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The Witch's New Brew

The Witch's New Brew


A sprinkle of three sneaky, little witches, a pinch of three clueless jocks, and a breath of sly idea all brews a whole lot of trouble! When three witches decide to bet who can make a human male fall for them first without using magic, you can imagine..

1,576 readers have visited The Witch's New Brew since shmband created it.


Witches Brew
"Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble."

NOTE: This is an RP which had the makings of awesomeness but never quite took off because the GM ominously disappeared and hasn't logged on since. I've recreated it and will continue to 'pretty it up' as time goes by, but for now don't wait on me to provide the trimmings, just submit a wicked cool character and let's get the party started. (End note.)

This is not your average witchy tale. These witches are not ugly, most witches are not, however. Myths portray them as old, green skinned ladies with large warts on their noses. That is a bit insulting to them, you know. Actually, most witches are humble beings. The ones who deal with white magic that is. Luckily, the three main witches in this particularly story deal with just that: White magic, only. There are tell tale signs in spotting a witch that deals with white magic, and one who deals with black magic. If a witch studies the art of using white magic to heal, and so on, their aura is very "clean." Most mortals are extremely drawn to them. Unlike one who deals with black magic, their aura being cloudy, humans shying away from them; almost like a vampires aura. Anyway! Onto our story..

The three witches mentioned come from a well-known line of white magic users. The Harlan Witches(they are also, long with white magic users, elemental witches). Their ancestors are known in the supernatural community as great healers, using herbs and such. If it tells you much, their great, great, great grandmothers are still alive. Shows you have powerful their magic is. Two of the witches are sisters(different fathers who skipped out on their mother). Two years ago their mom was "killed in a car accident" on the way home from having dinner with friends. Well, that is what the sisters were told. The real way their mother died was never told. Due to that turn of events the two sisters were sent to live with their Aunt Margret who is fifty-four, however, she has a daughter around their age. In came the third witch. Their cousin.

Having lived in the same town for twenty years and not aging physically(because of a certain elixir), Aunt Margret decided it was time to move. So, they did.. To the small, cozy town known as Ashwick(made up, don't complain!=P). Ashwick is set back in a woodsy area, the type of place where most of the people are rather friendly.. And everyone knows everyone. When a outlandish woman and three odd, teenage girls move into town, you can imagine the uproar and gossip (imagine if they found out what they were). Ashwick is home to the Ashwick Panthers. They excel in sports, especially football, and their rival is the next town over, the Blackwood Bears.

Upon arriving it was two days before school started back, the beginning of October. Even though Margret was a considerably fun woman who loved goofing off, and making random potions, she was surprisingly strict when it came to school. The girls had to go when it started. But of course, being the sly girls they are, they came up with a devious idea to keep the school year interesting. Besides messing with the humans, and came up with a silly, little bet. The first one to make a human male fall in love with them first, without using magic, wins. Wins what? Why a smooth-covered, new spell book, of course! Each girl has it in their mind that this is going to be a piece of cake. Mortals are already drawn to them! The first day of school it was set that they would pick out their victi- human boy. After that, they must do everything to get noticed by them. They must talk to them, flirt, find a way to spend time with them even after school, befriend them, anything. Before the Halloween Masquerade on the thirty-first, however, they must have been kissed/kissed the mortal boy. If not, they're out of the bet. By the end of the year the boy has to say "I love you." And this all has to be done without magic.

It might not seem hard to you, mortal, but here's the catch. Witches use magic for everything, even love. Most witches who get married have a spell over their husband, literally. So, to do this easy little "task" is quite challenging for them. How will they ever survive this torture? Yes, torture. That's all love is.. Disaster just a' brewin'!

The Basic Plot

Hopefully the little "story" above explained the story pretty clear, but if not this will(I'm hoping). So, basically, three witches, all related, move into a small town called Ashwick. They cause a bit of an uproar because they move into a large, "creepy looking" house at the top of a hill that's been abandoned for years. (Many parents have told their kids the place is haunted to keep them away from it) Along with that, their aunt(and mother) Margret is a crazy character. She wears old looking clothes, her hair slung in a bun, and she's a bit of a kook. But that's besides the point. The three young witches are always looking for new things to do and get into, so they come up with an idea to challenge themselves. They decide to make a bet on who can make a human boy fall in love with them first without using their magic to do so. So, when they go to school the first day(which is at the beginning of the role play), they pick out the human boy they want to make fall in love with them.. And the game begins. They must try getting close to the guy any way they can, even if it's secretly. First befriend them, etc, etc. Part of the bet is they have to have kissed the boy at least once before the end of the Halloween Masquerade ball at the end of the month.
Conveniently enough, the three boys they pick are three good friends. They all play on the school's football team: Quarterback, Line backer, and the Wide receiver. They also are, three of the most popular boys in school. Jocks, naturally. This will make the bet even harder.

Besides that, I'm leaving the plot pretty open. Open to new suggestions and ideas!! I would love if you shared some either through OOC or PM. Events that could happen, etc. Anything to make this role play last. It's pretty character based, so do not be afraid to add things. I will be adding another Forum in the OOC tab. There I will list events that are going to happen, in order.

If you have ANY QUESTIONS please ask me

Things You Need To Know

✩ The Harlan witches are great at healing, especially using potions dealing with herbs. They are also great elemental witches. However, each witch in the Harlan line has one element they're best at.
✩ Witches usually have a familiar that is practically always around the witch. It is an animal and that can talk to the witch telepathically, only to them. Unlike most myths, a witches' familiar is not only a cat, owl, or toad. It can be any animal that picks them first.
✩ Witches do not melt when water touches their skin. =P If it did how would they take baths?!
✩ Most witches are one with nature and love animals, definitely those who work with white magic.
✩ A witch uses magic, spells and potions for pretty much everything. They could not live without it, literally.
✩ Witches can shape shift into one chosen animal, strange as it may seem.
✩ A tell tale sign that someone is a witch is weird eye coloring. Many witches have outrageous looking eyes. Silver, gold, black in color.. Perhaps brighter than the average human. It just depends.
✩ Witches DO ride on brooms! They can place a spell on one to make it levitate and fly. They find it rather enjoyable, a past time. However, most rarely get to go flying.
✩ Many love Halloween because they can dress in "traditional attire," and get away with it.
✩ There is a council called The High Council. It is made up of four witches, and three warlocks(the male version of a witch). They are extremely old due to a heavy "non-aging" spell, and have order over all witches/warlocks.
✩ The Council strictly forbids any witch/warlock to expose their abilities, what they are, to any mortal. There are severe punishments for both the witch/warlock and human.
✩ The ultimate punishment the Council can do is stripping a witch/warlock of their magic. It practically kills them, and if the witch/warlock is very old, and was using an aging spell.. They're dead.
✩ There are other supernatural beings in this role play. Vampires, Werewolves, etc. But will not be mentioned until later when we decide bring in new characters. (If this role play lasts that long.. Which it will!! =P)
✩ NPCs are welcomed!! Especially by those who portray a human male. Portray family, friends, ex-girlfriends, etc. Please? =3
✩ Will Add More Soon! Check back!!

Character Roles::

Gender | Age | Main Element(if witch) | Familiar(if witch) | Animal they can Shift into(if witch) | Football Position(if boy) | Extra Something(if boy) | Open/Reserved/Taken

The Witches

Older Sister; Witch One
Female | Eighteen | Wind | Surprisingly, a small Raccoon | A Raven |Taken by Meesha

Younger Sister; Witch Two
Female | Seventeen | Fire | Ironically, a Cat | A Mountain Lion | Taken by ChildOfNone

The Cousin; Witch Three
Female | Seventeen | Water | A white German Shepherd/Wolf mix | A Wolf | Taken by Surfergirl

The Jocks(Human Boys)

Jock/Boy One
Male | Eighteen(birthday soon) | Wide receiver | Is, secretly, in the Drama Club, needs more people in the club | TAKEN by shmband

Jock/Boy Two
Male | Eighteen(almost nineteen) | Quarterback | Is failing Calculus, needs tutoring | Taken by reveries

Jock/Boy Three
Male | Seventeen | Line backer | Helping decorate for Masquerade Halloween Dance, needs help | Open

Character Sheet(s)

Witches CS

Code: Select all
    [center][img](image here)[/img][/center]
    [b]Full Name::[/b] (Their last name is Harlan)
    [b]Nickname::[/b] (If they have one)
    [b]Age::[/b] (In Character Role)
    [b]Familiar::[/b] (Mentioned in character role, you can add a link to a picture of it)
    [b]Animal they Shift into::[/b] (In Character Role)
    [b]Element Best At::[/b] (Mentioned in CR)
    [b]Grade They're In::[/b]
    [b]Personality::[/b] (At least five sentences)
    [b]Appearance in Description::[/b] (At least five sentences!)
    [b]History::[/b] (Optional!!)
    [b]Other::[/b] (Anything I missed or you want to add?)

The Jocks/Boys

Code: Select all
    [center][img](image here)[/img][/center]
    [b]Full Name::[/b] (First, Middle, Last)
    [b]Nickname::[/b] (If they have one)
    [b]Age::[/b] (Mentioned in Character Role)
    [b]Grade They're In::[/b]
    [b]Football Position::[/b] (In Character Role)
    [b]Personality::[/b] (At least five sentences)
    [b]Appearance in Description::[/b] (At least five sentences!)
    [b]History::[/b] (At least five sentences)
    [b]Other::[/b] (Anything I missed or you want to add?)

Toggle Rules

OK it's really very simple. Either this roleplay will take off, or it will die. Which happens is up to you. I won't reserve characters, but you may express an interest in a character and I may, as a result, hold off accepting someone else's submission for that character until I see yours. It ain't "first served", it's whoever serves up the best CS and gives me the impression they'll pull their weight.

- Try and give us a decent post each time. No word minimum but if you're constantly less than 100 words it could be a problem. 200 words is a nice target, 300 words is a good days work. 1000 words (other than for an intro post) is probably just a load of self-indulgent pap but feel free to prove me wrong. :)
- Please post regularly, don't hold the RP up without good reason. 'Writers block' is not a good reason. I'm not asking you to win the booker prize, just a good enough post that'll keep the RP flowing. Thanks!
- The usual common sense stuff: no god-modding, no Mary-Sues, no flagrant erotica (site rules apply), etc....

Might add more rules as we go! :) But rules aren't the fun part, right?

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Character Portrait: Felix Roseblade
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#, as written by shmband
There was an elusive cold bite to the October air. Growing up, Felix hadn't really noticed it, but returning from a summer holiday in warmer climes it was quite remarkable. The sun shone brightly, the ruddying woodlands glowed with a benign warmth...and yet the air still nipped at his skin. It almost compelled him to narrow down his college choices to the ones with reliably decent weather! Of course, college at all depended on his scholarship, and his scholarship could only come through two channels; the one people were allowed to know about, or the one people weren't....

The school itself, he thought making his way through the gates, had become too familiar in his eyes. It was like the strict grandmother who scared you as a child, but now crooned sweetly her best wishes on seeing you move away. Sure, he'd miss the place, an especially the football team...but a time for something new seemed right. Well....almost. Still most of another year to go...

In true backwater style, the principle and a few other members of staff had set out some plastic benches with forms to sign for attendance. Why? Nobody really knew. Every other day of the year they'd do a regular roll-call in home class, but the first day of the school year it had to be.....this....

"Roseblade...." the gym teacher nodded with a proud smile. Felix tipped his head back, returning the smile rather awkwardly. Yeah, he knew. He knew that there was the big game in just a few weeks, as if there wasn't enough to think about already.

"Hey Mr Alresford." he replied, leaning down to sign his name on the form. The principle - a dangerously underfed woman with greys well before her time - sneered at him down the bridge of her nose.

"Welcome back Mr Roseblade." she said, slurring his surname with what certainly sounded like a hint of contempt. "The all important last semester you for, eh?"

All important indeed, he thought to himself. Coach Alresford is going to expect the Panthers to be at their best, as will the other guys...and then of course the drama club, his other hope for a scholarship...they'd vowed it would be their most successful semester ever, and Felix had promised to pull his weight in making it so. All in all, Felix was going to be a guy stretched very thin. It was a small mercy he didn't have a girlfriend to worry about.

"Well," said the principle, "get yourself inside. Just because you're early to register doesn't mean you can't be late for class if you stand around looking like a deer in the headlights."

Felix nodded and made his way towards the school entrance.

"Yes Miss Fingrinhoe." he mumbled. For t'was her name.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil
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This October's pretty moderate. Though.. it's pretty cold. I guess. He absentmindedly thinks to himself with little notice, a sudden concern on how Nate may be faring in the hospital with this chilly weather; kid always liked being outside. For the past few weeks, Damien hasn't actually really notice the change in weather, seeing as they didn't decide to visit any distant relatives in Poland this year as Mom had to work with this sudden turn in the release of all these video games. Nate didn't seem to have been looking forward to the trip either, so they stayed. Ashwick's been the same, really. Him playing with the guys for a game or two throughout the summer when he's not busy, with it either some video games or actual football. They were missing one of their usual Wide Receivers though, and had to settle on Jackson from JV to fill up the spot that Roseblade had left behind.

He's strolling up the school from his house, familiar and nostalgic as it's giving him, now entering senior year. First day back, and they're doing that weird thing that they do at the front to sign everyone in, Damien notices as he's getting closer. "What's up Mr. Alresford!" He's already smiling, holding out a hand for the gym teacher to slap in friendly matter and he'd met with a sort of tight but friendly smile and a firm grip on his hand. "O'Neil." Mr. Alresford greets back. Game's gonna be starting the season next week. He'd have to see the Coach for some smaller details on how they were gonna play it out. Practice's gonna be fun, he muses, as it never actually does. Damien's writing his name on the form carefully with his messy handwriting as he slouches slightly to lean down to do it. He's looking back up to see their school's principal, and he hesitates from making the same mistake of 'what's upping' Miss Fingrinhoe, as he's learned to stop laughing at her odd given surname by then. "Wh- " Whoa there buddy. "Hey there Miss Fingrinhoe." Yup. No laughing. "How're you?" Just.. smile.

She raises her brow if only by the slightest bit, and he's almost intimidated. "Mr. O' Neil, welcome back." Her way of talking always sort of bothered Damien and some of the other boys, as it almost seemed.. regal, you could say, yet so uncomfortable to be hearing, like there's something underlying that could rub a guy the wrong way but not allow them to do anything. "Thank you for asking, I am well." She seemed almost displeased that Damien asked her this, and gestured lightly to the school's entrance. "On your way then." Even if he were to laugh, when she talks, it just kills whatever humor you may have. So uncomfortable.

"Yes ma'm." He bites his lips as his brows are slightly raised, him nodding with well intent to be 'on his way'. He spots a familiar figure at the entrance, and can't help his smile. Well, their missing Wide Receiver. "Yo, Felix! That you, man?" He yells, destroying the sort of quietness that was surrounding the air, waving his arm up and only slightly increasing his pace up, unable to shake off any weird vibes that he be thinking that he's getting from the scary lady principal behind him.


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It’s so freakin’ cold! That was Phoebe’s first thought as she stepped out of the house that morning. Despite the freezing temperature she had decided that she was still going out for her morning jog. At the time it seemed like a good idea. She would be sweating by the end of it anyway, she had thought easily. By the time she’d run back home she was shivering up an earthquake. Of course, she could have just used a little magic to keep her warm. Then again, Phoebe was never one to do what was most expected- or reasonable. Still, she didn’t whine or complain about it. Now, all dressed up and ready for the day, Phoebe trudged her way to her new school. She kept looking behind her for any sign of her sister or cousin.

Maybe I should have waited for them…

She tossed around the idea but shrugged it away. She had been too excited to sit still and wait for them. Phoebe had always been a morning person. She’d taken to running and jogging because she woke up too early and even when she finished she was too impatient to wait. It was one of the reasons she had made friends with many of her past teachers- her constant early arrival. She smiled as she wondered what type of people she would meet at her new school. Her steps had practically turned into bouncing by the time she reached the gates. Her light green cat-like eyes greedily took in all of it and a girly squeal passed her lips. She couldn’t help it; new things, new people, new places, new adventures, it all excited her and made her feel giddy.

Her eyes latched on to the people lined up. They looked official enough so she guessed that they must be the schools staff and such. She skipped right over with a wide friendly smile. It didn’t really matter if they smiled back. Phoebe had enough good cheer in her for all of them. “Good morning.”

She looked down at the forms and read. Attendance… Tilting her head sideways she wondered why they would take attendance this way. It wasn’t uncommon but most schools she’d been to had taken attendance in the classes. That way the office would know what students attended each of their classes… and who skipped a few. She smiled remembering a few times she herself had played hooky. Taking the pen offered she signed her name in her curly scrawl. Phoebe Harlan.

Phoebe felt how official this signature made the situation. She had moved to Ashwick. She had enrolled in a new school. And now it was official. She held in the squeal that bubbled up in her throat and instead smiled at the staff members and skipped her way into the school. Just at the doors of the school Phoebe turned back and craned her neck up slightly. Not spotting her sister or cousin she decided she’d wait for them here. They were all new and it only seemed right to be new at the same time. She smiled wickedly. It’s not an entrance if all the Harlan girls aren’t here.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil Character Portrait: Elliot Han Character Portrait: Felix Roseblade
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Elliot woke up, both excited and a bit nervous. Today was his last first day of school...ever! While he couldn't wait to get out of high school, he also knew that his parents would be on his ass all year until he got accepted into a college. And that, he really wasn't looking forward to.

He left the house after a large breakfast and long lecture from his parents about "no slacking!" and "Har-berd" and "Good example for your sister!" It was a bit chilly, but he kind liked it that way. Made him feel alive. His house was fairly close to the school, and he arrived at the dreaded place in no time. Ah, he was being overly itself wasn't that bad. He liked learning things. It was just the pressure, and the dumb kids that somehow made it past middle school.

Elliot reached the tables with a grin. The attendance was odd, but quirky. Kind of like him. He scribbled down his name, both in English and Hangul, and turned around briskly, almost running into a girl. "Woah, sorry, man," he said quickly, and edged himself around her. As he left the growing crowd of students around the tables, he spotted two familiar figures. He grinned and started running towards them. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYY!" he shouted as he leaped onto Damien's back, the force knocking into Felix as well. "Sexy Ladies! How was your summer??"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Harlan Character Portrait: Phoebe Harlan Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
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#, as written by Meesha
Faye moaned at the sound of her Aunts willowy voice. It was only elevated by the metallic echo of the shower. The young witch tossed and turned a few times until her quilt was wrapped uncomfortably around her torso. With a muffled snarl into the pillow she eventually lifted her head up to show a mass of knotted hair and a pair of tired, puffy eyes. Glancing to her left she stared down at the hairy lump snoring in a hand-me-down dogs bed. Bernie wouldn't be awake in time to see her off to school. It was both a curse and a blessing...for one she wouldn't have to hear him nag her about things she was too naive to understand in the first place but she also wouldn't have him accompanying her to the school gates and secretly that left her a tad nervous.

Rolling out of bed like a snail being torn from it's shell she went to work getting prepared for her first day which mainly involved Faye moving her hands about and muttering things. Everything did itself. Her magic got her dressed, it also did her hair, her makeup it even brushed her teeth and did her laces up. The morning display of magic was the story of Faye's life. She was one lazy but talented witch. sulking down stairs she sat at the table across from her freshly showered aunt and cousin.

Aunt Margaret was still humming to herself whilst reading the newspaper and drinking herb tea, Luna was in her own mellow world. Faye sat with her arms crossed looking between the both of them. It was easy to see the relation between the two and as different as they both had been it was easy to see Faye's mother in Margaret's eyes. It made her wonder and worry where Phoebe was before Faye turned her eyes to the mishap of a kitchen they now sat in. It was a quirky fact if she didn't know better she'd say it was built for a witch.

After a quick breakfast she made her way to school. It was difficult to say what to wear considering she hadn't seen the preferred fashion of ashwick so Faye had opted for what she thought was a safe option. Dark leggings and a rough, earthy, knitted jumper which hung just off the shoulders. Paired with her 'man bag' she looked like a hand-me-down model of sorts. She spotted her sister a mile away and smiled widely.
Things didn't seem so nerve-racking with her sister around.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Harlan Character Portrait: Phoebe Harlan Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
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Lunar has been awake for hours. It was common for her to wake before dawn, since everything was so calm and peaceful when everyone else in the town were aleep. After spending a few hours on the piano in her room she looked back at Stitch and smiled "Better get ready for school, huh?" She spoke softly. Stitch trotted over towards her and rubbed his soft fur against her legs That would be a smart thing His voice echoed in her mind causing her to chuckle. Strolling over to her wardrobe she began to ger ready.

When she was finally ready she smiled at herself. Lunar was wearing a pair of black denim short shorts that gave people a bit to look at but not to much for her top she was wearing a white t-shirt that said 'Dancin' with myself'. The outfit wasn't much on it's own but when Lunar wore it, it was on a whole different level. She ended up wearing a black chained knecklace that reached around her bust that bad a thick heart on the end, and some braclets on her right wrist which were brown and teal beads. And for shoes she wore her usual. Black heels. Lunar was hardly ever seen without wearing a pair of heels, she walked in them like they were a pair of flats. Her hair layed straight so she just left it, the bright red would give her enough attention anyway. She didn't wear alot of makeup as Lunar and her cousins were naturally pretty but she always added a bit of black eyeliner and mascara to her eyes to make them stand out against her face, and a tad of lip gloss.

"Done!" She spoke to Stitch with a smile, the large dog shock his head and chuckled. But only she would of heard it. Running down the stairs to the kitchen she smiled at her mum who as always was sat at the table, drinking tea, humming a really boring tune and reading a paper. Lunar just smiled at her. And sat down at the table to eat breakfast.
She smiled at her Faye as she sat at the table... She didn't look to impressed this morning but she just shrugged it off.
When Faye left the house to head to school she let out a sigh. Standing up from the table she smiled at her mum and gave her a quick hug. "Bye mum" She spoke as she shut the door behind her.

Walking to school felt weird... Students looked at her with either confusion on a scared expression, running a hand through her hair she sighed. This is why It was a bad idea for you to come stitch she spoke to him telepathically. Of course Stitch had to walk her to school. But they hadn't thought how weird it would of been for a german shepard cross wolf to be spotted. No way I was letting you walk on your own, especially knowing you he told her.
When she finally reached the school she saw her two cousins. Smiling she headed over to them with Stitch following beside her.


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Phoebe was in the middle of making a spell against the cold when she spotted her sister. Her smile widened and she jumped in place, waving her hand wildly in the air. Impatient, she ran toward her sister and barreled into her, hugging the living daylights out of her. “What took you so long?! I’ve been waiting here for like an ETERNITY!!!” she exaggerated. People turned to look at her commotion but she hardly noticed… or cared. She finally stepped back and let go of Fay so she could breathe. Smiling she looked behind her only to pout slightly. Looking back at her sister she asked, “Where’s Luna?”

Just as she asked she noticed their cousin bounding over to them. Her smile instantly reappeared and she gave Luna a replica of the hug she’d given her sister only minutes ago. “Good. We’re all here. Now we can enter with a BANG!” she said. She glanced down at Stitch and grinned at her cousin’s loyal companion. Squatting down she petted the German Shepard (crossed with wolf) enthusiastically. “Hello Stitch.” She sighed and pouted prettily. “I wish Simon were as consistent as you.” She confided in him. As if conjured up by her words the Siamese cat himself strutted out of nowhere and settled himself next to her. “Who’s inconsistent?” he asked.

Phoebe grinned and scratched him behind the ears just like he liked and was rewarded with a motor-like purr. “Oh no one.” She said innocently. Standing up she looped her arms with Fay and Luna and tugged them along with her. Simon trailed behind them lazily yet regally. Silly cat.

I heard that, Simon chided in her mind.

“I wonder how today's going to go. Do you think there’ll be any cute guys? Is it going to be cliché? What with cliques and all that? If so, I wonder who the popular crowd consists of. Do you think they’ll be snobs? What if they’re nice? Oh, I hope they have extracurricular activities. I’d die of boredom if there’s nothing to do. I’m going to join as many as I can. What about you guys? What type of activities would you join? Or are you not joining one? That would be a bummer. Hey! We could join one together! I also hope they have advanced classes. I get so bored learning something I already know…” she chattered on like she usually did when she was either nervous or excited. She stopped talking suddenly and looked at the school with wide sparkling eyes. She really did hope they had fun here. If not they’d have to make it fun. She grinned mischievously at that thought.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Harlan Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil Character Portrait: Elliot Han Character Portrait: Phoebe Harlan Character Portrait: Felix Roseblade Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
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Luna jumped when Phoebe pulled her into a bone crushing hug. "Stop with the crushing child. You're as hype as stitch is when we give him steak." She told her as she rubbed her arm from being hugged. At the mention of steak Stitch whipped his head around to her with his tounge rolling out.
"Great, now he wants steak" She mumbled.
Lunar chuckled when she said that they called all enter with a 'BANG!' "I do hope thats metopharoically speaking and someone not going to actually make a band. But other wise I'm up for it" She said with a slight laugh.
She then watched as she and Simon her Siamese cat where talking to each other, she knew what the cat was like as he tended to enjoy sleeping on her bed.

Lunar then felt pulling on her arm as Phoebe pulled her and Faye along towards the building. With Simon and Stitch following behind them.
And then the babbling started Great she is going to talk forever, do you think she should joing public speaking? She spoke to Stitch. The large dog just shook his head and carried on walking. When they finally stopped walking she let out a sigh of relief as Phoebe stopped talking to.
"To answer your questions, Today depends on how you react and treat people. There better be cute guys!" She half shouted causing a few people to turn to look at her, but she just pointed at Phoebe telling them it was her. When they left she let out a chuckle. "And to answer the rest of your questions. Well I'm guessing it's going to be sorta cliche and for the clique I have no idea. And i'm guessing the popular crowd consists of the hot guys who are in the sports team and girls who are cheerleader or just snobs. For the snobs what do you think?" She questioned herself, nobody can be hated on until proven. Taking a breath she decided to answer the rest of her questions. " Yes i'm joining activties but only two maybe more but I am deffo doing music oh and maybe gymnastics as I always had a knack for that. And I don't mind joining one with you, maybe one where your hyperness and my music would be good. And they're is advanced classes... You practically enrolled in as many as you could remember? whilst I mainly stuck to the peforming arts and sports. Not a good pair but they had no seperate classes for music and I was not joining choir or band!" She told her. She knew she was good at music and had an amazing voice people told her and many of her small gigs had ended up online... Not that she cared. "Finally we know you get bored so learn as much as you can brain box. But maybe quiet down slightly!" She told her with a smile. She got annoyed sometimes how Phoebe can babble on but she didn't really care, it was who she was.

When she finished talking she realised there was a group of three guys standing at the entrance talking to each other. She had a puzzled look on her face trying to figure out what they were talking about but she was more worried about other things. Suddenly a group of three girls walked past them, they were pretty the usual pretty blonde bimbo's. When they saw the Harlan girls they looked at them... Especially her bright red hair. They then scurried away whispearing. Lunar let out a sigh.
"First off we are prettier than them and they know it. And we know it as its a trait from our families. Oh and if anyone pisses me off... I'm going to beat them ok? And second of all, I hate having this bright coloured hair that people question me about!" She shouted, and most likely drew attention to the three of them.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Harlan Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil Character Portrait: Elliot Han Character Portrait: Phoebe Harlan Character Portrait: Felix Roseblade Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
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(Sorry, double post.)


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Harlan Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil Character Portrait: Elliot Han Character Portrait: Phoebe Harlan Character Portrait: Felix Roseblade Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
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Damien becomes surprised at the sudden force that had come onto his back, bumping into Felix in the process as he had walked closer, only to turn around and just grin at the sight of it just being their linebacker. "Elliot!" He half-yells, laughing already as he tries to somewhat help Felix gain some balance from the sudden force that's leaning onto him (a.k.a his and Elliot's combined weights, and it probably being most of his as the more meatier guy out of the three of them) though slightly struggling with added weight on him as he tried to assert his own standing.

(For a second there, he almost thought that it was Miss Fingrinhoe, but then his brain chased those silly thoughts away of having thoughts at all that Miss Fingrinhoe would actually pounce on his back and scare the living craps out of him.) Though the earlier loud greeting that could've only belonged to his slightly shorter Asian friend should've been a dead giveaway, Damien excuses with himself that it's probably the suddenness of reuniting with his close friends on the first day that's distracting him.

"I've been with Seth and at the pool, you guys could predict." He turns towards their linebacker, smile and concern on his face. "But dude, I haven't seen you since.. around a month ago when the guys all got together for some ball, where'd you go?" Damien turned back to Felix. "And you! Man, I haven't seen you all summer! What happened?" While he had been a bit sore over not seeing these two for some period of time, he'd been busy himself so he wasn't much one to really hold a grudge if he ever really did at all with these guys.

Despite sort of being in their own little world as more and more people began to arrive at school, he was generally in a good mood anyway, and waved and greeted the passing mini-groups of people of their own respective 'troupes' and mutual interests who would say hello and then move on. His immediate attention is caught though as an unfamiliar female's voice is shouting throughout the chatter and scattered voices of other groups talking where it died down as they too turned to see what commotion was going on. Damien's face contorts into that of confusion as he doesn't recognize who the owner of the voice was, or the people surrounding her. I'd say that they're freshmen, but they don't look like it.. Including the fact that he doesn't recognize them either from Orientation earlier in the year before summer holiday or the one during the end of it, where he'd made friends/acquaintances there as well (maybe they just didn't attend?), he's stumped over just who the three girls who stand out in their own respective ways were. (They were quite pretty, in a sort of enchanting way, he supposed. Damien wasn't sure as to what to think of it.) That, and including the confusion of seeing animals on campus grounds that somehow got past their strict principal at the gates.

He doesn't dare say a word as he, and probably the rest of the majority of their crowding student body outside, just watch as to what's going on. While the atmosphere sort of changes into that of a tense silence (as silent as it could get with so many people outside), Damien makes two and two together as he realizes just who the bright-haired girl is yelling at, he flinches slightly over the idea that the two (Or four? Six?) might get into some sort of a fight, something that he thinks that most would like to avoid despite it being a natural thing to occur. He doesn't really realize that he's shouting until the words left his mouth, "hey! It's the first day! Chill! You girls can get huffy with each other when Princ's not watching!" Damien winces slightly as Miss Fingrinhoe has turned her eyes towards what's going on and awkwardly shifts in how he's standing. He sheepishly smiles.


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Phoebe smiled at the passing “blonde bimbos” and waved erratically. They huffed and turned away. Looking back at her bright haired cousin she shrugged. “Love your haters; it pisses them off… at least that’s what one of my shirts says.” She said and giggled. “I love shirt messages, they’re so insightful. Anyway, try keeping your anger in as long as you can. Hex them when no one’s around.” Phoebe smiled wickedly at that thought. She herself had hexed a few people before. Once, to a guy that had tried feeling up on her. If there’s one thing Phoebe hated it was guys who touched her without consent and treated her like a piece of meat. People didn’t often see the vengeful side of her but it was there. It takes a while to bring it out but Phoebe can hold grudges if she wants to. She looked at Luna’s hair and smiled, her mind turning quickly from hexes to her cousins hair. “If you don’t like it then just change it. A little spell can fix that problem.” She whispered the last part.

She looked up as she heard the shouting of a guy and laughed slightly when he shifted uncomfortably under the principal’s gaze. She looked back at Luna and Fay. “We’re already fighting?” she asked them before looking back at their “opponent”. The blondes noticed Phoebe staring and shuffled a bit farther off until they were out of her sight. Shrugging, she sighed and pouted. “They don’t want to play with me.” Oh! Phoebe looked back up and searched for the guy that had shouted at them, once she had him in her sight she noticed the other guys with him. She smiled and waved at them, giving the dude thumbs up to let him know he was heard and noted, even it might not have been her he’d yelled at. Still, she was sure Luna heard him loud and clear. She looked at her cousin, her eyes sparkling in an unnatural way with glee.

You’re drawing attention to yourself, Simon chided in her head.

I can’t help it! Besides they’d still stare at us anyway. We’re new. Everyone stares at the new kids, it’s like a rule in the high school unwritten rules book, she thought back to him with a pout.

How is it a Book if it isn’t written?

I don’t know, it just is, she stuck her tongue out at her fussy cat. With a twitch of his tail, Simon jumped up catching Phoebe off guard. She fumbled with him for a moment but righted herself once her grip was firm. She scowled at the cat but he gave his version of an innocent smile. Rolling her eyes she scratched him behind his ears. Lazy cat, she thought of him affectionately. With a lick to her cheek the Siamese cat jumped down from her arms and ambled off to wherever cats go.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Imogen Bracknell
Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
Character Portrait: Luna Harlan
Character Portrait: Phoebe Harlan
Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil
Character Portrait: Charling Gullveig
Character Portrait: Elliot Han
Character Portrait: Lucian Fuller


Character Portrait: Lucian Fuller
Lucian Fuller

Secondary Character- A Human Boy

Character Portrait: Elliot Han
Elliot Han

I'll back you're lines...'cause...that's what I do...

Character Portrait: Charling Gullveig
Charling Gullveig

Secondary character; "witch hunter"

Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil
Damien O'Neil

"Needless to say, I don't understand complicated things. Simplicity is more of my style, y'know?"

Character Portrait: Phoebe Harlan
Phoebe Harlan

Younger Sister

Character Portrait: Luna Harlan
Luna Harlan


Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
Faye Harlan

Older sister

Character Portrait: Imogen Bracknell
Imogen Bracknell

Secondary character - A human girl


Character Portrait: Luna Harlan
Luna Harlan


Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
Faye Harlan

Older sister

Character Portrait: Elliot Han
Elliot Han

I'll back you're lines...'cause...that's what I do...

Character Portrait: Phoebe Harlan
Phoebe Harlan

Younger Sister

Character Portrait: Lucian Fuller
Lucian Fuller

Secondary Character- A Human Boy

Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil
Damien O'Neil

"Needless to say, I don't understand complicated things. Simplicity is more of my style, y'know?"

Character Portrait: Imogen Bracknell
Imogen Bracknell

Secondary character - A human girl

Character Portrait: Charling Gullveig
Charling Gullveig

Secondary character; "witch hunter"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Phoebe Harlan
Phoebe Harlan

Younger Sister

Character Portrait: Lucian Fuller
Lucian Fuller

Secondary Character- A Human Boy

Character Portrait: Elliot Han
Elliot Han

I'll back you're lines...'cause...that's what I do...

Character Portrait: Imogen Bracknell
Imogen Bracknell

Secondary character - A human girl

Character Portrait: Charling Gullveig
Charling Gullveig

Secondary character; "witch hunter"

Character Portrait: Luna Harlan
Luna Harlan


Character Portrait: Damien O'Neil
Damien O'Neil

"Needless to say, I don't understand complicated things. Simplicity is more of my style, y'know?"

Character Portrait: Faye Harlan
Faye Harlan

Older sister

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