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"It is said the Fool will one day become the Hierophant."

0 · 845 views · located in Edasler Bria

a character in “The Way to the Future”, as played by God_of_Darkness




Role: The Jester of Fate
Gender: Male
Other Aliases:  The Fool, The Laughing One, (doesn't know his Full name or real name)
Age: 17
Race: Half Human/ Half Luck Spirit (doesn't know this part)

Appearance: Short shaggy black hair. Eye that change colors, triggering his hidden ablity. Scar under right eye and along the left eye from the eyebrow to cheek bone, both look like verticle cuts straight down. Has his tarot deck on a magical satchel on his hip which allows him go conjure cards from the deck from thin air.

Preferred Clothing: As Shown.

Height: 5'7
Weight: 138 lbs
Hair Color:  Deep Black
Eye Color:  
Changes to different colors changing a different flux of magically induced luck:
Ruby Red: Random Bad Luck
Emerald Green: Random Good Luck
Obsidian Black: N/A
Sapphire Purple: N/A
Pearl White: N/A
Gold Yellow: N/A
Silver Grey: N/A
Turquoise Blue: Romantic Luck
Topaz Orange: Hunger Luck 

Under different levels of stress, subconsciously will manipulate the probability of anything, thus changing its luck. He hasn't fully gotten control of this inert power.

Sometimes breaks into song.

Is a very randomly flamboiant and theatrical person at times.

Likes:  Gambling, Games, Magic, Fia
Dislikes: Losing, Death, Bad Fortunes
Hobbies: Gambling, Playing Games, Reading Tarot, Magic Study

Phobia(s): Failing, Being Alone, Going Insane

Weapon: Joker's Tarot Deck "Kas'Biano" (lucky charm). As Joker grows as Tarotmancer he will discover the true power and potential in each card. He can still read the tarot as a diviner regardless of discovering the spells.

Design on back of tarot cards

Major Arcana
- The Fool
- The Magician
- The High Priestess
- The Empress
- The Emperor
- The Hierophant
- The Lovers
- The Chariot
- Strength
- The Hermit
- Wheel of Fortune
- Justice
- The Hanged Man
- Death
- Temperance
- The Devil
- The Tower
- The Star
- The Moon
- The Sun
- Judgement
- The World

minor arcana
- Ace of Swords
- 2 of Swords
- 3 of Swords
- 4 of Swords
- 5 of Swords
- 6 of Swords
- 7 of Swords
- 8 of Swords
- 9 of Swords
- 10 of Swords
- Page of Swords
- Knight of Swords
- Queen of Swords
- King of Swords

- Ace of Wands
- 2 of Wands
- 3 of Wands
- 4 of Wands
- 5 of Wands
- 6 of Wands
- 7 of Wands
- 8 of Wands
- 9 of Wands
- 10 of Wands
- Page of Wands
- Knight of Wands: materializes a legendary bludgeon weapon or magical baton, enhanced through magic and energy
- Queen of Wands
- King of Wands

- Ace of Disks
- 2 of Disks
- 3 of Disks
- 4 of Disks
- 5 of Disks
- 6 of Disks
- 7 of Disks
- 8 of Disks
- 9 of Disks
- 10 of Disks
- Page of Disks
- Knight of Disks
- Queen of Disks
- King of Disks

- Ace of Cups
- 2 of Cups
- 3 of Cups
- 4 of Cups
- 5 of Cups
- 6 of Cups
- 7 of Cups
- 8 of Cups
- 9 of Cups
- 10 of Cups
- Page of Cups
- Knight of Cups
- Queen of Cups
- King of Cups

(I will label each spell as it is discovered or revealed in the RP)

Fighting Style: Tarotmancer's Martial Art of Tarot Palm

Tarotmancry- using a soul bond Tarot Deck to manipulate matter, energy and even time with a spell embedded within each card

Fortunapath- can will probability to change with his mind or subconscious (doesn't know so can't use his mind to do it very well at all)

Personal History:  
Joker was raised from as far back as he can remember by his master. His master, Zane Kasiolatta trained him every single day in the way of the Tarotmancer, until on his 17th "birthday" he was finally given his Soul Deck: Kas'Biano.

Joker was sent forth to now discover his own path and become a master of Tarotmancry.

So begins...

Joker's Story


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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Nervously Joker fidgeted and smiled, his hand gently rest on his satchel. He had revealed his divination powers to many before, but never explained to anyone else just how much power he could pull from the cards. He exhaled slowly and flipped the satchel strap open. "Then I should show you something."

He willed the cards to rise from the satchel and follow his hand, floating though the air Joker made his cards swirl and spiral through the air like dancing ribbon, it looked as if he was shuffling them through the air with masterful speed and dexterity. Slowly his cards spread out between his hands and three cards lifted up above the rest of the deck, and the three of them landed face down in front of Fia on the ground.

"I am a Tarotmancer, with these cards not only can I gaze into the past, present and future, but I can also access their true potential... Well, I will be able to access them... Eventually..."

"The first card shows the past..." With a wave of his hand, Joker willed the first card to flip over, revealing the six of cups, upside down. Joker looked up sadly to Fia, but it was a sympathetic saddness. With this card, he had a glympse of her past and the pain she suffered through and felt truly sorry for her. "Th-the Six of Cups... Reversed..."


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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A look of surprise passed over her face as she watched him work with the cards, she remained laying upon her side as before, but continued on watching. In her travels . . . she could not say that she’d ever heard of a ‘Tarotmancer’ before, she’d heard of those who could invoke many different sorts of charms and magics, but not quite like what Joker was able to do. Tarot readings were not uncommon, but for someone to actually be able to channel a sort of magic through them, that was something new to her entirely—and she could only wonder if his power was what the king of Martanth wanted wiped from the world. If it were the reason that the jester before her had been labeled for assassination.

The fact that Joker could also invoke a form of magic through his cards meant one other thing to Fia, as far as she could figure of course, it meant that he was not fully human, partly so he must have had some form of Fae blood within him, like herself. Any mortal capable of magic had to have within them some trace of Fae lineage, that blood running through the person thick enough to show itself in some manner. As myself then, I wonder if he realizes this truth or not?

When he began to do a reading on her though . . . a bolt of panic shot through Fia’s body, and it almost felt like a part of her had gone numb, her heart leapt into her throat. She visibly tensed up where she lay, and her eyes shut. ”Th-the Six of Cups
” He was looking at her, she knew it. The tone in his voice revealed the fact that he had seen into her past, managed to view the fringes of it, the tragedy which plagued it. The death of her family.

“Please . . . do not dwell upon it, Joker. Continue on showing me what it is you are capable of, what it is you do. My past is simply that, my past, I do not desire the sympathy or feelings of understanding from another person regarding it.” As she spoke, her voice nearly cracked, she had to fend off the urge to cry it seemed.


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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The reversed Six of Cups was a representation of being stuck in ones past, being plagued by bad memories that she could not let go. Joker didn't like to dwell on the past, he could not remember a life before being his master's disciple, and he felt no want of knowing it. Heeding her words he dropped it and continued, "The second assesses the present..." willing the second card to flip with another wave of his hand. The Lovers, upright.

Joker chuckled softly, while this card appropriately summarized their current position, it could easily be misunderstood. He looked up at her gently and said, "The Lovers can symbolize the formation of a union, to work through a moral or ethical dilemma, to make a connection." The more he spoke the meanings of the card, the more he seemed to feel embarassed, slowly reading into their interactions and connecting them with other meanings of the card: Opening up to another, to be tempted by feelings, to seek love. Joker gulped lightly and tried to focus on the third card.


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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She very nearly laughed, the notion of the card of the present did nothing to at all embarrass her, she understood its meaning well enough as it was explained to her. There was no reason for her to take it another way, was there? The jester before her was her client, even if he managed to invoke some rather strange feelings within her heart, which was only because of her inexperience, little else. Indeed, the meaning behind the card was very fitting to how they were now going to be working together, it was something Fia felt that she had to do, she protected those who needed it. And Joker was one of those people. . . . However, with how very accurate his tarot reading seemed to be, he did indeed have a very unusual power, and it made sense that if he were so very good at this, that a king might well want to have such power wiped from Edasler Bria.

Especially if the reading given to him was an unfavorable one. Kings are as mortal as anyone else upon this planet, all as easily susceptible to anger and greed as one another.

The mercenary sighed quietly, bringing her legs up against her chest, lying there in the fetal position as she watched Joker continue on with his reading—moving onto look at the third and final card which would show her future. She could not deny noting that the young man however seemed on the fringes of anxiety though, and even distracted. I wonder why?


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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"The final card... Glympses the future..." Joker hesitated. Joker never really enjoyed looking into the future. While nothing was written in stone, he still had an idea of the future, and he tended to not be wrong. Knowing the future was a true ordeal, despite his wants to alter it for the better, what happens will happen. His master use to say that even knowing the future could alter it but fate will always come. Joker waved his hand over the last card and willed it to flip. He smiled as it was revealed, the Ten of Disks, upright.

"This is your future. Money will never be a worry for you again. You'll be materially wealthy and financially set." Joker smiled brightly and warmly. He didn't even think of the other meanings of the card, he was just relieved that he would be able to pay Fia back for protecting him. So he could now be honest.

"Ms.Fia, I must confess something. I d-don't really have any money to pay for your services, at this time. B-but this card! When I'm able to unlock its potential I'll be able to give you enough money that any king would envy your wealth."


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So, the truth of it finally came out. That, along with her future’s reading, there was no surprise or anything else for that matter that really left Fia emotionally stricken, no, the girl felt and acted the same as she had been—she seemed reserved enough through it all. The notion that her future was material wealth among other things was not really something she wanted, the idea of material riches . . . bored her. Of course, she understood that Joker didn’t control what cards came up when he was giving a reading though.

I suppose he’s going to be in for a surprise when I speak the truth. Fia thought, finding herself yawning. She rubbed one of her eyes before she spoke, her voice beginning to wane with fatigue. “I already had surmised of your current financial situation, Joker. By the manner in which you had acted when I inquired of whether or not you had rented a room here at the inn, I deduced you were not so well off at the moment. And in all honesty, I could not care less about you paying me for my services, it is not in my nature to charge people I choose to protect of my own accord.”

The girl sat up with a deep sigh, pulling her hair out of its bun as she prepared for soon to come sleep. “In addition to your words and reading of my future, I am not concerned with material goods or financial wealth. I do not desire large amounts of money, only enough to subsist. You need not be concerned of payment regarding me, as I am content with my life as it is.”


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"No, you don't understand. Watch." Joker willed the Knight of Wands to come into his hand. The rest of the cards, except Fia's reading all snaked their way back into his satchel. Joker exhaled slowly, focusing himself on the card. The world around him seemed to fade away, as he concentrated on the card.

His mind drew on a memory of one of his master's lessons. When he was just a young boy, Zane told Joker stories of magic users across the world. One eastern sorcerer of mention, Moki Ukognos, had a magical staff that he could will to grow as long, thick, heavy, or durable as he willed it to be. It was said, he was the first outsider to be accepted in Slyph society when he used his staff to fly, by spinning it rapidly over head. Moki had a familiar, a monkey whom he named Rikki. They were never apart, Moki even carve pictures of the small monkey dancing on his staff.

The card began to glow like a firefly, transforming into a long red waxed wood staff with monkeys complexly carved into the wood. He spun the staff in the air like a windmill and then pinned an end to the floor, holding it vertically. Joker smiled hoping to have impressed someone as amazing as Fiammetta.


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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She looked on with her eyes a bit wide with surprise, again, something she had not been expecting. Indeed, it seemed as if she did not understand, but when she was up against something she had no knowledge of, how could she except a single thing? The act of magic Joker had just shown to her only furthered her beliefs that he was partly Fae, as she herself was. How could he not have been when he was able to do . . . what he’d just done? Channeling power through a card and summon from it, a staff? Such a sight to see, what the jester before her had done . . . Fia was certain that Cosette would have very much enjoyed getting to see such a thing if she were alive.

Quickly enough, Fia recollected herself despite her astonishment, running her fingers through her hair after she’d let it down from the bun she’d kept it back in. The blue ribbon she used to tie it up in one of her hands still, having her hair loose felt sort of strange when she was so very used to keeping it back all the time. . . .

“Truly . . . that was unexpected.” She commented lightly, ceasing fiddling about with her hair, letting it simply fall over her shoulder instead, Fia looked away from him. “I cannot perform such feats myself, my abilities in magic lie only in being able to bless an object with latent power through prayer, and channeling energies.” At this, the blonde brought her gaze back up to Joker, and gave a small smile to her traveling companion, “Suffice to say, I am . . . pleasantly surprised, as I have never seen such a thing as this before.”


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Joker smiled and chuckled lightly, as he turned away to hide his bright rose colored cheeks. He exhaled softly and calmed himself down. He layed the staff on his lap. " As a tarotmancer, I can bring forth the true power of this deck. But I have to discover the power. So far I've found only five. This is my Knight of Wands, I can materialize a legendary bludgeon weapon or magical baton of my choice, like the Staff of Ukognos."

Joker smiled back to her proudly and charmingly, not on purpose but when he looked at her with her long stunning golden hair down he couldn't help but smile. She was so beautiful, he lost track of himself and his staff rolled off his lap. Joker's rapid reflexes kicked in and before the staff hit the floor he caught it with his right foot, kicking it back up into his hands.


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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She felt her face flush just a bit when he again gave her a genuine smile as that, and although not completely certain of it, she believed she may’ve felt her heart skip a beat in her chest. The strange sensation and the sudden hitch it caused in her breathing made Fia suddenly place a hand over her heart, and take in a shaky breath. That was . . . new. What was going on with her? Was this really just the end result of her own newness to conversing with a guy her age? It wasn’t as if she had any way to actually be sure of that. I must be allowing myself to become far too friendly with him—traveling companion or not, a distance must be kept between myself and those I am to protect. That must be something I remember, always.

Fia opened her eyes halfway and turned her gaze down for a moment, as she steadied her own heart, she had to maintain herself, no matter what. Letting herself become close to someone could cause a weakness within her to form, something that may well throw her too far off to keep a person safe. . . . .and if that happened while she was trying to protect someone, it could well cost an innocent, she would have more blood on her hands, a life would be lost because of her inability to properly act. As with Cosette. Her sister who had died within her own arms, the reason she lived on.

A heavy air washed in over Fia suddenly, as she remembered. Her whole demeanor seemed to shift as she brought herself to look back up at the jester she needed to now defend. “I will hope that you are able to uncover many of the concealed powers within your cards as we journey, but for now . . . I would think it best that we retire for the eve, morning will be here soon and as I stated, I rise early.” Her voice was harsh. A sadness seemed to take hold upon her face as she moved to lie herself down under the covers of her bed, doing so carefully as to not agitate the sensitive scar upon her left side. Pulling the blankets up over herself, Fia had one final afterthought, “Oh, yes, when I do awaken in the morn, I will see to it that you get a decent breakfast in you. Your complexion is still rather pallor, and your strength needs to be kept-up for what we are to be potentially dealing with.”


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Joker watched her lie down, sighing softly as she turned away onto her right side. Joker walked over to the adjacent bed and lied down. The second he hit the mattress he sighed out in pure bliss. This was the first time in two months since he had lied on a real cloth mattress. His sighed out deep the moment he wrapped his arms around his pillow, spooning with it happily as he snuggled into sleep.

He felt like he should have said something, anything, something to break this awkward tension between the two.

"G-good Night Envoy Fia. Th-thank you..." He almost felt like crying as he spoke, feeling so greatful, he faced away from her and spoke towards the wall as he spoke. "I've never really had a friend before.... So this means a lot to me..." He snuggled into his pillow to go to sleep.


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Fia opened her eyes when she heard what it was he’d said . . . friend? He already thought as much of her when they’d met only so shortly ago? After a moment of silence, she quietly responded to him, “. . . .good night, Joker.”

She had really allowed herself to slip from her ways in his presence if he was already thinking of her as a friend, or perhaps he was really just that nice of a person to think as much of a new acquaintance. A soft sigh came from her as she understood the implications of having someone she was meant to protect think of her as a friend, it could well mean a weakness that an enemy would think to exploit, to try to use against them if ever a situation such as that arose. It could do serious harm. As she was mortal, she was vulnerable to such things, she really was. Such things had made her come to believe that it would be better to isolate her heart from everyone in order to maintain a steady distance, to keep from emotional faults forming within her.

However, it seemed she may have well failed now. Joker already thought of her as his friend, and Fia already knew that she did not have it in her heart to tell him otherwise. Despite how strong she tried to keep herself—she knew well enough that she could not hurt someone like him, he was too kind. So, it seemed he had indeed earned the right to call her a ‘friend.’ Oh Cosette, what have I gotten myself into this time? I know well that I have delved into matters and issues which were so deep and complicated before now, yet this time . . . it seems so very different, sister. Why? Why does it this already feel so, odd? Even if he wants to call me a friend already, without hesitating one bit, I should not feel any different than before, yet I do . . . why? The girl released a shaky breath as she pulled her legs up to her chest again, under the covers of her bed and simply lied there on her side.

I suppose I will just have to have faith that this will all work out in the end, will I not? Sighing to herself one last time, Fia brought her sage colored eyes to shut, ultimately deciding that even if she didn’t quite understand all of what was going on, and why she felt so strange, she had to believe that things would sort themselves out as long as she worked toward it.

So, for now, it was time to go to sleep, and resume her duties as a mercenary and protector in the morning . . . with her new friend.


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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When the edge of dawn just cracking over the horizon Joker woke from his sleep. He quickly memorized his dreams like his master taught him and inhaled deeply. He silently got up from his bed and crept to the open area in front of it. He began to do deep finger tip push ups, while silently reciting a mantra that his master taught, The Fool's Journey:

The fool embarks on his quest, inexperienced and naive.
He meets his shadows; the joyful magician and the introverted high priestess.
From thence he will come to know his mother, the empress,
Followed by learning of his father, the emperor.
The fool will confront his what he knows and believes,
Forced by understanding the way of the hierophant,
The arrival of a lover will shake his views,
But bring forth his true self.
Through a chariot of confidence and new found strength,
He will search the world like a hermit.
Despite the how the wheel of fortune turns,
The fool's justice system will hold strong,
But his world will be turned upside down, like a hanged man,
With a sudden death in his life.
The fool will have to struggle between his temperance and his devil-like ignorance.
Like a tower, raised before him, his life shall change.
Through hoping on a star, learning from the moon, gaining enlightenment from the sun,
The fool will be reborn, to judge the world and fulfill his destiny.


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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She had been awake for a while yet—the rain had roused her from her slumber several times the previous night, but then, it always did that to her, no matter how hard she tried to tune it out. Always, always it got to her. . . . Unlike her usual self however, she did not rise when she became aware that the sun would be showing itself soon—she just didn’t feel like it for some reason. Her scar was hurting more than it normally did, and her body just felt like it was too heavy. So, she had just laid there, curled up into the fetal position, silently thinking to herself, remembering her past. Thinking of so many things—recalling the happier moments of her childhood, the times she spent with her sister doing silly things.

She had thought of Cosette much that night, enough so that it nearly brought tears to her eyes remembering the girl’s smiling face. The weight Fia felt upon her body was that of her sister. . . .

However, there was no denying the fact that Fia’s mind had been consumed by more thoughts than that of her sister that night, the girl could not help but thinking about all of what she had gotten herself into. Agreeing to protect someone from Martanth’s armies, someone who already was calling her his friend, someone who was evoking strange sentiments from her and eliciting physical reactions from her heart. She still didn’t understand what was happening with her, what within her heart was treating Joker differently from those she’d protected before, and why. Was it really only because of simple inexperience? Even if that were the case, she was a mercenary, a woman who’d steeled her heart from much of the world and its horrors. And yet, something was different already. Her barriers had slipped before Joker, and she’d shown too much to him for her own comfort, and worse yet, she found herself unable to even deny him calling her his friend. On top of that, she felt as if she may’ve begun considering him as her friend as well.

What was happening to her?

Fia could only sigh to herself quietly, realizing she had allowed herself to dwell too much on all of that already . . . there were more important matters to which she had to attend. Like breakfast; she’d told Joker she’d be making sure he got a good breakfast before she tried to sleep. No matter how it is I feel, it is time for me to rise. she told herself, forcing herself to sit up with a quiet groan, her side aching. She stared ahead at the wall in front of her blankly for a moment before she looked down to see that the jester was already awake, and evidently going about some morning routine of his. With a yawn escaping her lips, Fia could only muster up one thing to say, “Good morning, Joker. . . .”


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Moving up on his fingers in a hand stand he looked up at Fia upside down as he went vertical. With a push of pressure he flipped up and landed on his feet quickly. He smiled softly at the Envoy, a person he felt destined to have met and for her to be so noble and not seeking reward for my assistance he knew that they would be friends, or at least he hoped...

"Good morning Ms.Fia. I was just doing my morning exercises." he chuckled nervously. "Got to stay limber." He smiled softly as the sun light caught her golden locks of hair. He looked away chuckling lightly cursing in his mind, Of course she has to look amazing in the morning too...


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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She yawned again, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as best as she could manage. The previous night had been a taxing one for her emotionally, physically speaking, she was okay. At least the rain had finally stopped. . . . That made things easier for her, in many ways. It meant that she and Joker could get a move on, leave Apea behind for now, and it also meant that there would be nothing else there to remind her of her past for the time being . . . as long as it didn’t begin to rain again that night, which she knew that it very well might. Nonetheless, it didn’t matter for now, she had her duties to attend to. Like Joker, she had things she needed to do in the morning to prepare for her day, although her routine did not include exercises.

Fia looked to the jester one more time before she forced herself up and out of her bed, stretching. “As I stated last night, I will be seeing to the matter of breakfast here shortly, however, before I do so, I need to change into my armor. . . .” With this said, the girl looked at him with a rather dull expression, as if her words carried well enough the message of that she wanted him out of the room so she could do so.


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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Joker immediately started to nervously ramble and stammer along, he staggered backwards clumsily, tripping on the rug, backing into a chair and blindly feeling for the door handle. "Oh yes, of course, right, I mean I understand, you have to change into your armor and you'd perfer to be alone. Most people don't like to undress in front of other people. NOT THat I like to undress in front of people! NOT THAT YOU LIke to undress in front of people! Not that it wouldn't be beautiful... NOT THAT I WAS THINKING OF YOU NAKED! I should go!"

Joker ran away, practically through the door with how quickly he left the room. Behind the door, out in the hall of the inn, Joker hit him self in the head for his stupid behavior. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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Fia just blankly stared at the door after Joker had more or less tripped through the room in his haste to leave. Well . . . that was certainly not a reaction she’d expected out of him with how he tried to act charming and seductive at times before. A questioning look formed over the girl’s face as she tried to figure out all the young man had rambled out before he’d left. “. . . .‘not that I was thinking of you naked?’” she murmured, before going quiet again. After a moment, a sigh left the blonde’s lips as she shook her head, “There is doubt about it, I do not understand men whom are of my age.” Following this, she took to doing what it was she needed to, changing from her casual clothing into her armor.

Although, since she was probably going to remain in Apea for a while longer, it would probably be all right for her to simply don the white dress she wore under the armor at all times. I suppose that would be fine for the moment, I doubt I will need my armor when in a town such as this for now. . . . she told herself, slipping the last of the gloves onto her left hand. The dress had no shoulders to it, and thanks to that, it revealed a rather nasty scar upon Fia’s right shoulder . . . one that seemed to consume a fair amount of her skin there. Even if she didn’t much care for people getting to see the mars upon her body, Fia had become used to the eyes of people wandering there, it wasn’t uncommon.

I suppose it is fine for me to call Joker back into the room and tell him he does not need to . . . freak out so much with me. Fia thought to herself, beginning to pull her blonde hair back into a ponytail held back by a black ribbon. Not that it can be denied that seeing him react to such simple words as he did was indeed entertaining. . . . she thought, a smile creeping over her face as she opened her lips, “Joker, you may come back in now—I am decent.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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Joker came back in calmly and collectedly feeling stupid, but at least he was composed now. He never over reacted so badly with women, he was actually fantastic at talking with women, especially when it pertain to charm and seduction, but something was different with Fia. He felt like a little boy with a crush again. He sighed out softly, thinking to himsel, [i]Calm down... There's no reason to be so nervous...You're acting ridiculous..."

Joker walked into the room again, his eyes more towards the ground, gently looking up at her like a dog that got into the food supply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker
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Still working her hair back into a proper ponytail and tying the ribbon into a proper bow, Fia cast her gaze upon the jester, finding it rather amusing how it was he was looking at her. He had no reason to be so very . . . timid at the moment, no reason at all really. Even if he had backed out of the room before like he had been utterly blinded by a spell or something, Fia knew well enough he'd meant no harm by his words. Simply, he'd suffered a rather amusing case of 'mouth working before the mind.' Amusing indeed.

And now, he stood before her like a child who feared being chided for a simple wrong, she really had taken on more of a babysitting role rather than that of a mercenary, didn't she? Joker was not much younger than her, but really as he was now it could be very easy to forget that. . . .

Bringing her hands down from tying back her hair, the blonde set them on her hips with a sigh and shake of her head, looking at him questioningly, before she finally spoke. ". . . .you do realize that you are very much overreacting at the moment, do you not Joker? I know well that you were suffering a case of motor mouth before, and that's why you said such strange things." she actually laughed following this, "Although, I will not deny that the manner in which you reacted was . . . endearing, I suppose."