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Titans 2.0

Titan's Island


a part of Titans 2.0, by Hal_Wannabe.

The island where Titan's Tower stands.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Titan's Island, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

193 readers have been here.


Rocky shores with one end having been converted to an obstacle course.
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Titan's Island

The island where Titan's Tower stands.


Titan's Island is a part of Titans 2.0.

1 Places in Titan's Island:

4 Characters Here

Game Master [0] of Earth 362
Mew [0] A little Cat girl that can pack a punch
Kaosu Komonachi [0] The Knowledge Type
Owen Kingsley (The Halo Knight) [0] "Prepare yourself! In the name of justice!"

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Nikki looked over her shoulder at the other teen heroes gathered around where the cook Dick Grayson had hired was cooking on the grill, she stared and realized that at least one of them was missing. Nikki shook her head, it wasn't any of her business.

She quickly stood up and moved away from them.

She needed to find something to occupy her time, and right now she felt like getting sweaty and dirty, which meant the ideal activity for her was the obstacle course.

She walked over and turned the dial that decided the difficulty to one and set the countdown. She quickly took her place at the starting line and watched the clock




The siren signaling the start went off. She ran forward and ducked under a door as it slammed down. She was already rolling back to her feet when a blade came slicing horizontally at her. She jumped over and went flying as a section of the ground dropped out from under her.

Nikki barely managed to grab the edge and pull herself up. She felt the blasts as they slammed into her. She could feel the heat licking at her skin but she charged forward anyways. Lasers never did have an effect on her. She was just glad that it wasn't bullets, as painful as lasers could be to others, they were still just light and couldn't push her back. She fell and went sliding down a slide that had been hidden behind an outcropping, quickly pulling her board off her back she managed to pull it under her feet. She glided down the slide and noticed the long trench she'd need to clear to get to the other side. She popped her back wheels just as she reached the end of the ramp and went sailing. Her eyes widened as a barrage of discs came from both sides.


She brought her energy soaked right hand up and swatted at the ones on her right. Two went flying while three more smashed into her body and exploded throwing her at the other discs. Nikki lost track of her board as the explosions from the second set of discs threw her to the side.

Her head hit the edge of the wall as she fell into the pit.

Nikki coughed. "Okay, that one hurt."


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Halo arrived at the Titans Tower expecting to get down to business immediately. But right now they were simply standing around doing nothing. He was tempted to leave. If he had no reason to be there, then he had no reason to stay. But he knew that this was important, so he simply decided to be patient.

He noticed one of the other titans go off to the obstacle course. He was interested. At least, he'd get to know his 'teammates' better. He went out as the count down started. He was watching from behind the balcony, overlooking the course. She was skillfully moving through the course on her skateboard like a pro. Needless to say, he was impressed.


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Ion placed her hand on the trunk of the tree and appeared next to it, visible for everyone on the island to see. She seemed to be unaware of the others, for she was fully distracted by the titan communicator. She pressed the big button to the left of the screen and seeming as if nothing happened, she began pushing all the buttons on the gadget randomly in great speed. "AAGH!" Ion yelled suddenly, tossing the communicator from hand to hand as it started spewing gray smoke.

The device finally fell to the ground and erupted into flames. Ion sighed in an irritated manner as this always seemed to happen to whatever she touched, although it could be a result of her curiousity. She picked up the half-melted communicator and the fire began to die slowly, as if she were drawing the flames away.

Ion's wrist and hand glowed orange in the fiery steam that enshrouded her. The broken communicator was cool to touch, as the flames had gone, but there would be no fixing the damage. She winced at the thought of having to ask for a new one.


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Halo blinked as the girl actually left the obstacle course to talk to him. He decided to shake her hand. "I'm the Halo Knight. Or you can just call me Halo." He looked back behind him at the others. "This is a waste of time. I'd expect us to actually be doing something..." One of them had set her communicator ablaze. That was kinda' interesting... Halo thought with a cocked brow. He had to admit, this one was amusing. He turned his attention back to Nikki. "And you? Not enough action in the barbecue area?"


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Richard or Manbot as most people knew stood silently watching the others from the corner of the room. It was not that he was normally a shy person it was just that he was worried that he was going to accidentally hurt some one. It had been a long time since he had worked with anyone and he had not yet learned the strength of this group that he had been invited to join. He was shocked from his melancholy thoughts when won of the girls communicator burst into flame. He sees how frustrated she has become and decides to walk over to her. As he approaches he notices the soft wheezing of his armors servos. Damn he thinks at least no one will say I'm sneaking up on them. Once he get within a few feet of her he pulls out the communicator he had been given and offers it to her saying, "Here take mine."


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"So, like I said, I'm Nikki Nuclear, aka Nikki Thompson. I got my powers in the Pembleton explosion a few years back, how about yourself?"

The Pembleton explosion... Halo thought. How on earth did you even survive that...? He looked at his sword and then back at Nikki. "Owen Kingsley. I can't honestly say I have powers." He drew his sword. "I simply have weapons created by the great Merlin himself." He sheathed it again, and looked around the room. "What do you think about the others? I think only a couple of them are actually enjoying the cookout."


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Nikki shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, we gotta start getting to know each other at some point right? But it feels a bit forced. "So weapons forged by Merlin, damn. That is impressive." Nikki stared out at the city across the water.

"Man, can you believe this, it's bee five years, and suddenly we're here, a new team. The new Teen Titans. You know, I almost said know, I didn't want to leave my friends behind, but they straight out told me, if I didn't accept, they would kick my ass." Nikki's eyes watered. "I never wanted to leave them. When I had nothing, they gave me back my life."


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"Clarissa..." Halo remembered reading about a Clarissa in the recent news blogs he saw on the internet. A mysterious girl appearing out of nowhere. It wasn't specific, but it said she was found with strange cat appendages, that seemed to be real. Halo remembered closing the site after reading that, so he didn't inquire any details. It was the internet. Who'd believe weird stuff like that? Though seeing is believing, he supposed.

He approached her and offered his hand. "No one's mad. Confused and slightly surprised, but not mad." He decided to see if he could probe her. "What's a girl like you doing here?" At the same time, he kept watch on her aura, to see if there were any changes in her mood.


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Clarissa looked first to Owen, but was then attacked by Nikki. Nikki was petting her and playing with her ears. Mew purred some and swished her tail happily. They weren't attacking her! She mewed loudly and spoke up,

"I'm here because I was told to come here." She held up the communicator with a smile. She would fit in after all. She wagged her tail more and laughed.

"Even I don't know why. I just was told to come. Teen Titans, or something like that." She thought on it for a moment. That sounded familiar. Maybe she had heard it on the news before? She shrugged and crouched down a little.

"You're Owen, and you're Nikki, right?"


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Ion started backwards as a man offered her a communicator. She blinked a few times and smiled gratefully, shaking her head and pushing his hand away. She spoke something in rapid Chinese and then realized that he probably wouldn't understand her language. She took a moment to recompose herself and then translated in English. "That's nice of you.. but I can probably get a new one somewhere else. You'll be needing that in the future, anyway." In further translation, this meant, "That's suspicious of you and I can't afford taking anything from anybody right now because I don't know who's an enemy and who's an ally." As she continued to smile at him, her eyes remained hard and icy.


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Manbot didn't understand the the girl's first response to his offer. He almost scratched his head in confusion, but realized that it would only cause a loud scraping sound. When she explains what she had said he listens intently when she finished he puts the communicator away. Noticing the icy glare his own eyes (the only thing that can be seen through the armor) take on a dull glazed look. He says to her, "As you wish." Walking back toward the corner he had been standing in, he looks back over his and says, "Although I probably deserve your contempt, you should not be so cold to people who are offering to help you." After finishing he walks back over to the corner and stands still, facing everyone in the room.


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Halo staggered forward as the cat girl unexpectedly leaps on his back. "I'm happy! You people are being nice to me!"

Again, he wasn't sure how to respond. He had never seen a person, mutated or otherwise, act like this before. "W-why wouldn't we?" He muttered, struggling to support her. She was deviously heavier than she looked. "You're supposed to be our teammate, right?" Though this was rather unnerving to Halo. "Could you please...get off?"


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Ion's eyes widened a bit in surprise at his response. She stared at his retreating back with one raised eyebrow. She thought she had masked all signs of unpleasantness in her act.. but apparently he saw through her charade. The girl rubbed her head furiously and looked down, her eyes narrowing in frustration. "Great.. my first day in Jump City and I already made an enemy." Exhaling sharply, Ion knew she'd have to try to make amends for her rude behavior. Still standing in place, she took off her black slipper and hurled it at the guy. Her method of "apologizing" would probably stir up more unnecessary trouble.. although, it would also cause Ion less embarrassment.

Ion swiftly walked over to the suit of armor and stood in front of his path. He was a great deal taller than her, but she'd put up a fight if he tried to pass. "Look, we probably didn't get off to a right start.. and seeing that we're probably going to be on the same team, I'd say we call a truce, yeah?" She shot out her hand in an awkward attempt of a handshake and stared up at him insistently.


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Nikki walked around and started to pull at Clarissa, but the more she pulled the more the cat girl seemed to cling onto Owen. Dammit she really is a cat.

"Hold on. I'm getting this kitty off you."

Before Owen could react her feet were digging into his back to give her leverage to pull the catling off. When that was worked she practically teleported to his shoulders and started to pull at her from there.
The damn cat just wouldn't let go no matter what position she took. And of course with all the pulling and the extra weight it wasn't a surprise when they fell backwards.

Nikki blushed a little as Clarissa's back smashed her breasts flat. And of course the was the male member of the trio that was laying on top of both of them.


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Tanzen- Traum landed quietly on the island and the wings on her back dissipated into air once again. She pulled the communicator from her pocket once again and examined it closely, poking here and there. Once she had thoroughly poked at it, she pulled a sharpie from her pocket and drew the outline of a little green monster and stuck the sharpie back in her pocket. She waited a moment for the ink to dry and stuck the communicator into her pocket as well.

"Hallo?" Tanzen- Traum gazed about her in slight awe.

This was a lot more fancy so far than what they had in Cottbus. She saw a girl fall to the ground with a feline girl on top of her and a guy on top of her.

"Sie benötigen hilfe?" She walked over to them and then realized that she'd spoken in German, "Do you need assistance?"


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Nikki looked at her and spoke with an edge in her voice. "Oh no, not at all. I'm just buried under an avalanche of human flesh. I'm perfectly fine." She examined the girl up and down, from the tattoo on her face. Damn that's cool. To the shoes on her feet. It was obvious the girl had some severe punk leanings, but still, she looked damn good.

Dammit, there are way too many cute girls on this island. She sighed. "So are either of you two ever going to get off me?"


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"Hold on. I'm getting this kitty off you." Nikki stated.

"Wait, wha--" Halo couldn't finish. She put her heel on his back and pulled the cat girl. All in all, this was quite painful, as Clarissa dug her claws into this skin. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Hey! I told you! I'm still a regular person--!!" Halo lost his balance, so he and Clarissa fell flat on top of Nikki. This must have looked embarrassing. Especially after a girl speaking German came up to them and asked for help.

Nikki spoke again. "So are either of you two ever going to get off me?"

Halo glared. "Well we wouldn't be like this, had you not pulled on her like that..." He struggled to roll over, now face down on the floor and off of Nikki. He then, got up slowly, keeping his balance. Clarissa was extremely clingy to say the least.


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Manbot standing in the corner does not even flinch as the slipper flies his way. It bounces off with a slight ping. He can't help but smile weakly under his helm. He bends over and picks it up as she approaches. When he stands back up she makes a comment on wanting a truce. He stands there silently for a few minuets the only sound being his breath through the re-breather of his armor. Finally firmly shaking her hand he speaks, "I accept your offer for a truce. Although I didn't realize that we where at war." He hands her the slipper and continues, "I think this is yours," he chuckles to himself, "If you are going to make a habit of throwing things at me, maybe you should throw heavier or harder objects, that way I can practice dodging."


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(( Agh.. sorry for the late reply. x _ x ))

Ion winced in pain as he shook her hand and quickly covered her flaw with a strained smile; She could honestly feel the bones in her hand grinding together. She withdrew her hand and continued to smile at him in awkward silence as she flexed her hand behind her back.

"Thanks," she muttered, her voice barely audible. taking the shoe from him. Instead of putting it back on, Ion tossed it to the ground and kicked off her other slipper.

"If you are going to make a habit of throwing things at me, maybe you should throw heavier or harder objects, that way I can practice dodging."

Ion looked up at him and frowned, staring at him doubtfully. "I don't think dodging is necessary in your case," she replied, bending down to brush the dirt from her bare feet.


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Halo looked at his communicator. "A mission hm? Good timing. Guess we better head off now." He headed out the tower and looked out to the city, which was across the water. He could swim, but not that fast. So.

Halo drew his sword. He absorbed the aura from within, and focused the ethereal energy to his feat. Halo then made a dash across the water, heading toward the city at a high speed. He couldn't fly like some other heroes, but his magic sword allowed him to be very versatile.


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Nikki smiled a little, "Err not quite, I get on your back and I fuck up the wings, and I've been arm-pitted, that ain't fun. So if you don't mind." Nikki reached down and grabbed mew at the ankles. "This'll work for me if it works for you."


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Halo walked back into the tower briskly, with only the cat girl following him. He wondered what the others were doing, but decided to put these thoughts aside. His metal boots clunked around the hallways until he reached his room, not paying attention if Mew was following or not. He took off his armor and set it aside neatly on the counter across his room. He then set down his weapons on a stand next to his weapons and then moved over to his bed, where he crashed, face down on his pillow. He was tired, and hoped to rest for a bit.