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Dominic Ricardo/Rufus DeQ

High school student; computer nerd; COMPLETE asshole (WIP)

0 · 329 views · located in Aramnia

a character in “There's No Way Out (LF > Tank)”, as played by Captain Awesome


Character Name

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Full Name: Dominic Ricardo

Nicknames (Username): 'Dom' (Username: 'Rosso Ricardo')

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Global Location: Naples, Italy


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Sexual Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Single

Likes: Messing with others, being an overall smart-alec (to a point), food, sleep

Dislikes: Being treated like a child, being wrong, anything too cliched, lack of common sense

Personality: Dominic is your typical internet troll. He does not take many things seriously and can sometimes come off as quite the asshole because of it. Outside in the real world, he is the same person but quieter and chooses his words carefully but who is going to stop him in a virtual world where he is just as strong as the next guy and often-times better at everything? Well, at least he can hack someone that makes him mad in the real world. Viruses can be really fun when geared toward their target...


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Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'8

Weight: 167 lbs.

Typical Clothing Style: Dirty hoodies and t-shirts. Blue jeans.

Distinct Markings: N/A

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Champion Name: Rufus DeQ
-Pronounced 'De-Que' (Dominic decided to name his character a completely stupid name. I mean, it's not like he's going to be trapped in a world for who knows how long with four strangers, right?)

Hair Color: Brown (Long)

Eye Color: Red

Height: 6'2

Clothing: A rather loose cloak on simple medieval-styled clothing. Red (primary color) Gold (Secondary).

Class: Ranger

Choice of Weapon: Anything powerful and accurate. Fire rate is out of the question until it goes from low fire rate to 'you'll die if you miss' fire rate.
For short range weaponry, Dominic prefers to outfit his character with exotic, forward-curved bladed weaponry to compliment his fighting style. Other than that, he seems to take a liking to double-ended swords.

Current Gear (Will update as needed):
Armor - A rather dumb-looking set of light leather armor. Other than a tail flap, the chest piece is rather typical. Also, Rufus has a pair of bright blue gloves that, in no way match the rest of his set. But, that's just the way MMORPG's work. They are the best gloves he has and why should look be paramount over effectiveness?

Weapons - A weapon style geared more toward solo playing...
Ranged: A wooden longbow with an elvish aesthetic appeal to it.
Melee: A simple tomahawk. It has standard damage and a reasonable speed for a workable amount of damage per second.


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History: Dominic - Dominic always was a computer-savvy kid. Early on in life, he already began to prove himself of being a shut-in and very critical of those around him. He spent most of his time on the computer, designing coding for various programs, modding, and finding ways to hack into others' computers. He even built his current computer himself when he was 15. While he was smart, it also came with a large ego and made him an unbearable asshole at times. This personality followed him onto internet forums and MMORPG games. While his merciless way of interacting with people earned him few friends in-game, his wise-sized amount of common sense also made him pretty good at his games and often the person to talk to for information about certain game content.
One day though, Dominic received a special email about becoming a beta tester for a new patch on one of his newer games...

Rufus DeQ - {As written by Dominic in-game} Rufus DeQ had a hard life. Always being picked on because of how much of a butthole he was...
...Then he grew a pair and beat the shit out of the kids that made fun of him. But there was a problem, there was still that fact which he could not hide. For Rufus was indeed a useless butthole. So, he set out on a quest to find the MIGHTY WIZARD OF GOFUKH YORSELPH who was rumored to be able to brew an aliment which could cure all forms of Rufus's STD. Did I mention 'a useless butthole' is actually the slang term of someone who has the disease 'Uselessus Buttholicus', an STD of the (you guessed it) mouth? ANYWAY, Mr. DeQ fought the likes of men, trolls under bridges, dragons, a naked dwarf, and horrible diarrhea before finally getting to the witch's tower. When he finally climbed the steps up to the shaman's chambers, he said to the necromancer, "BLAHBEGGULFENGUH!"-Because his mouth STD had the side effect of 'inflamed-everything-in-the-mouth' and 'inflamed tongue'. So, the goat went to his potions and aliments cabinet and gave Rufus the cure he needed.
Now, Rufus wanders the land in an attempt to find himself, now that his life's struggle is now over now...

Other: Dominic - He typically tries to coordinate everything and, despite his mentality being a terrible representation of what a leader should be, he actually proves to know what he is talking about on the battlefield...
People can actually talk to Dominic about serious matters and he typically follows through as a smart person with good advice, but if it is a more trivial matter, you risk the chance of him deeming the issue as 'lame' or a waste of his time.

Rufus DeQ - {As written by Dominic in-game} Rufus likes to pick his nose and bash his head against walls, I guess.

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So begins...

Dominic Ricardo/Rufus DeQ's Story