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Adrian Grey

"Let's get this over with already, preferably as quick and painless as possible."

0 · 485 views · located in Mancer

a character in “Traumatics”, as played by Pimpette


Adrian Grey

A lot of people call him Grey

Human Male


If there was ever a person everyone wanted to be around it had to be Adrian. He has a very gentle heart and will help you out no matter what danger it could possibly put him in. He is the type of person who cares for any and everyone. Even the people who seem undeserving to others, but he will try to accept them instead of casting a quick judgment because of something they have done. Everyone deserves a second chance no matter what crime they may have committed. I guess you could say he believes in justice just not so much the same type as everyone else. Instead of thinking you deserve to die for something horrible you have done, Adrian will be the person who says you deserve a chance to right your wrongs. It isn't like he is easily fooled or naive. He knows when someone is trying to use him just for his kindness, but he might play along with you to a certain extent. If he thinks he needs to lie to you to protect you from some kind of danger then he will do just that. Adrian holds everyone he meets lives very close to him. He hates seeing anyone in any type of pain and agony. He isn't sure if they are the ones being tortured or him. He isn't sure what made him this way but seeing someone suffer right before his eyes is something he just can't handle. He would much rather it be him to be the one to do all of the suffering. You could say he takes on other people's burdens but it doesn't bother him much to do so.

Most would say he is too kind to others, but in his mind there is no such thing. Even the ones who seem way past the point of being helped; he will try his best to help them. He hates to fail at something especially when he tries his best to help out. Failure isn't in his vocabulary to say the least. Adrian believes if he is trying his best to help you you should try your best to accept it. He might not say it, but it does hurt a little to know he was giving it his all and the person just cast his efforts aside like it was nothing. Adrian is very good at hiding his anger though. You may try your best to anger him, but he is very level headed when it comes to many things. His pacific side comes out a lot when people try to argue with him. He will almost never raise his voice and will not even throw a single punch. Violence is definitely something he can't stand to be around. He just doesn't understand the concept of it. What sense does it make to hurt someone? What exactly do you gain from hurting them? He is very curious when it comes to this subject. Adrian is the type that if he doesn't understand something he will give it his best to understand it. The people who thrive off of others pain are the ones he is really interested in. He wants to know what is running through their minds when they hurt others or before they hurt them. It hasn't occurred to him that maybe he is just way too pure to get into the mind of a psychopath. Many around him say if he doesn't loose this fixation he has on them, then eventually he will be dragged down to their level.

Adrian is a very strong willed person, though his soft features don't show it. This is why he is willing to do whatever it takes to save someone. Even if it means loosing sight of who he truly is. He doesn't fear loosing himself as long as he knows his efforts didn't go to waste. He may be left to wander in the darkness, but if the person he tried so desperately to save is all right then he will be satisfied. The fact he will do anything to save someone is something not many can say. How many people would gladly give their lives for someone they barely even know? Not many. This is what makes Adrian so special. He is criticized for his beliefs but honestly he knows what he is doing is right, so he doesn't plan on trying to change himself. He doesn't do what he does to simply get attention or to be liked more. Quite frankly if everyone hated him for helping them, then he wouldn't care. He knows in the long run that person will come to accept what he did for them. Just as long as he knows he is doing right by someone then he will be fine. Even if he is only to save one person then he will feel better about his efforts. Of course he tries to save as many as he possibly can, but he knows there are limits to what he is able to do to help someone.

Adrian's ability is a little messy, and tiring too, but it certainly does come in handy. He is hemokinetic meaning that he can manipulate blood. It can be his own, or another person's. When he uses his own, he needs to make an incision on his skin, he often cuts his palm since it's the easiest to access quickly. This can be used as a offensive maneuver, but this way really drains his energy. If he isn't careful he could end up passing out if he uses too much at one time. Using the blood of another person doesn't require any incisions on the skin, he can directly affect the flow of blood in their body to his advantage. This could lead to incapacitation or even causing a stroke, the downside is this takes even more effort and energy than using his own blood does. He won't normally use this ability on just anyone, and even then, he uses it as a last resort.

Dual Juttes

Well for example...

Northern Lights
Every time I close my eyes I can touch the colors around me
Suddenly I realize everything I thought was impossible is here
And my heart sings in a world so incredible And everything burns much brighter

I want to fly into this beautiful life
I think it'd be nice with you
I want to fly into this beautiful life
I think it'd be nice with you

Fingertips, northern lights, tracing colors right through the sky
Underneath a lullaby I never felt as blissful as I do here
And my heart sings in a world so incredible
And everything shines much brighter

I want to fly into this beautiful life
I think it'd be nice with you I want to fly into this beautiful life
I think it'd be nice with you

Set the night on fire if we want to
Hanging out with the stars and the big moon
I very well thank you how do you do
Set the night on fire if we want to

Hanging out with the stars and the big moon
Put them down for a dance with your lasso
I think it'd be nice with you

So begins...

Adrian Grey's Story