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Christopher Stiger

What can I say? Chicks dig the mane.

0 · 575 views · located in Evergreen High School

a character in “Understand The Highschool Cliques”, as played by Boomstick



"Yea, I got nothing."

General Information


Christopher James Stiger

Chris and CJ




Sexual Orientation




- Sports: Football and basketball in particular
- Video Games
- Girls
- Brunettes
- Winning
- The chips: Munchies
- Putting loners on the spot
- Running water
- Compliments
- Odd balls
- His hair, he refers to it as his 'mane'.
- Dogs
- Coffee/Junk Food/Meat
- Halloween
- Movies
- Kim Possible: Not that he would ever admit to that.
- The Classics: He likes old western shows and classic music reaching all the way back to the twenties.
- Fantasy


- Sob stories
- Tattoos/Piercings
- People who get preachy with him.
- Seeing someone cry
- Someone messing with his 'mane'
- Guys with testosterone issues
- Being ignored
- Being compared to his brothers
- Potheads
- Homosexual guys; they make him uncomfortable
- Cars
- Creepers, or better said, people who are, well, creepy.


- Apes/Orangutans
- Organ doning
- Heights
- Becoming like his Dad


- Paces when angry.
- Can't 'nurse' a drink. When he is drinking something; he takes numerous deep chugs and drains it in minutes.
- Swirls his keys around his right pointer finger when bored.
- Has a habit of waving his hands around when talking.


Chris tends to take very little things serious instead preferring to make everything into some kind of joke because its easier that way. Laughing at something is easier then thinking about it, crying about it, or fighting it. Couple this with his lack of empathy, and he can be quite cruel to people without realizing he is being mean. He tends to make harsh comments and jokes about people such as Emos/Wallflowers/Lesbians and the such and then laugh in their faces at how awesome his joke was. Does Chris intend to hurt their feelings? No. He doesn't really care about their feelings enough to think about them; he just does it because it makes him laugh and that is enough. As long as he is having fun, he really doesn't care if they are or not.

Chris can be vain wanting attention and to be complimented, but he wasn't like that until someone he really liked picked his brother over him. Ever since then, he has felt the need to feel appreciated and valued, so much so that he goes out of his way to impress others. It is something he does subconsciously as if he was aware of it; he would hate it because he is a prideful guy. While able to dish out insults at a rapid pace and at any time, he is sensitive to being insulted and will often sulk later when he is. He is not a violent guy, and Chris has never hit a girl as he was raised to never do something, no matter how much he may want to or how much she may push it.

Because of his hidden sensitive nature and having the girl he loved picking his brother over him, Chris tends to push people away. His harsh humor is a tool of this as when someone gets too close he will hurt them on purpose in order to push them away again. Its not about wanting or not wanting to be close to someone, he just has trouble allowing himself to open to people. Chris also refuses to listen to other peoples sap stories because of this. Chris doesn't want to care about them, and so doesn't let himself.

Chris has a deep seated fear in being like his brothers and father. He doesn't want to live in the town he grew up in and just work at a diner. He plans on pursuing a football scholarship, going to college, and becoming a teacher. Despite his seemingly bully like nature, Chris does have a soft-spot for love, and a childlike view on finding someone to truly love. This is one of his most closely guarded secrets, but he can't help it. As he sits on the couch watching some cheap romantic comedy or soap opera, he feels that longing to have what they have. Even if its fake; he wants it all the same.

My Life



((Both friends and Romantic interest will be left blank until I see the other characters))

Romantic Interest(s) -

Friends -

Family -
Father (53): Johnathan Stiger
Mother (49): Elizabeth Stiger
Eldest Brother - Deceased: Carlson Stiger(25 when he died. Would be 32)
Older Brother(30): Steven Stiger
Older Brother(26): Rodger Stiger
Older Brother(20): Mathew Stiger
Sister-In-Law(29): Candice Stiger, married to Steven Stiger
Sister-In-Law(19): Sandra Stiger, married to Rodger Stiger
Neice(4): Annabel Stiger daughter of Steven and Candice



Chris is the youngest son of a fry cook. His father, Johnathan Stiger was the highschool football star in his day, and it was the only high point in his life. After which he married his highschool sweetheart, the head cheerleader, Elizabeth and joined the military, but was shortly kicked out. He finally settled back into his hometown and started working at 'Greasy Joes' a small diner reliving the 'Good ol days' with his old pals at the local bar every Saturday. At first it was bearable for the new couple, but then life started to go south as John hated his job, and Elizabeth was dissatisfied with their current situation which was at a very small, rundown double wide trailer sitting on a small lot of dirt, and it wasn't going to get better any time soon, luckily, their marriage was saved by their first born son Carlson Stiger who kept them together for the sake of their son. Life seemed to turn around then as the owner of Greasy Joe's was a lonely old man, and when he passed away he left the place to Johnathan who quickly rose to the task and turned it into a, reasonably, successful diner.

With the increased funds; they moved into a moderately bigger home, a two story suburban house, and in this house they drilled all their numerous children with the love for the Denver Broncos, their desire to see them all excel in sports as they had, and it worked. Every Stiger boy has been a star athlete. Every one, and the joke Chris's father tells about 'good genes' does get annoying. Nothing else mattered to Elizabeth or John besides their sons do them proud on the field, and so that they can show them off in order to feel like better parents then everyone else, because that is what their marriage had sunken into. They didn't really see themselves as husband and wife, but mom and dad.

Chris had a relatively quite childhood as nothing much happens in the suburbs; he spent most of the days playing with his older brother Mathew and getting picked on by his much older brothers. Really, it was just a normal life; he made his first friend in Preschool, and they have been best friends, and this (Guy/Girl) is his go to person for anything he needed for years. Chris never even knew what the word hardship was until he was 10. His eldest brother, and the only one that didn't pick on him, died in Afghanistan. He was too young to truly know what was happening or understand what people meant when they said Carl was gone, but because of this, his parents became overprotective. They wanted their sons to enter the family business so that they could watch over them and protect them. Both Steve and Rodger took this path working at their families dinner and, just like their father, reliving their 'glory' days in highschool. Mathew had a falling out with the rest of his family when he joined the military, and he never calls home, but he never got along with their father, so its to be expected. Chris isn't sure when he will hear from Matt again.

In Junior High, Chris was a 'legacy', and so it came to nobodies surprise when he joined Football, Basketball, and Track and excelled in all of them. Over the three years, he became 'the' man. He was a top dog and fell into the Jocks group, and Chris lost his virginity to a girl named Brook in the summer of 8th grade, but all was not great as he and his best friend had a falling out in middle school because they didn't like sports as he did and so (She/He) went on to become a(Blank). When he started highschool, everything restarted. No one cared that he was awesome in Junior high because that meant nothing, and once again, Chris joined the 'jocks' and excelled again. Freshman year passed in a blur because everything was so crazy; trying to find a place to fit in, finding the 'right' friends... it was a crazy mess.

His sophomore year was one for the books. Chris had finally gotten past 'c-squad' to the JV team, but more importantly, he fell in love with a senior girl Sandra Tully. She was beautiful with long flowing black hair and bright blue eyes; she made him feel more important then just another football player. She never directly returned his feelings, but like most guys, Chris was sure that her attention to him meant that she cared. They would go to his house to hang out all the time, and while she always seemed oddly friendly to his older brother, Chris never thought much about it. He should have. After walking in on her and his brother, he learned the truth of the matter. Sandra had never liked him as he liked her; she had used him to get closer to his older brother who she had a long time crush on. While devastated, Chris only smiled and hid the pain because his pride wouldn't allow him to show how much it hurt. It didn't help that Rodger proposed later that year and now they live in the house with Chris and his parents.

With Junior year starting, Chris intends to move on and forget his sophomore year all-together as he is now the starting varsity running back; this year is going to be great. He can feel it.



Theme Song

Anything I missed?

Wallflowers Shall Unite

So begins...

Christopher Stiger's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Samuels Character Portrait: Tatiana Mahankali Character Portrait: Christopher Stiger
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Three-hundred, ninety-three. Three-hundred, ninety-three bulges on the roof, well at least, that was how many Chris had managed to count before the alarm clock screeched and beeped. Turning his head on his small black pillow, he checked the time. 6:00 am, reaching out he pressed the little black button on the top left of the alarm clock turning the infernal noise off, and left alone in the silence; Chris went back to contently examining the roof. He had woken up at 5:30 thanks to the yelling that erupted from the floor below, probably his brother and 'sister' getting into another fight. It wasn't his problem, or at least, that is what he told himself and despite believing that; he couldn't fall back to sleep and instead spent the time daydreaming and counting the small globs of paint suspended above him.

Taking a deep breath, Chris sat bolt-right using the momentum to try and get some energy rushing into his veins while he was very much a morning person; it still took a few minutes for his mind to clear. The black blanket fell down to his hips reveal his bare midriff. The sudden morning chill sunk into his skin, and too stubborn to jump out and get dressed, Chris opted to scratch his stomach using the friction to build some heat in his lower abdomen. Three hours of sleep, argh, no more Duty so late. Chris grimaced at his poor life choices. Why stay up till two in the morning when he knew he would have to get up in three hours? Because he could that's why, and honestly, he hadn't know it was so late. Even though he told himself never again; he would probably be doing it again that night.

Pushing himself out of the bed, Chris let out a small hiss as his bare feet touched the cold wood floor, and he made his way to the hallway. Well, 'made his way' was a very polite term as shambling would have been a better term. His knees came up to his chest with each step as he hopped foot to foot trying to let his feet touch the ground as little as possible and with each touch he let out a small hiss, "Cold, cold, cold."

Chris was not blessed with his own bathroom, no, he was cursed with sharing the upstairs bathroom with his parents, and if he found another clog of human hair in the drain; he was going to be incredibly pissed. He preferred to not think about where it came from as his father was nearly bald and so if it came from him; it was more certainly body hair, and Chris knew for a fact that his mother shaved... That scene was still seared into his brain.

Knocking twice on the bathroom and listening to the silence after, Chris reckoned it was safe and opened the door stepping onto the even colder tile, but jumping foot to foot from the wood floor had given him time to get used to the cold floor, so it was no longer unbearable. Flicking on the lights, Chris took the time to examine himself in the mirror from his blue south park boxes peeking out from the top of his gray sweat pants, and his pale skin that got darker at his arms. Yes, he was a man with a massive farmers tan as, come on, he wasn't from new jersey and nor was he gay, so a full body tan wasn't his thing. His blond 'mane' was wild as bits of it stuck up at random angles including the glorious cow lick at the top. "You talking to me?" Chris said, raising an eyebrow at the reflection.

"You must be talking to me cause I don't see anyone else around." Chris said leaning close to the mirror trying to appear as somber and serious as he could before his face lit up in a huge smile that showed nearly all his teeth, "Good morning beautiful." With morning introductions out of the way, Chris hopped out of his sweatpants and into the shower with only one pissed off scream at the initial blast of cold water. Today was going to be one of those days.

After a long shower, two conditioner treatments, and a failed attempt at brushing down his wild hair; Chris stepped out of the bathroom with the small white towel tied around his waist only to find someone sitting on the top of the stairs. Sandra. Her long blond hair reached down to the middle of her back sweeping the back of her small black t-shirt that did not hide her bare midriff, along with tight, far too tight, black jeans. "Uh, well, isn't this awkward." Chris said. It wasn't eloquent, but it was the first thing that came to mind... and really, the only thing.

Sandra turned her head slowly fixing Chris with her bright blue eyes that were about to overflow in tears, "Oh, hey Cj. I didn't know you were in there."

Right. How could she not know he was in there? The shower was on, and Chris had been singing the entire time, 'We Didn't Start the Fire'... although he forgot half the names Billy slung out when he sung, but in the shower, who cares? "Well. This is still incredibly awkward, so I'ma just, you know, squeeze past ya here." Chris said taking a large step and clutching onto the towel trying to will it to not fall at this time.

"Ok... It's just.." Sandra stopped pretending like she didn't want to talk about it, but Chris knew better. How he hated when people did that. Pause to try and get the other person to nudge them into telling, but no. He wasn't going to fall for that trap. "Yea, I get it." Chris said with a shrug, "Just be like: Oui, you pissing me off. Now shut up before I deck you in the snoze. Works when I do it." Chris said before opening his door and flinging himself into the room congratulating himself on dodging that bullet. Seeing Sandra cry was definitely not on his 'want to do' list.

Finally free, he tossed the towel to the side and began to dress. It's fair to say that Chris isn't a fashionista. A plain gray t-shirt, blue carpenter jeans that hugged him in no way, and white Nike basketball shoes, he preferred the high tops that basketball shoes had compared to others. If the ankle was too low; it tripped him out. Felt like his foot was just going to pop out of the shoe. Finally content with his look; he glanced at his alarm clock and the cellphone laying next to it. Scooping it up; he checked the time, 6:43. Perfect... no breakfast today. He did notice the numerous text messages from various people, but he didn't feel like writing back. Touch screens had a way of pissing him off, and plus, it was no one too important.

Picking up his backpack and car keys, Chris opened his bedroom door only to find Sandra still there. "Jesus." He mumbled under his breath. Why did some people want to talk to him about their problems? He was an asshole. A fact he openly embraced. "I am heading out now. You have a nice day." Chris said plastering on a smile and giving her a very corny thumbs up.

"I'll try." Sandra said with a huff before setting her thin chin on her curled fist. "Do. Or do not." Chris said mimicking a certain tiny jedi, "There is no try." After which he skidded by her noticing she had a least given him a smile of pity which was better then nothing, but he pushed her out of his mind. He had better things to do... like be awesome. The house would be empty save for Sandra and his brother as he was probably still asleep in the downstairs bedroom, typical really. His parents would be at work as the diner opened incredibly early. Some people needed their hamburger fix at four in the morning.

Finally free from the pit of despair that was his house, Chris took a deep breath enjoying the way the morning air felt as it sunk into his lungs and energized his body. Alrighty, lets do this shit. He said giving himself a mental perk up.

The old 1975 dodge pick up was a 'gift' from his dad, but a car is a car and at least it was solid steal so if he did get in a wreck with someone, Chris would probably just be scrapping them from the bumper. The truck had a half/half paint job with the top half being a dull brown and the bottom being a lighter shade, if he had to pick a way to describe the color, it would be banana-nut muffin brown. The paint was scuffed here and there, but it was a good truck. Swinging open the door with a long creak, Chris hopped in and started the ignition... or tried to. The truck whined as the engine turned, and Chris started to mutter under his breath to coax the truck, "Come on bessie... Come on.... Daddy needs to go to places and get shit done."

As if on que, the engine roared to life. Stomping on the crutch, he shifted gears and took off down the street.

The drive was short but it gave him time to ponder. Like on last night. Tatiana... That Indian had insane Call of Duty skills. Chris didn't mind losing, but dear god, she beat him like a red-headed step child. At one time, he had thought she was using some crazy Indian voodoo, and she was always on the other team! Like she enjoyed beating him... which he was fairly sure she did. When Chris was losing, it was kind of comedic. He would talk in voices, make retarded sounds, and make really lame jokes as frustration made him laugh.

Chris could still briefly remember some of the things he had said; "Tatiana, why? Just why? I thought we were friends... We were going to go the distance.." Then she knifed him, "Now that's just not fair. Alright, you done it now. You gone and done the deed that broke the camels back, I am totally moving you to fourth on my phone. Yea, I wen.." Sniped. "Aw, come on, that was just low. That's it. I am totally not asking you to homecoming." Not that he was going to, but still. The sheer amount of slaughter was too much. It would take a few days to earn his ego back from that one.

But it was not the saddest moment of the night. Nope, the saddest was when he got into a two hour fight with a thirteen year old boy. The insults were very, very bad with most of it being "No, your mom sucks." And others incredibly childish taunts. So into the fight, Chris wasn't even sure if Tatiana had still been there or logged out or what, but he was also sure of one thing. That kid totally started it.

Riding into the parking lot and with a crunch of metal, Chris parked his truck and stepped out waving to a few people he knew, and to various people who called out to him. Did he know half of those people who called his name? Hell no, but they knew him which was good enough. Tossing his backpack over his shoulder, he checked his phone feeling like he had forgotten something. Going to text messages he sent one to both Tatiana and Peter, Oui, was I supposed to give someone a ride today? Cause, if I did, ha my bad. If not then sweet. What we doin' today? Content with the sent message, he headed for the school. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he would figure that out once he got his answer from Tat and Peter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Samuels Character Portrait: Christopher Stiger
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❝ They love their hair because they're not smart enough to love something more interesting. ❞ - John Green

Oui, was I supposed to give someone a ride today? Cause, if I did, ha my bad. If not then sweet. What we doin' today?

Fuck. As usual, Peter had slept in, only to wake up to the phone alert of a new text message. He glanced at the text message but forgot to write a response as he noticed the time, and gave a small yell of panic. He jumped up and grabbed a clean shirt from his cupboard, yanking it over his head. He always slept in just his boxers, so it didn't take long to get dressed. He hopped over to where he kept his comb on his desk as he slipped into his jeans, giving it a quick brush through and letting his parting fall into place before looking in the mirror. He gave himself a wink and seemingly satisfied with how he looked, grabbed his phone and bag and ran out of the room.

He hopped into his old yet still shiny Porsche, which his father had bought him as a sixteen birthday present even though the family could hardly afford it. Even though the family weren't that well off, even if they were above just 'getting by,' Peter's father seemed insistent on spoiling his children. Not that Peter complained, it wasn't his money, after all.

He arrived at the school a few minutes late, but the first class hadn't started yet, so he figured he would be alright. He grabbed his leather jacket from the passenger seat and slipped it on as he got out of the car, checking his hair in the mirror first before leaving. Peter reached for his keys in his pocket, all the whilst looking out for Chris. That was when he remembered the text message, and after locking his car, he took out his android.

Just arrived, where are yah? Heading towards the school now.

❝ They love their hair because they're not smart enough to love something more interesting. ❞ - John Green

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Samuels Character Portrait: Tatiana Mahankali Character Portrait: Christopher Stiger Character Portrait: Jacob Tompson
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β€œI'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ~Marilyn Monroe

Most of the night, Tatiana wasn't sleeping like she should have been. No, no she was playing Call of Duty with someone who truly needed to learn how to play better because he ended up playing a better than her sister. And, that is no compliment. After a while of beating everyone who entered, her mother finally told her to shut up and to go to sleep. But she chose to listen to her close friend, Chris argue with a little kid for about ten, twenty minutes before finally saying, "Dude, I'm going to sleep." And falling asleep with her television stuck on the channel, Disney Channel because she was too lazy to get up and actually change it to something else. The couple hours she got of sleep felt like nothing compared to what they actually were but that how it always was to the Indian girl. In the morning she woke up to the sound of Kesha's song Animal filling her ear meaning one thing, it was her alarm and time to get up. She groaned before rubbing her eyes and seeing the sight of her rather over weight cat, Bali laying against her outstretched leg along with her other cat, Aditi who was actually snuggling up against Bali. She smiled at the sight before sitting up in her bed, waking up at the same time but jumping on to the floor. She chuckled as she watched her two cats go underneath her queen size bed. "Aw, that's so cute." She said to her before getting out of her bed and going to her closet.

If you went into a normal girl's closet you would see mostly the same style all around but not with Tatiana. She had two sides that were completely different from each other. One was the Indian style clothes she out of the house to please her parents seeing that her twin sister always wore them and her parents loved to compare the two girls. She exhaled sharply, grabbing out one the overly colorful outfit and tossing it on her bed with a raised eyebrow before sliding the mirror to the other side to reveal all the actual clothes she wore during the school day. Looking at the various jeans and shirts, she decided on a gray no sleeve shirt with a pair of blue skinny jeans. She walked to her other wardrobe that held every pair of shoes, mostly sneakers that she owned. She crinkled her nose at the nigh heels she had which she only wore for athletic awards ceremonies. And even then she hated to wear them around her friends. She grabbed her new pair of gray sneakers and tossed them on her bed along with her outfit. She slipped her gray sweatpants off and her white baggy shirt before slipping them into her hamper by her door. "Ok, here we go with the rainbow outfit." She said to herself before grabbing the dress and walking into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

She put the outfit on the counter of the sink before starting the hot water, letting it steam up the large mirror that she was looking at. After a couple minutes of checking he social networking sites, she set Stitch IPhone on the counter with her clothes and stepped into the hot water. She let out a deep sigh as she spent five minutes washing up. And after finishing she turned the water off before grabbing her red towel and wrapping it around her athletic body. She stepped out of the shower and started to dry her body before slipping it around her long brown hair to keep it from soaking her dress. She put on her black undergarments before finally having the slip on the outfit she was dreading to wear ever since she got the package from her grandmother. In a total of ten minute she had dried her hair and left it down before walking out of the bathroom and closing the door behind her she could see her cats now in the blue bean bag chair and appeared to be cuddle with one another. "Aw, how cute." She heard someone say with a squeak of her two doors opening. She looked to see her twin brother and sister smirking as they leaned on the door. She groaned before speaking to the two, "MΔ“rΔ« dhat tΔ“rΔ“ kamarΔ“ sΔ“ bāhara jā'ō!" (Get out of my room!) She told them loudly in Hindi before seeing her brother, Aakanksh smirk even more before speaking. "We just wanted to know if you needed a ride, seeing that your car hasn't been fixed by those tools you call friends." She flicked him off before grabbing her Letterman's jacket and putting it on. "They're not tools just because they get girls and you can't." She told him while also grabbing her backpack and walking pass the two. She heard her sister chuckle while walking up behind Tatiana. "Look do you need a ride or not? Because we can let you run, you are on the track team after all." Her sister, Nandika said to her with sarcasm in her voice. Tatiana shook her head as they walked down the stairs, shockingly all in rhyme with one another. Guess it was a triplet thing for them. She check her phone and saw she had a text from Chris. Hopefully saying he was outside, waiting for her to hurry her ass up. But, nope. She groaned as she read the text, Oui, was I supposed to give someone a ride today? Cause, if I did, ha my bad. If not then sweet. What we doin' today?

She rolled her eyes, knowing he would forget. Yea, you were suppose to pick me up... Remember seeing that my car is a piece of crap and I wouldn't have to ride with my twins. She slipped her phone into her messager bag before looking at her older brother. "Yes I need a ride today." She said before fixing her the strap of her bag on her shoulder as the three of them walked out of their large home and to Aakanksh and Nandika's shared black Bentley. "Keep the top up." Tatiana said as she opened her bag to reveal the actual clothes she was going to wear for the day. "Okay?" Her brother said with a raised eyebrow as he slipped in the front seat and started the car. Tatiana slipped into the back seat by herself and started to slip her dress off along with the leggings as they started to drive off before slipping on the gray shirt and blue jeans. Accidently kicking her brother in the head. "Goddamn Chandanika Shankhamala Mahankali! Why can't you change at school?!" He asked in a loud voice, keeping his eyes on the road. "And risk getting teased by Jason, Peter, most defiantly Chris? I don't think so." She said, slipping on her new sneakers. Once she was finally done changing, she left her clothes in the backseat before sitting up correctly and looking out the window as they pulled up to the school.

Once they parking the car, Tatiana quickly got out of the car along with her siblings as they went their different ways, Nandika went to the cheerleaders, Aakanksh went to the wallflowers, and Tatiana of course went to look for her two close friends of the jocks, knowing that Jason was going to get the little flirt of his, Angelina. So, she was off to look for Chris and Peter or... knowing her, make them meet her at her locker. She walked inside the building and directly to her locker which was a couple of lockers away from one of the guys she actually had feelings for, Jacob. When she saw him, her eyes went down to the ground as she walked right to her red locker which had a sign on it with her name along with all the teams she was on... All of them: track, rugby, gymnastics, and soccer. And on the inside it was surprisingly neat with a couple of pictures of her and her teammates. She grabbed out her The Great Gatsby book and put it in her bag before taking out her phone to text Pete and Chris. Both of you, meet me by my locker. She sent the text before seeing she got a text from Jason about a party. She smiled and nodded before putting her phone into her jacket pocket and leaning against her locker, waiting for either the two males to come to her locker or to reply to the text.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Samuels Character Portrait: Jason Daniel Cutts Character Portrait: Tatiana Mahankali Character Portrait: Christopher Stiger
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It felt like only moments before his phone vibrated in his back pocket sending unpleasant tingles running down his spine and left leg. Snaking his hand to his back pocket, he retreved the phone before his leg jerked, and he looked like a complete fool, but then, if someone had seen him dance then there was no doubt about the 'fool' bit. Chris tenderly referred to his dance style as the 'standing seizure'. Sadly, when Chris was dancing; he was dancing till he dropped because who cares about how one danced? As long as they had fun, wasn't that enough? What is the point in impressing others with how well one can shake their ass?

Glancing at the screen, Chris took in a sharp breath, "Aw, shit." Yea, you were suppose to pick me up... Remember seeing that my car is a piece of crap and I wouldn't have to ride with my twins. Of all people, why did he forget her? Somehow, somewhere, and sometime; he was sure he would be regretting that decision, but, hey, things happen?... Constantly as this wasn't the first time he had forgotten. He didn't reply as, honestly, Chris didn't want to get in trouble. Tatiana could be quite scary, and she already spanked him enough last night, and it wasn't the fun kind.

Free for the time being; he decided to raid his locker. Managing to get past the numerous people that said hi to him, the 'bro-hugs'. the loud cries of "Chris!" And then the large, bone-crushing hugs from both men and women; Chris managed to get to his locker with all his limbs intact which was always a bonus. Jesus Chris mentally sighed, it always seemed to be him. He had noticed he acted, almost, like a bridge. How many people knew other people through him? A lot. 'He is a friend of Chris.' God, how many times had he heard that line. Was he the guy that just seemed to know everyone? Cause, honestly, Chris really didn't pay enough attention to be that guy, but whatever, if it worked then it worked.

Opening the door of the locker slowly, Chris braced himself should anything tumble out which was a common event. Chris had a terrible habit of not emptying out his things. His backpack was also littered with old, crumpled paper and homework assignments. It wasn't that he was a pack-rat, far from it; he just could never be bothered to clean them out. Running his eyes over the massive amount of paper, old books, and broken pencils; Chris let out a whistle. He had really out done himself. I should probably clean that up a little... Chris pondered before breaking into a large smile, Aw, who am I kidding? I ain't gonna do it.

Bracing his hand against the leaning tower of procrastination; Chris carefully began to slide out his History project. "Come to daddy.." He whispered under his breath before it slipped loose, "Haha!" He roared in triumph as he slammed the door shut to stop anything from escaping. His victory was short lived as once again, his behind started to viberated sending a chill down his back, snaking in; he pulled out the phone finding two new messages one from Peter and Jason.

Party at 9 @ Mine tonight, bring as much alcohol as humanly possible.
Invite everyone and anyone.

Chris re-read the message before texting back, Do I want to get incredibly wasted and then make a complete ass out of myself in front of the entire student body whilst not giving a single fuck? Hell, yes I do. Sign me up, and put me down for a couple bottles of Jim Bean. Clicking the send button, he clicked on the next message on the list.

Just arrived, where are yah? Heading towards the school now. Chris read the message over again and noticed that out of his inner circle he had gotten to school first. That was... well, kinda sad. The big, dumb blond quarterback got to school first. Not that he believed himself to be stupid, but he knew he fit the stereotype of 'jock' perfectly, but hey, if he was happy with being himself, why should he change? He didn't pretend to be 'cool' nor did he try to 'fit' in. This was just who he was, it just happened to be what everyone else considered to be popular.

Before he could start working on a witty message, his hand vibrated as yet another message popped up, this one from Tatiana. Chris was tempted to go back to Peter's text, but he couldn't resist his curiosity at her text. Both of you, meet me by my locker.

Chris couldn't help but laugh at that. So demanding. Almost like he, and either Peter or Jason, were dogs, but that was what he liked about her. So direct. He went back to Peter's message, and typed, Heading to Tatiana's locker. You know how she is.

While he wasn't able to be clever; Chris figured it would be good enough, he would try harder on the next message. Bringing back up Tatiana's text, he entered his message and sent it. Yessa Massa. Right away Massa.

Sliding the phone back in his pocket, Chris zipped open his backpack and crammed the history essay into its dark abyss. Slinging it over his shoulder he took off down the hallway once more engaging in the never ending 'Hellos!' and hugs, but once again, Chris managed to fight his way through the people to Tatiana's locker and spotted the Massa herself.

"Top of the morning to ya!" Chris called out unnecessarily loud because why not? Chris didn't really notice what she was wearing because while looking at her; he didn't really look at her. He did notice Jacob leaning against his locker and for reasons beyond his knowledge, grew annoyed, "Oh my sweet Jebus." Chris said shaking his head, "Ugh, I surf and am so deep." He mimicked sagging his shoulders and lowering his voice, "I give off this mysterious aura to give off this feeling of being more interesting then a piece of plain paper. God." Chris said before flamboyantly flipping his head to the side sending his 'mane' fluttering, "Why does no one get me?"

Leaning against the locker, Chris intertwined his arms and raised his eyebrow at her, "You know what you need to do?" Chris said to her as, it was quite obvious she liked him. Spend as much time with her as Chris did and it was easy to notice when someone fell silent especially when they were as outspoken as Tatiana. He didn't consider himself to be the most observant man, but he wasn't stupid, "You need to walk up to him. Get really, really close." Chris said using his hands to demonstrate how close she should get, "Look him dead in the eyes." He said pointing to his eyes, "And be like: I like ya, and I want ya." He said making his voice as deep as possible, "Now, we can do this the easy way. Or we can do this the hard way." Chris suddenly stopped and flashed one of his large smile, "It works for convicts in prison. You know, shower time. Same concept really."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Drew Character Portrait: Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Christopher Stiger Character Portrait: Andy Goldling Character Portrait: Cameron McCall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rawr413

Cameron danced around the campus for an entire hour. While no one was there, he was free to do as he pleased and dance how he wanted without worry- not that he cared much during school anyways. He could imagine some of the nerds stutter out, "Y-you should really t-take advantage of this time you're given and finish your English essay on the technology of WWII. There are some truly fascinating facts about the advances they made...." Jonah giggled, then realized he was actually hearing this, that this nerd was practically clinging on his shoulder to say these things. His logic didn't connect the mistake to the blunt he'd inhaled this morning. By his lack of response, the boy was gone. Damn, cute, too. Nerds were always interesting to him, and he really desired to befriend one one day. Unfortunately, he had mixed feelings about them. They always made him feel stupid, but he found it fascinating whenever they opened their mouths. Once, he got a full, scientific explanation as to how the moon was the first Waterbender in the Avatar universe because... well, that part wasn't important(or rather, he couldn't recall the facts)

Cameron's desired in friendship aside, he started a brisk walk to the front of the school where most of his friends may be. He pulled a lumpy stick similar to a cigarette and held it between his index and middle fingers. On the inside of his new joint was green rather than tobacco. He had a red bic cupped in his hand and kept flicking it on until he got a flame, lighting his joint. He immediately inhaled a deep breathe and filled his lungs with smoke. He immediately coughed afterwards, a short fit of sorts.
He stayed behind a corner of the school until he finished it off, rubbing it out in the ground with his very worn-in converse. Cough, cough. Cameron coughed again on the way up the sidewalk around the corner, smiling bright as he neared the front of the school, a hop in his step. Cough, cough.

A blonde head caught his eye, making him grin when he spotted Christopher Stiger enter the school. He sped up a little, soon catching up and patting his shoulder. He didn't slow down as he passed.

"Hey, Chris!" he called from about ten feet ahead, blowing him a kiss and leaving down another hall with a wink. Even if gay marriage isn't legal in their state and most people weren't very accepting, he didn't have fear of being knocked into lockers, called horrid names, or experience any of those other horror stories. He'd never met anyone who couldn't sense his playful harassment for what it was; a joke.

He chuckled to himself afterwards, continuing down this hall towards the library where he knew most of his friends would be.

Live in my house,
I'll be your shelter,
Just pay me back
WIth one thousand kisses
Be my lover
and I'll cover you

One of his favorite songs out of RENT blared in his ear, making him smile and forget about homophobia for the moment. It made him grin despite it's reminder that he was still single, as always, even though he was nineteen years old. He'd always loved being single, living out of every form of being free (well, almost. He's not quite a nudist, that's just when he's drunk)

'I'll give you a thousand sweet kisses...'

That part was what made him sigh afterwards, walking through the hallway and halfway to his group of friends. He wished for a person to give a thousand sweet kisses to and wished that that person might come around soon, whether it be this year or in five. He knew (hoped) it would happen eventually, but he felt like he'd only have so much patience before he gave up and stopped shaving.
Whether his future boyfriend was in this hallway or not, he was going to walk in like he owned the place.
He stepped inside the hall of lockers and smiled, immediately spotting his small clique of friends as the minutes 'til school grew fewer and fewer.

Sebastian Drew, Amelia Jones, and Andy Golding were some of his closest friends. Where was Jacob? Oh well, they'd see him later. He hooked an arm around Amelia and smiled at the others.

"Mornin' guys! I feel like today's gonna be fantastic. Have you heard of any parties tonight?" he asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Samuels Character Portrait: Tatiana Mahankali Character Portrait: Christopher Stiger
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0.00 INK


❝ They love their hair because they're not smart enough to love something more interesting. ❞

Peter walked into the school, nodding at people he recognised and giving a few attractive females winks as he walked by, all the while looking out for Christopher. His phone buzzed, and he looked down immediately.

Party at 9 @ Mine tonight, bring as much alcohol as humanly possible.
Invite everyone and anyone.

A grin spread across his cheeks and he tapped in a quick response to Jason. His parties were always great, and you always had a massive hangover the next day. Peter couldn't wait.

Sweet, dude. I'm coming, obviously.

He had just pressed send, when two messages in quick succession vibrated his phone - one from Chris, the other from Tatiana. He checked the one from Chris first, which informed him that he was heading to Tatiana's locker, and then the one from her.

Both of you, meet me by my locker.

Well, that explained it. She was hardly going to send a message like that to Peter but not Chris. He chuckled under his breath as he reached his locker, taking out his books for his first few classes. He glanced in the mirror he had hidden in the back of his locker, and moved his side bangs slightly, before giving himself a wink. He couldn't help but chuckle at how cliche everything seemed, as if they were in some kids high school movie. Even all the cliques seemed to match exactly how they were portrayed on screen, and he wondered if this was the same in all high schools around the country.

He started making his way to Tatiana's locker, and saw Chris leaning agains it, obscuring who Peter assumed was Tatiana he was talking to, from view. "-shower time. Same concept really."
"What the fuck are you on about, Chris?" Peter asked him as he went to stand beside him. "Shower time?" He raised an eyebrow at his friend and gave him a friendly punch in the arm.

❝ They love their hair because they're not smart enough to love something more interesting. ❞

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Laurel Pyrope Character Portrait: Elizabeth Croydon Character Portrait: Peter Samuels Character Portrait: Tatiana Mahankali Character Portrait: Christopher Stiger Character Portrait: Cameron McCall
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0.00 INK


As Laurel walks, or rather wanders, she notices nothing short of several things about some of the people that she sees milling about the crowded hallways. A girl walks by her, one she's seen before from a distance, with an elegance that even rapid fire modes wouldn't be able to accurately capture. For a moment, she wishes that she had a video camera, but soon the girl has apparently disappeared into the library. She then escapes the mind, being out of sight, if only because the young woman with the camera around her neck, hanging like the designer accessories other girls might wear, is distracted by the colorful variety of people in this school. She's accustomed to eclectically populated schools, of course, but likes to take the time to appreciate the variation present in each of those schools which she has attended. It helps to keep them from blurring together until she can't remember who went to which school, and what happened where. Sometimes, the young woman will see a person walking by and swear that they attended her elementary school, even though her elementary schools were, for the most part, overseas. At some point or another, Laurel finally realizes that she has let people-watching get her original goal out of her mind, and that she is going in the completely wrong direction. Thus, she retraces her steps towards the front of the school, passing by a blonde boy whom she actually has photographs of in her camera. Honestly, it is probably creepy, though she had no intention for it to be. But she saw him lying in the grass cloud-gazing, and it was simply instinctive to take a picture of the scene, if only because his expression was so innocently serene: as though someone had taken the expression of a sleepy child and grafted it onto a teenaged body.

She also notices as a good portion of the student body, or rather those who are either beautiful or expensively clothed, suddenly take out their phones and check them. Getting a message from the mothership? a little voice in the back of Laurel's mind asks. Still, she has played the part of jocks and preps before, though swimming had only been enough to keep her on the bottom rungs of little ladder within a ladder that is those at the top of the food chain. But not this time, she has promised herself. This time she won't just be the person who kind of fits in with a clique, but doesn't really know anyone. That's what Laurel tells herself, anyway, but that is the easier part of the task. Actually breaking the habit of anonymity is what can be slightly tasking. It might be easier now, at least easier than it might have been in middle school and the earlier years of high school, because she has finally grown into her limbs, which were once awkwardly long, like a baby giraffe. Still, it's several years too early for her to make any claim at elegance, as far as she herself is concerned.

An Indian girl seems to be trying not to stare at a young man with blond hair that leans against his locker and looks the picture of a skater or surfer sort. Laurel manages to recall the first time she ever rode a skateboard, resulting in a down-to-the-bone skinned knee and a trip to the hospital. Regardless of the pain associated with it, or perhaps because it has been so many years that she can fancy it didn't hurt nearly as much as it did, the memory is a fond one. Laurel is fond of all memories, regardless of their content, because she is a nostalgic sort of person, and likes to remember her past with as much clarity as possible. When she was younger, she read somewhere that one can develop a photographic memory by dwelling on the past too much. While she doesn't believe that, and has no desire to develop photographic memory, if it existed she might have it now. Of course, half of her remains focused on the present, evenly splitting her mind and leaving not even a crumb for thoughts towards the future. It would just have to wait.

She is startled out of her nostalgia by a loud and distinct voice, the sort that carries but has little weight, greeting an individual at a volume typically reserved for those who are addressing large crowds or injured, and crying for help. Another guy shows up, probably saying something before punching the blond one in the arm lightly. Apparently done watching them, or perhaps having once again realized that she does need to find her class in some vain attempt to beat the rush, Laurel looks away from the trio and spots another number, though it has a letter attached to it. They are near administration, or maybe that is just a utility closet. The labeling systems tend to vary, she's found, and Laurel doesn't want to chance walking into a utility closet and, by some miraculous stroke of poor fortune, finding herself locked in. It would be better to ask a student, perhaps, but she can't really identify properly who would be an ideal candidate for this. The trio seems occupied, the graceful girl is long gone, and the cloud-watcher is equally not here. Without a better alternative, she snaps a photograph of the scene before her. The trio, all angled slightly so that it is natural for them to look at the blond young man checking his phone. It looks a bit like one of those anti-bullying photos, except that neither party really seems to care. "Right. Enough of that, then," Laurel murmurs under her breath, words lost in the crowd before the makes the executive decision to take a right and hope that it is the right way to go, no horribly bad pun intended. She still has the camera in her hand, of course, but it is such a typical feeling that she hardly notices it there. With this, Laurel simply begins walking.