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Lilith Monetrone

So much WIP sowwy

0 · 598 views · located in Degluttait

a character in “To Be King”, as played by catgirl




The living tell the dead not to leave them, and the dead do not listen. The dead tell the living not to be sad for them, and likewise the living do not listen. The language between the dead and living is one of misunderstanding and silence.


Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #90DDEE
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ silver

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◆ Koko Hekmatyar
Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ◇ moahi


Lilith L. Monetrone







The Fool





Light blue


Lilith is a stunning woman in her own right. She was technically an adult, though she was so young that she could resemble a youth in her energy and spirit. Standing at a rather average height, she is not overly tall and willowy, neither is she someone that can be considered petite. Somewhat in the middle, her muscle definition was flawless and she walks with the confident stride of someone much older than she actually was. Her body, while lightly muscular, wasn’t devoid of the soft curves of a woman, though she wouldn’t consider herself far too voluptuous. Her eyes, on the other hand, are cold, like ice. Every tendril of various shades of incandescent striking white-blue staying lined up next to one and other making her eyes themselves seem like a white tundra, its as if a blizzard is eternally raging on with a black void in the center that are her pupils. They don't capture light,but defy it, their watery blue nearly glowing, but those were on the occasions that she shows a true smile.


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((basically a character in a rpg game that has all her points distributed to intelligence. Bleh.))



◎ Optimistic ◎ Innocent ◎ Enthusiastic ◎ Lively ◎ Confident ◎
If there was a word to describe Lilith, it would be a hurricane. She is better described as the eye of her own storm, moving around constantly in a whirlwind of activity. From the time she was born to the woman she had become now, Lilith never let herself get complacent with staying in one place for too long. It is almost as if she never gets tired, even more than that. She seems to have a constant need of finding new things, new people and objects, engaging even the most unsociable people in lively conversations. Even if her past is nearly as dark as any other, it doesn’t dampen her spirits one bit, and she stays every bit as optimistic as usual, perhaps even more. she takes it as a personal challenge to see the bright side of everything, a game she has made up as a child. Lilith exudes an air of wide eyed innocence, being unconventionally enthusiastic at everything suggested. Her eyes were always bright with excitement at the world, just like a child. She acts childishly at times too, having the habit of pouting whenever she doesn’t get her way. Lilith doesn’t seem to care much about how others perceive her, simply acting in an immature way whenever she likes.


◉ Reckless ◉ Sly ◉ Naive ◉ Unempathetic ◉ Mischievous ◉
Yet, at the same time it comes with a recklessness. Lilith has no concern toward her life any longer, she has completely given up on the world. If not for the promise, it can be argued that she would have killed herself long ago. And it was fine with her. She had long lost the power to care about her life or the lives of anyone else, and while she doesn't want to die in general, she wouldn't care if she did. Lilith has no concern whatsoever, she insults people with a rank much higher than her, throwing her life in danger at every turn. What was the worst thing they could do to her, kill her? No longer fearful of death, she laughs in the face of danger. She joined the gang looking for death, and death had better be what she got in the end. The fact that she has a slight autism doesn’t help matters, giving her an emotional distance from most people.


Literature - Literature is the language of the souls, in her opinion. No matter which language it is written in, it represents how people think, how alike or different their mentalities can be. It represents a belief, thoughts and feelings the writer once poured into the text. She still tries to collect books, or any passages she manages to salvage from the wreck that was their town.
The Sky - The sky is warm, it is cold, it is dark, it is bright. The sky is forever changing, a tapestry of colors woven together. It is the clear glass that spread across this broken world, it is wonderful.
Small spaces - Why some people have a strong fear of them was always a mystery to her. Small spaces or corners make her feel calmer and gives her respite with her thoughts when she is panicking. She curls up into a ball to make herself feel better when there are no small places in a room, which is not possible unless it is made like a circle.
Order - She has an innate need for everything to be in their own exact place around her, upright and tidy, almost obsessively so. If anything was out of place, it makes her feel uncomfortable, even if it was only by a few centimetres.

Yellow - Yellow is a color for bad luck, something that Lilith always believed in yet has no explanation for whatsoever. She steers away from yellow food or uses food coloring to change their color, and avoids most yellow objects in general.
Strangers - People that she doesn’t know just confuse her. It’s like trying to learn a foreign language immediately, it leaves her unable to react properly. It requires proper planning beforehand to seek someone out, including their likes and dislikes and what subjects that interest them. How one is able to communicate in a matter of seconds with a complete stranger is something that amazes her.
Jokes - Another thing that completely mystifies her. Jokes and puns in particular mess up her whole mind, including metaphors and similes. It’s not that she doesn’t understand them, it’s just that they lead to a completely different chain of thoughts altogether, and with the many thoughts stacking up in her mind Lilith feels that she might just go mad.
Promises - While those might not be such a big deal to others, Lilith does not lie and when she makes a promise, she keeps it. Her memory span does her no favors in that aspect, and she remembers the promises she makes even if the person she made the promise to has long forgotten or was only doing it without thinking. She gets upset sometimes when people don’t treat it with the same dedication like she does, even if she knew that she was ‘different’/


Memory - Lilith likes to describe her memory like a tape recorder, with all the past events lined up in her mind. If people ask her if she remembers a certain event, she simply plays the tape backward and selects the certain event to focus on. However, like a recorder, there are bits and pieces that are just white noise, or with grainy pictures, usually those that she doesn’t place much emphasis on.
Intelligence - Logic and order are two of the things she is best in, and her cravings for books alongside her brilliant memory has made her very knowledgeable indeed. Truth be told, it wasn’t completely her intention as those were the things that calmed her down, but there is no mistaking that her intellectual level is quite high for a human. With her intellect, she is able to understand which direction the opponent is likely to move in, alongside which decisions should be made for her end of a fight and what she wants others to perceive.
Manipulation - Despite not understanding emotions herself, she is good at manipulating them, turning others against each other with ease. It is something that she has an affinity for, though she doesn’t do it often unless it is with rival gangs.

Autism - It is like a barrier between the feelings of others and her, something that she cannot cross. Though it has been mostly the source of her exceptional memory and intellect, it has hindered her greatly in terms of relationships and how to sense the emotions of others. Lilith does her best to cope, she has a small list of what emotions show on a person’s face, like when a smile means that you’re happy and a frown means that you’re upset. Though that doesn’t seem to help much when their faces are changing so quickly.
Stubborn - Nothing is going to stop her from getting her own way. She is recklessly stubborn, refusing to follow orders from higher ups, and all in all completely difficult to deal with. It is, after all, her first time joining a gang, and with such a quick change leaves her with uncertainty how to act. She doesn’t know why insisting on doing things her way was wrong, and has no idea why people get upset at her for doing so.
Weak - It is obvious that she is one of the weakest of the Tarots considering her skills, and the only thing she can be proud of is her high intelligence. She is striving to improve, but for now projectile weapons and staying out of the way in general seems to be her best bet. As much as she seems to understand fighting very well, she can hardly do a thing with her weak blows, more of a mastermind behind the scenes.

Forgetting - Unlike most, she doesn't want to forget her past. Sure, it is dark and twisted, but it was the only link she had to her brother, whose words were still keeping her alive. Sometimes, she feels like she was a child after the Fourth of July, staring at the empty black sky, trying so hard to think of the colors and sparks that once burst so beautifully into the darkness. If she could forget, it wouldn't be so much as saving her as breaking her completely.
Sacrifice - In the sense of sacrifice, it is more of how much others give for her. She isn't worth sacrificing anything for, a fact she strongly believes. She hates to drag others down, even making them do things for her, because she isn't worth that much effort. She is one of the weakest of the Tarots, she is reckless and it can be argued that she doesn't feel anything for others, she is basically useless, even in her opinion.
Answer - Explanation



So begins...

Lilith Monetrone's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Li Xiuying Character Portrait: North Black Character Portrait: Eden Black Character Portrait: Genesis Delacroix Character Portrait: Regulus Adrastos Character Portrait: Lilith Monetrone
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0.00 INK

Another morning of August passes by. The gross, disgusting city of Degluttait goes on, the 'sports' and 'games' they play continuing with each passing second. Turn the corner, you'll find a horde of prostitutes. Turn again, someone just had their brains shot out. One more time, and there are children huddling on the walls of dirty buildings for warmth, wearing nothing but rags and dirtied sheets.

The sky is painted grey, the ground painted red, and the people painted black and white. The scent is putrid, having been soiled by the smoke of cigarettes, toxin of the city, and breath of the men and women that are stuck there like birds in a cage.

Shades walked the city the night before, ones that were far from human. Some rose to be as tall as houses, some had terribly long arms, others had elongated necks with black teeth and claws. They come in all sorts of sizes and shapes, and roam primarily at night, where they are most comfortable.

But other problems besides that supernatural factor lie in this city. Darker problems stemming from the root of it all: humans. The gangs are still fighting against each other to this day, one hoping to rise high enough in the ranks to take over the city as the new king. The killing won't stop.

Today, two fires have started, one in the east, and one in the west. The 'fire' in the eastern corner of the city is centered around a group of the Tarots taking care of a shade that's overstepped its boundaries into the grey sunlight. It's already killed five people and injured seven and won't stop until it's killed. Thankfully, that's why the Tarots were tired, and the fight's still lasting. Turns out this shade might take some extra work to kill. Most are generally small, weak, and easy to kill, but sometimes... sometimes there are special cases that turn out to be quite the challenge. At least the pay is high and well, because there actually may be high chances of someone getting themselves killed.

On the western side, the Tarots have gotten into a bit of a fight with another gang known as Thirty One. Turns out one of them spat down at a member, and a few minutes later, guns are firing and people are falling dead on the ground. The fight originally was just a fist fight until someone decided to play dirty and took to their weapon instead. Now, there's no mercy, and the fight's been taken to Thirty One's base. They're struggling to hold ground against this ruthless group of people, and actual fires are starting around the area. They're playing dirty - using hostages, spreading out, destroying things in order to create obstacles - but that's how the fights work in a dirty city. People die, and there will always be a loser and a winner.

But in the end, the city swallows everything.
