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Quentin Pine

"I am intelligent, clever and witty - What more can you ask for in a Ravenclaw guy?"

0 · 1,209 views · located in Hogwarts

a character in “The Wizarding World:Hogwarts Vs. Death Eaters”, as played by Dumisa


"All I do is smile and wave then keep things moving. You should try it out sometime."


Quentin Markus Pine.

Quentin doesn't really like having nicknames because he feels that people only give them to you whenever they forget your name. So, it'll be best if you called him Quentin or do not speak to him, at all.

Eighteen; 18 | Seventh year; 7th year.

|Birth Date|
August 23, 1997; 8/23/1997.


|Sexual Orientation|



Quentin's wand is twelve inches long and is made from Hazel wood with a Phoenix Feather core.

Quentin has a pet owl named Wiggins.


Quentin is a very intelligent male to say the very least. If one was to engage in a conversation with him on a subject that he really likes or knows more information about, he'll ramble on and on until he gives out of breath. He will not just throw words together to gain attention though, he'll give you the facts straight from the sources. He is a very witty person to be around, always have a verbal comeback towards anyone that tries to mess with him or his friends. Quentin can be a bit overprotective over things that are his. If someone even tries to touch something of his, they'll lose a finger or he'll just put a slight spell on them - Depending on who it is, honestly. Overall, if you want to engage yourself in a intelligent and meaningful conversation then Quentin is your guy.

Quentin was born to two non-wizarding parents. When they found out that their son was a wizard, they were honestly scared. They left him on the doorstep of the local orphanage and the parents immediately took him in. Quentin never knew that he was a wizard until he was seven years of age when his parents took them to another kid's birthday party. There was a slight incident that happened between Quentin and the kid as to where everyone was now afraid of him. Quentin ran away from the orphanage, living on the streets now. He had to practically beg people for food or get it out of the back dumpsters. No one really knows about Quentin life and he intends to keep it that way. He was found by someone at the age of eleven and they told him about the school for wizards - Hogwarts. They immediately shipped him off and there, he gained much knowledge about being a wizard and became even more in touch with his inner wizard. Quentin loves it at Hogwarts and has learned and taught others to grow accustom to the changes that goes on at Hogwarts. This year, he heard the rumor about Death Eaters entering Hogwarts, as long as they stay out of Quentin's way then they'll have nothing to worry about.

|Face Claim|
Taylor Launter.

|Dialogue Color Code|


So begins...

Quentin Pine's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Hathaway Character Portrait: Aiden Parker Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Diego Jordan Character Portrait: Quentin Pine
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Gryffindor Head Girl Muggleborn Transfer from Fukuoka Daiichi Seventh Year Dialogue Color Code: #800000
This year, unlike any other year, Acacia was getting herself ready for magic school. Though of course instead of attending Fukuoka Daiichi, she'll be one of the newest students at Hogwarts. Her father received a better job back in London, England, so they had to move from Asia back to her hometown. It's been almost fifteen years since she's been here and she doesn't remember anything about London. It was definitely at huge culture shock, that's for sure. Although, Acacia didn't seem to mind it in London, the only thing she hates about it is that on her last year, she will be the new kid and not just any new kid, the new muggleborn.

Acacia heard a few stories about Hogwarts, it being filled with Death Eaters and vicious pure bloods who hate muggleborns and half bloods just because they're not pure. There were these people back at Fukuoka Daiichi as well, but they were never has vicious as the ones at Hogwarts.

With a sigh, she ran through the platform wall to get to platform 9 3/4 before boarding the train. She placed Ginger in the storage area with the rest of the pets and left her luggage right beside Ginger. "Just a few hours and I'll be back. You be good now," she stated to her bird before starting to look for an empty compartment. Seeing as how she hadn't had any friends and was unsure of who she would be asking to sit with if she tried right now, she figured she would rather sit alone. Finally she found one and she took a seat as she stared out the window.

Head of Ravenclaw Magical Creatures Professor Pure Blood Dialogue Color Code: #9F000F
Ariel couldn't believe it was the beginning of another new year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was just starting to enjoy his summer and now he had to go back to work and teach a bunch of spoiled, know it all students. Of course he was always polite to them when they obeyed the rules of the school and his class, but other than that he didn't really want to be around them. The only reason why he was is because the headmaster, Sera Lockhart wanted him to teach and every year she asked him to stay. He couldn't just tell her no. As long as he didn't have to be the head of Slytherin...ever, he would be fine.

With an exaggerated sigh he took a seat in one of the professor's compartments and began to pet Blaze, his gorgeous black feline as he looked out the window. He could see the fog rising up from the trees and nature's most precious animals scrimmaging around, looking for food or running for their lives from the predators. Animals were intriguing creatures, whether magical or not. Ever since he was a child he enjoyed studying animals and trying to understand their behaviors. As a student, he was the smartest in his magical creatures class, which it turn caused him to receive the job as the professor of that class.

The first year he started teaching he wanted to give it a shot and came to find that it was very stressful, especially when having to deal with all of the rotten brats who think they can just do whatever they want and get away with it. But this year...he prayed this year would be a whole lot better. Though part of him had a feeling it wasn't going to be. Adriel heard whispers along the streets of Diagon Alley over the summer and that very morning about Death Eaters coming back to Hogwarts. He just hoped this rumor wasn't true. Hogwarts definitely didn't need to go through another battle in order to save the school and the entire magical world for that matter. That was something he wasn't up for to begin with. But if it happened, he knew it would be ready.

Hufflepuff Half Blood Sixth Year Dialogue Color Code: seagreen
Nico was boarding the train to Hogwarts for the sixth time in a row. He couldn't believe that he had one more year after this and his Hogwarts life would be over, unless he returned as a professor. Though once he boarded the train, he immediately began to look for a compartment and hope that he would be able to see his fellow Hufflepuffs and see Michaela Fowler and Colton Valenti. Nico wasn't all that much of a social person, but when it came to people he seemed to enjoy being around, that was definitely Michaela and Colton. Many people seem to get on Colton and Nico about hanging out with each other, merely because Colton is a pure blood and Nico is a half blood. Though honestly, that doesn't matter to him. As for Colton, he had no idea if it did or not. But if it did matter to him, then he couldn't help but wonder what Colton was doing hanging out with a half blood if he was prejudice against half bloods and muggleborns.

Nico just erased the thoughts from his head as he sat down. He slouched in the seat and folded his arms over his chest as he laid his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. The night before he hadn't been able to get very much sleep because he was just too excited that he was going to be going back to Hogwarts. But now that he was on his way, the deprivation of sleep has definitely caught up with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Adriel Blackwood Character Portrait: Michaela Fowler Character Portrait: McKenna Posey
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dumisa


Dillion woke up with a jolt and beads of sweat trickling from his forehead and dropping down to his chest. He had another nightmare about Death Eaters and this time, it didn't end too well for him or others. After sitting up for a few, he finally weaved himself out of bed, remembering that it was the first day back to Hogwarts for himself and the others. Dillion opened up his curtains and smiling as sun shined and kissed him upon his face. He had everything packed up from last night but just had to double check things before heading out.

After a brief checklist of everything, he wandered towards the outside and sniffed the air. He made his way over towards the train station then over towards platform nine and three quarters. He ran through the wall and sighed when he made it through. Dillion saw a few of his familiar students and offered them a wave with a smile. He walked up on the train and walked over towards the professor's compartment.

He walked past Adriel's and offered a small knock before walking in and joining him. "Hey there, bud!" Dillion smiled while sitting down, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a small flask, chugging it back and gulping down the delightful alcoholic beverage. He held it towards Adriel with a smirk. "So, how was your Summer?" He'd ask towards him with a raised brow.



She could be seen, sitting down in front of her parents at the dining table as they ate breakfast. Her mother looked up at her as she smiled but frowned when her mother had that serious look plastered upon her face. "Kenna?" Her father questioned her name with a stern tone. "Okay, you guys have nothing to worry about this year." McKenna said with a soft smile afterwards. Her parents looked at each other then back at McKenna, who rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair with a sigh. "I've heard rumors that there will be Death Eaters at your school this year. Maybe we shouldn't send her, Chester." Her mother spoke towards her father while folding her arms over her chest.

Kenna sighed with an eye roll as she stood up. "Look, I am the Quidditch leader. I have to be there before they give my spot to someone who doesn't deserve it." With those words spoken, she swiftly turned heel and grabbed her luggage, walking outside. "Kenna! No trouble this year, I mean." Her father called out to her as she stopped in her tracks and turned with a smirk. "No promises." She winked towards her parents then blew them a kiss.

After she had been wandering around, she finally arrived at the train station and went through the correct platform as she stopped again and took out her mirror. She fixed her hair then applied a small amount of lip gloss upon her lips then proceeded to make her trek back onto the train. She looked around to see any familiar faces but stopped as she saw two girls, chatting. "Oh, don't think I've seen you here before." McKenna smiled then looked towards the obviously nervous female before turning her eyes back towards the other female. "I'm McKenna Posey." She smiled delicately then took it upon herself to sit down.

"So, what are both of your guys names and what houses?" She smiled towards them both while placing her luggage underneath the seat below her as she waited for one of them to speak.



Quentin was in the backseat of a taxi cab as he told the driver where to go and how to get there. As the ride went along, he pulled out a book to read and stayed silent. The taxi driver attempted to talk to him but Quentin still remained silent, reading his book. After he was done reading, he took out a notebook and began jotting down a few notes of what he had just read. He was a very bright, intelligent young man and the taxi driver could see that.

"Intelligence will not get you far in this world, my friend!" The taxi driver said as Quentin commented without even talking to him. "And that's coming from a taxi driver. By the way, did you even graduate high school?" Quentin asked as the taxi driver slammed on brakes and demanded that Quentin get out of his taxi right away. "Guess what, genius? This is my stop anyway." Quentin said while throwing some money towards him and immediately getting out of the car.

As the taxi driver sped off, Quentin scoffed and looked up at the train station with a sigh. This was Quentin's last time at the train station and he just wanted to take it for a moment. After a few minutes of just standing there, Quentin proceeded to make his trek to platform nine and three quarters, which he through with a breeze. After stepping foot on the train, he saw that the first compartments were full and thought to himself. 'Must be first years.' He shook his head then saw a compartment that was full.

Quentin trek continued as he came past a compartment that only had three females in it. "Well, hello there, pretty ladies. Mind adding a little testosterone to this estrogen filled compartment?" He asked of them, flashing a charming smile towards them, raising a brow. "Oh my god! Quentin!" McKenna sprung up from her seat and gave him a hug, which made him chuckle a little bit. "Come and sit with us." She eyed the other girls. "You ladies don't mind, do you? How can resist that charming face and smile." Kenna said with a slight giggle in her voice. "Oh, this is Acacia and Micheala." She pointed towards those two girls as Quentin extended his hand out for them to shake.

"So ready for this year to be over and done with. Last year here." Quentin said while flashing a soft smile towards Acacia. "Don't believe I've seen you here before." He raised a brow then leaned back in his seat. "Where are you from?" Quentin asked Acacia and waited for her to respond.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Michaela Fowler Character Portrait: McKenna Posey Character Portrait: Olira Farrin Character Portrait: Kris Grayson
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0.00 INK

Gryffindor || Pureblood || Sixth Year || Dialogue Color Code: #6F81AA


The car ride to the platform was a bit cramped to say the least. Kris sat all the way in the back in between his older siblings, Victoria and Kevin. Everyone was dressed nicely in black mostly but Kris and his sister Victoria seemed to be the only ones actually dressed in color. The one that was driving all of them to the platform was his big sister, well everyone's big sister in this car, Hei. His parents were the ones to usually drive them all to the platform but they were busy at the ministry and couldn't leave so it was up to his big sister who luckily didn't have a class in the morning to teach to bring them to the platform. His sister is a professor at Beauxbatons so she was still stuck in french mode because when arguing with her little brother, Dae-Jung, she would talk fast in french at him, which to Kris was rather entertaining to watch because she would smack him in the back of the head from time to time.

Kris may have been cramped but he was happy because this was the first time in a while that all the siblings were together like this. "Hey, Kris did you drink your medicine?" asked Victoria who poked him on the arm to grab his attention. Kris blinked for a second before realizing that he hasn't. "Oh! Crap I didn't, thanks Vicky." he stated sheepishly before rummaging through his back pack and pulling out a small vial filled with a green-ish liquid. He uncapped it then threw it back quickly making a face of disgust right after. "Merlin, this stuff never fails to disgust me."

"Yeah, that stuff stinks dude! I can only imagine how it tastes . . . on second thought never mind, I don't want to imagine that." said Kevin as he pinched his nose and jokingly stuck out his tongue in a disgusted manner. Kris chuckled and nudged him playfully before his sister, Willow turned around in her seat in front of him and handed him a bag of lollipop's and one already unwrapped. "Here oppa, I think you need this more than I do." she commented with a snicker. "Even my little sister is taking shots at me." Kris laughed before taking the sweets from her. "Thanks, Willow." he finished before popping the cherry flavored lollipop into his mouth.

The rest of the car ride was filled with joking around and laughter and watching Hei smack Dae around some more, that never got old to Kris. After the car was unloaded with all their things and loaded into the train the group of siblings took about five minutes to say their goodbyes. "Kris make sure to drink your medicine every day alright? Mum said that the amount she made for you should last until Christmas with a couple of vials left over just in case your butter fingers drops one." explained his older sister before she pulled him into a tight hug. Dae leaned into his brothers ear with that famous slytherin smirk while handing him a medium sized box. "Don't get caught now." he instructed. Kris took a quick peek inside the box before he too grew a grin almost worthy of being a slytherin "Never do." The purple box was filled with various novelty items and firecrackers like Exploding Whizz Poppers and Silver Sparkling Snakes along with some novelty sweets including one his brother invented. It's a white gumball that tastes like strawberry but changes the color of your tongue like a rainbow as long as your chewing it.

Quickly stashing it in his back pack he finally finished his goodbyes and hopped on the train. Everyone seemed to go their own way, Willow, Kira and Eren all went to sit with their fellow Slytherins while Kevin went with some of his Ravenclaw friends and finally Kris was left with his sister Victoria who decided to sit with him for the train ride. The two siblings walked down the isle looking for an empty compartment but they were all filled. While looking for an empty compartment Kris stopped at one that had some familiar faces in it but one happened to be McKenna. There was one more seat available in the compartment and he would have took it but he wasn't about to ditch his sister like that so instead Kris pressed his face against the glass making a funny face at Kenna then winking at both the red heads before being on his way. He'll just have to talk to her later which was fine as long as they got to talk. Finally finding a free compartment Kris quickly took it with his sister and sat near the window with his legs criss crossed in the seat. Victoria sat on the other side and the two proceeded to rummage through their back-packs before pulling out their candy stash. "Alright, I have been waiting all morning for this." exclaimed his sister which only made a smirk grow upon Kris's lips as he sucked on the lollipop from earlier. "I'm so taking all your jelly slugs."


Hufflepuff || Half-blood || Sixth Year || Dialogue Color Code: #838646


Olira honestly didn't understand why she had to take a train from Scotland just to get go to the platform in England when she could have just flooed there or been apparated because really, why leave Scotland to go to England just to take a train back to Scotland? It made no sense to her but she went with it because she would be able to spend some time with her friends before actually getting to Hogwarts. On the train to England Olira mostly looked out the window and watched the scenery pass her by at high speed. The grass, trees and bushes were just blurs of green to her until the orphanages Matron came into her compartment. The Matron was the woman who took her in when she lost her parents and has basically been a grandmother to her. If there was anybody Oli would actually obey then that was the Matron or granny Irene as Olira calls her.

"You sitting alone?" asked Irene, her aged face showing slight curiosity. Olira sat up and looked over towards the old woman with a smile. "Nah, Ben went to the loo and Alice went to get some water from the trolley." answer Oli but as soon as she did her two friends returned. Alice tossed a bottle of water at Olira who caught it and scooted over so Alice could sit. "Hey granny." greeted Ben with a warm smile before sitting across from the three witches. "Granny Irene, how long until we get to England?" asked Alice who took a sip of her water before putting her arm around Olira. "Oli here is too shy to ask." she joked.

"Am not!" Olira protested playfully swatting at her friends arm. Olira, Alice and Ben all met right after Olira got to the orphanage and since then they have grown up with each other. Alice was a Slytherin and Ben a Ravenclaw but with the chemistry the three have you would think they all hail from one house. The matron have out a small chuckle in return as she stood up to leave and check on the other kids. "Soon my child now excuse me I have to go check on the others, only Merlin knows what they have been doing alone." The whole group said bye before resuming what they were doing before.

Olira had gotten distracted from her friends once more by the scenery outside the window that she couldn't hear them calling her name. "Watch this Ben." grinned Alice as she stuck her tongue out and leaned in slowly poking her tongue against Oli's cheek which snapped her out of her trance enough for her to wipe her cheek with her sleeve. "Aww Alice that's nasty." Olira said as they all laughed. The ride seemed to go faster when they all laughed and joked around which was good because by the time Olira got off the train she was kissing the ground. It was literally only a ten minute walk from this station to Hogwarts express which always earned a rather sad sigh from the girl. She was always happy to go back to Hogwarts and she still was but the train rides killed her especially when she got motion sickness from riding it for so long.

When everything was loaded and it was time to go, Granny Irene came over to Olira. The matron looked at Oli as if they were speaking telepathically and Olira smiled. "I know, I know. Work hard, study hard and don't let no one push me around." the matron smiled before pulling her into a tight hug. "Plus, when do I ever let people push me around?" Olira finished with a smile before she made her way onto the train. Alice and Ben had already joined up with their other friends that they haven't seen in a while and when Olira walked by the three friends exchanged grins. Making her way down the isle Olira stopped when she spotted McKenna in a compartment with Quentin and a couple of others she didn't recognized. Seeing one more free seat the small Hufflepuff opened the door but stood at the door frame with a smile. "Mind if I take the last seat gals?" she paused for a second looking over at the Ravenclaw before rolling her eyes at him."and beanstalk."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Adriel Blackwood Character Portrait: Michaela Fowler Character Portrait: McKenna Posey Character Portrait: Professor Dillion
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0.00 INK

Gryffindor Head Girl Muggleborn Transfer from Fukuoka Daiichi Seventh Year Dialogue Color Code: #800000
Acacia continued to sit there, speaking to Michaela until an Arabian looking female stepped into the compartment. Of course she had a feeling she definitely wasn't Arabian, but she certainly could pass off as one. With her dark hair and dark skin, her face was definitely gorgeous. The red head found herself checking her out and immediately stopped when she heard the female speak, "Oh, don't think I've seen you here before." Acacia watched as she glanced back and forth between herself and Michaela before speaking once more. "I'm McKenna Posey." She smiled delicately then took it upon herself to sit down. "So, what are both of your guys names and what houses?" McKenna smiled towards the two of them and sat down after placing her luggage beneath her seat.

Acacia smiled at the female and introduced herself, "I'm Acacia Ravenhart and I'm a Gryffindor," she answered before going silent once more. Acacia was never that great at speaking to new people and that was definitely beginning to show. She just hoped that it wasn't going to be obvious to the girls. The petite red head was drawn out of her thoughts when an extremely attractive male stepped into the compartment.

"Well, hello there, pretty ladies. Mind adding a little testosterone to this estrogen filled compartment?" He asked of them, flashing a charming smile towards them, raising a brow. Apparently McKenna and the male had known each other because the next thing she heard was, "Oh my god! Quentin!" McKenna sprung up from her seat and gave him a hug, which made him chuckle a little bit. "Come and sit with us." She looked to Acacia and Michaela, seeing if they were alright with it. "You ladies don't mind, do you? How can resist that charming face and smile." Acacia just giggled a bit and shook her head. "No, not at all," she responded and found herself eyeing the male before her. "Oh, this is Acacia and Micheala." McKenna took it upon herself to introduce them.

Acacia shook Quentin's hand as he held it out towards them. His hands seemed to be a bit softer than many of the other guys she happened to meet in the past, which kind of seemed a bit strange. But she didn't question it. Maybe he wore lotion, she thought to herself as she pulled her hand back to herself.

"So ready for this year to be over and done with. Last year here." Quentin said while flashing a soft smile towards Acacia, causing her to feel a bit nervous. "Don't believe I've seen you here before." She watched as he raised a brow then leaned back in his seat. "Where are you from?" Quentin asked.

The red head plastered a smile upon her face, trying her best to shield her nervousness and began to speak, "I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I know, I don't look Asian. But I was born in London and moved there a couple years after I was born and just this past summer I came back," she answered, hoping that she hadn't answered that question with too long of an answer. Evey time Acacia was talking to someone new she seemed to talk too much when she actually does speak.

Head of Ravenclaw Magical Creatures Professor Pure Blood Dialogue Color Code: #9F000F
Adriel was drawn out of his daze when he heard a male's voice, it was McQueen, one of his fellow professors. "Oh, hey," he responded as he reached for the flask from McQueen. "The summer was decent. My parents acted like complete snobs like usual and I ended up getting my father to free his house elf, that man treated the elf horribly. I couldn't take it anymore," he answered and took a couple sips from the flask and handed it back over to McQueen.

"How about you? Get to do anything fun?" he questioned with a slight smirk as he leaned back against his seat and folded his right leg over his left. He felt the train jolt a bit as it began to take off. Part of him was thankful that they were already leaving. He couldn't stay cooped up in this train for too long. For many more reasons along with this one, that's why he's been contemplating on moving to the magical world instead of living with the muggles.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Diego Jordan Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Adriel Blackwood Character Portrait: Michaela Fowler
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#, as written by Dumisa


Dillion looked at Adriel as he started to speak after grabbing his flask. With the nod of his head, he grabbed his flask back and spoke. "Well, parents don't change even when we're all grown up." He chuckled slightly while taking a small sip from his flask before closing it and sitting it back in his inner jacket pocket. With a sigh, he answered Adriel's question just as the train started to move. "Well, besides sleeping with my neighbor..." He winked with another chuckle then continued on. "I didn't really do anything fun since I had to write these damn lesson plans. I have a lot planned for the students this year and might even take some field trips, or something." Dillion shrugged his shoulders while eying Adriel again. "So, planning on having your classroom beside mine again this year?" He asked while slapping Adriel playfully on the knee, laughing a little bit.



Quentin eyed Acacia when she shook his head and her hand felt right inside of his. His eyes lowered to the ground, along with his head as he smiled softly to himself then looked back up at her as she started to answer his question. It was a long ass answer but Quentin really enjoyed that from people. He was rather intrigued about learning more about Acacia as McKenna stood up with the clap of her hands. "Okay, I am going to go look for my boyfriend, Kai. If anyone cares." When she spoke those words, she left the compartment and made her trek throughout the moving train now.

He nodded his head and gave Kenna a thumbs up then entered Olira. "Oh, great, the little sister from hell that I never wanted." Quentin chuckled as he stood up and gave Olira a hug then sat down beside Acacia and directed Olira to sit down where he was sitting. "So, how was your Summer, Olira?" Quentin asked her while looking over at Acacia briefly only to turn back and stare at Olira, again.



After leaving the compartment, she ran into Olira. "Oh, hey there, girl." She said with smile then offered her a hug before breaking it and still smiling. "Sorry to cut this short but we should catch up later." Kenna said while walking off, searching for her boyfriend, Kai. She looked almost up and down the train for him but then walked past the compartment he was in and saw him talking to Myrra. Kenna rolled her eyes and basically leaned against one of the walls so she couldn't be seen. She wanted to barge in there and grab him by the throat then rip it out but she was a little bit nicer than that.

With a soft sigh, she opened up the compartment door and leaned against the doorway, clearing her throat. "Hi, Kai." She eyed him then looked at Myrra. "Myrra." She then rolled her eyes over towards Kai. "So, you haven't been looking for me, I see." She once again eyed Myrra then turned her glance back towards Kai, shaking her head with her arms now folded over her chest. "I guess I shall see you around since things seem to be more interesting in here than where my compartment is." She turned heel swiftly, letting the end strands of her raven colored hair fall upon him.

Kenna walked back over to her compartment and entered, sitting beside Olira with a sigh. She was silent for a moment, looking away from everyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Nicodemus Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Adriel Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Gryffindor Head Girl Muggleborn Transfer from Fukuoka Daiichi Seventh Year Dialogue Color Code: #800000
After answering Quentin's question, Acacia just sat there, taking in everything that was happening. That was always one of the first things she did when meeting new people or going someplace new. She had to sit back and watch, to make sure the people she were watching and/or speaking to were good enough people to have in her life.

Once McKenna left the compartment to look for her boyfriend, the red head sighed and glanced over at Michaela, who seemed to be quite silent, which was strange. Acacia was usually the quieter one when it came to anyone else in the world. She hardly ever spoke to anyone unless she knew them. But then her attention was taken away from Michaela when another female stepped into the compartment.

"Mind if I take the last seat gals?" she paused for moment and looked at Quentin before rolling her eyes. "and beanstalk." At the sound of the female's statement to Quentin, Acacia couldn't help but to just chuckle a bit.

"Yeah, go ahead," she stated as she offered the last seat to the small brunette. "I'm Acacia Ravenhart," she stated, finally getting the nerve to speak to the female a bit more. She held her hand out towards her to shake her hand.

Head of Ravenclaw Magical Creatures Professor Pure Blood Dialogue Color Code: #9F000F
Adriel couldn't help but to chuckle at McQueen's words. He couldn't believe he slept with his neighbor, well anyone for that matter. In all the years these two have known each other, that was the first time he heard that he slept with someone. The male smirked and looked to McQueen as he continued, "First I've got to say, you...sleeping with someone? That in itself is a bit hilarious. And yeah, same room, just a different year," he answered just as he noticed Adrienne Cain stepping inside.

Now that woman was very gorgeous, but he knew McQueen liked her and honestly he wished he would just go with his guts, maybe he would succeed. The two of them seemed to have a small chemistry between them that he noticed just a couple years before and since then has pretty much been sitting back and watching.

"A little early for that, isn't it?" Adriel heard the woman question as she sat down and used her wand to put her luggage on the rail above their heads.

The male just chuckled at her words and shrugged his shoulders, "Since when have you known any time that is early for me to be drinking, Cain?" he responded.

This was one thing he could say about Cain and McQueen, he always seemed to be able to get along with the two of them great! Just as if they had grown up together and became friends and stayed that way up through their adult years. But Annie Barfield on the other hand, he just couldn't seem to bond with her as easily. He'd have small conversations with her, but he just couldn't seem to become friends with her like he did with the other two professors.

Hufflepuff Half Blood Sixth Year Dialogue Color Code: seagreen
Seeing as how the train had already taken off, he decided it would be best if he went ahead and changed into his robes. Especially since he had no idea if he was going to fall back to sleep or not. Using his eleven and a quarter inch mahagony wood wand with a dittany stalk core, he removed his robes from his luggage without having to go through everything and began making his way out of the compartment towards the restrooms.

As he was making his way to the restroom, he passed by a compartment with McKenna, Kai, her current boyfriend and some others he had not recognized. The compartment looked a bit full so he just decided he'd speak to everyone later. Though it would be great to speak to McKenna again after the summer. He really needed to talk to her or Ethan about everything that happened.

Nico returned his gaze away from the compartment and headed on his way to the restrooms and changed into his robes before returning to his empty compartment. Honestly he was shocked that not one person seemed to step into the compartment with him. All of the others were overfull, part of him thought there was something wrong with him because of this. Did he come off a bit uncomfortable?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Michaela Fowler Character Portrait: Odette Noble Character Portrait: McKenna Posey
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0.00 INK


Hufflepuff || Half-blood || Sixth Year || Dialogue Color Code: #838646


"Hey love," smiled Oli as she returned her best friend's hug before watching her run off to who Olira could only imagine was to see Kai. She sent her off with a two finger salute before stepping into the compartment. "Oh, great, the little sister from hell that I never wanted." That comment only from Quentin made Olira roll her eyes once more but with a smile on her face before returning the guy's hug. "Geez you never cease to make me feel like a dwarf," she laughed before patting him on the head playfully after he gave him her seat like a true gentlemen. "Why thank you Mr.bear." Oli teased before sitting down. "So, how was your Summer, Olira?"

Olira eyed the new girl that she didn't recognized with a slight smile before her attention was stolen by Quentin once more but her eyes briefly flickered towards Michaela who seemed to be quiet which wasn't usually normal for the gryffindor. "Freaking boring like always. I didn't do much but chase away those little gnomes from the orphanages garden, actually, that was quite fun." Her eyes once more turned towards the new girl who after Olira was finished speaking introduced herself as Acacia Ravenhart. With genuine kind and intrigued smile on her face, Olira reached out her hand and shook Acacia's. "Olira Farrin, probably the shortest girl you'll meet this year with the exception of maybe one or two first years." she joked.

"So your new here-" she wanted to ask for obvious reasons but that's when McKenna walked back in but she didn't look so happy. Sages eyes watched her as she sat next to her with a sigh then went quiet. "What he do this time? I'll bat-bogey his arse if you want." she asked with concern in her voice but also annoyance towards Kai but then the boy walked in looking for Kenna. Olira glared at him as he walked over to McKenna and began explaining some things that Olira only raised an eyebrow at before he gave her best friend a small jewelry box. That's when her annoyance towards him seemed to melt away and she poked McKenna a bit excitedly. "Aww c'mon Kenna, you have to forgive him, he got you a present! I bet it's pretty." Olira stated rather happily before she patted Kai on the head with her goofy smile on. "Good job man, you spared yourself from being bat-bogeyed!" she exclaimed rather childishly.

Gryffindor || Pureblood || Sixth Year || Dialogue Color Code: #6F81AA


After Kris cleaned his sister out of her jelly slugs, the siblings both fell asleep on the train. Kris was only asleep for about a half hour before he woke up with a sugar hangover and his head slightly aching. His head was laying against the window which made his hair messy but it made him look more cute that way. When his eyes opened to the sun shining into them her squinted and rubbed them. A yawn escaped his lips before he stood up and stretched. His eyes landed on his sister who was still sleeping and not wanting to disturb her, he exited the compartment to stretch his legs a bit. The young wizard was still a bit groggy as he made his way down the hall breathing the candy infested air that seemed to fill the whole hall.

Kris took a second with a blank and clueless expression on his face and looked around before his eyes landed on the culprit, it was the trolley, of course. Shaking his head the young wizard took out and unwrapped a fresh new lollipop and popped it into his mouth. When he passed a compartment that held a familiar face though, Kris stopped and grinned. It was Odette that caught his attention and now he was making faces at her in order to get her to either laugh or come out and speak to him or more like come out and say something sarcastic. Either way he didn't mind because he liked messing with her and he didn't care if others saw because most if not all of the school should know that he is a silly guy and this is rather normal for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Adriel Blackwood Character Portrait: McKenna Posey Character Portrait: Professor Dillion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dumisa


After hearing what Olira asked, McKenna waved her hand towards, shaking her head. "I'll have to tell you later." When Kai entered the compartment where she was currently stationed, she huffed her breath then eyed everyone within the compartment. Her eyes were fixed on him whenever he started speaking. McKenna tucked a few loose strands of her hair behind her ear after he said that he should've came looking for her first. "Gee, you think?" She quirked a brow along with her head to the side. Kenna nodded her head when Kai spoke about his mother killing if he didn't get an excellent grade on his summer essay. "Yeah, I know." She said with a hint of attitude because she wanted to kill him herself right now.

When Kai opened up a box and revealed a necklace hidden within the box, she covered her mouth and squealed a little bit. "Aw, Kai." She gave him a small kiss on the cheek then grabbed the necklace, placing it around her neck. "Thank you, baby. And maybe I did overreact a little bit." She softly said while caressing his cheek with her hand then looked up as Nico walked past. She gasped under her breath then eyed him while biting her bottom lip. She misses Nico so badly and just want him know but words will never arise because he might not feel the same way about her.

After feeling Olira's poke and hearing her words, her head nodded as she looked at Kai. "I forgive you." She smiled then stood up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the restroom." She stepped aside of Kai and out of the compartment. She walked towards the bathroom but saw Nico sitting all by himself. With a slight sigh, she removed Kai's present from around her neck and stuck it in her purse then proceeded into Nico's compartment. "Hello there, stranger." She cooed with a giggle then closed the door behind her while taking a seat across from him. "How was your Summer?" She asked with a smile.



He looked at Adrienne as she said that it was a little bit too early to be drinking but just shrugged her words off. Dillion likes Adrienne but doesn't have the guts to tell her to her face. With his lips turned to the side, his eyes fell back upon Adriel as he started speaking. "Well, it was only a Summer fling. It's over with now." A soft chuckle escaped over his lips as shoo his head. "Alright, but this year, no funny business beside my room. Got it?" Dillion tried to stay sternly but of course, he was joking. Dillion listened to Adriel's question and looked at Cain, waiting to hear her response because he knew that one was coming.



Quentin felt Olira pat him on the top of his head and simply just shook it afterwards. "Beanstalk? Mr. Bean?" Quentin said with a raised brow. "Next thing I know, you're going to be calling me the Swiss Alps." A soft chuckle came from over his slightly parted lips then eyed her as she started about her Summer. "Sounds riveting." Quentin joked while looking out of the window now, his face gleaming with excitement. "I think that we're almost there." He spoke softly while basically leaning over Acacia now to look out of the window.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Nicodemus Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Adriel Blackwood
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0.00 INK

Gryffindor Head Girl Muggleborn Transfer from Fukuoka Daiichi Seventh Year Dialogue Color Code: #800000
Acacia sat there, trying her best to ignore all of the excitement that was her compartment but couldn't help but to listen in to everything that was doing on between McKenna and Kai...well, she thinks that may be his name. She wasn't completely sure if she happened to hear it right. Once all of the commotion was over, she glanced over at the necklace once it was around the brunette's neck and smiled. It really was a gorgeous necklace, she just wasn't sure if her input on it was going to be accepted or not, even though it would have been a compliment. Confrontation of any kind was never one of Acacia's strong suits.

Once the female left the compartment, she found herself looking over at Kai, feeling a bit concerned about what was going on. Though she knew it was none of her business, but it was just her true nature to wonder what this was all about. When Quentin leaned over her to look outside, her cheeks flushed. He was close enough to her that she could smell his scent and honestly he smelled amazing. Though Acacia had no idea how to act with a guy whom she had just met being this close to her, pretty much being on top of her.

Head of Ravenclaw Magical Creatures Professor Pure Blood Dialogue Color Code: #9F000F
Adriel chuckled at McQueen's comment and just shook his head, "No promises there man. Are you forgetting the class I teach?" he returned before going silent, immediately feeling the awkward silence between the three of them. Though for some reason he happened to realize that Annie Barfield hadn't been on the train when she usually rode with them every year. He stood to his feet and looked out the compartment door before looking towards his fellow professors. "Do either of you happen to know where Barfield is?" he questioned, feeling a bit curious.

Hufflepuff Half Blood Sixth Year Dialogue Color Code: seagreen
Nico found himself half asleep when he was finally accompanied by McKenna, his best friend and most recent ex. He hadn't even attempted to be with anyone since his relationship with McKenna. Simply because he was never one to believe in being with someone else if you still had feelings for your ex. He smiled at her when she stepped into the compartment and sat down across from him.

"Eh, it was a pain in the ass. My father walked out on us, my grandmother died, found out my cousin has cancer...I swear, it feels like the whole world has it out for me right now," he answered with a depressing tone. He certainly hadn't been looking too well. His face was pale, his eyes had bags under them and looked bloodshot from the deprivation of sleep he's been dealing with. Over all, he just felt very weak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Michaela Fowler Character Portrait: McKenna Posey
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0.00 INK

Gryffindor Quidditch Captain || Halfblood || Sixth Year || Dialogue Color Code: #C74B25


Kai looked to Olira when she spoke up, giving her a nod of thanks as he gave a thumbs up with one of his hands. "It is very pretty for a very pretty girlfriend," Kai stated as he gave McKenna a little kiss on her cheek. He then looked back to Olira, confused. "Bat-Bogeyed?" He asked confused.

Kai was so thankful that his girlfriend forgave him. He did feel bad about it now that he thought of it. That was often what happened. Kai would mess up a bit, McKenna would get upset, Kai would try to make her feel better since he couldn't see people upset, then he would feel bad in the end for whatever he did. He didn't really like it, but he couldn't really help it either. She as his girlfriend and one of his closest friends. He couldn't just break up with her... Could he? He had only ever done that to a few girls, and that was only because it was so obvious that the relationship was unhealthy, he couldn't deny it.

Kai was happy when she gave him a small kiss on the cheek. It made him happy, though it didn't send a rush through him anymore like it did the first time they had actually kissed. "Of course," Kai stated as he sat up and allowed McKenna to have room to leave. He sat where she had been previously, looking around the room. He discovered it was him and Quentin as the only guys. "I'll call you the Swiss Alps buddy," Kai offered with a smile before looking to Acacia.

Kai caught her looking at him and gave a small wave to her from where he sat across the compartment from her, directly across from her. He caught sight of the reddening cheeks and suppressed the grand smile that might have appeared. "So... New, right? I'm pretty good about knowing people, so... I'm sorry the introduction was so quick earlier, but what's your name? Oh, and do you know your house yet?" Kai asked as he leaned back, resting one ankle on his other knee and letting his head rest in his hands as he leaned back.

Kai smiled, comfortable in his own skin once again. He thought he heard familiar voices down the hall, picking up Diego Jordan, Nico Fitzgerald (McKenna's ex boyfriend that Kai kind of and kind of didn't get along with), as well as Myrra. He pushed the thought aside. He shouldn't be thinking about her after he just got in trouble for being with her when he should have been with McKenna. So what if he needed help? He sighed inwardly, feeling more and more upset about the situation. He needed to figure something out. Perhaps a date was in order. He thought of where he could take her... He had a connection with one of the quidditch field managers, and then smiled. He knew exactly what he could do.

He looked to Acacia again, focusing his full attention though it was clear he had thought of something and was waiting rather anxiously for Kenna to get back so he could talk to her about something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Adriel Blackwood Character Portrait: Michaela Fowler
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0.00 INK

Gryffindor Head Girl Muggleborn
Transfer from Fukuoka Daiichi
Seventh Year Dialogue Color Code: #800000
Location: Hogwarts Express Compartment

Acacia chuckled at her new nickname and just nodded her head at Kai, still trying to hide her face from Quentin. She began speaking to Kai, over Quentin's back while he was still looking out the window. "Sounds sensible enough," she responded with a soft smile. The red head then sat there in silence until Kai spoke to her once more. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad. I'm already starting to meet people, she thought to herself before answering his next bunch of questions.

"I'm Acacia Ravenhart and I'm in Gryffindor house. The headmaster said I'd get my Gryffindor insignia to put on my robes when I get to Hogwarts. Though for some reason, he seemed to trust me enough to already make me the new head of Gryffindor," she added with a slight shrug to her shoulders.

Once Acacia finished speaking, her eyes went straight back to Quentin and hoped that he would very soon remove his positioning so she could once again feel as comfortable as she possibly could, even with all of these new people in the compartment. Seeing as how she was already in her uniform, once Quentin removed himself and sat down beside her correctly, she pulled out her cherry wood wand with a dragon heartstring core and removed her robe from her luggage without speaking and stood up to pull it over her arms, finding herself completely ready for Hogwarts.

Head of Ravenclaw
Magical Creatures Professor Pure Blood
Dialogue Color Code: #9F000F
Location: Hogwarts Express Compartment/Hogwarts
Just when he stated where Barfield was he heard her voice and moved out of the way so she could step into the compartment. After hearing her words he just nodded his head and sat back down across from McQueen. Just then the train had stopped and they arrived at Hogwarts. Immediately he climbed out of the train and stood outside on the sidewalk, waiting for all of the students to climb off the train. "First years, don't bother grabbing your luggage, that will be taken care of, just follow behind us and don't run off anywhere!" he called out to all of the first years and started making his way to the boats at the end of the lake surrounding Hogwarts.

Once he had all of the first years on the boats, he climbed in one himself and started on his journey across the lake to Hogwarts, his one and only home. The place where he feels more like himself and won't have to deal with his parents. He couldn't lie though, he loved his parents, but what it all came down to was the clear fact that they were just assholes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Nicodemus Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Adriel Blackwood
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dumisa


Kenna sympathized with Nico as he talked about his Summer, shaking her head while holding her hand over her heart. "I am so sorry to hear that, Nico." She softly said while looking at him now. McKenna leaned over and gave him a tight squeeze then broke it with a slight sigh. "Well, my Summer was crappy, as well, honestly. Besides messaging Kai, I did nothing but study up on this year's possible lessons. Boring, right?" She stated with the shrug of her shoulders, a smile was sent towards him as she placed her hand on top of his. "Things will get better for you, Nico. I promise." She smiled once again and saw that they were close to making it towards Hogwarts. "When you get off the train, wait for me. I want to walk in with you." Kenna winked towards him while patting his hand, getting up from her seated position with another gasping sigh. She walked out his compartment and went back to the one she was in. Kenna was blushing and had the biggest smile on her face but forgot that she had taken off of Kai's necklace and to put it back on. She squealed and clapped her hands. "Guys, we're almost there. Well, we are there." She had a puzzled look on her face then waved her hands in the air. "You guys know what I mean." Kenna said while following suit of Acacia and Quentin and change into her robe, as well.



Quentin watched as the whole drama between Kai and Kenna unfolded before his eyes, which he also rolled. He completely forgot that he was leaning over Acacia. "Oh, sorry. Just so excited, you know?" Quentin said towards her then eyed Olira. "You talk a good game but I bet you have never thrown one punch in your life." He said then stuck his tongue out towards Olira, loving to mess around with her. His eyes then went to Kai as he said something about calling him Swiss Alps. "Oh, shut up, Kai. Shouldn't you be chasing after Myrra or something." Quentin then covered his mouth with his hand. "Oops, I've said too much haven't I?" A slight smirk began to dance across the lips of Quentin's as he eyed Kai, wondering how he was going to top that one. Quentin wasn't the one to start drama but Kai was sort of bothering him right now. His eyes then noticed McKenna walk right back in as he leaned back in his seat with his arms folded over his chest. "Hook, line and sinker!" Quentin said while watching Acacia get ready as he got up and pushed Kai aside so that he could do the same.



Dillion chuckled at Adriel's response then shook his head while placing his head at the top of his head. "Oh, goody. Good times as last year then." He looked towards Adriel again and shrugged his shoulders. "Nope. I only my eyes on one woman." Dillion looked towards Adrienne with a wink and blush. When she spoke about his Summer fling, he waved his hand towards her. "Pfft, she meant nothing to me, honestly. Hey, It wasn't like it was everyday. Just every other day." He bit his bottom lip nervously now while looking at Adrienne as she got up and left, her luggage trailing behind her. "Is Blackwood the only one you see here?" Dillion scoffed towards Barfield while getting up and walking past her with attitude.

Just as Adriel directed the first years, he took another swig from his flask and weaved his way through the sea of people before him. "Watch it! Professor coming through!" Dillion yelled out then stepped off of the train, breathing in the Hogwarts air. "Ahhh. Glad to be back home." Dillion muttered while entering the building now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Ethan Parker Character Portrait: Nicodemus Fitzgerald
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0.00 INK

Gryffindor Head Girl Muggleborn
Transfer from Fukuoka Daiichi
Seventh Year Dialogue Color Code: #800000
Location: Hogwarts Express Compartment//Hogwarts
ImageOnce the train stopped, she made her way out of the compartment and trailed her way off the train, following behind everyone else. Once she stepped into the castle, she seemed a bit confused as she stood there at the dining hall. The red head glanced up at the headmaster who was currently standing behind a podium, waiting for all of the housed students to take a seat at their house tables. Acacia had a questioned look on her face as she looked to him and he pointed towards the Gryffindor table. She gave him a soft smile and bowed her head at him, thanking him for his help.

The red head sat down at the Gryffindor table, feeling every eye on her. She hated this feeling though she knew most of the attention would be focused to the first years...well, at least that's what she hoped. The female sat there in silence, trying her best not too look terrified about her new year here at Hogwarts. Mainly because she didn't want to end up being picked on about it. Which in a way she had a feeling it was coming, especially since she was a muggleborn.

Everything about this castle seemed very different from her school back in Asia. The ceiling made it look like they were sitting outside and there were floating candles, which gave the room light. It was magnificent. Even though she knew she had drama coming her way, she had a feeling she was going to enjoy her first and last year at this school.

Head of Ravenclaw
Magical Creatures Professor Pure Blood
Dialogue Color Code: #9F000F
Location: Hogwarts Dining Area
ImageWhen Adriel climbed off his boat, he waited for all the first years to once again stand around him and lead them into the castle, upon the steps in front of the large dining room. When all of the students were standing there, with their full attention on him, that's when he gave his speech about the houses.

"When we step through these doors, I want you to follow me. You will be placed into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. At the end of the year, the house awarded the most points wins the house cup. Any behavior issues, etc. will cause your house to have points taken away. Now, follow behind me," Adriel explained before turning on his heels and leading the first years into the dining area.

Once all of the first years were placed in their houses and seated, Adriel set the Sorting Hat down on the chair and took a seat at the Professor's table between Annie Barfield and Dillion McQueen, the place he always sits every year.

The headmaster stepped back up to the podium and began speaking to the students. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. I am Headmaster Alastair Black. I will warn you, the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. If we find out you have been in the forest, you will be punished," with that he clapped his hands, causing a feast to appear upon all tables and spoke, "Now, let the feast begin."

Hufflepuff Half Blood Sixth Year
Dialogue Color Code: seagreen
Location: Hogwarts Express Compartment//Hogwarts
ImageNico gave McKenna a soft smile when she placed her hand upon his, "I'm sorry your summer was boring and thanks for the concern as well. Though I'll definitely wait for you when I get off the train," he stated then watched as his ex and his current crush stepped out of the compartment and trailed her way back to Kai, which he knew she was doing. Honestly he couldn't see why she was even with him. Yes, Kai may have been attractive but there wasn't a single other thing about him that he could seem to pick up on that would cause McKenna to be with that guy.

Sighing he stood to his feet when the train stopped and made his way off the train before standing there, waiting for McKenna. The only thing he hated about this was the simple fact that Kai might end up being at her side. He needed to play nice for her, at least in front of Kenna. If he were to get into trouble with Kai, Nico would so much rather for it to be unknown to McKenna and he hoped Kai was the same way.

Nico hoped that once he made it to the dining hall, he would be able to talk to Ethan. Ethan was his best friend in Hufflepuff, well honestly one of the only Hufflepuff's he seemed to honestly care for. Though this year, he was trying to get his outlook on speaking to other people changed, maybe even speak to Odette, Ayria, and Olira and possibly become friends with them as well. But honestly, he didn't see that it would ever happen. Nico always seemed to be too quiet around everyone besides McKenna and Ethan. Well, Kai as well. Though that Gryffindor always seemed to find a way to get on his nerves, whether he did it on purpose or accidentally. But whenever he had the chance he always seemed to give him a rude comment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Michaela Fowler Character Portrait: McKenna Posey Character Portrait: Olira Farrin
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0.00 INK

Gryffindor Quidditch Captain || Halfblood || Sixth Year || Dialogue Color Code: #C74B25


Kai smiled as she stated she was Gryffindor, preventing any slight wavering of the smile once she said she was the head girl. He wasn't against them, liked them even, the only issue, was that Kai kind of went against the rules once or twice and hated when the head girl or boy might get in trouble should Kai get caught. "Cool, I'm Gryffindor too, I can show you where our house is if you haven't gotten directions to it yet," Kai stated as he leaned back.

When Quentin mentioned Myrra, Kai felt his normal temper flare without warning. He wanted to reach for his wand, only refraining because he knew he'd be kicked off of quidditch if he did it too often. He really wanted to tackle Quentin too, but refrained. However, it was not below Kai to think of a simple harmless way to get back at him. "Swiss, if you're so jealous of my girlfriend, just say so. How can I be into Myrra when I have such a beautiful girlfriend?" He was about to flick Quentin off when McKenna came in, proud of the fact that he had accidentally timed it perfectly so she should have heard what he said.

As McKenna walked in, Kai saw what others might not have right away and it was a stab to the gut. McKenna had put his necklace on, hadn't she? Yet it was gone, Kai couldn't see it at all. He didn't allow his discovery to show on his face, instead smiling as he went to put an arm around her for a moment. When McKenna wasn't looking, and Kai made sure of it, he flicked Quentin off with a smile and a wink though he knew the real way he felt would come out too. Kicking Quentin wouldn't get him in too much trouble... right?

"This year is going to be one of the best. By the way, how does a date tomorrow night sound?" Kai asked sweetly as he watched McKenna. He didn't dare ask about the necklace, wondering if McKenna had taken it off for a reason. He wasn't blind, he could see that she wasn't entirely over Nico, but he had hoped that maybe she would get over him... But she wouldn't have taken that off for Nico, that wasn't something she'd do... Maybe for a new kid who was cute, that Kai might not have minded since new kids hardly meant anything right away with relationships, but if it was someone Kai knew, it would be kind of bad.

As the train halted, Kai stepped out after McKenna. He offered her his hand as they walked off the train towards the carriages which would take them to the castle. Upon seeing kids he knew, Kai gave waves, and even a nod to Nico. He really didn't dislike the guy, it was just... awkward. It was an awkward relationship between the exboyfriend and the exgirlfriend that then caused the current girlfriend and boyfriend to be awkward around the exboyfriend and it was all basically a mess.

Upon reaching the great hall, Kai kissed McKenna on the cheek before moving to sit at his table. He took a seat by his team's keeper and other quidditch players, which happened to be near Acacia. "Welcome to Hogwarts Acacia. Guys, this is Acacia, one of the new students," Kai explained to his friends nearby who all gave little waves and 'hellos'.

Kai turned his attention to the headmaster when he began speaking. He nodded about the Dark Forest considering nobody even wanted to be there at night anyway. When the food appeared at the table, Kai smiled. "Ever had butterbeer Acacia? Hogsmeade is nearby and they have some, it is wonderful," Kai stated and began to put food on his plate as his friend beside him agreed.

Kai really couldn't wait to start practice and looked in the direction of the fellow in charge of the quidditch field. He mouthed silently, [i]"Can I borrow the field tomorrow night?"[/b] The guy nodded his understanding, using his wand to do something that must have allowed him to understand. Kai smiled and turned back to his plate, taking a bite out of the salad he had put on his plate. He ate weird, especially for an athlete, but he preferred eating lightly just because. He didn't like feeling bloated later on.

"Kai, if you don't eat, your girlfriend is going to destroy our team," The fellow beside him spoke up again as he put a large piece of meat on Kai's plate for him. Kai smiled begrudgingly, but didn't hesitate to begin eat that too.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Hathaway Character Portrait: Aiden Parker Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Diego Jordan Character Portrait: Quentin Pine
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0.00 INK

Slytherin Pure Blood
Transfer from Sarina Dorie (France)
Seventh Year Dialogue Color Code: #7300ff
Location: Hogwarts Dining Room
ImageTo say Katerina didn't even want to be at Hogwarts was an understatement. She purposely got thrown out of Sarina Dorie in hopes that she wouldn't have to step into another school again, which apparently didn't work out the way she wanted to. Apparently the ministry put her on probation and she wouldn't be off until she finished her last year. In hopes that her attitude would change, the ministry demanded that Katerina be accepted into Hogwarts.

The eighteen year old stepped into the building carrying a lit cigarette between her fingers. Though the second she stepped through the door, she just stood there, glancing over at everyone. Before taking the last puff from her cigarette she died it out upon her boot and proceeded to the Slytherin table. Katerina hadn't even been dressed in her robes. She wore a leather dress that stopped just above her knee with ankle boots with a pair of sunglasses upon the top of her head and bright red lipstick.

As she made her way through the dining room, her heels clicked behind her with every step and she could feel the eyes of many of the students upon her, though honestly she didn't care in the slightest. The French transfer finally sat down at the Slytherin table and started to grab some food. Without a word she glanced around at the others. "What a drag," she mumbled to herself in her French accent.

If it weren't for the ministry dropping her off at this school to begin with, she honestly wouldn't have even arrived. If it were up to her, she'd of been in Hawaii right now, away from all of these losers. The female smirked to herself when she noticed a fellow Slytherin who looked about her age sitting just a few places down from her. That male was extremely attractive. With his gorgeous blonde curls with the messy look and his astonishing blue hues, Katerina suddenly found her interest in Hogwarts piqued.

The brunette then glanced up at the professors who were eating their dinner at the front of the dining room and suddenly another wicked smirk plastered to her face. Professor McQueen suddenly stroke her interest. McQueen was talked about all the time around the other wizarding schools, if nobody knew who he was they definitely had something wrong with them. From what she heard, McQueen was the best Charms professor in the world. Not only that, but he was extremely attractive. The female bit her bottom lip a bit as she began glancing back and forth from Professor McQueen and her fellow Slytherin, hoping that she would eventually be able to pique some sort of interest from them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Hathaway Character Portrait: Aiden Parker Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Diego Jordan Character Portrait: Quentin Pine
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Alastair stood up upon the conclusion of dessert and smiled at the students before him. He raised his hands and upon the noise receding, spoke. "Witches and Wizards, as you may have heard, we will be celebrating this year, the anniversary of Hogwarts yet again as arrived to us. In order to celebrate it, we shall be hosting a Yule ball within the week for the eldest of the students. The day has yet to be decided yet it shall be announced as soon as it is known to me and your teachers."

Alastair paused as the students' voices raised until he quieted them again by raising one hand. He continued, "The ball shall be at night and hosted here in the Great Hall. The occasion is formal and in consideration of the fact that students might not have the needed formalities, students will be permitted to visit Hogsmeade in order to purchase or order the needed formalities, though we will be going by the years. In order to be able to go, you must be at least a fourth year. One through three, you shall be allowed to instead have a smaller celebration in the courtyard though you will not be permitted within, elder students will be permitted outside." Alastair saw the looks of the students, but certainly didn't mind.

"As you prepare for this ball, remember to be respectful and have fun. You are going to be expected to do at least one dance though we will not expect too much from you with this considering not all of you have been formally trained. Finally, this Yule ball is not a normal ball... Witches and wizards, I have received requests and have decided to allow this ball to be a masquerade ball. You shall be given the opportunity to create a professional style mask within your spare time and have all the needed supplies provided. You need only draw a sketch or discover a picture and we shall have the masks made," Alastair concluded before giving a nod and a flourish of his hand to signal the students were allowed to go as they pleased, then resumed his seat.

Gryffindor || Pure Blood || Seventh Year || Dialogue Color Code: #9BC4E2


Brooklyn missed the train, not because she hadn't been there on time, but because she had already been at Hogwarts. She had been out skating during the day on the lake below the castle, enjoying herself and laughing when she fell onto the hard ice. Her "adoptive" parents had dropped her off early that day since they had a meeting with Alastair, the headmaster of the school. Brooklyn hadn't minded missing the train, she hadn't been sad nor happy for she was getting to skate.

Brooklyn had gone back to her room to put her things away before taking a slight nap. She had woken up only minutes before the big announcement Alastair had to make to the school. She rushed downstairs, hearing the loud thrum of people inside and walking in late. She ducked under the glances that came to her, going to sit at the edge of the Gryffindor table. She received a wave and smile from Kai Bolton, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, and one of her few friends.

She waved back, giving him a smile before filling her plate and eating a little bit. She was not entirely hungry, but she ate, knowing that if she didn't she wouldn't be happy with herself in the morning. She did love food, even if she didn't eat it all the time. She just wasn't hungry all the time and couldn't help the fact.

Brooklyn looked up in time to see the announcement made by the headmaster as he spoke loudly and clearly. She couldn't wait. She really couldn't. This meant that there would be a dance and she would know what to do... but she wouldn't. They wouldn't be playing the kind of music she danced to. The only way she would be able to dance the way she likes to would be if there was a partner that could do the same things she could do and she had yet to meet a boy at Hogwarts who could. She had yet to understand magic entirely too!

She probably wouldn't have a date and though she was not happy about it, she resigned herself to it. How could she not? What else was she to do? She might just show up, dance a little bit in the corner, then leave and go back to her room or down to the lake to skate in whatever dress she ends up wearing to the ball. She sighed inwardly, wanting to pretend to herself that she might get asked by someone. She didn't understand why people seemed to think she wasn't nice, or friendly. She was, once you knew her... She sighed again, and continued to eat her food, then her dessert rather desolately.

By the time dinner ended, Brooklyn stood, walking at a regular pace back to the Gryffindor dorms. The majority of the crowd thrummed around her and though she was fine with it, she didn't laugh and join into the banter, not even when someone called out her name that she had talked to the year before once. She instead waved back and smiled, but didn't stop walking, instead turning down the less used path to take the long way to the Gryffindor dorms in order to avoid the major crowds so people wouldn't look at her strangely.

Brooklyn didn't look where she was going when she rounded the corner to go up the stairs towards her dorms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Hathaway Character Portrait: Aiden Parker Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Diego Jordan Character Portrait: Quentin Pine
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The Yule Masquerade ball shall take place in five days time from the first day of school.

The first quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin shall be done in six days time, the day after the Yule ball.

The first quidditch game between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw shall be done in eight days time.

Gryffindor || Pure Blood || Seventh Year || Dialogue Color Code: #9BC4E2


Brooklyn bumped into a girl she didn't recognize, falling back to land on her butt. It was embarrassing, sure, but she didn't really care all that much. If this girl was in such a hurry or got hurt too, Brooklyn understood. She did appear apologetic at first, then she was "salty" as she had heard some students describe the response as.

She stood, looking as the headmaster appeared and told her she could go. She gave a small encouraging smile to the other girl, a tiny wave, then left. She didn't mind that the girl didn't seem very nice. She must have had a reason. Brooklyn continued walking, finding herself going slowly as she looked at the school she enjoyed.

She gave little waves to the paintings that recognized her. Some people and paintings believed her to be mute, people only heard her speak during class, when she was called on. For Brooklyn didn't often have questions. She saw one of her fellow Gryffindors, Kai Bolton, yet again as he walked, looking frustrated and tired.

She didn't speak up, instead, putting a hand on his shoulder and giving him a smile which he returned with a smile. "Thanks Brook," He said before Brooklyn allowed him to go on his way.

She enjoyed just listening and believed actions spoke louder than words, so why bother with words in the first place? She saw McKenna Posey and gave a little wave and smile as she continued walking. She wasn't really sure where she was going, but she found that wandering was making her happy.

Perhaps she'd go to her favorite room, an old room that might have served as an area for physical exercise, where she could practice gymnastics or dance. Both would allow her to feel better.

Brooklyn caught sight of Quentin Pine and and actually approached him instead of going back to her room to get her dance stuff. The students had at least another hour before lights out, so she wanted to spend time with the people she hadn't seen for a while.

"Hey Quentin," Brooklyn said softly, her voice might have been a breeze if she hadn't been facing the Ravenclaw boy. "Did you have a great summer?" Brooklyn asked. She felt herself get nervous and brushed it off, figuring that it was because it was the first time she had spoken to anybody that day other than her "adoptive" parents.

She said "adoptive" because of the fact that she had only been taken in to be taken out of the muggle world. They cared for her, but not in a motherly and fatherly way, in a way that depicted them doing the basics while being nice people about it. She looked at them more so as friends than parents. Which wasn't a problem with her really, or her parent like friends, for they knew she knew why she was taken in and didn't even bother trying to hide it.

She thought of herself as alone and so long as she had the friends that managed to see her friendly side as well as her friendly parentlike figures, she would be fine.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brinley Hathaway Character Portrait: Aiden Parker Character Portrait: Adrienne Cain Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Diego Jordan Character Portrait: Quentin Pine
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I know this has nothing to do with the story line to the roleplay and I'm sorry for posting this here, but it's just easier to get everyone's attention this way.

I just wanted everyone to know that Zoey and I have been talking a bit more about the plot of the rp and we would love it if you joined in with it. So if you could, please check the OOC at least once a day when you get online and point out any ideas you may have for it and also to see what others have in mind. This can't work out the way everyone wants if there is no communication going on.

Also if everyone could, if you have unfinished character sheets, could you please finish them. There are some people who go to them to get information on characters they are interacting with and they can't be sure what is going on with them if it's not finished. I'm not rushing this, but I'd at least want all of the sheets finished within the next two weeks. I believe that should be a long enough time to get all of this done. If anyone has any comments or concerns about anything mentioned in this post or otherwise, please contact me through PM.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Acacia Ravenhart Character Portrait: Diego Jordan Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Brooklyn Marie
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Gryffindor || Pure Blood || Seventh Year || Dialogue Color Code: #9BC4E2


Brooklyn had spoken to Quentin for a few minutes before hearing something and frowning. She gave him a little wave before walking towards the noise with a confused and concerned face on. As she walked, she found she nearly made a wrong turn. the noise that she heard sent shivers through her before she could really process what she was hearing.

Brooklyn heard the screams, turning the corner of one hallway, off the normal path of students. She saw before her a horrific sight that she had seen before. A girl, a red headed girl in Gryffindor robes lay on the ground screaming, surrounded by death eaters. The curse on the girl was one Brooklyn knew very well, one she had seen performed on her family, one of the unforgivable curses.

Brooklyn had a flashback that caused her head to split in pain by itself. Her aunt, dead on the floor of their apartment. Her cousin was screaming as the death eaters stood around her, all staring mercilessly at her under their hoods though Brooklyn couldn't tell. Brooklyn was frozen in place. One of the death eaters had put a spell on her that hadn't allowed her to move. She knew she was to be tortured next. She hated the fact that she was scared, hoped that her cousin might live longer so Brooklyn wouldn't have to feel the pain she knew her cousin was going through. She screamed, begging them to let her and her cousin go, as she knew her aunt was already dead.

Brooklyn came to on her side. She rolled up to look at the source of the screams, confused for a moment before remembering. She had passed out for less than half a minute. She moved, pushing herself back with her hands as she tried to get further from the sight before her. "Leave her alone," She screamed at the death eaters.

Brooklyn, though she wasn't sure what she'd do, managed to pull out her wand and get on her feet. She thought about what to do, as she moved to hide behind an armoir two feet away, thinking about what she had been taught. She couldn't reach the corridor now that she was on the wrong side of the hall. She had gone down the hall to see into the dark and now was too far from the hall to believe there was a chance she might get out.

She heard steps and felt tears forming as she shook in her fear. She took a deep breath, then turned, ready to cast a spell to disrupt the curse, then run, but ran into a death eater who grabbed her. He twisted her hand, causing Brook to cry out. The fellow manages to get a hit on Brooklyn, causing her to go down. She heard the man begin to speak the unforgivable curse though she manages to interrupt his spell with a simple light one.

As Brooklyn moved to run, she heard the death eaters laugh before she heard the curse completed. The pain that engulfed her caused her to trip and fall to the ground again, twisting in pain. Tears flowed freely though Brooklyn couldn't scream, finding herself only able to shudder and shake under the pain.

Slytherin Head Boy || Muggleborn || Seventh Year || Dialogue Color Code: #4F7AAD


Diego had been talking to the headmaster about the rumor of the death eaters when the two heard the scream. They looked at the other before taking off. When the two rounded the corner, they saw Acacia, the new head of Gryffindor, and Brooklyn, a quiet Gryffindor girl, both alone, abandoned in the hall.

"Mr.Jordan, help Ms.Marie to the medical wing. I'll be right with you," Alastair states as he pulls out his wand and goes down the dark corridor towards Acacia. He kneels beside her, checking on her though he does not let his eyes leave the shadows around him, the dead end not comforting to Alastair at all.

Deigo moves to Brooklyn, picking up her limp frame gently as he carried her towards the medical wing. She began to whisper and Diego leaned in to listen. He had been friends with Brooklyn just because he believed she was one of the few people that might have actually liked him for him and not what he pretended to be.

"Brook, you're all right, it's okay," Diego stated to her as he carried her quickly to the medical wing. She shook her head slightly against his shoulder, whispering "no" over and over again. She finally managed to croak out what she had been meaning to say. "I saw.. face,"] She whispered as she shuddered in remembrance of the recent pain she endured.

Diego frowned but continued to carry the girl to the medical wing where he saw waiting for Alastair to come back with teh Gryffindor head girl, Acacia.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quentin Pine Character Portrait: Kai Bolton Character Portrait: Nicodemus Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Adriel Blackwood Character Portrait: McKenna Posey Character Portrait: Katerina Kodiak
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#, as written by Dumisa


Kenna continued to roam around Hogwarts, completely lost in her thoughts. She walked towards the balcony outside and brought her arms up to fold over her chest. A soft sigh escaped over her parted lips as she knew that the Yule ball was coming up but she was more than ready to get Quidditch started. Even though her and Kai was opposing teams, she still liked him or she thought. McKenna grabbing the railing before her and sighed again. She knew that she didn't like or love Kai. He was simply a rebound guy and he was just stupid enough to fall in her trap - Literally. Kenna hated the way he and Nico ended but want to soon rekindle their romance once again. She thought about asking him to the ball but then again, it's guys asks girls unfortunately. McKenna closed her eyes for a moment and let out a soft breath. She bit her bottom lip from all the thinking and lowered her head while turning heel and walking right back inside. Kenna wandered back into the Slytherin Common Room and saw Katerina sitting there. 'Oh, great.' She thought to herself and rolled her eyes, sitting down on the edge of her bed as well.



Quentin continued to study up for this year's lessons but looked up Brooklyn as she came up to him. His eyes locked with hers as he smiled a little. "Hey, Brooklyn." Quentin spoke, nodding his head at her question. "I did actually. Even though I did nothing but get my Hogwarts supplies earlier than everyone, studied and had family BINGO night." He responded then was just about to ask what about her but she waved her hand at him and trekked off. With the shrug of his shoulders, he leaned back against his headboard and opened up his book again. He didn't really care about the spectacle that was going on but knew that the Yule ball was approaching and wondered who he should ask. Again Quentin shrugged his shoulders then went back to looking into his book.



Dillion waved his wand and had multiple things floating around the room and aligning in place with perfect precision. His spine tingled as he felt a presence behind him, looking to see Katerina before him and asking if he needs any help. With the shake of his head, he sat his wand down and sat down on his desk. "Katerina, I hope you know that my wink was nothing more than a gesture that I caught you glimpsing at me." He spoke softly towards her just as she said she had to go. Dillion nodded his head as he waved her off then wondered what his buddy next door was doing.

Without a simple thought, he got up from his desk and walked next door, leaning against the door frame with his hands inside of his pants pocket. "So, everything alright?" He asked while walking a little bit further into the classroom, chuckling a little bit.



Axel got up and eventually left the Common Room. He wandered around Hogwarts with his hands stuffed inside of his jacket pockets. He eyed every single being before him and wondered which one he come persuade to cross over to the dark side - Being a Death Eater, basically. No one seemed potential enough, honestly as he eyed another fellow Slytherin female named McKenna. Axel have heard a little bit about her but knew that she would never cross over simply because he two beaus might not like her at all then. He just continued to wander around, seeking out potential contenders that he could challenge later on. He went out to the balcony and just let out a scream of frustration simply because he did not want to be there. Axel plopped down on the top stair and just stared at everyone, pointing his wand at them and seeing them tremble with slight fear. It caused him to laugh as he was going to have fun destroying Hogwarts once and for all.