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Seth Carver


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a character in “Therapy: A True Haunting”, as played by NotSoHeartless


Seth Carver



19 yrs
Birth date
Sept. 5th
198 lbs
ASPD with slight DID traits
Multiple claw marks coat his forearms from animal attacks. One scar begins at the base of his jaw (left side) across the throat, down to his right clavicle.
Basic Description
Smaller than average, he appears slightly malnuraished and easily over-come. However, his confidence and overall 'fuck it' demeanor keeps him from appearing too pathetic. He keeps his hair buzzed, except for his 3-inch long mohawk, which is usually coated in random colours of 'war paint'. He tends to wear clothes which are comfortable rather than 'stylish', though he tends to stay focused towards punk and grunge.


He's not a 'people person', but he does have a strong sense of charisma and confidence and he uses those traits to help him 'mingle'. He finds it difficult to truely connect with people on an emotional level, which is the main reason for his treatment, but he has become a talented actor and has figured out how to push buttons to get certain reactions. He is self-serving and bases most of his thinking on 'common sense'. Always looking for a good time, he usually isn't far from trouble, though he doesn't always go looking for it. He understnads something is..'off' about him and is willing to work to make himself better- as long as he isn't changed in the process.
College student.
Reading faces and body language. Confident.
Not a strong swimmer. Doesn't let people get close (physcially/emotionally)
Hunting. Art. Goofing off.
Most people. Confinement. People entering his 'bubble'.
Either get better or get better at acting better.
Enclosed spaces. Death.
Outside of family, nothing substantial. Most 'relationships' were because that person held some use, whether for money, a piece of ass, or transportation.
Younger sister by 2 years: Sarah Carver. College student.
Grandparents: John and Karen Carver. Retired police officer and teacher's aid.
Father: Jack Carver. Mechanic.
Mother: Laurie (Carver) Nichols. Unknown.


Born to parents too young and selfish to really care for them, he and his sister, Sarah, were often sent to stay with their grandparents. Seth spent most of his childhood outside, away from his parents, who were too busy partying to take notice of his absence. Domestic abuse was a common thing growing up, but it wasn't until drugs came into the mix that his parent's began to take it out on Seth and his sister. Unlike Sarah, most of the attacks were taken out on him, which began his slow dislike of his sibling whilst simotaneously sending him down a darker path. Since he wasn't powerful enough yet to defend himself, he began taking his frustrations out on animals and other children. Neighborhood cats began disappearing, reports of severe bullying at school, intense sibling rivalry all became normal.

Anything that held a pulse became a play thing. He'd torutre an animal just to see it's reaction, not just out of cruelty, it was his secret way of letting the darker beast within thrive without bringing much suspicion upon himself. With no one to really direct him he learned as he grew. Physical anguish was just one way to get what one wanted, mental anguish soon became a grand new playing field. Weak minded people were easily harnessed. Most 'girlfriends' were children who were scarred some way or an other, much like himself. He thrived in playing the alpha, seeing just how far he could push people. He even once caused a suicide, marking it off as a personal triumph.

However, like most cases, circustances would go unknown and untreated until it proved too late. On a drug-induced binge his parents once again began fighting, only this time his father was on a rampage. His mother having been caught with her long-time love affair, caused the father to question things: like were the children really his? Grabbing Seth, he planned to use him as ammunition against his mother, however on accident due to the mother's sloppy 'rescue' attempts, his throat was slit, leaving a horrible scar across his neck and down his collar bone. He survived, obviously, and his father as well as his mother were arrested. Both, he and his sister were left in permanent care of their grandparents where they underwent special care and recieved the attention and love all children needed. However, 'care' came a bit too late for Seth. He became even more withdrawn and paranoid, and fell even deeper into the darkness which was consuming him. He learned how to act 'normal' to avoid the annoyance of adults who cared too much. His 'darkness' would remain secret until one day his sister would push his luck too far. None the worse for wear, he resolved the issue, but in doing so brought unwanted attention. Hospitalizing his sister wouldn't go unnoticed, however due to his grandparents' influence and a past history of 'special treatments' authority gave him an ultimatum. Either go to prison, or get therapy. Thus, he chose what seemed to be the lesser of two evils.

I hereby give my consent to be included in Mr. Jones psychological experiment. I understand that the procedures will leave me cut off from everything I know and insert me into a new environment. I understand the risks and benefits of the experiment as well as the time required. I understand that other participants will be involved with close quarters, that there is very little privacy, and every action is used in the research. I understand that the results are confidential until published, but that names and ages may be changed upon request.

I understand that once I give my consent to be featured, I may not withdraw.

So begins...

Seth Carver's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Murphy Cairbre Ó Fionnagáin Character Portrait: Seth Carver Character Portrait: Theodora Chang Character Portrait: Simon
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Theo never slept. That really wasn't so unusual, but she feared how it was going to weigh on her later. She knew she needed sleep...if anything hallucinating was a clear cut sign for that. It just never came. Regardless, she had a fairly interesting night.

Not long after she had picked her book of choice to curl up and read had Murphy joined her. She kind of enjoyed his company, despite how much he rambled. He was a talker, and she was a good listener. They made a good pair.

Truth was, she hadn't noticed him any sooner than he had noticed her. She had been so engrossed in her book (honestly, she was reading Game of Thrones, which she had never even cared to look at before) that his call of surprise startled her just as much.

Another book she had never read was the one Murphy had chosen, The Trial , though she was quite content to sit back and listen to him talk about it. They didn't talk much after his initial bout of words, just sat and read. The silence was by no means uncomfortable, though she would have welcomed conversation.

At some point Seth joined them as well, but he never spoke, and chose a spot all to himself. She never really got the 'please, come interact with me' vibe off of him, so again she left him alone. By the time she had realized the sun was rising, both of them had long ago been asleep.

The worst moment was when she was alone. Or at least alone and awake. Sometimes she felt as if her brain shut down without ever telling her body, and she got the most uncomfortable feeling. In the middle of the night, somewhere between daytime but still black skies, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up. Felt cold. Afraid.

And that was when the hallucinations started again. Right in front of her, like some holographic movie. But it wasn't a movie, it was a memory. Of an image she could only see through the blinds of a closet door.

Blood. Blood everywhere. Screams of fear. Then silence. The worst silence she had ever heard in her life. It was terrible. Like all the happiness in her entire world suddenly vanished and she was all alone. All alone hiding in a closet...not breathing...covered in blood.

And then suddenly a face was peering at her, icey-blue eyes looking past the darkness at the scared little girl pressing against the walls. “Konnichiwa, utsukushii”

Theo screamed, breaking the image by throwing her book at it. She was so scared...that she didn't even notice Seth had screamed too. Or moved at all.


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Character Portrait: Seth Carver
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He stood for a moment, unmoving, ashamed of his actions. It hadn't gone unnoticed. That Murphey kid was staring at him. "You alright?" He was busy trying to calm Theo, who was also seemingly having some sort of panic attack. To be honest, it made him feel at least a little bit better, him not being the only one who was screaming their lungs out. He gave a short, shakey nod to confirm he heard the boy and that he was 'alright', but thruth be told..he wasn't. He was far from it. It had felt so real, that dream. He could feel the tiny twitches in his body, as if he had an excess of electricity coursing through him. He had nightmares before and it had been a while, but this just felt..different. He tried to shake the feeling and finally got up the nerve to walk towards where the other two were standing.

He stood a couple feet away, to give them room. He didn't want to suffocate the couple and niether did he want to be that close in case the chick was having some sort of breakdown. He knew firsthand what that could do to someone. He took a breath, trying to control his uncontrolable shakes and asked Murphey,"What's her deal?" He stared uncertainly at the girl. Did she see something, maybe? Did she have a bad dream? Was she cracking? His eyes scanned around the room. He still felt as if someone was watching them. Fuck, maybe this place is haunted..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Murphy Cairbre Ó Fionnagáin Character Portrait: Seth Carver Character Portrait: Theodora Chang
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Murphy didn't know what to do. Theo seemed terrified and something more, something he couldn't really describe. She wiped away tears as she tried to compose herself. The other guy asked, "What's her deal?" Murphy turned to him with a disapproving glance and turned back. He'd taken the question as sarcastic, even if it wasn't. He didn't have a good impression of the guy and just sort of assumed.

"I-I-I...had a really bad dream..." Theo finally spoke back up but then let out what sounded to Murphy like a wry little laugh. "That sounds, pathetic, right? But I'm crazy for a reason..."

"You're alright now." Murphy had his hand on the arm of her chair and started to raise it. His finger just barely touched a knuckle on her hand and he brought it back. He really didn't know her. He wanted to comfort her, but didn't think it would be alright to touch her. "You... You're alright now." He patted the arm of the chair, not sure what else to do. He looked back and forth in sort of a circle between Theo, the ceiling, Seth and the floor a couple of times trying to think of what else to say or do.

"I'm sorry," Theo whispered, "didn't mean to wake anyone up..."

"Believe me," Murphy asserted, "I didn't mind being woken up." He laughed, "I think if you look close, I've got an author's name indented on my chin somewhere, but I certainly didn't mind being woken up. I had not one but two bad dreams last night. And they were so real. The first one was the worst." He looked over at Seth again, pure guilt in his expression. He looked like he would say something to him but just turned back. "But it didn't end there. You're not... Well, I mean, I don't know if you're crazy, I guess we all are a bit or we wouldn't be here. But your certainly not alone."


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Character Portrait: Seth Carver
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He didn't notice the initial glare from Murphy. His attention was caught between watching Theo and the area around them. He didn't want to get caught in the crossfire if she went bonkers and he did not like feeling as vulnerable as he felt right now. Something was here. Who or what though, he had yet to determine. Things seemed to be going downhill ever since he came into this fucking hell hole. He supposed he felt at least a little better knowing he wasn't the only one freaking out..

"I-I-I...had a really bad dream..." The cracking in her voice brought his eyes to her. He stood uncomfortably, shifting his weight and frowned. He had no idea what to do when people started crying, especially girls. Usually he'd just laugh, but he kind of liked Theo, so he figured he'd let Murphy handle the comforting. He was hogging her space anyways. It'd be pretty awkward trying to squeeze his way in to babble a few uncertain words.

"You''re alright now." Well, so much for comforting.. He looked on as Murphy attempted to calm her. It would be comical if it was a under a different situation, but the way things were right now..he didn't have a lot of room for humour. He didn't realize how intently he was listening in until Murphy glanced up at him. His expression made him wince. It was obvious he was reaching. He was trying his best and failing miserably. His face seemed to say 'help' or 'I'm sorry', but Seth wasn't sure. People didn't usually come to him for help. He wasn't that guy, but he figured he wouldn't leave the kid hanging so he took a leap and jumped in.

"I wouldn't call it crazy if we're all having..dreams," His voice was strained. He was trying to keep the fear out, to show these two he wasn't afraid, but it wasn't working very well and he knew it. His eyes glanced about the room before settling on the pair again. He closed his eyes and heavily sighed. Alright crazy, friggin' get a hold of yourself.. "Alright, I'm going on a limb here, so by all means tell me to stop," He opened his eyes and stared at them uncertainly, "but um..I..uh, don't think this place is..good?" He swore to himself at his inability to explain and tried again. "We all had crazy dreams, yeah? I'm guessing we all did since we all, more or less, woke up screaming..I mean sure, everybody has dreams and shit..I just think..I mean.." He angrily sighed again, "I don't know about you guys, but I don't usually have this..kind of reaction to a 'scary dream'. Hell, I mean, I barely remember my dreams to even be that scared of them."

He stopped and let the information sink in, not only for Murphy and Theo, but for himself as well and then continued. "Call me crazy, or paranoid, or what-the-fuck-ever..but, I don't think this place is..normal." Maybe it was the way the doctor tortured him in his dream, maybe it was paranoia of knowing he was going to have his brain picked at and opened for all to see, hell maybe it was the presence this building had, but something wasn't right and he couldn't explain it. He stopped and stood, arms crossed awkwardly across his chest, awaiting judgment. He didn't know what they thought, hell he didn't even know what he thought, but he supposed he'd find out soon enough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Murphy Cairbre Ó Fionnagáin Character Portrait: Seth Carver Character Portrait: Theodora Chang
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Those kinds of things don't really happen. There aren't malevolent forces waiting to hurt people. It's just... Forces of the mind, right? "Hey man, it's just a place. I admit, us all having, uh, bad dreams is kind of weird, but not unheard of. We're all in a new place, it's kind of imposing and, I mean, we're all here for the same reason, we've got something wrong with us. I...I...I'm sure it's just our minds reacting to the new environment and all the strange people." Murphy tried to rationalize everything away. But he had this itch in the back of his brain as if one of his personalities was saying, "Yeah right, and I'm your fairy godmother and you're on the way to the ball."

Theo broke the silence saying maybe the house was haunted. Then she turned deathly pale. Murphy was about to say something when the doorbell rang. He noticeably jumped, nearly falling over. He grabbed onto the chair and put his hand on the floor to keep himself from going back first onto the ground. His heart was racing and he was breathing heavily. He thought if he were too out of shape, he probably would have had a heart attack. "Geez. Um, hey, uh... Guy. Did I ever get your name? Uh, whatever, could you see who's at the door?" He'd thought they were all there by now. The doctor said they were all there was. Maybe he forgot? Late entry? He pulled himself back up straight. He looked over at Theo. "Will you be alright?"


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Character Portrait: Seth Carver
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"Maybe it's haunted?" He let that thought hang for a while. Although, he most likely believed there is something off about the place, he didn't want to grab hold of such logic. Admitting to it felt like it would make it real..give whatever forces here substance. His mind kept returning to his time alone on the balcony. Something was there. He felt it. He heard it. Tiny whisper or not, he was not alone.

Murphey then pipped in, of course, and his little rant did make sense. He didn't want to admit it, but it very well could just be the way their psyches were reacting to a new environment and new people. It was possible, but he still didn't think so. He lived by his gut feelings, and the way things were now, he didn't see any reason to stop trusting them. He remained silent though. Watching the emotions play on both of their faces. Theo, it seemed, was on his side at least. Murphey..well it seemed he wanted to believe in logic, but he was having a bit of difficulty swallowing it.
The ominuos bell sounded at just the right moment. They all seemed to jump, Murphey especially. He rub a hand through his hair, which was now less spikey, thanks to that fretful sleep, and let loose a small chuckle. His heart was racing and his face probably matched the colour of Theo's, but it was a bit comical. Like getting spooked after telling scary stories when you were a kid.

"Geez. Um, hey, uh... Guy. Did I ever get your name? Uh, whatever, could you see who's at the door?" Well, there went that somewhat cheery moment. "It's Seth," He said pointedly, " and screw you, dude. You get the door." He shifted and re-wrapped his arms across his chest in irritance. He wasn't a friggin bellhop or some butler, and he sure as hell wasn't going to be volunteered the short straw. Especially not now after all this talk of scary dreams and bad mojo. His irritance deepened when Murphey turned to Theo and asked if she'd be alright. Fucking white knights. He turned and went for his bag, deciding it better to turn away than let off on the kid. And he wanted to. Very. Badly. But not now, and not in front of her. If the brat wanted to act all big and tough and order people around he'd do it on his time and then he'd see just how far that arrogance went. As for now, he could swollow his pride. Hell, maybe he could go find that doctor. Maybe the man would admit to something about the house, hell, maybe he'd stress his point and get the hell out of dodge whilst he could. Before he ended up hurting someone, or hell, getting hurt himself.

He shrugged his pack back on and turned to the other two, his attention mostly on Theo. "The Doc might know what's going on. Haunted house, or some 'crazy' peeps merging paranioa. Either way, I'm out of here." He pointed down to the floor and looked around the room, in reference to 'here'. He then began his trek out of the library and down the hall. He had to admit, he felt a little bit better seeing the little rays of sunlight peeking through the windows. Funny how everyone, young and old, was scared of the dark.