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Walker McMullin

You feeling lucky, smartass?

0 · 922 views · located in Tyrillia Academy

a character in “Tyrillia Academy”, as played by Thundergod1020


Full Name:: Walker Demarra McMullin
Theme Song:: Kiss Me, I'm Irish
Gender:: Male
Age:: 18
Rank:: Misfit
Sexuality:: Straight

Appearance:: Look at the picture. His eyes are prismatic(they look like they're constantly changing color based on the light), and he has several old, but not ugly, scars on his torso, arms, and legs, but not his face or back, the face because he's that lucky, and his back because he's never shown it to anyone in a fight. Now completely missing his left arm.
Personality:: Cheerful, outgoing, and positively violent should you harm his friends.
Likes:: Playing anything involving luck, freerunning, singing, friendship, cute girls, children that are sweet, dark chocolate
Dislikes:: Anything that puts his friends in harm's way, stuck-up snobs, white chocolate.
Fears:: Losing a friend and having been fully able to stop it.
Relationship:: If there's an NPC at the academy and she's 18 and older, it's an 80% chance she was feeling as lucky as Walker.(Translation: No crush, but he does show an interest in Hayley Highmore, and banged almost every legal girl in the school that's an NPC(or a PC, if you want that romantic subplot))
Skills:: A great hand-to-hand and knife combatant from having lived in the slums, he also has great cooking skills from working with his friend's restaurant. He also has a good idea of the probability that something will happen, mainly because he and Brenna probably influenced it.
Clubs:: Fencing, Choir, the sole member of the Cooking Club.

Name of Bond:: Brenna
Race of Bond:: Puca(shapeshifting luck imp, a black horse with glowing eyes and mane is it's most common form)
Personality of Bond:: A joking trickster, Brenna isn't afraid to mess around with people, save Walker, who she shares her Bond with. She's not afraid of doing what she believes is right, but seeing as she's classified as a Chaotic creature, these views can be a little screwy.
Skills of Bond:: Can manipulate the luck of herself and others to the umpteenth degree, and can shapeshift, although she's restricted to a few forms, and her fur will always be dark. When in Horse form, she has an endless supply of stamina, and can run forever if need be. As a goblin, she shares Walker's cooking abilities, although this is mainly because she always accidentally knocks something into the food that improves it somehow. As a rabbit, her luck abilities increase for the lucky aspects, and as a goat, the lesser aspects. As a dog, she's just flat out cute little Irish setter. Finally, although it puts her out for weeks in terms of using her luck magic for herself, is her Banshee form. Used only when truly vengeful, she turns into a being few have seen and stayed sane for, and even then, they pass out from fear, sometimes completely forgetting about that form by their mind actively rejecting that memory. Walker likens it to a visit from the Slenderman that you can survive.

History:: What's to say? Never knew his father, mom died during childbirth, raised on the streets, found himself always on the upside of things as long as Brenna was around, and eventually got shipped here.
Family:: Brenna, does he need anyone else?
Other:: Loves pissing Nobles and Bluebloods off by ruining their luck.

So begins...

Walker McMullin's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Maya just sighed in relief when Rue flared up, and the paper knives flew back to her on a small gust of wind.
"Well, pardon me for playing it safe, little missy. Where's the icebird? I need you like I need a hole in my stomach, and that bird seems to help cover both bases, now doesn't it? And don't threaten me, Rue, I might not like killing, but I'm not afraid of hanging you out the window for a while." Maya said snarkily, brushing her hair back behind her ears from where it had slipped out.

Brenna walked into the infirmary in her goblin form, tenderly holding a small blue chick in her hands. When no one noticed, she groaned.
"...No, no, don't get up, after all I only played God for a little bit..." She said indignantly, letting the revived Snow hop up onto her head and cough up a tiny snowflake. After she had gotten all the required materials, she had returned to find them all gone, Snow's ashes still lying there. She had made a nest from the things that she had gathered, and Snow was able to(read: forced to) rebirth herself, but the time that had lapsed had caused Snow to have to FULLY rebirth herself, or else she would have come back wrong. Brenna had carried her all the way to the infirmary, where she had felt Walker disappear to. Snow peeped, and snuggled into Brenna's hair, making a little nest to sleep in. Brenna smiled a little, and then walked over to Walker, hooking him up to an IV and a blood transfusion pack. Once she finished, she sighed deeply.
"Well, he's stable, but don't expect him to be juggling any time soon. The Bond that bit his arm off apparently had some sort of venom that prevents most magic from working on the wounds it inflicts. Rue bypassed it by freezing the area around his wound, not the wound itself, but any attempt to grow his arm back is going to fail. Badly."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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#, as written by Siryn
"Well, pardon me for playing it safe, little missy. Where's the icebird? I need you like I need a hole in my stomach, and that bird seems to help cover both bases, now doesn't it? And don't threaten me, Rue, I might not like killing, but I'm not afraid of hanging you out the window for a while."

"You're not very threatening. Lets take a moment and seriously think who would actually win that fight. The nurses have already patched you up, girl. I highly doubt you need me for anything," Rue replied coldly but didn't look to Maya and didn't spare her another thought either. The girl was a pompous ass and didn't deserve a second thought. To honestly think that she could send terror down Rue's spine was laughable. Obviously the girl hadn't had a dire wolf right in her face ready to rip her apart at a moments notice,`nor did it seem to click that her ice was a ranged power and even if Rue were to be hung out a window, things would still go sour for the black haired, high and might, girl.

“Thanks for the help. Once we do return I suspect they’ll try to evacuate us, if they haven’t already ordered the students to do so. The academy is surrounded by jungles and rivers though so I hope they have a plan of escape. If not, our hopes rest with the Tyrilia army in holding the enemy back or beating him.” He smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead which made her brighten in return.

"They should have a plan. I don't think they would allow us to be left in the middle of a war without a plan of some sort," Rue said to him as she tapped her lip gently and leaned against him. Ivory paced herself right next to the girl and sat down, her silvery eyes leveled towards the black haired girl.

"Is she always like that?" Ivory asked.

"Yes," Rue replied with an irritated tone and out loud like her old habit.

"I see. I'm sure that'll change before the end of this."

"I seriously doubt that," Rue replied and allowed Ivory the pleasure of viewing her memory of the sports class incident. To which the enormous white dire wolf huffed in irritation.

"How ridiculous. They will learn soon this is no game. Threatening each other is not going to help. Evacuation is sound, but I don't think that they will be able to. The fighting was vicious even before I got here. There won't be much else left to do other than fight for this school. It is the center of the war right now, and I don't see us being transported out anytime soon."

Just as Rue was turning to her bond to ask what they were supposed to do then, the little goblin bond that belonged to Walker bounced in with a blue fluff ball between her hands. The adorable little chick coughed up a snowflake that made Rue's mouth open in awe and her heart fill with the single thought of 'adorable'.

"...No, no, don't get up, after all I only played God for a little bit..." The goblin proceeded to check up on her human bond, fix to him an IV and blood and then settled down next to him with the blue furball nestled in her hair. Rue stepped away from Luca again and reached out to gently run her finger down the birds body. A smile lighted her lips and she gently took the bird from her place and held the little chick against her body.

"Thank you," she whispered to the goblin and went back to Luca.

"I'm happy to see that Snow is back with us," Ivory said, her silver eyes turning to look up at Rue.

"What happens now, though?"

"She will bond with you."

"And you?"

"Have you forgotten what I said? You and I are one and will be one from now till the end of time."

A brighter smile lifted her lips as she nestled against Luca, warm tears in her eyes, "How amazing," she muttered.

"I'm sorry to ruin the moment, though, Rue. But we do need to figure out what to do about evacuation and if there is no such thing, we need to plan on how to survive this."

"I agree," Rue looked to her brother who was leaning against the wall, his arms across his chest and his eyes closed. His eyebrows were pulled down, clearly showing his irritation as he stood there. Obviously he didn't like the black haired girl either. "Erin?"

He opened his eyes to look at her, "Yeah sis?"

"Can you stay here and keep guard? I have a feeling we're going to be here for a long time."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the auditorium to see if the students have been evacuated yet, and if there's even an evacuation going on right now. Ivory says that the fighting might be too much to even attempt an evacuation. We might end up fighting here," she walked to her brother and handed him the little blue ball of fluff that was Snow, "Watch her please? She should grow into her normal size in the next few hours, but it might take longer."

"Why don't you stay here and I'll go," Erin said, fighting back. Rue sighed.

"First off, I'm healed completely thanks to Snow, and I've got far more energy than you do. Besides, I don't think Luca will let me go alone anyway, so you don't have to worry about that," Rue said to him. They were far enough away from the others to have their little fight in private. Rue glared up at her brother. With a heavy sigh, Erin took Snow and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but you better come back here in the same shape you're in right now," he ordered her.

"I will," she smiled at him, then headed for the door of the infirmary and took a moment to figure which way would take her to the auditorium. Out side the battle raged and the school continued to shake from impacts from catapults and other various weapons and magic. It was going to be difficult getting there, but Rue was determined. Ivory stood next to her, the head of the dire wolf coming up to her chest easily as Rue was quite small. Nemesis was shorter than Ivory even, but then, Nemesis was younger as well. The black wolf would grow into a larger size as the years passed.

"Ready, love?"

"Ready," she replied and headed down the hall at a quick pace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Luca M. Feygor

"Well, pardon me for playing it safe, little missy. Where's the icebird? I need you like I need a hole in my stomach, and that bird seems to help cover both bases, now doesn't it? And don't threaten me, Rue, I might not like killing, but I'm not afraid of hanging you out the window for a while." Maya said curtly. For a moment, Luca felt relieved some of her earlier enthusiasm had returned, though only a little.

Rue’s reply was terse and straight the point. In fact her response could be categorised more of a factual statement rather than any threat. Her confidence once again caused a ripple of chuckles beneath his facade before he opened his mouth to speak after her, “Calm down you two,” he said soothingly, acting as liaison, “We already have more than enough issues outside, save your energy for them.”

Walker’s bond stepped through the entrance then, surprising them all when it spoke up to grab their attention. Shock visibly coursed through his features as his blue eyes widened down at the tiny figure the bond was cradling, something he suspected was Snow. His suspicions where confirmed as Rue’s snow-white hands reached out to the chick, the tiny bird fitting perfectly within her grasp. "Thank you," she said sincerely. Seeing Rue's face, Luca felt a small smile of his own, relieved beyond belief that she could live without carrying the burden of Snow’s life.

After a moment of silent consultation with Ivory, Luca frowned as Rue’s tentative gaze whirled to her brother, their green eyes meeting like exact mirrors. She stepped closer to him until she could hand him the bundle of joy that was Snow. From his position behind her, Luca could just barely make out their conversation. "I'm going to the auditorium to see if the students have been evacuated yet, and if there's even an evacuation going on right now. Ivory says that the fighting might be too much to even attempt an evacuation. We might end up fighting here,"

Luca raised an eyebrow almost in protest, his shoulders tightening with tension upon hearing her words. He wasn’t sure he could handle the prospect of placing Rue in the face of potential danger again. Erin obviously thought the same as he vocalised his concerns, but Rue was adamant, that same, sharp determination settling into her slender frame. "First off, I'm healed completely thanks to Snow, and I've got far more energy than you do. Besides, I don't think Luca will let me go alone anyway, so you don't have to worry about that," Rue countered.

Luca half frowned and half smirked at her as she headed for the exit. “She’s quite a slave driver,” Luca sighed at no one in particular before hurrying to catch up with her.


Luca appeared beside her like a paternal adult, his face a condescending mask of disapproval. “Still mentally debating with your bond after all this time? I must be a bad influence after all if all you’ve learnt from me is that dangerous assertiveness,” his soft voice chided her before growing serious, “Stay behind me, I’ll take point as we head to the auditorium.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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As Rue prepped her icicle, a sharp scalpel tied to a paper airplane buried itself in the man's eye socket, with the paper airplane having a rather good sketch of Maya giving Rue the finger on top, and the words "Don't waste the effort, little miss. I've got this." written on the side. From her bed, Maya huffed in anger. No one was going to be killing that ice queen but her. Rue had never had to deal with always having the embodiment of genocide trying to kill her, though her mother would try to get him under control. Rue never had to constantly train to become the perfect priestess for Quetzalcoatl, always practicing her rites, always training with her knives, and ALWAYS being claimed a heretic by other priestesses and their attempts to kill her for their deities.
"Bitch..." She said more to herself than anyone else, looking through Quetzalcoatl's eyes. From his vantage point, he was able to see almost anywhere on the field of battle, and Maya had two more scalpel planes at her disposal. As she was aiming her next shot, her stomach screamed with pain, and she doubled over, cursing Rue again. She hadn't had time to get more than a patchup from the nurses before the attack, and with Luca teleporting them all out before any of them could have helped her, she still was about as holy as a cross. Needless to say, her body didn't take too kindly to having to deal with a gaping spot of nothing where her organs should be, and she was left having to deal with it. She sniffed a little, sucked it up, and decided it might be better to help Walker, at least for the time being.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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#, as written by Siryn
Rue Tyryl

“Controlling her powers this far out is impressive. That said, you never cease to surprise me. With those moves, maybe you should be taking point instead. Do you have enough power to freeze it Rue?”

She only paused long enough to grin at him before turning her gaze to the paper that had fallen to the ground after Luca had decked the young man who had attacked them. With a roll of her eyes, she ignored the girls comment. Turning, Rue looked to the stumbling golem as it was trying to get over the boy's pain from have a scalpel shoved in his eye and punched in the face. Her ice hadn't faded from her and she eyed the creature up and down trying to determine how much of the beast she could really freeze up.

With a shrug to Luca, she stepped towards him and positioned herself better to send her ice at the bond. "I'll see what I can do, don't think I can freeze it all though," she told him. Dropping down to one knee, her hand touched the floor with her fingers splayed open. Ice cracked from her hand towards the creature that stumbled slightly. It seemed as if the thing were coming out of it's haze. Rue had to work quickly. The dry ice spread fast, covering the distance in a matter of seconds. The hard part was building on that ice as it began crawling up the bonds legs. Though it was a rock golem, Rue was sure that her dry ice didn't go unfelt either. The burn was probably present, though less so than it would be on other bonds.

Slowly, her power encased it all the way up to it's waist. It was as high as she could go, and she was growing tired as she layered sheet after sheet of ice over it to make sure it wouldn't move anytime soon. Finally, after she was satisfied, she let the power go, her body returning to normal and her green eyes dull with weariness. Rue was sure she could sleep for weeks once everything was over. Looking up to Luca, she nodded her head and led the way around the golem. They were far enough away that when it swung at them, it didn't even come close to hitting them.

With the auditorium in view, Rue rushed to the double doors and pulled on the handle. The door opened slowly to her surprise. Rue was expecting them to have barred the doors or something. However, as she peered inside, she saw that no one was there. Her heart jumped to her throat as she stared at the empty room. Hesitantly, she stepped into the room, her gaze shooting from one side to the other as she tried to see if anyone was hiding. She didn't see anything at all, nothing but darkness in the far corners.

"I...I guess they were evacuated," she whispered slowly. Her head felt light as she stood there, guilt twisting her stomach. "I'm... so sorry, Luca," she said softly, her eyes dropping to the floor, "If I hadn't of gone to my parents, if we had just stayed here. Then we would all be safe now," she said quickly, her mind easily turning to blame herself. She was so lost in the thoughts of despair that she missed the obvious signs of the double doors being broken, the overturned chairs, signs of battle and several blood stains on the floor.

"I'm sorry..."

Erin Tyryl

His finger stroked the top of the birds head, the little blue ball of fluff had seemed to grow slightly to fit the size of his large hand. She was still nestled in a ball, her head tucked under her wing and her eyes closed. Snow had shifted around a few times as she got comfortable in Erin's hand, but otherwise she was asleep the entire time. He looked over to Maya as the girl uttered a curse word and looked utterly irritated. He sighed slightly and ignored her for the most part, but she did look to be in pain.

"Hey, try to relax. I'll see if I can find you some medicine. Maybe I can even talk my sister into freezing your wound. Don't worry about it, the girl's just like me. We're stubborn," he offered her a wry grin, trying to mend things as best as possible. Luca had been right, it wasn't good to be fighting amongst themselves. Especially if it came down to just the five of them fighting. Erin tried not to think of the possibility that they were stuck at the school for good.

He started rummaging around the area, trying his best to keep out of the way of the nurses. He got a couple of cold glares as he knocked into a table and shifted things around. With a muttered 'sorry' and a little bit of a crooked grin, he ran his free hand through his hair and continued in his search. Finally, he found a bottle labeled simply 'pain killers', of course the scientific term was in bold print, so it took him a moment to figure out what the damn thing was. Back next to Maya, he set Snow down and opened the bottle.

"Need some water?" he asked her as he poured two of the plain white pills into her hand. After replacing the cap, he picked up Snow again and held her against his body. In the short time that he'd let her go, the blue bird had lost all of her warmth. He rubbed his thumb across her back, regenerating the heat. A loud sound hit the side of the wall behind Maya's bed, shaking the room. Erin stumbled as his gaze shot to the wall where the sound had come from. The plaster cracked like glass and fell apart, pieces of stone crumbled into the room and the wall seemed to cave in slightly, though luckily it didn't break.

"Damn," Erin cursed, "They better hurry up... we won't be able to stay here long if things keep up like this."

"Speaking of that, stay there Erin!" Nemesis called as the large black wolf stood up from his sleeping position and changed form. He bounded to the hole in the wall across from them and tackled an incoming fighter from outside. Erin strained to see where his bond had gone, but he figured the huge wolf was winning as he didn't feel any pain through their connection. However, what he did see was chilling. The battle had moved from a couple hundred yards from the school, to several feet. He could see the fighters clearly now, and it was terrifying to watch as bonds and human's alike tore each other apart.

"Keep it together, Erin. You've got two injured to worry about in there. The girl might be able to help, but I wouldn't rely on her too much, she'll waste her energy if she's not careful, especially in the state she's in."

"Yeah, got it," Erin said as he flicked his eyes back to Maya.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Maya took the pills swallowed, and smiled.
"Thanks, and I'm sorry for acting like a bitch to your sister. She's actually the first person other than my mother to ever get me like that. I know what your thinking, no my mother isn't like your dad. Yes, I can put two and two together, you all teleported in, your sister had a new Bond, I know your history, Brenna walked in with a snow chick... You cute thing, you... And a gun in a hallway isn't exactly subtle. Also, Quetzal saw the whole thing. But back to the point, my mother's Bond is Quetzal's sworn enemy. So he tries to take it out on me. Through my mother. And as a jaguar god. That's where I got these." To which she turned around and pulled her hair and gown out of the way to show to giant raked claw scratches scarred into her back, above the hole his sister had made, as well as a little bit of her rear, if he was that perverted. After he'd gotten a good view of the scratches, she turned back around and brought her gown up again. "Either wa-" Before she was able to finish, the wall behind her cracked loudly, and she pulled one of her two remaining scalpel planes out. Brenna held her hand to keep her from throwing it as Nemesis ran towards whatever had done the deed, and hopped down, her eyes glowing with rage as she stalked into the next room, her full body glowing with energy.

Brenna's Story
"You know, I'm getting pretty damn sick of all this shite." She said, her body quivering with rage. Maya knew what was coming thanks to the stories she'd heard from Walker, and covered Erin's eyes, as well as her own. "Ya bloody bastards are attackin' a school! A SCHOOL, OF ALL THAT'S SACRED!" As she spoke, her body started twisting into what one could only describe as Lovecraftian, with it's limbs bending at angles they shouldn't, and her face enough to drive the bravest of men to insanity, the only thing hiding her entire madness-inducing shape a wispy cloak, giving her the appearance of a Banshee as she pulled Nemesis off of whatever he was fighting as if he were a piece of lint. This time, when she opened her mouth to speak, the voice tore at the fringes of their minds, even as her voice was muted by a wall. "AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF, YA HARMED MY KIDS! I AM NOT IN A GOOD MOOD, AND THE LOT OF YA ARE GOIN' TO PAY FER IT! She called up her luck magic, and released it with a wailing screech, giving everything in the infirmary and the surrounding rooms that wasn't a Tyrillian her biggest dose of bad luck she'd dealt out since Walker's mother's death eighteen years ago. A dose of bad luck that ended in aneurysm for the poor sods who looked at her face, and only heatstroke that would leave them gibbering idiots for those that didn't. After she had used her Banshee form, she changed back into her goblin form and drug herself back into the infirmary.
"Problem solved, lad. Next time, don't worry yer pretty little head. But let's call this even, I'm too tired to take any favors from you." she said with a grin to Erin, and passed out on the floor, right by Walker's feet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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#, as written by Siryn
Rue Tyryl

“And I guess standing around here blaming ourselves will magically solve our situation. Did you start the war? No? Then I don’t want to hear you shouldering the blame by yourself. None of this, nothing is your fault Rue,” Luca bent over to look at her as she was much shorter than he was and her face was downcast. Her green eyes locked with his blue ones. A wry smile on his face and she couldn't help but give a small smile back realizing how very true his words were. She nodded as he stood up.

“Besides, rather than evacuate it’s probably more accurate to say they were forced to flee from here. Somebody forced their way in here, and they certainly weren't subtle about it.”

He patted her head as he spoke and looked around. Rue looked as well, more closely this time than before. He was right. She'd been too quick to her conclusion. There was blood on the floor, scratch marks, tables over turned or destroyed. Her heart lifted. Maybe there was a chance they were still here and they could all get back together. Her eyes shifted to Luca.

"We have to find them," she said, pulling her lower lip into her mouth with her teeth. She nibbled gently as she stood there, trying to think of where they could have possibly gone. Then her eyes lit up, "The forest," she stated, "With Berach with them, they would know all the traps and be safe, but anyone who didn't know would be in danger of tripping one. It makes sense."

Ivory brushed against her, "I believe you may be right. I can pick up there scent and lead you to where they are, but we should get the others first. Can't leave them here."

Rue looked down, "Would it be alright to move them? They're injured severely..."

"This place isn't going to last much longer, love. The infirmary was already in danger when we left it."

After a moment she sighed and nodded, "True. Lets get back," she said to Luca and started for the door. They were going to have to make it quick between the infirmary and meeting up with the group.

Erin Tyryl

Erin listened to Maya's story, his throat clenching and his chest tightening as his mind took in the words. Then she lifted her gown to show him the deep scars that ran all along her back and went further. He felt a sharp anger welling in his chest. Erin didn't enjoy hearing the story, it reminded him too much of his Father going after Rue, though luckily Rue was never left with scars. A bloodied lip often, and some bruises, but nothing quite like Maya's. He felt sympathetic towards her and had a deeper understanding of why she was the way she was. If she had the right company she could turn around her attitude, that's what he believed.

"Maya.." he started but didn't finish as she lunged forward and pressed her hand around his eyes. He fought at first but a shout from Nemesis through their connection kept him still as Maya leaned against him with her hand over his face. He took a deep breath to settle his body as he heard an inhuman shout from a bond that he couldn't place. Nemesis was still outside fighting, but he winced slightly as the wolf was pulled off of something, the grip none to light.

He stayed there for the entirety until he heard a soft voice behind them, "Problem solved, lad. Next time, don't worry yer pretty little head. But let's call this even, I'm too tired to take any favors from you."

Turning he witnessed Brenna crashing out on the floor near Walker's bed and he rushed to her to put her up on the covers and make her comfortable. With a roll of his eyes, he patted the goblin's head and sighed.

"This is going to be a long day," he muttered as he turned back to Maya. Moving, he stood next to her bed, leaning against the wall, "You alright?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Maya rubbed her temples, getting blood flowing again, her head pounding from Brenna's actions. She shifted a little, and looked at Erin with a smile, a single tear of blood coming from each of her eyes.
"Let's see, hole in my stomach, repeated strain, headache and bleeding eyes from hearing Brenna use her Banshee's Wail, yeah, I'm just peachy. You okay?" she responded, looking him over up and down, checking for any nicks, scrapes, or bleeding eyes and ears. They might have been safe from her luck magic, but sound and luck are two entirely different things, and, well, Erin would only have to see Maya's eyes to know the aftereffects of Brenna's rage. She also tore off the bottom of her gown to wipe away the blood around her own eyes. She had very little knowledge of first aid, but she sure wasn't going to be seen by anyone as long as she looked like an emo. As she dabbed at her own eyes, she thought about her family, the question of why she was doing so pushed aside. Her mother did most of the work outside of the home, while her dad was... Well, let's just say if he was any more spineless where her mother was involved, he'd classify as an invertebrate. Don't get me wrong, her mother was(and is) a sweet woman, even if she totally walked over Maya's father. It was her bond that would always turn family reunions into slasher flicks... That is, if no one died in those things. But life around her house had been violent, due to the rivalry between Quetzal and her mother's Bond. Finally, it had reached a tipping point when her mother's Bond had transformed into a jaguar god and realized Quetzal needed Maya in order to continue to stick around. Maya had been saved by her mother, but she had been left almost dead for weeks. It was around this time that they heard of Tyrillia Academy, and Maya figured it the best choice for everyone if she were to go there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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#, as written by Siryn
Erin Tyryl

He couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as Maya's voice was filled with sarcasm. She dabbed at her eyes, wiping away the blood that had been created by the banshee's scream. Erin mentally took note of his own condition and concluded that he was fine, aside from the internal injuries that were felt from Nemesis and his own weariness from all the fighting.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," he replied softly. He leaned over and gently patted the top of her head. His gaze shifted to look out into the battlefield. Sitting near the hole that had been created was the large black dire wolf. He guarded the area intently, all of his attention -except for a small bit- was directed outside.

"We're going to have to figure something out soon, Erin," Nemesis told him.

"Yeah, I know," Erin frowned as he answered his bond mentally.

The large wolf turned his head, the yellow eyes glowing as he looked directly at the tall boy, "Be prepared to move her, you should probably start looking at what we can take with us medicine wise."

With a nod to his wolf, he turned and started looking at the supplies around them. He didn't really want to take anything as the nurses were busy working as well. However, he knew they weren't going to last for much longer with that hole in the wall. So he began to sneak around and look at the bandages and other things that he could possibly carry. As he gathered some things, he brought them back and put them on Maya's bed near her feet. Once he'd gotten all that he could think of he reached behind her and took the pillow.

"Sorry," he muttered to her and quickly took off the casing, then replaced the pillow behind her, being very gentle so as not to hurt her further. He began tossing all of the supplies in the pillow case and then tied it up and set it on the floor, slightly under the bed so that it didn't attract too much attention. His green gaze shot about the room to see if anyone had noticed, but it seemed that the nurses were all too busy to take note.

"We're not going to be staying long here, Nemesis is worried about this place being overrun and he's probably right. Don't worry," he gave her a grin, "I'm not going to leave you behind. I hope you don't mind being carried."

Rue Tyryl

As she went down the hall quickly, she listened to Luca's voice behind her. Her eyebrow came down in concentration. She'd briefly forgotten that in order for him to teleport he needed something that he'd touched before to be where he wanted it. She wondered if that talent of his had a range on it too. She gave a soft sigh as they worked their way quickly to the infirmary.

"I guess we'll just have to try our luck then..." she replied. She turned her head, tossing her white hair in the process, to look up at him. She pushed open the door to the infirmary and immediately spotted her brother talking with the black haired girl. She ignored the irritation she felt rising at the back of her mind.

"Erin," she called and walked into the room. A loud sound from above them echoed and the room shuddered violently. Everyone looked around and in the next second the room seemed to collapse in on itself. Rue was shoved backward by Ivory as the room crumbled. Her stomach twisted into knots and her chest tightened as she toppled backwards into Luca. Her heart raced in her chest, making it hurt.

"ERIN!" She screamed over the loud roaring sound of wood and concrete falling. Once the dust settled and the room stopped trembling, the only thing between her and her brother was a wall of rock and debris. Luckily Walkers bed was left untouched, a few rocks having hit it out of the way of the tumbling. Ivory moved to the young man and inspected him, her nose sniffing him from head to foot in search of unseen wounds aside from his original battered body.

"The boy is fine, but we need to leave, love," the white wolf said as she turned her head to Rue.

Her eyes stared at the rock wall, her mouth opened in shock. She couldn't stop shaking. Did she just lose her brother? She was a still statue against Luca, unable to really breath or think.


Air sucked into her lungs and she came forward gently, her hand reaching for Luca's, "Erin!"

"Are you alright?" His voice called from the other side.

"Yes, you?"

"Yeah, we're alright. Did you find the others?"

"No, we think they headed into the forest. The auditorium was broken into," she called back, her gaze flicking from side to side across the rock wall in front of her.

"Head for the forest then, hu?"


"Alright sis. Meet you there. Take care of her, Luca!"

Rue turned to the taller boy and sighed in relief. Her head fell into Luca's chest as she took in a deep breath and relaxed her strained body. Adrenaline pumped through her and at the back of her mind she was somehow exhilarated by all the events. It reminded her of when she first really spoke to Luca in class. He'd stated that perhaps she'd enjoyed fighting more than she let on. She was starting to think that was really true. Each time a fight erupted, she seemed to take on a calm demeanor that usually wasn't like herself.

"Have Luca help Walker, love. I'll lead the way," Ivory said and slipped passed the two to stand in the hallway. Rue nodded and relayed the words to Luca.

Erin Tyryl

As the room came crumbling down, he lunged forward and covered Maya with his body. His only thoughts were prayers that the heavy concrete didn't fall on them. Somehow, the only thing that kept pelting him were smaller rocks and the occasional piece of wood. Other than that, he was unharmed as he protected Maya. Lifting his head as the rumbling stopped, he looked over his shoulder at the rock wall between him and his sister. Then he yelled for her.

After their conversation he turned back to Maya and pulled the pillowcase of supplies from it's hiding spot. Giving her a wry smile he tossed the bag to Nemesis who picked it up between his teeth and jerked his large black head towards the outside. Leaning over he gently pulled Maya into his arms, one arm around her back and coming up to her shoulder, the other under her knees.

She was very light as he lifted her, "Alright, time to get moving. I'll see what I can do about your stomach once we get to a better place. Just try not to move too much," he told her and followed his wolf out into the courtyard.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Luca M. Feygor

Standing before the doorway to the infirmary, Luca watched her locks of white hair from behind. "I guess we'll just have to try our luck then..." Rue responded to his earlier musings.

Luca’s nodded grimly, his blue eyes already falling onto the room hidden behind the entrance as her hand pressed the doors open. The tall form of Erin assisting Maya immediately fell into view as the door swung ajar. Luca filed in after Rue as she stepped forwards, calling her brother’s name immediately. "Erin," she began.

The sound of something heavy slamming against the room startled them all, causing Luca’s head to snap up at the roof in alarm even as the walls around them trembled like they were amidst an earthquake. Following the bang, a mass of rubble exploded inwards and Luca’s body lurched to pull Rue away reflexively as a deafening crash tore apart his ear drums. Rue stumbled into him as concrete chunks grated against each other, her small body as light as a feather. Only after he’d ensured she was safe did he shift his gaze to the parting dust. Rocks filled his entire vision as he coughed to clear the dirty air out of his lungs. Walker’s bed had remained intact incredibly, but Luca could already feel Rue’s desperate concern for her brother even before she screamed.


From the corner of his eyes he noticed the ball of fur that was Ivory stalking its way over to Walker’s bed. The giant wolf seemed to sniff over the comatose boy before its black tipped nose turned their way, "The boy is fine, but we need to leave, love,"

Luca held Rue steadily between his arms, not wanting to risk allowing her to steps forwards lest the roof collapse further inwards. The trembling of her doll-like frame worked its way into his arms shortly.


Half-smiling, half sighing, Luca stared at the section of the wall the other boy’s voice had come from. Erin was still alive. Rue was clearly more relieved than he was as her entire body seemed to burst into life once more. They chatted to confirm the gravity of their situation before establishing a makeshift plan. The time to move was drawing close unfortunately.

"Alright sis. Meet you there. Take care of her, Luca!"

“Take care of yourself likewise,” Luca returned gruffly, wishing the older boy the best of luck.

His head declined as Rue’s soft features found their way onto his shirt, prompting him to pull his arms around her. “Don’t get caught in anymore traps okay?” he teased her softly before leading her back into the hallway by the hand.

"Have Luca help Walker, love. I'll lead the way," Ivory suggested.

“Blue can provide a more stable platform,” Luca responded, gesturing to the hooded monstrosity. “Blue, mind carrying Walker for me?” He asked, flicking his gaze to the demon's shadowed visage. Complying without notice, Blue Horror hovered over to Walker’s bed, bending over slightly only to lift the boy between a pair of its five arms.

“Let’s move,” Luca nodded towards Ivory.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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(Hold up. I posted earlier, something must have happened to what I wrote. Let me get it taken care of before you continue.)
Walker had woken up a few seconds before the collapse, thanks to the blood Brenna had gotten in his system. He felt Brenna's lack of energy for using her luck magic, and used a few seconds of his life as the energy needed. As the ceiling had caved in, he had fired two quick shots off to both Erin and Maya, granting them survival. After the two of them had gotten "out of the wreckage, Erin was standing before the new barrier and put his hand on Erin's shoulder.
"I believe it's my turn." With that, he grabbed a small out cropped rock and it a sharp tug, enough to open a small hole for them to talk to Rue and Luca and see them. "Oh, hey!" he said with his trademark style, "Care to lend me a hand in this?" with this, he wiggled the shoulder to help the joke, the shoulder looking as if it had always been like that.

Maya blushed when Erin had picked her up, and turned her face away so she could still look snooty.
"Just watch where you put your hands, kid." This was the second time she'd ever been like this, Walker having done it first, so it felt a little awkward for her to be carried by someone in the same room as someone who had, but couldn't anymore.