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Marcus taint

Let slip the dogs of war...

0 · 670 views · located in The World of One Piece (And the Calypso)

a character in “The Voyages of The Calypso”, as played by Booker_Dewit47


Name: Marcus Taint

Alias(es): The phantom of the marines, the reaper of blades.

*Age: 25

*Species: human

*Race: Caucasian

Sub race (If applicable):

*Appearance (Physical): He is 5’9 with a small amount of muscle on his arms and legs, he has a noticeable six pack and has strong arm. He has black hair but has dyed a crimson stripe down the left side of his face, he often wears his hair short cropped as well. He also has a set of hazel eyes.

*Appearance (Clothing/Accessories): He wears a pair of trousers with a Wight shirt, he wears a long duster type of coat and a pair of boots. He also has his marine officer sword slung to his side and his rifle strapped to his back

*Personality: He is reserved and quiet and often won’t speak unless spoken to. He will most times prefer to stay away from most people and

*Short Bio (No spoilers please: P): Marcus grew up in a small village in the higher parts of the mountains, therefore, he can’t get a tan worth a damn. He enlisted in to the marines after he was seen pegging birds in the air at ranges of 800 yards and almost by force was transferred to the sniper core were he learned to kill things with such accuracy, he could kill you, your wife, your kids, there friends, and your pet dog, all with a single bullet.
After 5 years as a marine assassin, he has finally gotten out, only to drink his cash away in 3 months of retirement.
So now we find him here, getting kicked out of a bar because he can’t pay for his drinks.

*Weapons/Equipment: He has his marine sharp shooters rifle, a single shot, bolt action cartridge rifle. He also has his marine sabre as well.

*Abilities: Strength, ability, his accuracy, his training as well as his experience, his reputation as well, he is also a very well-known swordsmen.

Iron will.
He will NOT give up on causes he finds worthy.

Dead eye.
He has almost never missed a target

Military experience.
Being a marine sniper, he knows many of the laws, codes, and traditions that have to do with the marines.


He likes to drink…a lot.
Fucking spiders, why does it have to be fucking spiders.
He has had to loose just about every one, so he is scared of losing more people he loves.

No love life to speak off.
Hey, when you’re a world class assassin, who needs a girlfriend.
Haki: itszue mi

**Haki Type: ….I have no idea what to put here…..

**Haki Abilities: His Haki allows him to predict all of the variables needed to pinpoint a shot, from wind, to range, he can see it float across his vision with the best of detail.

*Role aboard the Calypso: Sniper

So begins...

Marcus taint's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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ignore this, posted it in the wrong place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Marcus sat in the chair, in the small tavern, on a glorified patch of grass, staring at his now empty glass. He called the waitress and ordered another glass of beer. He could feel the drink taking affect. He lifted his eyes to see some blundering ass hole barge in and call his waitress over and stealing his attention. He got up and began to walk out when the owner called him out. "Oie, you, with the jacket, you didn't pay for your drinks!" he walked out further into the day and yelled back "Piss off, i just retried, haven't got my pension yet, il pay ya when i get my benefits from the marines!" This was a lie, he had spe--- drank his cash away as soon as he had gotten out.

He walked back to the marine just in time to see his feet come out from under him and land in a small boat, knocking his head against the side railing, knocking him out cold.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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“I thought I told you? Didn't I? Well if you've forgotten, which you shouldn't have, I'll remind you...We're setting sail in about two hours. I've made up my mind, we're getting the jolly roger stitched, and going abroad!” Despite a little shock that might have followed he slips passed her, and takes a seat at the counter, digging into the bowl of stew, dipping the bun in it, and chugging the beer; it was gone in less than a minute.

“I'll give you time to prepare, get all the meat, the clothes, the whatever! Meet me at the tavern, we're gonna rally us a crew fit for a future Pirate King.” He throws his arms in the air, “Old man! Let us have the meat you have stocked in the back so she can cook for our crew. Also! She's going to be our doctor, so give her as many bandage rolls you can!” He was adamant about the whole situation, and without letting Marlie reply he stands. He swiftly makes his way to the saloon doors, “From now on, Marlie, you'll call me Captain Neggy!” With that he was off, if they took a gander outside they'd see his figure dashing for land, and disappearing behind town homes.

His feet kicked up loose dirt, creating a series of plumes in his wake. “Today’s the day, today’s the day, today’s the day.” He chants over, and over without fail. His feet carry him with determination, his eyes fixed on the horizon; he was going to start living the life of a Pirate in just a little while. First things first, a crew; he needed a crew. What better place to look than the tavern? Despite the Marine presence they didn't much mind the sign of the jolly roger as long as the peace of the village wasn't disturbed. Neggy cared little for that, he'd fight anyone if they got in his way. Nearing the tavern, and unceremoniously getting ready to do the same here as he did at the Marina he puffs out his chest, puts on his best 'serious' expression, and forces his way through the door despite not really having to do so.

The result of this resulted in the door's top hinges being separated from the door itself, Neggy stood in the doorway, studying the door; he had lost every thing he gained due to the previous preparation, “Oops. Did I...Um. Did I do that?” All of a sudden a voice erupted from the bar, “Neggy! You dumbass, freeloading, thieving, conniving brat! NINETEEN?! If there were a single ounce of truth to your age, I think God himself would realize the world of pirates were doomed!” Nicholas rubbed his head, appearing to be sincerely embarrassed, “My bad, Geezer.” The man that had bellowed at him was a barrel-chested, broad-shouldered old man; to whom Neggy called geezer, but he gave all old folk nicknames relevant to such.

“You better be sorry, ya no good punk, cause you're replacing them hinges with your own beri. I think two thousand will cover the damages.” The old man nods his head in agreement, Neggy showing the first signs of anger towards his own folly due to this, “Bullshit! Ya old washed up fisherman! Two thousand for a hinge! OH what you gonna by out your own stock with the rest of it ya drunk?!” Just then the old man began to snort and whoop a laugh unlike any other. “Oh you young fool! I'm only kidding! I'll have Beg fix the door, now what're ya here for, dipshit?”

Neggy scrunches his nose at the misleading cruelty, and simply goes about his business, “Right. It doesn't involve you, so buttout.” He ignores murmurs for the time being, and glances around; after his search was finished he easily hopped from the floor to a nearby tabletop without much effort, “OI! All glory seeking pirates, moneyless bounty hunters, ex-marines, cropless farmers, bankrupt business owners; HEAR ME! The world's greatest ship is about to set sail, and it's going to be Captained by none other than ME! The soon ta be most notorious, revered, strongest Pirate King there's ever been! I'll be stronger than Gold Roger himself! If you don't want to be left here to rot like a bag of tomatoes I suggest you partner up with me! Adventure, glory, wealth, fame, POWER, women, action! All of it will come to my ship like moths to a flame! I, Captain Neggy, will only accept those willing to fight to the end for nothing, but the sake of a great voyage! Whether my dream is complete, or not I wish to achieve it alongside comrades! This is a limited time offer, so any who voice up now will get a reserved seat aboard my ship...”

He pauses for a moment, looks among the many who drank up their sorrows, played card games, or just wallowed in their own self-pity. Until he came to one person, a woman; one he hadn't seen before, “YOU!” He points at her, as if she had done something wrong, “You're gonna be my first mate!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Marcus sat up with a slight groan, finding him self in a small row boat. He leaned back and fished his back of cigarettes out and found his book of matches in the same pocket. He brought the roll of paper to his lips, struck the match on the rail of the row boat, and lit his little death stick. He sighed at him self, Oh what you have to done to your self Marcus. He felt his eyes go heavy when he heard a loud thud coming from the town. He leaned back and fell asleep, only slightly snoring.

[Didn't mean to tag every one]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Marlie had known exactly what Neggy had planned for that day....She had just hoped that he wasn't serious. Her grandfather was getting old and frail. The thought of leaving him alone to go on an adventure seemed too selfish for her. Glancing back at the kitchen she smiled at the sight of him happily chopping herbs for his latMarlie had known exactly what Neggy had planned for that day....She had just hoped that he wasn't serious. Her grandfather was getting old and frail. The thought of leaving him alone to go on an adventure seemed too selfish for her. Glancing back at the kitchen she smiled at the sight of him happily chopping herbs for his latest mixture. "He'll be fine" she told herself steadily. She ran up the stairs to the living quarters above the diner to pack her things. Her medical supplies were primitive to say the least but she packed them anyways. All of the ointments and medicines soon followed them into her musty old knapsack. "Hey Gramps! I need the food for the trip!" Marlie chimed as she hopped into the kitchen. "It's in the duffle bag...." her grand-dad said dryly. He wasn't up for Marlie leaving either, but he knew that she wouldn't stay in this boring old town forever. With one last look Marlie glanced around the kitchen, reminiscing about all the amazing times she had had. Hugging her grandfather, she snuck out the back door, jolly roger draped overtop of her bags.

As she approached the old rickety dock that Neggy had told her to meet him at, she immediately regretted her decision. All of the boats were old barges, aside from the few rowboats covered in barnacles that looked like they hadn't moved in ages. Placing down her things on the most stable part of the float, she wandered through the maze of ropes and bird droppings, contemplating what was about to happen. This was a big step for her. She was way too young to be doing this, but then again, the best pirates start off young.
Between the groans of the dock, calls of seagulls and splashing of the ocean she heard a faint snore. Looking around she couldn't see where it was coming from. Then suddenly she caught glimpse of a wisp of smoke. She plopped herself down on the edge of the dock so that her short legs just skimmed the water. "Ummm Sir...." she whispered to the scruffy looking man who was lying in a small rowboat. "Do you by any chance know which of these......vessels.... is the Calypso?" Marlie was greeted with a loud, throaty snore. "Sir....You should probably wake up......your cigarette is burning a hole in your blazer..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Marcus woke to two things, first, was his cig burning a hole through his shirt "Shit!" was what he yelled, rather loudly as he brushed off the burning ember off of himself. The second thing was a girl walking away from him. It wasn't the fact that she was an albino, or that she looked way to young to be here in marina. It was the fact that she had tribal markings. He recognized them as soon as he saw them and regretted even remembering what part of his life was tied to them.

Memories flashed across his eyes....Him....stalking some one.......setting up his rifle....taking a shot....hearing the cry of a child...... He began to fallow the girl, manly out of curiosity, to were she had went. Hell he thought, If she's this young and hanging around the marine, she might be apart of a crew, a crew means work, and work means cash.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Zasha walked towards the marina, a pack slung over her shoulder. Now where was this ship? She couldn't see the Captain anywhere, and she didn't have the name of the ship, which was a horrible oversight on her part. She blamed the whisky, which had since worn off and led to a hangover which she'd taken something for in her rooms. Hopefully she found the Captain soon, or more of his crew. She didn't even know who else he'd hired, but it couldn't be too hard to find a crew like that who would follow a captain of that sort.

There were all sorts of people walking here and there, from all sorts of places. Most gave Zasha no more than a second glance. She was just yet another Skandian pirate, after all, even if the blue hair was a bit on the odd side. Ships, ships, ships. Where was hers? She wondered how long this particular trip would be. She'd had captains for anything from a few months to a little over a year, never for much longer. Granted, First Mates tended to have longer runs, but it wasn't as if she was stuck with any captain that she had strong objections to. There were always plenty of pirate ships, going on one adventure or another. This one just happened to be a broader scope, and who knew where it would take her? But she was more than ready for the adventure, and the risks that came with that. She had her own name to make, after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha
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Marcus was going through a crowd, a rather large one. He stumbled through, getting a bad look from a few, and those who saw his blade knew what he was, and they just scowled some more. Then a flash of blue caught his eye, and, mentally noting were the place of work for the albino, walked towards that flash of blue. Then he saw the wings. She, and it was a she, a rather attractive she, was an Shandian. Another memory flashed across his vision. This ones made as much sense as the last one. He fallowed her walk around. She had a pack, so he new she was going to a ship, maybe this would be more promising.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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In the distance they might be able to hear an accumulation of shouts, curses, and warnings; as time passed these noises grew louder until finally a voice rung out above them all, “Bluuuuuue!” The blonde haired buffoon bellowed behind his first mate, “Start kicking up splinters!” Mayhaps she took a gander over her shoulder, and discovered that on the heels of her new found Captain was the entire detachment of Marines that had been stationed upon the island. He almost didn't notice the man tracing her steps.

If the blue haired Piratess hadn't picked up her pace Neggy would easily overlap her, and make no attempt in spurring her on further. Another shout came from him, “Marliiiiiie! Brace yourself!” Without too much effort he leaned forward, wrapped his arms around his friend's waist and hoisted her upon his shoulders; he had no time to spare, he released Marlie, untied the tether which kept them leashed to the dock and looked at Zasha, “Quickly now!” The Marines were gaining, and would attack anyone who happened to be around the lad. Taking a second glance towards the docks, spotting the same man from before, "If you're coming too, don't dillydally! If you're not on this boat in the next twenty seconds you're gonna get left behind!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Marcus looked a bit confused, "Fuck it, hold your damn boat, im coming with you, asshole" He ran and jumped, missing the boat by about 3 feet, and having to swim after them. He climbed aboard and looked at the mismatched crew of misfits and spoke

"Marcus Taint, sniper, spotter, and dam fine swimmer, who the hell are you?"

He realized that all of the people he had found interesting were in this boat, the Shandian, the albino, and the blundering dumbass. This would be interesting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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He fished for his cigarettes only to find they pack was empty, and soaked at that. He looked up his apparent new crew members
and asked "Any of you carry a pack on ya?" he held up his soaked pack of cigarettes for them to see, only to have it shot out his hand. "Son of a fucker" He unslung his rifle, flipped up the cover for the side mounted scope, slowed his heart beat...and waited until he saw the little gold numbers and letters that told him the variables, then fired. The shot found its mark, and the marine fell out of the tree.

He chambered a new round, and turned and looked at them all, "As I said, sniper".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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"Holy Crap!" was all that was running through Marlie's mind. Everything was moving so fast. She had just been casually weaving through the crowd when all of a sudden this happened. She was now a good 10 meters away from the dock in a wobbly little boat with her somewhat insane best friend, a random blue haired girl who looked like she could murder with a simple glare, and the man she had previously seen in the row boat, who was now wielding a gun. The shot echoed in her ears
Marlie recognized the man from before...He looked very familiar. She felt like she had seen him in the past, and the look in his eyes after he had shot his rifle sent shivers through her body.
"Neggy......I swear....." she stammered as she reached for her small, dull pocket knife "I can and will hurt you... and right now I am not feeling safe....." By now she had inched herself between the edge of the boat and the lovely captain.
The diner,sitting there on the shore, quaint as it always had been, looked so inviting. It was taking all of her will not to jump out of this boat of strangers and swim back to her warm and safe home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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“You'll be safe Marlie, I promise. You won't fight, but we need a cook and someone to patch us up when we get into a tough spot; you're the only person for the job in my eyes.” After reassuring his friend he turns to the one who claimed to be a sniper, among other things. “You're lucky he wasn't killed, if that were the case we'd have the Marines on our ass in a worse way. I was trying to be discreet, but a Marine must'a heard me in the tavern.”

He stretches, looks towards the docks, then finally out to the open sea. He approaches the stern, and places his foot on the edge of the boat, “This is the Calypso, crew. But don't worry about it's appearance. Soon we'll ja- I mean borrow a boat from those Marines, and fix'er up with our roger.” He looked more determined than he's ever been, and that was saying something. He was so convicted, the passion burning his spirit as his life of boredom ceased, and his new era of adventure begun. First things first though, the ship he spoke of, he chose to explain his madness, “You haven't been here for long, but Marlie and I know of the ship that's docked near the Marine outpost here on the island.” He pauses, crossing his arms, “It isn't a battleship, or even close to a galleon, but with our small crew it'll be a right fit. The stupid guards are usually hammered around this time, and even if they aren't the ruckus we caused'll bring most of'em away from the outpost itself. It all equals chance!” He himself manned the first set of rows, “Hey, 'sniper'. Why don't you get the other pair?”

Regardless of whether or not he received assistance, he began to row both oars sequentially; once he believed they were far enough away he changed course to curve around the island. During this time the others would be free to converse among each other; he would most likely chime in at some point.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Marcus slung his rifle and grabbed the other pair of ores and began to row with the blond. He looked at the albino and felt a chill, she was some one he had seen, but were....He then saw the look on her face and noted she was scared. "Sorry if I scared you there, it mainly was reaction to getting shot at....and the look in my eyes was my haki" He lifted up his sleeve to reveal the symbol he had tattooed over the black mark, a rose. "Also, I did hit him, but it wasn't fatal, so they wont be on our asses like they will be when the find out one of their best snipers, newly retired, has gone pirate". He kept rowing. "So, if we are going to hijack a marine vessel, how are we going to do it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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(I keep posting in the wrong fucking room)

Marcus slung his rifle and grabbed the other pair of ores and began to row with the blond. He looked at the albino and felt a chill, she was some one he had seen, but were....He then saw the look on her face and noted she was scared. "Sorry if I scared you there, it mainly was reaction to getting shot at....and the look in my eyes was my haki" He lifted up his sleeve to reveal the symbol he had tattooed over the black mark, a rose. "Also, I did hit him, but it wasn't fatal, so they wont be on our asses like they will be when the find out one of their best snipers, newly retired, has gone pirate". He kept rowing. "So, if we are going to hijack a marine vessel, how are we going to do it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Zasha had already had time for second thoughts through fifth thoughts about this whole affair as she ran to the boat with them and jumped in. It was a little, who was she kidding, a lot more slipshod than she liked her jobs, but what could she do? She was committed now. And besides, she didn't blend well at all, and those Marines had gotten a really good look at her. Even though she hadn't taken a shot at them personally her crew had, and they would all go down together if it came to that.

Ignoring the nickname, as it was hardly the first time someone had used the obvious as a moniker, and at least it wasn't her crew, she nodded. "We have two options. Sneaky or blatant, but either way we'll have to be quick about it. We're outnumbered, and I'm sure there are plenty of other Marines that will back up their comrades if they catch wind of what we're doing." And now they were going into what could be a full fledged battle with people she didn't know and couldn't predict their abilities or their competencies, much less be able to use them strategically knowing their skills. Obviously the former marine was a sniper and a good one, that was an excellent asset, and Captain Neggy--perhaps she should just call him Captain Nicholas, Neggy just seemed so unimpressive, but better to broach that further down the line--was a skilled fighter at close quarters, as was she. The small doctor and cook, Marlie, apparently wasn't a fighter at all. An odd choice for a pirate ship, to be sure, but to each their own. It seemed as if the captain and the girl had a previous relationship, and all the better, it might keep him out of her hair when there was work to be done.

It was a small crew. Perhaps too small, but hard work might make up for it. Another one or two would make her feel a bit better, but she wasn't the captain. Taking a ship right away might actually turn out to be a good thing for them. With such a small group, they would need to form strong bonds to weather the perils of the high seas. Or at least a partial form of early loyalty to each other so no one got knifed in the early morning watch. She'd have to keep an eye out for the trouble spots.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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"Hell, give me 5 minutes and I could have all the guards taken care of..." they looked at him with a rather weird look. "I could use my knowledge and credentials, witch I prey are still accurate, and get them to reinforce the out post or something....Did you really think I would kill them?" he had stopped rowing and tilted his head "It would be a waste of good ammo, and these shells aint cheep to make." He kept up rowing and addressed the blond "So, what's the name of my new found business partner? and how much do I get payed?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Neggy raised a brow, going 'Huh?'. He goes about sighing, and mumbling to himself; his eyes peering up to the sky as he thought about that, “Well. Pay. Hm. I guess it'd just be whatever we plunder. I don't really care about treasure right now, but if we need money I think we can work for it somewhere.” He scrunched his nose, “Neggy. Nicholas Neggy, but even if you hadn't known my name; it's Captain now.” He shakes his head, “I don't want the easy way, that's boring as hell. If you wanna get in the middle of the action all you had ta do was ask.” He took the former marine's offer the wrong way, “Then it's settled. We three will throw all the guards overboard, and steal the ship. Planning done, now let's get on with it already!” The Captain did appear serious.

Whether his crew noticed, or not they were dangerously close to the port side of the boat, “Ready ya selves, lads and ladies; for we're takin' this clipper here for ourselves!” He labeled the ship, just before dropping the oars and standing up. “Off I go~” He breathes, crouching down taking a deep breathe and finally shooting upwards; aided by the hardening in his ankles, and calves to lessen the strain to leap at such a high vertical height. He was able to get fingers upon the railing of the portside of the ship, “And I have arrived...” Neggy hoists himself upon it, taking another crouching position once his feet came to balance him on the balustrades. While they noticed him, he counted eight Marines, all armed with short arming swords. Sharp and nothing to laugh at, but nonetheless the Captain felt it wouldn't be nice to hog all the fun for himself. “Oi, you few best know the consequences ye face by standing on this here vessel...MY vessel!” They just looked at him, one even began to snicker. Despite his irritation, Neggy awaited his attack force's arrival.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy
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Boring as ... hell. She was going to have her hands full keeping this one alive to become Pirate King, Zasha inwardly grumbled as they rowed towards the big ship. Strategically this was a mistake, even if would mean for a great fight. True, he was good enough, but there was always times when someone ended up being a bigger threat than expected, or too many average fighters overwhelmed a superior one. Granted, Marines weren't much of a threat, usually, especially since none of their more famous members were around.

She hoisted herself up to the ship behind the captain, taking up a position at his back. The Marines were armed with swords, so she unsheathed hers as well. Fair play, and all that. He seemed to be waiting for them to attack first so she followed his lead. She concentrated her Haki, focusing on the men. Eight might not be too difficult, but best to be prepared. The glint of her swords flashed under the bright sun as she waited for their attack. The captain was their direct threat so they'd probably go after him, leaving her free to pick off those in the back. She'd just have to stay out of the way of their sniper, if he chose to get involved. He seemed good enough to avoid his own crew when aiming at the enemy, but things always got messy in close quarters.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus taint Character Portrait: Zasha Character Portrait: Nicholas Neggy Character Portrait: Marlie Spike
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Ruffling through her bag, Marlie grabbed for her scalpel....It was the closest thing she had to a weapon. Since what happened to her family, she vowed to never kill unless prompted. She was back-up. Holding tightly to the edge of the larger boat, as to keep from floating away, she looked up at her captain and this unknown woman, who seemed like she knew what she was doing...unlike Neggy. How stupid could he be? The sniper seemed like he was going to have an intelligent plan, one that involved less kamikaze and more sneakiness, which was more of her strong suit. Focusing her Haki she sensed that the marines were not the tiniest bit worried.

She eyed the sniper, who was taken aback at how abruptly their captain had jumped in the face of danger. He was casually waiting it out, or at least it seemed that way. "The hell you think you're doing?" the marine in the front of the group chuckled. With one simple swipe, he unsheathed his sword and swung at Neggy.