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Ahrali Tanukla

"Locks can't hold me back.."

0 · 333 views · located in Tyrillia Academy

a character in “Tyrillia Academy”, as played by Hyper_Dragon


Full Name::
Ahrali Tanukla.




Straight. (At least she would be, if she were to meet a boy)

Black hair, mostly seen in a black dress and high heels. Her eyes have a very dark tint, almost pitch black.

Tends to avoid contact with other people, as her highly criminal background has caused her to lose all trust to anyone, with the exception of her bond, who she loves more than anything else. She's obsessed with black dresses and will always look for one if she breaks into a store. In case she can't find one, she will pick a pair of black silk pants and loose black shirt. She will eat whatever she can get her hands on, but prefers the food made at fine restaurants. She will either break into the kitchen by herself, or send Kono in through an open window.

Delicious food.
Being in darkness.
Anything black.

Bad smells.
Curious people.
The police.

A strange fear for birds.

Has never been anywhere near a boy.

She is highly skilled in lockpicking, as she has been forced to break into stores countless times to survive. She's also good at blending into the shadows, making her near impossible to spot unless you look very carefully.

Swimming, Track

Name of Bond::

Race of Bond::
Fairy Cat.

Personality of Bond::
Kono always stays close to Ahrali and will only leave her side to either eat or chase something, most likely birds (connected to Ahrali's fear of birds) or mice. She doesn't like to be pet by anyone else than Ahrali and will hiss if someone gets too close to her.

Skills of Bond::
She has all the natural instincts of an ordinary cat and her wings give her the ability to fly. If she is told to fetch something, she will, sooner or later, bring the exact item back. She also has the ability to make her wings invisible, making her look like any other cat.

Ahrali's parents died when she was 6 and she was then sent to an orphanage. However, at the age of 10, she broke out and began her life on the streets. She survived by breaking into malls and grocery stores, or by making Kono fetch food at restaurants. From time to time, she breaks into a clothing store to change her outfit, though she seems to find comfort in black dresses, most likely because she can hide in the shadows when breaking in somewhere. She's been caught by the police several times, but they couldn't link her to any of the crimes, since there were no clear traces of her breaking in.

Other:: Lollipop

So begins...

Ahrali Tanukla's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erath Potane Character Portrait: Ahrali Tanukla
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Ahrali Tanukla

Ahrali had hurried out of the auditorium as soon as she had gotten her key. She hated big crowds and just wanted to get away as fast possible. She held Kono in her arms, as she didn't have any luggage to carry.
"Why must this silly school be so big... 10 minutes on my own and I'm already lost..." Ahrali cursed at herself for leaving so fast that she totally forgot where she was going. Kono responded with a sad meow; she needed a good rest soon. Finally she decided to turn around and started walking in the direction she had come from. She soon heard voices in the distance and felt that she was now going the right way. After 10 more minutes of walking, she found herself standing in front of the door to Room J. She unlocked the door and went in, closing it behind her. The room was descent sized and had a dark corner where no light reached. "Perfect.." She put Kono at the scratch posts for her to find a sleeping spot, after which she sat down in the dark corner, waiting for Lara to make her way to the room.

Erath Potane

Erath was already at room C since it was somewhat close to the auditorium. He was carrying a huge backpack which contained all his clothes and the needs for Torekani. The black crow had been sitting on his shoulder throughout the whole welcome meeting, but he had now taken his main form as a stag and looked at Erath as he tried to turn the key, finding that the door was already unlocked. He pushed it open gently and saw Karmen was already unpacking her stuff. He walked into the room and raised his hand in a greeting. "Hi, I'm Erath.. Looks like we're going to be roommates."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadia, Olivia, and Lara Wiles Character Portrait: Girardo Beyk Character Portrait: Ahrali Tanukla
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Arcadia, Olivia, and Lara where on the front end of their parents boat, relaxing, and enjoying the sun on their way to the island on which Tyrillia Academy was located on. Arcadia was laying on a lawn chair basking in the sun along with Lara who was also reading a book, while Olivia was sitting at the edge of the boat with her feet dangling over the edge and enjoying the breeze. Their bonds had taken their pixie like forms and where flying about playing with one another.

"Look! There it is! I can see it! Come here and look!" Olivia suddenly yelled, pointing in the direction of the school.

Arcadia opened one eye, closed it, and then twirled her finger making an unenthusiastic woohoo noise. Lara on the other hand set down her book and joined her blue haired sister, watching the school come closer into sight with her, with a smile on her face.

This was the girls last year here as seniors and they were excited, although Arcadia wont show it, about it being their final year before they sort of moved on with their lives and away from each other.

When they to the island their parents handed them their bags and hugged them tightly, along with their Bonds. Their girls bonds took on their normal sized form and took the girl's bags that they didn't have sent here already after hugging their mother tightly as well. They all said their goodbyes and then off they went again.

Lara looked at the watch that was on her wrist and began to panic. "Umm guys we have like 20 minutes to get to the Auditorium!" She told them in a very panicked voice. Arcadia just smiled took all three bags, which weren't all that big anyways, and began to run up the stairs from the dock, followed by Lara, Olivia, and their Bonds who took pixie form in order to move a bit faster.

They ran up the hill, and as fast as they could to the Auditorium, making it there with only about 2 minutes to spare. Out of breath the girls got to there spots, taking note of the other officers and pages, and their bonds took normal form and stood next to them.

They smiled and looked happy for the opening ceremony, not wanting to look like they almost ran a mile, half of which was up hill, but were truly very tired. After the ceremony was over their bonds grabbed their bags and then they got their keys and headed to their rooms. The girls went to Arcadia and Olivia's room first so as to talk and sort things out.

When they got in there Pyra and Aqua gasped, dropping the girls bags on the floor, and took pixie form going to their sleeping areas; Aqua yelling pond and Pyra yelling heater as they flew quickly to their spots. Arcadia, Lara, and Leaf stayed standing while Olivia sat on her bed.

"Alright, I should probably go formally meet Girardo seeing as how I'll be working with him all year." Arcadia said, not sounding so pleased.

"Are you wanting me to go with you sis?" Olivia asked gently, knowing Arcadia's feelings towards men.

"No that's alright, I should do that myself, I should manage just fine, but thank you for the offer Oli." She said looking her with a smile. Then she turned her head to Lara and smiled, asking "Would you me to walk you to your room Lara? It's on the way and I'd like to see who your rooming with."

"I would like that Dia, thank you." Lara said, facing her and smiling.

"Alright well I'll stay here and take a small nap. Meet back here to go to dinner?" Olivia said.

Lara and Arcadia smiled and nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me. Come on Pyra, we have business to take care of." Arcadia said. Pyra flew out of her "bedroom" and took a normal form next to her. The two of them headed out of the room, waving goodbye to Olivia who laid down to take her nap.

The two walked down the hallway tell they got to Room J and then hugged.


"I'll see you back in my room in two hours ok?" Arcadia said. Lara nodded and then opened the door. Leaf smiled widely yelling tree, placed Lara's bag on her bed and took her pixie form and explored her tree, before seeing the cat. Leaf wanting to go over and pet the cat, but didn't want to scare it, so she stayed in her tree staring at it form a small hole.

Lara smiled when she saw the small bond and patted it on it's head. "Well hello there, you must be Ahrali's bond. Kono is it? Where is Aharli? Did she go out to get some lunch for the two of you?"


Arcadia and Pyra walked down the hallway until she found the door with the plack that had Girardo's name on it. Finally she got to Room B. Arcadia took a large deep breath and then slowly knocked on the door, not really wanting to talk to him, but knew that Pyra was here next to her if anything went wrong.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahrali Tanukla
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Ahrali Tanukla

Kono hissed at Lara when she touched her, and jumped down into the dark corner. Ahrali picked her up and made her appearance from the shadows. "I'm right here.. I just like sticking around in the dark. And don't mind Kono, she's always like this" Kono purred in Ahrali's arms. "And you may undoubtably have guessed that I'm Ahrali. Pleasure to meet you." She let Kono down on the floor and put a shaking hand forward.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadia, Olivia, and Lara Wiles Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Girardo Beyk Character Portrait: Ahrali Tanukla
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Arcadia waited for the door to open. She fiddled with her outfit, and for some reason she became nervous and she didn't know why. The door opened and a man with messy blonde hair, bright red eyes, and was the same height as her stood in front of her.

"You have any business with me or her?" He said with an almost emotionless face as he pointed to a girl with light blonde hair.

Arcadia peeked over Girardo's shoulder to look at the young girl, and flashed a gentle smile at her. Then she looked back Girardo and gave him a huge cocky smirk, placing her hands on hips and shifting her weight onto her left foot.

"Well, if unless her name is also Girardo Beyk and she's a Blue Blood with a dragon, then I'm here for you. But if it is then I guess I screwed and I have to figure out which one I'm suppose to work with for the remainder of my last year here." She said very sarcastically.


Kono hissed at Lara when she touched her, and jumped down into the dark corner. Lara pulled her hand back quickly, and gave a very worried look. A girl with black hair and eyes picked her up and made her appearance from the shadows. "I'm right here.. I just like sticking around in the dark. And don't mind Kono, she's always like this" Kono purred in the girl's arms. "And you may undoubtably have guessed that I'm Ahrali. Pleasure to meet you." She let Kono down on the floor and put a shaking hand forward.

She stood up and fixed her sweater and then shook Ahrali's hand. "It's nice to meet you Ahrali. I'm Lara, and the nymph poking her head out the tree is Leaf. It's nice to meet you." Lara said shyly, putting her hand back at her side.

There was a short awkward pause of no one talking, and looking at each other.

"Ummm...Well. Ahrali, have you gotten lunch yet? I mean it's almost noon, and they'll be serving lunch here soon..." She asked, nervously breaking the silence.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erath Potane Character Portrait: Ahrali Tanukla
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Ahrali Tanukla
"Ummm...Well. Ahrali, have you gotten lunch yet? I mean it's almost noon, and they'll be serving lunch here soon..."
Ahrali looked at Lara and tilted her head. "No, I didn't have lunch, I'm not used to eating at certain times. Also, you don't have to be nervous, I won't hurt you.." Kono purred in her lap as she was being pat all over. "Just be careful with Kono, because maybe she will.. She's not so friendly towards anyone."

Erath Potane
"Tell me about your life....... Sorry if that sounds stalker-ish."
Erath gave a small laugh. "I don't mind at all, feel free to ask me anything you want. And well, about my life.. Before I was invited to join this school, I was to be the new head of the mansion my family owns. I guess it was a really big deal, because I was to study all the time on basic manners and behavior.. Pff, like I don't know how to behave amongst other people.." He paused and made a silly face. "See? Nobody would ever notice if I skipped a few lessons."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadia, Olivia, and Lara Wiles Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Girardo Beyk Character Portrait: Ahrali Tanukla
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The emotionless face on Girardo's face suddenly became a big smile because of Arcadia's sarcastic comment. "Ahh, it's about the council, isn't it? come on in!"

Girardo make his way for Arcadia to enter the room, as soon as Arcadia and Pyra entered the room, Girardo closed the door. He cleared his bed out of his bag and the book which has lying there and put it on a drawer next to the bed.

"Sit there, on my bed" He turned to Amalthea with a frowning face

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can check other people out!" the pale haired girl said that a bit too loudly and with a very red face.

"Please excuse us, you know..." He asked, addressing the pale blonde hair girl.

When Girardo said that the blonde haired girl did not refuse, she had just embarrassed herself and she just exited the room, bright red.

Arcadia giggled when the girl left the room, she thought her out burst was cute and she wanted to get to know her more.

A small red dragon came of a cave like area and was now sniffing her, ignoring Pyra. "Can't tell who you are, but obviously you're not a misfit, are you?" The small dragon snorted at her. Pyra huffed when the dragon asked Arcadia this.

"Didn't I tell you before to stop doing that?" Girardo said furiously.

"No, you didn't" The dragon turned his head to Girardo to answer him.

"Whatever, go back to your sleeping" Girardo retorted back.

Arcadia chuckled and patted the small dragon on the head teasingly. "No, little one. I'm not a misfit, I'm most defiantly a Noble." She told the dragon in a kind voice. "Now, my name is Arcadia, and this is Pyra. What's your's?" She asked pointing to Pyra, who was looking around the room.


Ahrali looked at Lara and tilted her head. "No, I didn't have lunch, I'm not used to eating at certain times. Also, you don't have to be nervous, I won't hurt you.." Kono purred in her lap as she was being pat all over. "Just be careful with Kono, because maybe she will.. She's not so friendly towards anyone."

"I'll remember that." Lara said, nodding. "Umm, as for lunch would like like to go get some with me and Leaf?" She asked kindly, smiling.

Leaf flew over to Lara and landed on her lap. "Lunch?!" The little pixie looked up at Lara with bright, wide eyes full of excitement.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahrali Tanukla
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Ahrali Tanukla
"Umm, as for lunch would like like to go get some with me and Leaf?"
Ahrali put Kono down on the floor and raised her head to look at Lara. "Sure, if you insist.." Kono was unhappy with being put down, so she jumped up and burried her claws in Ahrali's arm, trying to get up on her shoulder. "OW! Kono, what did I tell you about that?" Kono climbed up and just meowed innocently. Ahrali looked at her and pat her on the head. "Sigh, what am I gonna do with you?" Kono licked her paw and looked at Lara. Ahrali shook her head and started walking towards the door. "Allright, let's go for lunch.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadia, Olivia, and Lara Wiles Character Portrait: Girardo Beyk Character Portrait: Ahrali Tanukla
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Arcadia and Olivia

After Arcadia and Girardo parted ways she went down to the cafeteria with Pyra and got herself some lunch.

'I should probably get Olivia and Aqua food too, because they're probably both still sleeping. Lazy bums.' She thought to herself while looking around at all the different kinds of food. So she grabbed an extra plate if food for her sister and her Bond and then made her way back up to their room.

Once there she had to place her plate of food on the ground to get out her room key and open the door to her room. She picked up her plate of food once the door was open and let Pyra walk in first. Aqua, unlike who she was Bound to, woke up and smiled at them, taking her plate of food from her sister Pyra. "Thanks sis." Aqua said while taking the plate of food.

Aqua sat on the ground next to Olivia's bed, while Arcadia and Pyra sat on Arcadia's bed. The three of them ate their food for a while in silence, until Arcadia decided that it was time for her sister to wake up. So she grabbed the apple from Olivia's plate, took aim, and then thre it at her, hitting her square in the stomach.

Olivia made a loud grunting noise and then quietly whined at her sister "Bitch, what did you do that for?"

"Because you need to get up, eat, and then make an announcement about tonight's dinner and event." Arcadia said, taking a bit from her apple.

Olivia grunted and then slowly sat up. She didn't want to be awake, but she knew she had to be. She looked at her food, sneered at it, and then put it on her lap; patting the spot where the food once was to let Aqua know she could sit on the bed know, which she did. Olivia ate her food slowly then got up and got ready to make her announcements. After Aqua had finished her food, the four of them walked out into the hallway. They walked over to the announcement room and once there Olivia walked into the room, but just before Arcadia walked into the room she spotted Girardo and Matheus coming their way.

Arcadia turned her head towards Olivia, feeling the apple in her pocket, and said to Olivia "Go ahead and make your announcement Oli. I'll stay out here. "Alright, is you say so." Olivia replied, not seeing Girardo.

Arcadia knelled down on one knee and held out the apple. "Here you go bud." She said. While Arcadia felt a strong dislike for men, she didn't feel like it was fair to show that dislike for their Bonds. The Bonds didn't get to chose who they were Bound to so it's not their fault that they got Bound to a male.


Lara and Ahrali went to lunch and for the beginning it was quiet and awkward. They didn't talk at first and just looked down at their food. Finally, it was Leaf who broke the silence by handing Kono a piece of salmon, in the hopes that she could gain Kono's trust and friendship. This made the two girls giggle and then they stated talking about basic things like where they came from, what were their favorite things, and other things of the sort. After the two finished their lunch they headed out to the schools garden to talk and hang out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahrali Tanukla
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Ahrali Tanukla

Ahrali was feeling happy all of a sudden. The way Kono had been starring at Leaf before giving in to the irresistable tasty salmon; it was a look Ahrali had never seen before, but it wasn't bad at all. Kono had then licked Leaf on her forehead and purred.

They were now all walking in the garden, and Ahrali had to hold Kono tight to keep her from spreading her wings and chasing a bird. She looked at Lara, still a little nervous since she wasn't used to be close to other people. "So umm.. What do you think we will learn in our first lesson on this school?"