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Toriko Plaid

"I'm not shy, I just don't like you."

0 · 922 views · located in GlenDock Paintings

a character in “Trinkets for Dr. Owl”, originally authored by SukaiKori, as played by RolePlayGateway


ImageName: Toriko Rose Plaid

Age: 17
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 117 lbs

Appearance: Toriko has long black hair with bright blue eyes and light skin. She's always seen wearing her teddy-bear jacket with white thigh-high socks and white tank-tops with black, high-top converse with checkered laces. The only thing that ever really changes are the color and designs of her jean short. Although she has beautiful long hair, she doesn't do much with it so it's always straight and easily gets tangled. She also always has her shoulder bag with her. In the bag she carries a black notebook, small notepad, colored mechanical pencils, some pens, a small flash light, pepper spray, a small wallet that contains tools for unlocking things, a digital camera, and a few other necessities.

Personality: Toriko doesn't usually like talking to people that she doesn't find interesting. If she thinks interacting with you will benefit in some way, then she'll be glad to show you her good side. Since she doesn't talk all that much, many people mistake her for being shy when she's actually pretty outgoing. She's got a bad habit of being curious about things she doesn't understand and loves to investigate. She's very good at solving problems that most can't and she often over-analyzes certain things. She's very smart and, although she may look small, she wouldn't be easy to beat if you ended up in a fist fight with her, though that probably wouldn't happen since Toriko finds fighting in such a way foolish and unreasonable. She likes to fix things using her common sense and thinking ability. She's fast to adapt when the situation calls for it and rarely lets her self get confused. When she sets her mind on doing something, it is nearly impossible to steer her away. She prefers not to make friends but that doesn't mean she won't help someone if they really need it.

- Solving Mysteries
- Any Kind of Soda(except diet)
- Stuffed Animals
- Researching

X The Cold
X Being Unable to Solve Something
X Illogical People
X Jeans

History: Torika was raised in a nice house in the better part of town. Both of her parents were pretty strict, with her father being head of the police and her mother being a collage professor. She was constantly bugged about keeping her grades high and being obedient of her parents. Her love of solving mysteries and understanding things came from one of her only friends in elementary school, named Alice. Of course, her hobby became more of an addiction by the time she reached middle school and the two of them would constantly sneak out and Toriko started going against her parents rules, including their dress code of tacky pants and dress shirts. After her mother found out about Toriko's failing grades, midnight trips to crime spots, and the stealing police records from her father, she was imminently transferred to an online school and banned from seeing Alice again and from making any friends whom they didn't know the parents to. After two years of being constantly lectured about being respectful, Toriko became more secluded and her 'I already know I'm smarter than you' attitude begun to form. The only thing her parents couldn't lecture out of her was her new clothing style and her love of investigating.

Theme Song: God is a Girl - Groove Coverage


- Intro -

Toriko sat at her desk in the dark, fingers tapping on the lit keyboard of her laptop and the screen reflecting off of her sapphire irises. Suddenly the door opened and she shut the laptop and turned her head to see who had entered her room. It was her mother. She was tall, with her scarlet hair tied up into a neat bun and wearing a fancy suit with a pair of tan high heels. "Toriko you have a letter." She said, flipping on the light switch to reveal an extremely organized room. Her bed was made, the curtains in the window down, the carpet spotless, the bookshelves as straight as a ruler, each wall spotless. Then there was the desk in front of Toriko. Her red laptop was centered perfectly, the mouse and pad neatly cornered at the bottom.

As the light hanging in the center of the ceiling lit the room, Toriko covered her eyes and moaned. "That hurts!" She said, her mother replying with a grunt. "Reading in the dark will mess up your eyes! Why aren't you wearing your glasses? The doctor strictly told you to wear them whenever you are on your computer or any time you are trying to read something!" Toriko let out a sigh ad she stood up and swiped the letter from her mothers hand and quickly opened it.

"Dear Recipient,

I, Dr. Owl, invite you to my abode this Tuesday night, 8 PM. At the end of Cross Bar Lane, I reside in Number Nineteen. You will recognize it by it's tilting charisma. Do consider this invitation and arrive promptly. Missing this opportunity will only end in regret for you in your later years, I assure you.

Hope you are in good health,

Dr. Owl"

She read the letter aloud, then tilted her head curiously. She'd never met anyone with the last name Owl. "Well, you're surely not going!" Her mother scoffed, taking the letter from Toriko. "I've never met this 'Dr. Owl. He sounds like some crazy prankster to me. Not to mention Tuesday is a school night and there is no way you're going out after 6pm!" That was the last of it, her mother closed the door and dashed down the stairs, taking the letter with her. Hmmm.. Toriko thought to herself, a small smile pricking her lips. "Sounds interesting." She didn't care what her mother said. There was no way she'd miss up this opportunity, especially now that it had her interested.



So begins...

Toriko Plaid's Story

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Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid
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It was pouring down rain, a perfect night to sneak out of the house. She'd slipped out the front door after her father went to sleep and her mother hopped into the bathtub, sticking her shoulder bag into a plastic bag and tying it shut so only the long, black strap stuck through. She ran down the sidewalk, hair already wet and shoes splashing on the cement. Cross Bar Lane was pretty far away from her house and it took her a while before she turned onto the street and reached the end of the road.

Peering up at the house, clothes dripping, she got an eerie feeling from the way it was slightly tilted and very old looking. How could this old place even be standing. She stood in the rain for a moment to catch her breath and wondered if they'd even let her in. It was already 8:24pm and she didn't even bring the invitation with her because her mother had ripped it up and thrown it in the trash. She approached the front door, stopping under the porch and wringing out her hair. Then she tried her best to shake the water off of her clothes so she wouldn't drip all over the floor. Before she knocked, she stuck her hand through the plastic bag and pulled out her digital camera from the front pocket of her shoulder bag. Taking a couple steps back, but staying under the porch, she snapped a picture of the front door, the flash lighting up the wooden surface for a moment.

After placing her camera back into it's little pocket and zipping it up, she knocked on the front door, taking a deep breath.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid
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Toriko could hear the sound of footsteps in the house, though not well since every time the wind would blow the walls would creek. She wondered if this house was even safe to wake into. The door opened and she looked up to see a red-headed woman standing in the doorway.

"Hello, Our you our final lady?"

Was this Dr. Owl? Her voice seemed a little too sweet to invite a bunch of random people to her house. "Uh, I suppose. I'm Toriko Plaid." She said, clearing her throat. "I'm afraid I don't have an invitation, it was, well, misplaced. I also apologize for being so late. I had some, uh, business to take care of. Also, I'm a little wet, as you can see so, uhm, I might end up dripping on your floor.." She tried to sound as polite as possible, but being polite wasn't something she was very good at. She was most definitely out of practice and she scolded herself for having to put so many spaces between her words to think of a way to explain herself. Her soaked appearance also probably made her look a little out of order.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid
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I couldn't help but giggle. It was refreshing that someone was just as flustered as myself. "I'm sure you're on the list. Not many people visit us here." I held the door open wider for her and she stepped inside. She wasn't wrong when she said that she might end up dripping on the floor.

"I'm Rory, I'm going to fetch you a towel. Just sit tight for two seconds." I moved into the kitchen and grabbed a freshly cleaned towel from the adjacent laundry room. While I was in there I filled a glass of water for Zane.

"Here you go." I said as I reentered the foyer, handing her the dark towel. "I don't know how Dr. Owl feels about his living room sofas getting wet." I laughed.

She took the towel, patting down her clothes, her white tights completely soaked through showing her skin. "Right this way," I said to her, leading her to the living room. She took a seat as I handed the glass to Zane who took it happily. I smiled at him.

There was just one more person need. One more boy. Hopefully, he'd get here soon. I could feel my patience waning as the living room kept filling with people. I was uncomfortable with this many people in the house. And even though it was technically Dr. Owl's house, I've been calling this place home since I was 18. I slipped out of the living room, heading back to the kitchen, needing a glass of water myself.

I filled a glass and gulped it down as I slid down on the floor, my back resting against the old cupboards. It was going to be a long night. I could feel it in my bones. Whatever Dr. Owl had planned was not going to be easy. It was going to be horrendous, leaving me with no time to study for my upcoming exams.

It was just like him to pull me away from my studies.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson Character Portrait: Zane Hendrix
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Ryan saw Rory run up the stairs with her books, and then minutes later come back down in a new outfit. That was quick. She reached the group and asked them if they would like anything. Ryan wasn't thirsty, but the young boy was. The young boy then gave his name, breaking the silence between the atendees. Zane. Ryan would wait to give his name. He wanted to know if anything was going to go wrong first. His thoughts were disturbed by the man in the lab coat coming down the stairs. Dr. Evil in a lab coat, cliche'. this was obviously Owl. The good doctor stood in front of them and casually asked. "What is the number?"

Ryan, again, remained silent in his chair, surveying the situation. Rory left to get the door, and returned with a new girl. Another young one. He had the thought that only he, Rory, and Owl were old enough to drink here. He then looked at the teenage girls. He was sure they werent innocent enough to not have had a taste.

Rory left, after bringing the wet girl a towel. Ryan wasnt about to sit and wait for Dr. Doom to speak up again. The guy seemed like a drama queen. He stood and followed Rory. she was the only person here his age, and the only one he felt the urge to talk to. He entered what looked like the kitchen and saw Rory sitting against the cupboards. "Shouldnt you be in there with us, or have you heard all of this before?" he asked her. He wasnt sure if Dr. Owl had these little meet and greets regularly or not. This would help him form an opinion on whether or not he would stay.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid
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Toriko was glad that Rory had given her a towel. It helped with the dripping, but she was still rather damp as she took a seat in the room with the others. She sat there, running her fingers through her hair as one of the boys in the room got up and followed Rory into the kitchen. Luckily her hair was usually pretty cooperative and it was easy to get it back to its silky look as it begun to dry. After fixing her hair, she leaned back in the chair a little and crossed her arms over her chest. She already guessed that the man with one of his eyes covered was most likely Dr.Owl. Since everyone else looked like they had no idea why they were here. Then again, she was wondering the same thing. There were five of them here now, and they seemed to be expecting a couple of more, but everyone looked pretty anxious.

She let out a small sigh, now was the time to straighten herself out. "Excuse me," She said, keeping her voice calm. "I think I'm just as curious as everyone else in the room as to why we were invited." She said, looking at the man.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid
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Toriko couldn't believe what she was seeing. Not to mention this guy's perverted comment about miss Rory having to wear nothing but her underwear if she didn't stand on one foot. Another knock on the door distracted her from her thoughts for a moment. She was a little relieved that she wasn't the latest one to arrive, but also felt a little bad for Rory as she had to hop to get the front door. This guy... She thought to herself, Something just isn't right about him. She couldn't put her finger on it, restraining herself from pulling out her little notepad and writing down her thoughts on the matter. She could do that later when she got home.

"Ryan has proven his worth to me, answering my question correctly. Now, I will ask another, so you may all redeem yourselves. The color yellow is what?"

What is the color yellow? What kind of question is that? And what did he mean by Ryan 'proving his worth' to him? She hesitated a moment, though she thought she knew the answer to his question. In fact, she found herself to fit the color yellow rather well. She didn't really want to be the first to answer, unsure of whether or not her answer would be accepted. That question could have many different answers and many different meanings. Which one was he hoping to get? Did he want the scientific answer or the imaginative one? She decided it would be best for her answer second rather than first. Suddenly the lights went out, and she felt a little chill of excitement crawl up her spine. This house was just getting more and more mysterious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid
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"The color yellow can be all kinds of things." Toriko said after getting impatient. After the lights went out, Rory went dashing around the house trying to find any kind of light. The dark didn't bother Toriko all that much, in fact, it kind of calmed her. But, it was a bit of a bother not being able to see the others faces. "The color yellow is a primary color, one of the brightest." Toriko began, looking over to the side a little. She wasn't all that interested in answering and they were the one's who had no idea what was going on. She didn't know why this 'Owl' person had any right to be asking them questions. "It is in sink with the left side of the brain, also the intellectual and logical side. Yellow stands for obtaining knowledge, being cheerful, happy, and etcetera. It also stands for mental awareness and is mostly used for traffic signs since it's easier to see than white. You can see yellow from light that stimulates the long and medium wavelength cone cells of the retina without needing any use of the short wavelength." She was starting to get tired of explaining what yellow was, even though she could go on much longer defining the word. She still wasn't really sure what kind of answer this 'doctor' wanted, but she needed to say something.

"It was created from the old English word 'geulu'. Another word used for that could be geolwe, which was sprouted from the Proto-Germanic word gelwaz." She stopped for a moment, though she kept her eyes tilted to the side. If she kept going, which she most definitely could, she was afraid the 'not so smart' people in the room might end up getting a headache. After all, how much could one person know about a single color?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson Character Portrait: Zane Hendrix
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Ryan had been sitting comfortably in the chair the whole time the lights were out. Rory tried to calm everyone down, and left to go fix the problem. He had to give her some credit. If Owl treated him like that, he would be out the door. She returned moments later with flashlights, hanging one to Ryan. He smiled and grabbed the flashlight, turning it on once he had it. The room became flooded in light as the rest of the flashlights were turned on. 'the batteries are probably gonna die the next time Owl speaks anyway'.

The others began answering/ disputing his question. The newest girl gave a comprehensive definition of the word, while one of the teenage girls chose to whine about the question, rather than face it head on. Ryan felt eyes on him, prbably wondering how he managed to get the question right. He as wondering the same thing.

Ryans eyes shifted to the small boy. He had stood and was talking to Rory. A slight twinge of jealousy hit him, but then he realied this boy wasnt going to be a problem. 'Have a seat kid, shes out of your league.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado
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[b]"All right, all right, you want to know why you're here? You won't partake in my tests? Fine, but know that because of this, Ryan is now your leader. And I suppose Toriko, you will be his second in command, though your answer was not satisfactory."

Toriko felt a little insulted. How could her answer not be right? Then again, that question could have thousands of different answers, and this Dr. Owl could've been expecting something completely different. Her eyes turned onto the one who had answered before. She hadn't been here the time Dr. Owl must've asked the first question, but she couldn't see how this guy could be any kind of leader. Why would they need a leader anyway? She then glanced over at the girl who had burst out about the ridiculousness of the question. She noted that she most likely wouldn't get along with that one and decided it would just be best to avoid her unless necessary.

She was glad that he was finally going to explain the reason for the invitations, but was still itching to understand what the real answer was to the question he had given. If hers wasn't correct, then what could it be? How many answers would she have to go through in her head to find it? Then there was the part f him calling them rude for not waiting. Weren't they supposed to all arrive at 8:00pm? It was almost nine now, of course they were getting impatient. Then again, Toriko had shown up late as well, but only because she had to wait for an opening to get out of the house. "I'll explain it." She answered, leaning an inch or so further back into her chair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Alex Rondo Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Aiden Gabriel
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Aiden had planned to say something like, 'Hi, I was given this invitation, sorry for being late!', or maybe 'Man it's really raining out!', or maybe a, 'Nice to meet you I'm Aiden. I know I'm really late, but it's had to find such a house in the middle of a storm'. As usual, he didn't say anything. He just gave her a small, nervous smile and followed her into the house.

"I'm Rory."

It was a nice name. Very pretty.

"I'm going to get you a towel to dry off a little. Would you care for anything to drink? Something to eat maybe?"

Great, she asked him a question. How would he answer it? He didn't want to sound rude and not except her offer. But then again he'd already eaten before he came and he wasn't very thirsty after walking through a waterfall of rain. He didn't think he needed a towel either. Since he had his umbrella with him, which he clutched nervously in his left hand, he'd only gotten a little damp although his pants legs were pretty soaked. "I..uh.." He started, then just simply shook his head and gave her a little smile as he walked into the room. His nervousness grew. There were a lot of people heEr, and he was probably the latest of them all. He felt his cheeks turn a little bit red and he quickly took a seat as far away from the others as he could, keeping his eyes on the floor.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Zane Hendrix
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Toriko's eyes widened a little as Dr. Owl went on explaining why they were here. Is this some kind of joke? She thought to herself. How could he not be from this world? Was he insane or something?

"There are many more complications, I assure you, but do not bother worrying about them. Your earthly minds would not be able to handle it."

This was when her eyes narrowed a little and she began to feel a little angry. There was nothing, absolutely nothing she couldn't handle. The second he called his world superior to theirs, she immediately stopped liking him. Though she didn't really like him in the first place. She now knew why she was getting an eerie feeling when she approached the house. There was a loud clutter and Rory went tumbling onto the floor. She'd fallen asleep and he'd waken her up. Her mother had done the same thing to her a few times when she'd caught her dozing off while doing her online schooling. She balled her hands up into fists and clenched her teeth. Her mind was swarming with questions. What the hell do you want us to do? Why us? You're obviously crazy! There is no such thing as parallel worlds! What do you expect from us!

She restrained herself from bursting out. It would be very childish of her to get angry and start yelling now.

"Excuse me, Doctor, but what type of tasks will we be doing? that is, if you don't mind me asking..."

She blinked and turned her head to look at the boy who had spoken first. She'd just noticed he was in the room. Man was he small. Everyone seemed around the same age but, he looked like an 11 year old! Though, she did let out a small sigh and scolded herself for not keeping as calm as he seemed to be. A mystery is a mystery..

((ignore Ryan being tagged lol))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Alex Rondo Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Aiden Gabriel
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Rory watched Owl leave, his lab coat swishing behind him as he went. He was obviously overjoyed that he was finally getting this done. She watched Hayley follow him out and up the stairs. Zane was also one to speak up and ally with Owl, but he had yet to move from his spot. Unlike everyone else here, Rory didn't have a choice. She had studied GlenDock with the Doctor for the past couple of years. The ones who did agree wouldn't stand a chance in GlenDock without her knowledge to help them out. She stood slowly, her eyes glancing between everyone.
"At least go through one painting," She said. "I know, it sounds absolutely crazy, but just give it a try."

She made her way out to the foyer and up the stairs, but instead of turning left towards the attic steps, she turned right towards her bedroom. She had to grab a few things. Her bag sat on top of her desk already filled with a couple of things. Flashlights, extra batteries, some food and water, and of course a small notebook filled with notes about each painting, the trinkets, and where to find them. She grabbed her black jacket from her desk chair and made her way to the attic. That candles were still brightly lit and her text books laid completely forgotten on the floor by the window seat.

Opposite the window were the paintings, hanging in a neat and tidy order. The first painting was dark, it was almost impossible to see the building hidden it's depths. Hayley stood staring at it, her eyes squinting.

"Morai's darkness is like no other," I explained startling her. "When the kingdom was consumed by it, the villagers started going crazy from lack of light. They started turning on one another, killing anyone who got in their way."

She gave me a horrified look.

"Just, be prepared for what's awaiting us in there."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Aiden Gabriel
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She felt like she didn't really have much of a choice but to accept everything that was going on. She needed to adjust, adapt, to the strangeness coming from Dr. Owl's mouth. She knew if she stayed, all of her answers would slowly become clear to her. It was just the kind of thing that came to her naturally. She glanced around the room again. Seemed everyone was pretty much prepared to participate in this Dr.'s little 'trinket hunt'. Everyone except for one of course; a boy sitting in the corner with his eyes locked on his feet. He seemed really nervous. He even looked a little sick. She shook her head once and let out a small sigh. Standing up, she picked up her shoulder bag and through the strap over her shoulder. She wasn't going to miss an opportunity like this.

As they headed up the stairs, Toriko couldn't resist anymore. She stopped in the hallway and leaned against the wall, letting a few other people pass her, then reached down and ripped open the plastic bag covering her real one and unzipped it. She pulled out a little note pad and opened it. After flipping through a few pages, she clicked open a pen and, squinting against the dimly lit house, she wrote down a few notes.

Seven Chosen
Eight Trinkets
GlenDock - Dr. Owl - Parallel World
(Travel Into Paintings)

Who is Josten and Murai?
Who is King Rawrd?

She snapped the notebook shut and clicked the pen, then carefully placed them back into order in her bag and continued into the attic. She coughed, surprised by the musky, damp air. There were even a couple of spots in the ceiling that were dripping. Then there was Ryan. He was supposed to lead them? At least I'm second in command... She thought to herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid
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Ryan reached the painting after everyone else, and was just in time to hear Rory's description. Sounded dangerous. Ryan tried to imagine what he was getting into. Whether this was the sadistic dream of a Doctor gone to crazy town, or something much, much more, he couldnt determine. Nevertheless, this was probably the most important sounding thing he had ever been a part of. He was absolutely terrified, but for the sake of the group he wouldnt show it. He kept his eyes straight ahead, staring at Owl. When he answered the question about the numbers, he didnt know he was accepting such a responsibility.

He looked at the painting, and then at everyone in 'his' group. He didnt know any of them at all. He had no idea if they were good people or not, but he guessed he would have to rely on every one of them in the future. His eyes locked on Toriko. His first mate of sorts. She didnt seem freaked out in the least. He hoped his poker face was holding as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Aiden Gabriel
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[Another long post..^^"]

Aiden listened to the Doctor explain further into the situation. How insane was this man? How could he agree to do something so drastic for a world he knew nothing about? How could he do something so dangerous? Traveling into paintings? This was crazy! Everyone else seemed like they agreed. Are they all going to risk their lives for this guy? Why should we help him? He thought to himself. Earth was the world they belonged to. The world that Owl was talking about had nothing to to with them. Not to mention this 'Murai' character sounded extremely dangerous. They were just a bunch of normal people. What if they ended up running into trouble in these 'paint worlds' or whatever. What then?

"So off we go! To the attic!!"

Aiden looked up at the man as he practically leaped up the stairs. Then watched the others stand up and follow. Aiden, on the other hand, didn't move. He felt like he was frozen. How could he possibly go through with this? You're such a chicken. He could hear a little voice in his head and he looked back down at the floor. What did he have to go back to if he didn't follow them? He'd just live his normal boring life, go to school, be invisible. He'd do anything t get away from that but, then there was Sarah. If something happened to him and he never came back, he knew she'd be extremely worried.

"Hey," He was startled by the sound of Rory's voice and he looked up at her. "It's alright, just me. You are going to come with us, right?" Another question that he didn't have the answer too. He looked back down at the floor, feeling a little ashamed of himself.

"It'll be okay, I'll be there. I may not look like much, but I know a lot about GlenDock."

He looked back up at her again, feeling a little reassured but still just as nervous. There was no way she would be lying about a world like Glendock. He had to believe her. Then she held out her hand and His nervousness grew. 'Well anyone would be shaken up about something like this', he wanted to say and give her a wide smile. Or maybe he would say 'You look like you can take care of yourself to me!' Maybe that would be a little nicer. He took in a deep breath. "Uh...Thanks", he managed to mumble, though he was too afraid to take her hand so he stood up on his own and gave her a timid smile. Then he made his was up into the attic.

He was immediately pulled into a line beside one of the girls; a little shorter with super long hair and a bag over her shoulder. He swallowed again, listening to the Doctor explain a few things. So there is some things in there that can kill us.. he thought to himself, letting out a small sigh. He glanced down the line to look at the one who was going to be leading them. He was glad he wasn't the one to do it. He'd make a horrible leader.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Alex Rondo Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Aiden Gabriel
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Ryan stood in line with the rest. He looked down at his feet to get his nerves in order. He shok his head a few times and took one worried step. Another step. Another, until he was inches from the painting.

The dark painting mocked him. "Coward. Be a man and take your group into me. I know you are too scared to do it. You wont, you are afraid. Youve always been afraid. Never done anything useful with your life." The painting wouldnt stop talking. Ryan shook his head once more. The voice stopped.

Ryans gaze intensified. His mind was clear. Aprehension, gone. He was ready. He was ready to go into the painting. He was ready to get Owls Trinket. He was ready to lead.

He reached for the painting, but paused before touching it. He turned to the good doctor. "Doc, when we come back, Ive got some questions." Doc nodded. He turned to his followers. Rory directly behind him. Behind her, Toriko. Followed by Zane, the two teenage girls, the mumbling woman from before, and bringing up the rear. A shy looking boy. He nodded to them. He hoped he wouldnt let them all down.

He turned and placed his left hand on the frame of the painting. Then stepped into GlenDock.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Alex Rondo Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Aiden Gabriel
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Rory could already feel the overpowering weight on her shoulders as the darkness pressed down. She quickly fished out the many flashlights handing them to certain members of the group. There were eight of them there, and only six flashlights, she cursed herself for not grabbing the ones used during the power outage.

"I don't have enough for everyone to have one of their own," She explained dealing out the lights. "Ryan, me, and Alex will each get our own since we're the oldest. Toriko can have one since she's second in command. Zane and Hayley can share, and Aiden and Amanda can share." She added. "I hope that's alright."

No one seemed to protest.

The shadows at the end of the alley seemed to be growing taller and taller. They were coming closer. She had seen this the last time she was here, when Owl had shown her the reality of his world. But unlike this time, Owl had yanked her out before anything bad could happen. Owl wasn't here to help them this time. All she had was the five years of studies she'd done with him, and a flashlight.

"Remember, they're just shadows," She explained to the group. "Light is our greatest weapons against them. The wolf on the other a completely different story."

She looked up at Ryan, his flashlight pointed down towards the ground. "You ready for this leader?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Alex Rondo Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Aiden Gabriel Character Portrait: Hayley Johnson
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Ryan and his group landed in a dark alleyway. He quickly and calmly looked around while Rory passed him a flaslight. He quietly thanked her and looked down both paths. Down one end, stood two monstrous figures. Huge towering shadows. They werent an immediate threat. He turned to the other side. A wolf stalked in the sadows, growling. It hadnt noticed the group yet and that was a good thing. Rory briefed them all on the shadows. Ryan nodded at the information. The shadows were the best bet out of the alley, as no one on the team seemed up for the task of fighting a wolf. Everyone began turning their flashlights on. Ryan quicklycovered the light of the first to turn on. "Lights pointed at the ground guys, we dont want sparky over there to see us." He wasnt about to risk turning the lights off, but this as the safest thing he could think of. The group was sprawled around him in disarray. He wasnt sure if theyd listen or not, but he decided to speak up anyway. "Keep the lights pointed at the ground." he began, nearly whispering. "Rory is first in line, we are heading for the shadows on the other end." he pointed to the two towering shadows. "I'll be behind her. Toriko is at the end, everyone else file in. Were walking past the shadows." he looked at Rory. "If you have any information on how to keep hem from attacking us, Nows the time to let me know." He needed to get them out of here fast. If the wolf found them they were totally screwed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Aiden Gabriel Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado
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The first thing Toriko did when she entered the painting was cover her nose. It smelled like trash and dead animals! What kind of place is this? She scoffed in her mind, turning her head a couple of times to examine the place. It was extremely dark and the sound of the wolf and the figures at the end really freaked her out. That Doctor is sending us on a suicide trip in trash city! She took her hand down from her nose as flash lights were passed around. She took the one from Rory and looked around. Four of them had to end up sharing. She felt a little bad for the poor boy who already looked like he was going to faint.

She Listened carefully to both Ryan and Rory, taking in everything and organizing it in her brain. She may have gotten that Owl's question wrong, but she was going to prove herself this time. She kept a relaxed posture and a determined expression on her face. "I have my own flash light." She said, pulling one out of her shoulder bag and clicking it on with the light pointed at the ground. She looked back at the boy from before and took a couple of steps over to him and placed the other flash light in his hand. "You don't look like the sharing type." She said, giving him a small smile. "So here." Then she turned to Amanda. She was the one she was supposed to avoid, but she felt a little bad for the poor kid. "I'll go ahead and share with you."

The thing was, she was a little upset she had to be at the end f the line. It was always the person on the end who got snatched first. She remembered it from every single mystery movie she watched. It was practically inevitable. So maybe if she shared with this girl, she'd get taken out instead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Huntington Character Portrait: Lorelei (Rory) Gwen Character Portrait: Alex Rondo Character Portrait: Dr. Owl Character Portrait: Toriko Plaid Character Portrait: Aiden Gabriel
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She twisted the flashlight between her hands, looking between Ryan and Rory with a raised eyebrow. Shine the light at them, was she serious? Not like Alex doubted her, it just matched the book so much. Travel through a painting, shadows, wolf. She shook her head doubtfully, trying to forget about the stupid book. It was just a story. Although, she hadn't been listening to Ryan's rules. Too much concentration on a book. Hopefully, they were just like 'Stay safe', or something. She did, however, see everybody get in a line, so she slipped in behind Ryan.

Keeping a level head with a vicious wolf snapping at you is rather hard. Good thing she isn't afraid of the dark, or she'd be cowering in a corner about now. Smirking slightly at the thought, she looked at Rory. She mumbled an agreement to what she said, before looking around.

"Alright, I have one question. How do we get out of this place again?" Alex said, her voice just above a whisper. Because she had turned around, and no portrait was visible. She had an image of the doc just standing there watching this, and she rolled her eyes. That would make sense, with a night this hectic.
