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Kygo Tepes

"Judge me all you want, just don't judge those I care about. That's when we have a problem."

0 · 449 views · located in Cleadora

a character in “Turn 1”, as played by Zoey26123


Brand New ✧ Say âœĻ Someday ✧ Preacher âœĻ Tee Shirt ✧ Stitches
{"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."}
-Oscar Wilde

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| N A M E |
Kygo Tasuki Tepes

| N I C K N A M E |
Kai || On occasion people shorten the already short name to just a small simple one.

| A G E |

| G E N D E R |

| R O L E |
Red Rook

| B I R T H D A T E |
September 3rd || ♎

| E T H N I C I T Y |

| S E X U A L I T Y |
Heterosexual || As of right now that's all he's certain about since he doesn't interact with enough people romantically to know if he is interested in guys at all.

| O C C U P A T I O N|
Bus Boy/Waiter/Server at The La Rouge Cafe

{"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."}
-Dr. Suess

| H E I G H T |

| W E I G H T |
168 lbs.

| E Y E C O L O R |
Sky Blue

| H A I R C O L O R |
Light Blonde

| A P P E A R A N C E |
Kygo is rather slim with an athletic build. He has a few streaks in his hair that make it look as if he dyed it but in reality they're all real. Kygo has both his ears pierced though his right ear has two earrings instead of just one. Kygo has a couple of scars but the most prominent one is on his cheekbone though it is only noticeable when extremely close to him. He received the scar when he got into a fight with a drunk man who charged him for thinking he had given the man a sour look.
| O D D I T I E S |
Love || Kygo has never felt romantic love and he wonders what it is like though he tries to not make that his main focus because he knows what his real mission is.
His Hat || Kygo always has a hat on. He wears one constantly and only takes it off for showering and sleeping at night.

{"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."}
-Bernard M. Baruch

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
{Gentle || Friendly || Calm || Caring || Laid Back || Protective || Loyal}
Kygo is a gentle fellow. He prefers to ignore the worries and troubles of life. He is very gentle and has a soft touch to animals and those he cares for. He has a hard time making connections with people that he might want to be with. He prefers silence and rarely speaks unless asked a question, defending someone, advising, or is very close to someone. It is hard to be very close to Kygo since he is so against being close to many people, instead preferring a few close people so he might be able to grow very close with them, and be a family with them rather than being alone since he feels like his childhood was the way he wanted to live his life.

Kygo is friendly and likes to be friendly and open to people. He won't speak much, but he has no trouble with being friendly and smiling at people when they talk to him. He is great at giving advise and telling people when they need to apologize or just give up on their current actions. He is calm and only looses his cool when others are being cruel or extremely stupid. Kygo cares what others feel and how they are being treated and is constantly motivated to make sure people are happy or are on their way to happiness in the future, even if they don't like him at the moment. He always has others future in his mind and has the best intentions for everyone. He doesn't care if people don't like him, but he does care if they are mad at him because he told the truth.

Kygo listens and he cares. He doesn't care how you are and believes people can change. He gives many second chances and tries to make people see that there is always hope and a chance no matter who you are or what you've done. He is very protective about people's feelings and has no problem stepping in when he sees others being treated wrongly or unfairly. Kygo is loyal and will not give up on anyone no matter what they face or what is going on with them. He has no problem being loyal to multiple people at once and definitely no problem being helpful and caring to others that might or might not need him.

{"Be the change that you wish to see in the world.."}
-Mahatma Gandhi

| P O W E R |
Kygo has the ability to teleport. So long as he can see his destination or knows it extremely well, he can teleport to it. The furthest he's ever teleported was around a mile, but not much further. He also has the ability to teleport anyone touching him though that is harder and makes him teleport shorter distances as a result. He can do multiple jumps repeatedly but after a couple he becomes extremely weak.
| S T R E N G T H S |
âœĻStudying || Kygo is a great studier as he knows what works for him and what doesn't. He learns material really well whether it is a scholarly subject or material for planning. It takes time though, he can't pick things up extremely quickly.
✧Planning || Kygo is great at planning strategies, actions, and more. He plans wonderfully though he prefers to go with the flow and wait for things to unfold themselves.
âœĻSleeping || Kygo has a great talent for sleeping. He can sleep anywhere and has even slept on a kitchen table once. He is sometimes considered narcoleptic when in reality, he is just a teenager exhausted from all the work he puts in.
✧Listening || Kygo is great at hearing people out. He only asks questions for clarification and can then give the advice he believes is going to result with the best ending.
| W E A K N E S S E S |As many or more as Strengths. Repeat if needed.
âœĻControl || Kygo is fairly good at keeping his control when it comes to his abilities. He occasionally sneezes and accidentally teleports, but when he does teleport a lot for desperate situations, it exhausts him a lot.
✧Sleepy || Kygo is constantly sleeping and it's only because of how much energy he puts out in his efforts for the Weeping Angels. He tries to sleep sometimes but can't also trying to stay awake sometimes and can't.
âœĻFamily || Kygo can't let his family go and would do anything for them. He sometimes looks at a picture he keeps of his biological parents though he doesn't do it around others in the family if he can help it.
✧Musical Ear || Kygo can hear when a note is not right and or sour, but he only hears it after he makes it which causes him to sometimes be called tone deaf when he is really off his game on a day, or just sleepy.

{"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."}
-Eleanor Roosevelt

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| H O B B I E S |
âœĻDrawing || Kygo is always drawing when he is not napping, training, practicing, or sleeping. He finds time for it as his adoptive father had encouraged it and he hopes to feel closer to him by drawing.
✧Training || Kygo hopes to become the best he can to help people and learn as much as he can about the world since he feels like he has been blind in what has been going on in his life.
âœĻSleeping || Kygo believes sleeping is a hobby considering he does it so much. He is always tired because of how much he practices and how hard he trains.
| H A B I T S |
✧AFalling Asleep || When Ross didn't get a good night sleep the night before, he has a hard time staying awake when he is bored. He has fallen asleep in meetings that really bore him and has no problem with it, except for when he misses something important.
âœĻHumming || Ross has a pretty good ear for music though he does occasionally hit the wrong note when he hums a song. It isn't so bad that he flinches and cringes, but he still hears it and sometimes makes a face when it's pretty off.
✧Quoting || Ross has a bad habit for quoting things in random times. He has quoted multiple things out of the blue and has even been told that the quote has no significance whatsoever, meaning he just wanted to mess with people and succeeded.
| L I K E S |
âœĻDrawing || "It helps relax and soothe me."
✧Dancing || "I'm not very good at it but it's fun to try."
âœĻFriends || "I'm not friends with many, but those I am friends with are pretty amazing people."
✧Sleeping || "One of my favorite things to do. You don't understand hoe much I love sleep."
| D I S L I K E S |
âœĻSinging out Loud || "I'm bad at it. I know I am. I can hear how bad I am."
✧Blood || "It makes me sick, and it makes my chest ache a little."
âœĻJapanese Food || "It simply tastes really bad. I don't like it. Chinese food is much better."
✧Jerks || "I get really nervous when people make me feel like I should be. But I like myself, and hate jerks. So I will freaking tear them apart if they try to make others feel inadequate. It isn't cool."
| G O A L S |
âœĻGallery || Kygo would love to have his own art gallery one day though he doesn't think it will happen.
✧Family || Kygo hopes to gain enough money to one day support all of his siblings and himself without the need of adoptive parents, even though he does care for them too.
âœĻParents || Kygo hopes one day to find his parents and ask them why they did what they did.
| F E A R S |
✧Death || Kygo doesn't fear dying, he fears dying and his family not knowing why or thinking he abandoned them like their parents.
âœĻJobs || Kygo definitely fears losing his job due to his hope and dream to one day provide for his family.
✧Expectations || Kygo doesn't want to let anyone down and he fears that it is inevitable and that one day he will totally screw up.

{""Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently."}
-Apple Inc.

| H I S T O R Y |
Kygo was born to a family of seven as the oldest child. When he was ten, his mother and father couldn't continue taking care of their five children and ended up entrusting a close family friend to care for the children while they went to work elsewhere. The family that the five children stayed with was rather wealthy, yet they constantly encouraged hard work and love. The younger children don't even remember their parents, instead, always calling their adoptive family their mother and father. Kygo never forgot his parents but constantly wishes they had never left, hating that they did.

Kygo began working at The La Rouge Cafe when he was fourteen as a means to make money for his family in order to raise enough funds one day in hopes to provide for his siblings by himself. It was clear their parents were never returning and the independent Kygo wanted to make things the best he could for his adoptive and biological family. Kygo met the red king when he was nothing more than the kid who came around every so often to help out. Kygo was well loved and respected due to his respect for others and their privacy. Kygo was offered the position of the red rook. He took it, always wanting to do more and mean more, also wanting to help others more.

Kygo still attends school but has a consistent job as a bus boy and server/waiter at the cafe. He enjoys the work and the responsibility as it makes him feel important and needed.

{"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."}
-Mae West

| F C |
Kurusu Syo
| S H E E T |
Future God Emperor Cutup
[color=#DC143C]| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |

So begins...

Kygo Tepes's Story