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Chancellor Eadmond Virane.

A chancellor of the Elder Council, and the brother of Uthyn Virane, the mighty king of Daggerfall-Camlorn. Eadmond always acts accordingly to his kingdoms interests.

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a character in “To claim a throne - The Elder Scrolls”, as played by Alator


Name: Eadmon Virane

Age: 35

Race: Breton

Occupation: Elder Chancellor.

House/Family: Virane

House Seat: Daggerfall

House Crest/Coat of arms: A golden eagle on a sapphire field.

Biology: Eadmond is relatively tall for a Breton, standing at 6,2 feet. He is quite normally built and has a short block beard and hair. His eyes, as the rest of the Viranes, are dark blue..

Personality: He is a cunning man, and while he does not want to cause people unnecessary harm, he will not refrain from it if they get in his way. He is stubborn, and very loyal to his house. Even if it means gaining powerful enemies. He seldom laughs, and when set on a goal. He is as hard to move from it as if he was made of stone.

Backstory: He was born as the second son of the late king of Daggerfall-Camlorn, Beric. His path was set out before him before he even could choose for himself, for he would not inherit the kingdom, and Beric wanted Daggerfall-Camlorn to always have someone near the Emperor. To make sure that it's interests always was represented, and to have a voice on the Elder Council.

While Uthyn was taught to magic, to rule and to fight, Eadmond was mostly taught politics, aswell as handling a dagger in the event of possible assassins. And to first and foremost, to obey and act in the interests of the Virane family. This strict education turned him later on into a shrewd, moderately cold and loyal Chancellor for his brother, less so for his Emperor.. Attending political events as young as eight years old. He lived for seventeen years in Daggerfall, before his father sent him by boat to the Imperial City.

The memory of seeing the White Gold Tower rising before him for the first time, bathing in Sunlight, Eadmond deems to be the moment when he became a man.

After spending over a decade in the Elder Council, Eadmond served his family as he had been trained to do. In the process, gaining several enemies. Then came the Oblivion Crisis. Eadmond was out in the streets when Oblivion Gates started opening. And he survived death from the hands of a Dremoras sword by a few inches. Though lost a considerable ammount of blood.

When he woke up the Crisis was over, the Septim dynasty gone, and High Chancellor Ocato in charge. Eadmond took the situation quickly in hand and made himself an ally of Ocato, gaining the friendship of the High Elf, and the further hate of several councillors.

Strengths: Politics, combat with daggers. He is intelligent and can outwit one if he is not careful.

Weaknesses: He is stubborn and can be lead into dangerous situations if it involves his interests. Not a trained warrior, and will have a hard time if facing one.

Interests: Reading, plotting against opponents. Aswell as alchemy.

So begins...

Chancellor Eadmond Virane.'s Story

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Character Portrait: Chancellor Eadmond Virane. Character Portrait: Kasero Matale Av Cassius
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#, as written by Alator
Eadmond sighed for himself. They had been sitting for three hour without a pause now. And still had gotten no longer than they had when they started. There was too many candidates that did not back, no one could achieve a majority. As Chancellor Clagius finished Eadmond spoke "I say that we put a council of three to rule while we find a new solution!"

A few muttered consent, however more looked angry or annoyed "And your plan is to be one of them?"

It was Chancellor Beric Lerryn that spoke, a lapdog of Wayrest and Eadmonds foremost rival. Eadmond looked across the round table and exclaimed "For the sake of the divines! This isn't about Power. Ocato lies dead, we are leaderless, and our rivals are sure to take advantage of that. We need to show up unity, what else do you think keeps the Empire togheter!?"

Beric snorted "Hollow Words from a hollow man, you have clearly shown that you are just a puppet of you brother, your loyalty lies in the west, not to the Empire.

Eadmond replied coldly "If you didn't know, as you often do, my brothers armies is one of the main reasons why this Empire is still intact. Without them the Imperial Legions in High Rock would have been utterly destroyed. I have Always remained loyal to the Ruby Throne, you however, you are only here to ensure that Septims keeps flowing into Wayrest! If you do not have a suggestion I sugget you sit down and keep your mouth shut!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chancellor Eadmond Virane. Character Portrait: Kasero Matale Av Cassius
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Kasero's hands had twitched half a dozen times during the deliberations of the council, he was barley containing his habit to fiddle around with a loose Septim coin by his seat. Though such a transgression would have gone unseen in a usual and largely unattended gathering of the council, even the unceasing petty arguments could not reduce the significance of this meeting - or the perils it represented.

High Chancellor Ocato lay dead; slain by the hand of the Dark Brotherhood, if one was to believe the Black Horse Courier's sensational coverage of the recent events. Kasero could not imagine what the Editor of the Imperial Newspaper was thinking giving in to second hand rumors. The Council had been too busy trying to nominate a new High Chancellor let alone an Imperial Censor, a position the High Chancellor had kept for himself, and the Black Horse Courier didn't restrain itself in it's newly found freedom.

None the less, thee investigation into the murder was as delicate as they could come, if indeed the Brotherhood was responsible then that meant money... lots of money. Money was certainly nothing any of the distinguished gentlemen in the chamber lacked, nether was a motive for that matter.

Kasero had intended to keep silent and cut his losses, Ocato had been his sponsor to the Elder Council and dare he say a friend and fellow intellect. Beyond the blow to his own position on the council as a supporter of the late Chancellor, Kasero feared what would be the reactions to these events in Summerset. The Thalmor where making gains, signs of further Imperial weakness could go a long way towards convincing the skeptics of secession.

Finally after an eternity of arguments running around the main issue of leadership and another indecisive vote, nerves began to break down. Chancellor Virane interrupted Clagius's dreary review of his ancestors accomplishments in services rendered to the Empire and proposed a settlement which stunned even Kasero's jest of the proceedings. They where having enough difficulty nominating one leader, and now he wanted to choose three?!

As Chancellor Lerryn and Chancellor Virane traded accusations, Kasero collected his thoughts and smirked as he realized the merit of Virane's proposal.

None of the current factions in the council were willing to step aside and see their plans disrupted by their rivals. A council of three however would allow the factions to ally themselves behind one of the members without having to compromise over the main issues they represented.

Kasero was hesitant but decided he would step in; his position in the council was weaker but still relevant, if he waited he would only grow weaker.

"I second Chancellor Virane's proposal and do so nominate him and the right and honorable Chancellor Clagius as it's first two members". Said Kasero, surprising his seat neighbors to his left, right and particularly the shocked Clagius - with whom he had hardly spoken since the last session regarding the Imperial Guardsmen laundry bill last month. Kasero betrayed no emotions in his expressions but knew that his message had been received quite clearly by his colleges. Kasero has frown his lot with Virane, one provincial representative to another. He had tossed the respected but old Imperial noble Clagius as a manageable pawn between them.

Now it was just a matter of seeing if Virane would dismiss him or take him up on the offer and sponsor Kasero as the third and theoretically most junior in the council of three. Kasero could not nominate himself after all...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chancellor Eadmond Virane. Character Portrait: Kasero Matale Av Cassius
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#, as written by Alator
Eadmond drew his finger around the head of a carved wooden dragon as Kasero started speaking. Eadmond looked pleased, maybe he would get support for a leadership, and was about to speak when the council chamber erupted in chaos. Led by the Chancellors from rival Breton kingdoms and Redguards, not eager to see more power pushed into Uthyn's hands, with his brother as one of the Empire's foremost leaders, the Power balance would be shattered in pieces. Daggerfall was an old rival of Sentinel and Wayrest. And the shame of lost wars against Daggerfall in the past still stung in their hearts.

Several Redguards rose from their seats in anger, shouting Words about Conspiracy, and that this had been the three's plan all along.

The Nords on the council, in a great miniority. Looked thoughtful, it seemed like they could agree, if a Nord would occupy the third seat. One of them, a tall Nord who had the name of Engar bashed his fist into the table and shouted "ENOUGH! Sit down NOW!"

As he shouted Eadmond could feel his own influence diminish and Engar's increase.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chancellor Eadmond Virane. Character Portrait: Kasero Matale Av Cassius
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#, as written by Alator
Eadmond nodded, grateful, and replied "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. I am happy to see others who wants a stable government for the Empire. Though I might want to tell my guards to be especially watchful the coming Days, as should you. We made several new enemies today. And right now, the people of Power in the Empire seems to be dying like flies."

As they walked past the four guards guarding the door, who looked a great deal nervous, Eadmonds personal Knights of the Dragon, three of them. Fell in behind him. Dressed in plate and mail from their heads to heels with long green cloaks, carrying the red dragon of Daggerfall. Eadmond felt a thrill of pride. These men would stand against all the might of Oblivion to protect him, and had actually more or less done so when Dagon had attacked the Imperial City. In total Eadmond had a force of twenty Knights in the city. However one had been killed by a Daedroth and one crushed under Mehrunes foot as he had tried to cleave off the Daedra's foot with a great axe. And he had not bothered to ask his brother for new ones.

As they walked in the great hallways of marble, when finally they had gotten away from the other councillors Eadmond turned around and looked into Kasero's eyes.

"Though I gladly accept your support. Remember that I will not, in any way, get on bad terms with Skyrim for the sake of elven distaste for them. Skyrim is one of the absolutely strongest nations in the Empire. And has something all other lacks. Unity. I beg your pardon but I have a letter to write, we will meet again soon."

And with a respectful bow Eadmon left Kasero there, hurrying down the hallway to leave the White-Gold Tower and get to his manor.

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Character Portrait: Chancellor Eadmond Virane.
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#, as written by Alator
Chancellor Eadmond Virane looked over his shoulder with anger and shame. He had failed his brother. The Imperial City was so Close... As had the Imperial Power been. In the light of dusk the White city looked especially beautiful. The first thing Lasur had done was to send his guards after Eadmond and his supporters, claiming that they where traitors and was plotting to have him killed.

Eadmond was forced to leave the city with his household in secret. Bribing several guards to smuggle them out in small groups. Two Nordic chancellors, Eric and Ragnak, would join up with Eadmond on behalf of Engar. The Nords would not accept the Empire to do this. And now, the men of the North, with their Breton allies, would once again come down on Cyrodiil, sudden and Swift, with great power as a storm. And wrest away Lasur from the Ruby Throne.

Eadmond saw in a distance a group of riders, coming from the Imperial City. Finally... He thought as he saw the Nords. It would be good to be on their way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chancellor Eadmond Virane.
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#, as written by Alator
The party was silently travelling through the rocky Colovian Highlands, the rain was beating them down and soaking their very bones. Slowly they had begun to realise how much damage the coming conflict would inflict upon the Empire. Yet it could not be helped. Someone had to do it, elsewhise Lasur would destroy it slowly from the inside.

What Eadmond was thinking of more though.... Was is they could get the horselords of the Bjoulsae river to join them. They where a force that one could Count on. Excellent light cavalry to support the Heavy that his brother had in such vast numbers.

They had been declared traitors. All of them. So their Eyes was Always watchful for any Imperial patrols. They would become safe only when they reached the border to Skyrim. And not completely safe despite that. Lasur could send assassins for him at any time.

However with the muddy countryside road... This journey would take a while.