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Zen Killian

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. Probably. Hahaha!"

0 · 467 views · located in A humble town in the United States.

a character in “They Opened The Book”, as played by Alle9009


Zenivarin Killian

Zen, Zeni, Zack, Peacemaker of Death

191 (physically 19)

Love interest:
None for now

Main character 1

Face Claim:
Reiji from Uta no Prince Sama

Asexual demiromantic (not interested in sex and only falls in love after some time spent together)



Now that he's in the real world, he likes to wear army jackets and shirts with weird logos, along with jeans. He likes practical things.

Physical Appearance:
Zen has long brown hair that reaches his shoulders and warm grey eyes that seem to be smiling all the time, like he finds the whole world to be both funny and wonderful at the same time, although mostly funny. He has somewhat broad shoulders, and his body is strong and toned, with muscles that are easily hidden by his clothes. Zen has got a good looking face that smiles all the time, but what kind of smile it is is a different matter, and occasionally, when he thinks he's alone, a vaguely distant look will appear in his eyes, almost as though he's contemplating something. Then he notices you and smiles again, and it seemed like the moment never existed.

Pine trees and rain

Common Habits:
Laughing when embarrassed
Tying his hair up into a ponytail when he's thinking.

Has the ability to say the most weirdest things with a straight face
Likes to act dumber and sillier than he actually is to mess with people and also to get them to underestimate him
Does not like to cry or show negative emotions around people

fighting, although this tends to end up in spars instead of death matches
Making friends and giving people nicknames and messing with them

New places
Fighting, actually violence in general
Messing with people

Being unable to fight
People showing authority over him
Being unable to mess with people
People messing with his friends

Dying without accomplishing anything in his life

Far range attacks - Zen is not good at dealing with far ranged attacks, since he's a close ranged combatant.
Lack of knowledge on demons (he relies on Ava)
Lying - he sucks at lying, which is why he's so honest about everything
Violent - loves fighting a little too much
Killing - He won't try to kill on sight, since he loves battles. It's more likely he'll try to ask you to join his side because he wants to fight you again.
Messing with people - he likes to poke at people to see how they react.
curiosity - even though it's hard to fool him, he'll just go along with it because hey, why not?

Close range combat - sword, fists, improvised weapons, he's good at it.
Charisma - very good at convincing people to join him for his cause in the form of friends, and is just good with people in general.
Bluffing - no tells and is capable of saying outrageous things with a straight face.
weaponry - he's got a ton of weapons stored due to his sealing powers. He's good at using all of them and is always trying to find new techniques and stuff, hoping to learn them and become stronger.
Strong body - he's really, really strong, and has a lot of stamina.
Influence - it's really hard to influence him properly. If you're someone he likes it's easier, but even then it's touch and go.
spotting liars - he's good at figuring out bluffs and lies, and it's near impossible to fool him.

The ability to seal things. Runes appear, and he gets to seal the object away until he needs it. Mostly he uses it to keep his things until he needs it, or as a way to keep things locked away. He can set the specifications for it, like who gets to open the thing or requirements. It's a bit like a mixture of subspace and sealing magic.

Cheerful | Optimistic | Loyal | Violent | Hedonist | Troll

Zen is a cheerful, happy go lucky young man who likes to relax almost all the time and never seems serious. Much like the classical hero, he's a friend to everyone and is almost always honest, often flitting around talking to people and encouraging them to do their best. He's very accepting of people and demons included, and is always willing to lend a hand if needed. Zen is also calm and almost impossible to anger, but likes to act silly and dramatic, often just to mess with people. He's also curious as the day is long, but whether he'll actually pay full attention is another matter, as he's easily bored. Nice and optimistic, Zen believes that life is beautiful and should be nurtured, and that no one should try to snuff out the light without good reason. As a result, he fights to preserve life, and doesn't wish death on people. He's a good man, and almost an ideal hero. Seriously, is this guy for real?

The answer is - yes. Yes, all of that cheerful optimism and niceness that makes you feel like puking rainbows isn't an act, it honestly is what Zen feels, and he'll tell you so with a bright smile on his face. So is the fact that he's got a violent streak a mile wide, loves messing with people, and won't hesitate to kill with that same smile on his face. Just because Zen believes in preserving life doesn't mean he won't do the deed, after all. This guy loves life for all it offers, and that includes death and violence as well, although he definitely prefers violence over death. He loves fighting, and is just as willing to fight for the sake of himself as he is for the sake of the world. He is also insanely competitive, has a morbid sense of humor and problems connecting with people due to having numbed down emotions. Everything Zen does, it's only because he wants to, and he won't hesitate to punch or stab your face in even if you are his best friend if he decides to fight you. Zen won't hold back and will give everything he's got due to his love of winning, and it's only because he likes you that he makes sure that his strikes are dodgeable. Due to demons living a long life and many people passing in and out of his life, Zen doesn't really care about people, and although he does care about his friends and other people in general it's a distant kind of care, like they're pets or something. Thanks to this and a lack of compassion due to numbed down emotions, Zen believes in looking forward, not wallowing in the past, and quickly gets over things.

Ultimately, Zen is someone who has near no compassion with extreme bloodlust and likes to mess with people to see emotions, and covers this up with cheerful optimism, friendliness and a love for what life has to offer. That love, at least, is real.

Zen was found in the woods by a farmer when he was a baby, and since they didn't have any kids they took him in. They treated him like a son, and when Zen first showed his power by sealing away vegetables he didn't want to eat they sat down, figured out that he's a demon, and decided to wait till he was a bit older before telling him. They told Zen to hide his powers from others, and Zen obeyed. However, his violent tendencies grew worse, and after getting into one too many fights the couple brought Zen to the local knight in order to learn how to control his bloodlust. He was eight at that time.

For a while, Zen trained under the knight, who gradually learnt that trying to curb Zen of his bloodlust was near impossible and that he was a hedonist and therefore taught him to conceal his bloodlust with a smile and friendly demeanor. When he reached eighteen physically he set off to see the world and travel. Due to having squire in aiming status (haven't become a knight yet), Zen was able to find many jobs, and he mostly worked as a hunter or bounty hunter. He returned home every year, and when his adopted parents died of old age Zen set off and never looked back.

Many people passed through his life, and although Zen liked them and got close to them he was always ready to leave them behind. Due to his work as a bounty hunter, Zen always killed demons, but as time passed he decided that killing all the time was boring and tried to make friends with the demons instead, mostly by punching them in the head and threat of death until they got along. The first demon he made friends with he took to the village, and when the villagers attacked them Zen had a new discovery - bring someone who is hated by a whole village into said village and you can fight all you like to defend said person, and since bringing them together in harmony inspired more fights he could put a stop to it by fighting them himself.

Zen thought it was awesome, and pretty much inspired villagers and demons to behave through sheer fear that he'd actually kill them if they didn't work together. Zen then went through many villages, with the same result, and to him, life was fun. He met Avaline in a job, they worked together, and then the duo heard about a soul leech and decided to go to a little village....
Avaline - He calls her Ava, and she's been his hunting partner for quite a while. They tend to get along surprisingly well, except when Zen does his own thing despite what Ava had planned or Ava killing someone he likes. He thinks pf her as a friend.

So begins...

Zen Killian's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Rae Character Portrait: Phoebe Krell Character Portrait: Avaline Harp Character Portrait: Jamie Lok Character Portrait: Lizzie Allaway Character Portrait: Jasper Shepherd
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ImageIn the forest by the small village of Allorae strolled a stranger. This stranger, dressed in red, was particularly famished. Yes, Fiona Rae was desperate for a soul to consume. At this point, she didn't care what kind of soul she was to consume. Crippled, unripe, burnt; she couldn't care less. A soul was a soul.

Speaking of souls... Fiona's eyes seemed to sparkle as she laid her eyes on an approaching stranger. An old man, who was carrying a heavy looking package. A plump old man, Fi observed. Perhaps a bit too plump. Ah, but what was she thinking? A soul was a soul. And this soul was no exception. Dare, whose eyes were still sparkling, smiled as she began skipping over to the unfortunate soul. A sweet smile crept upon her lips as she called out to him, "Sire! You look awfully tired. Do you need help with that heavy package of yours?"

Just as the old man was about to respond, Fiona felt something tug on the back of her dress. Her head whirled around, eyes expecting to find someone behind her. Alas, there was no one. She sought to blame her imagination... Right before the pull grew stronger. Genuinely suspicious, she fully turned around, only to face air. The moment she took a step forward to investigate the disturbance further, a sudden force pulled the whole of her creation forward. Before she knew what was going on, she slammed face first into a wall composed of solid stone. The world swirled for a split second, though it didn't take long for Fiona to regain her composure... And it didn't take long for to lose it again, realization that this world was not exactly hers.

"Woah, wait a second--- wait --- w-what in hell?!"


ImageAvaline Harp took a deep breath in order to suppress her excitement as she started toward Allorae's library, her hopes set on the case she and her partner were about to pursue. According to the town's residents, mysterious murders had been occurring as of late. Apparently the victims bared no typical murder symptoms; no stab-wounds, no blue lips, nothing usual, only abnormal lightening of skin. This particular case thrilled Avaline, for she hadn't run into an interesting case in quite a while. For a while, she depended on lengthy books and keen observations performed on the side in order to entertain herself. All of these distractions from work were growing quite tiresome. She didn't have the time to mess around. She had to keep up with all of her cases.

So, now that her case was her entertainment, she was quite jubilant that day.

So jubilant, in fact, that she didn't believe anything could increase her excitement. Yet she was wrong. Though she usually hated being wrong, in this particular case, she did not mind.

It all started with a slight tug. It was as if someone were pulling on the back of her dress. Curious, she turned her head to see who it was. Part of her thought it was Zen (who she was meeting at the library), her partner, but it appeared to be no one. Her head tilted to the side. Perhaps a demon with the power of invisibility was messing with her? Not that she minded, of course. What she minded was not knowing. Not knowing who was tugging on her dress, to be exact. She considered asking who it was when the tug turned into a pull. Avaline then reached out to see if she could touch who was pulling on her dress, but was taken by surprise as the pull increased dramatically. She watched as the scene around her shifted, colors swirled, and new surroundings introduced themselves, all within a few seconds.

A breathless gasp escaped Avaline's lips as she was thrust into this unfamiliar setting. She hit the ground with a loud thump, though thankfully through quick thinking her shoulder took the brunt of the hit instead of her face. Of course, nothing could be done to stop the sense of pain that radiated throughout her body via impact with the ground. And nothing could be done to quell the indescribable feeling of intrigue that coursed through her veins as she admired the new world around her.


Wake up call! It's posting time!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zen Killian
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Zen landed on all fours and blinked the colours out of his eyes as the white and red coat he had tied around his waist settled as the wind died down, staring at his surroundings in awe. What happened? Was it the work of the suoh- the spou- the one Ava had been studying up on, or another demon?

If it was a demon, they had gotten him good. Zen had been testing out the new short sword he had gotten - dark red hilt that felt comfortable in his grip (oh, it was still in his hand, cool) and a plain steel blade that tapered off into a point sharp enough to pierce the trunk of a dead tree without much effort (the tree now looked like it had died from Execution of a Thousand Cuts), which all in all made the blade pretty good. Zen knew he was supposed to be hunting for that new demon instead of practicing, but Ava was already doing research on it, right? So there was no need for Zen to bother until Ava came up with something or a fight happened.

Preferably the latter. Those were always interesting.

Practice had turned out pretty good, and Zen had just decided to take a break when something tugged at him by the black shirt he was wearing. He had looked behind him, curious. Someone looking for a fight, maybe?

Nothing had been there, only trees and bushes and a dog lying on it's back in a patch of sun. Zen had shrugged and turned around, his hand resting lightly near his sword. It was probably nothin -

Something pulled at him. Zen had fallen backwards into a mess of swirling colours and blurry shapes, which was actually pretty sweet to watch. Zen had only time to wonder "Is this from a demon?" before he had been thrown out onto the ground with a thud, leading him to his current predicament.

Ah, his vision had cleared! Awesome! So had that dizzying feeling too. Standing up, Zen looked around him curiously, sword at the ready.