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Yuri "Blaze" Saigo Honoo

Australian Ex-army Lieutenant drifting from one bottle to the next.

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a character in “The World of Gavilla”, originally authored by Talisman, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name- Yuri "Blaze" Saigo Honoo
Gender- Male
Race- Human Born in Japan, raised in Australia
Age- 32

His face is drawn and sharp with brown hair and eyes. The right eye has the scar splitting the eyebrow. He has a rough brown beard. Bodily, he is strong and wiry.

He wears a red scarf around his neck that can double as a head wrap when time needs it. Under the red scarf is a crimson cloak that can wrap around Yuri to protect him from the elements, like those experienced in the "Outback", although most of the time he wears it as a cape. Under the cloak he wears a sleeveless black shirt that just fits him. As a belt he wears a red sash that wraps around the waist to hold the loose pants he wears. On the sash, there is a silver flask hanging in with a rawhide leather strap. On top of the shirt, he wears a diamond shaped armor piece where his heart is in a sort of harness. On his back, attached to the harness, there is a small bag that holds things like a needle and thread, bandages, and flint

His pants are of a dark blue denim that clings loosely on the waist. His boots are black and bare with the rustic knife visible in the right. On his hands he wears black fingerless gloves with pieces of iron armor protecting the knuckles and fore hand. The armor forms up at the wrist then continues to metal bracers. The bracers are unadorned. However there is a ridge that raises slight from the arm and cuts off into the bracer, this houses his hidden stiletto knives with the handles showing in the cut. The bracers go to below the bend in the arm, which then is followed by a thin black sleeve past the elbow.

Under the shirt on Yuri's bare skin there is a faded tattoo where his heart would be. The tattoo is a upside down spade, so that it looks like a heart with a nail in it. Under the Spade there is two words written in Script which says "For Luck." On this upper right arm there is a tattoo of tribal barbs wrapping around the arm to form a bracelet.

Edit: He now wears a blue shirt with a grayish cloak. All else is the same.


Personality- No fear, always pushing things to the limit, like alcohol levels and most importantly combat. When not found in a bar he can be a bit quiet and reserved. When found in a bar or after a visit he is talkative and ready to party and gamble. Such as it is he is always found in the middle ground, pleasant and kind. He always avoids a question about his past and tends to not make close friends, seeing how they always tend to die. The many years in the army taught him also to be wary, though he usually doesn't let it show. He also doesn't trust magic users much, wanting to allow his wounds to heal naturally. Plus, he never met a mage with a remedy for a hangover. Also, living in Australia for the better part of his life, he managed to get a light Australian accent.

Edit: After time with the Crix group, Yuri had softened into a much more friendly and warm person. He also has sworn off alcohol in order to better provide and be a guardian for the Dragon child Anjali. Now can be found smiling more often than not and usually has a cheerful gleam within his eye. Still, he calls things as he sees them and if he does not like something, he will vocalize his dislike. Still a solid man with only one weakness. Anjali.


Fighting style/powers- Focused completely on blade arts.

Dual swords- from age five to twelve in Japan he learned the how to use two swords more effectively than one, taught by his father.
-Ichiryuu- A katana with the Kanji for luck inscribed in the base of the blade. Has a chain extending from the hilt that connects to a cross. This sword was his father's.
-Chance- An ornate saber with flowers etched into the hilt guard. Has a chain that extends into a star and crescent. Found the sword by chance.

Knives - began to learn how to accurately throw knives in Japan, but perfected it in the Army. Also learned in the army precisely how to control and use a knife of any size.
-Ten mix-matched throwing knives assorted in holsters on both thighs, five per side.
-Military Issue Combat knife and a curved knife with a polished wood handle both located in the small of his back.
-Two stiletto knives hidden under each bracer of both arms
-Rustic hunting knife with the handle exposed in the right boot.


Yuri was born to a Japanese Samurai and an Australian woman. he was born in Japan, but moved to his mother's country of Australia when he was twelve. In Japan he began to train to become a Samurai after his father, even learned the same type of sword fighting as his father (See above). His father also taught him the importance of "Bushido" The Way of the Warrior. This instilled values like loyalty and honor into him. However, no amount of honor could save his father from a Ronin, a rogue samurai, who killed his father and broke one of his swords. After this incident his mother took him from Japan to Australia, taking with her the unbroken sword of his father, Ichiryuu.

In Australia, life was much more dangerous and very different. He had to learn a new language and trade. Here, he apprenticed to a smith at age fourteen to help support the failing health of his mother. Three years later at seventeen his mother died. Grief stricken, he enlisted in the Australian army. He wished for death in the army, hoping a combatant would slay him. However, because of Bushido, he would not allow his self to die willingly. He had to die facing a stronger opponent. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on the time, he could not be killed because of the samurai training and smith working. He was a distinguished war veteran at twenty-five, but refused to leave. At this point his grief was relieved and he was offered a spot on a new exclusive black ops team. The squad was called Zulu Company and consisted of himself and four others.

The four squad mates was as follows:
Jack "Blackjack" Allawa - an Aboriginal - age 43 (Codename Zulu 1-1)
Martin "Hawkeye" Harrison - A Native American - age 24 (Codename Zulu 1-5)
Isabelle "Angel" Llorona - A Spanish Woman - age 28 (Codename Zulu 1-3)
Daniel "Mick" Nielsen - A Briton - age 35 (Codename Zulu 1-4)

These four was his new family. A rough dysfunctional family, but still. The years of grief and Zulu company eroded Yuri's Bushido. He was still Honorable (sort of), Loyal (To Zulu company), and still fought with a fearless determination. Because of his fiery passion, he earned the nickname Blaze. Zulu company was full of drinkers, smokers, and gamblers which Yuri settled into quite nicely.

Soon, a chain of command appeared. Blackjack was the Captain, Blaze the Lieutenant, Angel the Sargent, and both Mick and Hawkeye were corporals. Zulu always had the toughest missions and one day an incident occurred. Yuri was the only survivor and just barely. He was scarred down his right eye, splitting the eyebrow in two, but keeping the eyeball relatively unharmed. His back is tremendously scarred as is his arms. He never talks about what happened even when stone cold drunk. He just came back from the mission with his four comrades dog tags around his neck and left the army with them. He has been a drifter ever since.

So begins...

Yuri "Blaze" Saigo Honoo's Story


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The fellow was having a pleasant dream. He and large black man was having a card game and betting with alcohol. He had just upped his scotch with a bottle of brandy. Suddenly, the man awoke to a sudden metallic scratch. Completely on trained impulse he threw a knife from his thigh holster and whipped the combat knife from the sheath behind him in a single movement. He held the knife in front of him in a defensive pose. He was still leaning against the tree with a knee drawn protectively up close.

As the adrenaline began to simmer down he realized that he was looking at a strange creature. She was part dragon - part elf. He never seen a dragon nor elf before and the sight of a mix between the two surprised him. He kept the knife in the defensive position. He also noticed the blade he had thrown had completely missed her but instead stuck in the ground at the near the bag. This was when he realized the girl was extremely young and seemed hungry. He also noticed the pieces of jerky in her hand.

The man's features softened and he quietly laughed to himself and withdrew his knife. "You are a lucky one, Shela." He said letting his accent slip a bit. "You could have just asked you know, I would have shared." It was true, for his Bushido compelled him to help those less fortunate. "If I had water, I'd share that... but sadly, I only carry whiskey. And that would be a lot to handle for a lesser man, much less a child." He explained. If anything, he was curious about this girl or perhaps still a bit drunk...

"My name is Yuri Saigo Honoo. Or Blaze. Whatever you prefer. Now, help yourself to the jerky in the bag, but watch out for the blades. I've long since lost my taste and we are close to the city anyway." Yuri paused for a moment to see how the child would react.

Then he added with genuine curiosity. "So what's your story?"


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Character Portrait: Yuri "Blaze" Saigo Honoo
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Character Portrait: Yuri "Blaze" Saigo Honoo
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The axe snapped in half, splinters raining down onto Yuri's face and chest. Though he expected the tearing bite of the undead Revenant upon his neck, the pain did not come. Opening his eyes, he noticed that the creature had been stopped by Darien's blade. More specifically, his blade in the creatures neck. The sword managed to slice halfway into the Revenant's neck, most likely only being stopped by the spine of the undead creature.

Yuri saw the warrior try to tug his sword out of the monster neck, but to not avail. Instead, Darien dropped the sword, still inside the creature's neck, and kicked it off of Yuri, finally allowing him to breath. Though he didn't enjoy the respite for long, quickly rolling over and mounting the creature himself, with the half an axe in his hand. Seems now that Yuri and the creature had switched positions. One of which Yuri took full advantage of. He pinned the creature by using his knees to gain torque on Darien's sword, hoping the Spellsword would either reinforce his knee or dull the back of the blade to avoid injury.

The creature's neck was pinned, sword slowly digging into the flesh by the increased pressure of Yuri's weight. This was not the only tactic used. The broken axe was now small enough for Yuri to wield with one hand, yet he still grabbed it with both and held it high above his head. He had time for one final quip...

"Back tah hell ya go mate. I'll see ya down under," Yuri uttered before slamming the axe in the center of the Revenant's face, easily cutting it in half. Yet no blood ran, only a black treacly substance. Then there was a snap. The sword Yuri was on finally broke past the spine and continued it's course directly through the creature's neck until it bit into the wooden floor beneath.

This caused an otherworldly screech to emanate from the undead beast's detached head. A screech which evolved in pitch and tone until it was loud wailing wind. Then, the corpse itself suddenly exploded and melted into dust under Yuri.

The old warrior sighed in relief and stumbled forward, tired from the morning's events. He grabbed Darien's sword by the hilt before flipping it to where he was holding it by the blade, hilt extended to Darien. With the other hand, he tossed the axe safely to the side, glad to be rid of the thing.

"Here ya go, mate. Believin'' you be wantin' this back." he said with a weary grin on his face. "Not bad fer a morning's brekkie, right?" He said, a small, cold laugh escaping his lips.