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Coralia M. Tides

Once, While In The Deep Deep Sea, I Drifted Away Never To Be Seen

0 · 1,068 views · located in Elk River, Louisiana

a character in “Town of Elk River”, as played by IamQ


"'Once, While In The Deep Deep Sea, I Drifted Away Never To Be Seen."

Dialogue Hexcode || #418259 & Thought Hexcode || #85fdc8



| Full Name |
Coralia Melody Tides

| Nickname |
Cora, Coral, Lia

| Birth Date |
June 22nd

| Age |

| Gender |

| Sexuality |

| Relationship Status |

| Occupation |
Part Time Life Guard

| School Major |

| Talent |
Singing and her documentary on aquatic life.

| Species |

| Clan or Family |



| Strengths |
Holding her breath, seems pretty logical that a Nixie would be able to hold its breath for a long time but this skill of hers isn't just in the water and it surpasses just holding her breath. She has a deep understanding of her power over water and when in a situation where she cant breath for whatever reason she can control the water in her own body. Bursting a few cells at a time to release oxygen.

Fast, on land or water she is fast. Be it her slim body of the years of swimming in the ocean that has built up her leg muscles but she is extraordinarily fast. Able to sprint for a couple of miles before finally tiring out, less on hot days of course. Though not great at self defense, her speed has been truly beneficial in the past and she is thankful that she enjoys to run.

Natural born leader, there is just something about her. Some call it charisma, others just say she was born to lead, but either way she not only can think quickly on her feet she but she can also make decision that would benefit those around her. She is kind, understanding, and will do her best to sort out problems between her friends with grace and diplomacy. When she says something, many will follow her lead. She was told once that it is just part of the gift of having a 'siren' voice, a unique skill that is just below Siren Song.

| Weaknesses |
Banshee Scream, when she was really young she got scared while her parents were away and she was left with a human babysitter; because she was scared she started screaming until blood poured from her babysitter ears which caused Coralia to faint, this was when her parents discovered her unique gift. Banshee scream, with practice the scream can do many things from knocking someone out to killing them. The thing is, if done on accident, she can accidently knock herself unconscious.

The hotter or more 'dry' the air is around her, the quicker she fatigues. She can go from being perfectly fine while inside at a cool 78F degrees to outside which can be only 90F degrees and she will become tired, cranky, and queasy.

Absent minded, she doesn't mean to and she hates to hurt peoples feelings but it doesn't matter if you have told her three times and reminded her an hour before the event, she will forget about it or will get distracted by something else which is why if you want her to come you need to make sure she sets a reminder on her phone. This is how she makes sure to turn in school work and to show up for competitions.

| Likes |
✔The smell of salt in the air that happens
when you near an ocean ✔Sushi, who doesn't like raw fish?
✔The feeling of warm water as it rolls across her skin
✔Seeing other peoples happiness ✔Hot coffee on cold mornings
✔Sundresses and flirty heels ✔Windy hair that seems to
purposefully tangle your hair ✔Rainy days, when you can light a fire

| Dislikes |
✘Hot water ✘Hot days and nights ✘Ill Fitting clothes ✘Soda of any kind
✘That taste that fills your mouth after drinking MUCH to old coffee
✘That tingly feeling that starts at the base of your neck and travels down
your spine that makes you think your being watched ✘Strong scents
✘The feeling of sand being rubbed against moist skin ✘Lightning storms
✘Earthquakes and the damages that come with them

| Habits |
Coralia always carry's a water bottle with her and when she is zoning out, whether bored or thinking, she will start making the water in the bottle start to 'dance'. Out side of the occults near her, no one has noticed this slip up in her 'human' façade.

When pissed off, Coralia will start cursing in a mixture of French and Latin. Though funny to watch and listen too, its really hard to take seriously because her pale skin becomes bright red and her nose scrunches up. She will also start snapping her fingers, its believed its her own personally way of keeping her anger in check so she doesn't hit who ever pissed her off.

| Hobbies |
Swimming, its seems do obvious especially if you know what she is but the feeling over the water running over her skin before she shifts and gets her tail. To her it really is the most amazing feeling. It relaxes her and soothes her. It is well known among her family that if she cant be found its very likely that she will be in the pond on their property.

Reading in the late evenings, Coralia isn't a morning person. Never has been but she is a night owl, a hot cup of coffee with a good book after swimming in the pond is her favorite way to end the day. Because of her vast coffee drinking habit, her parents have started buying decafe for her night time cup. The feeling of the cool air starting to sooth the air from the day, while the sun says goodbye in a wave of purple, pinks, and coral just makes her all to happy.

Film, it has been an interest ever sense she got her hands on her father old recorder. That thing was banged up, still needed tapes, and often didn't work as well as it should but she had it for close to three years before her family realized just how into it she was. So, when she found out about the School of the Arts in Elk River she started her video as part of her application. A special case for her camera and when ever they made their yearly trip to the Ocean during the summer she dived in with her recorder. A background of her singing and occasionally giving information on the animals on the screen, three years of editing, and finally it was ready. THis was about the time her little hobby became her dream for her future.

| Fears |
Xerophobia: The fear of Deserts. This is a completely logical fear for her and even other Nixies to have, if there isn't enough water they can become sick or die. It doesn't help that while traveling the world trying to find a good place to settle down her parents accidently left her at the Grand Canyon. It was only for like thirty minutes but to the seven year old Nixie it felt like forever especially when all she could see around her was dirt and could only feel the heat of the sun.

Ornithophobia: The fear of birds, oh how Coralia hates birds. One or two being near her doesn't freak her out though it does make her nervous, its when a whole flock is near. Its something to do with their beady eyes staring at her and the way the all seem to chirp and sing all over each other. To her, it seems like their voices become so loud she cant hear anything else and when looking at a group of them she gets double vision which just makes things worse because now there are even more of them.



| Abilities |
As a Nixie, Coralia can when in the water shift into what she likes to call her true form which, for her and her mother and older sister, is her normal top half but her bottom half is that of a sea horse. Personally she believes that this is the most beautiful of all Nixie shifts but she is of course admittedly biased. She can also, control water (make it do what she wants and heat/cool it) and other liquids though water is the easiest, communicate with aquatic life forms, communicate with her family and other Nixies telepathically, and she has Siren Voice, a lesser version of the rare gift of Siren Song. Siren Voice makes everything she says, when she is excited or really into it, seem really important to all that are listening. She also has the 'gift' known as Banshee scream, she believes its a curse. Where as all Nixies screams can kill, Coralia can control it to the point that she can choice if a person will fall asleep, pass out, or die from her scream but she has never been able to do it right and always effects herself and will pass out.

| Personality Traits |
♦♢Charismatic ♦♢Loyal ♦♢Virtuous ♦♢Forgetful ♦♢Procrastinator ♦♢Temperamental

| Personality |
A natural born with all the charisma that comes with it, she is smart, strong, and Confident but that's not all. No, no matter how charismatic you all no one will follow if they think that you will throw them under the bus to keep yourself safe or will walk away when they need your help. Loyalty and friendship go hand in hand with all good charismatic leaders and she is also both. Loyal to a fault in some cases she if more then willing to let her friends or family get away from murder if that's the case and take the fall. She is also always there for her friends, no matter what it is. Now, when I said murder I didn't really mean it. Coralia is far to virtuous for that. Her moral compass if very fine tuned, everything is black and white in her world. It has been very rare that she has ever been pushed into seeing gray but even then she always leans toward the white even if it is at the expense of her family or friends.

No matter how nice all of that sounds Coralia is extremely forgetful. Her phone is filled with reminders to make sure she turns in her work, gets to work on time, goes to competitions, friends houses and anything else she might need to. Without those reminders she would get distracted half way some where or would suddenly remember something else she was supposed to do. Never making it to where ever she was going. Even with the reminders, she occasionally will decide not to do something or to do it later. She once pushed off doing a project for school until the morning it was due. That wasn't her brightest idea but she still got a B on it. Her temperament, her mother says its the shark in her because of her father but honestly Coralia doesn't care she just wished she had more control over it. Though mostly kind and peaceful once pissed off she is very much like a Pit Bull who has lock jawed. Whoever pissed her off isn't going to get away without being hurt.

| Place of Origin |
Oceania. Coralia along with her older siblings where all born off the coast of Australia in the Oceania Ocean.

| Place of Residence |
The Suburbs, right on the edge before the Blackwoods. Her family has one of the largest properties.

| History |
On the eve of June 21st Melody Tides went into labor, as with her six other children her husband Bishop Tides freaked out swimming in circles around her while the kids were with their grandmother. It was a relatively calm day in the coral reef that she had chosen to give birth to their last child. Technically after Triton, their sixth, they were to have no more but mistakes happen and her she was swaying in the Oceania while her husband freaked out. It wasn't long after that the pink little bundle with a perfectly curled dark coral and mint green tail emerged into its new water home.

Naming her after the most prominent color in her sweet little tail her parents tucked little Coralia into their arms and swam back to the other six children. After a couple of months, she was old enough to take up to land for the first time which made the Tide family very happy. Though they loved the Ocean and being in their true forms, they loved interacting with others far far more and there are far to few Nixies to make a community and live in the water, nor was it safe.At the age of five Coralia started school for the first time, never being away from her family before she was scared but quickly made friends.

She got the best toys and played wit the best people but even then her little mind knew that this wasn't right, so after telling her parents about her day she asked if all humans were like that. Of course their answer was no and the explained about her voice and how it would effect humans, the younger or less intelligent the more it would get them to do what she wanted. This was about the time Coralia started being really careful about how she spoke to people how she made her wants known.

At the age of seven she wasn't feeling well but her oldest brother had a soccer game so her parents got her a baby sitter. Though a kind younger woman she didn't care about Coralia's fear of birds and kept watching a scary movie about them. In her fright she screamed, just wanting everything to stop, the babysitter passed out with ruptured ear drums, the tv cracked and the now even more frightened Coralia, fainted.

Soon after her family decided it would be for the best if they moved, they spent months traveling the United States before finding Elk River. Unsure of the town her parents started looking at houses before stumbling upon a little old Nixie couple, they recognized each other as Nixies quickly. The older couple wanted to go back to the Ocean before they died so the sold the large eight bedroom house to the Tides for a very low price considering the size of the home and the land it sat on. So at the age of eleven Coralia found herself in a new town. It wasn't hard for her to make friends, or to get into the swing of school again. It especially didn't take her long to know she didn't want to go to the 'public' High School, and so she started pushing herself to make sure she was able to get into the Film program.

After getting a new camera for Christmas and spending her allowance on a special case for her camera and when ever they made their yearly trip to the Ocean during the summer she dived in with her recorder. A background of her singing and occasionally giving information on the animals on the screen, three years of editing, and finally it was ready. What had started out as a hobby had became her goal for the future, she could change the world.


| Face Claim |
Elle Fanning

| Writer |

So begins...

Coralia M. Tides's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Coralia M. Tides Character Portrait: Bonnie Fortenberry Character Portrait: Mercy L. Kyles Character Portrait: Malcom V. Kyles
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0.00 INK

#, as written by IamQ
Time2:00-3:00PM | Location Downtown/Police Department→Home

Mercy sat slumped at her desk, the scent of the lemon oil that had been used the night before to polish the hard wood filled her nose and she sighed deeply before sitting up straight and looking down at the file that sat before her. The small room was warm and it made the scent of the oil more profound and the sickly sweet scent of the Vanilla Pumpkin coffee her partner had brought in caused her stomach to roll. Mercy hated all things pumpkin but the sweet gesture had made it difficult for her just to throw it out but it had been sitting on her desk sense seven o'clock this morning and it was now a little after two in the afternoon.

Grumbling the dainty woman stood to her severely lacking height of 5'1 and slammed the case file shut, no matter how many times Mercy stared at it the facts didn't make any sense. It was almost as if this case had jumped out of one of her brothers books, picking up the coffee she evenly distributed it between her potted plants hoping the sugar and caffeine wouldn't kill them before snatching her jacket and purse. "I'm heading out, no matter what I do I cant figure out that case an being stuck in here isn't making me think any better. Hopefully I'll have an epiphany about it tonight." she practically growled out to her partner who had been making small talk with one of the patrol officers in the pen. His deep booming laugh seemed to follow her out of the building.

Taking a deep breath of air through her mouth, Mercy could almost taste the excitement in the air. The Fall Festival always drew a large crowd of townsfolk along with tourists from nearby towns. It also seemed to also pull a large crowd of criminals but lucky for her, after a eighteen hour work day due to that stupid case that she was no where near having any leads on, she was not on call and could enjoy it and some time with her brother."Detective Kyles!" came a squeaky voice to her left, she hadn't even made it two blocks from the prescient and she was already being chased by reporters. Making eye contact with the tall but slumped over mouse of a woman, Mercy raised her eyebrows in question. "Are there any leads on the Green case?" the reporter asked.

It didn't matter how many times Mercy and the other Detectives told the Reporters and the community that they cant comment on ongoing investigations they always ask. Always with the reasoning that 'the people deserve to know'. "Miss Daniels, as always, I cant comment on ongoing investigations though we are always looking for tips. If you hear anything please feel free to share." she said as respectfully as possible.

After extracting herself from the whining reporter and being stopped by a few residents she knew well, Mercy was finally on her way home. All she wanted to do was take off her work clothes and slip on her favorite exercise clothes to train off her stress before getting ready for the night which she knew Malcom would drag her to the activities. Her sensitive nose caught scent of rain and a small smile curved her lips, it was a few miles away so it wouldn't ruin the night but the fresh scent of wet earth would greet her in the morning. Finally making it to her home Mercy sighed in relief. Time for some training and then relaxation.

Time2:30-3:00PM | Location Sweet Spot Bakery

After losing track of time, Malcom was only now walking toward the bakery. He had meant to get there early in the morning so he could bring his sister some of her favorite gingerbread cookies and cranberry cupcakes to convince her that going to the Festival would be fun but of course the thirty minutes he had decided to right for had turned into close to eight hours. Eight freaking hours, now there is a good thing to come from it which was that he is now only four chapters and editing away from being able to publish his current book. Pushing his thick dark hair from his face as a playful breeze decided to tug on it, straightening his shoulders so he stood at his impressive height of 6'4.

Holding the door as a woman and child walked through he slipped inside the warm and fragrant shop, "Good afternoon!" he greeted the pretty girl behind the counter, "Now, I know this is a long shot but you wouldn't happen to have any of your gingerbread cookies and cranberry cupcakes left would you? I'm trying to bribe my sister into coming to the festival with me tonight." he said with his most charming smile as he leaned his hip against the counter. Malcom's eyes wondered down her body almost of their own accord before he snapped them back to her face with a slight shake of his head, as if he was scolding himself for being rude.

With a flirtatious grin he winked, "Though, if you come with me instead I would be more then pleased and I wont have to bribe my sister into being my date. smiling his eyes darted to the display searching for his bribes, even if the pretty bakery girl said yes he would still need the bribes for his sister to make sure she left isolation and had some fun.

Time2:30-3:15PM | Location Ledoux School Of The Arts

"The lighting techniques used in the early cinema of the late 1890s and the first years of the twentieth century were astonishingly primitive in comparison with those used in still photography. Filmmakers of that era did not adopt the range of artificial lighting that was already standard equipment in photographic studios and widely used by photographers to enhance the aesthetic appearance of their work. Instead, filmmakers relied almost entirely on bright daylight. For this reason, when films were not shot on location they were filmed on rooftop sets, or else in studios built with either an open air design or a glass roof." Coralia read out loud in her last of the day, History of Lighting and Technology in Film. Looking quickly at the clock she almost sighed with relief. Only fifteen more minutes then she could go home and get ready for tonight.

Her turn to read was over so, as she was prone to do, Coralia started to zone out. "MISS TIDES!" a yell startled her, looking up into her teachers irritated face she pouted. She very much disliked being scolded and it was guaranteed that she would be sense the professor in this course never yelled which meant he had wanted her attention for some time. "Now, I know this isn't a very interesting class, I also know that with the activates happening tonight its even harder to pay attention but please try next time." he scolded before walking back to the front of the room. "Homework is due next Wednesday, enjoy tonight. Stay safe." he dismissed the class.

Practically running from the school Coralia made it home in record time and raced inside, "MOM! I'm HOOOOMMMMEE!" she called out and was greeted by a deep husky laugh before her father picked her up and spun, giggling in delight when he finally put her down she smiled before rushing up to her room to do some of her homework before enjoying the Festival.