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Caesar "Longinus" Wittmann

"I am prepared to take back Earth. Our land is ours to liberate!"

0 · 750 views · located in Alke

a character in “Titans Of Alke - Blood & Steel”, as played by Wargamer


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{”Don’t fight a battle if you don’t gain anything by winning."}
-Erwin Rommel

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{N A M E}
Caesar Wittmann

{N I C K N A M E}
{A G E}
{G E N D E R}
{R O L E}
Talos Second-in-Command
{B I R T H D A T E}
23 November; Sagittarius

{S E X U A L I T Y}

{”The function of a citizen and a soldier are inseparable."}
-Benito Mussolini

{H E I G H T}
1.70 meters/5 foot 6
{W E I G H T}
{E Y E C O L O R}
{H A I R C O L O R}
Dyed light gray
{A P P E A R A N C E}
Caesar is, indeed, a short person. In his home, he keeps his hair messy, but when outside, he usually sweeps his hair to the back with applied wax, as he likes looking classy and neat. He is a thin boy, but he isn’t scrawny. His body is actually rock solid despite being light, thin, and small. He usually wears his gray coat outside, with his black pants tucked inside polished black boots. In addition to that, Caesar also wears his black crusher, a peaked cap with its spring stiffening removed to make sure his headphones fit while he wears his cap.
{O D D I T I E S}
He’s slightly gone mad with his obsession to reclaim Earth and to avenge the lives lost in the war.

{”Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, brains save both.”}
-Erwin Rommel

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{P E R S O N A L I T Y}
✦ Rational ✧ Focused ✦ Good decision-maker ✧ Strong-willed ✦

Caesar isn’t necessarily the kind type. He’s a xenophobe against the Swarm, usually making statements about how he wants to kill every last one of them. He may be a good friend to Orion’s engineer, but he’s an introvert at heart. He doesn’t care too much for show-offs. It situations, he’s more of a realist, and he solves these situations with rational thinking, usually going beyond the limit to reach what is expected of him. He isn’t too much of a coward, and instead uses his fear and anger as a motivation to drive him forth. He is a good observer, checking his surroundings before doing anything stupid.

Though brave, he usually stays away from the danger by taking out enemies from afar before charging in. He is not so much of a strategist, but he does what his commander asks of him. However, when left with no choice, his strategies compose of maneuvers that seem impossible, but end up being very effective. He has a strange philosophy and belief that humanity must one day crush all opposition and rule the galaxy. Though not a good mathematician, when his AI is inactive, he makes the calculations himself with the help of his trusty notebook and calculator he keeps inside his cockpit. Overall, however, Caesar is man built for the job.

{"There is only one sort of discipline, perfect discipline."}
-George Patton

{T I T A N}
The Blue Kaiser is a war machine quick and sturdy, though small. It is heavily armed and heavily armored, but the complex energy source makes it look light in weight. It was influenced heavily by a blueprint made by Caesar himself. It stands at ninety feet with its whole frame similar to Roman Centurions’ armor. Since it is heavy, though, it has no flight capabilities, being only able to rely on its speed on ground, which is around 80km/h. On the photo to the right, the 80cm and its magazine is unattached. Image
{A L T E R N A T E F O R M}
It has a self-propelled gun as an alternate form. It can only move at 30km/h. Image
{T I T A N A B I L I T I E S}
✦Main cannon- A gigantic 80cm gun with an advanced autoloader. It has an effective range of 48 km and create a crater 9 meters wide, and 9 meters deep, being able to penetrated through 7 meters of concrete; unfortunately, it has its downsides, being the fact that it can fire only 1-3 rounds per minute depending on the condition of the autoloader. This can only be used in SPG mode, and is usually left in a safe spot after use in battle to drop several hundred tonnes when the
✧Stealth Systems- Stealth systems make the Kaiser invulnerable to infrared sensors. As backup, it also has smokescreen launchers on the side of its head.
✦Semi-automatic cannons- These guns are located around the tank with a caliber of 90mm. These are usually used in close combat, and is used in the SPG mode in case something gets too close.
✧Main cannon 2- In addition to the 80cm gun, it has a secondary main armament: a 120mm gun used in both Titan mode and SPG mode. In SPG mode, it works in unison with the 90mm cannons in case something gets too near; the 120mm can mount the same shells as the 80cm with the addition of an armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot, or APFSDS.
✦Melee systems- The melee armament of the Kaiser; it includes one sword and one spear.
{W E A P O N S}
✦Dagger- Used in close combat.
✧Pistol- Acts as Caesar’s secondary armament; it is shaped like a P38 Luger.
{S T R E N G T H S}
✦Rational- He makes good decisions because of this trait.
✧Focused- Distractions don’t get the best of him.
✦Grace- Though a serious person, he has grace in fighting.
✧Loyal- Does what is asked of him by his superior. He is also very loyal to the cause and would not leave his post as an enemy to the Swarm until properly dismissed or until death.
✦Agility- Caesar is an agile young man both outside and inside his machine.
{W E A K N E S S E S}
✦Unpredictable- As said above, he does what is asked of him, and even goes beyond his limits to do so. This is not a personal weakness, however, but a weakness in the team’s structural integrity.
✧Radical- He would do anything to kill the Swarm bastards including using up all his ammo during a fight.
✦- Sometimes, when things don’t go as expected, or when he sees that his superior’s strategy is either lacking or dysfunctional, he shuts off all comms and does his own thing. Most of the time, he is successful, but when he loses, his honor is destroyed. In either result, he still gets punished.
✧Dishonorable- Though loyal to the cause, what he does to accomplish his mission can sometimes be too dishonorable.
✦Not being trusty- This is a great weakness. Though he follows his commander, he doesn’t wholeheartedly trust her and his teammates, though he still trusts them a small bit.


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{H O B B I E S}
✦Studying history- “Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it.”
✧Sword fighting- “It’s a dead art, they say, but not for me.”
✦Writing- “It cools me off.”
✧Training and recalibrating his machine- “They say that practice makes perfect. I want perfection in the battlefield, and I want absolute control over my machine, and over the situation.”
{H A B I T S}
✧Kickboxing- “You say I’m thin, but I’m strong enough to take you down.”
✦Walking by nature- “Nature is relaxing.”
✧Eating- “Yeah, yeah, I’m thin, but that doesn’t mean I can’t eat chocolates and spicy foods!”
{L I K E S}
✧Rationality- “Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, brains save both.”
✦Humanity- “I’m human, you’re human, we’re all human. Therefore, we must all fight for the good of humanity. If you don’t you’re nothing but a filthy traitor.”
✧Stealth- “The art of hiding in and shooting from the darkness is the most vital part of my mission.”
✦Speed- “Speed is the key to survival and victory.”
✧Good strategies- “These are the harbingers of victory!”
✦Military- “The military is the defender of human interest, as well as humanity as a whole.”
✧Nature- [color=324b21]“Nature is the determiner of all.”[/color]
{D I S L I K E S}.
✦Show-offs- “The idiots would get themselves killed.”
✧The Swarm- “These monsters must be purged in humanity’s light!”
✦Irrationality- ”Plain stupidity that must not be accepted.”
✧Traitors- “There’s a special place in hell for traitors.”
✦”Progressives”- [color=324b21]“Progressivism is what they call their ideology, but they want nothing but to degenerate humanity even further. Uncivilized brutes.”[/color]
✧Socialism-[color=324b21]“Socialism is the enemy of natural selection.”[/color]
{G O A L S}
✦To avenge and reclaim his homeworld- [color=324b21]“When I was a child, my father taught me of Earth and its beauty. Now, all the glory is gone. We must purge the enemy with our light and burn them to the ground. We must reclaim Earth, no matter what the cost!”[/color]
✧To fight for humanity- [color=324b21]“Humanity is our soul and spirit!”[/color]
✦To fight for glory- [color=324b21]“Personal glory is refreshing. The glory of a whole species is something different entirely; something greater.”[/color]
✧To become a general- “It is my goal to become general; I must reclaim Earth!”
{F E A R S}
✧Failing- [color=324b21]”Failure must never be an option! I must not fail for the sake of humanity!”[/color]
✦Dishonorable discharge- [color=324b21]“This will be an utter disgrace to me and my family; my pride and honor would be stained!”[/color]
✧Death of allies- “I may have a militaristic attitude, but it’s true. It’s happened to me before.”

{“Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.”}

{H I S T O R Y}
Caesar was born as the eldest of three children to loving middle-class parents. His father was a businessman in the realm of fuels and oils, working for a rising company. His father was a kind man, and usually told stories about Earth to the young Caesar. His mother worked as an employee at Azura Inc. His parents and siblings were pacifists, unlike the young Caesar. Unlike his siblings, he wasn’t doing too well in school in general, but he topped his History and Social Studies classes.

With his discovery of the Internet, he started having political views at a young age. He became interested in it too much. At one point, he was a progressive, thinking that class struggle must be accomplished, that private property must be abolished, and that the leader and the people must be equal. Later on, however, his love for socialism changed due to his Social Studies’ teacher’s and his great grandfather’s views. He realized that with equality, there is chaos; with no private property, all his parents worked hard for would be gone; with the leader and the people equal, there will be no lawmakers, no peacekeepers. He began respecting his great grandfather’s views and took them up for his own.

One day, while on a tour of a large structure in a remote facility with his friend, the son of an Azura Inc. employee, they were attacked by a horde of Arachroids. Along with Caesar was a bunch more of his friends, all of whom were killed by Arachroids. His already strong hate for the Swarm only grew more after the events. He hit his head pretty hard there, and came out a madman towards the Swarm, holding xenophobic views against the Swarm, and against all alien species, be them the natives of Alke or the Swarm.

He eventually joined the military at the age of sixteen, where he trained both his mind and body hard before being drafted into Atlas, where he had wished to be in. His parents were worried and sad, but it was the only dream Caesar could reach at this point, that dream being to be part of the charge towards Earth. When they formed squads, Caesar was assigned to Talos. At first, he didn’t see much good in that, but seeing that he became the second-in-command, he became content enough. He became a friendly rival of his Orion counterpart, and became good friend with Orion’s engineer during his years there.
{F A M I L Y T I E S}
Gavin Wittmann|Father, 53
Mary Wittmann|Mother, 45
Angela Wittmann|Sister, 15
Alexander Wittmann|Brother, 12

{"Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.}
-George Patton

{F C}
{C O L O R}

{P R O T R A Y E D B Y}

So begins...

Caesar "Longinus" Wittmann's Story