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Yuuka Fujiki

"This is what you wanted.... Right?"

0 · 981 views · located in The Commonwealth of New Tokyo

a character in “Tundra || Remaster”, as played by Mat_z6



ImageImage∞ Full name ∞
Yuuka Fujiki

∞ Nickname ∞

∞ Ethnicity ∞

∞ Age ∞

∞ Gender ∞

*∞ Sexuality ∞

∞ Role ∞
Freedom Fighter: Head of Communications

∞ Ability ∞
Electricity Manipulation-

Railgun: Yuuka can fire metal objects at three times the speed of sound by forming parallel currents on both sides of his arm with his electricity. His railgun has a muzzle velocity of 1030 m/s (2307.2 mph). He can also fire multiple coins at once creating a Rail-Shotgun. (Inspiration taken from Misaka Mikoto's ability in the anime "Toaru Majutsu no Index".) Unfortunately this attack is very harsh on Yuuka's body when he uses it and he cannot fire his railgun in succession and must wait a few hours after he can use it again. Also, his other abilities are rendered unusable the moment after he fires due to the fatigue but this only lasts for around 10-15 minutes.

Lightning Spear: Yuuka has the ability to generate a "spear of lightning" originating from his forehead that can be thrown at a target.

Electromagnetism: Yuuka can use electromagnetism to attract and repel metallic materials and use it to his advantage. Examples include creating a make-shift shield out of scrap metal, walking on walls and ceilings, as well as attracting iron particles in the ground around him.

Radar Sense: Yuuka can sense and release electromagnetic waves around him to enable him to see a three dimensional image of the room without the use of his sight.

∞ Face Claim ∞
Gareki from "Karneval"

Image*∞ Height & Weight ∞
147 Ibs.

∞ Hair color ∞

∞ Eye color ∞
A light blueish grey

*∞ Distinguishable Facial Features ∞

∞ Birthmarks/Scars/Tattoos/Piercings ∞
Yuuka's Light Bearer symbol takes the form of two parallel lightning bolts that run diagonally across his back.

∞ Physical Description ∞
Yuuka has a well toned build being more lean than muscular. He has lengthy jet black hair that usually sits sloppily atop his head almost covering his eyes.

*ImageImageImage∞ Habits/Quirks ∞
✦"Sparks"| When Yuuka feels any sort of emotion to and extreme level whether it be sheer happiness or unrelenting rage he tends to start generating small sparks of electricity from his body. These sparks are mostly harmless and at most will make all your hair stand on end.
✦"Nervous Goggle Donning"| Whenever Yuuka gets either nervous or uncomfortable he has the habit of continuously putting on and taking off the goggles that he wears.
✦Tinkering| No matter what it is, if Yuuka can take it apart he will do so without fail and attempt to put it back together again. He has a habit of taking the belongings of the other members that are laying about (with their permission of course) and completely dismantling whatever it is and sometimes is successful at putting it back together.... and sometimes breaking it. His favorite pastime is exploring the inter workings of guns and he will spend hours on end taking apart whatever firearm he can find just to reassemble it.

∞ Likes ∞
β™₯Cherries| Yuuka has a strange obsession for cherries and always has a canned stash of the hidden somewhere in his room.
β™₯Eating| Yuuka has an appetite like no other and it would be wise of one to keep stored food out of his reach.
β™₯High Places| Ever since he was little one would always find Yuuka climbing atop something. Something about being up high and being able to see everything as far as you can always seemed to mesmerize him.

∞ Dislikes ∞
βœ– Small/Enclosed Spaces| Yuuka is extremely claustrophobic and can't stand being kept in a small space for a long time.
βœ– Hunger| Being a huge fan of eating, Yuuka gets very depressed and moody if he hasn't had much to eat.
βœ– Things he can't understand

∞ Talents ∞
βœ” Skilled Swordsman
βœ” Stealth
βœ” Master Saboteur

∞ Fears ∞
✘ Betrayal
✘ Making mistakes that would put his friends in danger
✘ His anger potentially hurting those close to him

∞ Flaws ∞
✘ Anger Problems
✘ Too Trusting
✘ Reckless

∞ Secrets ∞
βŒ› Previously Intending on Joining the Military | Yuuka was inspired by his father to join Ira's military
βŒ› Previously wanting to destroy the Freedom Fighters | Before he had anything to do with the Light Bearers, Yuuka was bent on joining Ira to put these so called terrorists in their place.
βŒ› Daddy Issues | Yuuka is secretly planning to find his father who betrayed him and sold out him and his best friend to settle the score.

ImageImage∞ Weapon ∞
Yuuka wields a black hilted Japanese katana that belonged to his childhood friend, Mari. His ability allows him to channel electricity through the blade giving it crazy cutting ability that is able to cut through most any surface or structure.

∞ Personality ∞
Despite his serious and intimidating looks Yuuka is a sweet, open guy, the very epitome of the Average Farm Boy. He's decently clever, well educated and vastly intelligent, able to come up with schemes to fight and to think on his feet pretty quickly during operations or when he's undercover. Often times though, he'll go rushing off into danger without thinking. He's caring but pragmatic, which comes from his upbringing and he's not the head-in-the-clouds type, able to focus on the task at hand. His pragmatism never extends to other people. Yuuka can see the good in everyone, and he's one of those people who would never ever leave a man behind. He cares very deeply about his friends and comrades and will always go out of his way to help them whenever he can and worries about them when he's not helping them. He's maybe a little bit more trusting than he should be, and can sometimes make foolhardy decisions because he's so overeager to help everyone. Yuuka is also very honest and straight-forward, though not in a tactless way. He's been known to put his foot in his mouth on one or two occasions, but usually he's pretty good at talking to people. He's not a deceitful or a closed-off guy and he's as easy to read as an open book. Hiding his emotions isn't something that comes easily to him. The only thing he keeps away from his friends is his anger, and he's got plenty of an outlet for that during operations. Yuuka is a very gentle person, but his righteous anger, is of unparalleled power, and can make him a dangerous person. Above all Yuuka values truth and life and he possesses unlimited patience, but little tolerance. He believes that it is the right of all people to be free and that they must choose to fight for that freedom, not rely on others to do the job for them.

Image∞ Romantic Interest ∞

∞ History ∞
Before he found his place with the Freedom Fighters, Yuuka lived his life in one of the more wealthy districts of Japan. Living a pretty comfy and normal childhood, he spent his days attending school and training kendo under his father who was a world renown master in the art. Yuuka's district was very focused on keeping the old Japanese culture alive while under new government and his fathers dojo had hundreds of students. Unknown to the tyranny of Ira and his regime, Yuuka's life goal was to join the military and was planning to the year he finished school. It was around this time when his life was turned upside down. Yuuka had always heard of the so called "Freedom Fighters" and thought them nothing more than a terrorist group focused on disrupting the peace that Ira had so gracefully bestowed on the country and he made up his mind that he would do whatever he could to stop them. Though on a certain day while training early in the morning Yuuka's childhood friend, Mari told him some unsettling news. For as long as he could remember, the two had always been together. Being his rival in kendo since he was 4 years old, Mari was very close to Yuuka. Her father was a very famous sword smith and worked closely with Yuuka's father, supplying him with the best crafted swords for many years now and both of their families were very close. Though it was on this day that Mari told Yuuka that she was a light bearer. Confused and terrified by the unsettling news that his best friend was now a wanted person of the government, Yuuka did not know what to do. He had heard that these "Light Bearers" wielded terrible power and were to be immediately turned in. But how could he do that to someone he held very close to his heart. Apparently, Mari's father knew and was planning to send her away to America to keep her safe and hidden until they could figure out what to do. But unknown to him, she had other plans. Mari had already contacted the freedom fighters and was planning to join them in their fight against Ira. Mari's father had secretly been making weapons for the Freedom Fighters and he had already established a good relationship with them. And when things seemed like they couldn't get worse, Mari asked Yuuka to come with her. Horrified that his best friend would even think of joining this treasonous regime, Yuuka simply said he would think about it. He now had two choices. It was either to turn Mari in, or join her. He chose the latter. No matter what it was, Yuuka decided that she was more important than anything else at the time and that he would follow her to the gates of hell and back with her though in the back of his mind he was convinced that he could talk it out of her somehow. All he wanted was for her to be safe. It was around the time of his 19th birthday when they planned to leave. By now, Yuuka's father was informed of Mari's situation and though reluctant he agreed to help in whatever way he could. Everything was going smoothly and the Freedom Fighters were ready to accept the two with open arms whenever they were ready.

Though as everyone believed that they were in the clear, things suddenly began to go horribly wrong. On the day of his birthday, Mari appeared at the door of the Fujiki residence bloodied from head to toe and badly wounded. The authorities had been informed of her identity as a light bearer and had attacked her father's shop, killing him but failing to capture Mari. Though he was glad, Mari was alive Yuuka realized that this had taken a turn for the worst. Though he knew that his house would be the second place the authorities would search, he planned to hide her anyways. But before Yuuka could even invite her in, a gunshot was fired from behind him and before he knew it, Mari was dead at his feet. His father stood a bit away from the doorway, pistol in hand. His father had always been loyal to Ira and was the one who inspired Yuuka to join the military in the first place. Unknown to Yuuka and Mari's family, he was the one who informed the authorities about Mari. Horrified and left in a state of shock, Yuuka fell to the ground and held Mari's cold body in his arms and quietly asked his father if he was the one who ratter her out. The boy shook with an unrelenting rage and tears streamed down his face as he gazed hatefully at his father. Mr. Fujiki simply nodded and said it was for the best. He had redeemed Mari's family name that had been tainted with treasonous thoughts. In that moment, Yuuka's father pointed his gun at his son. Confused, Yuuka told his father that she was already dead though he knew that he was aiming at him and not the dead body of his friend. Yuuka's father began to tell him that he was also a lightbearer. Two days ago he had noticed that there was a symbol of two lightning bolts running down his back and unknown to Yuuka who had experienced a terrible back pain in his sleep two days ago, knew that that was the mark of a lightbearer. What was now the emotion of grief transformed into the raw emotion of rage and Yuuka rose to his feet. His father had been planning to take the both of them out. His best friend's daughter and even his own son. Gazing into the cold eyes of his father, Yuuka saw nothing but an unshakable loyalty to Ira. This was the first time he had experienced the utter tyranny of the regime and this was where his hate against Ira began. Without even thinking Yuuka bolted for the door. Yuuka's father shot three times, hitting the boy two times in the left leg and one in the back but Yuuka managed to escape.

Now having nowhere else to turn to. Yuuka stumbled to the place where he and Mari planned to meet the Freedom Fighters. Half dead and emotionally exhausted, Yuuka crumbled to the ground only making it half way. The next thing he knew was he was laying in the back of a large truck. A man who he didn't recognize was at his side and once he noticed that the boy was awake, the man explained that he had been out for four days and they were now on their way to the Freedom Fighters HQ. A month had passed since then and Yuuka was welcomed into the Freedom Fighters. The group, horrified and guilty that all of them had been so blind apologized to Yuuka and told him they would do whatever they could to help him and that they wouldn't blame him if he wanted to leave them. Though in his mind, Yuuka had already made his choice. He would fight in Mari's place and liberate Japan from Ira. With the illusion of his comfy life shattered and everything taken from him, Yuuka knew that this was what he was meant to do.

A few months down the road, Yuuka found himself rising in the ranks becoming head of communications and intel. His job was to gather intel on the inside of the Commonwealth as well as missions of undercover work and sabotage. The Freedom Fighters helped Yuuka develop his ability and by now, Yuuka had mastered it so that it could be implemented in battle. On the night Mari was killed, one of the members of the Freedom Fighters visited Mari's house, confused as to her being late to the meet up and found her father mortally wounded and the house in flames. The old man gave the member a long package that he said to give to Yuuka once he had joined them and it was on the day Yuuka was fully recovered, he had given it to him. Opening it, Yuuka found a familiar simple but well crafted katana with a note attached. It was Mari's Katana. Yuuka knew that her father had put his heart and soul into this sword and it was rumored to be the best he had ever made. He was always jealous when Mari showed it off to him and joked that it would be his one day. He never imagined that it would come into his possession like this. According to the note, Mari had planned to give it to him as a birthday present as well to repay him for helping her join the Freedom Fighters. Yuuka, now armed with his dear friend's weapon and new friends to call family, found what he was really meant to do.

(God damn this was rushed but i REALLLYYYY WANT TO START. Holidays and work have really set me back but i finally just sat down and finished. Sorry for the wait!)

*∞ Other ∞
Answer Here

So begins...

Yuuka Fujiki's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki Character Portrait: Gorman Carvolo
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#, as written by Mat_z6
Yuuka Fujiki


Aaanndd that should be enough for now. With the final photo taken with the camera of his cell phone, Yuuka Fujiki slipped back into the shadows of the alley way of a nearby building. Tasked with acquiring images of Ira's headquarter's outer perimeter security camera's, as well as gathering intel on the guard shifts and positions, Yuuka finally had gotten all the information he needed after spending a day and a half creeping around enemy territory. Exhausted and sleep deprived, he sat himself down on a quiet street corner after he had made a good ways away from the enemy HQ. It was time to take a breather before the long trek home. Yuuka powered on his cell phone and checked the images he had taken. For a cell phone, they were surprisingly of good quality and the zoom was something else. Though they were clear enough to see positioning it was still a bit blurry to see exact detail anywhere but it was enough. If Mitsuko wanted to complain then she would have to come out here and take them again herself.... Or get him a better camera. A few snowflakes had begun to fall on the touchscreen surface of his phone and Yuuka decided that he should get going before it got too cold. Wiping the snow from his goggles he got to his feet and began making his way back home.

Yuuka made good time and was back in the Freedom Fighter's home district in under an hour. The train ride back had been hell for him but that was particularly his fault for not exactly riding the train like normal public transportation customers would. Mitsuko always told him to take precautions when leaving HQ. He could never draw unnecessary attention to himself nor could he even be seen. The risk of those loyal to Ira discovering his identity was too great. The Freedom Fighters had already taken great measures to put him under the radar and he dared not waste their hard work by being discovered. So Yuuka had found himself riding atop the speedy bullet train in the middle of the night during a heavy snowfall. Thanks to his abilities, he was able to magnetically stick himself to the top of the metal train to keep himself from sliding off the high speed train but that meant his hands weren't free to shield his face from the falling snow that pierced his skin as he blazed along with the train. Thank god for his goggles. He probably would have been blind without them. He had to remind himself to at least bring a face mask or scarf next time.

Finally arriving at the Freedom Fighter HQ, Yuuka breathed a sigh of relief. A nice hot bath was sounding heavenly right about now but unfortunately he had just gotten a notification that a meeting was going to be held in just a few minutes. He had arrived just in time. If he had stayed any later and missed the meeting, Mitsuko would have his head. It was best not to anger the hot headed leader. Shaking all of the snow that was caked to his jacket, Yuuka began to make his way around the house to the hidden entrance, again not wanting to be seen even entering. Though before he could slip to the back a small figure standing a little away from the front door. Instantly recognizing the young new member Yuuka froze with confusion and disbelief. What was she doing outside? In the moment he was right about to dash over and pull her inside, the boy relaxed. One of the other members had beaten him too it and Yuuka watched as Yui was led inside. A small sigh of relief escaped from Yuuka's lips as he finally made his way inside as well.

Without even bothering to visit his room to rest even for a second, Yuuka made his way to the meeting room. Hopefully he wasn't the last one to arrive. He wasn't in the mood to being scolded but right now he really wasn't in the mood for anything at the moment. Usually he would brush off Mitsuko's rude insults or comments and politely apologize when she scolded him but being as dead tired as he was, he REALLY wasn't in the mood. But... He would deal with it. This is the life he chose and now wasn't the time to be complaining. Hopefully with the intel he was about to provide, the Freedom Fighters would be able to successfully launch an assault on Ira's HQ without any incidents. Arriving at the door of the meeting room, Yuuka could hear commotion inside. Well.... Commotion as in Mitsuko scolding the others for arriving late. Damn..... So I was late after all. Well... Here goes nothing.

Yuuka entered the meeting room and found only 5 of the other members, including Mitsuko, inside and seated. At least he wasn't the last to arrive. Even Yui who he had seen only a few minutes before was here before him. Christ... How fast did that girl walk to get here? Yuuka nodded greetings to the members present and sat himself down. "Sorry I was late. The trip from Ira's HQ to here was longer than I expected. I have all the information you requested right here." Yuuka turned on his phone and slid it across the table so Mitsuko could take a look at the photos. "By the way, it looks like I'm not the only one late to the meeting. Where are the others?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki Character Portrait: Gorman Carvolo
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Gorman rolled his eyes at Mitsuko's remark on wearing her beret in a "new style." He looked back to her, nodding his head, "Of course it is, Mitsuko. Of course it is." he said, raising an eyebrow at the shouting that came from outside the room. He turned his head to watch the eccentric sharp-toothed Ken slip into the room, Gorman just closing his eyes and turning his head to face forwards again. These kids were the strangest group he had ever worked with, he thought about. He couldn't help but scoff in amusement, his the corner of his lips twitching up slightly in a smile before he opened his eyes up to meet Mitsuko's scrutinizing glare as she asked them all where they had been.

He opened his eyes when he heard Hachirou speak up, only for the young man to begin crying under the pressure of their leader. Gorman's small smile vanished as he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before lowering his hand and looking up at Mitsuko. "Leave the kid alone, would you?" Gorman said, snatching one of the floating pens out off the air as he began to lightly tap it on the table to the rhythm of a song stuck in his head. "You really need to lay off of him, Mitsuko." he said before turning his head to view new member to this cluster.

He watched as Yuuka stepped up, removing his phone and sliding it across the table towards Mitsuko. The mention of information on Ira's HQ had Gorman sitting up in his chair to lean forwards some. He let the phone go to Mitsuko first, as much as he wanted to see the pictures now. He knew that it would eventually get around to him, so there was no need to fight with the beret-wearing-spazz over it. "Good to know then, Yuuka. Thank you." Gorman said, looking at the man before looking back to Mitsuko and the phone. "Anything to help get a plan in motion is appreciated at this point..." Gorman said quietly, to no one in particular. If anything, it was more so an expression of irritation with himself, because he was not having an easy time figuring out how to approach this attack.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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"Mmm..." Margaret blinked her ruby eyes open slowly, a deep sigh escaping from her lips. Her surroundings were gradually becoming less like colourful blurs and more like her familiar office, with sheets of paper spilling over every surface and a stack teacups balancing dangerously over a stack of corny bodice rippers. Despite having only moved in to her new office recently, it was already a workplace hazard. She stretched up and yawned loudly, her arms disturbing the sparkling wind chimes hanging over her desk. "Babyface, I'm awfully sorry about that... Mum wouldn't let me go, you know how it is... so, did I take your blood already or do we just have paperwork to..." Maggie swiveled around on her chair and murmured sleepily, rubbing her eye and flashing an apologetic grin. When her vision came into focus once more, she blinked hard, discovering her visitor to no longer be visiting. The only "people" to be seen were her 5 penguin familiars, looking up at her disapprovingly.

"Ehh? Gorman's gone?" She leant back against her chair, letting one arm rest on her desk. "Geez, that's no good. These blood tests are important, so he should have woken me up. Besides, it's rude to leave a lady without saying goodbye, at least." Her shoulders sunk down and she sighed exasperatedly. "Honestly, I still need to ask about the prospect of getting a bone marrow analysis from him, and I'd rather do it sooner than later..." At this she scraped the side of her mouth to rid herself of dried spit as her other hand crept down to her bottom draw. From within it she pulled out a large packet of something and plucked out a lollipop from her pen holder, undoing its wrapper with one hand. One of her penguins had clambered up on top of her desk and was staring at her. Maggie stared back, dunking her lollipop into the packet and bringing it out covered in small white grains, then reclined suddenly. "What do you mean, Gorman's blood extraction was scheduled for tomorrow? I could have sworn he was here just... how long have I been asleep for?!"

The penguin tapped her desk, drawing her attention to what was laying in front of her. A crossword puzzle was lying open, not even half done. She smiled sheepishly at the penguin, scratching the back of her head. "Well, maybe I was asking for it - ouch!" The penguin pecked her square in the forehead and jumped down from the desk, waddling over to join the rest of its kin. "Don't you go ganging up on me..." she said, squinting her eyes and jabbing her salt-crusted lollypop at the birds accusingly. With that she swiveled back around and popped the... er... "sweet" into her mouth, sucking noisily. Even the penguins waddled backwards while watching her and one retched - after all, as pieces of her soul they could taste whatever she could. Maggie's focus was back to her crossword. She couldn't ditch the nagging feeling that she had forgotten something. Perhaps it was one of the crossword answers?

"Grahhh..." she grumbled, readjusting her lab coat in an attempt to make herself believe that she was smarter... well, at least more awake, "An arrangement with one or many to meet at a particular place or time... why, that's too easy! It's an appointment!" Maggie laughed and tried to write her answer into the squares, only to find it too long. "Whaaaaat..." she moaned and dipped her lolly back into her secret salt and licked it, disheartened. For a few seconds she was only interested in her lollypop, humming a tune to herself. It was an odd tune with strange ups and downs to the melody, at some bits high and whiney and at others deep and throaty. She continued to hum until a voice inside of her replied,

"It's 'gathering', dumbass. Read the multiple definitions and wake up already, it's the freaking afternoon. Why isn't this ringing any bells for you? You know what, screw it! I'm done here! If you haven't gotten a clue from this, I'm not even going to tell you what you've forgo-"

"Thank you, Mum~!" Maggie tapped her head with her pen and wrote in her answer. In under a minute, the rest of the crossword was filled in - even the difficult bonus crossword in the margin, which would be considered an incredible feat. Maggie's self satisfaction lasted less than 10 seconds, up till when she realized that the sense of forgetting something had not left her. Her familiars were jumping up and down, trying to remind her of something, but they wouldn't tell her anything... Maggie threw her lollipop stick into her bin, and for once it actually made its mark. "This isn't helping at allll... Chi-kun?"
A spark went off in her mind and she stood up suddenly. Her familiars, who were circling her at the time, flipped back and scrambled away from her in alarm. "Return!" Maggie's fist clenched, gathering her invisible threads up in her hand and yanking at them. Her mark glowed bright silver and her eyes shined as the glowing threads that wove her penguins unravelled and returned to her, sinking themselves back into her skin. She slipped off her lab coat and tossed it over her chair in her rush to leave her office, speed walking down the halls of HQ as she searched for the boy. "I know it... I can feel it..." She patted her skirt pocket, just to make sure that she had a napkin at the ready.

"Good morni-" When Maggie burst through the meeting room's doors, her eyes snapped straight to Hachirou, tears dripping down his cheeks. "Chi-kun!" Maggie cried out to him, whipping out her napkin and walking straight over to his side. Taking one of his hands gently, she placed the napkin in his palm and let his fingers curl around it before guiding his hand up to his cheek. She tilted her head and smiled down at him affectionately. "What's wrong, Chi-kun? Is Mitty-chan teasing you again? There's no need for tears, we both know she doesn't mean anything cruel." Maggie let go of his hand and paused to listen to anything Hachirou felt the need to blubber about, a concerned look in her eyes but a comforting smile on her lips. Eventually her mind drifted over to join the rest of the room.

"An arrangement with one or many to meet at a particular place or time..."

Maggie gasped as the realisation finally hit her and the guilt bubbled up inside her like boiling water in a kettle.

"Now? You get it freaking now?! Oh, for crying out loud, this woman..."

"I am so terribly sorry!" Maggie bowed her head down again and again in a nodding motion, "I will not make any excuses for myself, and I understand that I really am a terrible influence, but you must understand how terrible I feel for this." Looking up again, she smiled at everyone brightly. "But I'm here now, right? So, let's get this started!"

She twirled around, swinging her arms out, before pointing straight to Gorman. "Babyface, take it away!" She chimed and pulled out a chair. She patted the seat next to her as an invitation for Hachirou to join her while she looked up at the strategist, waiting for, well, a strategy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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Hachirou was twitching nervously sitting on the ground in front of Mitty-Chan when Gorry-Chan spoke up and saved him! A light sparked up in Hachirou's eyes and he smiled happily gathering up things scattered about that had been thrown by his telekinesis. He looked to Gorry-Chan with a look of admiration, he admired the strategist, he was tough and nothing seemed to scare him!. Just then, some tears were still on his face as a woman barged in. Maggie-Chan! Hachirou loved seeing Maggie-Chan, she was always to very nice to him. As Maggie-Chan smiled at him, he was taken aback by her beauty. . .Could it be?. . . No. It's impossible.

"Ye-yeah, Mitty-Chan is ju-just stressed a-again. . . She li-lik-likes blaming me for her pr-problems. . . I don't blame her, it pro-probably is my fault somehow." Hachirou explained to Maggie-Chan as he took the seat next to her, she seemed to really like Gorry-Chan. They'd be a cute couple, Hachirou thought as he smiled and then wrote down all that had happened so far in the meeting. None of it was very important but he knew Mitty-Chan needed it. Since Hachirou wasn't much of a fighter, he was more of a coward he knew all he could really do was just write notes and go fetch things from the store. No one ever suspected him of anything, how could they? He cringed and yelped at the sound of thunder! He really wanted to be brave like the others but how could he? Sure, they tried training him how to fight. The only really good thing he could do was shoot a crossbow, so that's what they gave him to defend himself, and he doesn't usually miss because of his telekinesis.

Fighting has never been something Hachirou liked to do, he hated hurting others. So, taking all these notes, being snapped at by Mitty-Chan, it was all worth it to help the brave ones, to help those who have a chance at making a difference. With a sad little sigh he looked at Maggie-Chan, she was always so confident, so lovely. She was like his guardian, and he loved her for that. Although he'd never ever tell her that. It would remain inside of him forever, but maybe someday he could repay all the kindess she'd shown him. Yes, one day he would be her savior, but he'd tell her Gorry-Chan had saved her. They deserve each other, she doesn't need a pathetic coward like Hachirou. . .

As Hachirou sat there all these thoughts were floating around in his head but then he remembered all at once that he was supposed to be paying very close attention! He gasped a little and shook his head lightly before focusing in once again. He needed to be alert to everything around him if he was to retain any of what gets said at this meeting. Although there was one man in the room Hachirou didn't know very well at all, Mr.Yuu-Chan. He was a mystery to Hachirou, he had walked in a little before Maggie-Chan had, and all he did was nod. Hachirou wrote down everyone was late, except Yui-Chan. Mitty-Chan liked Yui-Chan a whole bunch.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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As you sleep peacefully, I watch over you from the outside I’ll be the cocoon that protects you from all the world’s emotions.

Yui was thankful for Mitsuko's sudden shift in attention, although it certainly was busy in the room now and all of the noise was making Yui's head hurt. Her mind spun and she reached up to touch the spot behind her ears where the odd feathers were, trying to make the pain go away. Things were still a bit overwhelming and she had been fighting a sensory overload since this morning. It was another reason Yui had decided to sneak outside, to attempt to get away from all the hubbub even if it was only for a few moments. Between Mitsuko's screaming and Hachirou's crying it was all growing to be a bit much and Yui moved from rubbing her temples to covering her ears. They were far too loud and Yui contemplated leaving when Yuuka, a boy who her conversations had been far and few between with, came in and slid a phone across the table. Yui's curiosity won over her headache and she decided to stay, giving a silent thanks for Gorman who told Mitsuko to stop teasing poor Hachirou and changed the topic to strategy.

Relieved at the silence, Yui uncovered her ears just as Maggie walked in. The girl retreated further into her chair, attempting to move away from the doctor; for no specific reason the woman made her uneasy. Perhaps it was because of the needles she had to chase everyone with in order to get samples of their blood? Maggie was the first one Yui had met, it was the face that had greeted her when she awoke in the med-bay of the FF headquarters and yet Yui did not trust the doctor one bit.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, finally awake are we?" A voice perforated the darkness, slicing through the comforting cocoon she had built herself so that people would stop hurting her. A cold feeling slowly snaked through her veins, jolting the female from her sleep and causing her to sit up abruptly, suddenly alert. Her blue eyes were wide and aware of the fact that she was in a rather messy office, papers skewed across the desk and teacups stacked haphazardly and far too close to the edge. "Where am I?" The child asked quietly, her voice soft and scratchy from not being used in a long time. The woman standing before her had hair as blonde as snow and bright red eyes that were as blinding as her smile, she was wearing a lab coat and holding a syringe full of blood that she quickly hid behind her back. There were penguins waddling around as well, but they were not normal looking creatures. They appeared as though they were spun from light and for a moment the girl believed she was dreaming. The child looked down at her arm to see that the cold feeling was coming from an intravenous drip that had been stuck into her arm.

"You're at the headquarters of the Freedom Fighters!" The woman spoke softly; then as a second thought added, "We should introduce ourselves. My name is Margaret Van Bokhoven, the woman who has been watching you sleep for the last week. Ah! Not creepily at all -" the doctor called Margaret smiled and scratched the back of her head. "Will you tell me your name?" The child opened her mouth to answer, then closed it, realizing she did not know. She furrowed her brow, trying to think but pain shot through her skull, causing her to cry out and clutch her head in agony. "You can take your time getting comfortable speaking to me, if you like." Dr. Margaret said and sat down in the chair beside the desk.

"I-I don't have one."

"What?! How could you not have a name?"

"I don't remember it.... I don't remember anything."

Yui's attention was brought back to the present when Maggie sat down in the seat between her and Hachirou. Yui shivered, suddenly cold and zipped up the jacket she was wearing. It was a borrowed article of clothing that was far too big and hung on her like a dress. Yui didn't mind though, the sweatshirt was well worn and comfortable. "Can I see the pictures?" Yui asked although there was no real reason for her to, she was just curious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki Character Portrait: Gorman Carvolo
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Mitsuko continued to stare down the young man as he trembled underneath her gaze, a sadistic smirk placed upon her face.'What's a cutie-bug? It sounds gross...' Momentarily confused by Hachirou's unnoticed compliment, Mitsuko missed the rest of what Hachirou had to say entirely. She returned her attention to him only to notice him mentioning his notes. Mitsuko was just about to praise him for remembering, when she heard the rest of his sentence.
'Wait... When did he call me mean? Does Hachirou really think of me that way?!' Mitsuko's heart cracked a little upon the sudden realization. Now internally distraught, Mitsuko held back a tear and attempted to reply before Gorman stepped in.

"Leave the kid alone, would you? You really need to lay off him, Mitsuko." Mitsuko nearly gasped at his sudden statement. Since when had she suddenly become the bad guy? Mitsuko stood there, dumbfounded. She seemed like that of a child who couldn't understand what they had done wrong and was being pressured by an adult. She couldn't handle the fact that her subordinates and family were turning against her. 'You jerks... That hurts, you know.' Mitsuko thought, now weeping on the inside while maintaining a strong front on the outside. "H-hmph! He is a grown man, you know. If he can't handle a small beating here and there, then he won't be able to survive in this world." Mitsuko replied, not even thinking about her choice of words. Even her now guilty conscience couldn't get through that thick head of hers, allowing her to see that she was only making the situation worse.

Her moment of distress was interrupted by the arrival of Yuuka, who Mitsuko looked to with hope of good news. Mitsuko was actually quite glad to see him as his presence proved to be a nice distraction from the awkward atmosphere. She had almost entirely forgotten about persecuting the lot at this point. Almost... "Good ta see you made it, Yuu! At least you brought a decent excuse with you this time." Mitsuko remarked, all of a sudden back to a cheery mood. Scrolling through the pictures, Mitsuko smiled, content with Yuuka's findings. "Nice job, Yuu. These'll be useful for when we raid Ira's headquarters." Mitsuko stated, while subconsciously fanning the phone in his direction. Upon Yuuka mentioning that there were still absent members, Mitsuko's thoughts immediately shifted over to a particular individual, when-

"Good morni-Chi-kun!" Mitsuko's eyes lazily shifted over to Margaret's direction, as she burst through the door and rushed to Hachirou's side. 'Cruel?! I'm not cruel, am I?' Mitsuko paled a bit at the mention of the word. Margaret's arrival only helped to add to her guilt. Upon hearing Hachirou's reply, Mitsuko mentally fell to her knees in defeat. 'You jerks... I'm really gonna start crying soon.' She would have to rant to Yuuka about this later.

Shaken out of her guilt-induced daze, Mitsuko's looked to Yui who asked her if she could see the photos. Mitsuko was just about to hand her the phone without hesitation, when she remembered the real reason for this meeting. She needed to get the meeting started, pronto. And that would mean giving Gorman all necessary information pertaining to the raid, with him being the strategist and all."Sorry, Yui. Just let me take care of some business real quick. Then you can see the pictures afterwards. Just make sure to give Yuu back his phone when you're done." Reluctantly chosing not to play favorites, Mitsuko handed Yuuka's phone to Gorman, sighing a bit as she did. "Hey, Geezer~ Make sure to let Yui see this later, k?" Mitsuko asked him, with a devilish smirk creeping across her face.

Having taken care of that business, Mitsuko returned to her seat at the front of the meeting table, resituating her beret as she did to make sure it looked presentable. If any of the other members were late, then Mitsuko would just fill them in later after their initial scolding. "Alright, you lot! You'd all better be playing close attention, cause this meeting has officially started." Mitsuko exclaimed, slamming a button on the bottom right of the monitor behind her. The lighting of the simple room dimmed and the monitor behind Mitsuko glowed a bright blue with a loading screen and the words "Briefing Manager" appearing on it. 'Wow. So they really did fix the lighting effect.' Satisfied with the introduction sequence, Mitsuko sat down in her chair as the PowerPoint presentation she had prepared presented itself on the monitor.

"As you can see, during our raid last week, we successfully infiltrated and disabled Ira's communications unit. For now at least, he won't be able to call in any reinforcements and will be stuck with the men he currently has on hand. Thankfully, we didn't sustain any major casualties. However, our raiding captain is incapacitated for the time being because of a leg wound he received, which fractured his ankle." As a mild look of annoyance spread across Mitsuko's face, she made sure that everyone would hear the next part. "To ensure that this does not happen again, I will take the lead of our next raid." Making sure to use her diaphragm, Mitsuko looked to everyone in the room before continuing. She took particular notice of those who didn't seem to agree with her decision. Whatever their reasons may be, she wasn't going to change her mind on this matter.

"As you all may know, the upcoming holiday celebration is a time of year when the locals are allowed a bit more freedom. That being said, we're going to use the festival as a distraction. A distraction for what, you may ask..." Mitsuko shifted her weight onto on foot as she smirked vibrantly. "What else?! We're going straight for Ira's head!" Mitsuko beamed proudly at her exclamation, taking a moment to soak in the atmosphere. The next moment, Mitsuko was pointing at Gorman, who she could only hope had finished scrolling through the pictures by now. "Well, Mr. Strategist? Have anything to add?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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Mitty-Chan seemed like she was sorry was yelling at Hachirou, he hated seeing her sad and he knew she was sad now inside. She covered it well by changing the subject but Hachirou knew her too well. Her entire speech Hachirou was just sitting there, thinking. He knew very well whenever Mitty-Chan got stirred up in this FF things she wanted complete attention and as such he gave it to her. To Hachirou, even though Mitty-Chan would get angry he knew she cared for him, she cared for everyone.

Hachirou liked to think of Mitty-Chan as a big sister type, looking briefly across Maggie-Chan to glimpse at Yui. She didn't seem very okay to him, she was obviously overwhelmed by all the noise. Hachirou felt like he understood her, she was scared and overwhelmed and tired. Hachirou smiled right at Yui-Chan when she was looking, he tried to seem like he was brave. The smile probably came across as a scared little thing but in his mind he looked very brave. Maggie-Chan was also paying close attention to the lecture, smiling sweetly like she always did. Hachirou liked these lectures, it made him feel like he had a big warm happy fanmily again.

Then he perked up when Mitty-Chan said she would be leading the next raid, he was worried, if she was the leader. . . Then if she got caught. . . Who would take over? What would happen to Mitty-Chan? A surge of bravery coursed through Hachirou and he stood up bracing his hands on the table.

"Mitty-Chan I can't allow you to lead the raid! You'll get hurt. . . Besides! you're the leader, they know that if you get caught. . . The rest of us are leaderless!" His bravery had fueled him, he didn't stutter and he spoke with authority, maybe even authority rivaling Mitty-Chan's. He began to feel his nerves rising up when he realized. . . All the attention was now on him.

"Mitty-Chan, you know if you lead the raid you can oversee it, and I-I" Hachirou's stuttering was coming back with a vengeance. No. . . Not until I finish!He cleared his throat but his nerves were then showing in other ways. . . Mitty-Chan's special monitor started glitching, pens and papers started floating.
"Mitty-Chan, I can't let you go and get hurt." Hachirou stared Mitty-Chan right in the eyes and realized his legs were frozen in fear from everyone's eyes trained on him. He couldn't sit so all he could do was maintain his gaze. However his bravery was running out and his face twitched slightly. On top of all of this, hachirou realized Mitty-Chan had called on Gorry-Chan and Hachirou had cut him off! Now he was even more terrified and he was sure it showed on his face . . . Pens and papers flew spastically as Hachirou fell onto the ground, on his hands and knees. His breath was coming in rapid breaths. Showing that yes, he was still very much a huge coward.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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#, as written by Mat_z6
Yuuka Fujiki


"Good ta see you made it, Yuu! At least you brought a decent excuse with you this time." Yuuka blinked at Mitsuko's cheery greeting. He was expecting more of a scolding from her but it seemed like he was getting let off the hook. Watching as the hot headed leader scrolled through his work Yuuka hoped that his findings would prove useful for this dangerous operation. "Nice job, Yuu. These'll be useful for when we raid Ira's headquarters." Relieved that those sleepless nights brought satisfactory results, Yuuka sighed and sat back in his seat giving Mitsuko a "Thank you." and a smile. Gorman, the strategist, seemed satisfied as well. It seemed the meeting was about to officially begin even with a few of the other members missing but Yuuka's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden entrance of the Freedom Fighter's head medic, Margret. A gorgeous woman for her age, Margret Van Bokhoven was the ever cheery "mother" figure of the group and Yuuka always enjoyed her company as she was always willing to listen to anything he had to say as well as give great advice and comfort when anyone needed it. Though Yuuka had recently noticed that the silver-haired beauty would talk very little about herself. To him, she was still a real mystery to him and he realized how little of Margret he actually knew.

"Good morni-Chi-kun! What's wrong, Chi-kun? Is Mitty-chan teasing you again? There's no need for tears, we both know she doesn't mean anything cruel."

Yuuka's eyes drifted to one of the newest members of the FF, Hachirou and to his confusion it seemed as if he WAS tearing up. The boy sighed. Did Mitsuko go a little far again? Hachirou was constantly the target of their leader's strict treatment but it was understandable. Though the man was a few years older than Yuuka, it felt like he was the weak younger brother figure who had a big heart but weak personality. He always tried his best at whatever he did but his meek attitude often got the better of him most of the time. Yuuka wondered what Mitsuko had said to the man before he arrived and it seemed as though everyone was rushing to Hachirou's defense, ganging up on the young leader as they often did when she got too harsh with him. Mitsuko, looking defeated and disheartened at their remarks. Well, she did bring this upon herself but he understood why she was a bit more harsh on Hachirou than the others. He needed a little... toughening up... If you could call it that. Though Mitsuko's mood instantly turned a full 180 and the "lets get down to business" look was fully apparent on her face. It was time to begin.

"Alright, you lot! You'd all better be playing close attention, cause this meeting has officially started."

Yuuka listened to Mitsuko intently as she announced that the date of the raid on Ira's HQ was nearing. Apparently it would be during the time of the holidays which was an appropriate time. It might even catch them off guard though if Ira and his men knew anything of the FF by now Yuuka's guess is that they would always be on guard. With everything they had done as of late, it wouldn't be much of a surprise. Either way, this was not going to be easy and the stakes were running extremely high. This was the enemy base they were talking about, not some small research facility or database. And to Yuuka's surprise, Mitsuko announced that she herself was to be leading the charge. The boy's excitement ran through the roof when he heard that he would be fighting beside her once again. It had been forever since she had personally led an operation and Yuuka always found it quite the rush when he fought beside her. She was quite the warrior and Yuuka had noticed how gracefully and efficiently she carried herself in a fight. It made him wonder what had she done before all this? Even from all the time they had spent together simply talking, he still had no idea who she was before the Freedom Fighters. There were times when Yuuka had even asked simple questions about her past but Mitsuko always managed to turn the conversation in a different direction, skillfully dodging his questions. Before long, he stopped asking. If she wanted to tell him then she would. There probably was a good reason she kept her past from him and whenever she was ready, he would be there to listen. Though no matter who she was before this, Yuuka knew that he was always ready to follow her. She gave him as well as the rest of the members a place where they belonged. When the world and society rejected them all, she took them in. The least they could do was to put their trust and loyalty in her for all that she had done for them. Yuuka couldn't help but smile at the young leader as she went on about the operation. Though as Mitsuko was about to hand the floor over to Gorman, Hachirou suddenly jumped in which was very unlike him.

"Mitty-Chan I can't allow you to lead the raid! You'll get hurt. . . Besides! you're the leader, they know that if you get caught. . . The rest of us are leaderless!"

Yuuka sighed once again. What a naive remark. Though again it was understandable. He had not been with them long and probably did not know of Mitsuko's great fighting prowess. The man surprised Yuuka. He was unusually passionate about his statement and this voice was strong and true. A large contrast to how he usually spoke. Hachirou continued but it seemed that his brave outburst was wavering. "Mitty-Chan, you know if you lead the raid you can oversee it, and I-I" Yuuka could tell he was struggling to finish. He was thinking too much about what he had done and was faltering in his resolve. "Mitty-Chan, I can't let you go and get hurt."

Suddenly Yuuka felt a slight heaviness in the air. It was as if the atmosphere had thickened and a heavy weight was pressing down on his shoulders. Yuuka stared at the table and began to notice that the pens and papers that was laying on the surface had begun to levitate and the digital monitor behind Mistuko was failing. This was... 'Telekinesis'. Yuuka's attention once again shot to Hachirou. What the hell was he doing? The man was suddenly on the ground on his hands and knees obviously having some sort of breakdown. Had his brave outburst been too much for him? Whatever it was Hachirou had to get his powers under control before someone got hurt. In his mind, Yuuka knew that he should do something but decided against it. Hachirou's comments were directed towards Mitsuko. Though not intended as insulting Yuuka felt as if Hachirou's words were a bit humiliating to Mitsuko's ability. Knowing full well that the man's intentions were heartfelt and kind, Yuuka couldn't help but think how wrong Hachirou was. Mitsuko, though she had the appearance of a young teen, was probably the strongest out of all of them. There was a reason WHY she was the leader of the Freedom Fighters. When it came down to it, Yuuka trusted her with his life and she was one of the people he knew would never let him down. In reality, Mitsuko was the one that needed the least protection. Hell, she had protected all of them from the hand of Ira and if it wasn't for her, they would either be dead or imprisoned, never to see the light of day again. Yuuka shot a concerned look at Mitsuko which hopefully gave her the indication that she should be the one to say something if anything to calm the man down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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Gorman just sighed at Mitsuko trying to brush aside his comment of Hachirou, saying that he should be able to defend himself. In all honesty, he wanted to argue the point, especially because it seemed like an odd statement considering that as Freedom Fighters, they were fighting for people who couldn't fight back on their own. However, he knew getting himself flustered like that would just be a terrible idea; not to mention he would not be the only getting flustered, as he would also possible rile up Mitsuko or others more.

Yuuka's entrance had distracted her though, and Gorman just watched the phone intently as Mitsuko looked through the photos on it. The next person though to burst into the room though was Margaret, who cried out to Hachirou before quickly moving to tend to him. Just like a mother, she quickly tended to the younger man to help simmer him down. Gorman was glad she had showed up, because he really, really did not want to hear more crying from Hachirou.

He crossed his arms onto the table in front of him, lowering his head down until his face was hidden against his arms. Mitsuko would get his attention when it was his turn for the phone, as well as for when she'd begin the briefing. Until then, he was going to do what he could to relax himself and his racing mind. Then he heard Margaret's nickname for him, the moment the phrase "Babyface" came form her lips he tensed up, groaning in irritation. He didn't even bother to lift his head up when he spoke, "Margaret, why must you call me that...?"

He lifted up his head, looking at her while leaning his cheek against the palm of his hand, elbow resting on the table. "At least Mitsuko's 'Geezer' crack is a bit more accurate, though still a little exaggerated." He said while looking at the leader before back to the doctor. Still, he couldn't help but crack a small smile some. He may not be the biggest fan of nicknames in general, but the fact that they had nicknames for two very different ages, and yet both still worked, was just amusing even to him.

He then looked to Mitsuko when she held out the Yuuka's phone to him, Gorman sitting right up and quickly taking the phone. "Thank you," he said, though he glanced over at Yui, his smile becoming a frown at the request to give her the phone. He would really rather not, as he'd like to hold onto the phone as long as he could. He could just get the photos copied to his own phone for him to look at, though. Keeping his eyes on Yui for a moment, he spoke again, "Yeah, I will."

He began scrolling through the pictures, going back-and-forth through them all and carefully viewing each one, even as the lights of the room dimmed as Mitsuko began her briefing. He was listening, despite his eyes being on the phone in his hands. He did look up at the leader at her mention of leading the raid, and Gorman raised an eyebrow for a moment. It wasn't that he didn't believe her to be capable, it was just something he hadn't expected her to say. He did not look away from her, now watching though his mind was half there as plans began to swim through his mind. When she asked him for his input, Gorman's eyes narrowed as they slowly fell to look at the table in front of him. What did he have to add? Right now, there was not much he could think of that would be different than the previous raid upon the lab. At least, nothing brand new and game breaking.

The usual of cutting power, trying to attack guards during the sentry patrols to try and sneak through the building as much as possible, attack from multiple points simultaneously so as to spread the enemy forces out as much as possible, and just various tactics such as that. Truthfully though, and much to his irritation, there was little that Gorman could really add to the plans. Yuuka's pictures and some other information on the building was all he really had. He had nothing about what was inside, and what might be lying in wait for them. Not to mention that after the last raid, Ira mostly certainly was going to have beefed up his security, and Gorman could only take shots in the dark on that.

He went to speak, but instead turned his head at the sudden outburst to his side. His eyes widened in surprise when they settled on the source, a strangely articulate Hachirou. Gorman just watched and listened to the young man, mostly out of mild shock, as this was definitely a new step for Hachirou. However, his surrounding caught his attention a bit more, as he noticed the flickering of the nearby screen as well as the various small items that began to move about in sporadic fashions. He even had to bring up a hand to catch a pen that was moving quite rapidly towards his face, as though the injury would be meaningless to him, a pen in the eye would still hurt like a bitch.

Hachirou finally collapsed to his hands and knees, but it did not stop the items from moving through the air and towards whatever happened to be in their way at a rapid rate. Hachirou needed to calm down, and the worse part was that Gorman really had no idea how to do that, but he felt he at least needed to add some part or try. "Hachirou, Mitsuko is right in that we need someone to lead the raid and she is perfect for it." He had raised his voice slightly, though it was hardly a shout. It was only enough so that he could be heard. "She will be ok; she wouldn't think to die on us like that. So just...please simmer down, before I end up with a pen impaled into me." as he said the last part, he swatted aside a pen that moved towards his face again. He frowned slightly out of annoyance when he accidentally managed to stab himself on the point of the pen when he had swatted it aside. "Not to mention, we have Margaret here to patch up any injuries, so long as people come back at least alive, we'll do fine in the end." he glanced once more to Hachirou as he said it, his tone raising a bit as he tied to keep annoyance from becoming to apparent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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Hachirou clutched his head tightly in his hands, he was unraveling and everyone knew it now. . . He had deep rooted issues and he didn't know why, he was impeding this entire meeting, everyone hated him now. He only wanted to protect his friends. . .That's all, he had never had any friends before, but now he did. But, just like that he had lost them it seemed like. He felt silent tears roll down his face, he was shivering a little, he was frozen in fear. He knew his ability was out of control and he hated himself for letting it loose but he couldn't control it. He couldn't be brave. . . Not like Gorry-chan or Yuu-chan or . . . The one he admired most, he could never be brave like Mitty-chan.

Hachirou knew full-well Mitty-chan was brave enough to handle the raid, he knew, she was the strongest. He just saw himself. . . This had been building up for a long, long time. He had realized today, he was useless. He was nothing but a nuisance, a cowardly waste of male anatomy. Mitty-chan was upset, everyone was upset at him now. He couldn't move or breathe or control his abilities.

Yuu-chan was staring daggers at him, then he looked away. Hachirou knew he had to become calm or he was going to be the reason Mitty-chan got hurt. Then from the darkness in his mind he heard a voice. . .

"Hachirou, Mitsuko is right in that we need someone to lead the raid and she is perfect for it.She will be ok; she wouldn't think to die on us like that. So just...please simmer down, before I end up with a pen impaled into me.Not to mention, we have Margaret here to patch up any injuries, so long as people come back at least alive, we'll do fine in the end."

It was Gorry-chan, from the tone of voice Hachirou knew he was upset, very annoyed at him. . . Impaled. . . Impaled?! Hachirou bolted up from the ground, clambering a bit, struggling to stand but he finally managed it. His eyes were glowing a bit and stuff was flying sporadically around in the air, more tears slid down his face as he realized he was a menace. He closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath in. The room calmed and the pens and papers all fell with thuds and clanks back onto the table and the floor. The monitor began to work again, although now it read ERROR in big red lettering across it.

Biting his lower lip trembling in fear he couldn't look up, all he could do was sit in his chair again and hope. . . No, he wanted to leave, he wanted to run away. Maybe he'd get caught, maybe he'd even be executed for breaking the strict laws and then everyone would be better off without him. Then suddenly he tasted iron in his mouth, hot liquid, he had bitten through his lip trying to stifle his crying. Now he was bleeding into his mouth, not wanting to look up or let anyone know he swallowed the pool of blood that had been forming in his mouth with a heavy shudder.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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Mitsuko was well aware that there wasn't much to change as far as tactical advantage was concerned, but was prepared to take any alteration Gorman could think of into consideration. If it came down to it, then they could just go with the same rinse and repeat method they've been using for raiding missions. Although, it would be risky to continue utilizing the exact same methods, this time. Rather than thinking of a plan of invasion, they should first focus on how exactly they were going to use the festival as a distraction. She waited silently for his reply, until it seemed that he had gathered his thoughts together. Mitsuko raised her head to listen, when suddenly Hachirou let out a burst that seemed foreign to the young man.

"Mitty-Chan I can't allow you to lead the raid! You'll get hurt. . . Besides! you're the leader, they know that if you get caught. . . The rest of us are leaderless!" Mitsuko thought for a moment to retort, but found that Yuuka summed up whatever she had to say in a simple gaze. Carefully, she began thinking about her plan of action. As she did so, Mitsuko looked from each of her subordinates to the other as they exchanged words. She took particular notice in Gorman's rising irritation, which she could tell he was fighting to suppress.

Her attention was cut off by the monitor behind her, as it suddenly started freaking out. Realizing that now was the time to strike, Mitsuko ever-silently began her decent towards Hachirou. While the others were busy either consoling or attempting to calm him down, Mitsuko was thinking up what words would be best for this situation. Ultimately, she came up short and just said fuckit. As the distance began to close, a small sliver of crimson caught Mitsuko's eye, as Gorman swatted away a pen that successfully managed to jab itself into his hand. That was the last straw. Finally reaching Hachirou, Mitsuko slightly cringed at the sight of his blood. Despite Hachirou's efforts to hide it, Mitsuko couldn't be fooled. Gritting her teeth, Mitsuko took in a deep breathe.

"YOU IDIOT!" Filling up the room with a roar that could startle a lion, Mitsuko grabbed Hachirou's shoulders, not even considering the prospect of being gentle. She jerked his body backward, forcing him to make eye contact with her. Mitsuko grimaced as a small dribble of blood escaped his lips and leaked down Hachirou's chin. Swiftly, she rose a hand above Hachirou's head, at first appearing as if she planned on hitting him. Surprisingly, she brought the hand to the back of his head and slowly pulled it in closer until his forehead was touching hers. "Not a word. Ya hear? Just focus on me." Mitsuko commanded, closing her eyes. Utilizing her control over thought, Mitsuko began combating Hachirou's negative emotions. After a few seconds, a deep sense of serenity began to overpower Hachirou's fears and doubts. Letting out a long sigh, Mitsuko let go of Hachirou and grasped her own head, signaling that she had won. 'I really hate doing that... Ow.' Going from one battle to the next, Mitsuko fought to control the headache that was now purging her brain.

Using Hachirou's shoulder for leverage, Mitsuko cautiously pulled herself up, swaying a bit as she did. "Listen here, Hachirou. Cause I'm only gonna say this once..." Opening a single eye, Mitsuko made sure to look him dead in the eye. "While I may not be the greatest of leaders or the strongest of people, I will never let my friends down. You can definitely count on me to come back. No... I'll bring all of us back alive." Mitsuko stated with a smile. As empty a promise as it may have been, Mitsuko meant it. Sure the odds of everyone making it back alive were senseless and just plain unrealistic. But if it served as a guard to keep her people's will's strong, then it was a promise Mitsuko was determined to keep.

"How touching. And you're calling us corny, eh Boss?" Whatever atmosphere Mitsuko had worked to make was utterly crushed by the appearance of Mayoi. After the monitor had switched to the error message, it seemed to activate the last signal reading Mitsuko had accessed before the meeting. "M-Mayoi?! How di-" Mitsuko began, her face turning a shade reder. "Not important. But I did wanna let you know that the mechs fixed up that old piece o' shit car you guys managed to scrap a few missions ago. Still seems like a lost cause to me." Mayoi stated, unwelcomely adding in his two cents. Mitsuko took this new information into consideration. Having a vehicle added into the plan could change a lot of things. For one, they would have a get-away ride, instead of having to escape Ira's HQ by foot. They may even be able to cause a bit of havoc at the festival with it.
"Not bad! Maybe we should move you to our communications divisions, since you're so much better at that than writing, Mayoi."
Mitsuko commented, giving the man a smirk, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Tell the mech guys that we'll be sending over a team to pick it up right away." Without giving the man a chance to respond, Mitsuko flickered off the monitor screen.

Mitsuko then spun around, once again giving off the air of a carefree individual. "Alright! I'd say that was a bit of good news. So who wants to accompany me to the delivery point?" Looking them all over, Mitsuko's eyes drifted over to Hachirou once more. Eyeing the cut on his lip, she still couldn't help but find it a little unnerving. "Oh yeah. Hey, Maggie. Can you tend to Hachirou?" Not that she really had to ask.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki Character Portrait: Gorman Carvolo
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As you sleep peacefully, I watch over you from the outside I’ll be the cocoon that protects you from all the world’s emotions.

Things were getting loud again as Chi-kun began sobbing his heart out over the fact that he did not want Mitsuko to lead an invasion on Ira's headquarters. Personally Yui thought it was fine, after all she had come back alive last time? Well, Yui did not really know as she hadn't been there, she had been asleep and had heard everything from Maggie. But if Maggie was dead then she would not be standing before them. Pens and papers began to fly and Yui dodged a flying apparatus that embedded itself into the wall behind her. Her eyes widened in shock but not over the fact that she had nearly been stabbed, rather she was staring at the blood coming from Gorman's wounded hand.

The sight of the liquid plasma was entrancing and for a moment Yui could do nothing but stare as it ran down his hand, bubbling up from under the pen. Yui stood from her seat and went to where Gorman was sitting; she gently took his stabbed hand in her own and pulled the pen out, watching more blood dribble down his palm. Yui's fingers twitched and the flow stopped, rolling backwards and back into the cut. Yui frowned as a feeling of dizziness overcame her and she went to sit back down. Once seated she looked at her hands, wondering how she had accomplished such a feat. "Is that what my power is?" Yui asked herself quietly as she flexed her fingers and looked up when someone burst in through the door, teasing Mitsuko and announcing that the car they had stolen was fixed and ready to be picked up.

Mitsuko sighed and asked who would like to come with her, instantly Yui's hand shot up. "I would like to go with you!" She was expecting the answer to be no of course, Yui wasn't supposed to leave because they didn't know if she had a tracking device and if she left the building they wouldn't be able to intercept any signals. Regardless Yui would try to go with her, she wanted to see the outside so badly and her sneaking out today had left her with a feeling of longing for more. There was a city beyond the skybridge and a whole world outside of the Freedom Fighters Headquarters that the small female was practically dying to see.

"I-I mean if I could of course... Never mind." Yui's hand slowly lowered and she looked at her lap, balling her hands into fists. She shouldn't get her hopes up, there was no way she could leave besides Yui would just get in the way as she had no idea what her abilities as a Light Bearer were and if something happened out there.... Well they would be at the mercy of the people and whatever witnesses were around. "I'll just stay here and organize papers or something." It was what she had been doing all week, menial labor that wasn't arduous on her body as she was still healing from the wounds that had been inflicted upon her in the medical research lab.

Speaking of which she was supposed to visit Maggie's office later to have the bandages on her wrists and leg changed. Yui made a mental note not to forget as she did not want to get an infection from wearing dirty gauze.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki Character Portrait: Gorman Carvolo
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Maggie lifted her head from wiping the blood from Hachirou's lip.

"What? O-oh, I'm... I'm onto that!" She stammered with a smile to Mitsuko before turning back to Hachirou with a worried expression. She let out a little puff of air and slouched in defeat. These kids honestly gave her a heart attack sometimes. The first heart attack was when Mitsuko announced that she would be leading the raid. She had wanted to stand up and shout out something like, "Not over my dead body, young lady!" but she had just bit her tongue and sat in silence. Mitsuko was their leader and a strong person - the strongest person that Maggie had ever known. She had been in the front lines of many missions before and none of them had failed. It was just how the young girl worked, and though she seemed small, Maggie knew in her heart that she made up for her lack of years with experience... from experiences that she would most likely want to forget.

The second heart attack came from Hachirou suddenly standing up and shouting right next to her. She couldn't help but smile slightly at the words that came from his mouth - not out of humor, but because she found the truth behind his words touching. That smile turned quickly into a concerned frown when Hachirou lurched over, trembling. The third heart attack came from a paper weight hitting her near the eye. After plucking pens and other stationary from the air around her to spare others from a similar accident, she was granted another heart attack by Gorman stabbing himself on a pen. Maggie had shouted out and stood up suddenly to run over to him and get him to a tap to wash the ink out of his bloodstream, but she sat down straight away and covered her mouth. He was the one person that she didn't have to worry about. She felt her face heat up from embarrassment at her outburst when another heart attack occurred as Mitsuko stormed up to Hachirou with what looked like the intent of strangulation. Thankfully, it was not.

"Oh, you kids..." Maggie murmured, to herself and to whoever else was listening, as she held a tissue against Hachirou's bloody lip, "We can't ever seem to get through one meeting without a bit of bloodshed and you expect me to see you go out and work together under life-or-death situations?" She laughed almost bitterly and bit her lip, lost in thought. When she came to, she blinked and smiled at Hachirou, patting his back.

"You'll be fine, it's only a bit of a split!" She reassured him. His bleeding had stopped now, so she began fumbling around her skirt pockets for something. "A split lip is nothing more than irritating, and the best way to get an even speedier recovery is by keeping your lips moisturized. If they get dry they'll crack and whenever you smile it'll split over and over again... and we don't want anything to ever keep you from smiling! Ah, here we go." She pulled out a small pink tube from her pocket and held it over her head triumphantly.

"I know it's a little girly," Maggie said sheepishly as she screwed off the top and smelt it, "But, it smells yummy! It doesn't taste so good though, so that'll keep you from licking it off..." she held it out for him to take it and spoke in a soft whisper, "Before I forget to tell you, never get nervous about speaking your mind to your own family. But because you were and did it anyway... it was very brave of you, Chi-kun." She finished genuinely with a bright smile. In some ways, Hachirou was braver than her, but she was the only one who would ever believe that.

When she turned back to the table, she saw Yui shooting her hand up as she offered herself up for the task. She ran her fingers through her hair and looked up at Mitsuko with a glance that said, "Can she?" She was pretty sure that the child wasn't allowed off premises, but that didn't mean that they couldn't make an acception for just this once... speaking of leaving HQ, when was the last time that Maggie stepped outside? She spent all of her time cooped up in HQ just working and taking care of the others that the thought hadn't occurred to her. She shook her head and let the thought be buried back beneath everything else she had to do that day. There were most likely others, namely Yui, who wanted to get out much, much more than her. Besides, they needed her here. They always needed her here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki Character Portrait: Gorman Carvolo
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Hachirou was taken totally aback, jumping in his skin ten feet as Mitty-chan's yelling perforated the air with a loud roar. He had begun to wince away when she raised her hand. Here it is, she's really gonna do it this time! He thought to himself, but was equally shocked when all she did was hold him close to her. He knew what she was doing. He was about to stop her because he knew it took a lot out of her to do that. Especially when it was him, Hachirou's mind was always a constant flux of pain and intense fear. . . Which is why it was hard for Mitty-chan to soothe him, even with her immense abilities.

All his worries slowly faded however, and sweet happy tears escaped his eyes, very slowly. More controlled than the bawling that had previously occurred. Then a man came, bearing good news, however Hachirou was too busy with his own thoughts to pay much attention to the man or to whatever Mitty-chan said to him or even after he left. All he knew was that Yui-chan had gotten super excited, but then regretted it.

Hachirou almost wanted to go, but he decided after his violent breakdown he was in no shape to accompany anyone anywhere except maybe an asylum. Before his thoughts could return to the depressing, Maggie-chan was wiping the blood from his lips. Maggie-chan always made Hachirou so very happy. As she spoke to him, he locked eyes with her, never faltering away from her gaze. Something about her always captivated Hachirou. She made him feel important and not just a burden. Then he was snapped out of his momentary daze as she held out to him some pink lip-balm. Hachirou blinked and looked at it and then back to Maggie.

"Th-thank you Maggie-chan. I-I'll rem-remember th-that." Hachirou then graciously took the small pink tube from her, and smiled brightly. A smile he hadn't used in years and it felt great to smile genuinely again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuko Sorachi Character Portrait: Yui Character Portrait: Margaret Van Bokhoven Character Portrait: Ken Masanori Character Portrait: Hachirou-Kun Character Portrait: Yuuka Fujiki
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Gorman watched Hachirou, seeing the fear and anxiety roiling around in him, something that was easy to see for even someone as usually thick as Gorman could be; the boy's body language spoke volumes. As he watched, he suddenly jerked his head over though when he heard a shout, his eyes settling on Margarret who was standing up in her seat. Gorman just blinked, confused as she sat down with ah and over her mouth, now wondering if the red tint on her face was because of the error message on the screen.

He didn't say anything, mostly because he was at a loss for words, and confusion only settled in his mind more when he looked over to Yui walking over next to him. He had been reaching up to pull the pen from his hand, but watched as Yui walked up and pulled the writing utensil out. Scowling, Gorman opened his mouth to scold her, as he was a bit irritated at her just doing it. No words came out of his mouth though as he watched the blood n his hand seep back into the wound, which closed a moment later as his own abilities took over. He glanced at the spot, which was free of any marks before watching a Yui walked away. "Ok then..?" as the display was a tad bit random for him.

Then he jumped slightly as another female shouted, though this time in clear words and he knew immediately who it was. He watched Mitsuko grab the still emotionally upset young Hachirou, and Gorman watched Mitsuko go to work with her own abilities. He recognized the motions she was doing, as well as the apparent discomfort she went through when she was finished. That was as much as he really understood of her powers though, other than the fact that they were nowhere near as straightfoward as his own were.

As things finally began to die down, Gorman finally just lowered his head and let it thunk onto the table. This had turned into one hell of a crazy and antic filled meeting, which in a way was nice, as it distracted a bit from the fact that he was empty right now on the strategies. He caught word of the others going to retrieve a repaired vehicle to make use of, something he had no real interest in being involved in. He heard Yui perk up, her voice a little louder than was needed; Gorman was silently thanking whatever had bestowed these powers on him that it prevented him from getting headaches, as right now he was certain his head would be pounding by now.

"Well," he began while lifting his head up to look at the others, "Unless you need me to go on this trip with you, I am going to retreat to my office and see if I can cook up...something..." he said, the last part trailing off into a tone of irritation. He stood up from his chair, looking towards Mitsuko first, "Good luck to you, squirt."] he said as he turned to leave the room.

He stopped just as he reached the door, turning to look back towards Margaret who was tending to Hachirou, who seemed to be donning a rare smile. It almost made Gorman smile himself, "If you want to get the blood, Margaret, just come and grab me." he simply stated, giving all of them one last look before he turned to leave the room and head for his office. Hopefully some smoking of his pipe would help to settle his thoughts and get his mind on track. Hopefully.