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Darcy Morgan

Zombies? Piece of cake! I've survived worse brain dead people in El Lay.

0 · 1,788 views · located in A small town in the midwest called Highgate

a character in “The Will to Survive”, as played by DuBois_Scarlett









HEIGHT: 5'6”

WEIGHT: 115lbs





Fashion is everything for Darcy and she won't wear anything that isn't a major label or anything else that is made en masse. Darcy has long brown tresses and smoky grey eyes and a curvy figure. She is tall at 5'6” and an absolute beauty. So beautiful in fact that guys tend to be a little afraid to approach her, of course this could also be because the looks she gives could kill.


Darcy is for a lack of better words a spoiled, pampered princess. Being the daughter of the Mayor of Highgate and one of the richest families in the Midwest naturally she has had an easy life of complete luxury. No is not in her vocabulary and anyone that denies her anything should be ready to face the consequences of her wrath.

Having recently returned from LA after studying at UCLA and then spending another four years partying, shopping and more shopping she's returned home at her fathers insistence and is working as apart of his team which is a real bore but she can easily escape and go shopping although she has to go to the closest city to get anything designer. Darcy doesn't do off the rack.

Darcy is a complete mean girl, something age can't fix. However she's not completely cold-hearted either although she likes to let people think the worst of her. Although nothing can beat shopping for her, she secretly loves reading novels and art although again she'll never admit it out loud and one day hopes of achieving her dream of being a Art Curator if she can ever stop her shopping addiction and get around to it.



M1911 Pistol, Caliber .45 that she took from her home (fires 7 rounds) because it had the most storage of rounds and one she was comfortable with.




Gucci Aviator Shades.


Louis Vuitton monogram backpack.


Her backpack contains:

Her iPhone and charger.

Some packaged food and bottled water.

Ammo for the .45.

A pink Swiss army knife.


A kitchen knife.


Smith & Wesson Military and Police semi-automatic pistol chambered for .40S&W – that she takes from a dead cop after.


A can of tear gas which she also takes from the dead cop.



Darcy is physically fit as she is a regular gym goer and yoga practitioner as well as attending classes on self defence and martial arts.

She is sufficient with a gun as she was often forced to go hunting with her father and brother although she loathed it.


Darcy Morgan has had an easy life, but she has worked hard for her reputation as the meanest girl in the Midwest and plans on keeping things that way now she's back. Of course she doesn't run in your usual crowd. She belongs to the country and yacht club societies.

However she doesn't want to end up like her mother, who spends most of her time at her shrinks popping pills and mixing it with alcohol. While her fathers only care is continuing his never ending run as Mayor and advancing his political career to become Governor and making sure his son follows in his footsteps. No, secretly Darcy wants more but she would never tell this to her friends because they wouldn't understand.

Now her parents are gone, victims of the virus. Darcy has an older brother though, Joshua, whom she hasn't seen since the outbreak. Although Darcy and Josh never really got on and always argued they still loved each other as siblings do. And Darcy has no intention of leaving until she finds her brother.

So begins...

Darcy Morgan's Story

Oh my God! That looks so good on you!”

“I know.” Darcy replied smugly as she smirked at her own reflection in the floor to ceiling mirror.

She looked absolutely stunning in the elegant floor length, strapless real gold embroidered Valentino gown - consisting of the finest lace and satin money could buy - as her long brown curls cascaded down her front almost to her waist. In fact, Darcy sighed knowingly, there wasn't much she didn't look great in.

“You don't like it?” Commented Frankie, one of Darcy's sycophants who caught her discontented reflection in the mirror.

“No, I love it.” Darcy answer halfheartedly.

“What is up with you Darc? . . Is it Billy?” Frankie bubbled excitedly.

Yes, no. How did she answer that thought Darcy annoyingly. This trip into the city with Frankie had been a big mistake. The women was getting on her nerves. But it wasn't completely Frankie’s annoying presence; Darcy had felt an earnest ennui since she'd left LA and coming back home to the Midwest a couple of months ago. None of her usual pleasures – shopping, partying – seemed to satisfy her any longer. What was wrong with her? And yes, William Hawthorn was not helping matters.

“Nothings up with me Frankie and don't even talk to be about William!” She replied exasperatedly.

“Why? Oh my God, you know he's going to be President of the United States one day. And he's perusing you! Anyone else in your shoes would have caught him on a tight leash and would be reining him in by now! Just imagine you could be the First Lady one day!”

No! Thought Darcy, as a headache threatened on the verge, she didn't want to imagine. There was no way in hell was she going to marry a God damn politician and especially as one as ambitious as William Hawthorn who in all likeliness would one day in the near future become President. Darcy had no intention of ending up like her mother. The frightening thought sent a repulsive shiver down her spine.

No, there was no way she was going to end up like her pill popping, shrink seeing, alcohol mixing mother. Darcy had seen first hand through her parents what wedding a politician did to a marriage . . . and her father was only the Mayor of a small town that was Highgate. So just imagine what her own fate would be if she married a Presidential candidate like William Hawthorn.

“Is it because he's like thirty?” Continued Frankie.

Because William was thirty? Darcy almost laughed, he was only five years older than her and she'd dated guys way older than thirty before. Thirty was probably at the younger end of her dating list. How could she explain her reasons for not wanting to date William Hawthorn without giving the truth away?

The fact was William Hawthorn was nothing but a coward in an expensive £5000 suit. A chicken hawk; all talk and no action. Darcy wanted someone who wasn't afraid to stand up to her, someone strong and in control, for there wasn't many men if any a man that dared to tell Darcy what to do. Someone smart and intelligent and as ruthless as herself. Someone, someone . . . someone who didn't exist! This realization tempered Darcy's already growing bad mood further.

“No!” Darcy shouted on the verge of losing the little patient she had “It's not because he's thirty years old and if you . . .” She stopped, closing her eyes and taking in a deep calming breath, speaking softly but with an underlying edge of complete command “Why don't you go because after I'm done here I'm heading back home to Highgate.”

Frankie stood stone still, like a frightened dear caught in the headlight.

“Now.” Darcy added quietly to their reflections with a dangerous smile.

The women practically ran out to save her life with a squeak.

Still got it.

“I'll take this now.” Darcy said flatly as she examined her reflection one last time, cocking an eyebrow as she skimmed her hands down the side of the skin tight beautifully gold embroidered bodice of the gown as the sales girl entered the private dressing room.

Half an hour later Darcy pulled up in the drive in front of her parents massive gothic Victorian mansion on the outskirts of Highgate which she was back staying at since her father had demanded that she come home or be cut off. And there was noway she was living like a poor person, so her only option was to come back to the middle of nowhere Highgate.

Darcy looked across the passenger seat of her Porsche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet convertible to the large white box that contained her new Valentino to add to her never ending collection of couture gowns and dresses. She'd spent $20,000 and she wasn't feeling any better for it. Something was seriously wrong, Darcy sighed heavily.

But she knew what would cheer her up right now and that was a mug of Bonita's secret chilly hot chocolate milk. She could almost taste the spicy liquid on her tongue which brought a genuine smile to her full lips.

Just about to switch the engine off and head inside, Darcy stopped suddenly as the R&B jam playing on her favorite station stopped midway and a man started speaking.

“We interrupt this program for an important warning. The CDC has issued a severe warning. A deadly virus has gone airborne, infecting all those who it comes in contact with. An immediate evacuation of the area is mandatory. The following towns are exempt from . . .”

“Oh please!” Darcy burst out laughing, switching the radio and engine off before the guy on the radio finished his important message.

This was some real Orson Wells shit. Were they serious? Admittedly most people in this day and age were complete dumb asses but really who was going to believe that? Though she had to give the guy some credit, Darcy thought humorously - as she stepped out of the car and lifted the heavy box containing her gown - because he was a damn good actor because man, had he sounded genuinely desperate and frightened as if someone were holding a gun to his head right that instant.

As she stepped through the front door into their huge elegantly fashioned foyer, Darcy dumped her handbag and the box on a gilded damask chaise sofa not giving a second thought to what she had heard on the radio as she called out to the maid.

Honita! I'm home! Can I have a cup of the worlds best chilly hot chocolate?” She sang and waited for a reply.

There was usually a joyful Si in response from the maid or lately just a grunt since Darcy had had made the ginormous mistake of saying she had tasted better Coq Au Vin in LA. A big mistake! One should never compare Bonita's cooking to the likes of big city fine dinning and now Darcy was paying the price by being blanked by the freaking maid for God's sake!

When there was no response Darcy took it as another of Bonita's latests ways of letting Darcy know she still held her words against her and made her way to the kitchen at the back of the house in the west wing.

Man, would she ever get over it! The heels of her black Jimmy Choo calf length boots echoed through the silent house as they clicked on the dark wooden floor. Strange how this massive mansion had never seemed as eerily menacing in her childhood - as she'd romped through it with her older brother - as it did now.

The kitchen was as big as any room in the mansion. However it was the only room in the house that was ultra modern with glossy white counters, cabinets and even the floor; with the latest appliances. In the middle of the room was an island with cooking stoves and opposite from the door Darcy stood at was a huge stain glass window that lit the room in warm honeyed tones making it a warm welcoming place. An open door on the far left of the room led down to the cold basement.

Bonita stood stationary facing the window but Darcy saw nothing unusual in the maids behavior as she came in and plopped herself down on a high breakfast chair by the island in the center, biting into a juicy red apple from the glass fruit bowl.

“Bonita! Come on! Would you stop this?! I told you I was sorry like a million times,” Darcy said and raised her hands in a giving in gesture “and I told you I could even be wrong I mean I don't even remember really what the Coq Au Vin tasted like to be honest. Plus, you should be pleased, you know for a fact that I don't apologize to anyone. So you should find yourself humbled by my app-”

Smack! The island shook as if an earthquake had hit it. It sounded like flesh had hit concrete. Darcy watched silently stunned as the impact rattled the glass fruit bowl as it fell to the ground with a loud smash and shattered to a million pieces.

Darcy looked up startled to find a blood covered, paled skinned, yellow eyed Bonita snarling as the possessed maid tried to reach over the opposite side of the island to grab Darcy. She could clearly see the blood streak and stain the white counter top where the maid tried unsuccessfully to crawl across with her hands and arms.

“What the fuck -” Darcy shouted as she fell back over the high breakfast chair onto the white stainless glossy floor with an inelegant thud.

Bonita's angry, unsatisfied growl sounded loudly over the island to the floor where Darcy was trying to remove her disarrayed long brown locks from her face - preventing her from seeing clearly - back over her head; trying haphazardly to right herself.

“Fuck! Bonita! . . Stop!” Darcy snapped as the maid appeared as quick as air around the corner of the island. Moving slowly but determinedly forward.

The Virus . . . It couldn't be . . .

Darcy scampered back, gliding on the glossy floor, pushing backwards with her palms and feet as what was once Bonita stalked forward carefully like a predator hunting a skittish prey. Darcy looked back frantically as she glided back on the floor on her bottom. Heart pumping, pulse racing, Darcy realized too late that she'd backed herself into a corner.

“Oh my God!” She whispered frighteningly.

What would she do know?!

The bloodied, decaying creature that looked like Bonita now stood three yards in front of her, snarling happily somehow realizing it had cornered it's prey . . . and suddenly with a final and determined growl . . . . . . it lunged headfirst.

Darcy shrieked and ear splitting scream . . .

Darcy shrieked an ear splitting scream as Bonita came at her full force. Luckily she had had enough self defense classes to know what to do when someone attacked you in such a manner. Darcy kicked up with all her force and caught Bonita on her stomach plunging the screeching ex-maid away in the opposite direction. Sure she could have swiped her under foot but that would have caused the diseased maid to fall straight on top of Darcy, which was a no go.

Bonita landed on her back, giving Darcy enough time to scramble to her feet. She was breathing heavily as she drew her wild locks over her head with an arm.

Now what?

Looking around frantically, she picked up a stainless steel knife from a knife block on the counter. Bonita had managed to get to her feet. Darcy looked on horrifyingly as the flesh on the maids right cheek slopped to the floor with a plop. Blood poured unceasingly from the unnatural wound. This was so disgusting!

It seemed the maid had injured her leg as she stumbled and staggered forward even more determinedly.

“I don't want to hurt you Bonita!” Darcy tried but it seemed the maid understood none of her plea as she continued forward incessantly.

Darcy looked across to her direct left. The door to the basement! It was open! . . She moved towards the open door that for all the good it did felt like it was a million miles away. Bonita grumbled at having to change direct.

Constantly peeking behind her she could see she'd almost made it to the doorway. No sudden movements . . . Almost . . . but not quite there when Bonita charged again with a vengeance, blood trailing all over the immaculate floor. Running full speed head first, with a blood curdling scream.

Oh Shit!

She wasn't close enough to the door, but Bonita was coming at full speed. With a split second to think, Darcy swiftly crouched down to the floor, one hand clutching the knife while the other hand spread out on the floor in front balanced her as Bonita flew over head and straight through the open doorway.

It felt like to Darcy as if everything was suddenly moving in slow motion. She stayed stationary for a few painstaking moments, catching her breath until she heard the crashing and disturbing thudding sound of Bonita's ravaged body stumbling down the staircase to the cold dark basement.

“Gotta close that door.” Darcy whispered breathlessly as she pivoted on her wedged heeled boots and jumped at the door closing and twisting the key in the lock; finally resting against the old oak door.

“Shit!” Darcy breathed, huffing and puffing “What the fuck is happening!”

The flats of her palms rested against the cool wood as she rested her head back.

Pull it together Darcy! She scolded herself internally. You've been through way worse! . . Yeah, totally! She'd seen and handled worse in LA. They were just, just . . . Zombies! Freakin' Zombies! Okay, calm down. Zombies could be killed. But this Zombie was fast . . . nonetheless, if movies and books taught you anything, it was that they could still be killed . . . or cured.

But if it came to the Zombie or her, she wouldn't hesitate saving herself.


Darcy had felt the the impact of the force to her back before she had heard the sound. She jerked back instantly from the door. Thank God it was solid Oak! Bonita had obviously not given up and Darcy felt no need to stick around and find out if the maid would be successful in her mission for escape.

Bang! Bang!

She slipped the kitchen knife into one of her boots and ran out of the kitchen as fast as she could, Darcy made her way to the foyer when her iPhone started buzzing. She frantically searched her handbag that lay on the chaise. She seriously need to clean this thing out, she couldn't find anything.

“Ah-ha!” She commented as she felt the phone in her hand. “Hello! Josh! Where are you! What the hell is going on?”

“Darc! You okay?” Josh's nervous voice echoed down the line.

This scared Darcy more than the blood thirsty Zombie in her basement. Her cocky older brother never in any sort of situation sounded unnerved or disturbed whether he was in a bar fight with a guy ten times his weight or making a speech in front of hundreds of people. Something must really be wrong if he sounded this bad and was asking her if she was okay. He never asked how she was.

“Josh! I'm fine . . . Where are you? What the hell is going on Josh! Bonita just tried to kill me.”

“She did?! Shit, are you okay Darc? What happened to Bonita?”

“Josh, I'm fine. Don't worry so much. Bonita, I locked her in the basement.” Darcy replied as casually as if she were telling him she'd had chicken for dinner.

Josh chuffed a laugh down the phone. Darcy frowned.

“Should have known nothing could move your infamous steel resolve . . . guess Bonita's lucky she's not dead.”

“It was close, believe me, I was tempted after all the grumbling she's been doing since I've come back from LA but Josh where the hell are you? What the heck is going on?!” She asked frustrated.

“I'm at dad's office Darcy. I . . . Darcy he's, dad's . . . I . . .” Josh's voice trailed off.

She knew . . . Dad's . . . Oh God . . .

“Daddy's dead.” She whispered stunned as her legs gave way and she slumped to the floor.

“I'm so sorry Darcy. I tried . . . it was too late.” Her brother pleaded.

A single tear streamed down her pale pink cheek. This was no time to fall apart, she had a feeling there was going to be tougher things to face. She wiped the tear away as she pulled herself up onto the chaise.

“I know.” Darcy answered resolutely strengthening both her and Josh's resolve. “I understand. It had to be done.”

“You're right but . . . I didn't want to, Darc, it's the worse fucking thing I've done in my whole entire life! Shit! It had to be done.” The last he said quietly more to reassure himself. “Listen Darcy. Listen carefully, okay? There's an airborne virus that’s been turning people into, into these blood thirsty things! I don't want you leaving the house, okay?”

“Fine. I have no intention of going out there to be Zombie feed! You're coming home right?”

“I can't my car's totaled and the town is crawling with those things, I can't step foot outside.”

“I-” Darcy began.

“No Darcy! Don't even think about it! I don't want you coming out here, okay? Are you listening?!” Josh practically shouted down the line.

“If you think I'm going to leave you to be eaten by Zombies, you can think again! I'm coming down there!” Darcy screamed angrily down the phone at her disagreeable older brother, losing what little patience she had.

“Dracinda!” He shouted equally pissed.


“I mean it! I don't want you coming down here, I'll be fine. I'm a big boy I can handle the Zombies.”

“Yeah but can you handle yourself?”

“Darcy, I swear if you come down here I'll murder you myself. Zombie or not! Stay a-”


“Josh! Hello! Josh are you there!”

The line went dead! Shit!

“I swear Joshua,” She spat out the words more angry than she had ever been in her whole entire life as she punched in his number and called back. “If you just cut me off, I'll freakin' kill you!”

Darcy tried ten more agonising times and there wasn't even a single damn ring! Just the damn annoying noise as if the line was busy.

“Fuck!” Stomping her foot Darcy grabbed her handbag and ran up the wide staircase taking two step at a time. The thud of her heartbeat drowning out the thud of her thick heels on the wooden rugged steps.

Darcy retrieved her old monogrammed Louis Vuitton school backpack from her bedroom and headed for her fathers study on the second floor.

The study was an old republicans dream with a side bar with an assortment of fine brandies and other spirits; gilded bookshelves and yellowed wallpaper that must have been white once but now was a mustardy color thanks to decades if not centuries worth of tobacco smoke abuse. All in all Darcy thought it should belong in the 18th century like the rest of the ancient house – except the kitchen of course. She only liked coming here on cold winter days when a blazing fire would be burning in the grate and she'd curl up in her fathers chair with a good book. It was her secret hide away.

However, she had no time to think about that now as she stormed into the room and flipped her handbag upside down, shaking it rapidly and watched as everything fell out with a splash on the huge rosewood desk.

First thing, charger. That went straight into the backpack. A pack of tissues followed as she frantically filled up the pack with everything that might be of use. Pink Swiss Army knife next, a bottle of water that had not been opened. That was everything she needed from her handbag.

“What next?” She thought as she tapped a finger to her chin.

Crouching down she slid open the bottom draw of the desk. So predictable. Darcy smiled sadly. The draw was almost empty, except for the fine beautifully unfinished gray M1911 Pistol that lay there solemnly. An original .45, her fathers favorite. Darcy picked it up and made sure it was loaded.

She popped the gun on the desk and then reached to the back of the draw. Man, it was deep but finally she found what she was looking for.

“Ah-ha! Knew you were hiding there.” She said triumphantly pulling out two boxes of ammo, each containing a hundred bullets each. “Sweet!”

Getting back up she stuffed the two boxes into her backpack and slid it over her shoulder. Gun in hand, ready to go, Darcy noticed her black Gucci Aviator shades.

“Might need these.” She said to herself as she hung them on the neck of her long gray t-shirt.

Reaching the foyer, Darcy grabbed her cropped leather jacket and keys and headed out the door; her mind so occupied that she didn't even notice the box that contained her new gown.

Her mom? She would be okay . . . for now. The women was out of town at her shrinks, at least Darcy didn't have to worry about that right now. That would have just been too much to cope with. It was hard enough trying to deal with her mother at the best of times when she wasn't constantly popping pills or drowning her woes in liquor and when the world wasn't coming to an end . . . and now that it was? It didn't even bare thinking about! She had to concentrate on Josh.

She didn't care what Josh said. He was her brother, her only brother. Sure they fought and argued all the time but still he was flesh and blood and as it was, she never listened to him ever anyway, so why start now?

Darcy smirked as she started the engine. The screech and the burnt smell of the whirling tires filled the air as Darcy gunned the gas, not even bothering to break when backing up.

The dark masses of her long locks blew back in the wind as the Porsche sped down the empty road. A smile crept onto Darcy's pink lips as she slipped on the tinted shades with one hand.

She was on her way.

The top of her convertible had to come up as soon as she'd entered the town center; the place was crawling with these freaks of nature. Darcy had sped up driving way faster than the 30mph restriction. The Zombies were hitting her car like crazy! The bastards were going to scratch it all up.

Now, she'd stopped outside the Town Hall where her fathers office was on the second floor. Her Porsche was surrounded by green/yellow skinned monsters that were bleeding every which way and they were rattling her car.

“Calm down. You can do this.” She reassured herself as she filled the small pockets of her leather jacket up with all the ammo for the .45 she could fit in there.

Then she put her backpack on which was not easy to do in the confines of the car. Having both straps over each shoulder made her feel like a dork. Yet better a dork than dead, right?

Alright, it was time to go. Darcy took in a deep breath and pressed the release button for the convertible. The moans outside intensified as the roof of the car started to move back and Darcy had jumped up onto her seat and ran across the back of the car. Jumping over the still declining roof onto the boot of the car and then jumped to the ground. Having no time to look back, she ran across the paved path to the entrance of the old town hall. The Zombies were fast and right on her tail. She could hear them groan and hiss at her in exasperation as they came after her. Lucky she was used to running in heels.

The entrance of the Town Hall consisted of electronic rotating doors. As soon as Darcy came through she jammed one side with the fire extinguisher automatically causing the doors from rotating. The beeping warning from the door was overcome by the horrifying sound of flesh crashing into glass and soon enough Darcy couldn't see anything except Zombie flesh plastered to glass. They looked like wriggling worms in a glass box.

Darcy breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't care what they did as long as they were on the outside. She turned around and looked around the foyer of the Town Hall. The lights were low. Paper and blood were strewn everywhere. The semicircular receptionist desk where the three old biddies – as Darcy used to call them – Mildred, Betty and Edith used to sit was empty.

The Town Hall in it's self wasn't a huge building. It wouldn't take her long to find Josh and get the hell out of this hell hole. There were three rooms upstairs one of which was her fathers office and the great hall, where Town meetings were held straight across from her behind the desk. Darcy checked there first. It was dark and empty as it was most of the time when it wasn't in use. She'd doubted Josh was there but looked anyway.

Taking the spiral staircase, gun held out in front, Darcy climbed slowly upstairs. Heels thudding lowly. A chill ran down her spine. She headed for her fathers office first. Josh had to be there. The door was partially open. Darcy stepped inside slowly. Her breath caught in her chest.

“Daddy . . .” the word barely a whisper on her lips.

Her father swirled around like a bolt of lightening and made a menacing sound. He looked nothing like her once jovial father. His skin falling off bloody eyes and lips, suit tattered, a letter opener sticking out of his chest. . . and he was coming right at her. Darcy didn't hesitate and popped straight through the skull. Stopping suddenly, her father fell to his knees and then straight down on his face. A pool of blood accumulating like a crimson halo around his head.

Darcy stumbled back a little. She couldn't think about what she'd just done. Josh! . . . She needed to find Josh. Frantically scanning the room with her eyes; there was no sign of Josh and nowhere in here he could hide. Taking the key from the door Darcy closed it and then locked it from the outside. She didn't want one of those bloody creatures feasting on her fathers flesh if they managed to get inside.

“Okay, concentrate Darcy!”

She had two more rooms to search. Josh had to be in one of them. She checked the room to the left first. Nothing. Just more strewn papers, files and blood.

Come on Josh! Where are you?

Entering the room to the right, Darcy almost ran to the window. There on the carpet lay Josh's phone. She picked it up and looked around.

“Josh! You here? Joshua? Where are you?!”

No response and nowhere to hide. Josh wasn't here. He couldn't have possibly left could he? Darcy looked out the window contemplating her next move. She wouldn't leave town without her brother. Just because he wasn't here didn't mean he wasn't alive. Josh could take care of himself and she would find him. He couldn't have gotten fare.

Looking down on the street below, Darcy could see her car was a no go. Ten or twelve Zombies still surrounded it and the rest weren't that far either below at the entrance to the Town Hall. She'd have to come back to her car later. For now she had to go by foot.

Slipping her brothers phone into her pack, Darcy headed down and back through the great hall to the back door she knew was there. She slipped out into the open air. The crisp air soothed her nerves and there were no Zombies in sight.

Where to now?

To the right lay the shopping district of the small town. That had to be crawling with these creatures. To the left was the HGPD. The police department seemed the sensible choice. It wasn't like the Police in High Gate were any good, what with the crime rate at a near 0%. Those fat cats had nothing to do except sit around and eat doughnuts or on the odd occasion to go shut down teen parties when their parents weren't around. Darcy had had plenty of experience with the latter in her teenage years.

So the station it was. Maybe those good for nothing cops might be able to help her find Josh or maybe Josh was even there. And as luck would have it, Darcy thought with a coy smile, she didn't have to use the front entrance there either. This alleyway led straight to the back entrance to the HGPD.

No Zombies! Score!

Two minutes later, Darcy slowly opened the back door to the HGPD and stepped inside. She'd come this way many times with her dad as a child. The back door led to a room that was a kennel that housed the Police dogs. It was lit. A stomach retching stink filled the air. Darcy located the stench to a dead dog locked in one of the kennels. It was a ill looking, eerily similar to those things outside. Thank God it was locked inside. The other kennels were empty.

Darcy walked across the room as quickly as humanly possible and out the door opposite. She stopped a moment to get her bearing. Gun held out in front. She heard some muffled shuffling sounds.

Fuck! More Zombies.

"I wasn't threatening your dog little lady, I was just making an observation that one day he may become dinner." Freelancer joked as he finished reloading the last 223 round into his mag and filled his pockets and backpacks with the rest of the boxes. He then walked out and looked Lilith straight in the eye, "And as far as I'm concerned you need me a lot more then I need you." He then patted her on the head patronizingly "So don't get your pretty little head to steamed." Lilith let air seep past her lips in a 'screw you' like manner and made some smart ass remark.

Freelancer just chuckled and started to walk out of the door when Jake began growling at the back of the department where the door to the kennel area was. Freelancer stopped dead in his tracks and held up a hand signaling Lilith to stop. He turned and made a quiet gesture and signaled Lilith to take hold of Jake as he secured his rifle to his body and drew his silenced pistol. He ducked down and crept along the wall in the shadows up to the side of the "kennel door". He could here someone coming, they were light footsteps but they were in quicker concession then those of the undead. It must be a survivor, the next question was was he or she friendly? He waited as still as a statue in the shadows next to the door as the foot steps got closer and closer, his heart was beating and adrenaline started flowing into his veins. He saw the shadow first, still trying to decide if it was a threat or not. Then he saw the hands holding the gun and the decision was over.

Freelancer reached out as fast as a mouse trap that had been set off and grabbed the slide of the gun. He pulled the person forward before titling the gun forward and the turning it violently to the right. There was a blood curdling crack as the persons index finger broke inside the trigger guard, then a short scream before the figure took Freelancer's elbow straight to the side of the face. All of this happened in an instant, and before the figure knew what happened she was on the ground with the silenced muzzle of Freelancers gun to her temple.

"Move, and you die right fucking here"

Darcy screamed and curled up in agony as she'd ended up on the floor faster then she cared to think about. Luckily she had moved her face with the direction of the incoming elbow but it still hurt like a mother but at least it wouldn't swell up.

"Move, and you die right fucking here.”

Darcy looked up into a handsome face. The gun pointed at her temple just made her madder though and before the guy knew it Darcy had hooked her foot under his booted feet and he was on the ground next to her.

That,” Darcy said with a smirk as she nursed her finger “was for breaking my finger asshole.”

That's what he was talking about, a women who could kick his ass. He liked that. He rolled over onto his stomach then got up and kicked her gun into the far corner of the room and pointed his on gun at the women. She wasn't bad looking at all, in fact she was better looking then Misty was, before and after he shot her in the head.

"Not bad, especially for a women." He checked her out, scanning over her body lean body "Now just don't move please." he said as he walked over and forced her onto her stomach. He patted her down for weapons, savoring the feeling of her body, then backed off and put his pistol to his side after he thrown the rest of her weapons to the far side of the room "You can stand up now." he said calmly and the women did. He could tell she wouldn't be much of a threat, at least not a big enough one for him to worry about.

"Sorry bout your ah finger there, can't be too careful." He said and the women made some remark.

"Lilith you can come out here now!" Freelancer called to his companion, he then looked at the women with friendly smile like he hadn't just broken one of her bones "So whats your name?"

Darcy lay there boiling with quiet indignation as the guy felt her up - she had a strong feeling he was enjoying this - removing her backpack and the kitchen knife in her boot, not bothering with the bullets in her pocket she guessed because they were no good without a gun; then let her up onto her feet. Seriously, if this guy turned into a Zombie, she was going to enjoy shooting him.

"Sorry bout your ah finger there, can't be too careful." He said as if he hadn't just broken her finger.

“Jerk.” Darcy grumbled.

She peered in the corner where her weapons lay. Too damn far away. She wished now it was Zombies instead of people she stumbled upon. Darcy examined her finger again, it wasn't as badly damaged as she'd first thought, in fact it wasn't broken at all.

"Lilith you can come out here now!" Called out the guy and asked with a sexy smile that was getting on Darcy's nerves “So what's your name?”

She turned away from the uninteresting girl and walked across furiously to the tall, dark imposing guy getting right up in his space.

What's my name!?” Darcy spat mad as hell as she poked him in the chest with the index finger of her good hand for every point she made “Why don't you ask a girl that before you attack her. Or is that the only way you can get close enough to a women.” She stopped suddenly and looked up at him askew; he really was good looking . . . His lips curved irresistibly up at the left corner as if he knew what she was thinking. Realizing she was still touching him, Darcy pulled away and reminded herself firmly, that this was the guy who had attacked her. “You're damn lucky,” She added for good measure “that it isn't broken or I'd be suing your ass right now!”

Darcy scowled at the guy, there was something about him . . . he was messing with her brain. Turning so she wasn't focusing on him; her attention was directed towards the gangly looking tall red haired girl, no more than seventeen or eighteen years of age who'd appeared around the corner a moment earlier. The girl was as thin as a wreath, Darcy mused, and needed to fill out more or it could be those hideously baggy clothes she was wearing. A huge German Shepard was loyally at her side. Must be out of the kennel guessed Darcy.

"You kidnap children, as well as wailing on girls?" Darcy smirked and asked the guy.

Walking away, looking down at her dislocated finger, man this was going to hurt. Darcy took in a quick deep breath and then without a seconds thought, agonisingly pulled and righted her injured finger. She half bent over hissing in pain, refusing to scream out loud at the aching sensation.


But that hurt like a mother.

Lilith just rolled her eyes at all the derogatory comments. She was in police training, she'd probably already received every possible insult firm the guys she trained with. Now she was doing her apprenticeship here though, it'd gotten better. So much for that. Also, she'd had concerns about Marcus before but now he was really beginning to get on her nerves. Still, as long as she stayed alive he could insult her however he wanted, she really didn't care by this point.
The new girl wasn't much better, politeness wise. On the other hand, Lilith actually recognised her. Darcy was the Mayor's daughter, and Lilith was working with the police. It went without saying that she'd recognise the other girl, but apparently she wasn't recognised so she didn't make a comment. Also, she'd never been particularly fond of the girl, though not having much to do with her, and the scathing once over she was given didn't help any. She did wonder why she hadn't gotten any comments on the sword this time, but merely shrugged it off.
"As fun as these introductions are, I think we should get moving," Lilith announced, partially because the yelling was making her uncomfortable. The dogs had been really quiet when she went in there, there had to be a reason for that. "You want to find Hill, right? I can probably get us there, even better, I may have transport."
She grinned as she pulled searched through Ray's keys. Ray had a truck, a big truck and it should be in the garage right now. A car was definitely better than the motorbike she'd left abandoned outside the survival store.
"By the way, if you two think you can keep the arguing to a minimum, we should stick together," she pointed out, though she'd been serious when she said she would leave, a group was still better. That said she headed towards the garage, assuming they'd follow. Unless they thought they were better off without her, and as they both seemed to think of her as a kid that didn't seem unlikely, but either way she had a truck now. She'd manage.

Marcus lifted out his hands in a servant like manner towards the door and looked at the women, "After you, your highness" He said sarcastically. He waited for Darcy to grab her weapons and walk by him, giving a huff of air has she did. How did he go from top operator for the Agency to being in company with a stuck up women and a bratty little girl? He shook his head as followed behind the women to the truck. When they got there they found Lilith in the front seat and the truck ready to roll. Freelancer moved to take the front seat and as he did he said "Never got your name"

Darcy collected her weapons. Your Highness, well that was more like it. Although Darcy knew he was being sarcastic she didn't care much, she'd heard the likes before.

She collected all her things from the floor, pack over a shoulder, knife in her Jimmy Choo boot and gun in hand. Darcy walked in front of him, look all you want buddy, she thought with an inner smirk, because you sure as hell aren't going to get to touch . . . again.

“Please tell me the kids not driving.” Darcy said to the guy.

Darcy watched as he moved around the truck to the drivers seat and pulled the red haired girl out with one hand as she struggled against his hold. Impressive . . . for a brute. Darcy's lips curled up, she was digging it. The girl, Lilith was coming around to the front passenger side grumbling with indignation. Darcy jumped into the front passenger quickly, she sure as hell wasn't sitting in the back with that big stinking dog; smirking as she said, “Fronts for mommy and daddy, children in the back.”

Darcy grinned as Lilith cursed and hopped into the back, clearly not happy with the seating arrangements.

“Never got your name.” The guy sitting next to her said.

“Darcy Morgan," Darcy stated regally as if she were announcing that she was the Queen of Sheeba "and who the hell are you?

"Congrats Miss Morgan," Lilith snapped, huh, maybe she had less of a hold on her temper than she'd thought, "Tell me, you want the keys or you just going to run this thing on idiocy?"
Yeah, definitely less control on her temper then she'd thought. She tossed Marcus the keys-only the car keys, the others joined the space in her duffle bag-if he wanted to drive whoop-dee-do for him, the fact that she could drive perfectly and he didn't know where they were going obviously wasn't important. She whistled and Jake jumped into the back seat with her. At any rate from back here she got to sit with him, she preferred him over her other options for company.
Jake lay his head on her knee, giving her a look she thought meant he understood her displeasure with their company. She chuckled at the dog, giving him a scratch behind the ear.
"Yeah, you're a good boy," she assured, "We'll be fine."

"And who the hell are you?" Darcy Morgan snapped
"My names Filer...Marcus Filer." He said knowing that to them it was just a stupid movie reference "I'm from the National Security Agency." He looked in the back to Lilith who looked rather upset "Now miss bossy, where is James, house if you don't mind?"

She answered and Freelancer grinned as he put the truck in drive, good times, he thought as he opened the garage and plowed into the mob of infected who came piling in.

Darcy simply shrugged at Liliths angry comments, it wasn't even worth the thought, but she got the feeling like Lilith knew her from somewhere, or knew of her and obviously the girl wasn't exactly taken by her. Good! She liked it better that way anyway.

"My names Foiler...Marcus Foiler." Said the guy next to her as he drove through a horde of the living dead “"I'm from the National Security Agency."

Oh please!” Darcy barked with inelegant laugh “That's a bullshit name if I've ever heard one and believe me buddy I've had enough false names and fake ID's to know. Plus,” She added, as if she were an expert in the matter “you say it hesitatingly and too quickly as if you've rehearsed it and as for the matter of National Security, then why don't you actually try securing something instead of trying to kill innocent people.”

Yes, she was still pissed off about his elbow making impact with her face.

He looked at her bemusedly.

“And after you're done with this James asshole, I need to find someone and you're going to help me.”

Because Darcy knew now she needed all the help she could get, and this guy was the best, of course she wouldn't tell him that.

She turned around in the seat to look at the sulking redhead.

“So Lilith, where do you know me from?”

"you say it hesitatingly and too quickly as if you've rehearsed it and as for the matter of National Security, then why don't you actually try securing something instead of trying to kill innocent people.”

If she got too nosy she would be next. Yeah she was kind of hot, but if she got a hand on these files he wouldn't have a choice. "Well after you have to identify yourself to people for six years it is almost like rehearsing it." Freelancer replied as he cleared the mess of zombies and was once again on a rod clear of zombies for now. All he needed to do was find James and get out of here, but then he would have to decide about what to do with them. Guess he would just have to play this all by ear and cross the bridge when he came to it.

(OCC, If anybody besides me sees the files at any point in the RP just leave the post at an open ended point so that I can fill in what the files say for you.)

"You're the mayor's daughter," Lilith replied, rolling her eyes, "Why wouldn't I know you? Besides, you've been to the station a fair few times, even knew where the back door was."
She hardly even glanced at Darcy as she spoke, watching the world pass by outside, Jake was resting his head on her leg now. She was pretty much ignoring any comment not directly related to her. Then part of her brain chose to remind her that she was being treated like she was two rather than twenty and her eyes flicked towards Darcy, then back out the window. She sighed.
"I'm in police training," she offered, as way of further explanation, "I've see you around while working. Other than that I have lived here my whole life."

"The police training really shows through, you know after shooting a caged dog an all." Freelancer said as he turned the car around a corner

So he was touchy about his name. Whatever. What did it matter to her what his name was, he could be named Dick for all she cared as long as she got his help.

“Okay, why don't you relax there Marus. If that's what you want to call yourself that's fine by me as long as you help me after you're done with whoever you're looking for.”

"You're the mayor's daughter," Lilith replied, rolling her eyes, "Why wouldn't I know you? Besides, you've been to the station a fair few times, even knew where the back door was."

She turned back to Lilith . . . hmm . . . So that's where the girl knew her from. Yeah, she'd been in and out of that Police Station more times then she cared to think about, especially as a teen. But she didn't realize so many people knew her as the Mayor's daughter, although it was a small town and all but it wasn't that small.

"I'm in police training," Lilith added "I've see you around while working. Other than that I have lived here my whole life."

Police training? huh? . . . interesting.

"Aren't you a bit young to be training as a Police Officer? What are you sixteen? Seventeen?" Surely, Darcy mussed, the girl couldn't be older than that.

The girl shifted under Darcy's discerning gaze.

"The police training really shows through, you know after shooting a caged dog an all." Marcus added.

Darcy grinned, he had to be joking.

Twenty! Wow but she looked young thought Darcy rather surprised. Well good for her. She was beginning to like this girl. She could stick up for herself, which is regards to Marcus went along way. It seemed the guy couldn't move without insulting someone or harming them physically in some way.

“Maybe it only effects some animals, like it does people.” Darcy commented seriously for the first time. “I'm sure your dog is fine.” Darcy added as she took in the girls pallid complexion. She was still a kid in some ways and Darcy wasn't completely heartless. Obviously Lilith was trying to deal with this whole messed up situation like the rest of them. Darcy just hoped the girl was as strong as her solid remarks.