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Phoenix de Jesús

A wild spirit trying to wash her problems away with drugs...

0 · 2,569 views · located in Tomorrowland

a character in “Tomorrowland”, as played by ~Lonesome Butterfly~




✫ Full Name ✫
Phoenix de Jesús

✫ Gender ✫

✫ Age ✫

✫ Occupation ✫
Waitress at a popular Sports Bar.

✫ Race(+Nationality) ✫
Half Puerto Rican and Half Greek. (American)

✫ Likes ✫

The Ocean
Dogs/Animals in general

✫ Dislikes ✫

Judgmental people
Boring people
Lazy people.
People who talk but don't listen
Talking about her feelings.
Her mother 90% of the time.

✫ Weight ✫

✫ Height ✫

✫ Eyes ✫
A Brown & Yellow Hazel.

✫ Hair ✫
Thick, reaches to her hips, and changes colors frequently.

✫ Body Art ✫
- Nose Piercing
- Tongue Piercing
- Belly Button Piercing
- Two Koi Fish tattooed on her Back.

✫ Personality ✫

+ Phoenix is very blunt, to the point of coming off a bit crude an as if she possesses no manners, but that's not the case, her attitude is more of a defense mechanism than anything else. +

+ She's also incredibly comfortable in her own skin in terms of body image, but more so in the fact that she says whatever she wants and doesn't care how others react to it. +

+ Despite what one might think Phoenix actually can have a great deal of empathy for others in a tough spot, but she has a short fuse for people who just wanna sit and whine. +

+ She'll talk your ear off if it's a topic she likes, or if she's in one of those moods, however if she thinks what you're talking about is stupid, or isn't in the mood, she'll shut herself off an likely tell you to "just stop talking now". +

+ With a live-in-the-moment kind of attitude an a quick temper for anything/anyone that's stupid or getting on her nerves, Phoenix has been known to do or say something that starts fights, but ones she almost always wins out of pure endurance that's fueled by the constant frustration an anger inside of her. +

✫ History ✫

Born to a single mother, who also happened to be a hardcore alcoholic, Phoenix pretty much raised herself from age eight(when her father left them) onward as her mothers addiction got worse. Growing up pretty much on her own, the hard way, has caused Phoenix to be rather street smart and wiser than her years, but it has also led to a lot of resentment towards her mother, especially since the main reason her father abandoned them was because her mother was going through his six-figure salary as if it was nothing, all in the name of another drink, tacky clothing, or bar trips.
Luckily her father was ordered to pay not only alimony but child support, and that is what got them by until Phoenix got her first job at fourteen, an ever since then it's been Phoenix's income, and the monthly child support check from her father, that has put clothes on her back and food in her stomach, since her mother can't keep a job and blows through her alimony quicker ever month. It's essentially been a reverse relationship between the two of them for years now, with Phoenix being more of the head of household, and her mother being the impudent child. Phoenix has controlled the majority of the money in the house pretty much from fourteen, an all her mother gets her hands on is the monthly alimony check, which unfortunately is enough to support her addiction.

Embarrassed, frustrated, angry at the world, and then some, she began to rebel in her later teen years, first stealing her moms unused pain pills prescribed for Liver disease, and then taking the child support money she was saving for college an spending it on what she wanted in the moment - which usually consists of alcohol, drugs, and rave-gear. Now at 18 she's no only a party child but she has in's with the top dealers in the area, making her popular with all the wrong people.

Through all of this Phoenix hasn't had a meaningful conversation with her mother in years, and loves/respects her 3 year old English Mastiff "Beethoven" & best friend Lizzie more than her own mother.

✫ Habits/Random Facts ✫

+ She has an older brother who's 20 years older than her and the two are very close, however he lives in a different state and can't visit all that frequently. +

+ She currently works as a waitress at a rough & tumble sports bar that jokingly coins itself "the poor mans hooters"+

+ Phoenix is the "it" person to come to if you want to know where an underground rave is, seeing as she's a diehard raver. +

+ Despite constantly falling asleep in class and pulling off barely passing grades Phoenix has a near-genius IQ an has learned how to speak moderately-fluently Korean, French, & her fathers native tongue - Greek, along with the Spanish she naturally picked up as a child from her mother. +

+ Unconsciously she'll chew on a lock of hair when bored, anxious, or deep in thought. +

+ Eats non-stop 24/7/365 +

+ Skateboards nearly everywhere, and if she can't board somewhere she'd rather jog or ride her BMX bike than drive - unless it's on the back of someones motorcycle.

+ Phoenix loves gum, and blows bubbles or makes popping sounds with it constantly.

✫ Oddities/Flaws/Fears ✫

+ Trypophobic .+

+ Frequently curses like a sailor. +

+ Licks her own cuts. +

+ Terrified of Bees/Wasps/Hornets/Yellow Jackets, and most insects - minus butterflies. +

+ Lacks communication skills when it comes to talking about herself and her feelings. +

+ Always has to sit facing the door in a restaurant/public place. +

✫ Secrets✫

+ Daydreams about being an artistic Glamor Model - the exactly opposite of how she sees herself. +

+ Has shoplifted nearly 50k in merchandise from tech and clothing stores +

+ Was repeatedly raped by one of her mothers many boyfriends from the ages of 12-13, and is struggling alone with the fact that he's set to be released in a few months from another rape charge that he was under-sentenced for unless she comes forward an admits to being a victim, something she never wanted to do. +

So begins...

Phoenix de Jesús's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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#, as written by Jynxii
Lizzie Moore
The Song || The Outfit

Friday || 4:00pm || Sunny with a few clouds || First day of Summer || In a town on the coast, next to the Beach


Faster. Faster. Faster!

The room blurred past in a swish of color-- only the mirror in perfect focus every other second as her body snapped around and around, her eyes focusing on her reflection every time she completed the 360 degree turn. Sweat rolled down the curve of her back, soaking through the white ballet tunic she wore. Suddenly, her ankle twisted under her- causing her to fall over onto her side. "Fuck," she hissed as her hip made contact with her sun room floor.

Sucking air in through her teeth to stifle the slew of profanities that threatened to spill out, Lizzie slowly pulled herself off the floor. With a groan she made her way out of the room, reaching over to turn off her radio on the way out. Her big recital was next week. It would be the first time since joining the dance class that she was picked for the solo. Her nerves knotted in her stomach, twisting her standard smile into a scowl.

Once out of the shower and back in her room, Lizzie walked over to her phone where it sat on the bedside stand charging. Ignoring the feel of water dripped down her shoulders, she pulled up a group chat and sent out a quick message.

To: Brikster, Mr. Perfect, Phoenix <3
Message: Everyone still on for tonight? We're still meeting under the dock, right? Tomorrowland, here we come!

Lizzie smiled as she hit send and tossed her phone back onto the nightstand. Tonight was going to be amazing. It was the first official night of summer and she was finally free of her academic obligations. She had finished out the year with a solid 4.0 gpa, but somehow her parents had managed to ruin graduation for her. Why weren't you class president? Couldn't you have at least gotten valevictorian? Were you involved on campus at all? Did you get the required volunteer hours?

Their voices echoed in her mind as she finished blow drying her hair and pulling on her outfit for the night. With a sigh, Lizzie looked up into her mirror and stared into her reflection. A curious looking girl stared back at her. "What are you doing with your life?" The girl in the mirror seemed just as lost as she felt, so with another sigh Lizzie left her alone. She didn't feel like staring into her reflection for very long these days- there were things she didn't care to notice about herself.

Friday || 10:00pm || Sky full of stars || First night of Summer

Six hours later, Lizzie had just gotten off the computer when her grandmother came knocking on her door. "It's a bit late, don't you think?" "Yes, ma'am. I was just going to bed. Night, Granny." "Alright, darling. Good night. Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Lizzie smiled warmly at her grandmother as the elderly woman closed the door. Quietly, she waited to hear the sound of her grandmother's door close before she crossed her room to turn off the lights. After taking a moment to set up her pillow doppelganger, Lizzie crept over to the window and very slowly slid it open.

With very careful steps, Lizzie crossed the flat of her room to where the tree branches touched the house. True to her nickname, Kitten, she quickly slipped her way onto, and down from, the tree. Looking back up at her house, she watched as her grandmother's bedroom light clicked off. With a small smirk, she reached into her pocket to text everyone and tell them she was on the way. Starting at a jog, Lizzie made her way as fast as she could away from her parent's perfect plantation house.

When she arrived on the beach, the party had already started. Pretty much everyone from their graduating class was there, even Hannah Brown who,rumor has it, didn't actually graduate. A bonfire was crackling away, surrounded by boys with guitars and girls who were swooning over them. Some people splashed around in the water, but most of them lounged or stood around drinking beer. Lizzie was here for other reasons.
Excitedly, she bypassed the radio and other party goers to head straight for the dock. Her father's yacht would be waiting, and she had the keys in her back pocket. When she got to the docks she was surprised to see that she had beat everyone else there, but not upset. She decided to spend the time prepping the inside for what she had planned during the week- a big surprise for all her friends. She quickly made her way down the docks, knowing that her friends knew which boat was theirs. She slipped inside and began setting up the candles and champagne that she had stolen from her grandmother's cabinet and hidden in the boat during the week.

Just then she heard the familiar sound of footsteps on the pier, and an even more familiar sound of her friends. Grinning, she climbed the stairs out of the boat and onto the deck, where she hung loosely from one of the many ropes on the boat. "Ahoy, there!" Grinning, she gestured widely to the boat, "All aboard!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore
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It was nearly 9:30 when Phoenix made her way out of the shower an into her room, with Steve Aoki blaring from her laptops speakers and Beethoven taking up the majority of her bed as usual. However she still found a little spot on the mattress, flounced down, picked up her blinged out Note2, and re-read the text from Lizzie - which instantly made her smile. It had been a long day around the usual crowd of drunk an abrasive men at work, so she was more than ready to let loose.

By 9:45 she had her currently pink & purple hair tied up into a messy bun and was dressed in a red & black bikini, a pair of jeans shorts, and knee-high buckled converses that actually zipped up in the back.

After stuffing her phone in her back pocket and making sure there was enough water left out for her close to 200lb dog, Phoenix would shut the lights and internet radio off within seconds of each other.
"You be a good boy, mama will be back before ya know it." she'd said to a half-asleep Beethoven, before closing her room door and locking it shut with a key she had made for the deadbolt she put on her door to keep her mom out.

"Y-you know, you don't have to be doing that, all that right there....locking doors inside an all." she'd hear a familiar slurred voice say from behind her in broken English, causing a sour look to form on her face.
"Yeah I do, or you'll steal my shit, haven't we been this enough times - mother."
Without waiting around for a response she jogged down the staircase, grabbed her rainbow wheels and went out the front door - locking it behind her.

The board was quickly thrown on the ground as she pulled out her phone and began to surf through her music until she came across a Swedish House Mafia playlist made days earlier, an once the earbuds were in she'd shove the keys & phone into their respective pockets and take off for the beach.

Her house was only a few blocks away from the beach so within five or so minutes she rolled up to the edge of the sand an kicked up her board.

"There she isssss, my favorite girlfriend in all of-"
"Touch me an I'll kill you." she'd respond to a drunken jock she barely recognized from her school halls.
"Come on baby why ya gotta be like that, it's a good time out here, let loose, like wayyyy loose man!"

Sighing Phoenix turned around and was about to take off for the docks via the sidewalk when suddenly she felt the guy grab her by the waist. Without thinking she pulled out of his grasp then turned around and decked him straight in the face - instantly regretting it when she noticed just how big the guy was. Thankfully though he was so wasted he just fell to the ground as his friends laughed in the background, so as the group of guys reveled in their friends pain she took off towards the Yacht in a hurry.

"Miami 2 Ibiza" was blaring in her ear when she spotted her friend hanging from one of the sail's ropes and pulled out her earbuds.

"Ahoy, there" Lizzie said with a huge grin on her face. "All aboard!"

"So we're playing sexy pirates again? You should of told me, I would of brought my hat and sword!"
Phoenix laughed as she hopped off her board and climbed up onto the Yacht - where she'd quickly place her wheels & phone down and a chair before puling herself up to sit on the railing beside her friend - back facing the docks.

"Hey if a hoard of angry drunk jocks come looking for me, I'm not here okay?" she said while smirking before leaning back some and telling her closest friend what had happened only minutes ago, all while kicking her legs back and forth in mid-air unconsciously.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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Kyato Moore
"There will always be a tomorrow"

A phone buzzed loudly on a nightstand, the bright screen illuminating a dark room. It went ignored, light fading to black once more. The iPhone buzzed again loudly, a groan coming from the bed as a hand blindly reached for it. Kyato Moore slid his finger across the touch screen, opening the message he had received. Squinting his eyes against the light he cursed loudly, sitting up on his knees while on the bed, running a hand through his messy hair. Ky swung his legs over the bed, standing and plucking pieces of clothing off the floor. He pulled on his pants first, patting down his pocket to assure he still had his wallet before sitting at the edge of the bed, sliding his shoes on quickly. A warm body pressed against his back, lips teasing his ear as a slender hand caressed his side. "You're leaving?" Her soft voice whispered, inviting him to stay longer. "Sorry doll, prior engagement." Kyato finished tying his shoes, standing to put on his shirt. Walking to the still open window he ducked through it, shirt still in hand as he stepped out onto the roof. The freshly graduated high schooler didn't look back as he scaled down from the rooftop, walking through the dew covered grass to the front of the girl's house.

Kyato picked a helmet off his seat, sliding it on, visor down as he straddled the motorcycle, starting up the engine with a roar. His hand twisted the gas, tires spinning on the loose gravel as he shot off down the road, shirt tucked into the front of his pants. He weaved in and out of traffic effortlessly, slowing to turn down a dirt road, continuing down at a cautious speed. The glow of bonfires could be seen through the dense trees, the sound of loud music pounding through the air as Ky got closer. Ignoring the crowd of drinking teenagers he kept going until the front wheel of his motorcycle touched the dock. The engine was shut off, front light going out as he dismounted, setting his helmet on the seat. Quickly he put his shirt on as he took the first steps out onto the dock.

"Hey if a hoard of angry drunk jocks come looking for me, I'm not here okay?" Kyato couldn't help but smile as he heard a familiar voice. "Did someone say jock?" he called out to them, stepping onto the yacht carefully, making his way towards the two girls. He gave them a glowing smile, his eyes glossy from the drugs he already took the liberty of using earlier in the night. "C'mere." Ky held his arms open, inviting them to a hug.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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ImageBrik’s tongue toyed with his lip ring, absentmindedly as he leaned against the cracked walls of his drug dealer’s domain. His coffee orbs were fixated with the lighter in his hand as he repeatedly flicked it to life, watching the bright red-orange flames lick at the oxygen, eating it up then he’d shut it only to replicate the process again. Brik was nothing if not consistent. He adjusted the black beanie on his head as his tongue licked over his bottom lip. He was bored, which wasn’t a great feat for him, seeing as he barely found entertainment in anything that didn’t come in a bottle or he was unable to smoke. He snapped the lighter back to life, fascinated by the gruesome beauty it had. It was almost poetic. How something so beautiful, warm, and common could cause such destruction and ruin lives. It was like holding chaos in his hand and…he was doing it again; over analyzing, that is. As of late, Brik has found himself taking an interest in the most mundane aspects that life had to offer. Just last week, he was mentally comparing rain to the rise and fall of human beings. Perhaps this was a part of dying, noticing all of the little things that you never knew you’d miss, like how a cool breeze could make a sweltering hot day bearable or the way the moon made everything so eerily gorgeous. He closed the cap on the flickering light, sighing jadedly.

He had received the news a two weeks before graduation. “Brik,” the salt and pepper haired doctor said in that trademark, ‘I have bad news and I hope you don’t freak the fuck out and make my day worse’ voice. “It ails me to inform you that during your screening…we discovered a large tumor embedded in your pancreas.” There was a pregnant pause as Brik’s mother released a soft whimper and his father rubbed her shoulders as a sign of comfort. Brik was the one that broke the silence.

“So, you can give me surgery and all would be well, right?”


“Unfortunately,” The doctor was using that voice again, but this time it was sprinkled with pity. Brik narrowed his eyes at him. “The tumor has spread and has entered your blood stream.”

“What does that mean?” Mrs. Hamilton asked softly as if she were afraid that if she spoke any louder, she might break.

“It means that your son is terminal, Mrs. Hamilton…there’s nothing we can do for him.”

“Nothing you can do! Nothing you can fucking do?! That is my son on the line. Surely there is something!” Mrs. Hamilton begged, eyes brimming with salty mascara tainted tears. She cried into her husband’s chest, holding on to him for dear life whilst muttering, “My baby…my Brik.” Mr. Hamilton tried to stay strong and keep his face blank, but as Brik looked at him he saw the struggle to maintain composure in the tightness of his jaw and the taunt line of his lips. Brik only seen that look one other time in his life and it was when they all attended Grandma Yana’s funeral twelve years ago. It was an expression that Brik would never forget.

The doctor nodded toward the mourning couple before resting his eyes on the emotionless teenager that just stared at him with soulless eyes. He seemed a bit unsettled as he surveyed Brik as if was waiting for the dead man to cry, scream, maybe even yell at him, but all Brik did was run his long slender fingers through his bronze locks and mutter, “Fuck it, I need a drink.” In an uncharacteristic monotonous drone.

Now here he was, waiting for his dealer to give him the substance that would definitely shorten his life. Was Brik self-destructive? Yes. Did he give a fraction of a fuck? No, he did not. If he was going to die, he’d die on his own terms and throw his middle finger at the one thing that was eating away at him.

“I’ve just got this earlier this morning,” West, Brik’s neighborhood drug dealer said as he meandered down the stairs were two plastic baggies in hand. He held up one, allowing Brik to survey the product. “Pure bliss, man. Potent and fast acting.” Brik’s face conveyed nothing as he eyed the bag of weed.

“How much?”

“For you? I’ll slash the price since you’re a regular. Only thirty bucks for the Maryjane and twenty for the X and Acid.”

Brik nodded, digging into his pocket for his money before slapping it into West’s grimy hand. He retrieve his drugs, stuffing them into his backpack and left without another word. As he made his exit, his iPhone vibrated in his pocket. He maintain a brisk walking pace as he glanced down at Lizzie's text message. Quirking a dark brow, Brik began to write his reply.

To: Liz

Yeah, I'm still in. I've got the narcotics. Bring booze, lots of booze.

"I've got you're back," Audrey, Brik's adopted sister nodded as he pushed everything he needed into his backpack.

“Thanks for covering for me,” he said, giving her a soft peck on her forehead.

“No problem, just means you owe me later.” Brik shrugged the bag onto his shoulders and watched her leave his bedroom. He sat on the bed, eye floating to the clock on his nightstand, waiting for the signal. The clock was beaming 9:35 pm by the time Audrey’s fist light tapped at the wall to signal that their parents were in bed and out of the way. Brik then sneaked out of his bedroom, tiptoeing down the hallway until he was at the stairs. He slid down the banister on his butt then scurried to the backdoor. Once he was free and feeling that fresh Summer air against his skin, Brik made a run for his Impalathat was parked at the end of street. He hopped into the vehicle and zoomed off.

He arrived at the beach a little past 10:00pm. He parked his car, and stuffed his keys into the pocket of his swim trunks. Brik made his way to the yacht with his bag o’drugs hefted over his broad shoulder. Wordlessly, he walked whilst texting everyone to let them know that he was there. He could see them from where he was. He didn’t say a word as he got closer and climbed onto the boat. He gave them all a silent nod in acknowledgement and kept it moving. He really wasn’t a man of many word…or any words at all for that matter. He was the reserved type, but as he shrugged his bag further onto his shoulders, Brik knew that he wouldn’t be quiet and stand-offish for long. He did, however, say one sentence and one sentence alone as he pointed to his backpack.

“I come bearing gifts.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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#, as written by Jynxii
Lizzie Moore
The Song || The Outfit

Friday || 10:05pm || Sky full of Stars || First day of Summer || On Lizzie's Yacht

Lizzie grinned broadly as her exotic friend came aboard the boat, saying, "So we're playing sexy pirates again? You should of told me, I would of brought my hat and sword!" "Nice boots." Her face was actually starting to hurt from smiling so broadly. It had only been a few hours since she last saw Phoenix, but it was a few hours too long. Just then, her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She quickly pulled her iPhone out and looked at the screen. "It's Brik," she said, still looking down at the screen as she read the message.

From: Brikster
Message: Yeah, I'm still in. I've got the narcotics. Bring booze, lots of booze.

"Oh, good. He's coming.. wait.. What the fuck? God, this message was supposed to come in like an hour ago! I swear, I'm getting an android..." When Lizzie looked up from putting her phone into her pocket, Phoenix was just coming up from placing her things into a chair and crossing to the side of the boat.

Phoenix hoisted herself onto the railing, facing Lizzie, and Liz greeted her friend with a warm hug. "Hey if a hoard of angry drunk jocks come looking for me, I'm not here okay?" Lizzie pulled out of the hug and gave her friend a knowing grin. "Causing trouble already?" It looked as if Phoenix might have said something, but then the sound of footsteps caught her attention.

Looking up, an all-too familiar voice filled the air as his cocky stride matched perfectly with his tone. "Did someone say jock?" Lizzie looked back to Phoenix and playfully rolled her eyes. "And then there's this guy," she said playfully, laughing as Ky made his way carefully onto the boat. Once he was closer she could see that he had gotten a head start on the evening festivities.

Ky gave them a drug induced grin and opened his arms wide as he approached saying, "C'mere.." Lizzie laughed and leaned into his muscled torso, attempting to ignore the twist in her chest. They hadn't talked about things yet, and she wasn't sure she wanted to. No, she knew she didn't want to. No one could find out, and no one would have to. Tonight was supposed to be about fun, anyway, not old flames or new growing problems. 'Growing problems'.. Heh. That's putting it mildly.

"I see someone has been pre-gaming," she teased, pulling out of the hug. With a squeak she nearly jumped out of her skin, noticing Brik standing on the boat right behind them with a bag over his shoulder. "Holy shit, Brik, you gave me a fucking heart attack!"She placed a hand on her heart, as if to slow down the rapid thumping of her organ. God, he's so quiet... Brik seemed to not notice as he pointed to his bag, simply saying, " I come bearing gifts.”

Instantly her problems were gone. "Well, that's everyone. Let's get the hell out of here!" With a grin, she made her way to the ties on the boat, releasing it from the dock. "You guys can go ahead down, I'm going to put us in the water and let us coast." With that said, she went over to the wheel and cranked the engine. At once it roared to life, spurting bubbles out of the back by the propellers. Shifting the throttle forward, she set the yacht in motion and carefully maneuvered her way out of the dock- as she had many times before with her father.

Down below, her friends would have come upon the interior of the boat which consisted of a large bed in the far corner toward the front of the boat, two side couches, a large flat screen tv, a minibar, and an all-in-one bathroom. On the minibar, in the sink, sat a bucket filled with ice an champagne. Champagne glasses hung gracefully by their stems overhead in a rack over the sink. [See the link in my last post for more interior description]

Back on deck, Lizzie had managed to free them. No land was in sight, making it pitch black on deck aside from the lights of the cabin and the lights on the outside of the boat which signaled to other boats where they were. Setting the throttle to a slow cruise on autopilot, and putting the course to the island she found last summer (an unmarked island on the map that only she knows about). The island was pretty far away, so Lizzie didn't think to worry about if they'd make it there- it was just an easy course to set. So, without thinking more on it, she made her way into the cabin to join everyone else who had probably already started drinking.

"The party has arrived," she called jokingly as she came down the spiral stairs into the cabin. "What do you have for me, Brik?" Her eyes hungrily looked him over as she reached out a hand to gently touch his arm, eager to get on the level her friends were fast approaching (or that Ky had showed up on). "Phoenix, can you grab me a cup of the good stuff," she added, gesturing toward the champagne. She didn't notice it, but her hand had lingered on Brik's arm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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After watching Lizzie walk away to get the yacht in gear, Brik meandered inside of the boat, shrugging his backpack off of his shoulders and plopping the load onto the nearest couch. He moved like a ghost, gliding to the minibar wordlessly. His expression was a bland one, a phantom of what used to be undying exuberance and joy. That’s what Brik was; a fraction of what he used to be. There was no sadness in his posture, no tension in those taunt muscled arm, and absolutely no soul in those dull dark eyes that once held life in them. He felt hallow as he grabbed a bottle of beer, downing the liquid with the knowledge that his pancreas was probably suffering from it. He gave a mental shrug, it was going to fail him anyway, might as well put it out of its misery. He sighed, pulling his lips away from the glass and contemplating whether or not he wanted to get drunk or high…he chose the latter. His lackluster eyes glanced over at his friends before he gestured for them to join him at the couch. He plopped down, grabbing his backpack and unzipping it. Brik reached in, wrapping his fingers around the neck of his bong and pulled it out for all to see before setting on the coffee table in front of them then he leaned over, raising the bag over his head then dumped his stash onto the table. Plastic baggies full of pills and chronic flooded the table in a sea of options.

“I hit up West and Monty earlier today,” Brik shrugged as he placed his bag on the floor. “Gave me a discount since it’s summer, I guess. Dig in.” He toyed with his lip ring as he reached for the packet of Ecstasy and opened it, placing the pill on his tongue then swallowing it dry.

By the time Lizzie came back to join the gang, Brik was beginning to feel the affects of the drug. His pupils were blown so big that his entire iris was drenched in black bottomlessness as he leaned against the wall. This transformation was the equivalent to a blown out candle being relit. He felt alive again. For the first time in a while, Brik smiled blissfully. He felt her hand on his arm before he saw her. Lizzie’s fingers were cold against his heated flesh and he welcomed the icy touch graciously.

"What do you have for me, Brik?"

Brik could think of a few things he had for her, but they had nothing to do with drugs. The old Brik was drifting into oblivion and Lyfe was settling in. He regarded her with a quirked brow and a playful smirk that was borderline flirtatious. “Depends on what you want?” It was suggestive to say the least. Brik reached into his pocket, pulling out his personal packet of Vicodin and Ecstasy. He waved it in front of her face, mockingly and grinned. “Say ah.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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Phoenix laughed at her friends mention of getting an android, something shes been trying to tell her for months, before any told-ya-so remark could be made on her part though Ky called out to them.
As he approached, arms wide open, an invited both of them in for a hug she'd go along with the flow, until suddenly dunking out of his grasp and letting Lizzie take on the embrace by herself at the last second.
"Psych!" Phoenix said through laughter, turning around just in time to notice Brik come aboard.

"Ah, Ninja always." she joked with a small smirk just before Lizzie squeaked.

"I come bearing gifts." was like a bell sounding to begin the festivities, and within moments of that "bell" going off Lizzie would release the boat from the restraints holding it close to the dock.
"You guys can go ahead down, I'm going to put us in the water and let us coast." their captain said, and with little need for a reason to get things started Phoenix was the second - behind Brik - to head below deck after grabbing her phone - sliding down the stairway railing that led to the cabin much like a kid would.
"Red solo cup! I lift you up! Proceed to partayyyy!" Phoenix jokingly sang as she grabbed a cup, bypassed the champagne, pulled out a 40oz bottle of Heineken from the mini-fridge, and filled her cup until it was near the top. She'd then quickly make her way towards the bed an flounce down on it - causing a few drops from her cup to splash on the comforter as she bounced up an down for a few brief seconds.


"God I needed this, almost lost it at work today."
Phoenix wasn't really directing her comment at anyone but spoke loud enough that it appeared as if she was addressing Brik directly as he poured the contents of his bag out onto the table.

After taking a huge gulp of her favorite drink she turned around and began to crawl back onto the bed until she was able to place the bottle on the nightstand - just as the boat started up and gave a slight jolt, which sent her face-first into a pillow and more splashes of beer onto the comforter.

"Smooth as always!" she said sarcastically through muffled laughter before bringing her head up, crawling back off the bed, and making her way over towards where Brik was sitting.
"I hit up West and Monty earlier today," he'd say while shrugging his shoulders and placing his bag on the floor. "Gave me a discount since it’s summer, I guess. Dig in."
Phoenix raised an eyebrow at the mention of a discount and then picked up a baggie of chronic - inspecting it for a few seconds before putting it back down. "A discount eh? Well those two still owe me for a pretty bad shortage the other week, so let me know the next time you wanna get something from them - it'll be free."

She'd suddenly look over towards the stairs as she heard footsteps, and sure enough Lizzie was making her way down them.
"The party has arrived," her friend boasted with a smile. "What do you have for me, Brik?"
"By 'Me' she means me!" Phoenix threw out as a joke before Lizzie made mention of opening the Champagne, something everyone knew she always enjoyed doing simply for the pop & fizz.
"Aye aye captain!"

As she made her way towards the mini-bar Phoenix downed the majority of what was left in her cup before putting it down and picking up the bottle of Champagne.
"Let her blow!!!"

She'd shake the bottle lightly and then begin to twist the cork - making sure sure the champagne bottle was pointed up the stairway and towards the night as she did so.
After several twists the cap blew and fizz began to poor down her arm, hair, an eventually her swimsuit top, however since she barely shook the bottle the explosion of fizz didn't last long and most of the alcohol remained inside the bottle.

"Mi lady!" Phoenix said sarcastically with a huge grin as she handed Lizzie the bottle and an empty glass. Once her friend took both items she'd make her way back towards the nightstand to fill up her cup once again, she'd then find the radio underneath the TV and turn it on. The station was in the middle of an amazing Armen van Buuren mix that instantly caused her to bounce up and down as well as sway side to side, whatever the beat dictated in the moment. She'd take sips in between her movements, managing not to spill anymore than she already had.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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Kyato Moore
"There will always be a tomorrow"

Dark eyebrows furrowed together as Ky's eyes narrowed on Brik, saying nothing as the young man made an appearance. The football player picked up a glass of champagne as Lizzie questioned Brik about his goodies and Phoenix started jumping around on the bed and inside the cabin. Ky couldn't help but smirk and chew his lower lip as he admired her busty bouncing breasts, lifting his glass to drink. His eyes left Phoenix's show to see Brik dump his stash of narcotics. In all honesty Ky wasn't the type for Ecstasy or pills, he was more of a smoker than anything, LSD every now and then. It had always been easier to hide weed during drug tests than pills. Speaking of which, Ky finished off his glass of the bubbly celebrating liquid and set it down, digging around in his front pocket to pull out a pre-rolled joint and a lighter. With his mind still a smidge clear he dismissed himself from the cabin, staggering up the spiral staircase, missing a step and leaning against the railing as he found his footing. Ky jogged the rest of the way up, the fresh summer breeze caressing his skin as he came to stand on the deck. He thumbed his lighter a few times shaking it slightly as it refused to admit a flame. The fluid inside splashed around, though by the sound it seemed almost empty. Ky gave it a few more tries before he was finally able to get a light. Placing the joint between his lips he backed up slightly and readied his arm, throwing the empty lighter far out into the water. Ky closed his eyes blissfully as he took the first relaxing drag from his joint, gasping the roll between his thumb and index finger, slowly blowing out the smoke through his nose. His glossy eyes opened, glaring out across the water as he leaned his elbows on the decks railing, over looking the bay.

Ky could hear the other three downstairs, rolling his eyes as he took another long drag, digging his phone out of his pocket. His thumb jumped across the keyboard with practiced ease, taking his mind off the people he was supposed to be hanging out with. Most nights usually started out like this, Ky disappearing for a few minutes or hanging out like a wallflower, it was only until he had completely numbed his mind would he join in with Lizzie, Phoenix, and Brik. Brik...His teeth grinded together, muscle fluttering in his jaw as he looked down at the railing angrily, shoulders hunching forward. He hadn't said anything about Lizzie's lingering touch or Brik's suggestive tone, but it had rubbed his fur the wrong way. Not that he cared...Much. Fuck them, he had bigger fish to fry, he wouldn't wallow in self-pity all night, he could, but he wouldn't. Ky turned his head as he heard a loud laugh from downstairs, no doubt Phoenix. "Fuck me." He was starting to remember why he hated going out on the boat, there was no where to run, no place to escape from Lizzie. Running his hands through his hair he let out a sad laugh, shaking his head slowly as he lifted a shaky hand to his lips, drawing in the sweet tasting smoke from his pot.


Many things had gone unspoken between Lizzie and him, though she had made it clear that it had been a mistake. Never had he been so crushed by a girl, then again Lizzie wasn't just some girl, she had been Ky's best friend. Now? They felt miles apart and drifting even more. This was what happened when you got close, grew attached, it hurt like a bitch. Fuck Lizzie, fuck Brik, fuck Phoenix, he was beyond caring at this point. Or that at least what he was trying to tell himself, program it into his brain. "Hey!" Ky slurred as he started back downstairs. "What you got Briky? X?" The man threw an arm around his friend's shoulder, laughing at the nickname he had used. "I'll have that if you've got it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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#, as written by Jynxii
Lizzie Moore
The Song || The Outfit

Friday || whothefuckcarespm || Sky full of Stars || Summer || On Lizzie's Yacht


"By 'Me' she means me!" Lizzie heard Phoenix call, causing her to laugh a little as her eyes anxiously searched Brik over. She could vaguely hear Phoenix in the background responding to her request for some champagne, "Aye aye captain! Let her blow!!!" Liz could hear the small explosion of expensive liquid, but her eyes were trained on Brik who was slowly pulling out a hidden stash of goodies. “Depends on what you want?” Her heart hammered in her chest as he dangled the bag of Vicodin and Ecstasy over her. Nervously, she bit her lower lip and pointed to the Ecstasy. "Say ah." Obediently, and keeping her blue hues on him, she slowly opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Very gently, he placed the tiny pill of sin onto her tongue. A shiver raced up her back as she forced herself to slowly retract her tongue, pulling the pill into her mouth and gently licking his fingers at the same time. It was all incredibly sensual, but they were friends right? Friends could be sensual-- especially friends with drugs.

"Mi lady!" It was Phoenix that snapped her back into reality, handing her an empty glass and the opened bottle of champagne. Giddy now, and holding the pill on her tongue, Lizzie went about pouring herself a tall glass of champagne. Once the glass was full, she took a deep swig to swallow the pill. As the radio kicked to life, Lizzie looked around and noticed Ky wasn't there. Then, as if on cue, Ky came down the stairs to rejoin the party. He had been doing that a lot recently- sneaking off in the middle of their fun. Lizzie eyed him suspiciously but decided not to say anything as she watched him turn to Brik and say "Hey!" Lizzie glanced over to Phoenix and giggled a little. "Someone got a head start," she said playfully under her breath to her friend. Looking Phoenix over Lizzie had to giggle a little, "Did you manage to leave most of it in the bottle this time?" The other girl looked as if she had gotten quite a bit of spray back from the foamy drink.


"What you got Briky? X? I'll have that if you've got it." Lizzie looked over at Ky in surprise. He wasn't the type to normally do pills. Curious, but intrigued, she decided not to say anything to him on it and instead she walked over and gently took the joint from his fingers and placed it between her lips. Taking a long drag, she walked over to Phoenix and motioned for her to lean in for a shotgun. Trying her best not to laugh, Lizzie gently held the back of her friend's neck if allowed and blew the drug into her mouth very slowly. Once she was done she took another drag off the joint and passed it to Phoenix. Releasing her breath and taking another sip of her champagne, Lizzie walked over to one of the couches and propped her legs up onto the arm so that her head was in the seat and her legs were hanging off the arm.

"I can't believe we fucking graduated.." Lizzie stared up at the ceiling, comforted by the back and forth motion of the yacht. "Gotta say, I didn't think you were going to make it, Phoenix," she added teasingly, looking over to the girl as best she could from her position on the couch. Her grin was growing wider by the second as the drugs and alcohol began to settle into her system. "I love you guys," she said softly, smiling up at the ceiling. Brik always had the best drugs-- fast acting, and high dosage. She was already getting warm fuzzies in her stomach. "We're going to be friends forever, right?" The question wasn't directed at anyone in particular, Lizzie was too busy admiring the feel of the couch against her finger tips. Suddenly the cabin was starting to come to life, the edges of her world vibrating so quickly everything seemed to stand still.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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Brik couldn’t keep that knowing smile off of his face, nor did he try to as he placed the pill on Lizzie’s tongue. He was radiating repressed confidence as the drugs flowed through his bloodstream. He was aware of all that was around him; from the wiggling of Phoenix’s hips to Ky’s absence, but none of that really mattered. He was focused on one thing and one thing only; the sensual brush of Lizzie’s tongue against the pad of his forefinger. His dilated pupils were fixated on her lips. Everything just felt softer, for his skin was highly sensitive at the moment. He heard Ky’s footfalls, but he ignored it as he slowly dropped him hand to his side, brushing it over Lizzie’s soft lower lip. At that moment, felt Ky’s strong arm around his broad shoulders.

"What you got Briky? X? I'll have that if you've got it."

Brik leaned into him, finding him rather warm and soft as well. God, he loved X . Brik took his eyes off of Lizzie to turn to his best guy friend. “Yeah, I have some. I have a lot actually, so take as much as you want, man. What’s mine is yours. It’s all on the coffee table.” He clapped a firm hand on Ky’s shoulder in a friendly gesture before allowing his dark gaze to rest on Lizzie as she and Phoenix put on a show. He raised a brow, his lips twitching at that edges as they pulled to a larger smile than before. He turned to Ky, nudging his side lightly, “Look me in the eyes and tell me that shit isn’t sexy.”

Brik untangled himself from Ky, making his way to the minibar and grabbing the champagne bottle as Lizzie spoke.

"I can't believe we fucking graduated..gotta say, I didn't think you were going to make it, Phoenix," she giggled and Brik followed suit with a soft chuckle of his own, taking a hardy gulp as he walked back to couch. He felt hyper, the urge to move around wasn’t lost on him. He turned up the music as a techno number played, engulfing the space with high energy. He grabbed Phoenix’s hand, spinning her into him, giving the beautiful Latina a smirk as he plucked the blunt from her fingers and placed it between his lips. He inhaled, spinning her again, pulling the blunt from his mouth and blowing the smoke into the air. He attempted to make them into the perfect ‘o’ shape, but he failed, only producing little clouds. Brik sent a joking grin Phoenix’s way as if apologizing for his theft. He then plopped down beside Lizzie on the couch, leaning his head back as he took another long drag and slowly blew out through his mouth. He was staring at the ceiling through glossy orbs, unable to keep the smile off of his face.

”We're going to be friends forever, right?"

Brik lolled his head to the side, glancing down at Lizzie. Would they be friends forever? Brik thought about it, for he was aware that he wouldn’t have a ‘forever’ to look forward to. He’d be gone and his friends would be going about their lives without him. It almost hurt him to think about it and it was fucking with his high. He didn’t answer, not wanting to lie to Lizzie. She didn’t deserve that. Better to be silent than to mess up a good night. He took another puff before handing it to Lizzie, without a word. He was still feeling that crippling ache in his chest, one that he always felt when he thought about the future…or lack thereof. He mourned his normal life, plagued by the constant reminder that he was dead already.

ImageHe didn’t realize that he was glaring at his bong until a new song was blaring through the speakers. He snapped out of his trance, furrowing his dark brows and huffing. “I’m not high enough.” He muttered as he reached for the bong and shoved his hand down the pocket of his swim trunks to retrieve his lighter.

Wordlessly, Brik proceeded prepare the bong for use. As soon as it was ready and stocked with weed, he put his lips to the opening and lit the herb up, inhaling deeply, filling his lungs with as much they could hold until it burned before pulling back and gradually releasing the pent up smoke through circled lips. He was calming down now…forgetting…blowing out the bullshit with each puff. He sighed as he sunk back into the couch, eyes dropping lazily. “Much better.” He grabbed the abandoned bottle of champagne off of the coffee table and took a large gulp. He was drowning his worries. He wanted his last days to be the epitome of fun, and to achieve that, Brik had to forget.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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Phoenix was puzzled by Kys sudden disappearance and was half tempted to nosily follow him up to the top deck, but she instead grew lazy and decided against it.

Soon after her attention would be diverted to Lizzie as the 5'2 girl wrapped a hand around her neck and pulled her down until their lips were nearly touching.
She knew what was coming next and closed her eyes just as the smoke began to flow from Lizzie mouth into hers.


"Look me in the eyes and tell me that shit isn’t sexy." she heard Brik mention to Ky, which nearly caused her to choke from an impromptu giggle as Lizzie pulled back and passed the blunt to her before flouncing down on the couch once again.

"I can't believe we fucking graduated....gotta say, I didn't think you were going to make it, Phoenix" Lizzie let out as she looked up at the ceiling - laughing. Brik would join in on the laughter and Phoenix a would simply flip all three of them off as she continued to move to the beat. "So says the girl who has asked me for help on her homework HOW many times?"

She would go to take a puff from the blunt she was stilling holding when all of a sudden Brik grabbed her hand and pulled her into him after a quick twirl, instantly causing a grin to appear on her face. He'd remove the blunt from her fingers and begin to take puffs she had planned on taking herself, spinning her once more before attempting to form "O"'s via the exhaled smoke, which he failed miserably at.

Seconds later Brik would flounce back down where he had previously been sitting and Phoenix would back into the mini-fridge/counter-top area as Lizzie again spoke up.
"We're going to be friends forever, right?"
The sentiment made Phoenix laugh as she nodded in agreement, however the smile on her face softened a bit when she noticed Brik's reaction to the question. The way he stared at Lizzie was damn near depressing, for a number of reasons, causing her to look away and reach for a bottle of beer someone had opened, down what was left in one big gulp, and then slowly slide to the ground.


She'd inhale from the blunt as if her life depended on it, she was desperate to get higher than she currently was.
So much so she'd slightly burn her fingers as she neared the end of the rolled up chronic, an only the sound of No Beef pouring out from radio brought her back into reality - albeit a very altered state of reality.
However she was still cognizant enough to drop the hot roach in a nearby ashtray versus the floor.

When the beat dropped Phoenix began to rock in place as her head followed along with the beat - loosening the bun her hair was pulled up into.

As the tracks build up began again Phoenix caught a glimpse of Brik's bong in his lap as he reached from the champagne bottle - a distraction she used to pull the bong out of his lap and down into her own. She'd lazily grab a pinch of herb from the table and top off the bowl before feeling around on the couch for the lighter.
Once she found it the fun began....

Each time she removed her lips from the pipe she'd hold the smoke in for as long as possible before exhaling - coughing slightly afterwards. An after a couple top-offs and several hits a grin a mile wide found its way on her face as she slowly laid back on the ground - her head falling at her friends feet.
"Why, thank you kind sir..." she'd say a bit groggily as she slid the bong back into Brik's lap and then rolled over on her side.
A noticeable jerk caused things to roll off the table as Phoenix was successfully forgetting how pointless her existence was an everything that made her life an utter drag, an instead she'd choose to focus intensely on the beats flowing all around her.

"I wont break down tonight......I feel it for the first time, I feel it for the first time...." she sang, even though the song was nearly over and that part long gone. She didn't care, she kept singing to herself until the boat jerked again - causing an empty bottle to fall on her leg.

"Okay, t-that's not me....promise."
Rolling onto her back again she'd begin to move her arms to the beat of the latest song streaming over the airways. She wanted to get up and dance, move more passionately to the beat and get lost in it much like she would at a rave or nightclub, however the coldness of the floor mixed with the view of the stars from atop the staircase enticed her to stay put.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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Kyato Moore
"There will always be a tomorrow"

Ky was grinning like a Cheshire cat, rummaging halfheartedly through a baggie of pills until he found the one he was searching for. The pill was a powder blue, a pentagram marked on its face. Gingerly he set the X on his tongue, pulling it into his warm and moist mouth, allowing it dissolve there. It had made his throat chalky and it set him looking for another drink. Bending forward he opened the mini fridge, pulling out a can of beer, popping it open with thumb and index finger. Lifting it to his lips and washing out the aftertaste of the X with the bubbly and bitter tasting drink. Brik was always reliable with fast acting drugs and Ky was starting to feel its effects almost instantly. All his anxiety, stress, and worries seemed to vanish with each passing moment. Taking another swig of his drink he focused his attention on Phoenix, watching as she lay on the floor, dancing in place under the intoxication of drugs. Ky walked to her, taking one of her hands and pulling her to her feet, flush against his warming body, rocking against her as the music hummed in his ears. The girl obviously knew the words to the songs that were being played, Ky didn't, but he liked the way her voice sounded as she sung along.

Ky laughed stupidly as he pressed his face into the crook of Phoenix's neck, inhaling the faint scent of her salty skin and hair. The football player cupped a hand under her jaw, forcing the girl to look at him as he growled. "You owe me a joint." His stern expression softened as he laughed again, the hand that once held her in place caressing the side of her neck as he winked, showing that he was only playing with her. His senses were heightened, over stimulated, reinvigorated with energy as he danced close to Phoenix. Brik had been right, the girls looked sexy tonight, delicious. Ky found his hands on Phoenix's hips, guiding her body against his as the song changed, still grinning like an idiot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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She was becoming completely lost in her own little world when suddenly Phoenix was pulled to her feet. It would take a few moments for her to realize it was Ky who had pulled her from her cold spot on the floor.

"Ky?" she'd muttered, not completely aware of her surroundings. However when Ky's breath brushed over her neck Phoenix suddenly stiffened her back.
"What are you-" her groggy speech would be cut off by his hand forcing her jaw up.
"You owe me a joint."

Such a statement caused an expression of puzzlement to form on her face. She'd notice him wink but under intoxication the usually obvious innuendo was lost on her.

Phoenix would pause as the two of them moved out of sync to the music, however when his hands got to her hips she'd instinctively push him back, albeit weakly, and continue her thought.
"...I should deck you."
The words were barely out of her mouth before she began to laugh - at what she wasn't exactly sure, but her phone ringing on the bed suddenly caught her attention.

"-ni geureon dongjeong ttawin pillyo eobseo OH!"
Phoenix continued singing the lyrics to her ringtone until it eventually clicked off - which she took as a que for her to once again find her way to the ground, but this time across from the couch with her back against the wine cooler, which was more refreshing than the floor itself.

The song on the radio again changed, to something she hadn't heard before, but it didn't matter much to her at this point, she wanted to lazily stay put, sing, and perhaps day dream even.

Looking over to a nearby digital clock Phoenix's face showed little reaction as she read "11:30:30".
"Thirty minutes and thirty seconds left.....this, this is thy hour oh soul, thy free flight into the wordless....away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done....the fully forth emerging, silently, gazing, pondering the the themes thou loves best. Oh night, sleep, and the stars..."
She'd whisper Walt Whitman's poem "Midnight" to herself, something she use recite in her mind at night as a kid when she wanted to escape into the stars but was forced to stay in her bed, underneath a man almost three times her age.

After cursing under her breath for thinking about such bad memories Phoenix would hug her legs to her chest, rest her head upon one of her knees and close her eyes.
She wasn't asleep though, just lost in the art of forgetting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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#, as written by Jynxii
Lizzie Moore
The Song || The Outfit

Friday || whothefuckcarespm || Sky full of Stars || Summer || On Lizzie's Yacht


Lizzie looked up from her spot on the couch to notice Phoenix stealing Brik's bong. A smile toyed with her lips as she watched her friends. She tried to ignore the fact that no one directly answered her question. Would they really be friends forever? Her high was soaring farther and farther from reality as her pupils continued to expand. She began to stare at the ceiling, fascinated with the way the wood pieces connected to each other. When she finally brought herself back into the room, her attention was caught by Ky who was pulling Phoenix into his muscled chest. Normally a stab of jealousy would have clawed at her insides, but because she was in a drug induced bliss-- not even seeing her part time lover in the arms of another could upset her.

Instead, she simply admired the way his arms flexed as he held Phoenix. A part of her was a bit jealous that Phoenix's attention was stolen, but she didn't have to feel jealous for long. True to her nature, within seconds of being touched sexually, Phoenix had snapped away from Ky. The firey Latina growled something to the jock and then danced off to grab her phone. Lizzie watched everything as if it were in slow motion, her head tilted to the side on the couch.

From beside her, she heard Brik say something under his breath as he pulled the champagne bottle from his lips. Liz was just about to ask him what he said when her attention was snagged away toward Phoenix once more. The dark haired girl was curled into a ball by the mini-fridge, muttering something to herself. A few words drifted across the room, but most were lost.

"..thy hour oh soul, thy free flight into the wordless....away from books....silently, gazing, pondering the the themes thou loves best.... sleep, and the stars..." Slowly, as each move required create concentration and effort, Lizzie pulled herself off the couch and crawled over to Phoenix on all fours. "You should be a poet," she says with a warm, high grin. Leaning in, Lizzie kissed the girl's forehead gently and stood up-- staggering only a little when the boat suddenly shifted to the right.

"I want to swim." Nodding at her statement, Lizzie crawled on all fours up the spiral staircase to the deck of the yacht. Throwing open the hatch door to emerge onto the deck, Lizzie was greeted by a wave of rain. Her clothes, and the stairs under her, were instantly soaked. Through the music and the drugs, she had not been able to hear the roaring storm outside. The boat thrashed again, this time to the left, throwing her into the door.


Normally, the situation would have terrified her-- but in her current state, it was thrilling. "Hooooly shit! Phoenix! Phoenix, come see this! You have to see this! Brik! Ky!" A grin as wide as her face was plastered over her expression as she stumbled out of the door way and onto the slick boat surface. She only got four steps away from the door before she lost her footing and was sent skittering across the deck and into the railing. A joyful squeal filled the air, muffled only by the loud crack of thunder that shuttered over her.

Breathing heavily, and blinking quickly to try and clear her face of the water that was assulting her, she slowly peeled off her shirt to reveal her black lace bra underneath. "C'mon! Let's swim! You only live once, right?" The drunk and high teenager wiggled out of her jean shorts and tossed them into the near by chair with her shirt. With her heart racing, she put one leg over the rail. As the lightning flashed again she could catch a glimpse of her island just ahead, showing just how far out they had gone from land. "Shit, guys, look! That's the island!" Her voice as nearly lost in the roar of thunder around her as she pointed out over the water.

With determination, she climbed up on the railing, laughing as the boat jerked to the right again, causing her to nearly topple head first into the water prematurely. "Wooo! I'm on top of the world bitches!" Lightning cracked over head, lighting up the sky and striking the water just a few feet away from the boat. With not a care in the world, the skinny red head climbed higher on the rail and positioned herself to jump. "Fuck you thunder!"



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Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús
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The lack of conversation or good music, thanks to a commercial break in this case, wasn't something she was akin to nor really enjoyed seeing as how it always gave her time to think, so it took only a few moments of "quietness" before Phoenix lifted her to head to see Brik atop the staircase - a feat she'd quickly achieve herself behind the rest of them, like always.

As he stared up at the sky Phoenix stared down at the ocean, something she always wish she could live on or even under.
The violent waves were in a way intoxicating, an even though she likely knew somewhere in the back of her mind that swimming in such water was dangerous she still wanted to. However Ky's voice caused her to break her stare an instead turn to look at not only him and Lizzie, but Brik's reaction to it all.

A small pout appeared on her face before she rolled eyes at the three of them.
Suddenly losing her desire to swim Phoenix would look over at the ocean briefly before sloppily making her way back down the stairs.

"It's like fucking Young & the Restless!?" she spat to herself in Spanish before bending down and pulling out a bottle of Heineken from the mini fridge.
She'd turn the radio up even louder before walking back to the bed area, pulling the curtain to close it off from the rest of the cabin, and then flouncing down on the mattress.

Only a few seconds after popping the bottle open and taking a sip her phone again went off, this time however she'd reach over and pick it up - paying little mind to the caller ID.

"Huh? Phoenix??" a familiar voice questioned, as Phoenix began to laugh.

"What the fuck Phoenix, it's Cassy, from work - are you wasted!?"
Her co-worker wouldn't get much of a response, an instead had to repeat her name multiple times before she finally spoke up again.
"Yes sirree? How may I be of absolute service to you?"
Again laughter could be heard after she spoke.
"Uh okay look, some dude is here looking for you, I told him I'd call - he said it was important."
"Important? I-is he, um, is he at least six feet tall, hot, and single? I'm so lonely, I need a bed mate!"

This time both girls on either end of the phone conversation began to laugh - Phoenix being far louder.
"I don't know, he's kinda older but-"
"Well if it's Lou Diamond Phillips kinda older, I'm game!! Like Xbox! I'm so lonely and thirsty dammit!"

The two would again laugh before the girl started to clue her in on who was looking her. A brief physical description and even the mention of the man being a detective didn't really click with a Heineken-sipping Phoenix - who was loosely paying attention, however when the name Max Thermon came out of her co-workers mouth she'd partially sit up and drop her beer bottle on the floor.
It was the Detective from the neighboring city who kept insisting she speak at the upcoming parole hearing she was trying to forget about.
"He said he'll be in town until Monday, and that-"
"-then I won't be back until Tuesday."
"But he-"
Before Cassy could finish Phoenix ended the call by throwing her phone. Lucky for her the blow of it landing on the floor was cushioned by a fallen towel.

"Whyyyy, why is he stalking me god fucking dammit shit to hell!!!!" She'd kick manically on the bed out of frustration as she cursed to herself, completely annoyed with the fact that things kept ruining her attempt to escape. So in a juvenile reaction she'd grab a pillow off the bed and throw it against the wall......something she'd repeat until she got to the last pillow, which she'd use to cover her head as she curled her knees to her chest.

"Goodnight room, goodnight moon, goodnight cow jumping over the moon!"

She'd repeat the same line from her favorite childhood book over an over again to herself in a desperate bid to go to sleep. Her sleeping always felt more intense and her dreams far more vivid if she hitting the sheets wasted versus sober, even if she was always told that was impossible. But her mind was also all over the place at the moment which made it hard to actually drift away into dreamland, however she'd undoubtedly pretend to be asleep at this point if any of them called out to her.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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#, as written by Jynxii
Lizzie Moore
The Song || The Outfit

Friday || whothefuckcarespm || Sky full of Stars || Summer || On Lizzie's Yacht


Lizzie looked down on the frothing water that crashed relentlessly against the side of the yacht. She was seconds from releasing the railing when she felt arms wrap around her and lift her up. Without warning the boat shifted again, sending Lizzie crashing into the chest of whomever had her. Her nearly naked form collapsed against the person's firm chest. Dazed, and too high to focus, she looked down at the chest she was pressed against in mild wonderment. "How about we live to see another day?" That voice. She looked up, laughing when she noticed that it was Ky who had caught her. "I wanted to swim," she said with a small pout, giggling as Ky pulled himself to his feet and offered her help to do the same.

Staggering as the boat tossed from left to right, Lizzie fell into the railing once more. "Dance with me," Ky whispered, his voice almost lost to her as she looked at him through the sheets of rain. "What?" She snorted as a giggle bubbled from her throat. Too intoxicated to care about the swirling mass of clouds that began to funnel in the distance, she allowed Ky to pull him into his chest and move around the deck. Lizzie tried her best to keep in step with Ky, but the crashing of the waves kept causing her to sleep and fall into him.

Lizzie was lost, her mind drifting away from her body and up into the clouds. In dazed wonderment she looked up at the sky as the funnel began to touch the surface of the water, bringing the black liquid up into God's straw. Her dilated pupils watched the hurricane approach their small yacht, causing the rain to pellet against their skin to the point of almost burning. Ky didn't seem to notice as his lips came closer and closer to her own. Their lips were nearly brushing, Ky focused on Lizzie and Lizzie focused on the hurricane-- accepting his kiss of death, waiting for the storm to consume them and end their lives. "Lizzie..." Lizzie slowly brought her eyes off of the sky and onto Ky's face, noticing the flakes of color around Ky's pupil as the lightning continued to light up the boat.

"Lizzie!" Lizzie snapped her head around to the sudden, and urgent sound of her friend's voice. Brik stood by the doorway of the cabin, soaked clear to the bone. Isn't he freezing? Lizzie's brows muddled together as she watched him cross closer to them, looking adorably uncomfortable. Lizzie giggle and staggered toward him, the boat shifting once again and sending her falling into his chest. As she landed against him in only her underwear the boy seemed to not be phased. “I…ugh…the rain. It looks really bad out here," "Yeah," she giggled, nodding against him and nuzzling her face into his neck. "We should head back inside and…well, you know…party and stuff.”

Lizzie pulled back from him suddenly, laughing hysterically. "We're going to die," she giggled, raising her arm to point at the twisting hurricane. "God wants to eat us." Lizzie nodded and looked as though she was about to laugh before her face became gravely serious. "I'm going to puke." With that, she broke away from Brik's chest and rain to the rail, slipping but managing to make it just before a spew of vomit blasted from her mouth. The island had snuck up on them and the boat was headed straight for the sand. A loud crack of thunder snapped overhead.


Suddenly, an angry growling sound rumbled from the bottom of the boat. Lizzie snapped her head over her shoulder, looking wide-eyed toward Brik and Ky. "Where is Phoenix?" Before either of them could answer, the sound of wrenching metal filled the air, muddled out only by a blast of lightning that stuck the back of the boat, setting the deck chairs and sails aflame. "Phoenix!" Terrified, and her adrinaline in over-drive, Lizzie bolted for the cabin, screaming Phoenix's name over and over again. As she came into the cabin, she was immediately met with knee high water. Sparks crackled and bolted out from the ceiling of the dark cabin. In the spark light, Lizzie could make out floating beer cans and other miscellaneous items. "Phoenix! BRIK! Ky, steer us toward the island!"

Her heart was racing as she found Phoenix, looking to the girl wide eyed. "We have to get out of here! It's a hurricane! A fucking hurricane!" By now the water was waist deep, and Lizzie struggled her way back out of the cabin and up onto the deck. To her horror, three inches of water was flooding over the deck, signaling that the boat was rapidly sinking. "We have to get off the boat. We're not going to make it." Lizzie quickly ran back into the cabin, now up to her chest, and looked around frantically. Spotting the emergency duffle, she reached out and grabbed it. With great effort, she managed to pull the duffle to the stairs but as the object left the water it became incredibly heavy for the 5'3" girl. "Brik! I need you! The bag-- I can't-- Please, help! Grab it!"

Once the bag was grabbed and everyone was on the deck Lizzie looked to her friends and nodded. "On the count of three, everyone jump! One, two,three!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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Kyato Moore
"There will always be a tomorrow"

Kyato's clenched his teeth together as he was rudely interrupted by Brik, a muscle fluttering in his jaw as his fists curled at his sides, standing as straight as he could despite the rocking of the boat. Lizzie went to him, falling into the other man's arms, making Ky's blood pressure sky rocket, dark angry eyes glaring holes into Brik as soon as Lizzie went below deck. The young man was going to do something about it too, knock the emotionless bastard to the ground and tell him to never touch his girl, but he had no right to do something like that. Besides, the boat rocked violently, Lizzie's voice booming in his ears. He hadn't even seen her come back on deck yet. "Ky, steer us toward the island!" Was all he heard., all he needed to hear, slippery shoes sliding across the deck as he forced himself to find the control booth in his high state.

Ky hadn't drank a lot, in fact he was probably the most sober one on the boat, but his mind was foggy from the joint he had smoked and senses overloaded from the ecstasy he had taken only a few minutes ago. Coming to the console he flicked it off of the auto-cruise Lizzie had set it on, taking the wheel in both hands, the muscles in his arms straining as he pulled against the trashing waves, focusing his eyes on the horizon where he could see the dark outline of the island.
Kyato was thrown backwards as the lightening struck the back of the boat, the chairs and sails igniting instantly despite being soaked in the cold rain water. It only went to show how hot the lightening had made the fabric, drying it upon contact before setting it to flames. Scrambling back on the wet deck, Ky's eyes were wide in fear as the fire danced and crackled, taunting, teasing, rendering him useless as fear gripped him by the bones. The football star could stare down a three hundred pound linebacker with no fear, but the thought of being caught in burning flames made him rigid. Screams echoed in his ears, violent screams that shook him to his core, flashes of a burning house flicking in and out of his vision. Blinking the rain water from his eyes he drew in a deep breath, shuddering as he stumbled to his feet, almost falling back down as he slid across the deck towards Lizzie, Brik, and Phoenix. The young man had heard Lizzie counting but didn't wait for her to even say two, jumping up onto the railing before diving into the water, leaving the burning boat and his friends behind. They weren't that far from the island, though the undercurrent and waves made it difficult for Ky to keep his head above the water for more than a few seconds at a time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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The strike of lightening should of stood out amongst the other sounds, and to a sober person perhaps it would of, but between the radio being on full max and her mind being intoxicated it didn't for Phoenix, she simply clenched the pillow tighter over her head unconsciously. Only when Lizzie began to call her name did she remove the pillow from her head, however when her friend came into the room she'd quickly pull it back over - committed to pretending to be asleep.

"We have to get out of here! It's a hurricane! A fucking hurricane!" Lizzie said to her manically, before disappearing almost as quickly as she appeared.
"A what? Hurricane?" Phoenix whispered to herself through a small laugh - the pillow still covering her head as she laid there for a moment trying to figure out why Lizzie would randomly mention a hurricane. However as she felt water beginning to splash against her legs she'd open her eyes and sit up to find herself floating only a few feet from the ceiling.
Panicked she'd repeat Lizzie's warning verbatim as she crawled off the mattress and fell into the water.

Making her way through all the floating debris she'd finally reach the stairs and frantically climb aboard the deck, where the only thing more furious than the rain was the wind.

She'd slide out of the way, nearly falling, as Lizzie and Brik went back down into the Cabin and Ky was nowhere in sight.....but after a few seconds of holding onto the railing she could spot Ky in the darkness via a huge burst of flames that initially didn't appear to be dissipating even though the rain was pouring.

By the time Lizzie and Brik came back up to the deck the flames had died down some, and the four would soon be beside each other against the railing - Phoenix on the end.

"On the count of three, everyone jump!"
Before Lizzie began the countdown a silly realization hit Phoenix; "My Phone!"

Without thinking she'd turn around to go back towards the cabin - now almost filled to the ceiling with water.
Falling as she approached the opening she'd crawl the rest of the way until she reached where the staircase was once visible. Now the stair railing could barely be seen, however amongst all the chaos Phoenix caught a break and spotted what she thought was her phone floating beside a bunch of towels.
Any sane person would of forgotten about it but Phoenix wasn't being rational and dropped into the water to reach for her phone. Just as she did the back of the boat lifted up several feet - causing not only the phone but a handful of other things to fall in her direction.

"Gimmie!!" she yelled to the water as she sifted through the floating trash to grab what was indeed her phone.
Once the device was in her hand she'd swim back to the opening above the stairs, but as she made her way out the back of the boat lifted completely out of the water - sucking her back in.

"Hold your breath and count to ten! Then twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, and finally SIXTY!!" played over in her mind when of all things the swimming games from her childhood flashed through her mind.

"Hold your breath...and count to sixty..." she thought, before being engulfed by water.

It was suddenly pitch black all around, no lightening, and no light source at all as she opened her eyes underwater.
"Am I...dead?" she wondered groggily, feeling the water around herself but seeing nothing, hearing nothing, and feeling somewhat at ease.
It was only when the primal need for Oxygen kicked in that she began to flail around - quickly realizing she was in the boat still. Spotting the only source of light, albeit a very small amount, Phoenix swam toward the staircase opening and made it out just as a huge bolt of lightening struck above - lighting up the surface of the water for a brief second.
The need to breathe air kept her moving upwards, and finally after a minute that felt more like an hour she'd break the surface of the water and breathe desperately - her drenched phone still in her hand.

The current was strong and she quickly found herself battling to stay above the water as she stared in the direction of the island she had caught glimpse off back when they were all on the deck. Within seconds of the landmass coming into view however Phoenix would feel something solid underwater pushing her, and look down to see not only one but a group of three or four large figures JUST under the surface of the water as lightening kept illuminating the sky. "What the-"

As the water current became weaker the force pushing her suddenly butted her in he back and she was engulfed by a wave that would eventually sweep her to shore.

As she laid their in the sand, water rising and passing around her and rain falling atop her she could of sworn she heard the sound of singing Dolphins.....before passing out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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Brik was completely oblivious to Ky’s hateful glares. His eyes were focused on the intoxicated red head as she leaned over the railing and vomited. His stomach flipped at the sight, his body focusing on not vomiting on itself. Then the deafening crackle of lightening brought on an uproar. White light stretched across the ominous sky, sending the sail ablaze. Pandemonium reined as the firelight and smoke intermingled, polluting the thick air. Brik was speechless, eyes wide as they stared at the inferno, ambivalence dwelling within him. He was fascinated by the fire; his pyromania caught in the frenzy of emotions, and yet he was still beaten down by the inevitable sensation of terror. They were all going to die. It was almost comical that he was still afraid of losing his life when he was already dying. Wouldn’t this just quicken the process and cause him less grief? In this respect, it would have made sense to just give into the flame, let them engulf him and sear any reminisce of the emotionless man that barely believed that he had a chance of conquering death. However, Brik wasn’t thinking logically. He was caught up in the moment, and it was because of this that later he’d regret the decision he made. He chose to live.

Lizzie’s screams brought Brik back to reality. He snapped his head back to the sea, spotting the island that was not too far away. He could see his friends gathering at the railing and could hear Lizzie’s frantic commands. He wasn’t thinking straight, drugs and alcohol clouding his judgment. He could still turn back—sweat and rain dripped down his slick flesh—He could still end the pain—the crackle of lightening surrounded him in a burst of noise—He could die and finally free himself of the burden—Brik jumped. And as he was in free-fall, Brik had a moment of clarity…he was a damn fool.


The icy ocean engulfed him in its black frosty grip. He held his breath as he opened his eyes underneath the dark sea. He could see Phoenix’s retreating figure, her tanned legs kicking up water in slow motion. Despite the absence of lucidity, Brik was still fully aware, however due to the drugs, his sense of touch was amplified considerably. The water felt like an underwater North Pole. He kicked his legs, pushing pass water to break the surface. His head snapped above the water, his lungs greedily taking in as much air he could provide. He glanced up at the stirring clouds overhead before his eyes searched for anyone. Phoenix had disappeared from his sight, the ship was too far away, and Ky and Lizzie were just gone. The only sign of refuge was the strip of land that he could see in the distance. So, Brik swam to salvation as though his life depended on it…which it did.

By the time grainy sand touched Brik’s soaked skin, he was exhausted. His body was screaming as he crawled up the shore, coughing up seawater. He collapsed onto his stomach and basked in the beauty of rest. He was freezing, a shiver running up the length of his spine like tiny spiders. His brown orb scanned the area, finding none of his companions in sight. He was alone…this fact bought anxiety settle into his soul. What if they were all dead? What if he was the only one that found the island? He didn’t know any survival methods. He’d die out there within days. Brik gulped, staring at the expanse of thick greenery before him. He should have went down with the ship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix de Jesús Character Portrait: Brik Hamilton Character Portrait: Lizzie Moore Character Portrait: Kyato Moore
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#, as written by Jynxii
Saturday || Sunny with Clouds || Summer || The Island
