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Leon Joseph Silver

The only need is to survive

0 · 832 views · located in A small town in the midwest called Highgate

a character in “The Will to Survive”, as played by WhatsUpWazza


Leon has short dark brown hair (looks like Andrew Garfield's hair if you know what it looks like) with light green eyes, tanned maybe like a olive skin colour. He has a lean, athletic body and a scar going down his back. Wearing a blue shirt with a leather jacket, black jeans and converse shoes. Wearing dark shades and one red fingerless glove on his right hand. He wears a necklace with a picture of his little brother on it and he is 19 years old.


Leon is a smart, intelligent character who can get arrogant and cocky at times. He loves to tease the ladies and test a male's manhood. He loves music and plays a few instruments except, well, not anymore. He has a soft spot for family or anyone close to him. He would rather figure out ways to do stuff instead of barging in and making it up as he goes. He is used to being on his own but when he is with others he likes to help the group survive.


He drives a motorbike and has a sword he carries on his back as well as a crossbow.


Leon comes from rich, british parents. He had to kill his parents that turned into these beasts, he nearly died as he didn't want to kill them but he finally found the courage to kill them. He plays guitar, piano, violin and saxophone, not that it matters anymore. All that he has now is from buying it randomly when the world was normal. He used to collect weapons and buy them off ebay and his motorbike he got as a present for his 17th Birthday. He had a little brother that died because of him when he was in a car crash causing to have a scar.

So begins...

Leon Joseph Silver's Story

There he was, right there and now he was gone. It had all happened right then and right there. He could feel a tear fall from his eye and fell to the ground almost as if it was in slow motion. It had happened so fast and yet he could play it in his mind over and over again.

"No, Liam!"
"Leon! Look!"
" Liam, Watch out!"

Leon layed in bed eyes now wide and staring at the ceiling, he hadn't a good night sleep since a year ago. The moonlight shone at his light green eyes, making them sparkle as he looked at his necklace that had a picture of a child in it. He sighed and sat up holding the necklace in his hand. He groaned and walked to the bathroom removing his shirt, he turned his head looking to the mirror and saw his scar that ran across his back from his shoulder to his hip. He shook his head trying to make the flashbacks go away and removed the rest of his clothes and stepped in the shower turning it on almost instantly, he laid his head on the shower wall soaking in all his thoughts and emotions.

He hopped out of the shower, slipped his necklace and pants on looking in the mirror and ran his hand through his short, dark brown hair and styled it, smiling with satisfaction. He looked out the window noticing how long it took for him to have a shower, he laughed thinking how it would affect his parents but just shrugged it off.

"Leon Joseph Silver!" Rang a voice from downstairs which made Leon groan.
"What is it Mother?" He yelled, his voice sounding a bit hoarse.
"Leon!" Another scream came.
"Lauren Skye Silver, what do you want?" He replied, his british accent showing loudly.

He only got silence from his mother, shoving his head through the hole of his blue shirt he groaned, making his way downstairs. He scanned the room but all was still and all he heard was silence. Something was off and he could feel it deep down, he looked down to his necklace, kissing it. He crept down the last step and heard a sudden scream.

He ran to the scene and saw a figure on the floor, its flesh ripped open and a horrible smell filled the room. Leon held his arm over his mouth and nose and inspected the body, he rolled it over finding that the body had similar features to his mother. He slid against the floor to his knees and looked at the body in silence until he spoke.

"No, no, no Mother. Not you too..."
Just as the words left his mouth the bodies eyes opened. It was a bright yellow colour and shone really bright. Leon jumped back as his mother started to growl and nip at him. She got up slowly her arms reaching for him. He heard something drop behind him he looked back to his dad standing fairly close. The man swung his arm around, Leon quickly ducked and bolted to the corner. All that was going through his mind was "What the hell was going on?"

His mother and father almost sprinted towards him, Leon got a sudden shock and backhanded his father sending the body to the floor. He ducked his mother and poked his fathers body, his body suddenly growled and got up instantly. Leon's sad feeling shot out faster than a gunshot. He jumped up running to his room with his parents close behind him and shut the door. He could hear his parents banging on the door. The scratching against the door was s powerful it seemed as if they were ripping through the wood. Leon looked around the room and grabbed one of the many swords he bought off of a site and walked to the door slowly, he turned the knob and opened the door. Out came his parents sprinting towards them. He closed his eyes and swing the sword hearing a loud thump. Opening his eyes in terror he saw the sword in two pieces and his parents shaking their head.

"I knew this was rubbish when I bought it." He mumbled to himself
He looked towards the wall on his room where a whole collection of weapons were stored on shelves. He had always been a kind of nerd buying random weapons online but it was his guilty pleasure and he loved every one of them, except this one that hadn't saved his ass when he needed it to. He shook his head getting the thoughts out of his mind, his parents were still after him, except that they weren't his parents. Well not anymore. He grabbed another sword from the wall and felt the side.

Yep it was definitely real and bloody sharp! The blood ran from his finger down his arm to the floor, his parents going crazy he got into a fighting stance. Thank god he had taking fencing classes for no reason as he stabbed his father in the chest. But his father pushed against the sword still coming towards him, the sword went right through the man and he just kept pushing, trying to reach Leon. Leon, running out of ideas grabbed a small knife beside him and stabbed it's head making it slow down and eventually fall to the ground. Leon pulled out the sword and sliced his mother's head. He backed away shaking his head with grief...

"I've got to get out of here... Mother... Father... I just..." Leon mumbled to himself
He had his hands on his head and was shaking after this 'incident'. He looked towards his weapon collection and felt all his swords if they were blunt. The swords that weren't blunt he placed in a scabbard, he didn't have time to sharpen the others. He searched for a bag and successfully found one after rumaging through his closet. He chucked the covered swords into the bag and turned back to his weapon wall making sure to grab his favourite weapon, the crossbow. He had always trained with it, hitting the back of his door or random brids that flew by. He held it in his hand and threw the bag over his neck about to leave when he turned around and looked at the bathroom. "Medical Supplies" he thought.

He walked to the bathroom and saw all the blood he was covered in, his necklace being most bloody. He stared at it in the mirror, it reminded him of the days where it was once not so evil. He carefully took it off and splashed water towards it, not holding it over the sink incase it fell in. A few moments ago he was so clean, he just had a freaking shower and now... well now he was covered in his parents. He removed his clothing like he did only hours before, slipping on a clean shirt, jeans and his shoes. At last he put on his leather jacket and necklace and gave a bright smile to the mirror. Out of all that was happening he still cared about his appearance, who was to judge him? Certainly not his parents. He ran his hand through his hair and opened the bathroom cabnet, stuffing his bag with medical supplies and grabbing a flashlight with a few extra batteries that he also stuffed in his bag. He walked out back into his bedroom, his parents still being there and he shivered as if everything had gone colder. He stared at the bodies on the floor, he wouldn't have mind just staying here if his parents weren't there to remind him every single second plus the smell, The awful, rotten, disgusting smell. It filled through and the nostrils of anyone who would enter it, it was gruesome.

He stepped over the dead or undead or whatever they were, they looked dead when they chased after him, and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. He looked in the fridge grabbing the cartoned-milk and a few snacks before he searched the pantry. He didn't know how long he'd survive, be away or if he'd come back but he was sure he needed food to survive if he didn't get eaten by one of those 'undead flesh addicts'. Wait, could it be those were zombies? Leon simply didn't care he had just experienced his parents turn into one of them and he knew that they were dangerous. He finished shoving the rest of the cans into his bags and grabbed the first pair of keys he could find. He stumbled into the garage and looked around at the cars then down to his key, he recognised it and walked to the section where the motorbikes were. He pulled the cover off unveiling the bike. Beauty. Sure enough it had been his favourite, he slipped the key on and listened to the engine. He ran over to the part of the garage where his father had stored all the gas and stuffed it in a compartment of the bike. Leon hopped on the bike and sped off into the havoc...

Leon left the security of his house but he couldn't stay there, not with his parents on the floor of his bedroom. He looked at the mansion as he drove down the driveway and opened the gate. It had only been a year since he moved into that house yet there were already so many memories. He brushed the thoughts away and looked out to the road. Oh no. There were more and he didn't know if he could handle chopping these people up either. They sprinted after him and his motorbike making Leon drive faster, they were pretty close. Leon got his sword out while he was driving at a steady pace and then breaked, holding the sword out. Off went the heads of three zombies, Leon got off his bike. These were not humans it wouldn't matter if he killed them. It's like killing a murderer, they are trying to kill you and its only for protection. They came closer and one by one he started killing them off. 1 zombie... 2 zombies... 15 zombies... This was getting out of hand and Leon slowly started to tire, who knew how long they'd be coming at him. It was getting dark but out of the darkness Leon could see zombies that didn't even look like the zombies. As if they were mutated.

"Bloody Hell, Screw this!" He sheathed his sword back and got onto his bike.
He sped again into the distance and darkness of the night. What if he was the only one? Is there any more humans out there? He began to wonder how he'd have to spend his lonely days. If how he'd die would be from the zombies or old age. He didn't like the thought but he couldn't get them out of his head no matter how hard he tried. He just kept riding necklace dangling and wind rustling his hair. He'd have to stop but where there was no where he knew would be safe. He had supplys so he didn't need to raid the stores, well not at the moment. A few houses passed and he saw at least two that were borded up. That's strange. He thought to himself and stopped the bike and turned the engine off.

Leon saw a distant glow at a gas station not that he needed to go there or anything but it looked like there were people. He didn't want to run straight up to them because they seemed to be arguing. He got back on his bike and wheeled a little closer and hid behind the buildings. Just creeping forward a tiny bit just to hear the conversations. His vision could clearly see now and it was fixed on a women in a .. bra? Leon rubbed his eyes making sure his vision didn't change. Yep, it was true the woman was in a bra. Wearing no shirt in a zombie apocolypse, did this woman know? Must be a crazy woman but by the looks of it seemed she was rich. All the times his mum took him along to bra shopping it was the worst but he did bother look at other girls in the store. They weren't in the lingerie but only certain women bought this kind of lingerie. He chuckled nervously at his thoughts and then moved on to the next person judging each one differently. They all seemed like different people, Leon realised how judgemental he was but they wouldn't know. He was all the way over here and there were over there.

He suddenly smelled a horrible smell, it just got gruesome. He was just about to creep closer when he felt a firm grip grab his shoulder he turned around and saw the yellow-eyed demon with its flesh hanging off of it. Leon would've made a gagging sound if he didn't scream in terror quickly retrieving his sword and sling the zombie straight down the middle. He kicked it in anger and stabbed its head making sure it was dead. He turned around and hid behind the wall again. Did they hear him? Did they see him?

"Shit, shit, shit! Good one Leon!" he muttered.

Freelancer ignored the stupid kid and put a silent bullet into each of the zombies. He was going to kill this kid, he swore it "You ever been shot in the stomach before?" he asked the kid "Because if you don't shut your mouth you're gonna feel what that's like." He then looked back to where the sound had come from and observed the bike. Shit, another survivor? What was he? Did he have, 'Loving home for lost survivors' written on his head?

"I know you're there! Just come out before I have to come over there and drag you out!" Marcus shouted at the top of his voice. If he was lucky it would be James and he could get the hell out of the place.

"I know you're there! Just come out before I have to come over there and drag you out!" Marcus shouted at the top of his voice.

Darcy looked in the direction that Marcus was shouting at. She could clearly see he wasn't over joyed by the discovery.

Well what do you know?. Thought Darcy equally as displeased as Marcus. Another bloody one. And she still didn't have a top on, good thing it was boiling out here.

Leon looked from the shadows, they all looked unpleased at the sound he had made. Why in the blue hell did he have to scream? He stared at the dead body. This is all your fault

"I know you're there! Just come out before I have to come over there and drag you out!" said a man
"Oh, I knew it.. know I have to." Leon muttered.

He poked his head into the light, his eyes sparkling. His hand waving, he hesitated before coming out. He thought to put his hands out and looked at all the people staring at him. He put his hand on his duffel bag bringing out his crossbow just incase. His hand was at the ready incase someone thought to pull out a gun on him.

"Uhh... hi."
He said awkwardly at all the eyes meeting with his. So much pressure, it was obvious that they were all pretty angry and were arguing. He would've just made the situation worse and they would only want him if he had use to them. Ecspecially to the dude that was straight and military-like. His father had been a soldier, he would've survived this whole thing ... if he didn't turn. He knew they weren't ready to welcome him in with open arms but someone was better than no one and they were actual people. He felt safer with them even if they didn't want him here...

Come on just lift your arm and kill can do it...kill him. Freelancer could kill everyone here just for seeing him, and this kid deserved it. He began to raise his weapon to the kid. It could be done...then he stopped himself before it was pointed at the kid...but it didn't have too. If he killed this kid he risked losing his guide to Ghostfather, Lilith. Plus, he thought of Darcy, there was her. Why did he care so much about her? He just killed his sexual partner of more then six months in cold blood and here he was worrying about losing a women he just met.

"Because I don't sound like a pussy while doing it. Plus with those squinty eyes of yours do you even realize what your yelling at?"

Just then the new burden came from the shadows waiving

"Uh..Hi" hmm a Brit huh? and his hand in a duffel bag

"Just so you know, you draw you die." Freelancer said without even raising his pistol then like he hadn't just threatened his life said "So who is this now that comes to spread joy to me?" he asked the newcomer.

Darcy moved closer to Marcus when she saw the guy put his hand in the duffel bag. She was unarmed and really wanted to get some clothes on the top half of her body now. Her gun also lay in the front seat of the truck. She wouldn't make the mistake of leaving without it ever again. Plus, she didn't like very much the way the Asian guy was looking at her all judgmental, as if he was all clued up on her and her life. When in fact he knew nothing!

"My name is Leon... Leon Joseph Rivers, and yourselves?"
He kind of bowed and lowered his weapon. Why the hell did he do that? It's not like he was a part of the royal family or anything.

"Sorry its kind of a reaction now."
He looked around at the people and then behind him if any zombies came, he walked a little faster until he was at the gas station.

"Whats with the fighting and racist remarks?"
Leon didn't usually like to fight but he would if he needed to and this soldier-looking guy seemed the type to start trouble but so did the rebel. He didn't think so many girls would usually survive things like this.

Things like this. As if it had happened before, in every movie they always are on of the first to die unless its one of those romantic types where they usually have hot steamy sex to repopulate the world. He shook the thought from his mind.

This guy looked deranged thought Darcy slightly amused and like the rest of them wasting her time! Josh was loosing time. She hoped he was safe until she got to him. It wasn't like he was a child, he was as big as Marcus and could handle himself in a fight. But he was the only living relative she had. That reminded her, she had to call her mothers shrink. Darcy hoped to God the women was there and liquored up. Easier to handle her that way.

The new guy, Leon, kept babbling, Darcy just stood there and listened, letting Marcus deal with this new crazy person.

"Can't you tell Leon, we are one big happy family." he said sarcastically "The women behind be is Darcy, and I'm Marcus from the NSA. Lilith is the young girl with the dog. I could tell you the rest of their names, but they don't seem to like me very much." he grinned at the Asian sarcastically. This kid seemed okay, as long as he didn't feel like talking Freelancers ear off.

"Maybe." Darcy said to the Asian guy. She didn't really have a purpose concerning Marcus, at least not a useful one to him. It was actually her who needed him. "But I have more of a chance of getting out alive with him than with you and for your information he hasn't promised me anything." Yet.

Leon nodded, he would have to shut his mouth if he wanted to stick with these guys, still not sure if they were good people. But people are people and thats what matters. He could tell that the shirtless woman didn't like him but what did he care he had a shirt and she didn't.

"Can't you tell Leon, we are one big happy family."
"Hey topless, I don't know what he promised you, but doesn't care about you and will leave you as soon as you lose your purpose"

Leon tried to hide his grin at the sarcastic quote and almost chuckled when the asian said 'Hey topless'. It seemed as if this woman was showing herself to the world, suprised after how long they had spent arguing that she still hadn't found a shirt to put on. He seemed to like Lilith, she didn't talk as much as the others and she seemed respectable. She looked a little bit older than him and she had a dog. Animals. Animals were his weakness as well as family, he looked down at his necklace than to the survivors. If he had gotten to close to them he would get attatched and he would go all protective over them all, which he couldn't do. Hopefully they could look after themselves which most of them looked like they could, well everyone except Darcy who stilll stood there shirtless.

This was pissing her off now. They were all just wasting her time. The quicker Marcus got this James Hill asshole guy, the sooner she could convince him to help her find her brother.

"I'll wait in the truck for you." She said to Marcus as she walked passed him and jumped in the front passenger and slammed the door shut. Darcy sighed. It was nice and cool inside the truck.

Grabbing her Louis Vuitton pack, she found her iPhone and dialed the number to her mothers shrink. "Yes!" It was ringing.

"Dracinda Morgan." Said a mans voice. "I was waiting for you to call. Just wanted to let you know your mothers fine. She's passed out on my couch. The City's on lock down at the minute."

"Great." Replied Darcy, it took a load off her knowing she didn't have to worry about her mother. "Keep her there. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Will do." Then the line cut.

Darcy breathed another sigh of relief. Then turned to look in the back seat. Lilith's pack was there. She didn't feel right going through it but she needed a shirt and she found an big ugly black one, just as bad as she'd imagined. Throwing it over her head, it was way too long. She rolled up the bottom just under her breasts and pinned it with the safety pins she'd got from the gas station. It came just above her midriff, leaving a little skin open keeping her from boiling.

Okay there had been enough of this "Okay here is the deal Leon, We have been wasting our time here so I'm going to go in the truck. You guys introduce yourselves to each other, get what ever jaw jacking you have to do out of the way in the next fifteen minutes. Anyone who is coming with me better be ready by then or your getting left behind." He didn't care about the newcomers, Leon seemed okay, but Freelancer had to take a break or he was going to end up killing someone. He looked at the Asian, he was going to work some stuff out with him when it was more private.

Freelancer opened the door to the drivers side of the truck and threw his backpack on his lap. He ignored Darcy and unzipped the backpack and pulled out a file from the lab. He opened it, then looked at Darcy "Not to shabby your highness, you look okay." He said as he looked to the section, making sure nobody was reading over his shoulder "Project Antmen". Maybe there was something here about the infection mutating.

"Not to shabby your highness, you look okay" Marcus commented as he sat down besides her and opened some sort of file.

Darcy scowled at him, not that he noticed so engrossed he was in his file.

"It's better then what it started out as." she replied, looking down at the black short sleeved t-shirt she had just redesigned and pinned.

She could tell he was in no mood to discuss the file and didn't want to make him madder then he already was, thanks to the assholes outside. She seriously hoped they left them behind.

"Yes, uhh sir." Leon hesitated to speak.
Stupid, he should have just nodded. He looked towards the others and just nodded, they knew who he was and if they told him their names that'd be great, he didn't like to waste time either but was there to waste time on anyway? Where was he supposed to go? He'd stick with Marcus, that was for sure. He waited around to see if they would tell him their name and then put his crossbow in the duffel on the way back to his bike, he hopped on and signalled the truck in front that he'd follow them. He didn't fancy Darcy much though, she was a spoilt little brat. I mean Leon was spoilt and rich but he loved his parents and had manners towards others. If they didn't show manners towards him. Even if she was super hot...

Leon sat on his bike waiting for them, he could hardly see anything that was happening except for a peck on the cheek. Ew. Guess the asian dude was right. He hated the waiting but if he spoke up he knew he'd annoy them plus he didn't want to walk in on them if they led onto something more, he looked away beside him checking for zombies with his sword ready.

Darcy smiled back, although she wanted more than a pat on the hand. It would do for now. . . Actually it wouldn't and without another second's thought she leaned in and kissed him full on the lips.

Pulling away she smiled and said "So we ready to go? Guess Leon's coming with us. Great." Voice dripping with sarcasm.