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Charlotte Chase

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a character in “The Wolves of the Alterean Forest”, originally authored by xxtensionxx, as played by RolePlayGateway


Charlotte Chase


20 years, 1 month





Human Appearance
Skinny and muscular, much like her wolf form, Charlotte stands at about 5"7. Her hair is a bunch of auburn waves, though she doesn't put an extra amount of care into it. She has dark brown eyes, surrounded by sets of full lashes. Her features are mostly soft, except her cheekbones, which tend to stand out because of how prominent they are. As her human appearance doesn't matter much to her, makeup is not something she wears, or owns. When it comes to clothing, she can often be seen in a tanktop and shorts, or sweatpants. She wears whatever she feels is comfortable, and if she wanted to, she would glady walk around the cabin in her underwear.

Wolf Appearance
As a wolf, many of her features convert over. She is a skinny and muscular wolf, not on the big side, but slightly larger than the average female. Her coat is thick and long, the color similar to the auburn of her hair, but darker. Her eyes lighten and become a lightish gray, for reasons unknown. Charlotte's wolf form is a great runner, and jumper, though not the best fighter, based on her size.


Charlotte, along with being a little hyper, is charismatic, and almost always seems to know what to say, if she is talking. She tends to be a little quiet, at least around those she is not too comfortable with, though she is always friendly. When it comes to leadership, she is able to become aggressive, but not fiercely so. When she was in training, she used to be more timid, and not able to take any form of control, but when she learned that in order to have an important role in the pack, and unless she wanted to be the Omega, that she would have to step up, she did. She learned how to take charge while still being a background person, earning her the role of a Beta. She prides herself on being approachable, and her ability to make other people comfortable almost always draws people to her when they are sad, need help, or even if they are just bored. Charlotte is good with strangers, but even better with friends.

"There's nothing to know. I'm an open book."
As well as loving people, Charlotte was raised in a large family. Not only did she had four brothers and a sister, but her extended family members were frequent visitors. Her whole childhood, she had been surrounded by love and happiness. But when she was 11, when most people would still consider her a child, her life was turned upside down. While out on a family bonding trip for a holiday away from the pack, they had been surrounded, and attacked by hunters. Her father screamed split, and she and her siblings ran. They each had gone in different directions, but she figured they were meant to all meet back at the cabin, that was their normal plan. But it took a few days until she realized they weren't coming back. They had all been caught. That's when she had changed. Her pack became more then her pack family, they became her life. They were the support that kept her okay through it.

"The pack means more to me than life."


So begins...

Charlotte Chase's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Chase Character Portrait: Heaven-leigh Character Portrait: Zenith Character Portrait: Jax Adams Character Portrait: Frost Evans
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Charlotte Chase
Shadow Pack

He's dead. She thought, her body numb and cold as the thought settled in. He's dead and they killed him. And it's all my fault.

Heaving her body up from her sitting position on the ground, Charlotte stretched her muscles, looking at her knuckles that were now bloodied. After witnessing the death of the pack member, she had sat with him for a while, until all others had left, and then few had come back to watch, and someone had told her to go to the cabin, and wash off. She took a shower, in her human form, only some of the blood carried over, but it was enough to be noticeable, but after the shower, she'd gone into her room. Charlotte had needed a forte to take out her anger, and decided upon hitting a punching bag, as usual. She had only done this for a few minutes until blood cascaded upon her cracked knuckles. That was when she had sat down, sinking to the floor in shock.

Pull it together. And with that thought, she had exited her room, closing the door behind her, and headed outside. The winter air felt refreshing on her steamy, sweating body, and it was only a few seconds until she decided what she wanted to do. To the side, she could see a pack member in training, Heaven-leigh, had brought food, and though some were gorging on it, she ignored it. She wasn't hungry. She glanced around for Jax, who she was extremely close to, but after not being able to find him, she turned, feeling her auburn tinged fur take place of her skin as she transformed. Charlotte broke out into a sprint, and being one of the fastest of the pack, she arrived at the scene of the dead wolf quickly.

She knew that soon, Zenith would be doing the burial service, but that meant some how, the wolf would have to be brought closer to the cabin. Though the job was not favorable, Charlotte felt it was her duty, as she blamed his death solely on her not watching out for him. He had been a new fighter, and though he was good, he wasn't good enough. At the time she was attacked, Charlotte was engaged in battle with two wolves, and by the time she had gotten up, it was too late. You were the last thing he saw, she thought, glancing at it's body. She knew soon Frost would ask someone to bring the wolf to Zenith, and by force of habbit, she had decided it would be easier if she did. He always asked her anyways.

Taking a deep breath, and letting the world around her fade, she took a loose part of skin in her teeth lightly, beginning to pull him towards the cabin. She was careful to go slow, not to damage the body, but a large part of her concentration was on the blood lines the wolf was leaving behind it. Oh how she wished Jax was there to help her.

Alternating between pulling and pushing with her nuzzle, Charlotte finally arrived at the cabin area, near Zenith, her head bowed to her, before also bowing to Frost. She took a few steps back from the body, transforming, then looking back, one arm crossed over her chest. She felt sick. Her eyes fluttered to Frost, not looking at his eyes, but at him. He knows it's my fault, she thought, biting her lip. It wasn't really her fault, and it was ridiculous for her to think so, but she still did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Chase Character Portrait: Zenith Character Portrait: Jax Adams Character Portrait: Frost Evans
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Jax Adams

Shadow Pack

Jax was Off a Good distance from the Cabin Patrolling and Strolling around, Inevitably he was bored. Maybe, Charlotte has some free time to Chat.... Being a Beta must be Hard and put a Big Toll on her. I wouldn't be Surprised if she needed to Talk to someone about it... Wait, What I'm I doing talking to myself? He did Love talking to Charlotte, He found it relaxing but at the same time a Bit nerve Racking. The smell of Blood Suddenly Rushed into his Nostrils and He Morphed into a Bold Bolt towards the Cabin. BLOOD?! Charlotte? Without thought he Subconsciously Pushed forward a Speed Unknown to himself before this and a unknown drive to move. He Considered everyone in his pack as Family, Especially people who he Disliked and or Who Dislike him, Needless to say this wouldn't interfere with most people Including Jax, to save them or Help them.

Jax Arrived At the Cabin Sliding into a Stop beside Charlotte unknowing of the News. "Wha-" He started in a Whimper, but Before he Could finish he Found himself Speechless for the Pack member who lay in front of him. With The Alpha of the Pack Frost,, The Ever Beautiful Zenith,, And Jax's Closest Charlotte with him He wasn't in a Position to Do anything. He was in quite a Fix, so He Hesitantly Morphed back into his Human Form Falling into sort of a Row with Charlotte. Because Jax was Nice and Happy around most people, he could be found Odd which Tended to Create an Awkward Moment when he's Timid. It Could do from Awkward moment to Driving People away sometimes, Meaning, he was Rarely Informed about such Battle's and Blood shed before hand.

It's Always Painful, when a Pack member Dies, but to some more than others. Charlotte seemed to be The MORE part, Alike with Jax. It always Pained him to See deadly wounds, but more so with Charlotte. Ever since he's Met her, She'd seem to have some sort of overwhelming self conscious that could get the best of her once and a While, Thought this Nearly NEVER happens to seems it could happen, but It Existed and Jax could See it right now in this Very moment.

His heart Sunk, It may happen here and there but Now more than Ever. He means he Barley Knows Zenith because he Rarely get's Injured or Sick, There was the Head of Pack in front of Him, Most likely witnessing his Scene, and His Best Damn Friend Most likely Confused to Why he was here.
The mixed Emotions Seemed to Twist and Rip his Guts and Internal organs Apart as he attempted to keep a Straight face. Fear.....Misery......Embarrassment...... They had All seemed like a Understatement to how he Felt right now Until he Realized there was One other. Rage He was Boldly Furious about a Pack members Death. There have been Life threatening Injuries in the Past but, they'd Taken it way to far Now. He'd known the Member well and could never imagine he'd see him like that.

His straight face Suddenly Faded away into a Look of Anger, trying to be Bottled as he was Left Staring at the Dead Wolf.
"I'll Kill Them All" He said Under his Breath possibly not even loud enough for Charlotte to Hear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Chase Character Portrait: Alexander Myers Character Portrait: Jax Adams Character Portrait: Frost Evans
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Frost, Shadow Pack

Frost stayed with the body for another few minutes after Zenith left before finally stepping away himself. He sighed and rubbed at his face as he made his way to the pack's communal cabin. It was where they occasionally gathered from time to time to discuss and address issues concerning the pack as a whole. For now, though, this was going to be a private meeting. Reaching the door he paused to look back at where the body lay to see Charlotte taking the body to Zenith so the healer could prepare it for burial.

"Betas, meet me in the commune immediately." He sent telepathically to Charlotte and Jax as he stepped all the way into the commune cabin and made his way to the back. Frost then shifted his mind to speak directly with Alexander. "Alexander, the Betas and I will be in a private meeting for a time in the commune. I want you to stand guard at the doors and keep everyone else out."

There was a large oak table there and it had been hand-made generations ago along with four matching chairs, each one designated to an Alpha or Beta. The two chairs for the Alphas were on the same side with the backs against the wall so they were facing the door to the cabin. The chairs for the Betas sat opposite from one another on either end of the table, the Beta Male on the Alpha Male's side and the Beta Female on the Alpha Female's side. Frost didn't take his seat though, instead opting to stand in front of the table with arms crossed at his chest and eyes shut as he thought to himself while waiting for the Betas to arrive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Chase Character Portrait: Jax Adams Character Portrait: Frost Evans
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Charlotte Chase
Shadow Pack

Charlotte's head was ducked, her eyes staring straight at the dead body infront of her. She thought of bringing him there moments ago, still able to feel his fur against hers, her skin puckering with goosebumps. It wasn't that she was cold, but just the uncomfortable feeling of death loomed in the air. She felt Jax's presence before seeing him, and she could tell when he turned into a human, and as she could feel him right next to her, and slightly behind her, Charlotte leaned back onto him. Even just having him near her helped her calm down, her feelings becoming less about herself, and more about the pack. Jax's tensing body was easy to feel, as she felt his heart rate speed up, and his body heat in slight anger. Words were spoken under his breath, though too quiet for her to hear, and she tilted her head just enough so it was facing him. "Stay calm." Charlotte spoke quietly so only he could hear, and as she re opened her mouth to speak more, her head twitched slightly, listening to words from Frost.

Reaching down to Jax's hand, she gave it a quick squeeze, then beginning to walk towards the cabin, knowing Jax would follow. Inside, Frost was standing infront of the table, and she could tell he was deep in thought. She made a beeline to her chair, sitting down silently and giving him a look of deep thought, waiting for Jax and for Frost to speak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Chase Character Portrait: Jax Adams Character Portrait: Frost Evans
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"Stay Calm" The words broke into his Thought and He looked up from the Body. Suddenly Frost Spoke Telepathically to the two of Them. It's for the Best If I go....I Guess. Wait? Damn it. Shortly After That, Jax Felt Charlotte's hand Give a Gentle Squeeze, starting forward towards the Cabin. ..... His mind went blank and Noticed he was Falling behind so he power walked Up to Beside her once more. Today would had been a Good day, If it wasn't Wreaked by the Death- "Stay Calm" Echoed in his Head being a Reminder. Effortlessly he tried Avoiding the Thought of the Death and Instead Focus on what it was Frost might be wanting to say.

Jax reached the Door Giving Charlotte's hand a Small Squeeze back. In attempt to seem calm he Took a Deep Breath of Air before entering and Pleasantly Sat down in his Chair Beside Her's. He watched the Room that Appeared to be full of tension. Frost Stood Restlessly in front of the table with his Arms folded across his Chest.