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Steve Coltman

"If life isn't easy then your not making life work for you."

0 · 1,016 views · located in Jersey Shore, NJ

a character in “This Last Time”, as played by cheater0611


"Look forward to tomorrow, but live for today"




Steven Xavier Coltman

Nicknames: Steve, Stu, and for a short while he went by Ven.

Age: 18 (June 11th)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight



Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde to blonde, really depends on the sunlight.

Eye Colour: Blue eyes

Height & Weight: 5'9" and weighs 180 lbs

Distinctive Markings: On his right hand he has three little burns that form a triangle near his thumb. On the same hand there's a fairly large scar on the ring finger knuckle. On his left wrist is a vertical scar half an inch to the right of artery.

Clothing Style: Steven usually wears what is comfortable and that usually means t-shirt; that usually has something funny on it or it's a band shirt, a sweatshirt; he has a couple of these some are pullovers and others are zip ups, Steven usually rotates them out every couple of weeks to keep things kinda fresh. Right now he's wearing the zip up he found in a mall restroom, it's got "fur" lining. He swears it's the best thing he's ever found. His pants part of his wardrobe is full of khaki's, cargo pants, and cargo shorts. He only owns one pair of shoes and they're a tattered pair of Vans sneakers he's had since start of junior year. His truly favorite way of dressing is in silk. Steven once got dressed up when was 15 and his tux was one of the most comfortable things he's ever had on.



Personality: Steve's personality is hard to put into words. He's the type of guy who would be friends with two people who hated each other and would not say a mean thing about the other person to the person he was with. He also needs to hear both sides of an argument before coming to a conclusion about anything. When he is hanging out with his friends he's often the one who's making jokes and keeps morale high among their group of friends. He might take the weight of the world on his shoulders by listening to everybody's problems, but he doesn't show it. His patience could beat Mother Teresa's, though he does have his moments when it wears thin. When it happens he gets all snippy, distant, and generally irritated. It's usually because somebody was doing something stupid for an extremely long period of time.

He's not much of a leader but more like an advisor, many of a times he's said they shouldn't do something, but they do it anyway and he's usually right about what happens. He still participates anyway even though he knows it's doomed to fail, better to have fun and fail than never to have had fun at all. When somebody threatens his friends he's one of the first people to throw a punch. He doesn't like violence, but he has accepted that it solves pretty much every problem that you can't fix with words. His friends may come first but his loyalty is always for sale. He views loyalty is a commodity and like every commodity it has a price.

Just because he has a sense of humor and loyalty doesn't mean Steve doesn't have a dark side. He's always looking to make a buck, his lastest venture was a gambling stand(the entire three cards bit,) behind the school. He worked it that every so often a guy would come around and 'win' big so that people would just give him their money, he worked it so that for every dollar that was bet he got almost 60 cents of it. By the end of the week he had 500 bucks in his pocket and the principal's palms got a little grease. Now he likes to point out that he's not a con man, he's a con artist, there's a difference. Con men lie to get what they want, Steve doesn't lie, inf act he hates lying. Con Artists leave their victims happy, and usually require a silver tongue. He rationalizes the stand as he's selling hope to the students that they might win big on a rigged game. Hypocritical maybe, but it's how he get's through his day.

By looking at him you wouldn't be able to tell that he has a brain in between those ears, he spouts off random information and useless facts like it's his job. Granted they are pretty interesting, but still terribly useless. In addition he's also liable to surprise you with a skill you never knew he had. Like he can do some pretty complex math problems in his head; mainly multiplying and dividing 4 digit numbers. One thing you can probably tell about him just by looking at his face is that he is a stoner, the rest is a closed book. He uses this gross underestimation to his benefit on several occasions.

Steve is lonely, sure he's had his flings with a few of the chicks that were floating around the school. He's honestly never held a girl down longer that a couple of weeks. He enjoys the thrill of the hunt and succeeding, but usually as he's laying awake he feels empty inside. Like there's somebody waiting for him and he doesn't know who it is.

Likes: Blink 182, reading, Fall Out Boy, Eminem, Bowling for soup, video games, and Mary Jane

Loves: Money

Dislikes: Country, liars, people with bad fake accents, guns, and dub step.

Hates: Cops

Fears: Heights (100ft+), dying while his house is being broken into, and putting his heart in a head case.

Strengths: Loyalty, his deft hands, and his silver tongue



History Steve was dropped off at an orphanage with a card that just said his name and his birth date when he was just a baby. He stayed in that orphanage until he was two years old, he was then adopted by a couple calling themselves the Coltmans. They had tried for years to have a child and they had failed every single time. So they decided to adopt, they thought it was best to get a toddler because they wanted him to love them as his real parents. Shortly after they brought him home, the Coltmans were blessed with a child of their own. The months moved quickly and soon Steve had a little sister.

As the years progressed they moved to a small town that their father lived in when he was growing up, they even lived in the same house too, but happiness couldn't last. When Steve turned 9 his parents got divorced. His sister and him both chose to live with their mother. From there Steve bounced from apartment to apartment, and his mother when from loser boyfriend to loser boyfriend. His father dropped all contact with them and they have no idea where he could be. During the summer break his mom met a man. They started dating and they moved one last time.

When he started high school it was painful to see all these kids greet each other because they've known each other their whole lives, they didn't know what it was like to make friends and then leave and then have the entire process again in a year or so. He knew he was going to get picked on, he was the new kid. The new kid always got picked on and sure enough; as Steve was getting his food a group of seniors walked up to him and they pressed him for his lunch money. He wasn't in the mood to talk his way out of another bully. So he did the only thing sensible at the time when your patience wears thin. He hit the biggest kid of the group square on the face with the lunch tray he had. The kid dropped and the other two ran for it. He got himself a week of detention, but he wouldn't get picked on again. In the days that followed he got hired by a few kids to ward off bullies. As the year went on he met the others in the group.

With his school life all settled and taken care of, his home life was far from perfect. His mother's boyfriend seemed like a cool guy at first. Then as the years rolled on his mom's boyfriend became more and more verbally abusive. A couple of kids he could take care of, but that man was a different story. He was mentally unstable, he went from calm to violent faster than you can drop a coin. It also didn't help the man had a couple of inches and at least 50 lbs on him. The closer he was to graduating the more relentless the abuse came. The worse part wasn't the abuse, the worst part was the fact his mother stood right there and didn't say a single thing.

Before Steve left home his mother told him the truth. He wasn't devastated, the last few years had made him strong. When the group goes their separate ways, he's going to his grandmother's to find his own way.


Biological Father: Unknown

Biological Mother: Unknown

Ashley Coltman: Adopted Mother: Alive: 48

Alex Coltman: Adopted Father: Unknown: 50

Emily Coltman: Adopted Sister: Alive: 16

Secrets He's adopted, he talks to himself (calls it the most intelligent conversation he has all day), he has insomnia, and he was mentally abused the entire time he was in high school.

So begins...

Steve Coltman's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Steve Coltman Character Portrait: Vanessa Hart
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Sammie didn't know how to describe what she was feeling as she cried. Thankful no one was coming to comfort her, because they were all no good anyway.

Or at least that's what she thought until she heard someone chuckling. "You know, you're going to need a better hiding spot than this if you keep crying like that." Steve chuckled, kneeling next to Sammie's sad posture in the sand.

Sammie swallowed, and sniffed, wiping her eyes as she looked up in the blonde boy's bright, crystal blue eyes. She saw his Spiderman t-shirt, but was too under the weather to make a comment. "Gee, thanks, Steve." She sighed, as he told her he'd already judged her. Who hasn't though? Why don't we all pick on the little happy girl who has the most depressing past, and thought the bad parts of her life were pretty much done?

"Anything you say will be kept between us. Unless you spill the beans then I pretty much get a free pass." Steve smiled, still crouched next to Sammie's poor posture of a position.

Sammie swallowed again, and lifted her head resting it on her palm, her elbow on her knee. "Thanks." She muttered. The pothead of the group was her only friend. "Better than Vanessa..." She thought with anger flaming in her soul. Sammie took a deep breath, looking back at the beach house, where she saw her... her what? Her ex-best friend? New enemy? Frenemy? Khloe still sitting in that lawn chair. Sammie forgot about Steve being there for a moment, deep in thought.

Khloe and Sammie have done everything together, and Sammie felt a constant pang at her heart, worse than any break up could ever have on her, that Khloe knew Vanessa was behind what happened last night, and yet... she still blamed Sammie. Sammie was still confused. She was playing the game. She took a sip, when it was true, and everyone knew it was true. Sammie pondered it in her mind, multiple times as she sat under the tree, crying herself into a depression she knew not even her sister could rescue her from.

Sammie then jumped, remembering Steve was there. "What do you mean this doesn't change the judgement you made so long ago? Are you talking about this talk, or... whatever last night was?" She rubbed her head in exhaustion. Sammie hadn't cried this much ever, that hard, or for that long. Khloe was the only one who could make her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: Steve Coltman
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Khloe emerged from the terrace after a few minutes. The truth was she was more hurt than angry. She didn't understand why Sammie listened to her talk about how much she liked Rylee for five years and never thought to tell her that she liked him too. She just felt so stupid. But she was also mad at herself. She was mad at herself for being mad at Sammie and she was mad at herself for wearing basically no clothes right now. I mean what was she doing?! She glanced down out the tank which covered her butt but was rising up he thighs and because it was so loose it exposed her cleavage Grandma would kill me if she saw me She mused.

She walked into the kitchen and attempted to take off her glasses but decided against it. Lacey was at the counter, making something so she saddled next to her. "Ok on a scale of starlet to street walker ?" She asked biting one side of her bottom lip. "Where am I?" She tucked a curly tendril behind her ear. She hopped on the counter, letting her feet dangle. She was about to start blabbing on about how shitty everything was when a flash of light caught he eye. It was the anklet that Sammie gave her on her sixteenth birthday. Sammie had the matching one but she wore hers as a bracelet. That's when it hi her; She was being a really shitty person. I mean Sammie never did anything with Rylee and even if she did, it wasn't Khloe's place to tell her not to.

She slid off the counter and opened up the fridge "Oh by the way, I'd watch for Vanessa if I was you" She grabbed a package of cherries out and set them on the counter "Steve is definitely her type" She popped one of the cherries in her mouth. She was one of the few (if not the only) people who knew Lacey liked Steve. Honestly she thought Lacey would be perfect for him. Maybe she could make him more ambitious or at least have bigger dreams than to get through life with no issues.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie Wicks Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: James Butcher
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Sammie had left just as quickly as Davey had given her a hug. "I.. I missed you too." she said, silently nodding, and then fleeing. Davey knew the expression her face all too well. It was the expression of someone who was holding back tears. He glanced over at Ellie. From the way she was watching Sammie leave, he knew she understood too.

"Okay..." he said in a tone that was mocking annoyance, "What did I miss? What happened?"
Ellie crossed her arms and stared up at the ceiling. "Well..." she started, "Someone came over, and kind of tore us all apart. Yeah...not gonna lie, you came at a REALLY bad time..."
"It was the Loch Ness Monster, wasn't it?" he interrupted.
Ellie gave him another risen brow.
"What? What are you..."
"VaNESSa. The Loch NESS Monster? Jesus, Ellie, I thought you were smart!"
She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, try calling her that. See if she likes it."
"I do. I address her by her nickname...Nessie. That's what we call her in England."

For a moment, he caught Ellie's lips curling upwards into a small smile. She sighed, and uncrossed her arms. "Well, I'm heading upstairs. Go say hello to the group or something. Maybe you can cheer us all up."
"Challenge accepted." he said. Suddenly, Steve passed by. "Sup Davey, Morning Ellie. I'm heading out. I'll be back soon." Davey nodded. He saw Ellie give him one last look before stepping up the stairs. He flashed her a devilish smile and sealed it with a wink, making the girl immediately turn her head in annoyance as she proceeded up to her room.

Davey chuckled, making his way towards the kitchen. It was there that he saw Lacey making breakfast. She had her earbuds in, and was moving her hips in time to the music that was blasting on her ipod. She didn't turn her head, and was oblivious to Davey's presence behind her. "Nice shakin', bacon." he whispered in her ear, taking the earbud out momentarily, and then placing it back in once he had finished the sentence. He then smiled at her, and walked back towards the front door. He grabbed his one suitcase, and put it in a room upstairs. He'd figure out where he was sleeping later - for now he just wanted to put it away from the door.

Galloping down the stairs, he made his way back to the kitchen again. He wasn't hungry, he was just looking for someone to converse with. There was a guitar in his hands. He hadn't played it in four days. Davey could never play his guitar when his brother or mom was home. His mother needed peace and quiet to concentrate, while Cormoran just detested Davey playing the guitar. He entered the kitchen once Rylee had finished speaking. He sat on a table, and started to strum his fingers over the strings. Improvisation was like second nature to him.

"Hey Koko! James, Rylee..." he said, greeting them lightly, yet loudly. "So tell me...what happened last night? It's like I'm on cloud nine while everyone else has just finished ascending from the depths of hell. I'm very confused."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Steve Coltman Character Portrait: Vanessa Hart
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"What do you mean this doesn't change the judgement you made so long ago? Are you talking about this talk, or... whatever last night was?" She said to him.

"I mean last night. I don't quite remember all of it, but I do remember that some nasty things being said and done." Steve said not losing his smile. "I also remember that you weren't exactly thrilled to be playing. Even fought with Vanessa for a few minutes. I was impressed you stood your ground for as long as you did."

He looked up and saw Khloe head inside, He then looked around to see if he had been followed. Didn't want Vanessa to find him talking to her. "One of two things will happen; Everything blows over and you and Khloe go back to being BFFs or it's going to get a lot worse. How much worse, I can't tell." Steve had to get back to the house soon or they would put two and two together, and he really didn't need his six other friends and Vanessa jumping down this throat for talking to the 'enemy.'

"I know sitting here and crying isn't going to make things better. Do you think Khloe would still be mad if she saw you as the wreck you are now? Probably, but she would at least know it was a mistake and everybody makes them. Cliche I know, but it's true. Now, I'll leave you alone now, I'm sure you didn't want to be disturbed, and I have to get back to the house." Steve stood up and scratched his head. He started walking back to the house, but after a few steps he stopped, turned his head; his smile wasn't anywhere on his face.

"Don't go, you'll regret that you did for the rest of your life. More importantly I don't want you to go." That was the last thing he said to her as he walked away.

He got a fair bit of distance away from Sammie and sighed, "I need a smoke." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cigarettes. He opened the pack and stopped dead in his tracks. "Fucking hell. I'm going to kill somebody." He seethed anger. Somebody had stole more than half of his smokes he had remaining. Nobody in the group smoked, that he knew of at least, and Khloe had moved past breaking his cigarettes. He sighed and decided to let it go. Though if his smokes keep coming up missing, he wasn't going to drop it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: Steve Coltman Character Portrait: Vanessa Hart
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"One of two things will happen; Everything blows over and you and Khloe go back to being BFFs or it's going to get a lot worse. How much worse, I can't tell." Steve then stood, and left, muttering as he walked away.

Those words rang in Sammie's head: It will get worse... It will get worse..

She didn't know what to do. Should she go to Khloe... or Steve... or Rylee? Should she go to anyone for that matter? Sammie knew it would get worse without her even trying, so, she decided what she thought would be best for her friends, even if she had to go through pure pain, it was worth it, for them.

Sammie has decided to try and give up on her and Rylee's.... whatever they had going. Khloe can go after him, Sammie'd stay in the shadows, and stalk the group as they went to the beach or clubbing. What harm could that do? Rylee had a second option, Khloe. Khloe obviously liked him, that was the whole reason they were in the predicament. She'd let those two have their small chance, with Vanessa anyway, at a "true love". Sammie kind of had a second option, if you counted being alone.


Sammie smiled softly down at the sand, and looked up at the house, her eyes were tear-stained, but, she was smiling. All because.... Why was she smiling? Oh no. "No, Sammie, no.." Sammie muttered, and looked at Steve. Her heart started to beat faster.

She had developed a small crush on Steve in highschool, when he flirted with her, but then she'd found her "jackpot" Rylee. Maybe all of this was supposed to happen for a reason. Maybe she was supposed to be with Steve.

Then, the depression came back.

Vanessa had Steve. There was no way... in the world, she'd have a chance, was there? Not unless he liked her back...

No, no, no, no! This was the last thing Sammie needed to be thinking about. More relationships? More drama? No! Sammie hit her leg as hard as she could, then winced back in pain, and "ahh"-ed. She knew that'd leave a bruise, but if it made her quit, it'd be worth it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: James Butcher Character Portrait: Davey Jones
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Jamie was still sitting at the island when Davey walked in. "So tell me...what happened last night? It's like I'm on cloud nine while everyone else has just finished ascending from the depths of hell. I'm very confused," James laughed and shook his head in distress, and Lacey said explained. James was still too hungover to want to speak to anyone, or even greet Davey. He didn't know why, but he and Davey we're never very close. He didn't dislike the kid, but he had that vibe. The cunning, I-always-get-my-way-vibe. He doesn't seem to care much or respect the smart, unpopular kids. He also has a crush on Lacey, who James may like a little bit.

James stood up, and felt like he was going to pass out. He had a killer head ache, the kind that an aspirin couldn't fix. So he grabbed the little child proof bottle out of a cabinet next to the fridge and downed three of the little pink pills dry. He hated taking anything with water. Just a little quirk that he didn't know the origin of. When Rylee and Khloe came back in the room, he felt his cellphone vibrate. It was a text from Ry. I think Khloe's still pissed at me. Did you make out with Lace while I was gone? Rylee shot a sideways glance at James, and James shot daggers back, and kicked him in the foot. "Ow! You little bitch," Rylee exclaimed, jokingly.

James stood slowly from the island this time, in an attempt to reduce the stars he saw this time. He walked outside and down to the beach. He threw his shirt in the sand and waded into the water a few feet. He heard voices, and saw Sammie and Steve sitting behind a bush. Curious, he walked over. "Knock, knock, anyone home?" He kneeled down next to Sam and Steve.

In this whole fight between Khloe and Sam, James didn't want to pick sides. But he knew what Rylee wanted, and he knew that Sammie was probably the more mentally effected of the two girls. He didn't want either of them to feel bad, so he had to start somewhere. "Hear me out, Sammie. I guess you can listen in, too, Steve, whatever. But I know all about this fight over Rylee. And being his best friend, I know he sure as hell isn't worth losing a best friend. That sounded mean, but we all know he can be a little... Overwhelming sometimes." James took a deep breath. He knew what he was about to say could get him in a lot of trouble, but this summer was about taking risks. "Don't give up on Ry. Please. He really likes you, Sammie. And I honestly think he'd pick you over Khloe."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: James Butcher Character Portrait: Davey Jones Character Portrait: Steve Coltman
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Steve Coltman

As Steve put his smokes away, he saw James walking his way. Steve nodded as they crossed paths and he followed him with his eyes to where Sammie was hiding. He shrugged it off and kept walking. It was none of his business. He said what he needed to say to her and that was it. As he walked he kept playing the conversation in his head over and over. He was sure he should of said something differently. He hated seeing Sammie all depressed, he preferred her usually happy bubbly self. He got back to house and stood outside a couple of minutes to finish his smoke.

Steve's mind was anything, but calm at the moment. Thoughts were coming and going faster than he could keep track of. First he thought about Lacey; she always pushed him to do better for himself and he occasionally listened. He smirked at remembering all those times he heard her say how wasn't as pretty as Khloe. He wanted to tell her that she was wrong. Then his thoughts turned to Sammie, She was fun and she knew how to have a good time. He'd always thought Sammie was cute. As his cigarette burned low his thoughts turned to Vanessa and he sighed as she crossed his mind. Steve had met Vanessa only once before and he didn't forget her, and judging from last night she didn't remember him though. He could live with that. There wasn't much of a reason to broadcast to the gang that Vanessa and him made out a couple of years ago.

It was at a friend of Todd's house and Todd brought him along. He met Vanessa there and they were about to round 3rd base when they got interrupted by Todd telling them the cops showed. It was almost his first time. From that moment on Steve started to get better with the ladies. He lost his V card the next party he went to. He just used the same tactic that worked with Vanessa.

He shocked to see her last night. He looked up and sighed. Steve wanted to get with her before he left. He'd have to do it soon. It'd be a one time thing and he'd forget about her. Then he remembered about Sammie and Lacey. "Shit, if I do that... Ugh." He crushed his cigarette and tossed it in the fire pit. He walked into the door, then grabbed his head and said, "Ouch."

He opened the door and walked inside to the kitchen and saw the group that had gathered there, "I've just found out, I can't walk through doors. Ugh, don't try that at home kids you might hurt yourself." He walked over to the fridge and grabbed an orange. "So, if I remember correctly we're heading to the beach, then clubbing? Alright, so the fake I.D.s are in a safe place." He said peeling his orange. He held on to the fake I.D.s because everybody else didn't want their parents to know about them. "So Davey, the Bahamas get swept away by the ocean? I mean from the way you talked about it, it seemed your mom and brother were hell bent on going and dragging you with them. Anyway, I brought yours just in case you just happen to show up."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: Steve Coltman
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"Okay, Samuel.... I want to know how you feel about me, now. Because I'm done with the games. Just please, tell me something."

Those words from him... were like bells ringing from the gates of the heavens.

Sammie smiled slightly, and looked at Riley, her eyes were bloodshot, and bright red. She loved that nickname he called her sometimes. That was almost like a way of him telling her that everything was alright, and she'd be fine. "Ry-ylee..." She muttered under her breath. "It's a long story.." She shook her head, her hair swaying back and forth in time. Oh great, tears are coming...

"You see... I like you. I've liked you ever since I met you, and you acted like a total dork. You were such an adorable dork, I loved it. " She took a long breath, getting ready to talk.. for a long time.

"I'm sure I'm not the only one you like." She smirked, and looked down at the warm sand, it's temperature settling down, and she let it go between her toes. Her left hand was on her right's elbow, rubbing up and down as she spoke. "Khloe likes you... and alot at that. And Rylee.. I just don't know what to do about it. " She said honestly, because she really didn't.

According to Sammie, there were a couple directions she could go..
1. Run away right now. Just shut her fat mouth, hop in her beetle bug, and ride off into the sunset. She could be lonesome, and depressed for a while, but at least she'd get a head start on her career and future.
2. She could spill the beans. Sammie could tell Rylee all about how she loved everything he did, saw, wore, smelt, anything. Take her chances with her possible future husband, and father to her children.
3. Lie. Sammie could totally cover her best friend's butt, and lie. She could tell him that she hated his guts, and watch him walk away in sorrow, and then hide herself.

Where were her feelings, you ask? Her heart belonged to Rylee honestly. She didn't go one day without hopelessly doodling her "future name", Sammie Vanderpool. Besides being amazing, he was just one of this all-around guys, that you didn't come across often, and Sammie wanted him more each and every living moment. But then, she found out about Khloe's crush, and she thought she'd never had a chance. Now she has a chance. She can make her dreams come true selfishly, or abide by her pinky promises, and let Khloe stomp all over her..?

"But.." She bit her tongue, and looked down, not being able to make eye contact to Rylee for what she was about to say.

"I can't destroy Khloe."

Sammie couldn't believe what she had just done. She'd stayed caught up in Khloe's little finger, and denied her true love. Tears formed in her eyes, and she let them roll down. "I.. I.." She wanted to say it. She wanted to say that she thought she loved him from afar all those months, and that she wanted to marry him, and they'd live happily ever after...

But, she couldn't kill her best friend... could she?

She was willing to take the chance. "Fuck it." Sammie then muttered, and wrapped her arms around Rylee's neck, and pressed herself against his body, feeling the warming, loving feeling she'd waited so long for. Her lips met his instantly, and his were so... soft, and amazing.

Sammie then let go, realizing what she had just done. She'd ruined her friendships with most of the people in that house, just like that. By simply kissing the man she's adored FOREVER, and all of them knew. Every single one of those little pricks knew.

She felt a flame of anger light in her soul, and looked at Riley, awaiting his answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie Wicks Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: James Butcher
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Day Two
| August 10| 2:00 p.m | thirteen days left|

The group gathered into groups and piled into cars. The group packed blankets and snacks even though there was food stands nearby. A while later Maxwell and Kevin joined the group. A group of Vanessa's friends joined in too. Making it go from a cozy group of friends to a beach bash.

The group plans to go to the Bamboo club later. There's food,, laughter, drinks, and the water.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steve Coltman Character Portrait: Vanessa Hart
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Steve Coltman

When they first got to the beach Steve was just content sitting on his blanket and reading his book. When Vanessa showed up Steve was cooling off in the ocean. Soon enough he got a couple of her friends walking up to him and would usually ask,

"Hey man, I heard you were the one to talk to if I wanted to meet Mary Jane." At first Steve just said, he didn't know anybody named Mary Jane. Then after a dozen people walking up to him, he let one of them have it. He was sick of people bugging him. It was his vacation.

"So, man. I heard you do know Mary Jane, and you're just keeping her all for yourself, not cool man." One of the guys from New York said.

"I don't think you heard me the first time. So, I'll lay it out for you." He punched the guy right in the face. "Oops, guess I meant; I'll lay you out." Steve walked away as a couple of the guys friends ran over to him. They started shout at Steve about how they were going to make him pay. He just turned around and said, "You don't want to mess with me 'cause if you do... You might wind up in a ditch somewhere." He walked over to his blanket and sat down. He rubbed his eyes and laid back, his knuckles hurt from hitting the guy in the face. He looked at his right hand and saw that he had cut his knuckles. Steve walked over to the water and shoved his hand into the salty drink. His hand burned and itched like he couldn't believe.

As Steve turned around he saw the last person in the world the he wanted to be right behind him, "Vanessa, did you really have to tell your douche bag friends I sold pot, because I don't or at least not anymore. So tell your goons to leave me alone, or..." Steve didn't have to finish his sentence, his eyes told the entire story of what he'd do.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: James Butcher Character Portrait: Davey Jones Character Portrait: Steve Coltman
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{“Would you destroy Something perfect in order to make it beautiful?”― Gerard Way }

Lacey was giving her final class of the day, she only had two and both of the Kevin was more than happy to be her practice dummy. Which the guys made enough wisecracks about in the first hour. The whole class was made up of mostly teenagers and couples who probably had nothing to better to do since Vanessa's friends were taking over the beach. Lace was in the middle of telling the small group to tilt the drowning person's head back as she looked down to see Kevin looking at her. "And..-- Keep your eyes close, you're suppose to act like you're about to drown." She said as she covered the tan man's eyes. He chuckled before removing her hand and closing his eyes. "Okay, okay. But, you're not making it easy, beautiful." She rolled her eyes before chuckling, it was weird. Whenever he complimented her, she didn't blush, she didn't chuckle nervously. She was just... indifferent and she didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Another couple of minutes went by and the class was over. Kevin, of course use the mouth to mouth part as an excuse to kiss Lacey before pulled with away with a small smile on her face. The pair got up and walked towards the rest of her friends and Maxwell with her wear his button down shirt to keep warm a bit from the small wind blowing about. He tried to wrap his arms around her but everything she nudged him away. When the pair was talking to themselves after getting herself a drink, Khloe rushed up to her and kissed her cheek. She hugged her close friend before watching her move on to James and Ellie. She looked away and towards Kevin before hearing him scoff softly under his breath. "So, that guy and Khloe have a thing?" Lacey raised an eyebrow in confusion as she turned around to see Khloe kissing Davey on the lips. She could feel her stomach drop and a lump form in the throat as she turned back around. She cleared her throat. "I... I don't know. I'll ask but, she seems a little touchy feely with everyone. You know?"

Lacey shrugged as she tried to brush off as she watched Khloe out of the corner of her eye. By the time she did she was already in the arms of Rylee, asking him something. Kevin watched from over Lacey's shoulder before turning back to the girl in front of her as he took a sip of his drink. "Looks like she going to be touchy feely with you a little more." He said with a smirk just before Khloe hugged her just a little too tight. "Lacey guess what," Lacey had a fake questioning expression on her face. "I'm hot!" Lacey chuckled before loosening her friend's grip on her and looking over at Kevin who had the sly smirk on his face as well. "You sure are, love. About time you see it. But, do you think you've had just a little too much to... You know, drink?" The young girl said before putting a strand of hair behind Khloe's ear to keep it out of her face with a raised eyebrow on her face. Hoping it would stop her friend from drinking so much, Lacey didn't feel like doing three things tonight; 1. She didn't feel like helping Khloe in the bathroom tonight (showering, changing, hold her hair when she finally threw up all the alcohol, etc.) 2. She didn't want to have to babysit her all night. And 3. She, more than anything, didn't want to hear a sob story about her, Sammie, and/or Rylee. She has had enough of hearing about it and its only been a day! She just wished the damn guy would make a decision so the girls could just move on.

She turned her attention to James as he walked up and offered him a smile. "Come on guys, we need to get in the water. It's a beautiful day, and we're at the beach. It's not every day you're at the Jersey Shore." Lacey nodded as she let go of Khloe in order to take off the clothes over her swimsuit. She slipped off her jeans at first, seeing the smirk on Kevin's face as he looked her up and down. And when she removed her shirt, she could hear him whistle towards her making her blush a bit before hiding the redness of her face behind her hands for a minute before putting all of her clothes on her towel. She looked towards Kevin. "You coming with us or are you going to be the boring person who sits on the sidelines." Kevin just rolled his eyes before chuckling. "Nope, I'm going to stay right here. Get another drunk and lay down. You don't get this tan from nothing, babe." He pointed to his body as Lacey rolled her eyes. "Funny, I thought the tan came from you being Brazilian. But, fine. Your loss." She told him as she put down her plastic cup and looked towards Jamie and Khloe. "Last one in the water, buys drinks tonight." She said right before getting a head start and rushing into the shallow into the water. She was about to move farther in before seeing Rylee.

She liked him, honesty. But, he wasn't on her list of favorite people and that would become very apparent if she walked up beside him and just made awkward small talk while they waited for the others to enter the water. So, she just started a little behind him as she looked over to Khloe. She wanted to invite Steve but, he seemed occupied with talking the the blonde witch herself. And She looked towards Davey, he seemed busy besides she didn't feel like having her ear whispered in if all he was going to do was flirt with other girls especially one of her best friends... Not that she cared or anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie Wicks Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Davey Jones Character Portrait: Steve Coltman
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"Hey Ellie. Are you okay?"

She turned her head to find Sammie sitting next to her. Surprised by her sudden appearance, Ellie wiped away the small tears dotting the corners of her eyes. She was wary not to lift up her glasses. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine." she said, hiding her sadness with a bright tone of voice. The eighteen-year-old scratched the back of her head, making her thick, wavy hair fluff up in different directions. "Listen...umm..." Her brain overflowed with things she wanted to say. There was no point in lying or suppressing what she felt. Everything had to come out sooner or later.

"I'm really sorry about what happened...with you and Rylee...and me interrupting you two. It was an accident, I swear..." She took off her glasses and placed them beside her. "I was just coming to tell you guys about the beach, and then I saw you two making out, and I didn't really know what to do, so...." She chuckled, not really wanting to explain the rest. Ellie loved nature with all of her heart, but with the pain she still felt along her arms and legs, now was not one of those times.

"Sammie," she started, "I know how you feel. About what he said after you two kissed...I've been there before. Believe me, I've dated my fair share of douchebags. You'll do anything for them until you realize that they've just been using you the whole time...It's ridiculous, and it sucks." She stared intently out at the waves in front of her. In a way, she felt like she was in the middle of them. Like she was drifting out on the open though she were lost.

"Oh, and don't worry...I'm not going to tell you-know-who about it. I doubt she'd still listen to me, anyway."
She wrapped her arms over her legs, and slowly rocked back in forth. She didn't know where all of these feelings were coming from. Ellie wasn't the type who easily showed her emotions. "Just promise me one thing, Sammie. I'm sure you already know it, but it's one of the most important things I've learned from being a bitch in middle school." She stared at her dead in the eyes. "Promise me that you won't lose yourself just to be with him. If it backfires, you may not be able to get yourself back."

"Also, I don't think it's your fault...the whole thing going on between you and Khloe."
She brushed some of her hair behind her ears, looking somewhat nervous. "You were drunk...we were all drunk. If Khloe really were the nice, open, caring friend she's supposed to be, she would have understood that, and you two would have buried the hatchet by now."

In a way, Ellie couldn't believe what she was saying. She was talking shit about the girl she had considered to be her best friend for many years. Then again, why should she feel bad about it? Judging by the way she was floating around the beach, drunk, flirting with boys and acting all arrogant, the Khloe Chase she had known was gone. She'd been gone ever since Ellie had come back home.

She shook her head at Steve, who had just punched some guy in the face. He was going to get the whole group kicked out if he kept up his reckless behavior. Speaking of the rest of the group, most of them were all over by the water. Ellie watched them for a second, then turned to Sammie again. "Do you want to go in?" she asked, motioning to the sapphire blue waves that crashed upon the sand. No matter how hard she tried to suppress it, Ellie Wicks was drawn to the water just like how a moth is drawn to light.



"Alright! Sounds great! Thanks guys!"

Davey Jones was so happy, he felt like he was walking on air. Before anyone else could pass her or she looked towards his direction again, Davey ran up to Lacey, took her by the arms, and swiftly pulled her into the water with him, laughing once he felt the cool water against his shoulders.

He was never one to give a thought about anything, but as he looked into her eyes, he wondered what Lacey really thought about him. He wondered if she saw how Khloe had kissed him on the lips, and if she was jealous. He had never liked Khloe as anything more than a friend. She had always liked to keep him around, he knew that. In a way, she had kept him closer than any of the other guys in the group. When she had kissed him out of drunkenness, he knew not to think anything of it. He hoped that Lacey wouldn't think anything of it either. However, in the tiniest of ways, he was smitten by Khloe's sudden impulses.

And then there was Kevin, who Lacey had hung out with since the group first came to the beach. He saw the way he looked at her. He saw the way he pressed his lips against hers while she was teaching CPR. He knew girls liked to play their mind games, but he had never seen Lacey as the type to partake in those things. Maybe that was why he liked her so much...

Davey snapped back to reality. He wouldn't let negative thoughts get in the way of his reason to be proud. Besides, if he didn't speak soon, he'd spoil the moment he was having with Lacey right now.

"So I have some good news," he started, "I was playing volleyball with these guys who said they were from New York. I asked them what they were doing down here, and the one guy said he was visiting his dad, who just so happens to be the owner of the Bamboo Bar in Seaside Heights New Jersey. The very club that we are attending tonight." He gave her a wide-eyed look, as if he were trying to excite her for the next part of the story, which was undoubtedly the best part.

"So I talked to him some more, and he told me that when we get there, just tell the guy up front that we're friends of Jerry's..." He started to float on the water, a smug expression on his face. "So Lacey, not only can you thank me for getting us free drinks tonight," he said,
"But you can also thank me for getting us our own free VIP section."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Steve Coltman Character Portrait: Vanessa Hart
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Khloe was past drunk. People were starting to blend and was Max groping her? She didn't know. "Sshtop" She said in a very drunken voice. He was groping her and she didn't like it. She pushed him away but he just pulled her closer "C'mon don't be a prude now." He whispered harshly in her ear. She didn't want this, any of this. She didn't even know if she wanted Rylee. Not if you lose Sammy A voice echoed in her head. She whipped her head around, suddenly not spotting her. "I need Sammie" She said wading out the water. "Take me home!" She demanded. But he just chuckled "Surprise, Surprise He said holding his arms out wide and laughing loudly. She knew he was doing this on purpose. She knew what he was going to do but it still stung, like a slap in the face.
"Once a scared little fat girl, always a scared little fat girl.

She turned and walked away from him, a defiant look on her face. You are pretty, you are attractive, you are smart, somebody will love you., she chanted to herself. The same chant she repeated everyday and every night. She walked along the side of the beach until she saw somebody she recognized. Billie maybe? Did he date Nessie? "Uh hey..." She said as she approached him. "Danny?" He offered (Woah way off). She smiled apologetically, at least she hoped it was apologetic. "Can you take me home?"

A few minutes later they pulled up in front of the beach house "Hey how did you..." She began but he just smirked and said "Me and Nessie hooked up here a couple times" Then sped off. All she could seem to muster was "Please not my bed" The thought of Nessie in her room doing That was enough to make her... vomit. Which she did, right on her driveway. Ok, all new low for her but she had a couple hours to sober.

She made the seemingly impossible trek in the house (God they had a lot of stairs). "Shammie" She called "Shammy I'm swary, I'm a bad person. Please still love me." She found one of the bathrooms locked and started... somewhat banging on the door. They never locked doors in her house, no matter how upset you were. "Open up, Shammy pleash. I love you, I will always love you. Your my Besht friend." She gave up on banging and simply whispered Pleash"


Vanessa was having a great time. Her cousin was being attacked by some perv, all her friends hated her, and she was wasted. Just when she thought it couldn't get better, here comes Steve all angry... and hot. So hot "So tell your goons to leave me alone or I'll..." Vanessa licked her lips "Bend me over your knee?" She inched closer to him "Oh wait, I'd like that." She blew him a kiss before walking away. "By the way your two drama queens are gone. I really hope my cuz' got a ride because she is past DUI" She giggled a bit at the end part.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie Wicks Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: Steve Coltman Character Portrait: Vanessa Hart
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Steve Coltman

"Bend me over your knee?" Steve's eyes flicked as his mind created that image. He wouldn't hate giving Venassa what she deserved. His resolve was almost broken when she inched closer and admitted to liking it. He was so caught up in the moment he almost missed the last part. When she was far enough away Steve sighed, "I'm gonna lose control one of these times, and then I've really fucked up then." He looked around and saw the only people were missing were Sammie and Khloe, "Damn it, did nobody think it was it good idea to watch her?" He saw the half of the Twin Tools that Khloe was hanging around before he lost track of her.

Steve ran over to him, "Max right? You wouldn't happened to have seen Khloe recently or at least know where she went?"

"Yeah, we started making out, it was getting heavy. Then out of nowhere she started freaking out about how she wanted to go home?"

Steve's anger grew as he listened to Max. "You didn't think it was a good idea to take her home?"

"I don't owe her any favors, she just a tease."

"One last question, Leo ever hit you?"

"No, why?"

"Just a shame really," as he finished his sentence he punched Max in the gut with his left hand, "That's for not giving Khloe a ride home, and this is for taking advantage of an intoxicated 18 year old." As he finished speaking he brought up a right uppercut to Max's jaw. He landed on his back and from the looks of things, he was about ready to cry. "Now, you must suck at picking up chicks if you have to resort to molesting drunk 18 year olds. Now, you know what comes next, I find out this happened again to Khloe or any other girls and I might not hold back next time." When he finished speaking a whistle went off behind him, "You say anything to contradict me and I'll speed up our next session."

"You two there, what are you doing?" A male life guard said running up to the pair.

"We were just rough housing and it got kinda out of hand. Sorry about that." Steve said extending his hand to Max.

"Yeah, we're sorry about the trouble sir," Max said getting up.

"Alright, but just keep yourself out of trouble." He turned to Steve and said, "I catch you 'rough housing' again, and I'm going throw out, understood?"

"Crystal clear sir," Steve said nodding. The life guard walked away from the pair. "Now, find your friend and bail. I'm guessing we're gonna take off soon anyway." He saw Ellie and remembered that he last saw Sammie with her. He walked over to the girl and said, "You wouldn't happen to know where Sammie went right? Last time I saw her she wasn't in a good place, Khloe got a ride home from someone and..." Steve plopped down on the sand next to her, "I think Vanessa is playing mind games with me, and I think I kind of like it. I'm sorry, I just needed to vent." Steve sighed. He needed to tell somebody about Vanessa's games with him and he sure as hell couldn't tell the rest of the group.

He looked up and saw Lacey talking to Rylee and felt something in his chest. 'Ah crap. I think I'm getting jealous.' He tried banish his feelings like he has done before, except they weren't going away. He wanted to wave to her, but he was afraid she wouldn't see him. So, he just resigned himself to watch her from a distance. "They never tell you that being a teenager is one long hellish nightmare."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: Steve Coltman
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Sammie felt a little better, since Khloe had basically begged at the bathroom door for her, but, she knew that once she was sober, they wouldn't talk. She hated it. But, for her now ex, best friend's sake, she had to give up Rylee. It was a long, and hard decision that she'd thought about while she was in the bathroom with the door locked. Sammie decided it was for the best, even though she did have feelings for him, deep feelings, and when he opened back up, she'd go out with him no matter what happened between him and Khloe.

But, for now, she was single and ready to mingle. She searched her bags of luggage for something decent to wear. Finally, she found the perfect outfit. Since they were going out to a club, Sammie decided she'd go, even if no one wanted her to. She needed to get her mind off everything that'd happened so far. Like, the current Khloe and Rylee situation.

Sammie slipped into a tight fitting dress that, from belly button level down to her lower thigh, was fabric with sequins. Then, everything above that was black fabric. It felt smooth, and kinda shined in the light. The sequins had light dancing off them in every direction, if Sammie just breathed. Since the dress was spaghetti strapped, she slipped on her white jacket, giving it more of a classy look, but it was an alright outfit. To add a little Sammie to it, she put a spiked bracelet on, with black pumps, that were about 4 inches, making her look really tall. The pumps had studs on the toes.


Sammie stood in front of the mirror doing her cat eyes, and playing with her straight hair, thinking about dating, crushes, and people. Then, she felt something deep inside her awaken. As if it'd been waiting forever to.

She liked Steve.... alot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie Wicks Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: Davey Jones Character Portrait: Steve Coltman
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{“Would you destroy Something perfect in order to make it beautiful?”― Gerard Way }

"I just talk to the girls I like, like... people." She let out a deep breath, she knew that and anyone she liked she treated normally but, whenever they were having a moment or she even thought about leaning in to kiss him whether it was anyone of the guys she had feelings for. She changed back into the insecure person she used to be growing up. She looked from the sky back to Rylee as he started to speak again. "It's not like they're some heavenly God that'll eat you alive if you say something wrong. And you never know if they like you back, ya' know, She snickered as she shook her head softly, letting some water still out of her hair.

"Look, them liking me back isn't even a slight possibility. But, thanks... I'll keep that in mind." She told him as she offered his a one side of her face smile. "And now for your advice. How do I get Khloe to not hate me? When she's sober, of course. Because I'm pretty sure everyone knows I'm choosing her over Sam." Lacey raised an eyebrow as she listened to him speaking on how to make Khloe not hate him. Even though she should have been angry at him, she wasn't and that just got Lacey angrier about the whole situation.

"She doesn't hate you, Ry. Honestly, she doesn't even though I think she should. All you have to do is talk to her, one on one. No one around and let her know what you really think of her." She advised him. She sighed softly. "And while she's my best friend, make sure your 100% sure about your choice between the two of them... While I adore her and see her as a sister, I do care about you too and I don't want you to think that you made a mistake down the road." Lace patted his arm softly before walking back towards the shore. "By the way, if you ever want to talk to a girl who will actually listen, I'm here. 'Sides, I do love a good CW drama story." She said with a reassuring smirk and small wink as she walked away and onto the sand, not really looking towards Davey knowing damn well she would start blushing... again.

As she walked on the beach, she smiled towards Steve and ruffled his hair a bit before looking around for Kevin, Khloe, or even Sammie. But, as she looked around she couldn't find Max either. Did they really just leave? Really? Lacey groaned in annoyance before walking to her car and just sitting in the driver's seat as waited another twenty minutes or so for the others to pile in to either her car or the other car they had brought so they could begin getting ready for the night.

As she got out of the car and pulled into the driveway, she was the first one to dart in the house to start getting ready knowing good well she would take the most time. As she walked up the steps she looked towards Khloe with a sly whistle and smirk as she winked. "Hey, how you doin'?" She said while imitating Joey from Friends. Before heading in the house she chuckled. She couldn't control what Khloe did for Rylee or any other guy. All she can do is disagree and be there for her. The girl quickly walked to her room, with her shirt back in her hand as she rushed to the room and closed the door behind her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie Wicks Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: James Butcher
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Night Two
| August 10| 10:00 p.m | thirteen days left|

After a tremulous day of partying at the beach the group heads back to the hoouse where Sammie and Khloe aree waiting for them. Steve helps Khloe in her slightly drunk haze, sober up while everybody gets dressed. After about forty minutes everybody is dressed and ready to go. Khloe, Rylee, Lacey, and James pile in a car. Davey, Samie, Steve, and Ellie pile in the other.

The group heads to Club Bamboo, where Davey has a VIP hook up. The bass is bumping so loud that the room seems to thump along. Blue and pink lights give it a dreamy haze. The VIP area is blocked off by a rope but Davey easily gets them in. A waitress leaves a bottle of vodka on the table and takes their drink orders. The VIP area is more like a lounge with long rounded white leather sofas and chic glass tables. Blue lights shine overhead.

On the dance floor people are grinding and jumping and fist pumping their way through songs. In thee center theres a mosh pit of sorts except they're just jumping. To the left of the dance floor is a bathroom hallway filled with weed smoke. To the right a secluded dark area that couples seem to be using to get "acquainted"
The bar has two hot bartenders. Kevin is one of them, the other is a pretty girl. They expertly serve drinks and charm customers. Vanessa sits at the bar a cat like smile playing on her lips. Eager to see wha awaits them tonight.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie Wicks Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: James Butcher
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Steve Coltman

As Steve entered the VIP area, he could only whistle. "Damn, Davey. Once again you have delivered." Steve laughed as he patted Davey on the back. "Alright, folks I'd hate to be that guy, but somebody does. We need designated drivers. I'll be one and we need another volunteer. As much as I would like to drive two cars at once it just isn't going to happen." As he finished his sentence the sweet aroma of marijuana filled his nostrils. "Nature calls. Sammie, I'll dance with you after I get back. 10 minutes tops." Steve said smiling. As he made his way to the bathroom the grin on his face got larger and larger.

Steve entered the bathroom and was greeted by a wall of smoke. "I think I died and went to Hell, 'cause Heaven can't be this awesome," He said walking up to the sink. He saw lighters go off and on all around him, and somebody was always coughing. When he got to the counter he checked himself out in the mirror, he had put on a black suit, with his tie tied loosely, and his white shirt was tucked in. He shot himself a smile and pulled out his weed. He rolled up a joint and light it in under a minute. Steve walked over to an empty spot on the wall and leaned up against it.

A couple minutes had past and he had about only took a couple of hits, when a voice startled him, "Hey, could I get a hit off of that." He looked at where the voice came from and saw a cute red head, with green eyes, and wore a little black dress that hugged at the right places.

"Uh.. Sure," For once Steve was at a loss for words. He handed her the joint and soon, his words came back to him. "Wait, isn't this the men's restroom? So, why are you here?"

"I saw something I liked so I followed it." She said handing it back.

"And that would be?"

"I'm not telling."

"Is that so, Well as much fun as this had been..."


"I got somebody waiting for me, So you can keep the rest of that. I'll see you around." Steve said as he headed out the bathroom. While the door was closing behind him, he could have sworn he heard her shouting about how she didn't get his name.

He finally got back to the VIP section in 9 minutes, "See, told you I'd be back in under ten minutes. Let's dance," Steve held out his hand to Sammie. Something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He looked over with out turning his head and saw Vanessa smiling. Steve felt his pulse quicken, 'Keep it cool, she's not good for you.'His focus shifted back on Sammie.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie Wicks Character Portrait: Lacey Paige Character Portrait: Khloe Chase Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Rylee Vanderpool Character Portrait: James Butcher
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Khloe had escaped from the confined space as quickly as possible. She looked around, amazed by the life of the party. Everybody seemed to be in a trance and she understood why. She immediately curled into one of the soft leather couches. When the waitress took her order she shook her head "Yeah, no. Do you have a Shirley Temple?" She leaned her head against the couch, her feet tucked under her. She smiled at Davey "This is Amazing Davie" She shook her head "I don't know how you did it." but it's amazing.

The waitress came back setting their drinks on the table. She went to take a sip of hers when a voice behind her said "This club has the best drinks and your getting that." She turned to see a dark haired guy with big pale green eyes and chiseled cheek bones. He wore a rugby team polo and designer jeans. "Uh yeah I am." She said with a straight face but ended up grinning anyway. I'm Charles She nodded "Khloe

Turned out Charles was a nice guy. They walked over to the bar and started talking. He was here with his friends from college and he did indeed play rugby. He asked her to dance but she wasn't too sure if she could even really move in the low cut dress without spilling out so she declined. But she did give him her number when he asked for it. When she came back to the VIP section she was still grinning a little. After being brutally insulted. by Max and the whole Rylee situation it was good to feel.. wanted in a romantic way.

"Will you guys dance?"[color] She asked as she sat between James and Ellie. She leaned her head on Ellie's shoulder [color=#FA3264]"I feel like we haven't talked all day. I didn't get to ask.." She said moving her hair, which straightened almost pooled in her lap "Are you ok." She tugged on a red curl "I haven't seen your gorgeous smile all day" She pulled out her phone and sent a text to Davey

To: Darling D
Ask Lacey to dance NOW

Then looked at him pointedly when he opened it. She glanced around. Sammie and Steve were dancing, Vanessa was seething at the bar watching them. Rylee sat next to James and she forced Davey and Lacey to sit next to each other on the opposite side facing them. She sat next to James and Ellie.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sammie Tyrant Character Portrait: Steve Coltman
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Sammie took Steve's hand, and walked out into the crowds of people, dancing away their worries. She wanted to be like them. Then, she frowned, looking over at Ellie. She'd forgotten to come back. Sammie was consumed in her own self-pity, and Khloe being with Rylee, that she forgot to tend to her and Ellie's new found... friendship. She felt extremely guilty, but didn't want to make a scene, so she decided she'd talk to her privately later. Sammie hated herself for basically lying to Ellie. "I'll be right back.." was all she said, and it probably cost her Ellie. Sammie sighed, and then shook it off.

Sammie saw Steve nervously look at Vanessa, and Sammie tightened her grip on his hand. She then grabbed both of his hands with hers, as they danced. Honestly, Sammie felt jealous of Vanessa in that moment. She'd never really given her a second look, always ignoring her when she and Khloe went out and happened to "run into her", or at Khloe's house, and she'd make her "surprise visit". Sammie quickly shook those thoughts out of her head as she didn't want to think of Khloe. Anything that'd make her think of Khloe and Rylee tonight would drive her insane, and make her hurt herself. She sighed, remembering in that second, that she'd already hurt herself earlier before coming to the club with the others. As she thought of it, the fresh cut across her upper thigh stung, and she could feel it trying to heal itself. Sammie then turned her attention back to Steve.

As she held his hands tightly, she felt... amazing. Steve made her feel amazing, and she shook her head, making it look like part of her dance, to hide it. Did she really like the boy Vanessa wanted? It'd make sense she liked Khoe's..

Sammie smiled brightly at Steve, the first time since she'd come to the beach house, really. "Steve! Steve, can I tell you something?" She asked, rather loudly, speaking over the music... or trying to. Her hand gripped Steve's tightly, and it seemed as if they were dancing in rhythm to one another. The beat of the music was constant, and repetitive, making it really easily danced to, and everyone around them seemed to be loving it. Sammie didn't recognize the song right off, but she knew Steve probably did. She smiled, and laughed, watching Steve dance with her.
As they danced, Sammie noticed her and Steve would slowly, inch by inch, get closer to one another. Thinking it was the crowd growing on the dance floor, she shrugged it off at first. But then, she realized they were, and not the crowd. She then found herself almost touching his chest, but shot her hands up, letting out a "Woo!" to the beat of the music, and shook her hips in a swaying motion, her whole body seeming to be in sync. "C'mon, Steve! Let me tell you!" She said loudly, and looked him in his big, gorgeous eyes.
