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I am unsure whether I have struck out from my home or my prison...

0 · 290 views · located in Quaestio - an unknown world

a character in “Travels through Fantasy”, as played by Robinwing




Age: 20

Personality: Rampion is a kind, gentle, but curious soul. After a life of isolation, she's desperate to learn about the world, and the people who inhabit it. However, she is also timid and easily frightened by people. She prefers to observe the situation and have things happen on her own terms, she is more comfortable that way. This may be partially why she so much prefers books to being taught things by other people, as with a book she can go her own pace and learn on her own terms. Though she doesn't know much about how the world outside works, she is hyper-intelligent, quick to learn, and extremely smart, especially when it comes to matters of magic. She is kind and loving, once she gets over her instinctual fear of other people.

Abilities/Equipment: Rampion is a self-taught wizard, with an emphasis towards healing spells and wind magic. She carries an enchanted sword, which she uses to focus her wind powers, though she has absolutely no clue how to actually fight with the thing. Were she to try, she'd be more likely to kill herself than her opponent. She also carries a leather bag over one shoulder, crossing over her chest, in which she carries a multitude of healing herbs, interesting things she finds, and an book she can get her hands on. If she becomes particularly upset by something, she will turn into a small brown bird, not unlike a sparrow. She has very little control over this, and in this form her mind becomes much simpler, more animal-like, and she only remembers bits and pieces of what she did in the form she is not currently in.

History: Rampion doesn't remember a time before The Manor. Her very first memory, at three years old, involved her Mistress, Lady Goathe, laughing at Rampion when she was trapped in her sparrow form. Rampion spent her whole life in The Manor, acting as Lady Goathe's servant when she was in human form, and hiding in the dense forest surrounding it. She would likely have flown away when she was much younger, if it hadn't been for the forcefield that marked the edge of the property, and Rampion's world. Lady Goathe was an accomplished wizard, even if she was cruel, and she kept a great many books about magic, as well as various magical trophies from her travels. If Rampion could find time in between chores, she would delve into these books, and slowly, she learned magic herself. She kept it a secret around Lady Goathe, but Rampion started using magic to help her with her chores and healing her own aches and pains.

Rampion found her own sparrow form in a spellbook when she turned 20. She had always assumed that her sparrow form was just a function of who she is, but the book informed her that it was a common curse, which would usually turn the victim into some kind of creature permanently. Rampion came to the conclusion that Lady Goathe had tested this curse on her, but it had malfunctioned, and left Rampion the way that she is now. A few days later, Lady Goathe confronted Rampion about the magic she'd been learning, and threatened to kill Rampion. In the end, Rampion broke the wards that had kept her in all her life, and fled. On her way out of The Manor, an enchanted sword, created to enhance wind, attached itself to her, so she took it with her. She is still unsure why Lady Goathe went to such lengths to keep Rampion imprisoned, or why she was cursed, but Rampion has decided that she intends to find out.

So begins...

Rampion's Story

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Character Portrait: Levint Character Portrait: Rampion
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Rampion sighed to herself as she stepped out of the trees into a wider space than she'd ever seen. Even the grand foyer of The Manor was smaller than this! She shook her head. Intellectually, great voids where there were no walls, no trees, thousands of times bigger than the rooms and dense forest, she knew they existed. But knowing they were out there and walking out into one were very different beasts. She walked out somewhat further, before she felt a strange rush of panic. It was too open, too wide. She suddenly felt an awful lot smaller. How on earth did she think a foolish, soft girl like her could ever make her way into a world as large as this..? It was probably best if she turned back now, begged Lady Goathe for forgiveness. The tea would need brewing, certainly, especially after this little debacle...

Rampion closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She would not return to The Manor, she would not let herself panic and throw away her newfound freedom. She was at least going to learn about the world beyond first. She opened her eyes and nodded to herself resolutely. Trying not to think about the expanse of the field, she clutched the sheathed sword tighter to her chest, and marched across it. She spotted something near a tree, further along than where she'd came out... Oh heavens.

It was another person.

Another person was sitting under a tree, none too far from Rampion. They were looking up at the sky, and Rampion quickly tried to calculate whether they had seen her, before she turned on her heel and made back for the trees at a brisk walk. She didn't want to call attention to herself, but she most certainly couldn't risk the person seeing her, most certainly. She tripped slightly over a root, but she managed to stumble behind a tree. She breathed a near silent sigh of relief.

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Character Portrait: Levint Character Portrait: Melody Imosh Entenia Character Portrait: Alexis Jaeger Character Portrait: Rampion
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(( Oh noes! We lost someone because I wasn't online! Come back, the more people the better T~T))

One of Melody's ears twitched and she turned towards the direction Rampion had tripped. It was at that moment that she discovered that her special tree was surrounded by ::One...Two...Three:: Three other humans! Was this some form of fate? Was Melody being tested by some God? Turning her attention back to the scary looking knight, Melody lost her footing and fell from the tree, her small bunch of apples falling with her.

As luck would have it she fell on the sleeping form that was eating lunch earlier.

"Oh no." She said to herself, seeming to have forgotten that she had already started a conversation with the knight. "Melody's going to die right here. If not the knight then this meat-eater is surely going to eat Melody." Small tears hit the ends of her green eyes, but even though she was terrified, she still couldn't move. "Why does life hate Melody?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Levint Character Portrait: Melody Imosh Entenia Character Portrait: Alexis Jaeger Character Portrait: Rampion
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Rampion peeked out again from behind the tree, and realised that a small animal had joined the person, as well as yet another person. This one was large and intimidating, and Rampion didn't know people could be that broad. She thought that one may have possibly seen her looking out, and quickly ducked back behind the tree. However, the sword she was carrying slipped in her grasp, and she started struggling to catch it. She managed to get the sheath, but the sword itself fell out. She crouched down and reached out to collect it, praying that the people didn't see her. As she got a hold of the sword's handle, she looked at them. At least one of the two people seemed to be talking to the small, fox-like animal. They... Didn't seem to be acting all that cruelly towards it...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Levint Character Portrait: Melody Imosh Entenia Character Portrait: Alexis Jaeger Character Portrait: Princess Belladonna Character Portrait: Rampion
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((Whoa I go away for one day for school and all of this awesome stuff happens. Why is it always when I'm not around xD))

Melody's ear twitched at several things. First, that girl she had heard before, but then something else caught her attention. Something was wrong in the village. She jumped off her new friends lap and faced the place she grew accustomed to seeing in peace - ignoring the times when they would catch her stealing, of course.

She felt her fur stand on end at this unnatural feeling surrounding her. "The village..." Melody then turned to Levint. "I need to make sure no one's hurt." She then ran towards the people who attacked her for several years. Whether the liked her or not was not a factor that played in her decisions. Melody grew up with near this town and wanted the place itself - if not the people - to remain in perfect condition forever. She ran and ran until coming across a truly terrifying scene. The scary knight from earlier had hurt the village. Melody began to shake in fear but upon further examination she saw a girl behind him.

Watching her perfectly and re-imagining the scene, the young kitox's eyes grew wide. The terrifying man from earlier was protecting her. Someone who was hated simply because of her appearance - that's what she assumed, at least. Melody was not going to let what happened to her all her life happen to someone else.

Against her fear and better judgment she jumped next to the knight, arching her back ever so slightly while her fur stood on end and she let loose a growl.

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Character Portrait: Rampion
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Rampion waited until the people and the fox creature were a ways ahead before moving to follow. She cradled the sword closer, shuddering slightly when she crossed the threshold into the town. The buildings were comfortingly smaller than The Manor, more along the size of some of the outbuildings, but she had read about how The Manor was actually larger than normal. She watched from beside a corner as more people than she'd ever imagined seeing at once were crowded. She shrank a little further behind the building. They seemed angry, but the larger person soon defused the situation somewhat.

Rampion took a deep breath. Well, she had to go out among other humans, if she wanted to find out about the world beyond. She stepped out into the street, but then it struck her that she didn't know who she was going to talk to... Or how to open a conversation. With Lady Goathe, she didn't speak unless spoken to, and Lady Goathe would start speaking to her by giving her orders at once. Or insulting her for shoddy work.