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"Whoops! Lets just pop that back in..."

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a character in “Toys in the Attic”, originally authored by thebagel264, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Bolt

Toy: Spiderbaby

Bolt was thrown together by the brother after he had taken the head off her sisters doll "Oops." He ran to his room and rummaged through an erector set. With eight legs and a creepy head, Bolt was thrown together. He would creep along through the house at night, and often watch father as he wrote at the table. He is welcoming, and loves to prank people, often using his appearance to spook-and not just the sister. He'll scare a few faint-hearted toys too. He really is kind and open to other toys despite his odd alien appearance-until you harm one of the toys, which he is very protective of. Bolt uses loves his eight legs and utilizes his unusual anatomy, but sometimes it is cumbersome and limbs fall off.

So begins...

Bolt's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Tiger-Lily Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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Jack and Jill had gone to school, and mother and father had left before them. Once the door was shut and the lock was turned, the house came to life. Toys were crawling free from all their containers. A game of chess was being played on it's own in the living room. All the action was spreading from the two rooms down the hall. The sibling's rooms. As little green men snuck from the boy's room in a raid of the doll house, hotwheels were scurrying around between the halls. There was a Lego Colosseum with a crowd cheering on. Superman vs Teddy. In all the commotion Bolt crawled through and made it across the hall. There he saw a Barbie doll, and a Lalaloopsy doll. Bolt remembered how Jill had begged for Tiger-Lily, and if she was harmed at all Jack would never hear the end. Not wanting to dig his owner's grave, he went for something easier. The porcelain doll. There was no way Jack could be blamed for breaking that thing, Bolt swore it had gone out the window twice and down the stairs at least four times. He slowly came from behind her, his eight legs tapping the floor and slowly nudging him along. (in case anyone doesn't know how a spider walks. I know I had to use it to figure out how bolt walks) Just behind May, Bolt tapped her. "Boo."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Tiger-Lily Character Portrait: Karah
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Tiger-Lily stretched, pulling the gummy worm that tied her to a pole off her.
Jumping up she smiles, looking at the Peter Pan-esque scene before her, Jill had been trying to re-enact the part where Tiger-Lily was captured in Peter Pan and so had used many makeshift objects, ergo the gummy worm, to create the stage.
She walked past Bolt smiling a little at him - He was probably the nicest toy ever to come out of Jack's room and so Tiger-Lily was extremely glad she was the sweet Jill's toy and not her reckless brothers.
Although that might be just why she walked into Jack's room, she loves the thrill of thinking that if Jack ever comes home early she could be dismantled, just like Bolts, and put on say, the body of 'Chippy your favorite, friendly hip-hop cookie!'
Of course she would hate this but the thrill of hiding and possibly being found of Tiger-Lily's love.
This was probably how she gained the nickname 'Tiger' because if she had been a sweet, adorable, loving toy she probably would have opted for 'Lily' but no, she loves danger.
Her button eyes scan Jack's room and stop on 'Sally the sunflower' or perhaps, what used to be 'Sally the sunflower'.
"No!" Tiger gasps, walking over to the toy, she lay there with her sunflower head on 'Rusty the Raccoon's' body.
Biting her plastic lip Tiger shakes her head and sighs, deciding that actually, maybe she's seen enough of Jack's room today; she leaves, noticing Karah the 'edited', shall we say, barbie.
"Hey," She grins, she likes that Karah isn't the everyday, 'superficial', generic barbie-doll.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: May
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Jill's room was far less entertaining, at least in May's opinion. Other than an army men raid on a dollhouse, there weren't to many things gonging on that she could honestly claim to find interesting. Well the two dolls caught her attention, but they were just talking and unlikely to do anything to interest May.

So May sat on the floor, pondering whether she should head over to Jack's room, or if she should wait until one of the others headed over to tell them of anything interesting. She didn't want to waste the trip, after all. She had just made her decision, when she head the soft tapping of eight little legs making their way towards her. With a competitive grin, May waited for Bolt to approach before, in an attempt at reversing his plan, spun around at the last second, swinging her parasol at the arachnid-like toy's legs. "Boo, yourself!" she exclaimed as she turned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Tiger-Lily Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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May grinned at Bolt's reaction and subsequent introduction replying with a chuckle and a "May." She was rather concerned by his next comment, which caused her to notice the dent she'd made in his leg. "It's technically a parasol, but more to the point, are you alright?" She probably would have fretted over that for a bit longer but his next words did an excellent job of distracting her. "Wanna come with me, and find more toys like me?

Was that a challenge she detected? Her glass eyes gleamed with competitive spirit. "Sure thing. I'd say 'race you there', but I don't know where we're going, so it wouldn't really be fair." May looked around at the other toys going about their business. "Though, if we're going on an adventure, tradition dictates that we need a wizard and a healer. I'm a fighter, and you're a rouge, but we lack ranged support." Then again, going without a proper team and still getting the job done would be quite impressive, so that might be reason enough not to seek backup.


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Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: May
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"A parasol." May explained. "It's like a fancy sum umbrella." After a moment of though about what he had meant by comparing it to global warming, she came up with a possible answer. "Ah, you mean aerosol, don't you?"

"Have I watched Jack with his games?" The doll chuckled. "I beat them before he did." Well, some of them anyway, but it sounded more impressive when May said it that way instead. "Also, I'm not sure I do know what you mean, but it sounds sort of..." She trailed off, deliberately leaving the sentence unfinished. "Anyways, I agree. Let's be off." With that said, May began following along behind Bolt.


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Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: May
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May tapped her finger against her chin in thought, producing a light clinking sound that was not unlike teacups being run together in a toast. The spectacle before her was surprising to say the least, particularly considering the fact that the toys were anatomically incompatible with what their actions alluded to. In all honesty, Joe's current attire was the least surprising thing, except maybe the Barbies' outfits. Suddenly May's overly frilly dress, which usually annoyed her beyond measure, didn't seem so bad.

Though May had been in Jack's room before, it was never this active, mostly because she tended to sneak in in the middle of the night, when the video games were free. Just like a ninja. May thought to herself with a snicker. But her attention then shifted out of the past, and back to Bolt's words. "Jack the Savior, huh?" Personally she thought that the Lalaloopsy with the nurse's outfit did a better job of healing, speaking of which, why didn't she just invite her along? May cursed under her breath at not having thought of that before they set out. "So, you said we were looking for more toys like you? Is that the whole plan, or are we going to do something else after we find them?"


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Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: May
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May hadn't been surprised by the Barbies. Quite the contrary, she found their current... activities to be almost painfully characteristic of their normal behavior. She smirked at the compliment, and replied in a teasing manner, nudging him back. "Nor do you Bolt, nor do you."

May held up her hands in a gesture of peace at Bolt's defense of Jack. "Whoa, slow up there. No insult was intended. I just find it sort of funny that you're talking about him almost like he's some sort of god." In response to his delight at her swearing and questions, May replied "I don't curse like a sailor." She then quickly switched to a pirate voice and continued. "Cursin' like a sailor's fer landlubbers! May, the peg-legged be swearrin' in a piratical manner!" This seemed to give her an idea. "That's it! Once we round up enough patchwork toys, we'll find a ship, and form a motley crew! We shall said the seven seas, plundering whatever we please and shooting down any other vessel that dares say otherwise!" May finished this last declaration with a bout of evil cackling.


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Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: May
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May nodded and squeezed herself between the skateboard and the wall. Then, bracing herself against the wall, she gave the board a push. Apparently, as rad as it was, at least according to Jack's father, it could not deny the fundamental laws of the universe, and came crashing to the ground. With this accomplished, May wasted not time in leaping atop the skateboard before turning back to Bolt. "Hop aboard first-mate Bolt, we've scurvy dogs to collect for the rest of our crew." Though May vowed that it wouldn't matter whether or not the toys were actually dogs or had scurvy. Any ship under her command was to be an equal opportunity pirate vessel.

"Oh, that reminds me, I still have no idea where we're going." This seemed to be thought over for a moment before May lept back into character. "Take the wheel matey! Ye'll be the navigatin' fer this part of the journey." She neglected to mention that navigators didn't usually steer the ship, as she saw no need for historical accuracy to impede their own brand of piracy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: May
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May caught the roll of duct tape, but returned it to Bolt so that he could secure the cannon. "We aint ready fer plunderin'. We lack a crew." the doll answered him. She thought on this for a moment, before grinning, presumably having thought of a solution. "I've got an idea. We be pirates without a crew and spendin' money, but we can solve both these problems in one fell swoop! Take us back to Jill's room, me matie, we've willing hostages to acquire."

On the way there, May explained that her plan was to capture several toys, ransom them, and then convince those she could to join their motley crew, offering them three quarters of their ransom money if they did. There were several serious flaws in this plan, but May either overlooked, or ignored them completely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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May had absolutely no idea what the Barbie doll was talking about, but decided to take credit for it anyway. "Yes, of course. Exactly as planned! Saving people is what we do after all; honor among thieves and all that." Leaning over to Bolt she whispered "What on earth is she talking about?" As far as May had observed, Karah hadn't been in any danger at the time. She would have just chalked it up to Stockholm syndrome and just called it a day, but she was fairly certain that that took longer to take effect. Extending a hand toward the seemingly rescued party Captain May introduced herself. "I be Capin' May. I'm in charge of this little rescue operation." She followed this up with a muttered "Apparently."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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Bolt was confused that May didn't know about Lalaloopsy dolls. "She was with a lalaloopsy! They're poison! There's one in Jack's room. He plugs his ears when Jack blares his music! So does most of the neighborhood but, Ton doesn't even like bombs!" Bolt was proud he had saved this doll. He didn't know what another Lalaloopsy dolls would do to her. He held his hand out to Karah, being more of a gentleman than he was to May. "And I am Bolt." Bolt only did this to bug May. Bolt pushed the board again, but first stuck his tongue at Tiger-Lily. Pushing faster then ever, he clambered back on the board.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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May frowned, before muttering back to Bolt. "I know what Lalaloopsy dolls are, I meant I didn't see her in any danger at the time." May's opinion on the dolls was somewhat different. They could be pretty fun when they tried, and that nurse one had helped her patch herself up after several incidents. "So, since this was a rescue, I guess a ransom is out of the question at this point. I don't suppose a reward might work instead?" May snapped her fingers, or at least made the motion, porcelain fingers don't quite make the same sound, as she came up with a solution. "Know this, any who seek passage on this vessel will work for their keep. So what say ye' girl? Will you join the crew of the Flying Skateboard?" Basically it was the same plan as before; she just skipped a step.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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Casually smacking Bolt with her parasol, May thought about what to have Karah do. She didn't really have a planned response, as she had just been making this up as she went along. "Alright then, Karah, welcome aboard. You can man the guns, and bring a rain of Styrofoam terror to bear on any who dare oppose us." May had apparently gotten somewhat lost in the moment when she was giving the job description, as she ended it with a maniac laugh.

Returning from whatever scenario she had dreamed up, May spoke of their next objective. "Bolt, you don't think Joe will mind if we 'borrow' some of the weapons he came with do you?" The question was rhetorical of course, hence the manner in which she had said "borrow".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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Then prepare for a full-assault on the military base, in accordance with our most ancient and respected traditions, we shall attack at dawn." After a short pause, May amended this plan. "On second though, waiting is boring, we attack as soon as we get there. We'll be coming in guns blazing so don't forget to let Karah know when we're about to arrive." With that said, May flopped backwards onto the "deck" of the skateboard ship, and opened her parasol, which miraculously stayed upright after she set it down. "I'm going to take a nap til then."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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May stretched as she woke. "Captain? What on earth are you- Oh, right. Pirates." For a moment, she had forgotten that they had decided to be pirates today. "Aye, splendid news. Man the cannons Karah, and Bolt, build 'er up to full speed. We'll be charagin' right into the base. Once we've broken in, Karah will use the cannons to defend the ship, while you make a break for the armory. I'll cover ye' on yer way to and from." The plan stated, Captain May readied her weapon, the parasol she kept with her at all times. She didn't really know what they would do after they'd acquired the weapons, but she was sure it was going to be awesome beyond belief.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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May followed close behind the spider-baby, smacking aside any toy in their way, quite unnecessarily, as most were too surprised to try to stop them. It was sort of amazing that May could run in the dress she was wearing, given its design, but she'd learned long ago not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Ha, eight arms come in handy!"

"Why do you think I gave you this job?" May was being completely honest about that, had Bolt had the standard number, their tasks would have been reversed. "Now, let's get back to the ship before they organize and retaliate." Just as she finished that sentence, a tank rolled around the corner, pointing straight at them. "New plan; get to the ship so that we don't get blown to smithereens."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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"Wonderful, thank you." was May's answer to Bolt. That whole mission went far better than she had anticipated. That tank probably wasn't even after them. Karah raised a good point about the weapons, but unfortunately May didn't have a very good answer. "Well, pirates need weapons, so first I guess we each pick out what we want, stockpile what we can, and sell the rest back to Joe and his guys. Other than that, are there any quest either of you would like to embark on?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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May was just about to inquire as to why they might want to kidnap Santa Claus, of all people, though she didn't have any other ideas, when Karah spoke.

"Noone's ever done it before. It would quite a feat."

Now that, whether the barbie had intended it to be or not, was a challenge. Taking a large rifle from the pile, May said "Now there's a plan. Bolt, did you have a plan as to how we'd get to the North Pole, or are we winging it?" She chuckled slightly at the pun. May was all for this plan, though she saw no possible gain as a result, she was far to focused on the idea of pulling off a stunt that others had tried, failed, and deemed impossible as a consequence. Everyone else would be amazed when they arrived back at the house, holding Saint Nick himself hostage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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"Alright, that makes some sense." Actually, it made much less sense than the three seemed to think it did, but regardless May still saw no alternative once the challenge had been presented. As the skateboard drew close to the attic entrance, May leaped form the deck, onto then off of the cannon, kicking off the wall, and catching the string that hung from the attic door, gravity and her momentum combined to pull the door open and the ladder slid out. After that, the doll swung herself onto the second rung of the ladder as it passed her, and rode her way to the bottom. "Tad da." she said, spreading her arms in a grand gesture like some stage magician.


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Character Portrait: Bolt Character Portrait: Karah Character Portrait: May
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The comment about some toys being more dainty than May earned her sticking her tongue out in reply. She grinned mischievously at the care Bolt was taking to keep an eye on her while he helped Karah up. She'd be lying if she said the thought of pushing him hadn't occurred to her, but all she said was "What?" Looking around the attic, and then hearing about the mysterious protectors, May replied "Well, my plan of attack was just to attack. Do either of you have any ideas?" Slinging the rifle over her back, the porcelain doll readied her parasol, just in case there really was an ambush about to take place.