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Katie Halesworth

"All's fair in l- an epidemic."

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a character in “The Walking Dead: Survivor Chronicles”, originally authored by xxtensionxx, as played by RolePlayGateway


Katie Halesworth



Despite Katie being a legal adult, she still has a childlike side to her, though much bellow her exterior surface. She seems to be the epitome of, 'stay silent unless what you have to say is more beautiful than silence.'Before the epidemic, she was more or less a typical college student. Yes, she was double majoring in a subject matter which most do not breach the topic of, with a minor about the same, but she was as much of a partier as the next person. Along with an ability to be a great study partner, often earning her partner a better grade then they would have gotten other wise, she made parties more fun. When other students became homesick, or upset, they went to her. She always was willing to make a homemade batch of cookies to remind them of home, or let them barrow her computer to skype with a family member who they missed too much. Katie tried hard to always be their for people, knowing that if she were in their situation, she would want the same. Then again, on the other side, she tends to be more held back than others, having to force out niceness, as her father had taught her to be like him. Her friendly personality was more of an act, and in her head, she was almost always evaluating them. She is observant of her surroundings, though balancing being nice and observant is hard.

Though she's quite the comedian, in the state of things, her humor has gone to complete waste. Other than conversations with her current canine companion, words aren't shed. When the potential of the cruel epidemic was officially realized, Katie decided her life style would have to change. She couldn't be the nice girl everyone went to if they needed help, and because it had been such a full time effort to be her, becoming quieter and more selfish was not incredibly hard. It's not that she's bitter, but with a lack of a better survival strategy, she became more involved with keeping herself and Nick alive. He was her second priority, under herself, and she vowed to keep the two alive. Her tendency to gladly engage in a conversation with anyone she is able to has been toned down, but when people get close to her, theres no telling what could happen. In order to keep them away, a quite, snarky, and slightly cocky attitude has been adapted.

Katie is a tall young girl, and unlike loads her age, she is not stick thin. She didn't have much fat, and the amount she had died away with the hopes she had of the epidemic being saved and stopped. Her long legs have led her to be a fast runner, though a short torso has led to other disadvantages, not important to the epidemic. Her face is oval shaped with a sharp jaw line an nose, as well as a prominent set of cheekbones. Her skin is a near flawless tan, changing shades depending on the season and exposure to sun. From afar, her eyes seem to be a relatively dark brown, but upon closer examination it is sure to notice both the gold and light brown flecks speckled in them. Her hair is a mix of auburn and brown, with some highlights here and there of blonde. It falls in waves around her should, and sometimes she just results to putting it up. As far as makeup goes, she often does't wear it as she doesn't see people, but sometimes she chooses to just for herself, only wearing lipstick and mascara.

Her clothing has almost always been simple. Katie likes tank tops and teeshirts the best, as they leave an optimal room for free movement, and sweatpants of shorts for moving around. She has two pairs of shoes that she carries around or wears. One pair are typical running sneakers, and the other all purpose weather boots. She has a jean jacket that she alternates using with a boyfriend-style zip up sweatshirt. She always wears socks if she is wearing shoes, not wanting blisters, though she doesn't always wear shoes.

Sexual Orientation

~ Bagh nakh: Tiger claw based multi bladed hand knives of a sort, picked up on her trip to india.
~ A cross bow: A Ghost 350 Power Scope, that she risked her life to rig from a sporting goods store, liking it more than a gun.

~ 3 cans of fruit
~ 2 cans of vegitables
~ Half a bag of dog treats
~ 4 boxes of 9mm Winchester's ammo
~ A sleeping bag and blanket
~ A few pairs of clothing
~ Her extra set of shoes (one sneakers and one boots, depending on which she's wearing.)
~ A pocket knife not big enough to stab with, for skinning animals

~ Working a part-time job as a gymnastics coach in Evanston
~ A student at Northwestern University, double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial and Design Engineering. She is minoring in psychology.

Wesley, Massachusetts

Born in a family of three children, she was the youngest, though they were each two years appart. Her mother was a stay at home mom, focusing on staying close with all her kids, though always closer with the older two. Her father had an active job as a Detective in the town, often having to travel for his full work. Katie had always been closer to her father, and because of this, she was taught how to defend herself, as well as use multiple weapons. He taught it was important to always have the upper hand, and how to gain it. She was already taking gymnastics, and with his help, she learned how to combine both skills to work together. She had always felt an overwhelming need to achieve good grades and do well, to please her parents, and try to out do her siblings. In high school, after keeping her grades up, and getting into Northwestern, her parents rewarded her with a german shepherd puppy, partially trained with the commands of a regular police dog, him insisting she should keep up the training.

When the epidemic broke out, she was at college. Well, she was off campus, in town, on a run with her dog. That's when she first heard about it. She got a call from her dad, insisting it was going to be bad, and getting ready with preparations for a need of a vaccination, nothing as serious as this though.

Carlile Halesworth (Father) DEAD
Lily Halesworth (Mother) DEAD
Anna Halesworth (Sister) UNKNOWN
Greg Halesworth (Brother) ALIVE

Her dog, Nick, is trained well enough that he never leaves her side.

So begins...

Katie Halesworth's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Katie Halesworth

Moving at a pace more brisk than usual, for fear of the coming night, Katie trotted through the thinning woods, cross bow in hand. The dark may not be too close, but she still had to find some where to stay for the night. She didn't have to glance to her side to acknowledge the fact that Nick, her german shepherd, was right next to her. Along with hearing a pitter patter of his feet hitting the dead foliage, his presence had become something she could sense. As the brush thinned further, Katie slowed to a short-stepped walk, pausing next to a tree, her back against it, she reaching into her pocket and pulled out a map. It was of the Southeast. Tracing a path with her finger, she marked a segment about half a centimeter long, before tucking it back into her pocket, and glancing around. The coast seemed clear. "Good boy, she muttered, petting the top of Nick's head affectionately, before beginning to walk again, though on the edge of the woods, looking for signs of life... or undead life.

She had been on the move since when the outbreak began, walking during the day, hiding out and sleeping at night. So far, she'd only stayed in the same place more than once a few times, but after doing it, she regretted it. Hiding out in one place was so easy, and so comforting. Knowing that you'll see something approaching before it comes, and that you can just stay in place and they can't get you. But that's why she couldn't do it again. Katie didn't want to get used to something so sweet in a world that's so horrible. The only thing that kept her sane and okay had been Nick, but the fact that he was the only thing she could talk to might prove she wasn't sane. What's that? Her reminiscing was interrupted by a building coming into her vision, a large mansion, and though there weren't signs of life on the outside, there were chances there were some on the inside.

Katie couldn't help the excitement that sparked in her mind and eyes, the thought of being in the presence of another human too incredible to consider the wrongs that could happen, and were likely to happen. She started towards it, using the cover of the land to approach it before anyone inside could see her. Just before she was ready to start towards the building, to go to the door, she saw a figure dart forward, and knock on the door. Pulling up her crowbow, and looking through the scope, not planning on shooting the girl, but rather defending her if something bad was inside, slowly walking closer though, because if there were people inside, she would want in too. Pausing behind, but close enough that if the girl at the door turned around she would see her, Katie waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Xander was heard the comotion in the woods. As he got to the window he saw a girl running towards the manor. "Shit, she's a live one. They don't run." He started running down the stairs trying to catch her. Walkers were attracted by sound, everybody should know that. There were going to be here soon. As he passed his sister she looked at him from the window.

"We're going to help her right?" Lyra said grabbing her gun from waist band. Xander only nodded. He turned to her and motioned her to stay behind him. He heard the last of the knocks and rushed to the door. A million thoughts were running through his mind at once. They were mainly what ifs but, those didn't matter. Being a good person mattered. He opened the door and sternly said, "In the house, NOW." He watched her enter and looked around. He caught a shine in the distance. He gulped and jumped in the door so he wouldn't get hit.


The girl was the first to enter, Lyra raised her gun with her finger on the side of the trigger guard. She hadn't taken a human life yet, and she wouldn't if Xander had anything to say about it. "D-don't move. We don't want any trouble." As she said that Xander entered. He didn't look happy.

"I took a chance. Now, time to see if it's paid off. Who's in the woods with the scope. Your friends? Were you going kill us and take our stuff?" Xander said angrily. He didn't want his sister getting hurt. Xander drew his gun preparing for the worst. He saw his sister gulp as she clicked off the safety. Her finger was still on the side of the trigger guard. So, she wouldn't fire the gun by mistake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Rena stood at the door, tears still running down her cheeks as she glanced behind her and to each side. She didn't see any walkers, but her gun was still in hand. "Please, somebody...." she whispered as she moved her blue eyes onto the door. As if a God was answering her prayers, the door opened. The man gave her a stern look and commanded her to get inside. She quickly did so and nodded.

Inside the mansion, she stopped only a few steps inside and nearly burst into tears again, how ever she choked them back. She took a deep breath and stared up at the ceiling.
"D-don't move. We don't want any trouble."
She froze all movement except looking at the woman. She looked around the same age as the woman before her, who had the gun on her. "I-" she paused and looked at the ground. "I don't want any trouble. Just a place to stay." She mumbled before slowly setting down her gun, with one hand in the air to show she was surrendering. As she stood back up, with her arms raised in surrender still, she wiped under her eyes with one hand before moving it back. It did nothing but smear even more of her makeup that had started to slightly run from all her tears.

"I took a chance. Now, time to see if it's paid off. Who's in the woods with the scope. Your friends? Were you going kill us and take our stuff?"
Please, she whispered before trying to raise her voice just enough so she thought they could hear. "I came by helicopter from Texas. It was my brother and myself. However...." she choked up and tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. "We were attacked less than a mile from here and he didn't make it. We didn't know anyone was here." She finished in a sorrowful tone. "I don't know anyone else. I didn't know I was being fallowed. Its just me and Coon." She continued, moving her eyes back and forth from the pair. "If anything, let us stay for the night and we can leave in the morning if you wish. We wont take anything and we have food." She concluded before she finally stopped. She felt like she had been rambling. She was doing just that. Her nerves were shot and she needed a cigarette, more than ever. "One night...." she whispered, in almost a sob as her mind kept going back to her brother in the woods.

If on was to look at her, they would see blood on her neck and on her shoulder. It was a black with a simple red tint that hinted at what it was. Her hoodie once white, however now it was tainted with dirt and blood from killing walkers. In the center was a bright pink Hello Kitty head, which too was tainted. Her blue jeans were also dirty from her journey. She looked a mess. Her blue eyes were blood shot, her makeup was smeared, and her clothes were dirty. She looked like she had been through hell, but of coarse, thats because she had. Everyone was going through hell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Katie Halesworth

Tension built up in her muscles as the door opened, a head poking out before the girl was pulled in. Shit she thought, realizing she may have just lost her opportunity by scaring away her only chance of survival. Katie glanced around, and though she saw no walkers she knew that the noise of movement in comparison to the dull buzz that usually filled the world was enough to attract zombies. Nick was looking up at her, his tongue out in a light pant. He was a rather large dog, probably bigger than the average german shep, but that was to her advantage. He made the perfect companion.

Using quick thinking, she tapped her leg to draw his attention, and sprinted to the door, half crouched so her body blended slightly with the land, but still moving fast. Nick was right next to her, the dogs constant devotion to protecting her pushing a small smile onto her face, as she paused at the door, trying the knob, before knocking loud enough for the inside to hear, but trying not to cause attention. Katie stood perpendicularly to the door, keeping a watch for any approaching walkers, and though she saw some movement in the thinning of the woods, she let it be. If it was a concern, it would come to her, but keeping watch was all she could do as she waited what seemed like endless seconds for the door to be opened so she could be moved to more of a safety place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Xander sighed as the girl talked. She just lost her brother, something he didn't want Lyra to go through. His head was screaming that he shouldn't trust her but, his heart was saying let her stay. He could overpower her if it came to it. He nodded his head and Lyra clicked on her safety and lowered her gun. There wasn't going to be any bloodshed if Xander had anything to do about it. "Alright you have your night. You can take one of the rooms upstairs." He sighed and continued, "I'm sorry that you lost your sibling. I don't want that for my sister. Lyra take her upstairs and make sure she's alright."

Lyra nodded, she was glad that he decided not to kick her out, or worse kill her. She never killed a human, Xander was always there to take care of it. "Come on sweetie, lets go get you cleaned up," she picked up the gun and handed it to the girl. Then she put her arm around the girl and started to lead her upstairs. As they left Xander started pacing back and forth. He got a shiver down his spine. Something bad was going to happen. That's when he heard another knock on the door. He groaned, he hasn't met this many new people since the begining of the outbreak. He opened the door with his gun in his hand with the safety off. When he opened it he saw another female and this time instead of a ferret there was a 150 lb German Sheppard.

"I don't suppose you want to sell Girl Scout Cookies, huh? Now, I'm guessing by your crossbow, that your the person I spied who was in the woods. Get in here. I don't want any trouble, Xander's my name." He didn't want to mess with that dog. It could do some serious damage. No, olive branches tend to get you farther than a gun in the face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Katie Halesworth

Her uncomfort grew with each passing second, Nick seeming to have the same thought on his mind. Katie whipped her head around as the door opened, not needing his invite in to enter. She pushed in quickly, her arm holding the cross bow dropping to her side as she patted her leg again, Nick trotting right to her. Smiling slightly at the boy, she kneeled next to the dog. It's not that she trusted him enough not to have her scope trained on hima t all times, but she could hear voices upstairs, and if he wanted to kill her, there was so stopping him. Katie placed her cross bow on the ground, her knee instinctively going to cover it, she pet Nick's head, scratching behind each ear as the dog panted, then stood up, grabbing her cross bow.

"I'm Katie." She replied, waving slightly, before glancing down at Nick as a low, nearly silent growl formed in his throat, before he even stood. A smirk formed on her lips, her fingers triggering down at the dog to signal him to stop, and he did, his tongue coming out as he panted again. "I uh need some shelter." She hoped he wouldn't turn her out, and she more hoped that she would find a group she could form up with here, but that seemed out of the picture. Katie's eyes fluttered back down to Nick, then the boys eyes. "That's Nick."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Adams Character Portrait: Rebecca Clarke Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Xander put his hand to his face and sighed. He didn't need this many people bothering him. He looked up and said, "You get one night. Take a room up stairs. I don't want any trouble. I have a sister to protect." Xander looked out a window and saw the truck pulling up. "SHIT, what the hell. Are we having a party here? I'll crank some tunes, attract some walkers and make a real shindig. This had better be good." That's when the horn went off. "Somebody has a death wish." He spied on the truck. Xander turned to Katie and said, "Cover me from the window, and If I get hit by a bolt. I will kill you." His face was serious.


"I guess you know my name, but It's Lyra." She smiled at the girl. That's when she saw the ferret, she wanted to pet the creature, but didn't want to upset Rena any further, so she ignored him. Lyra listened to her talk about how lucky she was to still have her brother. She agreed, without Xander, she would have died at the hands of her mothers. "I'm happy I have him. He's saved my life on more than one occasion." She lead her to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. "Now lets get the blood off of you." Lyra smiled and started wiping the blood off of her face. "I think your going to have to reapply your make up, but try to stay away from red. I'm personally sick of the color myself." Lyra tried to make a joke. A loud horn came from outside the house. "More visitors, maybe we can get a group going again..."

Xander opened the door and was greeted by shouting. He raised his gun and said, "Could you quiet down, your going to attract a huge crowd of walkers with your noisy car and your yelling." As a sign of peace he raised his hands and slowly put his gun away. However the safety was off. He slowly walked over there trying not to make the girl in the bed get jumpy. He took a quick look over the girl and said, "No, never saw her a day in my life. How do I know that she really is dehydrated. This could be a distraction to lure me out, but you took the great risk of HONKING the horn to get my attention. Take her in. My sisters on the second floor, tell her that I said it's ok to give her water. Use my name, infact. It's Xander by the way." He turned his back to the group and walked towards the front door stairs. He sat down watching the woods. He pulled out his gun and clicked the safety on. Either it's in his waist band with the safety off or in his hand with the safety on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Adams Character Portrait: Rebecca Clarke Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Tia Kirby Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman
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#, as written by KJA
Kieran widened his eyes at the sight of the man’s pistol, flashing Becky a glance he shook his head slightly suggesting against any ideas she may have had with her own firearm. Extending two fingers from the hand he had wrapped around the Tia’s shoulder Kieran tries his best to sound calm ‘Sorry. We don’t mean you any harm.’ Noticing the man’s gaze Kieran tilted Tia slightly to give him a better look, his brow frowning at his response. ‘No distraction, I promise you that. I’m an EMT I can tell you its dehydration, she’s not bitten.’ During their exchange Becky had her rifle aimed up at the scope shimmering in the window, she wanted to take fewer chances.

Nodding at Xander’s invitation inside Kieran offers him a slight smile as he passes through the front door ‘Thank you. My name’s Kieran, my friend Becky. She’s a mechanic.’ By now Becky had lowered her rifle down to her side and raised a peaceful hand to the scope in the window. Placing the rifle into the flat bed Becky started up the truck again and parked over in front of the mansion’s garage, a small offset structure built away from the house itself. Glancing over at Xander Becky offered him a firm nod before entering the garage via its side door. Cam belt first, introductions second that was her priority.

Kieran made an effort to find sugar, salt and a glass before carrying Tia upstairs. Walking through the hallway Kieran kept his gaze between Tia’s unconscious face and through the doorways of any empty rooms, passing the others as he did so ‘Xander said I can use some water, I have my own too. Please excuse the brief introduction, my name is Kieran I’m a Richmond EMT. My friend’s Becky, she’s outside working on the truck. I need to see to Tia first, if anyone is injured come see me.’ Hopefully his British accent served to compliment his intentions. Shortly after Kieran settled on a bedroom and closed the door behind them.

Placing Tia on the bed Kieran set the glass down filling it with water from his backpack. Adding guessed measures of sugar and salt he stirred the mixture with a nearby pen before feeding it very slowly and carefully into Tia’s mouth. After what seemed like fifteen minutes Kieran was content with the amount Tia had in her system, about half the glass, setting it down on the bedside table. Dragging a chair from the wall Kieran sat down beside the bed, holding Tia’s wrist and checking his watch. The results wouldn’t be immediate but there was a difference already. Arching his head back with a tired sigh he pulled out his Glock and placed it on the windowsill the other side of him, rubbing his face deeply in both hands before resting his eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Adams Character Portrait: Rebecca Clarke Character Portrait: Tia Kirby Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Katie Halesworth

Though it wasn't funny or pleasant, Katie couldn't help but hide her smile as the boy spoke, and though she knew he was one hundred percent serious, it was the closest to a joke she had heard in a while. She too was surprised by the sudden numbers rising in the group that she had hoped was small. At his words, she sprang to the window, clicking her cross bow into place and calling a small, "come," to Nick. She saw through the window a group of people, one of which looked extremely sick. Shit, she thought, watching them enter. The man carried the nearly unconsious one, and his friend, the one with the rifle, waved a peaceful hand to her. She nodded back, a small sign of hello, but ample, and kept her cross bow ready, looking out the window as the girl parked the car. As she disappeared, she allowed herself to leave the window, her crossbow arm dropping to her side as she looked around, the two new-by's going upstairs. What a motley crew.

She glanced at the boy she had met earlier, Xander, and nodded in his direction. "These your friends?" She asked, moving slightly closer, but just enough so she could see out the door, into the woods. Remembering he had said she could get a room, small goosebumps rose on her back. She hadn't slept in a real room, never mind a bed, in a few weeks. Most of the time, she found some place flat, got in her sleeping back, and slept on Nick. It kept him warm, and gave her a pillow. It worked well enough.

Her attention flashed back to the woods, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone there. But she ignored it, hoping she was wrong.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Adams Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Minya Polack Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Xander noticed that the sun was starting to set. He was glad that this day was almost over, maybe he could get some sleep tonight. He often took night watch. He knew when to sleep. Xander didn't look up when Katie approached him, "No, but she showed severe dehydration symptoms. So I figure what the hell." Xander stood up and dusted himself off he was going to continue but, he was cut off by the gunshots. His eyes when straight upstairs. They sounded like it came from below the house than above the ground floor. He tried to remember if there was a basement. "Check inside the house for a door and I'll swing around back to see if there's an outside entrance." He clicked off the safety and ran around the back. He found the cellar door open with a boy trying to lift a big man. He was not having an easy time with it. He put away his gun and said, "I think a bed is a bit more comfortable than the cellar floor."


Lyra was surprised at the sudden appearance of a man with a girl in his arms. She didn't even had enough time to speak before he disappeared in one of the bed rooms. She turned to Rena and said, "Well, I think the amount of excitement we've had today is more than enough to last us the rest of our lives." She smiled. When the gunshots went off she jumped a little bit. She grabbed her gun and rushed to the nearest window. Below was a boy dragging out a half of a walker. The next thing she knew Xander was on the scene. "I was worried something happened. It's just some boy who killed some walkers. Xander is dealing with him now. I just hope he didn't attract more of them. That's just what we need more of those these monsters." She sat back down and sighed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Adams Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Minya Polack Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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'Watch your ass, Kay,' Tia called out as the Englishman shut the door. His footsteps were muffled on the stairs, and she heard him call out 'Xander?'

He was right, she thought. She had been out in the wild for days, longer even. The flight from the hunters had worn her down as much as running from the freaks ever had. More possibly. It was the first time humans had been the enemy, instead of just dangers because of their reckless actions. And yet another human had apparently picked her up off the side of the road and brought her to safety, when she could just as easily have made a convenient meal for a passing freak. It seemed trusting humans could get you killed in this new world, but at the same time, they were the only thing that was going to keep you alive. She glanced at her useless gun, and smiled at the thought of Kay placing it by her side. For all the good it would do her. Poor Kay, exhausted but still on the move, still checking on people's safety.

She sniffed. A faint smell had crept into the room when Kay had opened the door, a smell she hadn't experienced since before the outbreak. It took her a moment to identify it, and then she swung her legs off her bed and gingerly sat up. He hadn't even taken her shoes off. 'Always ready to go, girl,' she thought. Her vision swam as she stood, and suddenly the distance to the door, which Kay had covered in a few strides, looked like miles. Closing one eye, she wobbled towards the door, her knees weak. Surprisingly out of breath and her head thumping, she grappled with the door handle. The door to the next room stood open, and inside sat two girls, around her own age or slightly older, she guessed. One had long, dark hair, the other, whose eyes looked red from crying, had a slash of red in her hair, and was just stubbing out a cigarette. A long, slender animal lay curled up in her lap.

'Hey,' said Tia abruptly from the doorway. 'What's that thing?' nodding to the animal.

"He's a ferret. His name is Coon," the girl replied in a tired slur. Tia eyed the ferret nervously. It was calm now, but it looked like it could move like lightning. 'You friends of Kieran?' Tia asked.

'Kieran?' asked the second girl. 'The English guy,' Tia said. 'The doctor guy. Just went downstairs.' Met with blank stares, Tia forged on. 'This your house?'

'I just got here,' the girl with the ferret said, looking up at her roommate. 'I... I was with my brother... but...he didn't make it.' She tailed off. The second girl filled the awkward silence that followed. 'I came here this morning, with my big brother, Xander. My name is Lyra, and this is Rena,' she said, putting a comforting hand on the other girl's shoulder. 'Who are you?'

'Tia,' she said, having to swallow to wet her dry throat so she could speak. 'You got a drink? I really...' Her vision blurred again, and she lurched to one side, clinging onto the doorpost. She could see Lyra step towards her, and reached out her hand to the dark-haired girl as she slid down to her knees, mumbling: 'I don't feel so good.'

Rena nudged Coon, making him jump from her lap, and quickly moved over to brace Tia. She placed one hand on her shoulder, ready to try and grab hold of her if Lyra gave her any indication.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Minya Polack Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Katie Halesworth

After Xander had come back, confirming the suspicion that there was someone in the cellar, though that it was okay, she muttered a soft, "that's good," before reaching into her back pack and looking around. It didn't take Xander to tell her that he thought it was unusually quiet, she was already thinking that. Katie was looking in her backpack for her other form of defense, and as Xander sat down on the stairs, then stood up, she simply nodded. "Yeah, okay, I'll still be here," she said, finding what she was looking for, though keeping it in her bag, at the top, before pulling it closed and walking to the stairs, sitting down at a place where she had a clear view through the window. Nick walked over to her, sitting at her feet, then laying down, looking up at her. A sloppy and light grin fell on her face as she looked at him, though she then remembered she would have to find something to feed him later. She had planned on getting some small animal on her walk around during the day, though she hadn't, and it was getting dark.

Her head whipped around at the sound of movement, recognizing the foot steps to be of someone a bit bigger than her. She sat in her place, assuming it was one of the many other occupants of the house, and watched as she saw their figure in the room over, moving. Katie sat in her place, just observing, knowing that the boy would next wander into the room she was in, thinking of whether or not she wanted to introduce herself. Try to make friends, these are probably the only people you will ever encounter for the next how ever long you are able to survive, she thought, looking down and scratching Nick's head, waiting for the boy to enter this room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Minya Polack
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Minya walked in a rather slouched way, as if ducking under various branches outside rather than being in doors. He kept his hood (and horns) up, just in case some one was hostile here. He had many encouters with bandits on the road, with and without sibling and them mostly resulting in him getting away from them and later sacking their camp after hours of stalking them until night fall for their food and more important items. Food, ammo, their lives if need be. However, no one here had been hostile. At least not yet. The last of the good hearted people gather to a manor to survive as long as they could.

He wandered into one of the rooms, looking around before stopping in his tracks. There was a presence, but he didn't see them before walking in. He straightened himself out before actually looking, keeping his eyes to the floor. When he looked up, his eyes fell on the canine first. For some reason, dogs always made him smile even in such dark times such as this. "Where most would leave their compainions to the plague, this one still stays with his master." He said to himself as he looked toward the woman. "Sorry. I've seen pups abandoned and chased by valkas since this whole thing started." He said tilting his head to the side. He shivered a bit, shaking his head and making a scraping noise from the inside of his hood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Minya Polack
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Katie Halesworth

As the boy entered the room, Katie didn't look directly up. She could seem him out of her peripheral vision, and when he would look up, she would look at him. Not realizing his head was raised, her attention was still trained on Nick, scratching behind his ear as he looked at the boy. It wasn't until he spoke that she realized he was looking at her. She glanced at him, taking in his stunning eyes and features as he spoke, interested in both him, and his words. Abandoned?, she thought, the possibiliy seeming impossible. She would die before abandoning the one living thing she seemed able to trust these days. As the boy drew closer, Nick stood, his ears perking and a slight twitch in his lip, as if it was going to pull back into a snarl, but before it could do so, Katie's hand was on his head, and he instantly calmed.

"I couldn't imagine abandoning him," she said, the rethinking his words. "And I like to think he feels the same for me." She finished, a soft tut in her words from burnt taste bugs. Katie's eyes moved over the boy, not really examining him, but not leaving any of his body un seen. It was a bad habbit of hers, but it tended to work better for her, letting her know more about people than they let on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Minya Polack
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Minya shurgged, and squatted down to the floor. He pulled on his horn and pulled his hood off. His hair was a mess, as expected from not being able to keep himself tidy in a zombie apcolypse. Not that anyone would care either. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a large peice of what looked like dried meat and tore it in half. "I assume that he might be hungry." he said as he reached out to the dog with the meat.

As much as he looked like a wild man, with all the animal hides, horns and parts on his person; he wasn't the monster to those who gave him a chance. To those that tried to take advanage of him...that was a different story in the very least. "I'm Minya, by the way." He said, once realizing that he hadn't even put a name to his face. "I'm the one who cause the shots in the cellar."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Adams Character Portrait: Rebecca Clarke Character Portrait: Mirena Prevex Character Portrait: Tia Kirby Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Minya Polack
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Xander stepped outside and looked towards the moon. It wasn't even halfway overhead and it rose a bit after the sun went down. If he had to guess, "It's roughly 7. That's what I can tell. I used to be able to tell the time of day from looking at the sun. I got really good at it." He took a look at the things she said could be used as weapons. Not much, the wrenches could be useful. However, they had certain flaws to them. "If you think they could be good, you can take them. As for watch, keep an ear open for walkers or bandits. So, keep doing what your doing but, be vigilant."

He finished his smoke and tossed it on the ground. He grounded it and headed inside the house. He saw Kieran on the couch and smirked. He headed up the stairs and checked one of the hall closets. He found a pile of blankets. He grabbed them and put a few of them on the ground in front of the room where his sister was. He knocked on the door like he used to when he left her dinner infront of the door. It was the old 'Shave and a Haircut,' knock. He left before Lyra could open the door. He took the rest and headed downstairs. He was going to check to see if that guy in the basement wanted a blanket. It couldn't hurt to ask. As he made his way to the basement he decided to put a blanket on the sleeping EMT. Xander took a quick look at the designs of the blankets and decided to drape the pink floral one on the man. He needed a good laugh. Xander wanted to take a picture. He chuckled as he headed down stairs, "I'm coming down, It's just me." He said as he started down the stairs. He was surprised about how dark it was.

"I brought some blankets. Man, how can you see down here? It's really dark." Xander said as his eyes adjusted to the almost dark. He look around and didn't see the boy. He shrugged and put a blanket on a work bench. He went back up the stairs and decided to look for the boy. He searched the house finding the boy talking to Katie. "I found some extra blankets, I put one in the basement for you. I'm curious on why you have animal bones... Well everywhere?"


Lyra grabbed a can of pineapples. She looked at the can and sighed, it was her and her brother's favorite fruit. He would have told her to eat it. Her plan was to give it to him for his dinner. She decided to do what her brother would have told her to do. It was for the best. "Xander... hasn't had the easiest life in the world. I know, by the looks of it... None of us has had an easy life. His life has been harder than mine by a long shot." Lyra said. She started to open the can when Tia cut her finger. She started up but, Lyra realized that she had it under control. "Don't worry sweetie I've seen worse. You just need sleep." Lyra was happy to see her go to her room. She shut the door behind Tia. She finished off her pineapple.

She leaned against the wall and started dozing. She came to her senses when she saw Rena start to get up. She chuckled as she saw her fail. A bit after Rena fell asleep she heard the knock on the door. Lyra smiled as she remembered the times before. She got up and opened the door. There was a stack of three blankets on the floor. She picked one up and threw one over the girl. Lyra thought about the times when Xander would through the holiest of blankets on her when she fell asleep on the couch. She smiled at the memory. She wanted more of the good ones. She took the rest with her as she went to Tia's room. She threw one blanket on the ground and draped the other one around the sleeping girl. She smiled and watched Tia for a few minutes. Lyra turned and left. She was getting tired. It had been a long day. She decided to go back to Rena's room. She laid down and used Xander's pack as a pillow. She got under the blanket and fell asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Minya Polack Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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Minya perkered up from hearing Xander behind him. He never liked people sneaking up on him, though that probably wasn't what he was trying to do. His question wasn't one that he had heard before, but it was normally before someone attempted to rob him of his belongings. "I was a taxidermist before all of this so every part of the animal had a use for us." he said simply as he pet the dog and stood up again. "These days, I've had to fight for my food and hunt it, and I have to used to the rest of the body for something. Why not use it at armor and weapons." The last part was a half truth. If he told him that he was a bandit who only prayed on those who betrayed him and other bandits, he didn't think that the man would let him stay in the house for too long.

"Either way, thank you. If you need anything, I'll actually be in the basement." He said as he walked past him. He made his way back down to the cellar, wandering around in it as he started to adjust his eyes to the dark. He grabbed the blanket and spread out on the floor before sitting down. The dark had been his home for the past three months, some where that he felt some semblence of safety for the time being. Sure, it wasn't safe to travel in the dark. But who said desprate times didn't make a dangerous time of day safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katie Halesworth Character Portrait: Minya Polack Character Portrait: Lyra Coltman Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
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0.00 INK

Xander nodded as the boy went back down to the basement. He told Katie to head up to the attic. It was a great look out point for them right now. Xander found himself a bed and laid down. His exhaustion was his worst enemy, he tried fighting the sleep as long as possible, then he slipped away to a light slumber that he had gotten used to.

"Lyra, we're gonna make it... I swear." Xander looked over and saw a group of walkers coming right for him and his sister. He tried to help his sister up. However, her leg was battered up. She wasn't going to stand anytime soon. He swore and pulled out his gun and stared firing in the group of walkers. When the clip was emptied, there was a good 4 walkers left. He picked up his bat on the ground and started swinging. He killed them all, but he had gotten bit in the process. Then a scream let out behind him. A walker was on top of Lyra. Xander didn't have enough time to kill it. What was supposed to be a scream came out as...

"Lyra!" Xander whispered as he shot up in the air. He looked around and saw that he was still in the mansion. He and his sister were still safe for now. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. He wasn't going to let that happen to her. He decided to take over the watch, as he wasn't going to go back to sleep. He headed up to the attic and relieved Katie of guard duty. He watched and waited for the sunrise...
