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Henrietta Marquette

"Super humans? 'Zombies'? This isn't real; this is stuff that belongs on TV!"

0 · 804 views · located in Post apocalyptic Earth

a character in “The Uninfected”, as played by Kura Ravengade


"People call me a coward, but I'm scared for a really, really good reason."
Sadame || X


"You can say that I've grown up fast."

| Full Name |
Henrietta Jacqueline Marquette
{Pronounced MARR-QWAY}
"All parts of my name are really girly. Call me Henry or Jackie!"

| Role |

| Nicknames and Aliases |

| Gender |

| Age |

| Birthday |
April 1st

| Sexual Orientation |

| Scent |

| Accent |

| Nationality |

| Romantic Interest |

| Ethnicity |
3/4 French, 1/4 German

| Social Class |

| Occupation |
Paper Route

| Former Place of Residence |

| Oddities |



"Looks aren't everything you know."

| Hair Color |
Sandy Blonde

| Hair Style |

| Hair Length |

| Skin Tone |

| Complexion |

| Eye Color |
Icy Blue

| Height

| Weight |

| Body Type |

| Build |

| Tattoos |

| Piercings |

| Birthmarks/Scars |


"Why won't you look at me?"

| Personality |


| Morals |
~ Honesty
~ Have Courage
~ Keep Promises
~ Be Loyal
~ Do Not Judge

| Likes |
~ Cookies
~ Music
~ Archery
~ Baseball
~ Soccer
~ Football
~ Cotton Candy
~ Anything Sweet
~ Weeping Willows
~ Snow
~ Rain
~ Waterfalls
~ Nature
~ Babies
~ Animals

| Dislikes |
~ The Dark*
~ Water*
~ Sour Food
~ Clowns*
~ School
~ Forming Attachments*
~ Abandonment*
~ Thunder*
~ Yelling
~ Spiders*
* = Fear


"I might be just a kid, but talents develop early on in life."

| Powers |

| Talents |
~ Music (Piano, Violin, Cello, Vocals, Flute, Spacedrum)
~ Baseball
~ Athletics (running)
~ Soccer
~ Multilingual (English and French; Speaks enough English to get by, but not a lot)
~ Archery

| Hobbies |
~ Music
~ Sports
~ Archery

| Flaws |
~ Innocent
~ Fearful
~ Sensitive
~ Speaks only some English

| Weaknesses |
~ Babies
~ Animals
~ Being Yelled At

| Strengths |
~ Sports
~ Archery


"Out of everything ... I just ... Wanted you to notice me ... See me ... Acknowledge my existence. I'm here, right? I'm alive? I'm not just imagining this, am I?"

| History |

| Weapons |
Compound Bow

| Other |

| Face Claim |
Brighton Sharbino

"I don't want to die ... Please ... Don't let me die."

So begins...

Henrietta Marquette's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivy Archer Character Portrait: Jack Dukes Character Portrait: Astraea Huntington Character Portrait: Perry Charming Character Portrait: Melanie Rodriguez Character Portrait: Henrietta Marquette
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0.00 INK

Note: I'm making this a quick post, especially since I'm writing for two characters, so Astraea's going to be a bit choppy and short.

"You could say that I'm a little fucked up."

Dialogue Color: #4C0B5F

Astraea didn't sleep after everyone else disappeared into the house. Ivy blew up at her and the others, pulled another man into their little group of survivors, and then disappeared into the house, while Mr. Adonis followed suit and had a temper tantrum once inside. Melanie vanished also, and the new guy was wise not to attempt to speak to her. Instead, he too went inside, leaving her alone on the porch - just as she wanted to be.


Always alone.

*Short Time Skip*

The sound of Ivy scrambling out of bed brought Astraea to her full attention. She had been sitting on the porch, watching for anything odd, for about three hours at that point. It was still dark outside, around two in the morning, and the rest of hell was breaking loose.

Launching up from her rocking chair, Astraea looked out into the distance. Throughout the darkened town, which was approximately six miles away, she could see moving, glowing orbs. Her ears twitched as she caught the gruff sounds of men speaking, just barely picking up their words, and when Ivy's voice entered her mind, her assumption was made into reality.

Those men were the ones sent to exterminate them.

She had barely enough time to grab her bag before Big Guy appeared, whispering for her to grab the truck. A curt nod later and she tossed a hammer to Mr. Adonis, who was standing there gawking, seemingly unable to process anything in his sleepy state.

"Get moving or you'll get left behind," she whispered. Tossing her bag over her shoulder, she flipped over the railing of the deck, landing with a soft thump, and took off to the truck. When she jumped in, she quickly hot wired it - Big Guy conveniently forgot to hand her the keys - before taking off to the end of the drive, headlights flicked off.

Since she had woken up, her senses had been ... More prominent. She no longer needed light in the darkness, and could hear and see more things than before. It would be helpful then, seeing as they had to make a quick yet discreet get away - meaning no lights in the dark.

Once everyone had made it into the truck, she took off, making sure to keep the truck silent and the headlights off. Instead of heading directly towards town, she moved onto the back roads, twining on small roads that weren't even roads, hidden in the trees and barely large enough for the truck. She could hear the soldiers growing closer to the farm, the apartment explosion turning out to be a bust for them. As soon as they reached the outskirts of town, the soldiers had already left it.

"I'd say that I'm mourning my parents, but that would be an overstatement ... How can I mourn a loss that I don't feel?"

Dialogue Color: #0404B4

"Maman, où est papa?" *Mama, where is Daddy?*

"Arrêtez de parler, Astrée. Votre voix me dérange." *Stop talking, Astraea. Your voice annoys me.*

"Mais il aurait dû être la maison maintenant. Où est-il? Je veux lui montrer la nouvelle chanson que je appris pour mon violon." *But he should've been home by now. Where is he? I want to show him the new song that I learned for my violin.*

"Quand je vous dis d'arrêter de parler? Dois-je vous mettre dans cette pièce à nouveau?" *Didn't I tell you to stop talking? Do I have to put you in that room again?*

"... Non, maman. Je vais me comporter ..." *No, mama. I'll behave myself ...*


Blinking awake, Henry lay on the dirty floor for several moments, her breathing heavy and her face itchy from dried tears. The tears weren't caused by the scene of her parents slaughter, but instead by the fear of her own impending death.

It was only a matter of time before the monsters would find her, and she would be dead.

Lights flashed through the basement windows, causing her to lift her head and look tiredly out of them. The sounds of cars moving past the house slowly registered in her mind before she shot up, quickly scrambling to her feet. The pounding on the door to the basement had yet to cease, the monsters obviously determined to get to her, so instead of heading towards the stairs, she ran to the cellar door that led to the outside. Peaking out through the crack between them, her breathing loud and heavy, she scanned as much of the area as she could see to survey through the little slit. When she took it to be all clear, she adjusted the small dagger that was in her back pocket, grabbed her bow and quiver, and slowly opened the cellar doors. Once outside, she shut and latched them, an arrow notched in her bow as she slowly crept away from it.

It was then that one of the monsters broke through the nearby trees, causing her to jump. The monster was fast - faster than the others, and was quickly closing the distance between them before she managed to pull out of her frightened stupor and take off. There was no time to shoot it, only time to run. However, as soon as she reached the street, she found herself confronted by a swarm of them. Stumbling back and nearly losing her balance, she looked for any sign of the lights that she had seen through the window. Not finding any, she stood there, bouncing in place for a moment, before taking off towards the trees in desperation.

Branches slapped her face, her legs, her back, tearing through her clothes and skin. Tears dripped down her cheeks, stinging her new cuts. The sounds of the monsters were slowly falling further and further behind her as they fell and ran into trees and bushes.

She reached a break in the trees and shot out onto the path, only to find a truck barreling towards her. Her eyes went wide and she quickly threw her hands up in front of her face, crying out in surprise and fear.

"I only bite a little."

Dialogue Color: #4C0B5F

"We'll head to my family's mansion. It's the closest safe place, and since the soldiers already raided the town, we won't have to worry about them coming back there," Astraea said, navigating the twisting path with an expertise unbeknownst to most. "As soon as we reach there, we'll have to- Shit!"

Jerking the steering wheel and slamming hard on the breaks, the truck's gears shrieked as it quickly stopped, sliding sideways until it was horizontal across the road.

Standing a mere few inches from the truck was a young girl, dirty and bleeding, with a frightened expression on her face.

"What the Hell ... What's a kid doing out in the middle of the forest?" she asked aloud, not really expecting an answer. Throwing open the door, she dropped from the truck and quickly approached the young girl, her hands raised to show that she meant no harm. The sounds of the undead tracking through the forest were growing closer and closer, giving her very little time to convince the child she meant no harm.

"What are you doing out here? Are you okay?"

The girl simply looked at her, her fear obvious on her face, mixed with a bit of confusion.

"Qui es-tu? Qu'est ce que tu veux? S'il vous plaît, ne me faites pas de mal!" *Who are you? What do you want? Please, don't hurt me!*

"French ...? You're French ...? You're French," Astraea murmured. Shaking her head, she moved closer to the girl, her hands still held up. "Je vais répondre à vos questions plus tard, mais pour le moment , nous ne pas avoir le temps de parler . Je ne vais pas te faire de mal , mais si vous ne recevez pas dans le camion dès maintenant, vous allez finir par attraper par ceux ... Les choses." *I'll answer your questions later, but right now, we don't have time to talk. I'm not going to hurt you, but if you don't get into the truck right now, you're going to end up caught by those ... Things.*

The girl seemed to hesitate, before rushing past her towards the truck, just as one of the infected broke through the trees and began to limp towards them. Flipping out her sickle, she slashed it towards its head, making quick work of decapitating it. As she turned, more of them began to appear onto the path. She quickly closed the distance between her and the truck, lifting the girl and tossing her onto the passenger's lap, and flipped into the driver's seat. Slipping the truck into drive, she slammed on the gas pedal before taking off, driving the vehicle directly into the infected in their way. Once they were out of immediate danger, she cast a glance at the girl, who had moved from the lap of the person in the passenger side of the seat to in between the two of them.

"I don't know if she can speak any English, or if she's just in a panic right now and forgot what English she knew, but right now she can't speak to anyone unless they know French. So for now, just try to keep her calm in any way you can, understood?" she asked her passenger. "Est ce que ça va? Comment t'appelles tu?" *Are you okay? What's your name?*

The girl sniffled, lifting her hand to rub at her eyes and the other to push her torn shirt to her running nose.

"Je m'apelle Henrietta, et je suis bien. Juste quelques coupes." *My name is Henrietta, and I'm okay. Just a few cuts.*

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivy Archer Character Portrait: Jack Dukes Character Portrait: Astraea Huntington Character Portrait: Perry Charming Character Portrait: Melanie Rodriguez Character Portrait: Henrietta Marquette
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir
(OOC: Everyone bare with me here... I'm going to try my best to not seem choppy, so the post might be a bit lengthy since I'm writing for 4 characters. I'm going to try and think of ways to kill off the 2 extras, unless someone is dying to play them. So if you have any idea about how to kill them off, let me know.)

Melanie Rodriguez

Dialogue Color=#5B6745

Melanie didn't particularly remember falling asleep. Last thing she remembers was sitting on the porch with the short tempered red head who insisted on sitting on taking watch on the front porch. A few hours must have passed and she must have slowly dozed off because she was slouched over on the porch, her shoulder and head resting against the side of the wall. Her less than slightly peaceful slumber was interrupted when someone else's thoughts wormed their way into her mind, "Make a single noise I swear on all that is holy I will string you up and leave you for the infected.They're here early. They are already sweeping the main part of town so it's only a matter of time before the get here. Get any supplies you can grab, quickly, and make your way to the garage."

The voice startled her awake, her hands clenched and her body tensed at first. Ready for... Well whatever. But once she took in what voice said, she quickly moved to her feet. Having nearly forgotten about her injured ankle, Melanie took a step, limping and wincing at the weight put on her foot. Damned ankle. Then to her left the red head pole-vaulted the railing and made her way towards the truck, saying "Get moving or you'll get left behind." Melanie wasn't going to argue, and fighting back the pain, she ran after the woman ignoring the excruciating pain in her ankle. Deep down Melanie knew it was kill or be killed here, and so she wasn't going to go down with out a fight.

Once reaching the truck, Melanie saw the large blonde guy had the red head and the other blonde guy that was in the bed of the truck some Night Vision Goggles. Curious as to why the male was in the back, she was still groggy and didn't quite feel the need to do the math, and didn't have time to ask. She went to the passenger side, opening the door and slid into the seat. Melanie felt the need to buckle up, who knew what they'd run into on the road or what Red would run into even with the NVGs. She sat back in the seat as the truck began to slowly roll down to the end of the driveway, where the other red head and the blonde giant stood near a tree. Melanie couldn't help but be curious as to why the woman was slumped against him, using him for support... she was weakened. She rolled down the window to ask, "Hey is everything ok?"

I V Y - A R C H E R

Dialogue Color=#27b99c

Ivy was surprised when she saw Jack making his way towards her in the darkness, "What are you doing?" she whispered towards him as he knelt beside her. She felt his arm snake around her, while her own arm wrapped around his shoulders, lifting her up to her feet. "What the heck happened?" He questioned towards her as they waited for the truck. Ivy shifted her weight slightly, glad that he was there to help her as she regained her strength, "I... Made a distraction. I'm not exactly sure how. Kinda like how... How I can get in people's minds." She brought her free hand up to tap his forehead as she said the word minds, "You weren't supposed to follow me," She chuckled softly, "I half expected to roll up in here in that truck, not... Not come after me."

Ivy had barely noticed the truck pulling up the driveway in the darkness, the latino woman poking her head out the window in her direction, "Hey is everything ok?" Ivy snorted in a weak attempt of a laugh, "Peachy!", making her way over to the window, she glanced through looking at Astraea, "Hey... I made a distraction but I don't know how long it's going to last. So where ever you're taking us, I'd make it quick and silent... I saw into one of their heads. He's smart, and I don't think a light show will fool him for long." With that being said, Ivy made her way to the bed of the truck. Putting her left foot on the top of the back tire, she swung her right leg over the truck into the bed. Before taking a seat, Ivy opened the window in the back of the truck so that she could hear anyone inside the cabin without using her ability, she didn't need to strain herself anymore for the time being.

Once the truck got rolling, Ivy took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air and the breeze. For some reason being outside and the fresh air always helps her recharge. As they turned down the back streets in the outskirts of town, she heard Astraea begin to say something, "We'll head to my family's mansion. It's the closest safe place, and since the soldiers already raided the town, we won't have to worry about them coming back there." Ivy shifted to her knees, so that she could look into the small window, "I'm not so sure about that... they're well trained. I just-" She was cut off when the woman added, "As soon as we reach there, we'll have to- Shit!"

She felt the truck's brakes slam on and the truck begin to spin sideways. Ivy tried to hold a grip on the window but the centrical force of the truck spinning sent ivy flying out of the bed of the truck. She hit the pavement hard a few feet away from the young girl, tumbling and rolling until she came to a stop after another 6ft. She coughed as tried to lift herself off the ground. Astraea made her way out of the truck, grabbing the young girl who spoke... French? Ivy tried to catch her breath, but heard the infected that were slowly closing in on their location, they must have been following the young girl. With a grunt, Ivy forced herself up, wincing at new pains from her collision with the concrete.

Astraea moved faster than Ivy, able to kill a zombie, pick up the girl and get back to the truck before Ivy could even get halfway there. She saw Red put the truck in drive, while she heard the infected closing in behind her. Ivy took a deep breath, while rolling her eyes, "Fuck me!" The truck starting driving in her direction, and she only had one shot to get in it. When it went past her, she put her hands on the side of the bed, grasping at it as tightly as she could while jumping up. She was able to get halfway up, resting her abdomen on the edge. She was so weak, and just doing that took more effort then she had. The truck must have hit a rock or a zombie because the slight jolt made her lose her grip.

Nikolai Vasile

Dialogue Color=#003366

Niko felt the truck go into a frenzy as the brakes slammed and the vehicle spun to a halt. The force of the movement through the other red head out of the truck, onto the ground by some little girl that must have been the reason why the driver brought the truck to an immediate stop. He was shocked at the speed of the driver, who was able to hop out of the truck, kill a monster, pick up the girl and get back in the driver's seat before the other one had barely gotten to her feet. It was apparent the driver wasn't in the mood to wait because she began to speed off.

Niko worried that the girl wasn't going to be able to get to the truck fast enough, shifting in his seat he moved towards the side of the bed that was coming up next to Ivy. When she jumped up and tried to make it into the truck, she was nearly successful but began to slip out off. Without hesitation, Niko reached out and grabbed her arms, pulling her into the back of the truck with him. "Hey! Are you alright?!" With a weak laugh, Ivy gave him a thumbs up before allowing herself to lay back in the bed of the truck, closing her eyes with a heavy sigh.

Once seeing that the women was ok, Niko moved over to the opened window, poking his head through. "Hey... not trying to split hairs. But if we could drive smoothly until we reach our destination, that'd be great. I don't think we need to shake her up anymore than she has been right now." He motioned towards Ivy as he spoke, and as if on cue she chimed in "I heard that! I'm fine!"

S A W Y E R - K N O X

Dialogue Color=#bc2020

When the lights flashed on in a near by apartment, all of the soldiers began making too much noise all muttering something about the lights turning on or something along those lines. Sawyer rolled his eyes, before piping up in a loud whisper, "Would you please SHUT the fuck up!" He was irritated by the stupidity of the soldiers under him. Then using a mix of hand signals he guided the men to follow behind him as he made his way down the main road towards the apartment. Then when he reached the building he looked towards the men signaling them to wait for him while he goes and scopes it out.

Putting his Ak over his shoulder to dangle behind his back, Sawyer made his way up the fire escape, quietly and slowly, not wanting to alarm anyone that may be in there. Once he reached the room the window that all the light poured out from, he had to choice but to break it open with his elbow due to it being locked, he made his way into the living room glancing around. Quickly searching the entirety of the apartment he saw no signs of anyone. It was obvious whomever was in here hadn't escaped through the entrance because it was barricaded and every window was locked, including the one that he broke open. So how in the hell were the lights turned on with no way in or out and no people inside?

Sawyer climbed back out of the window and shouted down to his men, "It was a set up! Probably from an anti-human!" When he said that word, the commotion began to travel through the men once again. He made his way back down to the soldiers quickly and once he was back with them they all grew quiet. "Alright men. They must know we're here. We don't know what they are capable of and by the looks of things, they already know we're here. So we have to be smart! We have 1 and a half hours left in this town or we're dead along with them. So we're going to break up into 3 groups!" Moving throughout the men he separated them accordingly. "Alpha team search all the houses in the outskirts to the North and East. Beta team, same but to the south and west. Charlie team, you're coming with me... We're falling those tire tracks!"