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Kuze Honoro

I'm reading this book about Anti-Gravity. I can't put it down!

0 · 335 views · located in Los Angles CA

a character in “The trials of Love”, as played by Lorrim


Name: Kuze Honoro

Age: 19


Roles : Boy 2

Likes :
  1. The Library
  2. Video Games
  3. Puns
  4. Anime (Specifically ones with Romance as the main theme)

  1. Rejection
  2. Bullies
  3. People who do not act themselves







So begins...

Kuze Honoro's Story


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Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro
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#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

Scritch, Scratch, click click, Scratch, Scratch

Only the sounds of mechanical pencils could be heard within the Honors Chemistry class. It sounded like a symphony, with the scratch's forming the melody, and the clicks' forming the harmony. However, each instrument eventually stopped playing, as the musician holding the pencil needed to ponder his or her answer.

Of course, each instrument except Kuze Honoro's. His pencil was like a metronome. Constantly keeping the same beat, never slowing down, never wavering. Kuze was well aware of this fact, and the tip of his mouth curved up slightly.

He knew, and he loved it.

Finally completing the last problem, he put his pencil down, pushed up his glasses with his index finger, and looked up at the clock.

"I managed to finish an hour before class ended. Interesting..." Kuze thought to himself.

Kuze took off his glasses, and wiped them with his handkerchief. His glasses weren't dirty at all. He just used it as an excuse to swiftly look at his neighbors test to gauge how far he is into it. He nearly dropped them, when he noticed that said neighbor only just finished the multiple choice.

"Or multiple guess, in his case."

Kuze smiled and mentally patted himself on the back for that joke. But the smile quickly disappeared when he realized that he has a whole hour to kill before lunch break.

"And I need to ask the professor a question about this homework problem too..." Kuze shrugged. "Oh's not due for another week anyway"

Heaving a very large, but silent sigh, Kuze carefully, and with ninja-like technique so no one would notice, took out his PsP and resumed his game, Persona 3 Portable. He didn't even bother looking around at his other classmates. He just assumed everyone else was where his neighbor was on the test. And that was the only thing that interested him.

"It's not like there are any cute girls in this class anyway..."

Ten minutes before class was over, Kuze decided to turn his test in. He normally waits until everyone else leaves before turning in exams because he hates the inevitable glares from his peers that seem to burrow into the back of his head. But Kuze felt something different today. Maybe it was because he manged to finish his exam eons before anyone else in his class did. Maybe it was because he manged to gain a level on his character during the past 50 minutes.

"Or maybe I'm just really friggen' hungry...Yea, that's definitively it." thought Kuze, as his stomach proceeded to rumble.

As Kuze turned in his Exam, he noticed the Professor working on a Syllabus for his main job, which is teaching Inorganic Chemistry at the local University. He just nodded at Kuze as he placed the exam face down on his desk. Kuze gave a very slight bow, and walked out of the classroom. Before he crossed the door's threshold however, he manged to steal one last glance at his classmates. All of them were still working on the exam.

Quietly closing the door behind him, Kuze announced, while walking towards the courtyard,

Whelp. Better head to that vending machine before a line starts to form.

{Heya guys! This is my first time Roleplaying and my first Post, so go easy on me XD I look forward to interacting with all of you! *bows*}


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

Kuze proceeded to his favorite vending machine near the courtyard. His mind was focused on getting his favorite drink, Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey. Nothing else mattered to him. Especially not the mindless drones that consider themselves Kuze's fellow school mates. When the machine was within eye sight, Kuze smiled like an idiot when he discovered that the normally monumental line was not present.

After putting in the $1.50 and grabbing his delicious Green Tea, Kuze tipped his head upwards, put the bottle to his lips, and greedily took a large swig. But...something made him stop abruptly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of bright yellow.

"No, not yellow. Blonde, maybe?" Kuze mused to himself.

Kuze lowered the bottle to investigate who almost ran into him. What he immediately saw first was an outstretched hand. It was slightly tanned, and well manicured. There were some calluses as well.

"This person probably does some kind of outdoor sport..." Kuze thought to himself. "Great. Another athletic meat head that is out to get me."

Kuze's gaze followed the person's arm upward, taking note of the well toned muscles and the fair, feminine skin.

"Wait...feminine? As in, this outstretched hand belongs to a girl?!"

His eyes quickly snapped to the person's face, only to be assaulted by a dazzling smile. Any composure Kuze had before now was shattered. Kuze's whole body jerked, and he staggered backwards slightly. Despite the attack, his eyes were glued to this smile. It was around this time that he noticed the mouth was moving, but Kuze could hear no sound escape.

"Holy Hell! Is she talking to me? Idiot. Of course she is! Come on, say something suave and intelligent!" Kuze thought, as he mentally tried to tell his body to respond.

Hew-wooah. Wice to wheat you

"Wait. That doesn't sound like me at all...What's going on!!!"

Kuze felt something wet slither down his shirt. As his gaze went downward, a look of horror was clearly etched into his face. Splattered all over the person's hands was the Green Tea he had in his mouth that he forgot to swallow. He knew, because the dark green of his drink contrasted a lot with her skin.

He instantly dropped the bottle, spilling whatever was left of his Green Tea on the floor, and reached into his pocket for his handkerchief, and started drying the person's hands. But, he then stopped, after realizing what he is currently doing.

"What in the World are you doing, Kuze?! Stop what you're doing, and get out of there now!"

Kuze left his handkerchief in the girl's hands, all but forgetting about it, and then bowed deeply in apology, to hide his burning cheeks.

S-Sorry! But hey, look on the bright side. At least it d-didn't go down your shirt and get your nice b-boobs wet!

Kuze visually winced at his own poor, tasteless joke. He turned around, and briskly walked in a different direction. He didn't care where he went. Just as long as it was far away from his current position. Thankfully, the Bell rang, indicating the start of the next period, and Kuze was able to lose himself in the crowd of students commuting to their next class.

{Feel free to describe the handkerchief, if you wish ^^. My only request is that, if you do, make it look really nerdy. Thanks!}


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Collin Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu Character Portrait: Myra Lennings
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#, as written by ceh12
" Oh h hello Myra. Yes a coincidence indeed , um just asking but are you following me? " he wanted her somewhat gone she was starting to annoy him. He say Blake talking to a guy as he tried to wipe her hand off after something was spilled. He heard him mention something about boobs and he face palmed. He instantly knew he was the nerd destined to go with Blake. " Oh Cupid help me. " he said in his head as Cibrrus fluttered down only one head as she landed on Collin's shoulders. She screeched at Myra and put the pouch on Collin's belt. She screeched again and Collin rubbed her head. "Ciberus please be nice. " Collin said as he tried to calm his pet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro


Kuze nearly jumped when he heard the girl's voice. He turned around, and his eyes widened. Kuze once again was caught off guard, and it left him completely defenseless to the girl's placement of his handkerchief into his hands. Kuze knew it was his, because embroidered into it, in blue, was his favorite Physics Equation, the Doppler Effect.

You kinda left in a hurry. I'm Blake, by the way. I really didn't catch your name.

"Fate sure has a cruel way of making me face my demons..." Kuze thought to himself. He then attempted to regain his composure by pushing up his glasses with his index finger, and said,

Well, that makes s-sense. You can't catch a name. That's just s-silly!

Kuze instantly regretted making that smart-ass joke.

A-anyway...My name is Kuze Honoro. Thanks for returning this. You could say it really comes in handy
Kuze flashed a quick smile, in hopes this lame pun would shadow over his earlier smart-assery.

I'm actually on my way to the l-library. So I need to get going...

As Kuze said this, his body was already turned into the direction of the school's library.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

"That's the second time she shifted her books...are they that heavy...?"

...Trig homework

"Wait...did she say she has Trig homework!? Kuze, that's it! This is how you can redeem yourself! Alright, compose yourself. Don't screw this up!"

Kuze cleared his throat, straightened his back, and then adjusted his glasses.

Very well. Since our destinations are the same, allow me to at least carry your books. You seem to be struggling...
Kuze said, mustering as much confidence as he could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Collin Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu Character Portrait: Myra Lennings
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#, as written by ceh12
Collin ignored Myra's question and shrugged "I guess you could call her exotic. " he said as he smiled a bit Ciberus cooed and shrieked at Myra. "Go home Ciberus Ill feed you later. " the bird snarled and flew away before squawking at Myra once more. "Well I must be leaving I have something I must do. " he said as he sped past her to the library.

He wanted to keep an eye on the boy and Blake they were supposed to be together and he wanted to make sure the boy didn't screw it up. He got there quickly and sat down after a few minutes the librarian screamed at him to read something or leave. He went to the mythology section and saw a book with the spine saying Cupid. Collin quickly grabbed the book and sat back down. He found the book very wrong from what he had been told. He kept reading ignoring the world around him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Collin Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

Kuze did a mental "Boo yah!" when Blake allowed him to carry her text books. But, he was surprised at how heavy it was.

Wow. I don't remember the Math Textbook being this heavy when I took that class...

Kuze raised the corner of his lips slightly.

I guess the years have really added up
Kuze laughed at his own pun.

By the time he realized it, they were already in front of the entrance to the library.

"Wow, time really fluctuates when I'm with Blake" Kuze thought.

L-ladies first!
Kuze said, as he opened the door for Blake.

"Damn...don't lose it now Kuze! You're almost in your sanctuary, the School Library. Your Fortress of Solitude! The place where you go to calm your nerves! The place where you Aw crap."

When Kuze finally realized what has transpired, all confidence has left every fiber of his being. He even managed to shiver, despite the warm LA heat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Collin Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

Kuze saw Blake smile that dazzling smile once again when she crossed the threshold into the library, and his legs near turned to Jell-o. He managed to walk over to a table however, and set her textbooks down. She immediately sat down at the table, cracked open the Math textbook, and asked

Hey...Do you understand any of this?

Kuze flashed a "Of-course-I-do,Who-do-you-think-I-am" kind of look. But only for an instant. He smiled, nodded, and said

Well, it has been a few years since I have taken Trigonometry...Let me take a look.

As Kuze walked over, he was then hit with a certain dilemma. The table Blake was sitting at had four seats, two on each side. One seat she was obviously sitting in. The other seats were diagonal from her, across from her and

"...Next to her."

Kuze gulped. His body got stiff, and he awkwardly approached the table, and put his hand on the chair next to Blake.

...And then proceeded to sit in the chair across from her.

"Coward." Kuze told himself.

He just shook his head, straightened his back, and took Blake's book. Kuze then proceeded to scan through the book.

Of course, he wasn't actually reading any of the content on the pages. Kuze could recite the Laws of Sines, Cosines, and Tangents in his sleep. He was just giving himself time to calm down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

You can read upside down?


Kuze could feel a part of his brain break. It must have been the circuit controlling blood to his face, because he could feel his cheeks redden. Kuze coughed, and pushed up his glasses, to hide his face.

O-Of course I can! When you're in my position, you need to find new methods to study! And reading upside-down is a way to focus on the information better! Also, studies have shown tha-

Blake's leg lightly brushed into his. Kuze felt like a giant frog lodged itself into his larynx, preventing him from speaking any further.

I don't bite you know...So, do you think you can teach me?

"She's getting closer...And I'm pretty sure her legs are right next to mine..." thought Kuze to himself. "I need to distract myself...Keep my mind off Blake"

Kuze then smiled to himself as a brilliant idea formed.

Y-yeah. Of course I can teach you. Here. Allow me to do a few problems first.

Kuze then took out his notebook, picked the scariest looking problem in the book, and started working on it. On the notebook's cover was a picture of Kuze's favorite Romance Anime, ef - a tale of memories, but he was too engrossed in the problem to be embarrassed about it.

Oh! This is just simply a Law of Tangents function. It is hard to see here because you have to use one of the Trig identities here. Another round-a-bout way of doing it, which I don't recommend you doing because you probably can't handle it, but I personally find it fun, is to use Euler's formula here. Fun fact about Euler, he...

As each minute passed of Kuze doing trig problems and talking to, essentially himself, for he was fully immersed in his own world at this point, he felt more and more at ease.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu Character Portrait: Myra Lennings
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

Is that any where near correct?

When Kuze heard Blake say this, he jumped up in his chair slightly, causing his legs to graze Blake's again. This slight touch brought Kuze back to Earth. He looked down at his notebook, and saw that he had just finished his tenth Trig problem. Kuze smiled to himself. He loved flexing his mental muscles. But he suddenly got really annoyed.

"Who would dare interrupt my streak like this...?"

Kuze turned his head, and saw Blake's notebook. He then remembered he wasn't alone.

What? You only completed one problem so far? Well...As long as it's right it doesn't matt-"
Kuze stopped mid sentence. The problem was horribly wrong.

The annoyance within Kuze swelled. He felt that his intelligence was being slighted.

Look, if you're just going to waste my time, I'm better off doing something more productive. Of course, I shouldn't expect anymore from a meat headed, athletic blonde like y-

Kuze instantly put his right hand to cover his mouth. His eyes slowly moved from Blake's notebook to her head, and the look of frustration and effort was clear on her face.

"Why did I say that...? She is clearly trying her hardest. Damn my ego..."

Kuze abruptly stood up and stuffed all his belongings into his bag. Normally he takes his time placing his things in his bag so it maximizes the volume of his backpack, but he didn't care. He then looked at his wrist, which had no watch on it at all, and said

O-oh. Look at the time! I n-need to go dinner and make home. I m-mean, make dinner at home.

Smooth. Kuze mentally punched himself.

Kuze went straight for the exit of the library, keeping his gaze glued to his shoes. When he got to the door, he did manage to turn his head in Blake's direction, keeping his eyes towards the floor, and say

I'm s-sorry...

When the door closed behind him, he started dashing towards his house. On the way, he bumped into a few other people, all of which whispered curses at him. He also saw this girl trying to climb through a person's window. Although it caused Kuze to raise an eyebrow, he had more important things to worry about than this person's lack of common sense.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Collin Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Collin figured if Bae knew other people would probably know as well. " Blake listen he does care about you. " he pulled out his scroll and pointed to the picture of her and Kuze hand in hand. " He isn't able to talk to girls by nature. He is nervous and egotistical. That doesn't mean he's heartless mean monster it just means he has something that makes him human. He is flawed as so are you. See this picture it is you and him together it is true and he does love you. "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Collin Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu Character Portrait: Myra Lennings
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Collin smiled "She's easier than Bae " he said in his head. Ciberus flew onto Blake's shoulder and cooed happily, she was her sweetest when complemented. " I'll be sure to thank him but he isn't the best boss especially now." he sighed and sat back down and flashed himself with the powder reverting his wings. " You see he doesn't believe in the humans love right now and is threatening to destroy his arrows of love. If he does the world will fall into choas and everyone will have no incentive or mercy allowing them to kill anyone which will destroy the world slowly." he grabbed his scroll and put it back in his pocket. "You see I made a bet with him that I can get three of the hardest cases in this age." he spotted Myra and shuddered. "I have to get all of you together but there is a problem with each and a mortal who wants me. She has already seen my wings but she doesn't understand why yet. Oh well besides the point you must be with Kuze to save the world. He is nice just a bit shy around women. He hasn't experienced love not even fake-love unlike you." he said slightly agitated at the end.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

Kuze finally reached his house.

I'm home!

Kuze said, without much enthusiasm, as he entered his home. Why would he? He lives alone, since his parents are both working overseas. Since he consistently brings home good grades, they have complete faith in him.

"Faith? In me?" Kuze laughed. "I just made fun of a person who was genuinely trying to learn. That is no better than the very people who bully me "

I'm such a Hypocrite...
whispered Kuze.

He dragged himself into bed, his appetite forgotten. This was the first time all day that the world around him wasn't a complete vortex of confusion. Kuze covered his eyes with his right arm as he lay in bed, simply trying to understand what has happened, all in the course of one day. Then, everything kind of hit him at once.

I...Like Blake.
Kuze softly said to himself.

Kuze started laughing. Almost like a maniac. He then jumped out of bed with a renewed energy that even he himself didn't understand and quickly reached into the very bowels of his desk drawer, retrieving the High School Year book. Normally, Kuze isn't into cheesy, High School mementos, but he liked keeping track of all the people that bullied him, so in the future, he can rub it in their faces when he becomes a doctor or something.

But this time, he wasn't looking for an ego boost. He turned to the "Sports and Organization" section, and quickly found what he was looking for. He then began to work.

While finishing up his secret project and placing it in his bag, he heard a loud Tap Tap on his window.

Now what is tap tap tapping. As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber window.

Kuze smiled at his little reference as he went to inspect his window. He only briefly saw a bird fly away, but in it's place was a letter. Curious as to who still delivers messages via messenger...whatever that avian was, he opened and read the letter.

"Dear Mr. Honoro,
You have been invited to romantic evening with me. You know me and I know you, so please come by the pier at seven pm. I will reveal myself then.

...You're joking right? You don't honestly believe that I will listen to this letter delivered by some strange bird, do you?

Of course, at this point, Kuze realized he was talking to an inanimate piece of paper. He just face palmed himself.

"Screw it. Who knows? Maybe it will end up like my Romance Animes, and I will get to meet my Destined One, who miraculously just happens to be a stunning beauty, and we will all live happily ever after."

Although Kuze smiled wistfully as he said this, he had a strange, knot-like feeling in his chest.

Well...A guy can hope.

Kuze gathered his bag, and made his way toward the pier, processing each and every possible scenario in his head about what could happen when he arrived.

Of course, every scenario except the one he was about to face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

As Kuze approached the pier, he clearly saw the outline of a person sitting on the edge, with their back towards him. Kuze also noticed that said mysterious person was wearing a dress.

"Don't get your hopes up yet Kuze...It could totally be a guy. Just because it's Chic doesn't mean it's a Chick"

Kuze was clearly nervous, after thinking up that lame-ass joke.

Every scenario he thought of before, and how he was supposed to act, went straight out the window. All he could do was just put one foot in front of the other. But, why was he so nervous?

Is it because this mysterious person could actually be Kuze's destined one?
Is it because he was about to find out what the heck "S.A" actually means?
Or is it because this person might actually be a Psycho killer?

"No...It's none of those."
Kuze thought to himself, giving a weak smile.

The reason why Kuze was so nervous was because this mysterious person wasn't so mysterious. He knew it was going to be Blake, the minute he read that sketchy letter. The whole time, until now, Kuze was just making up excuses, trying to convince himself it wasn't going to be Blake.

But seeing her sitting there only confirmed his fear.

"Perhaps Fear isn't the right word... Anxiety maybe?"

He just shook his head vigorously, as if trying to dispel all irrelevant thought.

Despite Kuze getting closer and closer to Blake, it seemed to him that the pier was getting longer and longer, almost purposefully stretching itself to prolong this already eternal moment. But Kuze didn't mind so much. He took the time to observe Blake and her surroundings.

If Kuze had to describe the atmosphere in two words, it would be Hauntingly Beautiful. The moon was full, and was perfectly reflected in the water. This caused the water to illuminate, casting its light on Blake. It made her blonde hair look white, and her fair skin look translucent. The red dress she was wearing served only to contrast the ghost-like qualities aforementioned. The moon made it look a dark, deep red. Like blood. But it didn't make Blake look frightening. Quite the opposite, actually. Instead of repelling him, it almost had an alluring effect.

Fortunately, Kuze did eventually make it to Blake. He was so close, in fact, that he could have simply reached out his hand and caressed her delicate cheek. But he chose not to. Instead, he sat down, back-to-back with Blake, and crossed his legs.

This is going to sound peculiar, maybe even straight up mental, but Please don't turn around...and Humor me for a bit.

Kuze was shocked at how stable his voice was when he said this. This caused him to chuckle a bit.

A lot has happened in one day...Hasn't it?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

Oh? ...Well, I guess you don't need this then.

Kuze opened his bag, and retrieved the special project he was working on. It was a notebook, compiled with hand picked Trig problems tailored specifically for Blake's needs. And on the cover, was Blake's picture.

He scratched his head, slightly embarrassed, and said
It took me a while to find a good picture...not because you're not photo-genic or hard to find. No, quite the opposite in fact. You were practically on every other page in the year book!

Kuze cleared his throat, and his voice got a little more serious.

Blake, I was specifically searching for a picture of you not in your cheer costume, or with the other cheer leaders. The reason, which is also the reason why I don't want us to turn around, is because I came to Like you for who you actually are, not what you do, or what image some stupid cliche forced upon you.

He started laughing again, smiling as though a great weight has been lifted.

"You're so simple, Kuze. You only said that you liked her, and you feel this much at ease?"

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't exactly know the real you, since we have only just met. Maybe the Cheer Leader image and Popular Girl stereotype is actually you. But the point I'm trying to make is that you have the potential to be a lot more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

"I guess I really am just another meat head..."

Blake's words echoed through Kuze's mind, and each time it repeated, the pain in his heart got exponentially more agonizing.

I...didn't mean to call you that, at that time. I'm honestly very sorry

Kuze said, with as much sincerity in his voice as possible.

But, that is water under the bridge now. I now know I was wrong, and I am currently more concerned about the present, and about the future.

Kuze closed his eyes, and leaned backwards slightly, resting the back of his head on Blake's.

...A future I hope to see more of you in, Ms. Blake Van De Blu

Kuze said, in the most silent of whispers.

But, he might as well screamed it in a megaphone, because the lake was dead still, and no other movement or sound was being made, except Kuze's own loud beating heart.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

Kuze stood up slowly, without a word, and pretended to dust himself off. He made sure to make as much noise as possible to mask his rambunctious heart.

As he sat down next to Blake, he manged to keep his gaze towards the horizon. But the temptation was too much. He stole a glance at Blake.

Kuze held his breath.

What he saw was something out of Fairy Tales. Blake's hair framed her face very well, and Kuze's gaze was naturally drawn to her gorgeous eyes. He held the stare for a split second but quickly averted his eyes.

Instead, he stared back at the horizon and said, in a very serious face,

...You thief. You stole my breath away

Kuze then felt his cheeks heat up as he said this lame, cheesy joke. He pretended to push up his glasses, to hide his face.

"This seems to be a habit whenever I'm around her..." Kuze noticed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

Something about you makes me very nervous, Kuze...

Kuze's body felt like an electric jolt coursed through it.

You get nervous around me?

Kuze said, a little to forcibly.

He was too surprised by Blake's statement that he didn't notice that his eyes were transfixed on her face. But this time, not matter how much Kuze willed his eyes to retreat back to the horizon, they just didn't.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

To be honest...I don't remember that at all. Sorry...

Kuze said, scratching the back of his head.

And...I apologize about my lashing out back then. I was actually in a bad mood at the time because I didn't want to work with anyone. So, if it makes you feel any better, I would have been that way with everyone

Kuze laughed nervously.

...I guess I really haven't changed much since then. I've always been a ruthless person whenever it came to academia. I wanted to be the best, and I wanted to do it with my own hands.

Kuze made a fist with his right hand as he said this. It was a fist full of Tension. Anger. Frustration. But, this time, it wasn't directed towards his peers. It was directed

"At me..." Kuze mentally said.

But then, the tightness of his fist melted away. Almost as if it was just magic'ed away. Kuze looked down, and saw the cause.

It was Blake's hand.

But now you've grown up from there, and you're more cute. You're handsome, brilliant...kinda a dream come true...but if you don't feel that way, I get it. I mean, who really wants to date a cheerleader?

Blake's words initially fell on deaf ears. Kuze was too engrossed in her hands and their ability to relax Kuze so. But as her words slowly sunk in, a monstrous feeling awoke inside him.

You're right, Blake. I don't want to date a cheerleader.

He suddenly grasped her hand with both of his, and looked intently into Blake's eyes, his nervousness and hesitation gone.

I want to date Blake Van De Blu, the person who is more than that.


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Character Portrait: Kuze Honoro Character Portrait: Blake Van De Blu
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#, as written by Lorrim
Kuze Honoro

You mean that?

As Blake said this, she showed Kuze a peculier smile, but not in a bad way. Kuze is usually starstuck by Blake's smile, because it showed off her beauty. But this time, the effect wasn't the same. Kuze felt like Blake was showing a little but of her true self. A warm feeling arose within Kuze.

He stood up, and stared right into Blake's eyes.

"Of course I mean it," Kuze said.

He took a deep breath, and said, with as much confidence as he can muster, "Blake, will you go out with me?"

There. I said it.

As he stood there, legs slightly apart to keep his balance because, let's face it, despite his outer appearance, Kuze's innards might as well be made of butterflys.