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Azalea Valerian

"The more beautiful the flower is, the more deadly are it's toxins."

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a character in “The Vampire's Servant”, as played by UltraVioleta



Full Name:
Azalea Valerian

Azalea is a pink flower well known for its beauty and sturdiness. The last name Valerian means “strong” or “strength”. Ultimately her name means both strength and beauty.

Aza (ironically this name means “comfort” or “relief”)

Species/Role: Female Slayer 1
Vampire Owner: Male Vampire 3

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 126 lbs


Distinguishing Features:
No scars, tattoos or piercings of any type

Motto/Catch Phrase:
"The more beautiful the flower is, the more deadly are its toxins."

Azalea was raised to be a very mild mannered young lady. Everything about her is graceful; her soothing voice, her fluid movements, even her scent is appealing as she always smells of crushed roses. Azalea was born and raised solely with the intent of being the perfect lady and her personality reflects much of that. On the outside Azalea is a soft spoken beauty. Often you may see her through the window as she wanders around in the garden, the garden she finds joy in tending to whenever she can. However, when you get to know her better, her Slayer tendencies come out and she'll very different. When she feels more comfortable around you she will voice her own opinions and fight to get her point across. She's less ladylike in the sense that she's unwilling to take orders from those claiming to be above her and demands that they earn her respect before she pays it. Azalea is very charismatic and protective of other people, more than once putting her life on the line for a stranger, but doesn't like recognition. All in all Azalea is a passionate and free willed flower hiding in the body of a mild mannered young lady.
  • Being Outside (especially in the Garden)
  • Combat Practice / Fighting / Training
  • Solitude
  • Flowers
  • Sewing (Dresses mostly)
  • Nighttime
  • Reading and Writing
  • Respect

  • Flirting
  • Being Kept Indoors
  • Water (she can't swim)
  • Strangers / Lots of People
  • Bears / Wolves
  • Being Thought of as Weak
  • Pity
  • Felling Helpless

Touch/Pain - Azalea grew up with very little physical touch and is very sensitive to it, and hypersensitive to pain to the point it can be crippling and she often carries some form of dried leaves that upon consuming will numb her body and serve as pain relievers
Direct Orders - Having always been controlled by others, Azalea is always weaked by direct commands as her insticts tell her to obey, however her time as a Slayer has made this slightly less extreme than it used to be
Physically Weak - Though her body has become stronger during her time as a Slayer, Azalea's body was designed to be slender and beautiful; not strong, so she finds herself struggling with tasks that require a lot of physical strengt
Friendship/Love - Azalea's entire life revolved around the idea that she needed to find a suitable husband and that all else was unimportant, so though she's very good with people, she struggles with the concept of friends and to love someone romantically is still very new to her

Aquaphobia - Azalea was never taught to swim and now avoids large bodies of water for fear of drowning
Agrizoophobia - In her eary Slayer years Azalea found herself alone in the forest facing off with a pack of wolves and now fears wild animals
Brontophobia - The fear of thunder and lightning developed due to when she was a child and had to remain in her room, alone, during violent storms


Theme Song: “Rose Red” by Emilie Autumn
"Rose Red"

Rose, Rose, Rose, Red
Will I ever see thee wed?
I will marry at thy will sir,
At thy will

A thousand years gone by
Too late to wonder why
I'm here alone
If in my darkest hour
She rose that fell a flower
I should have known

Rose, Rose, Rose, Red
Will I ever see thee wed?
Only if you can capture me

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine, yeah yeah

Someday these walls will speak
The floors beneath you creek
To call my name
Here in my web of dreams
My whispers turn to screams
And place the blame

Rose, Rose, Rose, Red
Will I ever see thee wed?
Only if you discover me

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine, yeah yeah

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine, yeah yeah

For this freedom
I have given all I had
For this darkness
I gave my light
For this wisdom
I have lost my innocence
Take my petals
And cover me with the night

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out, get out, get out
I'm doing fine, yeah yeah

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine, yeah yeah

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine, yeah yeah

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine, yeah yeah
Yeah, yeah


General Skills:
Azalea is fairly good at sewing, singing, dancing, reading/writing (in a variety of different languages) and even horseback riding (as her parents found these things suitable interests for young ladies). She has also ben taught how to play the piano, the viola and the harp though she prefers the piano. However she excels in two speific areas: cooking and gardening. She makes an excellent chef as she knows exactly what plants to use in order to make the meal taste good. However, that is not the only thing she does with her plants. Azalea knows all the medical values of the flowers too, and has learned to use them in order to make poison or other natural remedies which helps whenever she is required to perform first aid.

Fighting Talent(s):
Azalea often coats her weapon of choice (a dagger with a rose as the hilt) in these natural poisons as though they will not kill a vampire they can slow them down and/or weaken them. Though the dagger is her weapon of choice she is also skilled in archery, hand to hand combat and sword fighting, but she finds close-combat with her dagger to be the easiest.

Born into a large, noble family as the ninth daughter, Azalea was named according to tradition (each of her sisters also being named after flowers: Dahlia, Willow, Lilac and Lily, Tula, Rosella, Meadow, and Violet). She was raised learning things that would make her more appealing bride, like singing and cooking.. Additionally, as tradition demanded, she learned the names and uses to most every flower known and tended to the garden in her spare time. But as time passed she became less interested in her female grace and more interested in the art of combat and things generally more appealing to the men of the generation. This unladylike fascination concerned her parents who already had plans to marry her off to a wealthy suitor, so Azalea was forced to keep her interests a secret lest her parents put an untimely end to them.

Azalea’s family was well known mostly for the beautiful young women that came from long and expansive line. Wealthy men from all across the lands came to court the fine young ladies; to marvel at their pink-tinted hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her parents were very proud of each of their gorgeous children and attempted to raise them to be proper young women so that in due time them could be married off to the appropriate husband. In this case, Azalea was no exception. Her light pink hair was silky and soft, her eyes such a crystal blue they almost seemed to shimmer in the light. She had many suitors vying for her hand in marriage, which pleased her father greatly. However, Azalea had different plans. On the night of her 15th birthday party, during which all the wealthy young gentlemen would attempt to court her while her father selected potential husbands, she picked one of the flowers from her garden known to make one sick and consumed it. The party will went on as scheduled but she was able to escape to her room under the excuse of “feeling ill”.

About an hour or two into the party there was a knock on the door and Azalea casually called “Come in!” expecting it to be a maid sent to check on her. It was however, to her great surprise, a young gentleman dressed in very expensive and formal clothes. He seemed to have a seductive darkness about him, a grace she couldn’t quite place, but it made her feel uncertain. She greeted him politely enough but then asked him kindly to leave as she was not feeling well, but he did not move. Instead he closed the door behind him and started gliding towards her. Azalea became fearful and called out for him to leave, trying to escape but before she knew what was happening he'd grabbed her and pinned her to her bed, sinking long fangs into her neck. Azalea could only struggle weakly as she felt the life leaving her until suddenly the man went limp and she felt strong arms lift her up before she passed out.

When she woke up a few days later she was in another manor house, more run down than her home but larger on a great amount of land. A man came in, about her age, to check on her and she asked where she was. As it turns out she had been attacked by a vampire and the man who stood in front of her, and had saved her, was a Slayer. He'd brought her here to one the Slayer's HQs so that she would recover and possibly be trained to fight. She immediately agreed and began training. She put her knowledge of plants to good use and was very good with poisons and medicines, her actually being the one to discover that garlic made vampires ill. Azalea spent two years training to be a Slayer before she set off on her own, hunting. For the last two years she has been on this hunt, but in the meantime her family has been looking for her. The King and Queen knew that if she were to be found by her family again, she would tell the world about the existence of vampires, and being a noble woman they would believe her. They did not know, however, that in that time she'd become a Slayer.

But regardless of her Slayer abilities, the vampires sent to retrieve her ambushed and overwhelmed her, knocking her unconscious and bring her to the manor where she would be held in captivity until the end of her days. None of them know she is a Slayer except the other Slayer in the manor, who has not said anything.



So begins...

Azalea Valerian's Story


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Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian
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The sun was beginning to set and light trickled in through the blinds of the window, landing on the sleeping form of a beautiful young woman in a simple night dress with light pink accents the same color as her hair. As it hit her face, Azalea stirred in her slumber, slowly beginning to awaken from her state of dreaming. 

Eight women, her sisters, appeared in her head. In beautiful dresses with their light pink hiar and crystal blue eyes, they were dancing around with a throng of weathly suitors at their heels. A man, her father, and all his glory stood on the balcony, watching his daughters mingle with great sadisfaction, selecting which of the infatuated young men was the richest and therefore most worthy of her hand. His own hand held that of her mother's. She knew it was more common curtisy than a display of affection. Surely he cared for her as she was, in all her radiant splendor, the most beautiful lady in the kingdom and therefor a valuable asset. 

But where was she in all this excitement? Watching the dream replay through the window from her own balcony, having feigned illness that fateful night. The images began to fade as she slowly woke up, and Azalea wondered what would have happened had she attended the party. Would her father have found her a suitor? Would that vampire had come into her room while she slept? Would the Slayer have still been able to save her? 

Though these questions would change nothing, she still liked to wonder. The elegance of her home could never compare to Slayer life and the freedom it gave her. She'd felt beautiful always surrounded by admirers but it'd never done anything to fill the gapping void within her heart. But now she could live by the simple name of Aza and by her own simple, few rules with absolutely no requirement to be perfect. All she had to do now be happy with herself.

The dreams were now vanishing as Aza awoke from her slumber, familiar thoughts of beautiful dresses, poisonous flowers and hunting knives fresh on her mind. However this quickly changed as she opened her eyes and found herself in an unfamiliar room. Aza sat up with a small gasp, taking in her surroundings. Now, Aza was used to constant travel and waking up to new scenery every morning, but usually she'd been able to recall how she'd gotten there. In this case, however, there were no memories. No walking, no inn keeper, and especially no expensive room.

Aza touched her head as she slipped out of bed and found a painful knot near her temple, wincing in response as her head became to throb dully. Had she hit her head? No, not hat she could recall. And how had she gotten here of all places? Where was here? Suddenly it came to her: she'd been ambushed by vampires! She'd hardly gotten enough time to realize it before they'd knocked her out cold. 

Aza's hand flew to her hip where she found her bag of herbs and her rose knife tucked safely. Why had the vampires attacked her? Why hadn't they killed her? Why bring her to this house? And how could she escape? This were the questions running through Aza's mind as she opened the window, greeting by the slowly setting evening sun. She winced as her head throbbed again, then chewed a few dried leaves from the herb bag to relieve herself of the pain. Then she turned and walked to the door, placing her hand on the knob and twisting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer Character Portrait: Tacitus Heilwig Character Portrait: David Melloan
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#, as written by Polka
Julius gathered everyone in the drawing room. He stared vacantly at each Vampire.

There had been a delivery to the manor a few hours back. Fresh blood bags that arrived with a note, most probably from the higher ups.
He had decided no to open it until everyone was present, which was not usually in his character. Julius usually cared very little about waiting for the other vampires he lived with, especially when it came to 'Dinner', though he assumed this time it was different.

Prior to this gathering Julius had helped the 'delivery' to be stored. He gathered the humans and placed each in a separate room.

' Earlier this evening we received a letter. I have waited for you all to gather before reading it.'

From his pocket he took a small letter knife. The blade flew swiftly from once top corner to the other.
Julius removed the letter and scanned it quickly with his own eyes. He let out a small chuckle before clearing his throat.

' Dear,

Julius Alfric Claridge
Benjamin Dyer
Valentina Rose
Tacitus Heilwig

As a gesture of good will the Vampire courts deliver to you five humans,one of which is a slayer. Each will respond to a different name, here is a reference

Melita Petran
Hikari Akane
Azalea Valerian
David Melloan
Male Slayer Tristan Blair

It is imperative that you do not kill these humans, they are your servants till the day that their natural lives expire.
To avoid argument we have assigned you each a human, Slayers have been given in accordance to those we believe can handle them. However, this does not mean we believe some of you lesser. Simply that your talents are better suited to a human slave.

As always you know it is against the law to commit an act of love with a creature of less importance.
With that being said please enjoy these gifts..

The Vampire courts
Signed Oela Shanstand

Clearing his throat one more time, Julius passed round the paper so each Vampire could see their pairing.
' Someone here is going to have to take on two humans whilst we wait for our last arrival.' Was the last thing the male stated before leaving the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Alice White Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer
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Tristan heard voices ahead of him and pressed himself against the wall, peeking out slowly to watch an individual walk out of a room, he waited a while as his brain processed what he had heard of them becoming slaves as well as other humans that were somewhere in the house. By the sounds of it individual vampires were selected to certain humans, there was no if or buts to it, Tristan had to help even if it meant risking his own life to save others. It was something he was meant to do.

He couldn't let that happen, no one deserved to be put to slavery with vampires, perhaps Tristan did because of his reputation with Vampires. But no one else deserved that, taking out his rosary he kissed the crucifix muttering a quick prayer under his breath.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen

Wrapping his rosary around his wrist, taking a deep breath to clear his head the blow to his head was affecting him still but he had to shake it off. He readied his stake and charged at the individual pinning them to the wall.

" If you value your life, which I highly doubt you don't you will stay still. Vampire." He rested the stake on the vampires chest, both as a threat and a precaution, all he had to do was push. His other arm was pressed against the vampires neck protecting himself from a bite if the vampire retaliated.

" Now you will explain to me, before I kill you, why you have targeted these humans for slavery as well as myself. there has to a be a reason, were they sold to you? a deal of some sort made with mayors from villages to maybe cut now the number of attacks on livestock?"

Tristan waited a while letting the questions sink in " Answer me, now!" he ordered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Lorna Malone Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Alice White Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer
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Ben sat on the floor, legs crossed, wary of Tacitus and her constant attempts to pet him like a dog. The other vampires didn't pat him like a pet, then again, they didn't really touch him in anyway, apart from the occasional brushing of arms in the corridor. Ben pulled his gloves a little tighter before taking the letter from Tacitus. He tried to avoid skin to skin contact with people, his power meaning he could discover their deepest secrets, their history, their innermost thoughts with just a single touch. He didn't like that. Everyone was entitled to have their secrets. No, he much preferred his machines. The only secret they had was how they functioned, something he was entitled to find out.

"Slayers?" Ben drawled out, the name leaving a sour taste in his mouth. It had been less than a month since his last run in with a group of them. He had hoped not to see another one for a fair few decades. He passed the letter on. This could only end badly. Still, he would probably end it with a mere human. His childish behaviour ensured that he didn't end up with a Slayer. The others, Julius in particular it seemed, believed that he wasn't in possession of a single responsible bone in his body. He was. It was his left little toe. That was the responsible bone in his body. He noticed that Julius had left the room, and that Tacitus was rising to follow him. He instinctively moved away from the mute vampire lest she try to pat his head again. He rose gracefully to his feet and followed his brethren, curious to find out more about Hikari. His progress was halted by a young man, a Slayer judging by the stake he was holding against Julius.

"Answer me now!" The young man ordered.

Benjamin raised an eyebrow. He placed a hand on the Slayer's arm that was pinned against Julius's neck, "Now, don't think I'm trying to tell you how to do your job, but I tend to find people are more open to answering if you're not trying to crush their vocal cords," he said, forcing the man's arm away. Benajamin looked between the young man and Julius. He nodded, apparently satisfied with the situation, "As you were gentleman." Benjamin slid off down the hallway, searching for Hikari's room. He leaned against a door. He could hear someone moving about inside. He knocked on the door. It was only polite, "Hikari?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran
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The door handle turned easily and Azalea opened the door just enough so that she would slip out and close it soundlessly behind her. The manor was almost completely silent; a common sign of vampire inhabitance, as they made almost no noise when they moved, save for the quiet rustle of fabric on flesh as they glided along. Aza felt a cold shiver run down the length of her spine, unnerved by the eeriness of the house and the abominations she knew lurked within the house. 'Keep it together Aza,' she thought, one hand on the bag at her side while the other ghosted over the walls, guiding her.

Her hand passed over a few doors as she walked down the empty hallway, presumably the doors of the spare rooms. 'Perhaps these are the rooms given to each of the vampires,' she thought vaguely as her hand passed over and onto another door, 'How many vampires are here anyways?' Suddenly the knob of one of the doors clicked, turning and Azalea jumped back, whipping the knife out from her bag. The moment the door opened enough she sprung foreward, not even thinking just acting solely on instinct, and pinned the person to the floor of their bedroom, her knife pressed against their throat.

"Who are you?" Azalea demanded, holding the knife firmly against the victim's throat, "And why did you bring me here? Answer me!"

The vampire girl beneath her hesitated, apperantly in a state of shock, and Aza was able to get a better look at her. Her hair was a redish blonde, almost pink if held under the right light, though not nearly as vibrate and floral as Aza's. Her eyes held genuine shock, perhaps even worry, which was odd as Aza had thought vampires possessed almost no human emotion. And the vampire girl's skin was a healthy peach color and Aza could feel heat radiating from her body, which was very unusual for a vam-

Realiztion hit Azalea like a tornado and she gasped, putting her knife back and getting off the poor human girl in less than a second. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I thought you were- I mean, are you okay??" Aza babbled apologetically, helping the girl back up, thinking to herself, 'Oh crap, there are other humans here too!'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer Character Portrait: Tacitus Heilwig Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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#, as written by Polka
Julius & Tacitus

As Julius left the room he was very aware that there was a slayer there too. He could smell them a mile off, though he was not expecting the man to pounce at him.

As Tristan pushed Julius into the wall, he noticed that Tacitus had followed him out. Her natural silence often gave her the advantage when it came to following people.
For the smallest of moments, Julius allowed his body to be forced back. What better way to teach a slayer a lesson than to let him have the upper hand first?
Just as the male vampire was about to respond, Ben, another vampire resident grabbed his arm.

If Julius was being honest, he did not need the extra help but it gave him the chance of distraction. His body quickly convulsed itself into a large black bat. He lifted into the air away from the stake and the Slayer.

Tacitus's eyes widened slightly as a human jumped Julius. Well, it seemed the slayer was quick to reveal himself. This was going to prove entertaining. She smiled just a little, letting herself remain undetected. She could see Julius's plan and she was more than happy to comply with the idea. There was no reason to miss out on the fun, after all.

As Julius morphed into his bat form, Tacitus quickly jumped on the Slayer. She may have been small, but taking him to the ground was no issue. She pinned him underneath her and smirked slightly. Not a sound escaped her the whole time, not that this would be a shock to Julius. The slayer, on the other hand, might be somewhat surprised. It's not often someone can maintain such silence, but being unable to make a sound certainly helped.

Tacitus looked to Julius and smirked. Though she usually wasn't one to use it, she decided on gloating just a little with her telepathy. She sent a small thought to Julius.

“Not bad, huh?”

With that, she just kept the slayer pinned. There was no reason to get up, for sure. She would let Julius have his moment of fame. It was always great when a plan came together.

Julies chuckled slightly. Watching such a small women take down a man would have been shocking to anyone else but it humoured him greatly.

As she kept him pinned to the floor, Julius became his normal vampire self again. Taking Julius by the scruff of the neck Julius lifted him to eye level with ease.

' Clearly we need to establish rules with this one... I know who you are slayer. I know the name you have made for yourself but lets not pretend you have the upper hand here. This is our house.'

He dragged the slayer behind him, hoping that Tacitus would follow.
The three entered the room in which the Vampires had received the letter explaining the situation. He threw the slayer in the middle of the room. Picked up the letter and scanned it.
' Looks like he belongs to you Taticus. Seems like the famous slayer is going to be a bit of a handful. In that case I will take on the extra human until our new arrival'

With that Julius left the room. He headed to the corridor in which he had left the humans.
Two girls were already in there.
' Glad you two have already been antiquated. You belong to me now '.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge
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As soon as Melita opened the door, she found herself crashing to the floor again, this time with an angry young woman with a knife instead of sheets. Eyes wide and frightened, the skittish female tried in vain to shrink away from the knife at her throat. What had she done wrong?! What was her attacker even talking about? Melita trembled, hear racing in her chest until she thought it would burst. She didn't want to die!

Melita tried to find her voice, but suddenly, she was released, a look of shock mirroring her own on her assailant. Now even more thuroughly confused, the human was pulled up by her hand, squeeking in surprise as she tried to fathom just what on earth had happened. Hearing the apology, Melita tilted her head in confusion, eyes still wary and concerned. The other female seemed sincere enough in her apology.

"I...I don't know...I think so." came her shaky voice, about to ask the pink haired woman about her name and her previous statements, when a male's voice interrupted any chance of doing so.

Spinning to face the sound, Melita found herself facing a tall, dark and cold looking male. His hair was long and dark, face pale like the moon, and eyes that seemed to be simultaneously cold and yet burn right through her. As attractive as she found his features (of course, she did wonder why his skin held almost no color), she found him equally intimidating. She seemed to shrink under his gaze, only daring to react as his comment registered in her brain.

Belonged? That couldn't be right. No one could really own someone else.

"Sir...t-there must be a mistake. I'm not a belonging..and neither is she." Melita cursed her pathetic sounding stammer. Why couldn't she be like her sister? As much as she liked being her own person, she would pay to have the courage and inner strength of her twin sister.

Somehow managing to meet his gaze, she pressed on despite her racing heart and the shiver in her spine.

"W-who are you? Where is this place?" she managed to ask before looking away from his eyes, not wanting him to see how scared and uncertain she was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge
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"Glad you two have already been antiquated. You belong to me now." Came a voice from the door and Aza jumped slightly, mentally scolding thing herself for not paying more attention. She turned slowly, calmly, to face the form at the door. It was easy now to tell the difference between him and her human acquaintance. Everything about him seemed to be perfect; dark, composed and very calm. He was taller than both the girls, and pale like death. She could see the thin veins under his papery skin and could imagine the blood of a victim coursing through them. She barely withheld a small shiver.


"Sir... t-there must be a mistake. I'm not a belonging... and neither is she." The human girl said, fear making her voice quiver. Azalea felt bad for her. She probably had no idea why they were here either and now she was being told she was a piece of property, along with the girl who'd just jumped her with a knife? 'Poor girl,' Aza thought, stepping slightly infront of her just in case the vampire decided to retaliate.

"I belong to no one but myself," Azalea replied in a chilling monotone to man in the door way, her voice cold enough it carried an icy sting with every word. "As does she. But I would love to hear why exactly you have decided we are your property."

Her eyes scanned the man with obvious distaste, almost as if she were looking upon some vile creature as it writhed in a puddle of slime. With any luck, that's what he would be once Aza was done with him. For the moment though she had to give the impression of being superior as if made her seem confident. Her father had taught her that, and it came in handy whenever she was fighting. Looking confident have you confidence, and that was always a good thing.

"W-who are you? Where is this place?" The girl continued, still scared poor thing, but for better reason than she probably knew. However scared she was, she had good logical questions which Aza was waiting to hear. Not that anything could justify this but still she was interested in what had kept either on of them alive so far.

Keeping her eyes on the vampire Aza moved slowly front of the other girl just a little more, shielding her from the eyes of the vampire. Her hand crept to the bag on her hip. "Answer us. Who are you? Where are we? And why exactly did you bring us here?" She asked, voice cold and demanding, defensive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge
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#, as written by Polka
Julius had expected some kind of clever remark. Humans never really liked being told they had no free will.
He stepped forward rather quickly, taking each girls arms.

' Let me answer each question slowly so you understand. You are my property because Vampire law makes it so. I do not know what crimes you committed to be put in my care but all you need to worry about is making sure I am happy. Whatever lives you had are now just a distant memory......'

He chuckled at the pink haired girls bravery. The girl definitely had guts but that did not bother him too much.

' In answer to your other question my name is Julius Alfric Claridge. I will be honest with you, I really have no use for two human slaves but it has been ordered upon me to keep you.... I am not interested in your defiance or problems. Think of it like this, you serve me well and I will treat you well.... '

The cold man pulled each girl slightly so that each sat gently in his arm. Cradling them both he carried them into his study and placed them firmly onto a red fabric sofa. He sat at a large desk and begin to scribe onto paper.
It was a very large room, surrounded by bookcases, Julius had read each book at least once in his time.

After fifteen minutes or so he handed the girls paper that told them what their purpose to him would be.

* A source of food ( Preferably from the neck or upper thigh but will accept wrist)
* Simple cleaning tasks (dusting, polishing and cleaning bathrooms)
* Entertainment (Dancing, singing, reading aloud or anything I deem fit)

It was a short list and on the bottom it read

* All tasks are mandatory but as thanks your protection from other Vampires is guaranteed. You will also be fed and kept warm. If you do not want to meet demands you will simply be a food source by force.

' If you both would like to sign. I really don't have time for you to fight me on this. In the end you will do as I say. However, if you accept these terms your protection is secured. I am a very old vampire, I have strength and the other vampires here respect me '


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge
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"Let me answer each question slowly so you understand." The vampire said and grabbed both Azalea and the other girl's arms. "You are my property because Vampire law makes it so. I do not know what crimes you committed to be put in my care but all you need to worry about is making sure I am happy." Azalea struggled against his grip. She was never good about other people touching her as for many years of her life it was forbidden that anyone but select scullary maids touch her, lest she become 'impure'. Of course in her years training as a Slayer she had come to understand that the touch of another would not, in fact, taint her, but she still was very sensitive to physical contact.

But despite her best efforts his vampiric strength allowed him a firm and unwavering hold on her arm, and she stopped thrashing to conserve her own energy, trying to keep her calm despite the unsettled feeling in her stomach. She just wanted him to let go at this point. "Whatever lives you had are now just a distant memory..." he said with a small chuckle and Aza felt a small shiver travel down her spine, though she kept a brave face, determine not to show fear.

"In answer to your other question my name is Julius Alfric Claridge. I will be honest with you, I really have no use for two human slaves but it has been ordered upon me to keep you," The vampire, by the name of Julius, continued without a hint of emotion. "I am not interested in your defiance or problems. Think of it like this, you serve me well and I will treat you well." Aza had to resist the urge to spit on him. 'Like hell I'm going to serve you, you sick vampiric bas-' but her thought was interrupted as he pulled them closer until he was carrying both girls in his arms and began to carry them down the hall.

Aza remained stiff, her body frozen as strong arms held her up. She hated being carried, not only because it meant someone was touching her, but because in made her feel helpless. She was perfectly capable of walking, but somehow she figured it might be best to stay quiet. Against her will she allowed herself to be carried into what seemed to be a study. Books covered the walls and for just a moment she forgot where she was, instead distracted by the vast nuber of books. She'd never seen so many books in her life. As a child Azalea had been taught to read, but never allowed into the library as she was a girl and it was not a girl's place.

She was brought back to reality as her felt herself be lowered onto a red fabric sofa. Her eyes followed the vampire, Julius, with defiance as he sat at a large desk and begin to write. As he wrote Azalea turned to the other girl and smiled gently. "Hey," she murmured softly, "I'm really sorry for jumping you earlier. I thought you were, well, him." she jerks a thumb at their vampire kidnapper, then smiles again meekly. "I'm Azalea Valerian, but you can just call me Aza."

After a few minutes, which felt more like a few years, Julius stood up and turned again to the girls, handling them each a slip of paper. On the paper was a short little list, but reading it sent chills down Aza's spine.

    * A source of food ( Preferably from the neck or upper thigh but will accept wrist)
    * Simple cleaning tasks (dusting, polishing and cleaning bathrooms)
    * Entertainment (Dancing, singing, reading aloud or anything I deem fit)

    * All tasks are mandatory but as thanks your protection from other Vampires is guaranteed. You will also be fed and kept warm. If you do not want to meet demands you will simply be a food source by force.

"If you both would like to sign." he said and Aza turned her eyes up to him, "I really don't have time for you to fight me on this. In the end you will do as I say. However, if you accept these terms your protection is secured. I am a very old vampire, I have strength and the other vampires here respect me."

Aza's eyes narrowed further and further with every word he spoke. 'There is no way I will ever willingly serve you, vampire.' she thought hatefully, glaring into his eyes, 'You're going to have to hold me down and slit my wrists before I'll ever let you have a taste of my blood, and nothing you do is ever going to change my mind.' But of course she said none of this, only reached over and picked up the pencil on the side table. She paused a moment before signing the document, then raised her furious eyes to meet his, unwavering, as she snapped the pencil in her hand and ran her middle finger along the wood, cutting it. Then, ignoring the stinging pain, she drug her bleeding finger across her name, sending a clear message without speaking any words.

I will never serve you.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge
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Eyes wide in shock, Melita bit her lip, a look of dismay in her features at the answer. Vampire law? Distant memory? She..she was a prisonor..a slave to this man? A cold chill went down her spine, fear radiating from her. She was no match for this vampire, and the feeling of helplessness was almost suffocating. She had to do something..say something! She was swiftly grabbed, words frozen in her throat.

Melita flushed in shock and embarassment. Squeeking at being picked up and led around, she had no time to protest before being placed upon a red sofa. She sat tensely, until the vampire began to write. While he was busy, she flinched slightly upon hearing the other girl. Oh, she was just talking. Melita nodded, smiling gently back.

"M-melita Petran. Um, pleasure to meet you." she said softly, glad at least someone here wanted to be friends.

Just as Melita was about to relax and calm down completely, she and Azalea were handed pieces of paper, each with instructions.

Melita's face went red, then pale, eyes wide like a deer in headlights as the words sunk into her brain. Cleaning she'd do anyway..that wasn't bad. Entertainment? Well, she could play the flute if he wanted? Still, not an unreasonable request.

It was the first instruction that made her shiver, her blood run cold. He wanted to feed from her? Wouldn't that kill her? And..that had to be painful. Melita trembled, inwardly cursing again as she did so. She hated being so weak and pathetic looking, and she knew it was obvious how scared she was. Her heart thudded in her chest so hard and fast she was sure the vampire before her could hear it. And even more disturbing, he would drink from her regardless of her signing this paper. Then why should she sign?

"F-food? Please...I have no objections to the other requests, there no way to live without blood?" she asked timidly. Melita was shouting protests, trying to argue that this was unfair, this was sudden, this wasn't right. At least in her head she was. Try as she might, she could only be brave in her dreams and her mind. Outside, she was pathetic and a timid mouse, her sister was a lioness.

Melita bit her lip, torn as she looked at the paper in dismay. Had this man been human or had he not been so frightening, she'd have been blushing at how graceful and handsome he was. As it was, she simply felt her spine shiver and her fear override any curious thoughts she had of him.

She was brought from her thoughts as Azalea wrote down her name, surprising the timid girl. Her eyes went wide at the sudden defiance, smearing her name with her own blood. Such bravery! Melita looked on in awe.

It was in mere seconds she realized what bleeding meant.

"W-wait!" Melita grabbed Azalea's hand, taking her hair ribbon and wrapping it around the other girl's finger. If the vampire saw the blood...would he attack her? She was scared, yes, but she was also worried for her companion of sorts. Melita held the hand in hers, as if cupping a tiny bird protectively.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge
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#, as written by Polka
Julius sighed.

Rather than address his new defiant human he came close to Melita.
He took her hand gracefully in his own and with soft words spoke.

' For me there is no way to live without blood. I can visit the local villages and take what I want but instead I have been given two gifts. I was a man once, the fear of being bitten is not a feeling I remember kindly. However, I will be nothing but the perfect gentlemen... unless you decide to fight me on it '.

He stood back up and turned to face the large bookshelf. He of course was not allowed to drink from Azalea, she was ony temporarily his but of course she did not know how this vampire law worked.

He could smell the blood before the pencil had snapped. In some way he was glad this his chosen was easier to control but knew it was time to set some boundaries. Her bravery was only going to increase as long as he allowed her to act like this.

With one swift action he pulled Melita away from her, stopped her from cradling the wounded finger. He didn't pull her too hard but enough to create a small distance.
He then picked Azalea up and placed her in front of him. The contract he signed flew under the red sofa.
He turned her quickly and tilted her neck hard, the perfect opportunity to break the skin.

Rather than bite, Julius brought his head down to her ear and with a loud whisper began to talk.
' Upon entering this room you were told one thing. I have NO time for your defiance but since you would like to play that game ere is a little tip.
The tall man pushed the girl back onto the Sofa but kept her arm tightly in his grasp.
See how easy it is for me to take what I want. To take it from exactly where I want it.... And look, I haven't needed to be forceful'.

Julius let out a loud laugh before his whole facial expression changed into his usual scowl. For his last trick he picked the girl back up. Cradled her like a baby and placed her on the large oaken desk. This time with one hand press against her stomach to prevent her from moving and one pressed on her thigh.
' Need I remind you of my favourite feeding place. Again this is not force to me. Imagine if I was to force you. How much pain I would cause you .... because you decided to be brave.

He began to lower his head but before he made it to her thigh he stopped. He turned away and walked towards Melita.

'I am sorry if that may have alarmed you. I do not plan on repeating any of that on you. I am sorry to tell you I do care very little for human life but I like you Miss Melita, you have pleased me with every action you have committed in this room. I hope you will sign without haste and then we will gather everyone in the main room so we can make introductions.
He dug out the paper from under the sofa and handed her a new pencil from his picket.
' Number two' He indicated to Azalea ' I hope you consider re-signing my dear'/


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge
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Melita's breath caught in her throat as Julius took her hand, especially caught off guard by how gentle and graceful he seemed when doing so. Her eyes were fixed on the vampire, a slight shiver down her spine at his silken voice and his words. As appreciative as she was of what seemed to be an explanation and reassurance, she still held a fear of being bitten. But...maybe it would be ok? He wasn't being mean so far...

The young woman gasped, watching in shock and horror as the gentleman suddenly turned on Azalea. He was so strong, and she could clearly see how easy it was for him to overposer the brave female. He seemed intent on biting, and Melita shrunk back. Seeing Azalea manhandled so was enough to make her tremble. Julius was definately going to make sure the other girl understood, making a very convincing point.

Melita's panic grew exponentially, the laugh causing her to falter. No, he wasn't just making a point, he would actually hurt Azalea! He easily pinned her to the desk, causing Melita to stand up. She couldn't let him!

"S-Stop!" she tried, but it was too soft! She trembled, desperately trying to will som confidence and bravery into her voice, her heart. Melita moved forward a step, feeling the need to help the other girl. He was threatening her with pain.

It was then that he stopped, letting go of Azalea. Melita froze, seeing him facing her this time. Her legs gave out, the girl sinking to her knees before the male as he approached. He was terrifying. As terrifying as he was beautiful. A soft whimper escaped her throat, unable to even attempt to hide her fear. His assurance he wouldn't do the same to her was of little consolation. He could. If she angered him enough, he could, and she didn't doubt he would. She could only stare wordlessly as he indicated the agreement. Melita picked it up with shaking hands. But..he would force her regardless of the paper, so what harm would it do to sign or not?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge
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"For me there is no way to live without blood. I can visit the local villages and take what I want but instead I have been given two gifts." Azalea scowled as Julius turned to Melita and took her hand, speaking to her in such soft tones it was almost believeable that he was more than a monster. "I was a man once, the fear of being bitten is not a feeling I remember kindly. However, I will be nothing but the perfect gentlemen," he continued and Aza took a moment to ponder.

She'd always been a curious girl, and liked to think of herself as open minded too. Of course he had once been human, like she was, but had been turned into a vampire. For that she really couldn't blame him. It wasn't like he'd wanted to be a vampire; who on earth would want to be a vampire? But what she hated about Julius was that he'd given up his humanity for vampirism.

Or had he? He'd said he'd be a gentleman...

"...unless you decide to fight me on it."

Oh crap.

Her moment of triump was over and she could see it in the vampire's eyes as he turned to her. Aza droppped the contract to grab her knife and it fluttered under the couch. But before she could pull the knife from her bag, heck, before she could even move her hand he had grabbed her and suddenly she found herself locked in his arms. One of his hands was wrapped around her waist, holding her arms down while the other had grabbed hold on her hair and had pulled her head back, exposing her neck. Aza swallowed hard, tensing up, expecting a painful bite to the neck. Oddly enough the pain didn't come, but that didn't keep her from flitching when she felt his warm breath on her ear, nor the cold chills from running down her spine.

"Upon entering this room you were told one thing. I have NO time for your defiance, but since you would like to play that game here is a little tip."

Azalea felt herself pushed backwards and landed on the couch with a small cry of pain and tried to get up, but was quickly pinned down again. This time the vampire hand hold on her wrist and her eyes widened as she saw his glimmering white fangs hovering over the pulsing vein on her wrist.

"See how easy it is for me to take what I want. To take it from exactly where I want it." he chilled, looking Aza directly in her blue eyes which had grown wide. "And look, I haven't needed to be forceful."

'Holy Heaven, this isn't 'forceful' to him?' Aza thought as a chilling sensation of fear crept into her heart, held down by a creature she knew was too powerful to overcome. Not as she was at least. Julius laughed loudly and Aza flinched, looking up at him again, trying to seem brave though the fear was obvious in her crystal blue eyes. All she could do was squeak as he hoisted her up a final time and laid her out on the oaken desk.

Aza tried to sit up but a cold, firm hand pressed down against her stomach, making her gasp, and despite her struggles she couldn't sit up. Goosebumps raise on her flawless skin as she felt the fabric of her nightgown fall aside, exposing her upper thigh and a cold hand settle on the exposed flesh. Azalea felt her body begining to tremble; his touch was too much. She was too exposed. All the courage had left her the moment his skin had brushed hers, like it always had all of her life. She was so weak the mere unfamilar touch of another could stop her heart, leaving her shaking at the encounter. Azalea would be shaking for a long time after this one.

"Need I remind you of my favourite feeding place. Again this is not force to me. Imagine if I was to force you. How much pain I would cause you.... because you decided to be brave." He said and lowered his head to her thigh, causing her heart to pound frantically. Then, suddenly, he lifted his head and turned away, going to Melita, speaking, though Aza couldn't understand his words because of the blood rushing in her ears.

He was trying to make a point. If she stood against him, she was going to lose. Plain and simple. She wasn't as strong as he was, not even close, and he was making sure Azalea could see that. He was stronger, and smarter, and would not tolerate it if she stepped out of line. So she wouldn't. Azalea would be the perfect little servant as he called her. It wouldn't be hard; she'd been raised to be perfect after all. All in that time she would get stronger. Smarter. Learn his weaknesses. And then, eventually, when she was powerful enough to overcome him... Aza swallowed hard and slowly slid off the desk, on hand still on it for support, readjusting her dress.

"Number two," Julius said, pulling Azalea out of her thoughts of a carefully planned revenge. "I hope you consider re-signing my dear." he said, holding the contract and new pencil out to her. Aza looked at his face, her own carefully blank save for the look of mild fear and submission, a face she'd perfected over the years. Then she slowly took the paper and carefully re-wrote her name.

"Yes, Master."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer Character Portrait: Tacitus Heilwig Character Portrait: David Melloan
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#, as written by Polka
That was just how he liked it.

He could sense that Melita feared him. Fear was always better than hate. Something which he could sense from Aza.

' You needn't burn eye holes in the back of my head sweet girl but thank you for being compliment.

Julius held his hand out for Melita to take and after both girls had finished signing he directed them downstairs into a large hall. It was about time everyone got to know each other.

After putting both girls in the large empty room, Julius went about to find the others. Of course he bumped into Tacitus first. She had three humans with her, it seemed she was winning the game of collecting them.
He ignored the humans and turned straight to his vampire equal.

' My dear, I think its about time for a gathering in the hall. Would be a dear and escort these three into the hall. Mine are waiting patiently..... what's say we get to know each other before we dine'.

The last part was directed to the new toys, he chuckled a little.
Before leaving to find the remaining vampire, Ben, Julius placed his hand onto the small vampires shoulder.
' I hope they are not too much for you handle as we are still two masters short'

Julius knew exactly where Benjemin would be. His workshop.
The tall vampire made his way towards the east wing where Ben's machines lived.
Upon arriving he knocked three times and shouted in.
' Meeting in the hall Ben. You have five minutes'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer Character Portrait: Tacitus Heilwig Character Portrait: David Melloan
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Benjamin pushed his goggles back into his hair when he heard a knock at the door. He rose from the table to open the door when he heard Julius's voice from the other side, "Meeting in the Hall Ben. You have five minutes."

Ben pulled his goggles from his head, casually throwing them onto the table next to the half finished toy. He didn't need the goggles, but he liked wearing them. He brushed his wait coast down and took his coat down from the hook. He checked his gloves for holes once again. Satisfied there were none, Benjamin headed up to the hall in question.

On his arrival, he saw Hikari with Tacitus. He was relieved that Hikari had ended up with the mute vampire, she was probably the safest vampire for Hikari to find. A cursory glance over Hikari confirmed his suspicions. Her head was bleeding. Benjamin clamped his jaw tight. His fangs had never felt sharper. There was blood. He was so hungry. He needed to feed. No, no he didn't. Not right now. Hikari deserved an explanation before he even tried to feed from her.

'Pardon me for stating the obvious, but Hikari appears to be bleeding," Benjamin said to no one in particular, "Quite a bit actually." He continued, not trusting himself to look at Hikari. He tried to catch Julius's eye, spinning his fingers subtlety, indicating that he wanted Julius to make this meeting as quick as possible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer Character Portrait: Hikari Akane
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Melita signed the paper, vaguely thinking it rather a pointless act, considering she'd be forced to obey regardless. Oh well, she supposed the formality wouldn't hurt. She was no less surprised about being helped to her feet than she was about the gentle voice Julius used on her. How could such a mn who threatened another so easily and laugh while doing so have such a beautiful face, and speak so sweetly when he wished?

Melita promptly sat down after she was led to the hall, eyes scanning the room with uncertainty. How many other vampires were around? Julius mentioned protecting them from others. Did that mean others in the estate? Or others in the world in general? Did vampires prefer groups or solitary existences? The worried young woman Sat near Azalea, waiting a moment before whispering for the sake of privacy.

"M-miss Azalea? Are you ok?" Melita asked, hoping the other human wasn't harmed. She had been frightened at how Julius handled her, and even his assurances to Melita couldn't erase that. She looked sympathetically at the pink haired woman.

Melita paused, looking up and going a bit tense as others began to arrive. Were they friend or foe? Were any of them vampires? Melita glanced at each person in turn, wondering what would happen to her. She relaxed as no other conflicts arose thusfar.
Ben's voice brought her from her musings, Melita looking over at the one he referred to as Hikari and then letting out a gasp.
The blood made her feel a tad dizzy, but thankfully such things weren't nauseating or phobia-inducing. She stood, gingerly approaching Hikari.

"Miss! You should sit down, that looks like a pretty significant wound. Has someone looked at it for you before bandaging it? Did you get it cleaned out?" Melita asked, concern written in her features as she fussed over someone, always wanting to make people feel better and help out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer Character Portrait: Tacitus Heilwig Character Portrait: David Melloan
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Roderick stretched his arms as he entered the large estate, suitcase over his shoulder. The red haired vampire knew all along that the vampire he was replacing would have met an unsightly demise and he'd get drug out into the middle of nowhere to babysit. I was having a grand time with that brunette too.. The male mused mentally, images of her in his hotel bed flooding back to him. It drew a small grin to his mischievous and otherwise annoyed features. Though it didn't last long, it was replaced with even more annoyance, reminding him of how his rendezvous was cut dramatically short to bring him here. He slung open the front door, his lemon-lime eyes scanning around, until he heard noise in a nearby room, flicking the door shut, Roderick followed the sound until his eyes fell upon several unfamiliar faces. He recognized at least three of them, "Ah. What a pleasure.." Roderick rolled his eyes. He didn't exactly meet all of the other three vampire's formally before, but he recognized their faces from times he'd passed them on the road. He did however know of them.

He was next to an empty couch in mere seconds, eyeing it carefully before throwing himself over it's arm lazily. It was rude and careless, but still it somehow passed off as a graceful gesture, considering how swiftly and effortlessly he'd carried out the action. Roderick although his disposition as if his body weight nothing, "So? Why's everyone gathered here?" He quirked an uninterested eyebrow, "I heard the last guy got mauled.. so here I am, the lucky replacement.." He flashed a toothy grin, "So which one is mine?" He eyed Melita first, then Hikari, finally he looked to Azalea. They're all pretty decent.. I heard I was getting a female..but which one?

The black haired one was injured, marking her off instantly, he wasn't into the clumsy type, Then there was the pink haired one who seemed to hold an attitude problem (Azalea) and the cherry blossom toned girl with the shyer appearance (Melita). His eyes widened before he collapsed on the sofa, images flashing in his third eye (precognition), first he saw himself screaming at the figure of what seemed to be a girl, then he saw blood on the floor, and finally the image a tall figure he couldn't quite make out. The whole time his vision took place, it appeared like he was experiencing an epileptic seizure, but it's just how Roderick's visions worked. He'd get a random trigger and the process would hit him like a bag filled with a dozen bricks. It wasn't a beautiful process, but it did come in handy to say the least. Well, if he managed to somehow decipher their meaning before they played out. Roderick laid there, holding his head afterwards, feeling his body regenerate itself. The visions didn't come free. It often exhausted his body, the price of seeing what has yet to come. He kept his eyes closed, counting in his head to keep his cool. He always felt an intense thirst after a vision, the bleeding girl in the room was teasing his tastebuds, his gums whining for him to take a bite, or twenty..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer Character Portrait: Tacitus Heilwig Character Portrait: David Melloan
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"You needn't burn eye holes in the back of my head sweet girl, but thank you for being compliment." Julius mused and Azalea had to clench her fists to keep from spitting at him. 'Calm. Peaceful lotus blossom floating along the water.' she thought, trying to remember the lessons of holding her temper that had been drilled into her as a girl. 'Gentle winds, a summer breeze across the fields of flowers.'

Julius held his hand out for Melita to take, which she did, distinctly not offering one to Azalea, which she would have had trouble taking anyways so it was probably for the better. Then the chilled vampire man lead them downstairs though a long hallway and guiding them into a large empty room. Azalea delicatly took a seat beside Melite as Julius walked out again, leaving them alone.

Straining her ears to hear, Aza could pick up on the faint sound of Julius' voice. "...My dear, I think its about time for a gathering in the hall. Would you be a dear and escort these three into the hall?" he purred and Aza felt herself shutter. How many people were stuck here? How many more were to arrive? How many vampires were under this roof? She tried to suppress those thoughts and listen, but immediately regretted it when she heard what Julius said next. "Mine are waiting patiently... What's say we get to know each other before we dine?"

Aza stopped easedropping when she heard a timid voice speak up, "M-miss Azalea? Are you ok?" asked Melita softly, looking at her intently. Aza managed to work up a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." she murmured, then added on an encouraging note, "Don't be scared. We're going to get out of this somehow."

As other people, and vampires, began to file in Aza went quiet, examining them each to find out their strengths and weaknesses. It was beyond Aza why they had all gathered here, but it didn't matter. It was her responisbility as a Slayer to destroy all these vile creatures and free all the humans.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Valerian Character Portrait: Melita Petran Character Portrait: Julius Alfric Claridge Character Portrait: Benjamin Dyer Character Portrait: Tacitus Heilwig Character Portrait: Caitriona McGuiness
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#, as written by Polka

It hadn't been a particularly hard journey for Caitriona that day. She had received a letter telling her that she had to make her way to a well established estate.
The 200 year old couldn't say she was fond of the idea of heading all the way from the home she had made for herself to a new destination but when the Vampire Queen asks you to jump you immediately ask 'How High?'.

No matter, she was here now and that was all that mattered.
Cait decided to open the door herself. Surely the others would have been told of her presence.
Dragging a green satin case behind her the Scottish woman checked her appearance in a large mirror with a golden frame.

' Whey, First impressions are important wee lass' She began to tell herself ' Lets make sure we look the part'.

After a quick preening, Cait headed into the only room she could hear noise from. Upon entering she could instantly tell the Vampires from the Humans.
Her eyes first met with another red headed Vampire, he must of been new too because he definitely looked out of place.
Then Second, another female vampire with eyes that seemed to glow, Cait decided to gravitate towards the other female Vampire as she didn't much like the other options. The last two males,one extremely tall with mid length black hair and the other who seemed to be fretting over a bleeding human girl.

Ah yes... The humans. She now remembered her real purpose for being here. To serve as master to a male human until the day he died.
She couldn't say she was thrilled about this but she had no choice as Law was Law.
Cait knew instantly which human was hers, she could tell just by looking. He was dark of hair with blue eyes. Every distinguishing feature this boy had was the complete opposite of Caitriona.


Julius arrived alongside Ben, who began panicking over his properties bleeding head. Though Julius was glad of this,even for his age, the smell of blood was very tempting.
The two new Vampires had arrived, he didn't know either of them nor did he care to know them.

There was no use wasting anymore time, best to get on with introductions before splitting into their relevant pairs.

' So some of you with a longer lifespan already know why you are here but for the benefit of the humans lets explain. Earlier today we received a letter making each of you our own personal servant.... This is because somewhere in your small lives you committed a crime against the Vampire Community.'

The older Vampire stopped and took from his pocket the original letter, handing it to the two new Vampires to read and find their designated human. He then stood next to Melita, prompting everyone else to stand next to their new partner.

'For those of you who don't know, I am Julius and this is Melita. She is my human, though you are welcome to general conversation with her but you must never touch her yourself. One because it breaks vampire Law and Two because she is Mine and I do not like my things messed with'.

He mainly indicated this to the new male vampire. On hindsight he had heard things about this Vampire that he did not like.
Julius then cast a gaze to Aza, in his usual style he wouldn't care very much but he worried about passing her on to someone else.
