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Suya Johnson

"Shut up and stop making a fool of yourself."

0 · 285 views · located in Shinjuku, Japan

a character in “Thirteen”, originally authored by Morrigan52, as played by Trickster132


Name: Tetsuya (Suya) Johnson
Age: 17
Gender: male

Looks: Suya has dark brown hair and gray eyes. His face is thin and tan. He is slightly below average in height. Over his heart, there is a XIII tattoo. Suya usually wears a black dress shirt with white pinstripes, a crimson tie with a gold tie clip, black dress pants and biker boots. Though he often changes his clothes during the day to better fit into the crowd. The one constant item is a black messenger bag that contains his disguises and tools.

Personality: Suya is deviously intelligent and dangerously curious. Once he becomes interested in something or someone, he will learn everything about it until he finds something more interesting. He can't resist pranks, though usually he feels guilty afterward and apologizes. Generally cheerful and chatty, Suya will sometimes suddenly become quiet and thoughtful.

History: Suya grew up in an interracial household and was often picked on for it. Many pranks were played on him as a child, often involving being forced to eat spicy foods. He met Hayato in private school, which he got into via scholarship. School life bored him so after XIII was founded, he joined for something to do and found that, not only was he good at gang life, but it always had something interesting to do. He ran away from home to live on his own in an apartment he rents using money from his thefts.

Role in the Gang: Assassination/Spying/Cat Burglar
Gang Affiliation: XIII
Equipment: multiple disguises (including police uniform), piano wire, empty syringes, lock picks, and small blades

Likes: pranks, disguises, pastries, high-stakes theft, puzzles
Dislikes: All-Saints, spicy food, fools
Hobbies: reading manga, napping in odd places, researching

So begins...

Suya Johnson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nahla K Character Portrait: Hayato Yamamoto Character Portrait: Suya Johnson
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Shinjuku Police Station

Hayato Yamamoto couldn't remember what had happened to him a week ago. All he can remember was the sound of the All-Saints car crashing into him. The rest of Hayato's memories were now gone. The friendships and bonds that he experienced years past wee now shattered. The moment he saved Haru years ago was now nothing but a distant memory. The grand thefts and crimes that he and XIII committed turned to dust. All he can remember was the assumed name "Yamato Ito" and his job as a police informant, nothing else, he even can't remember his own name.

"Hey Yamato, we got a lead on the gang rivalry between XIII and the All-Saints, it seems that the rivalry's beginning to heat up or rather reach it's peak soon" Officer Yamaguchi said

"Officer Yamaguchi, XIII are a gang right, does it apply to the All-Saints too?" Yamato said

"Yeah, XIII is one of the most notorious gangs around Japan, they even attempted to assassinated the Emperor of Japan. However, the All-Saints are starting to make a name for themselves by conquering XIII's territory and influence" Officer Yamaguchi said

"So what do you what me to do about this" Yamato said

"Well, since you're an informant, I want you to infiltrate XIII by assuming the role as the gang leader, Hayato Yamamoto, I've heard he got hit by an All-Saints car and you look just like him and you got the tattoo and everything. Are you sure you're not the gang leader" Officer Yamaguchi said with humor.

"No, the tattoo is just for decoration and it's not for cosplay or anything, Anyway, I'll do the job, XIII's hangout is the heart of Shinjuku, right?" Yamato said

"Yeah, I don't care how long it takes, just get us some info and everything, be careful though, the heart of Shinjuku's pretty dangerous and crime-infested" Officer Yamaguchi said.

"Yes sir" Yamato said and he walked out of the police station and he drove to the heart of Shinjuku. He parked along the curb, He looked at the hideout, it was a like a penthouse from Los Angeles.

"Classy, the leader has some taste" Yamato said. "Oh well, I get to skip school for this" Yamato humorously thought to himself.

He went into the building but was stopped by bodyguards, The bodyguards wanted to break Yamato's arm right away but one of them said "Sorry, Hayato, we didn't know you're back, it's been a while." They said.

"Weird, I didn't have to be interrogated by the gang, looks like this will be a piece of cake" Yamato thought

When he arrived to the lobby of the gang's hideout, he saw some familiar faces, the 13 members looked astonished and shocked. One of them had whispey brown hair that falls down to the small of her back in face framing waves, her hazel eyes were just in disbelief

The other had dark brown hair and gray eyes that had the feeling of "What the hell..."

A silence fills around the whole lobby...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka Character Portrait: Nahla K Character Portrait: Hayato Yamamoto Character Portrait: Suya Johnson
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"Yeah..... Boss, right....?" Yamato said to Suya. "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are" Yamato added

Everyone's face in the lobby just dropped, How could Hayato not remember even one face from the gang. They stood there dumbfounded. It was rather shocking how Hayato could just not instantly remember everyone. The silence soon grew awkward. The girl with the brown hair felt so surprised. She felt saddened that Hayato could not even remember her.

"Look, I need to go, I'm sorry" Yamato said to Suya.

Yamato left the lobby to get some air and then he overheard a robbery that took place in Tokyo through a police-issued walkie talkie he had. "Shit" Yamato thought and then he drove off to stop the robbery in place. "After I take care of this robbery, I'm going to get back to the task at hand, infiltrating XIII" Yamato added to his train of thought

Nomura Bank, Tokyo, Japan

When Yamato got off of his car near the Bank, he saw Haru, the leader of the All-Saints fleeing from the robbery. "Oh no, you don't" Yamato said and then they were in pursuit as Yamato was running endlessly after Haru to stop her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nahla K Character Portrait: Hayato Yamamoto Character Portrait: Suya Johnson
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Nahla had nearly had it with the All Saints. Just because our leader got hurt, doesn't mean they can take our territory. she thought, pacing around their lobby. She had her back to the door when she heard many gasps, and quickly whipped around, her eyes fluttering to Hayato instantly. It couldn't be true, could it?

Nahla barely heard Suya's question to Hayato, but she heard his answer, loud and clear. "Yeah..... Boss, right....? I'm sorry, I don't know who you are," he had said. Emotions fixed them selves on her face, mixing together. Dispair, shock, and anger were printed on her. How could he not remember them? They'd known each other for years, saved each other a countless number of times.

"Look, I need to go, I'm sorry," he said, although she barely heard it, as she watched him leave.

After he had exited, Nahla stood in the front of the remaining group, turning to face them so she could talk to them. "What the hell just happened?" She said, more to herself, but saying it aloud. This was bad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nahla K Character Portrait: Hayato Yamamoto Character Portrait: Louis Oliver Character Portrait: Suya Johnson
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(I can help you out if you want, I don't want to feel bad that you have to do it alone)

"However, even though this plan may seem abrupt, it's the best plan I can come up with for now. On the other hand, we completely outnumber them but the All-Saints are not only sly and crafty, they are adept at long range combat and hand to hand combat. Don't worry, Nahla will be backed up by Suya because Suya will spy on them and provide the most detailed information to the All-Saints." Yamato said to Nahla and Oliver.

"I apologize for the plan being so abrupt but it's for the best." Yamato added


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nahla K Character Portrait: Hayato Yamamoto Character Portrait: Louis Oliver Character Portrait: Suya Johnson
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Nahla glared at Louis at the suggestion of dying her hair, but she couldn't say she hadn't been thinking the same thing. And she didn't normally wear make up, but she would do whatever was necessary, and she was happy to have their captain back. "Should I go get hair dye now, or later?" She asked, thinking about different colors on her head. She would go with blonde, and green or blue contacts probably. Infiltrating them, it would be hard. Why would they allow a random member to join? I'll just have to show them what I've got, she thought.