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Tamara LaVae Olstead

You'd think I was just being dramatic.

0 · 1,212 views · located in Batteridge, Colorado

a character in “This Damned Town”, as played by sparrowluvr2



{"You'd just think I was making it all up to be dramatic.” }
"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, love like you'll never be hurt, sing like there's nobody listening, and live like it's heaven on earth."-WILLIAM W. PURKEY
All About That Bass || Bang Bang || Blank Space || Love Me Harder || Thinking Out Loud || Sugar


|{Full Name}|
Tamara LaVae Olstead
Tam, Tammie, Tammy, Mara, Lesbian Thespian (must I really be called this? Come on…), give me some
June 28th
4% Hispanic, 64% European, 26% Cherokee Native American, 6% Irish
Female 3
|{Eye Color}|
Crystal Blue
|{Hair Color}|
Brunette, sometimes dyes it blonde.

{"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” }

|{Quirks || Habits || Oddities}|
She doesn't wear contact lenses, her eyes really are crystal blue.
Chews on her thumb nail when concentrating, especially when she's reading over a script.
Talks loudly, even when not on stage, without even noticing. People often tell her to lower her voice.
Sings to the radio, even if she can't hit the notes or match the tune or didn't know the words.
Twirls in computer chairs when she's bored.
She keeps chapstick and lip gloss on her so her lips don't get chapped. She hates her lips being chapped and having to peel the dead skin away.
She always has lotion on her. Each day of the week she has a different scented on. She even has one she puts on before a performance for good luck.
She doesn't get nervous until after she performs.

|{Talents || Strengths || Skills}|
Memorizing scripts
Ad libbing
Accepting critiques
Not being afraid of being in front of a large crowd
Taking care of others
Makeup and Hair
Gets decent grades
Writing stories and papers
Catching people’s attention and keeping it

|{Flaws || Weakness}|
She gets sick often.
Due to her light shade of eye color, they take in a lot of light. This leads to her getting migraines and having to go off into dark places and sleep.
Can be quite clumsy though she tries to play it off like she meant to do that.
She has a scar on her wrist that she doesn’t remember getting. It’s been there since that one night she and her old friends can’t remember.
When she gets angry, sometimes her emotions drive her to cry even if she’s not sad.
Doesn’t keep a handle on her emotions well.

Writing stories
Set design and building
Reading about folk lore

The darkness. Even now she can’t sleep in a room that’s completely dark.
That she’ll be home alone with her father when he passes away.
When she walks home from school, sometimes she feels something watching her. She’s afraid she’s being stalked by… something and it’s going to kill her.
Silence. Like the silence before a storm. You know something bad is coming.
Goosebumps or at least she’s afraid of what causes them. Is it something evil that can’t be seen?

Tammy misses her old friends. She’s tried to go and talk to them hundreds of time but could never follow through. How could she perform for hundreds of people but she can’t go up to someone she grew up with and just say hi?
She hasn’t told anyone at school about her father’s condition.

{"You only live once, but if you do it right, once if enough.” }

Tamara is pretty much your average seventeen year old girl. One thing her friends find adorable about her is how she can be easily excited. She can go from calm to bouncing in a quarter of a second flat. She never feels terror before she goes on stage it’s more of something that takes a hold of her after she comes off. She often wonders if they liked it or if she should have done it a different way. It’s the same way with adventures. She loves to go off and do things but then afterwards she realizes how stupid it was or how frightened she should have been before doing it. She is a bit of a scaredy cat but she is a fighter. Even if she’s terrified, she won’t go down without a fight. She’s the first to act and the last to give up. If she’s a friend to you then she’ll try to protect you with everything she has. She is a true Cancer in that way.


Tarmara is the second child of Kimberly and Damien Olstead. Being the youngest, she was doted on from the moment she was born. She was born with a head full of hair. The nurses swept her off and showed her off. It was like she was born to be a star. Her father stayed at home and wrote bestselling novels while her mother worked at the local station.

She was always the daddy’s girl. She was a bit of a tomboy growing up. She loved showing off, whether it was climbing higher on the big oak tree or getting a solo in choir. Even as a child little Tammy knew she loved to perform for others. She would often entertain her friends with her talents. She could do accents- not that they were any good until she was at least middle school age- and randomly try and dance for them.

Tamara did love to be the center of attention but none of her friends seemed to mind. You think there would be some major fights from time to time about who was in the middle, but she could never remember any fights like that. Fourteen kids, all thrown together. She never could remember why they all seemed to fit together so perfectly; they just did.

They went on adventures that would often result in parents being called… when they were caught, which actually wasn’t that often at all. One day while playing in the woods, they came across this book. The moment Tammy touched it she knew something was wrong. She should have listened to her gut, but what child does? She thought everything was just fairy tales… legends. Someone- like her father- must have written this sick twisted book to scare children like their selves.

A few years later their adventures took them to an even worse place. What made them sneak into Old Town that day? Sure, they thought they were tough. Heck, Tammy was one of the first to actually step foot there. She can still remember the way her heart pound so loud that she could almost feel it in her ears. They even snuck into the creepy St. Bernadette’s.

Now she doesn’t exactly remember what happen that night, it’s all a fog. But she did remember waking up the next morning with a gash on her wrist. It was so bad that it terrified her parents and they made them take her to the hospital to make sure she’s okay. People now like to joke that she was suicidal because it runs up her wrist like she was trying to kill herself.

After that, Tamara found herself hanging out with other kids. She didn’t know why… maybe she did. Kids whispered about how the others were the reason she had the bandage on her arm for so long. Did she think the same? Now that she’s older she doesn’t think so.

When Tamara found her place in high school, she had a blast. She loved acting on stage. She saw her old friends from time to time, even had classes with them but she never really talked to them. They didn’t hang in the same circles. The only time she may have said something to them was for an assignment for school or a simple hey when passing in the street.

It wasn’t too long ago that their family found out about her father’s condition. Since then Tammy hasn’t been completely all there at school. Her teachers and friends tried asking her what was wrong but she didn’t want to tell them about it. Her mother called the school and filled them in on the situation when she kept getting emails from her teachers.

Suddenly, she was called into this stupid consoling meeting. They talked about loss and issues. Tamara thought it was a loud of bs. She didn’t want to talk to strangers about what was going on in her life. That’s when she really took a look at the others in the group. The old gang. Why was it just them? Even though she knew there was something very wrong about this, she at least felt a little better about telling them about her father. They all knew him. They would all remember how he used to pack a picnic basket before they ran off on their adventures.

{"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” }


Theatre The Walking Dead Playing with Makeup Tea with Milk and Honey Singing in the Shower Netflix Marathons Sitting Out in the Woods Reading Swimming Getting All Dolled Up Dancing Flirting Baking Rain Lipgloss Lotion Writing Being with her father

{"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” }


Lipstick on Teeth Getting Food Caught in her Teeth Missing a New Episode of a Show Not Being Able To Sleep Peppers Stumping her Toe Leukemia Someone Cutting her Off Yelling Being Alone Cold Skinny Jeans Stilettos Being Afraid Losing Loved Ones Funerals Runny Eggs Liars

{"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” }



|{Place of Origin}|

Batteridge, Colorado

|{Family Tree : People of Importance}|

Kimberly Elena Olstead, mother who works as the local anchor woman, alive.
Damien Thomas Olstead, father who is a fictional writer, alive for now.
Jasmine Marie Olstead, older sister who attends East Hills university, alive.

|{Happiest Memory}|
Her happiest memory was when her sister pushed her to try out for the musical her freshman year of high school. You see, she was always putting on plays for her family and though they loved them and her, her sister had had enough. Jasmine told her if she was going to amount to any sort of actress, she had to go out and show the world just who Tamara Olstead was! So with her sister sitting in the back of the audience, she auditioned for Grease and landed the role of Sandy. A freshman as Sandy? That was never heard of but still it happened! Ever since then she found her nitch in school and made plenty of friends with the other Thespians.

|{Saddest Memory}|

The day she found out her father has stage four leukemia. Her mother is almost always at the station and her sister is on campus nearly twenty four seven so it was Tammy that first realized that something was wrong with her father. First he just was complaining about certain things. Then he had these bruises. She finally managed to convince him to go to the doctor’s office when he was having pain in his stomach. She took him to ER only for the doctors to tell them there’s not much they can do. Sure. They’ve started them on plenty of meds but she knows the likelihood that he’ll survive isn’t that great. Her nightmare continues each day as she watches her father fade.

{"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” }


If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in a river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh, uh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh,
And life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, oh well
I've had just enough time

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life, oh well
I've had just enough time

And I'll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger,
I've never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holdin' my hand,
There's a boy here in town, says he'll love me forever,
Who would have thought forever could be severed by...

...the sharp knife of a short life, oh well?
I've had just enough time

So put on your best, boys, and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts, oh, no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh (uh, oh)
The ballad of a dove (uh, oh)
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
Save 'em for a time when you're really gonna need 'em, oh

The sharp knife of a short life, oh well
I've had just enough time

So put on your best, boys, and I'll wear my pearls.



Tammy isn’t very religious but she prays every night for her father.
Her favorite color is dark blue.
Tammy’s favorite feature is her eyes.
She loves doing accents. She’ll even practice in the middle of class.
She does not open up to just anyone.
She’s never had a steady boyfriend.
She has a basset hound named Milo and a ferret named Slinky.
She wants to move to Hollywood and be an actress.
She never watches her mother on TV. They don’t exactly have the best relationship.


Character Dialogue || #483D8B

Face Claim || Alexandra Daddario


So begins...

Tamara LaVae Olstead's Story