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The Valleys of War

Dispel and That Spell

0.25 INK

a part of The Valleys of War, by AppleSauce.

South East of Fogton, on the border near the docks to Ebozon, there is an interesting shop that sells all your magic needs.

AppleSauce holds sovereignty over Dispel and That Spell, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,216 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

this rp has been heavily inspired by games such as wow, skyrim, dragon age and other rpgs as well as dnd, lotr, and other high fantasy medias.


Welcome to Dispel and That Spell


Within the shady building, just outside undead territory, you will find a majority of magic users buying all their needed potions, spells, tomes, scrolls, herbs and what not.

Straight ahead as you enter you will find the main counter, covered in all sort of items, flowers, herbs- something that won't blink inside a cage?

To the right is the main library with books reaching the tall ceiling and comfortable, red velveteen couches ready for you to use.

To the left is the main shopping area with mini aisles badly labeled in categories. The shopping continues upstairs where most of the more, lively items for purchase lay.

Behind the counter is a back door that leads to outside to test out spells as well as a set of stairs beside the door for those who may need lodging.

Be weary of starting trouble within the shop as the shopkeeper has many shift tricks up their sleeve that many have been unfortunate enough to witness. They aren't merciful.
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Dispel and That Spell

South East of Fogton, on the border near the docks to Ebozon, there is an interesting shop that sells all your magic needs.


Dispel and That Spell is a part of Fogton.

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Mugi Yuto [2] Young boy wanting to go on an adventure of his life.

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5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Scott Donovan Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Nomad
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In all honesty Scott really didn't feel comfortable alone, this far from home. Yes he wanted adventure. But he also wanted to live. Two very contradicting wishes for a coward like him.

However upon arrival at the very spoken of shop, Scott found himself at ease. The wonders that were held within the walls of such a large wooden building with breathtaking. It was honestly every Mage's dream. Not just magic users seemed to visit the place. Travellers needing a cure, a pick me up, a curse removed or a place to stay the night also ventured to the shop in desperation. For a price of course. This shop keeper wasn't one to be swindled.

Scott scratched his beard then looked left, then right. Which way first? Well, he did need to stock up on some items. Especially since he took a beaten on the way to Dispel and That Spell. How many damn wolves does bloody Ebozon have? Enough to scare the shit out of Scott and make him scream like a girl, leaving an ice trail behind him in hopes of slowing the determined beasts.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Llewellyn Character Portrait: Scott Donovan
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Dispell and that Spell. A delightful play on words and an appropriate name given the target audience of the shop. Perhaps not the largest consumer base however, given the nature of the items mage's needed for their craft, they would need to buy them or find them. The convenience of purchasing them often beat risking life and limb looking for it and even if the price was encumbering, someone did possibly risk their life for this. However it wasn't the items and ingredients for sale that brought Sienna here (though she for sure had a blast looking at them). She had come for the library.

It wasn't a very odd sight at all, a young lady with the robes of a mage surrounded in a fortress of thick books. Users of magic were often studious. After all, if they lacked the knowledge then they would certainly lack competence. The subjects were all pertaining to fire magic:

Fantastic Flames and How to start Them.
The Life and Times of A Pyromancer
Conversations with Elementals

and more.
Yet these had proven to not be very helpful. Her inner monologue did not hesitate to remind her this.
"You know...this stuff is interesting and all but".
...You've done more reading then you have done you've done for your written finals. A lot of this stuff isn't even what you're looking for and you can tell just by the titles! Just ask someone. Ask anyone! They might even recommend you books that aren't a waste.

The central tower of the fortress, her pointy hat, rose ever higher as she peeked over the walls of reading material she had gathered. It was not as if the library was completely vacant. Others were present reading their own books, mumbling in
underneath their breathes about this or that, and or roaming about the shelves for the reading material they were interested in.

"Pick someone! Any of them will do."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Llewellyn Character Portrait: Scott Donovan
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Scott knew what he needed and wanted. It was much cheaper and efficient grabbing the ingredients needed for potions and making them yourself, over just buying the potions outright. Cloth, white sage, bay leaves, carnation flower petals, mint, salt, tiger's eye, black tourmaline, some vials among many other pouches and bottles of herbs and crystals.

After paying for the items at the checkout, he decided it would be nice to settle down in the library for a while. He didn't want to run off into danger again. It may even be best to stay the night where it's safe and warm. Make some potions too with what he bought.

The male's pale, grey blue eyes peered around at the tall shelves full of books and tomes; but his, call it male instincts, beckoned him to look at the young female who seemed to be subtly looking around. Was she searching for someone? Or avoiding someone? Nonetheless, Scott thought she looked cute in her iconic witches hat, surrounded by books with her beautiful, thick, chestnut brown hair. She seemed so innocent and sweet. Scott almost felt like he shouldn't approach a woman like her considering how, tainted, he was. Nonetheless, Scott ran his fingers through his dark, chocolate brown hair, a grin peering through his lips, and approached the little witch.

"What's a beauty like you doing all the way out here?" A confident questions shot her way as Scott took a seat across from her, elbow rest on table, jaw comfortably rest on his balled hand. "You hiding from someone?" His words almost hinting at himself. Might have sounded like a threat but Scott was simply being playful.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Llewellyn Character Portrait: Scott Donovan
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A new face entered the library. If Sienna had been a fan of the fabled adventure chronicle titled "More Dungeons and Less Dragons!" or had genuine experience in romance, she may have been able to guess at his archetype. The sauve fast talking pretty boy. Her lack of experience made her clueless in this regard but cluelessness was also a means of defense in these matters.
"Him! Pick him! Just pick anyone really but stop reading this garba_"

"What's a beauty like you doing all the way out here?" A confident questions shot her way as Scott took a seat across from her, elbow rest on table, jaw comfortably rest on his balled hand. "You hiding from someone?" His words almost hinting at himself.

" Wha?...Maybe we shouldn't ask this guy?"

At the sound of his voice she ducked down, her heart pounding in her chest from anxiety as she struggled to formulate full sentences in her head. This only made her more nervous as she realized she was being rude and peeked up over the books. Only her eyes were visible and like the windows to the soul they were, they did not hide how uneasy she was.

" seriously i know i said ask someone but dont ask this guy. Hello? Im your conscious? Listen to me i know better ok?"

"Uum... tha-thanks. I-I...I need help." A soft voice like a mouse's whisper. It was an appropriate volume for a library but the stranger sitting across from her didn't know that this was her outside voice.

" Am I a joke to you?Everyone else is minding their own business and this guy walks right up to you! You didnt even make eye contact and comes to YOU, YOOOUUU...why is that? Hello? Are you liste_ Why do i even bother with this girl"

Seinna continued, ignoring the warnings of the voice inside her head because the gentleman seemed nice enough. Besides, if she didnt ask for help she would spend the next few days reading volume after volume of things like.
"A Series of Unfortunate Wildfires."

She continued onward. Taking a deep breathe to soothe her nerves, inching forward in her seat, and even leaning in a little (she was aware her voice was a hushed whisper at best.).

"I need a book on curses. Preferably stuff on curses that can only afflict Pyromancers and their casting... Can you, can you help me?"

Completely oblivious to the male instincts that coerced him to approach her or possibly ulterior motives, she asked for his help though given her innocence it may be misinterpretted to her beckoning him. With an expression like that of a child lost in a crowd, she her eyes wondered to the books infront of her, the shelves around them and then locking back with his. "I dont know where to, where to find them."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Llewellyn Character Portrait: Scott Donovan
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"Sweet Irish Spuds. She's so cute." Scott thought to himself, as the little witch peered over her books. All he could see were her big, innocent eyes. He could tell she cautious, he could sense the worry and concern from within her. His previous assumptions seemed correct at this point, but he couldn't help but take interest in that innocence.

Once the female opening her mouth to speak, soft angel like whispers parting from her lips, Scott couldn't help how much his heart fluttered. Anyone would want to scoop the witch up and cover her in bubble wrap before keeping her locked away in a tower from danger. Just like the old tale of Rapunzel. Scott still found it slightly difficult to hear her. It was good that they were in a quiet Library other wise it might have been near impossible. "What can I help you with?" Scott felt confident in the fact she was asking him for help, but he was also curious about what she was doing here, such a dangerous place to get to. How did this little witch manage when it was such a struggle for Scott? Then again, Scott was a coward.

The witch prompted with what was needed. A book on curses. Scott was not expecting that from a girl of her demeanor. He had a bad habit of underestimating those he fancied. His smug expression turn to one more serious and concerned. He himself knew a bit too much about the arts of curses. And he wished he didn't. "May I ask, why you're after such a book?" Scott could tell she was serious about it, judging by how she inched forward in her seat, leaned in, just to make sure the mage would hear her clearly. She was aware of her hushed voice and her goals. Scott had been there once, so he couldn't help but be concerned. "You do know what you could possibly be getting yourself into?" Perhaps he was being too nosy, and prude, but the idea of such a beautiful and sweet girl, falling to a bad fate, he just couldn't forgive himself for not giving any warning.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Llewellyn Character Portrait: Scott Donovan Character Portrait: Mugi Yuto
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Mugi made his way towards the library of Dispel and That Spell, carrying a whole bunch of books his grandfather gave him to sort on the correct shelves. The boy most definitely wasn't made for this task, so some of the mages he passed by seemed to have a good laugh at the poor young man, struggling with a pile on books in his arms. He finally managed to get to the door of the library, opened it with his foot, even though he knew that his grandpa won't be very pleased with this fact, and rushed into the door. Even though he walked this way multiple times in his life, he absolutely forgot about the one stairstep and he fell right into the library, books flying everywhere. He picked himself up very quickly, noticing he might've interrupted a conversation between a man and a woman I the middle of the room.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Llewellyn Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Scott Donovan Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Gaveth Character Portrait: Mugi Yuto
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#, as written by Zaria
Dranten was holding the door for the entire party they created for now. Him, his brother, the shabby old soldier Gaveth, the weird woman and her mute companion, a bunch of weirdos, entering a shop with even more weirdos in robes, or should he rather call them mages? The shop was just filled with men and women wearing those freaking dresses, reading books or looking at the ingredients inside of jars that looked way too much like humanoid body parts.

"So as I said before, just stock up on needed stuff. Two books at maximum, we ain't got much." Gaveth said while entering, behind him girl in a white dress with white hair and a mask... accompanied by the strange looking giant of a fellow. Who wore a full plate dark, and somewhat rusty armor, all while carrying a two handed sword on his back.

Last person to enter was Kerpheres, the mage, following the masked man, one of the poor creatures condemned to strive as undead. The man was explaining something to the poor guy, who didn't give many sounds from himself. “So, you see, I'm not sure if the Soul Shards might really help you or if they are just a legend. Also, I've heard stories about more types of those Shards, so even if we find some, it doesn't mean they will help you in any way. But we still can help you figure out something about yourself first, if you want.”