchen table, and thus the small kitchen bar of sorts will serve as one for them) to rest for a moment and take a long gulp of her own beverage. The drink burns the back of her throat as it goes down, as all sodas do, making her wince very slightly before setting down the bottle and screwing the plastic red cap back on. I'm not sure how great this arrangement is going to end up being. No, that isn't true. If anyone has self control, I do, she muses, not really being arrogant in this observation. Control is something that Cynthia is nearly addicted to or at least has this desperate need to possess after those years she spent tossed around foster homes at the whims of adults and social workers.

Her thoughts are cut off as Ainsley reenters the kitchen and picks up the box of hot chocolate mix, asking where the mugs are whilst looking through the cupboards. A bit of a perfectionist, Cynthia has made sure to unpack everything immediately and organize them flawlessly, tossing out or flattening down the boxes once their use has expired. "The mugs should be in the cabinet right next to the fridge- here," she is standing now, and reaches over Ainsley to grab a porcelain mug for the brunette young woman. The young woman has begun talking again, now asking if Cynthia would like to 'vegge out' and spend the day watching movies. Careful as she is, the blond young woman had made sure to clear her day unless there were issues with the move- making her effectively free for the rest of the day, something that has been rather rare recently. There are probably more pressing things that she could be doing, just to get them out of the way, with her free day, but Cynthia can't imagine any of them being more enjoyable than watching movies with Ainsley. Besides, she doesn't know who this 'Lucas' fellow is, and is embarrassingly jealous of the idea of Ainsley spending the day alone with him, watching movies. So her face breaks out into a pearly smile as the young woman nods.

"I'd love to.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Keller Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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When Cynthia reached across her to get a mug Ainsley smiled "Thanks sis, you did a hell of a job unpacking already. I woulda helped ya know" she said as she walked over to the fridge and took out the milk. She filled the mug with milk then put it in the microwave for three minutes. While waiting for the milk to heat she turned around and looked to Cynthia when she said "Id love to". She was now kinda bouncing in place as she felt a surge of energy go through her "Yay im excited, is here any movies you want to watch? I got some in my room you could take a look at if you want".

The microwave dinged letting her know it was done, she opened the door to the microwave and took out the mug. She then searched the drawers until she found where the silverware was and grabbed a spoon, which she then took two packets of hot cocoa and put it in the mug of hot milk. While she stirred the hot cocoa she felt her phone buzz which made her jump and spill some of the hot cocoa on her hand. "Damnit" she muttered as she put the mug onto the counter and waved the hand she burned in the air while she took out her phone with the other. She read the text and her eyes went wide and muttered "Damnit" again. She quickly used one hand to text Lucas back while she was waving the other hand in the air.

To: Lucas
WHAT DO YOU MEAN? LUCAS!!! Do you need help?! because ill bring my bat :P

She put her phone back in her pocket then looked at the red spot on her hand, after the sting started to go away she grabbed the hot chocolate and started to sip at it and ahe turned to look at Cynthia. "Do you want me to get the box in your car for you?" she asked as she fidgeted with the mug in her hand and was constantly moving her feet, she really hoped Cynthia didn't notice how fidgety she was but knowing her sister the girl probably would. She then started to think of something to tell her sister just in case the other girl asked.

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Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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"Hm. I'm in the mood for a bad horror movie- have anything of that variety?" Cynthia says with a smile, knowing that Ainsley will have know this anyway. After all, the blonde young woman has had an infatuation with horror movies that have tacky plots or wretched special effects. This is one preference that tends to surprise people when they first meet her, expecting the calm and put-together young woman to prefer something like dramas or documentaries, or something of a higher standard than ridiculously horrible massacre flicks and other things of the like. She leans against the counter and watches Ainsley as the girl burns herself twice on the hot chocolate, and then proceeds to pick up her phone and text a reply like a madwoman, a glint of amusement and curiosity in her eye, before Cynthia can even properly react to her flatmate's little injury. When the hand is free, she reaches out and takes it in her own, slightly larger although still slender, to examine the burn. Gently, she blows on it before glancing back up at Ainsley, "Does that hurt? Do you need some ice? I can get my own boxes."

What concerns her as well is the way that the brunette fidgets now, unable to keep still as though she is a child who has been sitting in time out for slightly too long. However, this seems different than Ainsley simply growing impatient with Cynthia- more of a hyperactive energy than anything else, prompting Cynthia to raise an eyebrow at her with a quizzical look in her eyes. "Ainsley, why are you fidgeting so much? Is something wrong?" She is still gently holding Ainsley's hand as she says this, not planning on letting go until an answer is given.

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Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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"Of course I have some b-rated horror flicks, we can make some..." Ainsley stopped talking when Cynthia grabbed her hand that she burned, she felt Cynthia blow on her hand which made a slight shiver go through her body. "Oh um I think my hand will be fine Cyn...just a cpuple small red spots.." she put her hot cocoa down and pointed with her shaky hand "See it will be fine worries". She was about to pull her hand away but Cynthia was holding on, then she heard Cynthia's question and she still has yet to come up with an excuse, well one thay Cynthia would believe. " see..." she looked around for an escape, something that would allow her to get out of this qlcertain situation. "Its um...oh I had coffee this morning and its just the caffeine" she said oftley quickly and she would be very lucky if Cynthia believed that. She wasn't sure what she was going to do in the future if her sister asked, she couldn't tell her older sister that she was taking drugs, especially that she is also a stripper. Her life was just starting and she was already on the lower part of the pole. She tried to pull her hand away "So about that want to go look at the collections of movies I have...we could make some popcorn and just chill for the day. I plan on changing into sweats so I can be comfy" she tried changing the topic of conversation so maybe her sisters focus would leave her fidgeting body.

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Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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Cynthia examines Ainsley's face skeptically as she explains that she has had a bit too much coffee this morning, and that this intake of caffeine is to blame for the restless nature that she is portraying. Besides, she knows that the young woman before her isn't a particularly big coffee drinker, though she hasn't ever shown a particular aversion to the beverage. What is she hiding? I hope that she is alright- does she just not want to be here? She appears to antsy, as though she is being cooped up here with me? The thought hurts the blonde young woman slightly, but she would never reveal the internal emotion, for that would risk showing some sort of negative emotion. Showing too much negativity poses the risk of being disliked, hated, abandoned, forgotten, or all of the above. That is why the girl has been keeping such emotions under wraps for several years now, even after being accepted into the loving McKnight family. In fact, the desire to appear perfect only grew under their care, for she couldn't stand the thought of disappointing them in any way, or not being good enough for the family who she viewed as saints of sorts, treating her as though she were one of their own daughters, as though she had a true blood link to them. Yes, Cynthia feels indebted to the McKnight family, and obligated to remain perfect and cheerful for their sake. Something which certainly does not include feeling anything more than sisterly affection for their daughter, she reminds herself harshly.

Ainsley draws her hand away, and now Cynthia allows her to do so, though the expression on her face remains slightly dubious about the rather shaky excuse which the girl before her had used to push the issue of her jittery nature to the side. The young woman sighs and brushes a loose strand of golden hair behind her pale ear, leaning back against the counter and curling her fingers around the edge of the marble tops. "Sure, I'll go look at the movies, and change into something more comfortable as well," she answers finally, planning on putting on either sweats or yoga pants and a T-shirt or something of that variety. Or maybe even putting on pajamas already, if they are planning on staying in for the rest of the day. "Come on, you can change while I look at them," Cynthia says casually, not wanting to make it seem as though anything is different about how she feels about Ainsley.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Keller Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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Ainsley noticed the look on her sisters face but she really couldn't tell Cynthia about the drugs, could she? Only one person knew and that was Lucas, he found out by accident. She needed something out of her glove department in her jeep and Lucas found the pills. She made him promise not to say anything, which he agreed but told her she needed to get help which she just ignored. Its been about a month since that day. She felt her phone buzz, opening it, she read the text and couldnt help but laugh. She quickly sent Lucas back a text.

To: Lucas
From: Ainsley
Ok you better. Cynthia is asking about my shaking, i told her it was cus of coffee but i dont think she believes me, what do i do??

She put her phone back in her pocket then heard Cynthia mention going to look at the movies and for her to change. She disn't think anything of it, she nodded her head "yeah lets go". She takes Cynthia's hand then heads to her room where she points to a crate that held many different movies, "you can find the movies in there" she said as she went to one of her boxes that was labled sleep clothes. She opened the box and started to go through it, flinging clothes on her bed until she found a pair of grey shorts, a sports bra, and a black tank top. She lays the clothes onto the bed then pulls off her shirt and bra, her back was towards Cynthia, and she put her sports bra and tanktop on then took off her jeans and put on the shorts. After she was done changing she turned around and smiled to Cynthia "Find anything yet? Oh and do we want to watch the movies in the living room or on my awesome bed? My tv would take just a couple minutes to set up" she said as she put her clothes back into the box then sit on her bed and bounced on it a bit as she looked at Cynthia.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Keller Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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Cynthia watches as Ainsley takes another text, eyes just barely catching the name of the sender and identifying it as a male. It could very likely be one of Ainsley's friends, she knows, especially as the blonde young woman doesn't really know any of them- she doesn't really know much about the friends of either sisters, except that her youngest sister was currently dating someone that, yeah, she didn't know. I really should know more about their social lives, but at the same time that kind of feels as though I'm being nosy, the young woman thinks slightly anxiously, though she quickly looks away from the phone when Ainsley looks back up at her. The brunette's attention turned back towards her, Cynthia merely smiles slightly at her before being tugged down the hallway to the bedroom which Ainsley had claimed for herself, which has the bed set up in it and a few boxes in various states of unpacked lying about. The young woman walks over to the designated crate to browse the selection, sifting through them before seeing something and turning to say something to her sister. Seeing Ainsley with her shirt off, her eyes widen very slightly and she hesitates just a tad longer than she should have before turning around and shaking her head. Your sister, you creep! she berates herself, a surprisingly common thing for the young woman- berating herself, that is.

"Yeah- how about this one?" Cynthia suggests, holding up a copy of a Horror-Comedy, The Gingerbread Man. She's seen it before, of course, and never ceases to enjoy how terribly ridiculous it is. The thought makes her smile, pushing thoughts from moments prior to the back of her mind as best the can. "Hm. We can watch it here, I guess. I want to go and change into some sweatpants first, though. Can you set it up while I change?" She places the movie down onto the bed top with a smile before disappearing into her own room to slide into gray sweatpants and a camisole. Right. You have to stop doing this, Cynthia- it's positively stupid and ridiculous, she scolds herself before walking towards the door, only to be stopped by the sight of her full-length mirror hanging from the door. The girl looks into it and sees a bloated image of herself, warped by her damaged perception of what she looks like. All the young woman can see is fat, when in reality she is fading away to be hardly more than skin and bones, hidden behind jackets and thick tights.

I need to lay off the soda, it's fattening, she thinks, pinching her hip with a look of disgust on her face, subconsciously reminding herself that no one will love or accept her if she isn't perfect. With a sigh, the young woman walks back into Ainsley's room and sits down onto the bed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cynthia McKnight Character Portrait: Ainsley McKnight
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Ainsley looks at the movie Cynthia chose and nodded her head "Excellent choice there my dear, ill get the tv and stuff hooked up while you change". When Cynthia left the room Ainsley went ahead and put her 36 inch tv on her small shelf with the dvd player. She hooker up the tv and dvd player and put the movie in. When it was all set and she just had to push play she went out to the kitchen and searched for some popcorn, which she found, and put it in the microwave. She waited the couple minutes for it to pop, once it was done she found a bowl and dumped the popcorn in the bowl.

She headed back to the room and saw Cynthia sitting on the bed, she couldn't help but look over her sister Shes pretty but has she gotten skinnier she shook her head because for one Cynthia wouldn't go down that road again...would she? When Cynthia was dealing with her anorexia it hit Ainsley hard because she wanted to help her sister but had no way of knowing how. She sighed a bit then went back into the room and settled down on the bed, propping herself up with pillows, she presses play with the remote. Looking over at Cynthia she patted the spot next to her "come on and relax Cyn, have some popcorn" she said with a smile then put a couple pieces in her mouth.