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Gorman Carvolo

"This will be an interesting problem to have to think around, that's for certain."

0 · 856 views · located in The Commonwealth of New Tokyo

a character in “Tundra || Remaster”, as played by Eddy V. Sovorov




❝Do you have any idea how weird it is to be middle-aged and still look like I'm in my twenties?❞

Image∞ Full name ∞
Gorman Carvolo

∞ Nickname ∞
Other's shall develop them.

∞ Ethnicity ∞
He's a mix of blood, his parents having no real distinguishable heritage. The closest thing he can identify himself with is Slovakian, as he knows his grandmother on his mother's side was slovak.

∞ Age ∞
53 (though he still appears to be in his twenties)

∞ Gender ∞

*∞ Sexuality ∞

∞ Role ∞
Strategist within the Freedom Fighters

∞ Ability ∞
Hyper Regeneration

∞ Face Claim ∞
Lavi, D.Gray-Man

Image*∞ Height & Weight ∞
5' 11", 162lbs

∞ Hair color ∞
Dark Red

∞ Eye color ∞

*∞ Distinguishable Facial Features ∞
He keeps his right eye covered with a patch

∞ Birthmarks/Scars/Tattoos/Piercings ∞
Both ears are pierced with simple rings; his symbol also formed over his right eye, which is why he keeps it covered.

∞ Physical Description ∞
He has a lean build, as what most would describe as a runners body. Due to his healing ability, he has little to no scars, only those that he suffered before his abilities had awakened. His red hair is usually left to its own devices, though when he needs it up out of the way he'll keep it back with a green and black bandanna. He'll occasionally have a red scarf around his neck, depending on how cold it is wherever he might be.

Oddly, the most distinguishing about his appearance, and one that throws off anybody who does not know his actual age, is that he still looks like a twenty-year old man. His body is still in its prime, despite the fact he is over fifty years old. This is a result of his healing ability, which counteracts the effects of aging and results in him aging at a very slow rate. Since his powers had awakened when he was in his twenties, he has essentially frozen at that age.

His symbol is a white triangle that is on his right eyeball. The white of the eye is now a ice-blue color, with a white triangle surrounding a black inner triangle. The white triangle is the actual symbol, where the black center of it is actually the pupil of his eye. It still functions, however he chooses to keep it hidden so as to draw less attention to himself. Especially nowadays living in New Tokyo.

*Image∞ Habits/Quirks ∞
✦ Smoker: It is rare for him to not have some kind of tobacco based product lit and between his lips, whether it be a pipe, cigar, or a cigarette.
✦Foot Tapping: He has a hard time sitting (or standing) still, and so he has a tendency to tap his foot or bounce his leg when he isn't moving otherwise.
✦Nail Biting: It is not as a nervous tick, just he can't help but chew on them unless distracted by something else that requires physical activity.

∞ Likes ∞
β™₯ Rain: He simply enjoys the grey tint of the sky, along with the rhythmic patter of rain drops hitting the ground.
β™₯ Smoking: He enjoys the calm feeling that a good puff of tobacco provides. He also just enjoys the act of smoking, so he tends to switch between cigarettes, cigars, and even a pipe at times depending on his mood.
β™₯ Strategy Games: If it requires thinking and planning, then he will fall in love with it, without a doubt.

∞ Dislikes ∞
βœ– Hot-headed people: They can't be trusted to follow a well devised and thought out plan. They are the ones who makes things escalate when it doesn't need to and tend to only make things worse.
βœ– Spiders: No matter how old he gets, he just had a difficult time getting over there spindly little legs and creepy looks. He can tolerate them to a degree, but one gets to close and he'll throw a bit of a fit about it. Touch him with one to hear a fifty-three year old man flip-out.
βœ– Hot and Humid Environments: Such places simply makes him feel lethargic and make it hard for him to concentrate and focus on whatever work needs to be done. Give him a cool place to work, and he'll be content.

∞ Talents ∞
βœ” Strategies: He wouldn't be the strategist of the Freedom Fighters if he wasn't skilled at it. He has always been fairly skilled at predicting the actions of his opponents, but also he is adept at changing his strategies at a moments notice.
βœ” Mechanic: Next to developing and tweaking strategies, working on machines and tinkering with them is his next favorite thing to do. It is something he picked up through his years, and he can usually handle simple jobs such as minor repairs or tweaks. He usually leaves the more complex and heavy work to others more skilled at it however.

∞ Fears ∞
✘ Losing Freedom Fighters: It upsets him when he hears news of a Freedom Fighter lost during a mission or at any point. Mostly because he is the one devising the plans and strategies, and he can't help but feel at fault if someone is killed.
✘ Intelligent Opponents: This plays in part to his fear of losing Freedom Fighters, as when faced against someone who can match his ability to strategize it means the likelihood of losing a fighter is very possible.
✘ Ira Winning: He is no stranger to the hardships of the world as it's been, and if Ira wins it'll only get worse. He prays that he'll never see that day, or if he does that he at least dies. Gorman has a long, long life ahead of him and he doesn't want to spend those years under the shadow of a monster.

∞ Flaws ∞
✘ Expressing Emotions: He has always been terrible and expressing what he is feeling beyond being angry. If upset or sad, he always keep it to himself as he believes he does not have the time to spare to deal with his pain. Likewise, he isn't one to celebrate, as he always sees it as time to devise a new plan.
✘ Emotionally Distant: This goes along with his difficulty in expressing emotions, and yet also seems to contradict his fear of losing Freedom Fighters. It is not to say that he is apathetic and doesn't care for the Freedom Fighters, it's just he has a difficult time forming any kind of real bond beyond simple camaraderie with fellow fighters.
✘ Weak Combatant: He is not hopeless in a fight, but he is not one to be relied upon to handle the heavy stuff or to hold the line at the most battered point. He knows how to wield his weapons enough to be a threat, but he is no master of warfare. He's a strategist first, a soldier second, and only uses his weapons when he has no choice or an extra gun is needed.

Image[font=font of choice]∞ Weapon ∞
He only carries with him two weapons, both small, easy to carry, and non-encumbering. They are a telescopic baton that he carries in a holster on his thigh that is also strapped to his belt. The second is a sawn-off, double barreled shotgun that is held in a holster on his other thigh. His belt is filled with pouches for spare shotgun shells, and each one is different colored depending on the type of shell it is.

∞ Personality ∞
Many would describe Gorman as seemingly indifferent to the people around him. He genuinely cares for the people with the Freedom Fighters, it is just that he is not one to really express his emotions. He usually keeps them to himself, cracking a smile here and there possibly if something makes him happy enough, but those are few. Regardless of hos indifferent he may seem, he is one who can be relied upon to help in his comrades in whatever they may need assistance for. It is simply best that they do not expect much in the way of smiles or warm responses.

When it comes to fighting against Ira though, especially on missions or when briefing for plans, he becomes far more strict and will not tolerate any fooling around from those listening or out on the mission. He does not want to see people be hurt, or worst yet die, and so he wants to see people focus on the task at hand to prevent such possible outcomes.

Image[font=Choice of font]∞ Romantic Interest ∞
None yet, though he does not see much chance of it occurring considering he's at least twice the age of the next oldest Freedom Fighter.

∞ History ∞
Despite his somewhat lengthy life, Gorman's life has been relatively calm for the majority of it. His childhood and adolescent years within the United States did not have any real exciting events occur for them. It wasn't until he was twenty-one that his powers first came to reveal themselves. Truthfully, he doesn't even really remember much of what occurred and how it was triggered. He really only remembers bright lights, a loud sound, pain and then blackness. Later he ended up waking up to find himself on a stretcher in an ambulance. From what was described to him, he had knocked some child out of the way of an oncoming car, only to be hit and run over by the vehicle himself. According to witnesses, as he lay there badly injured and unconscious, his right eye had begun to glow with a bright light, bright enough to the point that it glowed from beneath his closed eye-lid. They said that after that, his wounds suddenly began to rapidly heal themselves over, to the point that by the time the paramedics arrived he only had a few scratches which quickly sealed up not long afterwards.

Since then, he has always worn an eye-patch over his right eye to the hide mark there, the mark having taken the simple shape of a triangle. Since then, he had begun wearing the eye-patch so as to draw less attention to himself. Not much occurred to him for the first few years of having the mark, as the United States had always been much quieter.

However, upon hearing of the things going on New Tokyo, he couldn't help himself to moving there to see just how things were there. It was then that he finally saw just how miserable and terrible things were there. Once he learned of the Freedom Fighters, he quickly join their ranks to help them combat Ira and his regime. He's been with them no for over a decade at least, and has managed to climb his way up the hierarchy to become strategist for them. Now he uses his experiences to help his comrades to tear down Ira's regime.

So begins...

Gorman Carvolo's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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Gorman watched Hachirou, seeing the fear and anxiety roiling around in him, something that was easy to see for even someone as usually thick as Gorman could be; the boy's body language spoke volumes. As he watched, he suddenly jerked his head over though when he heard a shout, his eyes settling on Margarret who was standing up in her seat. Gorman just blinked, confused as she sat down with ah and over her mouth, now wondering if the red tint on her face was because of the error message on the screen.

He didn't say anything, mostly because he was at a loss for words, and confusion only settled in his mind more when he looked over to Yui walking over next to him. He had been reaching up to pull the pen from his hand, but watched as Yui walked up and pulled the writing utensil out. Scowling, Gorman opened his mouth to scold her, as he was a bit irritated at her just doing it. No words came out of his mouth though as he watched the blood n his hand seep back into the wound, which closed a moment later as his own abilities took over. He glanced at the spot, which was free of any marks before watching a Yui walked away. "Ok then..?" as the display was a tad bit random for him.

Then he jumped slightly as another female shouted, though this time in clear words and he knew immediately who it was. He watched Mitsuko grab the still emotionally upset young Hachirou, and Gorman watched Mitsuko go to work with her own abilities. He recognized the motions she was doing, as well as the apparent discomfort she went through when she was finished. That was as much as he really understood of her powers though, other than the fact that they were nowhere near as straightfoward as his own were.

As things finally began to die down, Gorman finally just lowered his head and let it thunk onto the table. This had turned into one hell of a crazy and antic filled meeting, which in a way was nice, as it distracted a bit from the fact that he was empty right now on the strategies. He caught word of the others going to retrieve a repaired vehicle to make use of, something he had no real interest in being involved in. He heard Yui perk up, her voice a little louder than was needed; Gorman was silently thanking whatever had bestowed these powers on him that it prevented him from getting headaches, as right now he was certain his head would be pounding by now.

"Well," he began while lifting his head up to look at the others, "Unless you need me to go on this trip with you, I am going to retreat to my office and see if I can cook up...something..." he said, the last part trailing off into a tone of irritation. He stood up from his chair, looking towards Mitsuko first, "Good luck to you, squirt."] he said as he turned to leave the room.

He stopped just as he reached the door, turning to look back towards Margaret who was tending to Hachirou, who seemed to be donning a rare smile. It almost made Gorman smile himself, "If you want to get the blood, Margaret, just come and grab me." he simply stated, giving all of them one last look before he turned to leave the room and head for his office. Hopefully some smoking of his pipe would help to settle his thoughts and get his mind on track. Hopefully.