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Those of the Devil's Kin.

Those of the Devil's Kin.


It's odd how we take advantage of our lives, though, once we lose what we have been taking advantage of; we realize how much we miss it. Especially if the ones who took it, where now the ones who decide whether or not you will see the next sunrise.

939 readers have visited Those of the Devil's Kin. since YooHooYummyTummy created it.


The End.

The year was 2016, December 8. The winter months had started to become slow and cold; snow almost surrounding everywhere you go. Not only was it slow, but also peaceful; no wars wailed, nor did other countries fought. Finally, after four years, the world had achieved the peace it so longingly desired. Not only did it bring peace for the nations; but the economies flourished, causing the homeless and employed count drop significantly. Everything was perfect; everything was as good as a dream for the world.

Though, like all good things such as dreams and perfection; it all must come to an end.
So it did; crashing down as if it was being hit by a plane. Everything had ended.

Within just a few weeks, an invasion had occurred; sending humanity and all of its victims swirling downward as it flushed down the toilet.
Now, this invasion was far from the alienist movies or the zombified theories- it was further from the sudden explosion of the sun hypothesis or the earth’s inner eruption belief. No, it was something out of the blue, unexpected from varies of theories.

They called them vampires; of course, it wasn’t their real names- just assumptions that had formed after the eating habits and visual ties of these creatures. The authentic name for these creatures would be Drac Vlastar; Romanian words that tie together like the red strings of fate to be translated in English as the ‘Devil’s Offspring’.

They attacked out of nowhere, warning no one. They killed countless, even millions of people, animals, and destroyed various houses, buildings; even the skyscrapers of which humans took pride upon, ones which had touched the skies and allowed humans to be the envies of others, fell to their knees within a few minutes.

In a period of only a few months; humanity had turned into the slaughtered, and the Drac Vlastars had became the dominant creatures. Now of course, there is the occasional group of survivors whom claim to be heroes; killing themselves out of stupidity and arrogance. Small groups of humans who are still alive, now stride in hiding; clinging onto the last strand of hope while the Drac Vlastars are living in the lap of luxury, feeding and becoming rich- taking the places of where wealthy human had once roamed.

Though, not all is bad in the eyes of these Drac Vlastars; not only has the environment exceeded in its beauty, but they’d also restored the elegance of that of the Victorian times. Of course, shunning all of those who where not Drac Vlastars; humans where both killed and eaten, or went by unnoticeable and undetected- forced into fear and to be completely concealed.

Of course, the Drac Vlastars’ days become numbered; the amounts of humans dying by their hands have increased versus the amount being born. That is when the new revolution of mankind dawned in; the first type of man being captured and taken in by the creatures. They called this new species Nou; once again, a Romanian word that has the meaning of ‘new’. The difference between the Nous and the original humans, where small, yet, the life saver, or perhaps, either species- or so to speak.

While humans could die of a bite of the Drac Vlastars; Nous could not. Nous could not die from the hands of Drac Vlastars, nor could they die by their own hands. Only an original human could kill Nous. This new discovery had everyone in chaos; regular humans soon began to harvest Nous while Drac Vlastars began hunting them. Those who had harvested them soon began to train them; many thinking that the Nous would be able to help fight, and defeat the Drac Vlastars.

And so, the end of death had been replaced by the beginning of a war; a war that could destroy both of them. Only one name could describe this war; both sides began to call it The End.

The Overall Plot.

ImageThe overall plot will take place two hours before the invasion all the way till 2018, two years after a declaration of war has been placed. The settings will change accordingly to each advent that occurs. The conflict will between the original humans, the Drac Vlastars and the Nous; the conflict will be a bit lose and vague, allowing the characters to form their own conflict and such. Nous are already presented within the human race, yet, the human race hasn’t exactly pin pointed them out; they still remain hidden within the race.

The setting is similar to a slight steam punkish Victorian era; the Drac Vlastars have abandoned the new technology and tore down the amazing architecture to replace it with their own; often Victorian like buildings with renaissance like art that showers the streets- it is quite beautiful actually.

Despite the Drac Vlastars living within the beautiful cities and country sides; humans are damned to the life of hiding. They hide away in once was their great cities or their great town; a result of the invasion. The buildings decayed, as the streets emptied; looking as if humanity was long gone. They are like cockroaches; they cannot be killed that easily. Yet, humans do dwell within the waist land that has long past its expatriation date; with its drinkable water and filthy ground, it’s no wonder why they are at such desperate measures. Image

The Species/Creatures.

  • The Drac Vlastars~
    They are similar to vampires; almost in every way. For, they have two forms, a demonic form and a seemingly normal form; often of the time, their demonic form (which often varies; all in all though, they have the same basic structure of a daemon like creature with wings) is used in battle, hunting and mating rituals. Their diets consists of human flesh and blood; to keep up a stable metabolism, they must feed at least, once every week- if they go without a feeding, then they simply lose power and stave, evidently leading up to death. Drac Vlastars are not angsty teens who seek out true love; no. They are very definition of a poised and elegant monster; they have no hearts nor are they able to control themselves when they are in their demonic form. They are sensual beings whom cannot enter the sunlight without bursting into flames; though, they can enter light- just not the sun.

    Drac Vlastars are not able to ‘turn’ a human into one of their own kind; now, they can have sexual relations with a human that leads up to a child, but they cannot ‘turn’ a human into one of their own. Thus saying, the child will always take after its father; for example, if the father is a Drac Vlastars while its mother is human, the child will become a Drac Vlastar (killing its human mother), while if the father is human, while the mother is a Drac Vlastar, then the child will be born as a human (being killed by its mother). Like the mythical legends of a vampire, Drac Vlastars cannot see their reflection within the mirror, and always, 100% of the time, kill their victims brutally; whether it is battling, feeding from them, or even trying to get their way with a victim, they almost, always kill them.

    The Drac Vlastars are immortal; though, that does not mean they cannot be killed. The ole’ ‘steak through the heart’ or ‘chop off the head’ thing works; though, it will only work if the object penetrating their bodies is either silver, gold or diamond. Unlike the legends of the Vampires, religion has no effect on them; so holy water or crosses have such reaction. While fire and ice cannot kill them, it will greatly and significantly injure them; with this, the Drac Vlastars do heal faster than a human, but nothing drastically fast. The immortality that the Drac Vlastars obtain, only hold up to their age; like a regular person, a Drac Vlastar ages normally until they hit the age of 25 years, which, by this time, their body will stop aging all on its own. They are immune to any known diseases but AIDS or HIV; which, if one gets, will stop their aging system and have them age normally- while, at the same time, still keeping the immortality base.

  • The Humans and Nous~
    Nous are humans; the only difference between the two is that the Nous can only be killed by regular humans or natural causes (IE, death by old age, disease, natural disasters, etc). Despite this, humans treasure Nous as if they where warrior-gods; the moment they are born, they are hidden from the world and are trained underground in secret- some are even put into war already.

    There is a very distinct variation to tell whether they are just normal humans, or Nous; that is something as very simple as their eye color. Nous’ have a very unique eye color that simply varies from a faded grey or a violet purple; the color is very natural, and does not ‘pop out’ like some of the other eye colors. Nous have specific power besides not being able to die by the hand of the Drac Vlastars or other Nous; though, their immune systems is much more tolerating than a normal humans’.

The Time Line.

  • The Invasion- []
    Summary of it so far~
  • The Aftermath- []
    Summary of it so far~
  • The Ruins- []
    Summary of it so far~
  • The Silence- []
    Summary of it so far~
  • The Nous- []
    Summary of it so far~
  • The Hope- []
    Summary of it so far~
  • The Standings- []
    Summary of it so far~
  • The War- []
    Summary of it so far~
  • The End- []
    Summary of it so far~

The Character form.

Code: Select all
Full Name:
(First, Middle, and Last- be creative. :D)
(Male or Female-self explanatory)
(Any age will due; preferably though, I’d like ages be above 18 years old. For Drac Vlastars, please be reasonable- I DO NOT want to see a ten thousand year old vampire).
(What are you?)
(Pictures are optional; either way, you’re writing a brief description of your character).
(You do not have to give me a three page essay on your character’s personality; if you’d prefer it to be created within the story, that is fine. All I am asking you, is a brief summary of your character. This can be as vague as you’d like).
(Once again, just a brief summary of your character’s past; nothing more. I am not asking you to poop out a long, ten page essay).
Sample Post:
(The sample post is just here so I can get a taste of your writing skills; therefore, you can type up anything you’d like here- anything that relates to your character. As long as it’s typed by you).

The Rules.

  • The writing~
    My motto has always been, ‘it’s the quality that counts, not the quantity’; which is true because I much rather have a role player who writes little, yet the quality of the writing is wonderful than one who writes a lot yet has poor quality. With me saying this, that does not mean I’d want someone who constantly writes short paragraphs while I’m pooping out long pages; my ideal type of role player I’d like to role play with is someone who can write really well, and put a lot of effort with the length of the pages. Also, I do expect you to use the 'places' tabs in your posts; though, this is only required when we get further into the role play. At the moment, there will be only one or so places tab. :)
  • Persistency~
    As a usual thing that has been asked by various people who role plays, I would like some dedication to the role playing; I understand that usual pop up when real life comes and pulls you out of dream land and smacks you upside the head, and you tell me (preferably before it happens) then I understand. Even telling me after you’ve been gone for about a week or so would be nice and we can continue where you left off- I can easily type up a summary of what’s been going on and you can jump right in. Over all, I’m just asking you not to suddenly disappear without telling me. This being said, I do expect the role players to post at least once to three times a week. :P
  • Gender Division~
    I will warn you now, I am a bit picky when it comes to picking the females over males; I try to be equal as possible between the two genders. The reason I am pickier with the girls over boys is because of the fact that that specific gender seems to be a bit more popular within the website. Despite this, I will accept a character regardless of gender if the character sheet is freaking awesome~. :)
  • Maturity~
    I’d like to keep this rule short, sweet and simple; I want this role play to be mature, while at the same time, abide by the Roleplaygateway’s rules and guidelines. Thus saying, I would like there to be little to no romance; of course, I know I cannot totally band the romance, and if it does developed, then please make it appropriate to the role play’s plot. I do not want some Drac Vlastar falling in love with a Nous or human. They are design to kill without heart- similar to how we treat cows; would you fall in love and merry a cow? No? Good, I don’t expect it to happen in the role play. :D
  • The Character~
    At first, I will only accept three to four characters of the Nous; once we have an even number of each species, then I may start accepting more. Please note, that this is not first serve, first get. I am accepting those who I think and believe will be fit for the part; but do not fret; I am not that strict when it comes to it. Thus saying, I will not be accepting Reservations. If you reserve a spot, I will not only be a bit pissed that you have not only read through any of my rules or story line, but I will not reserve anything entitling your name; your character better be damn awesome for me to forget it.
  • Have Fun~
    Self Explanatory. I’m not that harsh when it comes things, but I do hope you abide by my rules; I don’t want to enforce them and then feel like I am being bitchy. I don’t have that many and I do hope you join and I haven’t scared you off- yet. :3

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Taking place in...

2016, Earth our primary setting

It is now present day earth. For more information, please sneak a peak inside.

2016, Earth

2016, Earth by YooHooYummyTummy

It is now present day earth. For more information, please sneak a peak inside.

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2016, Earth

2016, Earth by YooHooYummyTummy

It is now present day earth. For more information, please sneak a peak inside.

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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nabi Abielle


Character Portrait: Nabi Abielle
Nabi Abielle

"Well, this sucks..."


Character Portrait: Nabi Abielle
Nabi Abielle

"Well, this sucks..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Nabi Abielle
Nabi Abielle

"Well, this sucks..."

View All » Places

2016, Earth

2016, Earth by YooHooYummyTummy

It is now present day earth. For more information, please sneak a peak inside.

2016, Earth

It is now present day earth. For more information, please sneak a peak inside.

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Most recent OOC posts in Those of the Devil's Kin.

Re: Those of the Devil's Kin.

Sorry guys! I had forgotten a thing on the character form, so if you'd be so nice enough to look at that; it isn't anything drastic, just asking whether you are a Drac Valstar, Nous, or a regular human. Once again, sorry for this late update! I hope you guys can understand and update it! :D

Re: Those of the Devil's Kin.

This looks like tons of fun.

I'd like to play one of Nous. Should have 'im up within the next couple of house, if not by tomorrow.

Re: Those of the Devil's Kin.

I'd like to join. Seems very interesting.

Those of the Devil's Kin.

Those of the Devil's Kin.

The End.

The year was 2016, December 8. The winter months had started to become slow and cold; snow almost surrounding everywhere you go. Not only was it slow, but also peaceful; no wars wailed, nor did other countries fought. Finally, after four years, the world had achieved the peace it so longingly desired. Not only did it bring peace for the nations; but the economies flourished, causing the homeless and employed count drop significantly. Everything was perfect; everything was as good as a dream for the world.

Though, like all good things such as dreams and perfection; it all must come to an end.
So it did; crashing down as if it was being hit by a plane. Everything had ended.

Within just a few weeks, an invasion had occurred; sending humanity and all of its victims swirling downward as it flushed down the toilet.
Now, this invasion was far from the alienist movies or the zombified theories- it was further from the sudden explosion of the sun hypothesis or the earth’s inner eruption belief. No, it was something out of the blue, unexpected from varies of theories.

They called them vampires; of course, it wasn’t their real names- just assumptions that had formed after the eating habits and visual ties of these creatures. The authentic name for these creatures would be Drac Vlastar; Romanian words that tie together like the red strings of fate to be translated in English as the ‘Devil’s Offspring’.

They attacked out of nowhere, warning no one. They killed countless, even millions of people, animals, and destroyed various houses, buildings; even the skyscrapers of which humans took pride upon, ones which had touched the skies and allowed humans to be the envies of others, fell to their knees within a few minutes.

In a period of only a few months; humanity had turned into the slaughtered, and the Drac Vlastars had became the dominant creatures. Now of course, there is the occasional group of survivors whom claim to be heroes; killing themselves out of stupidity and arrogance. Small groups of humans who are still alive, now stride in hiding; clinging onto the last strand of hope while the Drac Vlastars are living in the lap of luxury, feeding and becoming rich- taking the places of where wealthy human had once roamed.

Though, not all is bad in the eyes of these Drac Vlastars; not only has the environment exceeded in its beauty, but they’d also restored the elegance of that of the Victorian times. Of course, shunning all of those who where not Drac Vlastars; humans where both killed and eaten, or went by unnoticeable and undetected- forced into fear and to be completely concealed.

Of course, the Drac Vlastars’ days become numbered; the amounts of humans dying by their hands have increased versus the amount being born. That is when the new revolution of mankind dawned in; the first type of man being captured and taken in by the creatures. They called this new species Nou; once again, a Romanian word that has the meaning of ‘new’. The difference between the Nous and the original humans, where small, yet, the life saver, or perhaps, either species- or so to speak.

While humans could die of a bite of the Drac Vlastars; Nous could not. Nous could not die from the hands of Drac Vlastars, nor could they die by their own hands. Only an original human could kill Nous. This new discovery had everyone in chaos; regular humans soon began to harvest Nous while Drac Vlastars began hunting them. Those who had harvested them soon began to train them; many thinking that the Nous would be able to help fight, and defeat the Drac Vlastars.

And so, the end of death had been replaced by the beginning of a war; a war that could destroy both of them. Only one name could describe this war; both sides began to call it The End.

The Time Line.

  • The Invasion- []
    Summary of it so far~

  • The Aftermath- []
    Summary of it so far~

  • The Ruins- []
    Summary of it so far~

  • The Silence- []
    Summary of it so far~

  • The Nous- []
    Summary of it so far~

  • The Hope- []
    Summary of it so far~

  • The Standings- []
    Summary of it so far~

  • The War- []
    Summary of it so far~

  • The End- []
    Summary of it so far~

The Characters.

~The Nous~
-May add More-
  • Taken; Nabi Abielle

  • ~The Regular Humans~

  • ~The Drac Vlates~

  • Taken.

The Rules.

  • The writing~
    My motto has always been, ‘it’s the quality that counts, not the quantity’; which is true because I much rather have a role player who writes little, yet the quality of the writing is wonderful than one who writes a lot yet has poor quality. With me saying this, that does not mean I’d want someone who constantly writes short paragraphs while I’m pooping out long pages; my ideal type of role player I’d like to role play with is someone who can write really well, and put a lot of effort with the length of the pages. :)

  • Persistency~
    As a usual thing that has been asked by various people who role plays, I would like some dedication to the role playing; I understand that usual pop up when real life comes and pulls you out of dream land and smacks you upside the head, and you tell me (preferably before it happens) then I understand. Even telling me after you’ve been gone for about a week or so would be nice and we can continue where you left off- I can easily type up a summary of what’s been going on and you can jump right in. Over all, I’m just asking you not to suddenly disappear without telling me. This being said, I do expect the role players to post at least once to three times a week. :P

  • Gender Division~
    I will warn you now, I am a bit picky when it comes to picking the females over males; I try to be equal as possible between the two genders. The reason I am pickier with the girls over boys is because of the fact that that specific gender seems to be a bit more popular within the website. Despite this, I will accept a character regardless of gender if the character sheet is freaking awesome~. :)

  • Maturity~
    I’d like to keep this rule short, sweet and simple; I want this role play to be mature, while at the same time, abide by the Roleplaygateway’s rules and guidelines. Thus saying, I would like there to be little to no romance; of course, I know I cannot totally band the romance, and if it does developed, then please make it appropriate to the role play’s plot. I do not want some Drac Vlastar falling in love with a Nous or human. They are design to kill without heart- similar to how we treat cows; would you fall in love and merry a cow? No? Good, I don’t expect it to happen in the role play. :D

  • Have Fun~
    Self Explanatory. I’m not that harsh when it comes things, but I do hope you abide by my rules; I don’t want to enforce them and then feel like I am being bitchy. I don’t have that many and I do hope you join and I haven’t scared you off- yet. :3
