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Tranquility Unfounded

Tranquility Unfounded


Fight your way through the streets of Tranqulity.

919 readers have visited Tranquility Unfounded since Raven Lyer created it.


The Isle of Tranquility, the center of the world’s greatest advances in science, medicine, and warfare. Originally under the control of the United States, the island has forsaken its mother nation, seceding as its own nation, and built a large bio-dome around the grand city that now covers the majority of the island. The city has become home to scientists, doctors, scholars, and students from all over the world, welcoming anyone that seeks to better their world through the use of their mind. However, those without any manner of academic background, or government affiliation are not allowed, and this rule is enforced by a rather large “security” force donated to the island by the Indigo Foundation, a supposed pharmaceutical company owned by a rather generous doctor known only as Dr. Neris to the public.
The Indigo Foundation is, however, a weapons development company with contracts with most every warring nation of the world, supplying them with the most advanced weapons and countermeasures of the age.
Dr. Neris has grown bored with being the primary arms dealer of the world, though, ad has decided to lead a bio-weapon development project, utilizing the underground complex underneath Tranqulity as its starting ground.
He started by filtering airborn agents into the city through the bio-dome’s ventilation system, agents that acted as mental and physical supplements. For a while, the city prospered as he underwent more and more of his experiments, using the citizens as nothing more than lab rats. None aware cared for what he was doing, never did anything to stop it. After all, it was helping the city, and then he was still the patron god of the island.
It wasn’t long before his experiments turned malicious.
Hearing rumors from various moles in the company, the President himself decided it was time that this Dr. Neris and the Indigo Foundation be investigated and, if needed, destroyed. Not wanting the public, congress, nor the armed forces involved, he resorted to the use of the PSCTF, the presidential special circumstances taskforce. These few, elite agents, would be inserted discreetly into Tranquility, taking only what they could carry as far as tools went, and from there would fulfill their orders.
However, the team was inserted far too late. Dr. Neris’ latest experiment had already been leaked into the domed city, infecting each and every citizen with a terrible virus-like agent that forced changes upon them, both physical and mental. Over the hours that the PSCTF started their infiltration, they slowly changed into disturbing creatures that barely resembled humans any more, and their minds effectively destroyed.
Now the agents must fight their way through the city and survive horrors that no man has faced in history along with all those who have managed to survive this incident.

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Equipment:(be realistic and truthful with occupation, most doctors probably won't have training in firearms)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Flames and shrapnel flew everywhere as the bus exploded, sending many young men and women to meet their makers. Faust looked up from behind a nearby car that he’d apparently been using for cover and gave an audible sigh as he reached a hand inside his coat and removed a new magazine for his colt, which was held loosely in his other hand, the barrel still smoking and the chamber open. He released the spent magazine and loaded the new one in one easy motion, and, with the click of the secondary trigger, loaded a bullet into the chamber. “Here I was, thinking that this would all be easy. That nothing would go wrong this time. That I would be able to get in, get what we need, and get out without a single hiccup… But no, of course not…”
Faust sighed again as he made his way across the road, which was now covered in a scattered mess of metal, flames, and blood. So much blood. He stopped just in front of a body that had once been human. The tattered clothes of the bus driver still clung to the mutated form of the monster that lay bleeding from holes too numerous to count, all created by the shrapnel flung from the explosion. The creature growled at Faust, looking up at him with bloodshot eyes stuck in the middle of its grotesque face. With no small amount of contempt, Faust brought up his gun and fired, placing a bullet neatly between those hateful eyes.
He watched as life left the beast, and took a moment to recall the events leading up to this point, and mourn the deaths of so many young men and women.
The mission had come as no surprise to Faust. The Indigo Foundation had always been a point of concern, and their position in Tranquility was a frequently discussed issue. It was only a matter of time before they were sent to investigate or destroy the Foundation. While he was not overly opposed to the mission itself, he was more than a little disturbed by their choice of insertion.
Apparently it was decided that, given his young age, it would be best if he was given the role of a student, transferring into one of the local universities, one that happened to be sponsored by the Indigo Foundation itself. It was rightly assumed that, given enough time, Faust could gain the trust or even friendship of anyone with connections to the Foundation. Through them, or any information that he could retrieve from them, he could gain entrance to the complex the Foundation and their CEO called home.
Of course, everything had gone terribly, terribly wrong pretty much as soon as the bus he, and several other students, had been taking reached the city limits. It was only too natural for the driver to have a sort of seizure and crash the bus into a line of cars, go limp, and apparently fall dead at the wheel. And it was to be expected that, once Faust had made a hasty departure from the bus, taking his things with him and leaving the rest of the students to watch, stunned, that the driver’s body would start to grow claws, extra muscle, and for all intents and purposes become a monster. Then, of course, the monster driver had to go and slaughter the students, and follow Faust out into the almost empty street and refuse to falter, even after taking an almost complete magazine worth of bullets. It was then that Faust decided to use a small explosive, which the creature decided to knock into the bus, which caused the current situation to unfold.
It really was just his luck that such a thing would happen.. Though, he should probably have been more surprised than he was. People don’t suddenly mutate into such a hideous, bloodthirsty form without a little extra help… And he had a good idea as to who was behind this… Well, now was not really the time to think about it. For now he’d hoof it through the city, and see if anyone else was affected the way the driver had been. Hopefully, the disease, or whatever it was, had yet to spread.


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Character Portrait: Ishmael Ardura
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Across the city, a towering office structure was going through what was supposed to be a normal day. Several burly men in suits were standing by the main door, and stepped forward when a much shorter and leaner figure approached, but nodded in acknowledgment once they got a look at his security pass and let him pass. Said person, Ishmael Ardura, had to take a much different approach to infiltrating the city and the target organization. Indigo Foundation, long time concern for the PSCTF, and only now were they acting. It was at least a few hours before the bus of students that had another member would arrive, and while having friendly faces here would be potentially useful, it also increased the risk of detection. But it was what it was. He had went ahead of the rest of the team, integrating with the security section of a closely linked corporation, a medical firm that supplied a healthy amount of all sorts of pharmaceutical drugs. For what, security grunts like himself were not told, but it was suspicious the amount being sent with exclusive rights. He had been with another truck full of these supplies, and had recorded the contents to forward back to command at a moment that would not risk detection. He entered the security office, and relieved the man who had been working the graveyard shift, and after a few pleasantries, sent the man on his way. As soon as he was gone, he flipped on a recorder to keep all the video and audio footage for future dissection. Then something caught his eye, the experimental medical department was having some issues with a patient.

Hitting a switch, he called up the security chief and told him what was going on. Soon enough half a dozen guards were there, helping the doctors restrain the patient. Usually allergic reactions occurred, but something was wrong here. Considering several guards suddenly backed off, yelling silently on the cameras in that section, as the man started twisting and mutating in unnatural and unusual manners. A giant clawed hand, the other gone completely, slammed the doctor into the wall, clearly dead. Ishmael cursed, silenced .45 pistol already in hand as he stood up. The guards were pouring 9mm fire into the thing, to no avail, and they were dead. Ishmael kept moving, leaving the camera room behind, he could already hear yelling in the building for the situation to be contained. Problem was that others were also changing, but they were slower shifts than the patient had been. The thing was rampaging through the few people who hadn't started turning yet, and several hollow point .45 rounds tore clean through its midriff. The thing turned and roared, but nothing was where the shots came from. Several more rounds hit the thing, and it swung to the right, finding only an empty magazine on the ground. It was confused and angry, but not for long.

The front of its face blew outwards, Ishmael standing behind the thing, not showing a hint of being disturbed. Pulling out a pack of cigarettes, he lit one and returned the pack to his pockets, taking a drag before heading for the exit. The evacuation alarms were blaring, some dying fool probably pulled them down. Holstering the pistol back in his jacket, he kept walking, a thin trail of cigarette smoke following him. Diving around like that had left the large thing confused, and open to a clean execution shot to the back of its head. By this point, he had reached the front of the building, and found the dead security chief. Something had turned his stomach into something comparable to marionette strings, and paused long enough to collect his security clearance. He had healthy access to more than just this building, so it might help. Worse came to worse, better than leaving it for someone else to find. He vanished into the streets, dying coffin nail left next to the dead chief, heading for his apartment in the area, and then would figure out what to do from there.


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It was early morning and Isabella slipped into her suit and white lab coat. After much studying to play the part she'd played off that she was an intern fresh out of medical school and had taken up a job at the hospital inside the dome. She'd already set up her apartment and today was to be her first day on the job. Yawning she clipped on the ID and grabbed her stethoscope laying it around her neck and slipping on the fake glasses .
Pulling her hair up into a messy bun on the top of her head her appearance would make her look the part to a T, something Isabella had been good at even when she was on the police force which led to many arrests. Grabbing up her coffee she headed out the door and walked the short distance to the hospital, greeted by a few nurses that were outside taking a smoke break she nodded, said hello and entered. Reaching the med/surg floor she was assigned to today she finished her coffee and logged in to get her day started.
She was met by the head nurse who offered her the first chart of the day and ushered her to the patient's room. Glancing over the chart she entered and the nurse left her alone. The patient was admitted with end stage renal disease and his body was beginning to shut down. The history showed the patient had refused dialysis and therefore wouldn't live past the night. She stood before him looking down as the man tried to smile.
"Hello I'm Dr. Berlitz, I've been told your previous Dr has already spoken to you about your health and if you'd like we have a priest on hand if you wish to speak to him. I see you have no relatives on the island?" the man nodded and whispered.
"I'm a scientist, my wife left me and my kids are grown living in the states." nodding Isabella closed the chart and smiled. "You've been admitted under care and comfort, if you feel any pain please page for your nurse." with that she left the room reopening the chart, she pulled her pen out and scribbled down a high dose of morphine to help the old man and handed it to the nurse.
This continued for several hours until she took a lunch break. Sitting in the chair she sighed heavily and wiped her forehead. She scarfed down her tray of salad, yogurt and had finished her drink when the pager she was given went off. Glancing down she rose quickly and made her way back upstairs. A code blue had been called and she rounded the corner to find it was the elderly man she'd seen earlier in the shift. Entering the room a nurse was doing cpr as another wheeled in the code cart. They began setting him up and shocked him with cpr in between the three shocks. Flat line, the room was silent as machines were turned off and Isabella sighed, "Time of death, eleven two thirty five pm." leaving the room she filled out the sheets given and handed it to the clerk before returning to the room, he'd been covered with a sheet until the workers from the morgue could come retrieve the body.
She was about to turn around when she heard a groan and her eyes focused on the body. The sheet began moving so Isabella retrieved her gun from it's holster and held it out as she slowly walked around the bed. A nurse came into the room and was asking something but the question was halted when she saw the body moving and Isabella with a gun in her hand. She motioned to the girl to shut the door, and remain there.
The sheet fell away and the man's eyes were solid white and he looked over to Isabella. Frozen she waited to see what it would do, the body suddenly jerked and squirmed on the bed as the body began mutating, changing to clawed hands and grew disfigured. Eyes wide she took aim and as the creature came off the bed ready to spring she pulled the trigger.
One shot that landed in between the eyes and had the creature dropping where it stood. The nurse had by now pressed herself against the wall near the door and covered her mouth to keep from screaming out. "Help me get the body back on the bed, tell no one what happened, now" she ordered and the nurse nodded as they lifted the body with much struggle back into the bed, and quickly covered it.
"Has this happened before?" she put her gun away so the nurse would relax some, and when the gun was put away she nodded. "Once, a security guard shot it down but we didn't report it." Isabella nodded, "Don't say anything to anyone, he's back in bed and i'll get to the bottom of what happened. Now go back out there and act as if nothing has happened. If they ask just tell them you were straightening up and the tray fell." The nurse nodded and they left the room together. She pulled out her cell and dialed a number putting it to her ear to await the recipient to answer.


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"Oh fuck you, James! I should've dumped your ass weeks ago!" Aurora shouted, watching her former boyfriend mutate down the sights of her Five-seveN. "You shoulda told me that asshole bit you instead of going home after your shift!"

To her complete lack of surprise, the thing that was formerly her former boyfriend only responded with a choked howl. It then locked eyes on her and lunged forward, only to be knocked backwards with a nearly point-blank shot to the forehead. The body flew back and slid down the wall, unmoving. Letting out a groan of disgust, Rora puffed her midnight blue spikes up out of her face a moment before giving the inert body a vicious kick.

"Thanks for ruining my wallpaper. But, that's not the first thing in my apartment you've ruined..."

The sounds of screaming and breaking glass came in from the open apartment window, along with other sounds of disarray in the greater city, though all-out chaos hadn't seemed to arrive to the island yet. The events that brought her to this point ran through her mind as she grabbed her extra magazines and placed them in the thigh holster along with the Five-seveN. Things had been as fine as things could be in the ICU where the attending doctors eagerly assigned her after her internship. Then James brought a man straight from his ambulance to the ICU, and shit started hitting the fan. She had been treating another patient when a howl rocked the entire floor. Alarms she never heard before went off in the unit, even as she ran to the room. Upon getting there, she saw one of the nurses dead on the floor before... a beast. It slashed its claws at her, but she wasn't where she had been. She was on the other side of the room, knuckle duster in hand, retrieved from her boot. It charged at her and she clocked it in the jaw with the brass knucks in the handle, only causing it to pause. Then she slashed its throat, causing blood to spray just about everywhere. Still, it didn't stop trying to get at her, and she had to move again before she got cornered. Just as suddenly as all that happened, several men bearing Indigo badges burst into the room. They dispatched the raving beast with a gunshot to the head, and made to gather its body and the body of the nurse.

"Doctor, you're going to have to come with us. We can't know if you weren't infected with whatever this guy had," one of the men said stiffly, as if holding back something.

"Like hell I am! And like hell I'm going with any of you Indigo bastards!" Rora had replied angrily, knowing full-well that Indigo had something to do with the infected person, whatever this "infection" was.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but still, you must come whether or not you want to," the same man replied, hardly looking vexed, and reached toward his waistband.

Too late was he and already on the floor sporting knuckle prints on his chin from an uppercut with the knuckle duster, and Aurora dropped the next with a swift kick to the groin. The last had his gun drawn and trained on her, but didn't fire even as she walked slowly towards him. Silver blade flashed as it suddenly stabbed through the Indigo prick's gunhand. He let out a cry and dropped the gun, the fell with his buddies when a black combat boot struck the side of his face. Without another moment of hesitation, Aurora fled from the hospital and back to her apartment to get her Five-seveN and to change out of her scrubs.

Shaking her head when shouts came from the hall, the young doctor slipped out of her apartment and locked the door, hoping she'd return to it in one piece. She managed to get out of the building without issue, and slowly started walking towards the neighbourhood bar, "Rattus Rattus", probably one of the lowest watering holes on Traquillity...


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Character Portrait: Lucas "Soki" O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
An ironic Drowning pool blaring over the speakers of the once, slightly hospitable Rattus Rattus, needless to say the song seemed to fit quite well with the current appearance of the place mutated flesh all over the place, and not to mentioned dismembered bodies. The place was a regular house of the dead. Soki sat in a chair leaning back against the railing with his feet placed onto of the table as he strummed his guitar along to the song. He had been smart enough to put on the exosuit underneath his normal suit and tie today, and seeing as it wasn't a huge gig to be played he didn't figure anyone would exceptionally notice the slight bulges in some areas of his body do to the thicker alloys, and boy was he thankful for wearing it.

The night had seemed like a normal one he came in began to set up to the rather interesting choice for a group of highly intelligent people; Drowning pool, Bodies needless to say within the next ten minutes the song fit the entire situation perfectly. A man, seemingly fine; but slightly pale walks into the establishment; when a serving girl came up to ask what he wanted, all hell broke lose. He lunged for her taking a large bite out of her neck, her blood spraying over the next closes duo of men, one catching her the other trying to force the man out of the building. This was not to be the man began to heavily mutate his arms cracking and splintering , as the bones began to form scythe like blades and the shoulders bulked and arched higher, his jaw unhinged and teeth grew along the cheeks. It wasn't a pretty picture as it ripped through the man who was trying to keep it away. his guts and limbs splattering the walls and the other people near the entrance. Men and women ran for the back exit screaming and shouting. The creature that use to be a man slowly stalking them as if it knew they had no escape.

That was until a random piece of equipment slammed again it sending it sprawling into a booth near the bar, giving the rest of the survivors ample time to escape, that is if there wasn't another highly mutated corpse there waiting. A few of the surviving men tried to hold it back, being diced and flung all over the back exit, the women on the other hand screamed bloody murder only to earn a decapitation from the creature. The bar had become quite empty by the time the first creature had regained it's footing. Soki just sat on the stool that had been offered to him while he toned his guitar opening up his guitar case and putting the instrument back inside of it as he placed it up against the wall; the battle had begun. The first of the things charged Soki dodging the bladed hand as it pierced the wall, uppercutting it's jaw with his right hand causing a mild burst of flames to engulf the head of it. The second took it's chance now charging forward with clawed hands poised to rip his flesh, but only ripped the clawing the claws breaking against the thick alloy along his chest. He smiled "Yep sorry not going to tear me apart as easily as you did them." he stated causing a throaty growl from the second, as the first finally regained itself, but to late as Soki was there pounding both his fists into it's chest one, two, and with a final right uppercut the head was severed and sent flying steadily out the window, whilst on fire. The first dispatched, the second jumped at the opportunity of catching him off guard, it wasn't going to be as easy as that though. He turned his whole body, using his entire weight for this kick as it connected just below the eye sending the creature spiraling towards a wall slamming into it face first, slumping against the wall.

Soki stood there shaking his head, and not willing to take the chance of it getting back up, reopening the guitar case reaching behind the guitar, he pulled out his nodachi, strapping it on around his back as he drew the the blade from it's scabbard. The corpse as if sensing that he had a weapon, it began to climb to it's feet; but not quickly enough the sword pierced through it's throat; Soki twisted his wrist and sharply pulled to his right, the head lobbing to the side held only slightly to the body by the flesh of it's neck, the spine completely severed. He stood up straight staring at the blood on the blade as he wipped it off on what was left of the corpses shirt and sliding it back into it's scabbard and removing it from his back as he placed it back into his guitar case, and once again pulling the guitar out. He sat down on one of the undamaged chairs leaning back and resting his feet on the table and began to strum his guitar. He knew the shit had hit the fan, but he had heard no orders or communication as of yet, and would need to wait for possibly orders, that and he just didn't feel like going outside right now, knowing that the shit was bad he figured being outside wasn't bright, he'd wait it out for now; give it maybe an hour before he'd brave the apocalypse that he was sure was going on outside.


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The three blocks to Rattus Rattus were mostly dark and devoid of life. A few delinquent looters, already taking advantage of the stretched out police forces, circled her armed with crowbars and baseball bats, but once the Five-seveN appeared in her hand, they scattered like roaches into the night. Purple eye whizzing lightly, as it refocused, Rora chuckled and re-holstered the pistol. As she approached the bar, the sound of loud, heavy music filtered from the open or broken windows. Once she was close enough to hear it clearly, it was Drowning Pool, "Bodies", and she couldn't help but utter a short, airy laugh at the sheer irony.

Several growls answered this laugh as a large amount of those infected creatures could be seen slowly making their way towards the source of light and noise from the crossroads on the corner of the street. Left hand sliding the Five-seveN from its thigh-holster even as her right drew the knuckle duster, Rora caved in the eye socket of one such beast that came from a side alley with a swift right hook. Puffing up her bangs, the cybernetic eye became darker as it focused down the sights. One shot, and the round burst through the snarling mouth of one and out the back, shattering the brain stem. Bang. Another had its brain explode out the back of its head. Bang bang. Both knees knocked out, this one was decapitated with silver blade as she stepped forward, seeking shelter inside before the entire street was swarmed. In this state, she was numb to each shot, each kill, dwelling on it only long enough to verify it was indeed a kill. Bang bang bang. Shatter both shins, spin it with a shot to the left hip. Aurora kept running forward as this one fell, her left leg also whirring, albeit a little more audibly, suddenly pivoting on the robotic leg and launching a two-footed kick into the creature's face, nearly tearing the head of the torso.

”Eight rounds, Rora, don't forget the one for James” she thought to herself as she jumped easily back to her feet and began rapidly closing the distance to the door of the bar. “Fuckin' christ, you can't kill 'em all even if you had enough bullets. But damn you Soki for turning me into a killing machine...”

A flaming head suddenly flew out the front window of the bar, rolling to a stop at Rora's feet and drawing the attention of everything for a moment, as it was still screaming somehow. Without a second thought, she took one step on her good leg and heaved with her left, sending the head in a perfect arc into the face of an unwary creature. That head was evidence of someone inside the bar who'd foolishly turned on the music and drew this crowd of infected -not that it was in bad taste. In a few steps, she reached the door and found it securely closed. Muttering a curse under her breath, Rora spun around and expelled the last twelve bullets from the twenty round magazine, all shots aimed for the head. Not bothering to eject the empty mag, she turned and started pounding on the door with pistol, knife, and boot.

“Come on asshole, I know you're in there and you can hear me! Do I have to waste another mag before you'll open up? These fuckers have no end!”


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“AHUD activate” Faust said silently as he donned his sunglasses, pressing down on a hidden button along the frame as he did. Dim light flickered across the lenses, filling his vision with green that dulled steadily. Faust sighed and rummaged through the brief case he carried with him, waiting for the AHUD to load completely. While the light that made up the AHUD started to outline the various objects within sight range, Faust peered around the little alley he’d hidden away in. Somehow, he’d expected for it to be filled with the monsters he’d encountered before, just waiting to catch him unawares.. But that apparently only happened in cliché video games. These monsters apparently preferred to seek out the more populated areas, probably searching for a feast. Faust retrieved various magazines and a few more exciting toys from the various hidden compartments in the case. He gave the glasses a gentle flick before setting to the task again, this time lingering over a metal tube that clung to the lining of the left side of the case. He shook his head once before resettling everything in the case and returning his attention to the AHUD system, which has finally finished loading. Now every building was outlined in a faint green tone, with small tags naming them appearing across the lenses as they were spotted. The AHUD, the advanced heads up display system, would search for anything particularly out of the ordinary for him, like perhaps these monsters, and would identify any buildings of general relevance to his current objective. It was quite the useful toy, and tended to make his job easier. Though, he was almost sure he was the only one that made us of it.
Faust upholstered the colt 1911 that he’d been using before and wandered slowly out of the alley, checking his corners as he stepped onto the sidewalk. A small radar sprang to life along the left frame, ready to track any motion within a few kilometers of his location. For now, it appeared the streets around him were clear, which relieved Faust ever so slightly. He tapped a button on the frame of his glasses a few times, expanding the range of the radar, the AHUD system accessing more than a few of the domed city’s systems through his phone.
He let it search the area around him for a moment before he noticed a nice set of red dots around what appeared to be a local business. He watched silently as a few of those dots winked out, while others were slowly appearing and gathering to the location. Apparently some one was there, taking the fight to the monsters, and given the rate at which they seemed to be disappearing; they were doing rather well. He would have to check it out… Maybe offer his assistance and acquire a little cover for his back.
Faust started to head in that direction when his phone sprang to life in his suit pocket, the chorus for “Prayer of the Refugee” breaking the silence around him. He quickly grabbed a small Bluetooth style device from his coat pocket and set it in his ear before picking up the phone and reading the caller ID on it. With a smirk, Faust accepted the call and set the phone back into his pocket. “Isabella, I’m pleasantly surprised that you called. First, no less. Have you heard of a place called the Rattus Rattus? First drink’s on me.” With a smile he sprang into a jog towards the bar, holding his colt at the ready, expecting trouble.


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Isabella couldn't help but give a small corner of the mouth smile when she heard the recipient, Faust, a long time pal and on occasion bedroom buddy answer. “Isabella, I’m pleasantly surprised that you called. First, no less. Have you heard of a place called the Rattus Rattus? First drink’s on me.”
with that the phone call went dead. Rolling her eyes she closed the phone and set it back into her pocket. Glancing around she sighed, for now she'd have to leave instructions with the nurse. Tracking her down she whispered her instructions, the girl nodded although her eyes were wide like a doe caught in the headlights. As Isabella made her way towards the front doors of the hospital she unbuttoned the lab coat and stripped it away, undoing the top button so she could breath better. Exiting she made sure her eyes were focused on her surroundings as she let memory tell her where this Rattus Rattus place was.
Local bars, no one could ever give them a proper name unless it was strickly pub, or bar. Slipping one of her glocks out she made sure the chamber was full and loaded before she began her treck to the bar. Faust promised a drink, she'd certainly need it after having to put a bullet through an old man's head. She slipped the glasses off her face and folding them slipped one of the temples over her shirt to let it dangle by her neckline. She made a mental note to inform Faust of her findings once she reached Rattus Rattus and so sprang into a jog since she was far from it. Luckily Isabella was used to jogging and as she neared the location she was stopped short by a noise.
Halting she took a few breaths, slowly exhaling so she could listen better, her heart pounding in her chest as she wiped a few beads of sweat from her brow. Easing up to the building she gazed down the alley way to find two people pressed against a wall, from a distance one would have thought it was a man making out with a woman, but as Isabella broke away from the wall and began making her way towards them she found it was one of the creatures eating a man's throat out. Gun aimed at it she waited until it heard her make a shuffling noise and as it turned it's head she fired. The bullet hit the creature in the head and fell away. Slowly she moved closer to the victim as his body slumped and fell to the ground. She felt pity, but it had to be done, lifting her arm again she fired one bullet into the back of the head, watching as blood oozed out of the wound.
Stepping back she glanced behind her not seeing anything and exited the alley only to keep a steady pace so as not to look suspicious when she was a short distance away she jogged again. It didn't take long to hear gun shots and turning the corner came into the scene of a woman mowing down a few of the creatures in front of none other then Rattus Rattus. When the shooting stopped the woman began pounding on the door shouting at someone.
Raising a brow Isabella saw one of the creatures closing in on the woman and instinct she aimed and began shooting. Slowly she moved towards the door the woman was at, clearing away the one that was too close to the lady as she walked backwards in order to keep an eye on the creatures. When she got close she asked,
"I hope whoever is in there is willing to open the door."
Isabella finished the first clip and clicking something on the side it slipped out and she grabbed another shoving it in and shot two more in the head. She joined in the shouting,
"Come up."


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It was only too natural that he’d arrive at the bar last… When all the killing had gotten into full swing, monsters appearing from the woodwork around the low class joint, causing red dots to dance across Faust’s vision as the radar insisted he pay attention to them. Honestly, he’d wanted to arrive at the joint a few minutes earlier than her, clear out the place with a few well placed bullet, maybe a grenade or two, and have a drink nicely waiting for Isabella, whom he felt an odd need to impress during moments like these. Now she was standing before the door, shouting in at whoever had decided to lock them out, with a decent assortment of mutated creatures gathering around her, a few of them not taking the hail of bullets they’d been met with nicely. In fact, it seemed like the felling of their fellows did little more than drive them forward, possibly led by some desire for revenge. Either way, Faust simply couldn’t have it.

When he arrived on the scene he immediately set to work, bringing his colt up and taking brief moments to stare down the sights as he fired at the creatures, moving from one to the other in quick succession, sending bullets cleaning through the sides of their heads. It took only a moment for them to notice him, however, and it wasn’t long before they came rushing at him. Red X’s moved across Faust’s AHUD, marking each enemy’s vital points, as a center reticule appeared and began to move, following where Faust’s gun was pointing.

All was going well until pulling the trigger started producing nothing more than an irritating click. In a single motion, followed by a silent curse, Faust returned the colt to its holster and removed one of his large, custom long colt revolvers. The reticle on his AHUD became larger now as he aimed at the last monster that had decided he was avid prey. It was now taking moments to consider whether Faust was an easier target than the women, having had many others slain before it. It was just about to turn away when Faust pulled the trigger, his gun spitting a rather large bullet that tore half of the creatures face clean off. With a satisfied smile, Faust moved on towards Isabella and her new friend, speaking to his fellow agent in a somewhat playful tone, which was rather rare for him. “Have I kept you waiting long? I have this bad tendency for arriving late to parties…”


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Character Portrait: Ishmael Ardura
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Ishmael was off on his own still, heading for his apartment building first. It was a relatively upscale building, made for the various members from the high end business complexes and such that populated the part of town Indigo had favored for having business partners in. The front door was slightly ajar, and with a quiet sigh, tapped the precise place of a hidden button on his glasses. The AHUD system that another agent had started using first, and proven its value as well, kicked on, spotting two mutants in the lobby of the apartment building. That splattered mess next to the door was probably what was left of the front door security. Drawing his USP45 pistol, and no reticule would pop up with any of his weapons. He didn't need it, and didn't understand the purpose. This wasn't some cheesy FPS survival horror game that needed reticules to pinpoint where one was aiming. Moving fast, he kicked the door open, sending two rounds into the head of the first mutant. The other one started to rise from its meal, hissing, and got several rounds into the face as well. Lowering the pistol, but not holstering it, Ishmael took off at a brisk jog, heading for the stairs. Only two or so floors up he exited the stairwell, heading for his apartment, and kicking the locked door open. The power in the building itself was out, a barely operating emergency generator kept the lights up. It wasn't enough to operate the security doors each room had, however, so he had to bust the lock himself. Walking in and confirming the room was empty of mutants, he flicked the lights on and grabbed a suit case. Opening it and dumping out the components, he immediately got to assembling his UMP45. It used the same ammo as his sidearm, which helped in he didn't have to worry about supplying different ammo types to himself. Finishing with the fore grip and silencer, he slung it onto his back and stood, changing the left lens of his AHUD active glasses for a bit.

Using retinal movement, he ordered the AHUD to detect phone signals linked to the system as well. A few moments of scanning registered an active call, and cross referencing it on the map of Tranquility, he found they were heading for this bar called Rattus Rattus. He shook his head, turning off his AHUD and picking up his pistol. He left the building at a brisk jog, constantly checking his corners and moving through a variety of alleyways and small streets, avoiding the main roads. That was just asking for trouble, considering most of the mutants would probably have head there first, where the most flesh was for consumption. Moving forward, he eventually neared this Rattus Rattus place, and flicked on the AHUD again to check. There were a few non mutants outside the bar, and he assumed those were the other agents, or at least survivors. Either way, an UMP45 wasn't unknown amongst security forces here, just reserved for extreme situations. Well, this passed as an extreme situation. A hissing behind him made him spin, ducking a claw that embedded itself into the wall, and he flicked his wrist, and gripped the punch dagger in his fist, and uppercutted the mutant, angled to sever the spinal cord, and the thing collapsed, getting an execution round to the head. Slipping the punch dagger back into its slot, he walked out of the alley quietly, lighting a smoke while he was doing so, stealth not being a major factor at the moment. He nodded to Sage and the others gathered outside, and took another drag before saying anything. He currently spoke with a clear British accent, this time sounding like he hailed from London. It changed as often as he went through smokes, so fairly often. "Well met, ladies and gentleman. I hope I am not too late for the pub crawl."


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Character Portrait: Lucas "Soki" O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
Soki could hear the shouting over the song and his guitar strumming, slightly annoyed by the shouting as the song was just starting to get good. He sighed and placed the guitar down on the table and walked towards the front door; a corpse still holding onto the frame for dear life as if to keep everything at bay. He grabbed the man by the hair and tossed him to the side like a sack of potatoes, working the doorknob and the lock he opened it. “Easy, easy your interru-“ His sentence never finished as his eyes locked onto a familiar person. “what’n the hell are you doing here?!” He screamed down at her the rough irish accent making itself quite noticeable after years of learning to mask it. “You foolish girl” He barked at her and rubbed at his forehead. “Well get in, get in.” He said to her and backed out of the doorway so everyone could shuffle in, needless to say he could hear the growls and other unfriendly noises as he slammed the door shut and locked it once again once everyone had made it in safely.

He took this moment to toss his red bangs out of his face, “Well I suppose I should have really turned off the music after the initial attack here..” He mumbled under his breath as he returned to his table, sat in the exact same position he had before he had gotten up and returned to strumming the guitar. He may have been here on a mission, but leading and coming up with plans; that wasn’t his strong suit, dicing up enemies and knocking their head off at a mile distance was. He turned his attention back to his sister glaring at her slightly which was his way of telling her he disapproved of her ever coming to this forsaken place, in retrospect he didn’t choose a safe career either but it didn’t matter she was the smart one, and she choose to come to a place like this? Yeah he might have been the stupid one before, but that line of thinking was slowly changing to her corner. His eyes returned to his guitar as he plucked a cord harshly, snapping the string because of it as he sighed standing up and walking back over to the case and sliding it into place, and taking out his sword sliding it into it’s place on his back, then digging out the pieces to his L96A1 and putting it together, loading a magazine and pulling back the bolt. “So, We’re probably going to be surrounded on all sides by the things, and we’ve got limited ammo, except Faust, he seems to pull a clip out of his ass every time we tend to get into a situation; and let’s not forget 008 over there, surprised you’re not charming them to…undeath?” He wasn’t exactly sure how to explain the death of a already walking corpse. He then turned his full attention to the only Female in their little pow-wow. "Issy! your here to keep Faust in check right? No unneeded explosions, no waste of bullets on one corpse that pisses him off?" He asked with the only sign that he was joking, which was a big one due to it being a huge Cheshire smile.

He rubbed at his chin some and looked to his sister again. “She’s a civilian so what do we do with her, we can stuff her up here can’t we? keep her out of trouble.” He then looked off to the side and began to mumble. “And out of my hair..” Anyone with eyes and ears could tell he was not to keen to find his sister still on the island after their last altercation, but that wasn’t the point here. He sat back down his rifle in his lap now, his eyes locked dead on his younger sister, his emotions in a literal corkscrew on how to react to his little sister here, and in the middle of an apocalyptic situation no less. This was for sure going to compromise his integrity to the mission, there was no way in hell he was going to let her get herself into danger, at least if he could help it; she was just as stubborn as he was, and that was saying something.


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Her attention was temporarily diverted banging the door down when she heard a gunshot sound behind her, she turned to find Faust there. He was showering the creatures with bullets dropping them like flies, others that were nearby turned in his direction and she mowed them down until they were all dead in the vicinity. Causally he made his way up to the her and the other girl as it seemed the other was still intent on banging the door down.
She shook her head at Faust and smirked as he asked if he kept her waiting long. She remarked hotly.
"I didn't know this was considered a party Faust, glad you could finally join us though."
it wasn't long before they were joined by Ishmael appeared and took out a few creatures himself, quite quickly she had to point out as she watched and nodded to him when he advanced on them. His British accent as thick as ever although to Isabella who knew a little about him knew it wasn't his true accent, but it worked.
"Yes it seems THE place to go when you wanna party and get attacked."
Isabella turned her attention back to the door and again began banging on it until the sounds inside shifted. She was about to shout again when the door opened and Soki appeared in the doorway, Isabella eyed him and growled in frustration that it was he who'd been inside with the door locked. As he began speaking he stopped short when his eyes fell upon the young girl next to her, he then shouted at her calling her foolish in his irish accent that seemed to get thicker the more he fussed at her. Isabella glanced from the girl to him and raised a brow but moved inside as he told them to get in. She moved through the doorway and was greeted by a massive mess of fallen bodies, large puddles of blood and a stench of rot she wished wasn't there.
Once everyone else was inside she found a seat and sat down as the door was shut and locked to keep the other now gathering creatures outside out. At the remark of him possibly turning off the music she scoffed and leaned back in the chair as he strummed his guitar casually. His eyes kept moving to the girl and glaring, judging by the appearances they were related in some way and it was a reason for his reaction. Soki then rose and began setting up his weapons only to state that they'd be surrounded if not already so, then commented on Faust who of course did have a knack for producing ammo when everyone else was lacking but he turned his comments to her calling her 008 and she couldn't help but give a chuckle at the statement of her charming the dead to undeath.
"If it were possible i'd not have had to waste so much ammo already."
Then he focused on her calling her by the nickname he'd chosen ages ago, Issy, she had accepted it but it made her feel like she was five again when he said it. At the mention that she was here to keep Faust in check she merely shrugged and eyed the only man in the group she had a history with.
"I suppose i could try, but he is a stubborn mule who doesn't like taking orders from me," she paused and then finished, "Unless of course it's in the bedroom and it helps him achieve his goal." She grinned at him. It wasn't a secret amongst the group that she and Faust had a past, as long as they didn't report it back to the head of their organization. It would and could lead to termination and immediate removal from the group or transfer to either another state or another country. Soki rubbed his chin and attention was put on the girl who Soki then explained was a civilian and asked if we could stuf her up here to keep her out of trouble, Isabella caught the mumble since he was close by and she smirked.
Rising from her chair Isabella sighed and moved over to where the girl was placing her hands on her shoulders.
"Soki i can tell your not happy with her being here, but the fact is....she is and although not in the best circumstances i know and you know we'll all protect her and get her off this island alive. So calm down and have a drink before we get to work and start cutting these things down. We've a mission after all don't we." she smiled at him.


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Ishmael smirked and inclined his head to Isabella in response to the comment given about partying and getting attacked. Faust was taking care of things the best way he did, and the other woman got the man inside to open the door, one Agent O'Connell no less, and everyone piled in before he re-barricaded the door and went back to his guitar. Ishmael immediately went to the corner and did a quick inventory check on his gear again, making sure nothing had been lost in transit. Going through and checking his gear, he just shook his head with a chuckle at the comment about 008, speaking quietly in response as well. It was one of the few things he bothered responding to when it came to comments from the other Agents. They made enough of them, sure as sure, but he never returned fire about it. It wasn't worth the trouble, and honestly they had much more to concern themselves over rather than him trying to go about seducing the mutations out there. That might lead to some rather nasty diseases, something more than your average lotion could handle. "Service in the SIS doesn't make me an instant James Bond, and the numerical system isn't as accurate as you believe. I've explained that already. Or MI6, for you American lot that don't get SIS and MI6 are the same thing."

The others went back and forth, it was clear O'Connell did not approve of the newcomer woman being here. Relation of some sort, most likely. He honestly didn't see a concern about whether the girl was here or not, or what happened to her for that matter. They had a job to do, and if they wanted to include keeping the girl alive, so be it. He glanced back as he finished inventory of his gear, and sat down on a chair, lighting a smoke as he did so, UMP45 resting in his lap. Leaving her here wasn't an option. She was under equipped, poorly trained most likely, and wouldn't last five seconds if a mutant got in here. Which he assumed it would easily, given time. He took a long drag and blew the smoke out, in deliberate ignorance of the sign that said no smoking. "The building isn't secure enough to leave anyone untrained here. That's the equivalent of leaving her here with a single bullet, and the doors unlocked. Multiple entrances, already damaged from a previous break in, by the looks of it. Barricades wouldn't go back up very well once we left. Just my opinion on the matter."

Ishmael went back to smoking and checking and rechecking his gear. Just one check wouldn't do, and he couldn't trust it not to fail at the worst possible moment if he didn't constantly keep an eye on the weapons and such and catch any potential flaws before they became issues. So that was what he kept doing until a decision was reached, or if it took too long he might just move on as a foreword scout and vanguard. He traveled much faster on his own without tag along people. Even trained agents, he preferred to let them catch up. But that was a last case scenario, unless there was a secondary objective that needed to be seized. Then he would gladly head off alone to take care of whatever was in needing of being taken care of.


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"Ah, well at least I'm not the last one here..." Faust said as Ishmael arrived on the scene. "Now, all that leaves i-" Faust was stopped mid-sentence by the sudden opening of the bar door, revealing the most apathetic, and possibly lethargic, member of their group. Faust wad forced to stare for a moment, in complete silence, at O'Connel, his face completely devoid of all emotion or hint as to his thoughts. He continued to stare, even as O’Connel started to yell at the civilian woman, who’d more than likely arrived before them, his irish accent bursting out with almost explosive results. Only when everyone started heading inside did he finally shake his head of the irritating thoughts and allow himself to wander into the bar.
Faust took his seat close to Isabella and immediately swung his brief case onto the table next to him. With a few clicks of various buttons along its opening, he flung it open, a series of beeps issuing forth from inside it as both sides hit the flat surface of the table. Immediately panels along the inside began to raise, one of them splitting into two, while the other opened in three horizontal panels, each on top of the other. On each panel, each panel being slightly recessed, were the various munitions Faust used. On the top were magazines with .45 ACP rounds, and a collection of quick loaders filled with his revolver rounds. On the second were boxes of ammo, waiting to be filled into magazines later on. Some of the boxes were clearly marked with a strip of red electrical tape, as were the bottoms of a few of the magazines and quick loaders. The tape marked them as explosive rounds, a favorite of Faust’s. He found them infinitely useful during intense combat situations. On the bottom panel were a collection of small explosives, ranging from small grenades to c-4 putty. On the other side, embedded in a recessed compartment, were the pieces of his favorite rifle, an extendable sword he’d designed himself, magazines for the rifle, and a small collection of brushes with a small bottle of oil for cleaning his guns.
Faust took his glasses off as O’Connel sat down and immediately began strumming that rather annoying instrument of his. While the other agents settled in, and O’Connel began construction of his rifle in his usual manner, Faust began work on his own weapons. He pulled each gun he’d used from its holster and set them down on the table, pushing the brief case to the side as he did. He stripped the colts of their magazines immediately and set the ones he’d already spent on the table with the others. With unparalleled speed, Faust pulled an ammo box from the case and reloaded each magazine. When that task was complete he returned all but two of the magazines to their homes in the pouches on the bag of his belt. He then set about to cleaning his guns, stripping them down to parts and reassembling them with careful precision.
Faust only bothered to look up from his task when O’Connel started addressing each of them. He nodded silently when it came down to him and his ammo. He did seemed to be the most prepared for prolonged missions and firefights. He’d learned long ago to be prepared for such things. He had to smile at Ishmael being called 008 and having the man’s obvious case of Bond-syndrome brought to view. The older agent had always had more in the ways of charm than the rest of them, and the ladies seemed to flock to him. It was a wonder Faust had managed to draw Isabella’s attention with him around.
He was forced to cock an eyebrow when O’Connel then mentioned Isabella being around only to keep him in line. How was she supposed to do that? He was the one who always seemed to be in charge.. Even behind closed doors.. He decided to comment on that bit.
“I only ever did that once, and we both know they deserved it.” He said with a shrug, forcing to leave out the bit about how O’Connel had started the little incident, having had the vast majority of his cash stolen by one of the “victims.”
He glanced at Isabella when she spoke of their more private relationship, something he’d never been too concerned with keeping under wraps. They all knew they had a “history” as it was called. The word was rather unfitting now, as it had become a fairly day-to-day affair. He was fairly sure even the higher ups were aware, but simply didn’t care.
Now the conversation was taking a turn for the better. What to do now and more importantly, what to do with the civilian, whom O’Connel obviously had some form of relation to.
“I think,” Faust started to say as he put down the revolver he’d used before, then gun now completely cleaned, “That we should take her with us.. And if possible, make an effort to find a more suitable shelter to drop her, and any other survivors we may find, off at. From there, we can find a means of communicating with DC, complete our primary objective, and wait for them to send the marines to wipe out these… monsters. We then evac the survivors, and ourselves, and hitch a ride back to DC with package in hand.” When he was done Faust looked around the room at each agent, waiting for a response.

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Character Portrait: Isabella
0 sightings Isabella played by Shavnia_Velmount
Not much to say except let's do this

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lucas "Soki" O'Connell
Character Portrait: Ishmael Ardura
Character Portrait: Aurora Muse


Character Portrait: Aurora Muse
Aurora Muse

"Let's see if you can eat my face after I've blown your jaw off."

Character Portrait: Ishmael Ardura
Ishmael Ardura

"Don't worry about your friends, they won't ever know I was here."

Character Portrait: Lucas "Soki" O'Connell
Lucas "Soki" O'Connell

"horrible mutants that use to be the smartest of us, now look at them, chewing on each other and killing us one by one"


Character Portrait: Ishmael Ardura
Ishmael Ardura

"Don't worry about your friends, they won't ever know I was here."

Character Portrait: Aurora Muse
Aurora Muse

"Let's see if you can eat my face after I've blown your jaw off."

Character Portrait: Lucas "Soki" O'Connell
Lucas "Soki" O'Connell

"horrible mutants that use to be the smartest of us, now look at them, chewing on each other and killing us one by one"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aurora Muse
Aurora Muse

"Let's see if you can eat my face after I've blown your jaw off."

Character Portrait: Ishmael Ardura
Ishmael Ardura

"Don't worry about your friends, they won't ever know I was here."

Character Portrait: Lucas "Soki" O'Connell
Lucas "Soki" O'Connell

"horrible mutants that use to be the smartest of us, now look at them, chewing on each other and killing us one by one"

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Re: Tranquilaty Unfounded

It's nearly a month and no other posts? This still going or not?

Re: Tranquilaty Unfounded

Aye, still alive and kicking.

Re: Tranquilaty Unfounded

It's been a while since anyone posted, everyone alive over there?

Re: Tranquilaty Unfounded

You can play as a PSCTF agent, or as any manner of civilian, though a reason for why you were unaffected might be nice.

Re: Tranquilaty Unfounded

Looks like a cool RP. =)

I just wanted to clarify the available positions. Are all charries PSCTF agents? Or will some people play as doctors, scholars, citizens, etc?

Tranquilaty Unfounded


The Isle of Tranquility, the center of the world’s greatest advances in science, medicine, and warfare. Originally under the control of the United States, the island has forsaken its mother nation, seceding as its own nation, and built a large bio-dome around the grand city that now covers the majority of the island. The city has become home to scientists, doctors, scholars, and students from all over the world, welcoming anyone that seeks to better their world through the use of their mind. However, those without any manner of academic background, or government affiliation are not allowed, and this rule is enforced by a rather large “security” force donated to the island by the Indigo Foundation, a supposed pharmaceutical company owned by a rather generous doctor known only as Dr. Neris to the public.
The Indigo Foundation is, however, a weapons development company with contracts with most every warring nation of the world, supplying them with the most advanced weapons and countermeasures of the age.
Dr. Neris has grown bored with being the primary arms dealer of the world, though, ad has decided to lead a bio-weapon development project, utilizing the underground complex underneath Tranqulity as its starting ground.
He started by filtering airborn agents into the city through the bio-dome’s ventilation system, agents that acted as mental and physical supplements. For a while, the city prospered as he underwent more and more of his experiments, using the citizens as nothing more than lab rats. None aware cared for what he was doing, never did anything to stop it. After all, it was helping the city, and then he was still the patron god of the island.
It wasn’t long before his experiments turned malicious.
Hearing rumors from various moles in the company, the President himself decided it was time that this Dr. Neris and the Indigo Foundation be investigated and, if needed, destroyed. Not wanting the public, congress, nor the armed forces involved, he resorted to the use of the PSCTF, the presidential special circumstances taskforce. These few, elite agents, would be inserted discreetly into Tranquility, taking only what they could carry as far as tools went, and from there would fulfill their orders.
However, the team was inserted far too late. Dr. Neris’ latest experiment had already been leaked into the domed city, infecting each and every citizen with a terrible virus-like agent that forced changes upon them, both physical and mental. Over the hours that the PSCTF started their infiltration, they slowly changed into disturbing creatures that barely resembled humans any more, and their minds effectively destroyed.
Now the agents must fight their way through the city and survive horrors that no man has faced in history along with all those who have managed to survive this incident.
