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Jenniffer Ross

"Woe is I."

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a character in “Unmasked: Dissociative Mask Disorder”, as played by Abraxas_Axis




Name: Jenniffer Ross
Nickname(s): Jen, Jenni, JayRo
Species: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: Tallish
Weight: Thinish
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Nonexistant
Occupation: High School Student

Birthday: April 26th
Astrological Sign/Zodiac: Taurus
Body Build: Slender, curvy
Skin colour: Pale
Hair style: Long and straight
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Blackish
Preferred Clothing: Dark colors, mostly hoodies and elaborate, old-fashioned designs.

Likes: The color black, books, writing, reading, art, noir, goth stuff, fun things
Dislikes: Flashy colors, neon, rude humor, loud music, her abusive father, being forced to not be herself

Hobbies: Reading, writing, painting, messing around on her phone
Habits: Acts impolite only in private, twirls hair with finger if thinking or nervous.

Personality: Jenniffer is a polite and proper young woman for her age. She never talks back, shouts, curses, or disobeys - at least, while her father could be watching her. When he is away, she is quite rambunctious and fun-loving, although she still doesn't like anything rude or vapid; she's not that type of fun-loving.

Relationships: Her father is a cruel and abusive man. Jenniffer's mother had left him soon after she was born - which wasn't meant to happen, but the two had not taken the proper precautions in their dallying. Thus, her father takes it out on her. She used to be an insolent little thing, but he literally beat that out of her. She still has scars from her whippings. Now, she is polite and proper, and never talks back - at least, while her father is around.

Quotes: "Woe is I."

(Picture by me)

Name: Voidbringer
Powers: Black Hole Manipulation, Portal Creation
Influence: Voidbringer believes strongly in personal freedom. She doesn't like to impose her will onto her users, but rather helps them accomplish their own goals.

So begins...

Jenniffer Ross's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross Character Portrait: Kali White
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Jenniffer flew away as the common people yelled after her. After a bit, she came to a stop. Ironically, it was in the park where she first discovered Void.
She turned to Kali. "Well, what should we do?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross Character Portrait: Kali White
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#, as written by Sepokku
A voice crackled to life on the radio "We got a 10-30B in progress. Suspects don't appear to be armed but should be regarded as highly dangerous. Reports of... uh..."

"Reports of what dispatch?"

"Superpowers, Sergeant."

The Sergeant snorted, though after what he saw today, he didn't doubt it.

Red, they're surrounding the building. The Knight's voice echoed eerily through the bank, all the way back to the Vault where the Maskers were finishing up collecting the bounty.

What a shame, and here I thought this would be painless. Red answered snidely. Dani began to fret, "Dont, um... don't kill anyone," she begged.

You heard the girl, non-lethal incapacitating blows only. However remembers my children, have fun with it. Lugh blew a hole out of the back of the bank, then returned to deal with the assembled police forces. Red and Epimetheus made their way out the newly created back entrance. The rest of the assembled Maskers began to disperse the assembled police force.

The sergeant called for back-up, demanding to know were SWAT was. However, SWAT had their hands full in other parts of the city, and the present police force all met a rather violent end.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross Character Portrait: Kali White
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#, as written by Zaria
After escaping came to an end, Jenniffer asked…

"Well, what should we do?"

Question that had many possible answers but, she choose the most open one.

β€œWhatever you want…”

But then she added.

β€œWe can go after them, and die, obviously, if that’s what you want.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross Character Portrait: Kali White
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Jenniffer moaned. "Ugh... I honestly don't know what to do."
Think, think, think. What would Void do?
No, she thought, What will I do? I'm probably the only super not under Red's control. I have to go save this place. It's my duty.
"Do whatever you want to do, Kali," Jenniffer said, rising into the air, "But I'm going to save Dani and this city from Red's clutches. I'm a superhero. I have to do this."
With that she flew away at a great speed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross Character Portrait: Kali White
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#, as written by Zaria
"Ugh... I honestly don't know what to do." Obviously she didn’t, it was the first thing that a human in her position would say, then there would be…

"Do whatever you want to do, Kali" Jenniffer raised into the air, suicidal bravery as always. She slowly became a dot in air, barely noticeable, and at that point Kali began to laugh.

β€œGeez, people are so… simple, she’ll be mad if these two die, but then again this body is so useless at the moment.”

Kali continued to think out loud.

β€œThen again you would be mad, if nothing had been done…” Then she paused, tilting head to right, as if listening to someone.

She smiled, knowing that decision is now made, challenge as well.

β€œNow, Rita will have fun…”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross Character Portrait: Kali White
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#, as written by Sepokku
Back at her home, Dani kicked her feet up onto a stack of money, grinning wildly. "My allowance isn't exactly small, but I've never had THIS kind of spending money!"

What do you want for dinner sweetie? Though her father wasn't wearing Epimetheus's mask, his voice still had that odd Aetherkin quality to it. Dani thought nothing of it, enjoying finally receiving paternal affection, "Risotto! No, no wait... Steak! Wait no... Ratatouille!" She squealed out idea after idea, too excited to settle on any one thing. Her father, thanks to Epimetheus, already knew what she'd settle on and he began making it for her.

Lugh, Apollo, Nemesis, and Knight came in the back door, each loaded with even more money. Red's voice sounded throughout the entire room, Excellent we have enough to move forward now. Knight will take the money to the arms dealer, Apollo will take it to our contact within the police force, and Lugh will take the rest of it to the launderer. Chop chop my dears, Dani wants to go back to school sooner rather than later and remember to follow the directions Epimetheus left you, lest you fall prey to a rogue Aetherkind. They all left, leaving only Dani and her parents.

"Oh!" Dani squealed, "I want terrine! Just like what we had for my eleventh birthday!" It had been the last time her parents had really paid much attention to her, and it seemed fitting to her. Her mother removed her mask and 'made it rain' money all over Dani and it made Dani start to giggle. For the first time in a long time, she felt truly happy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross Character Portrait: Kali White
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Jenniffer flew among the clouds, searching for Dani.
Well, technically, it wasn't flying. She wasn't flying under her own will; she would put a gravity well ahead of her, and she'd flow towards that direction. She could move it around if she wanted to and thus change her trajectory.
So, where are we going, Jen? a voice asked.
Jenniffer yelped, skidding to a stop in midair. "Is... Void, is that you?!"
In the flesh! Voidbringer, her Maskgod, chirped. Well, not really "in the flesh", but you know what I mean.
"What... where have you been?" Jenniffer asked, resuming her flight.
In the Aether. I also am sorry for taking over your mind and putting you in a difficult situation like that. That was the main reason I didn't come back.
"Oh. Well it's nice that you feel bad. I was worried that the Red Queen had trapped you in there.
What? No! That's impossible. That witch is actually less powerful than she thinks she is.
"Void, she can control the minds of Aetherkind and put them to her will. How exactly is that not powerful?"
Kid, I am the personification of freedom. Nothing can hold me down!
"Except for self-hatred, apparently."
Suddenly, Jenniffer spotted something. "Hey, is that Luchador Kid at the money launderer?" she asked.
Void was silent for a moment, then said, Yup, that's Lugh all right. Red must've sent him out on an errand.
"Well, since you just got back, I'm gonna let you decide. Should we; A. Beat him up; B. Interrogate him; or C. Return that money to the bank, or wherever her got it from?"
I choose D! All of the above!
"Ha ha ha! I like it! Okay, let's go!"
Jenniffer dived upon Lugh like a hawk. She grabbed him, swooped up, and hung him from above, 100 ft. into the air.
"Where did you get that money?" she asked him in her most intimidating voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross Character Portrait: Kali White
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#, as written by Zaria
Three main things to do, one is to visit old friends, two is to reach police, and three is to live a little. All of those would be done, sooner or later by Rita, not Kali, and Kali at the same time, a paradox as both like to call it. Sadly before the three things could be done, there was another…

Time consuming one, one that meant talking to parasite, one that meant going home, and so they went home. Found him sitting on an old, wooden chair, reading like the last time, but this time he seemed to have failed to notice… that someone entered.

β€œHello there…” She started, barely refraining from chuckling.

Now he raised his head, surprised slightly, but only for a moment. He saw not a small white haired girl, but a tall woman, with hair as black as night, while her eyes… eyes were purple.

β€œI’ll have to ask, what are you exactly?” He saw through it immediately, still noticing small signs of Kali hidden in this person.

Reason good enough for her to smile.

She made few steps further into the room, turning around not once but twice, looking around to be more precise, she’s seen this room many times, but seeing it with own eyes, was a new feeling, new sight.

β€œCuriosity, I see, answer is simple, kiddo had locked other selves deep in subconscious.” She answered, but…

β€œWe were but a different perspectives of the world , but you… you did something by accident, and now I can be here, I have a form.”

Her last words left him with gaping mouth, traveler, a trickster, and most of all - changer of things… changed something once more. This time it was an unwanted change. Book lied open on his laps, while he continued to stare at her, wondering about what he had caused, where it would lead… humankind.

Then he laughed lightly.

β€œSeems like this time my brethren will kill me, for this is the most… unwanted turn of events. One I did not expect.”

His words were words to which Rita sighed, tilting head lightly and staring at him with cold eyes.

β€œI’m not blind, you’re already an outcast. Question is why would you care? About the others, about brethren, and one you wanted to use?”

He blinked few times, his eyebrows up and high.

β€œYou… yes, I’m an outcast, I had meddled with too many of my kind in past, but this… this is something we were strictly forbidden from doing, hence I believe I’m dead in the eyes of my brethren.”

β€œYou were? What is it that you had done?” For a brief moment Rita let answer to her question be postponed, wanting to know what he thinks he had done.

β€œI don’t know.” He smiled weakly, for he truly did not know, what he had done to change one person, that he wanted to simply use.

β€œStill, you failed to answer - why do you care?” She asked again
β€œI… I’m not bad, I just like change, and others… my brethren tend to misunderstand that.”

β€œAhh, I see you need change, you want something to happen all the time, it can’t be boring for you, well, I’m the same, so here’s that… you’re not alone.” She chuckled, knowing that this is comforting only slightly.

But before he could say anything else…

β€œSo what can you tell me about the others, Red Queen for example.”

His trail of thought was interrupted, for a question lied at the end of his tongue, question that had been postponed.

β€œRed Queen is… I’d say she loves leading people, being in control, yet having freedom, that’s all I can say.”

β€œWell, always something, Void?”

β€œVoid is personification of freedom, being chained is the worst thing that Void could ever experience, though I’m not so sure about that, I’ve…”

β€œYou’ve rarely talked with them, mostly watched, I can get that, I want to learn about the others later, for now I’ll take my leave…” She turned around, and took few steps towards door, but then…

β€œOne question, how did you know I’m an outcast?”

β€œIt’s simple, no one recognized you back then, and you didn’t call them brethren earlier either.” With these words she left, leaving him mildly satisfied, for to just assume that he is an outcast by what she said is strange, then again… it made sense, to some degree.

With a sigh he returned to his book, book that he soon changed for another, searching for new answers, to new questions that this visitor gave him.

OOC - Well, long again, I know, but had to at least try to explain few things, and I know it now derails from mask idea completly , if you two don't like any part, I'll change it I guess, at least I'll try to ^^

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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#, as written by Zaria
OOC - Been a while now, so checking in, and wondering... are you two still alive here? ^^

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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OOC - I'm just waiting for Sep to respond. Since Lugh is under Red's control I feel that he/she should say what he says.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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#, as written by Zaria
OOC - Kay, I wonder where will Sep be back :)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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OOC - Bluuuuuuuuh me 2
k i'm messaging them

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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#, as written by Sepokku
OOC: Sorry ive been really swamped lately with things to do and have been struggling to keep up with my posts. Ill try to post tonight

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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#, as written by Sepokku
Lugh was always a problem child, he refused to follow Epimetheus's plan to a T in every reincarnation he was brought into this world through. So it was no surprise that he was the one to get swept up by Voidbringer and questioned. However, Lugh did have some redeeming features, including his unwavering loyalty to the madwoman that was his Queen. Scrunching up his Luchador face, he spat back, Won it from the lottery doll. Are you mugging me? A wild grin was plastered on his face, a plan already forming in his bull-head.

Before long, the others had completed their tasks and began to make their way back to their base of operation, Dani's house. Back at the house which was quickly becoming a home, Dani and her newly loving parents were watching a movie while cuddled together on the couch. It was a little odd to Dani, how different they were from her actual parents, but she was loving the attention and couldn't be bothered to think about it.

The Knight returned first, Apollo's journey would take more time. A truck full of various weaponry, mostly illegal, sat out front and the Aether began unloading it and scattering it around the house, all according to the seer's plan. He stopped to greet the Rhorers, but didn't interrupt their family time. Dani had always wanted siblings and these Aether were an unusual surrogate. Reaching over to the bowl of popcorn her 'father' held, plopped a handful in her mouth and felt at home for the first time in a long time.

By the end of the movie, the house held several armories, full of Anti-material Rifles, .50 caliber machine guns, grenades, shotguns, tiny concealable firearms, and a few things banned by the Geneva conventions. Dani's parents began to put her to bed, giving her time to shower and get ready for bed. Her mother laid in bed with her until Dani fell asleep, then the three Aethers reconvened in the kitchen to wait for Apollo. Dani slept well that night, the best sleep she'd had in ages.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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"Not yet. But if you make me too angry, Luchador, I might just do it." After a few seconds, Jenniffer added, "Or I could just drop you from up here. It would be messier, but easier.
"But I'm not going to do that. You see, I need to find Dani. And I have a hunch that your taking that money to the Red Queen, for some inscrutable yet nefarious purpose. So help me, tell me what you were planning to do with the money, or I will give you a fate even worse than death."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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#, as written by Sepokku
I believe you dearie, which is why I've came up with a splendid countermeasure to your power. You see, all are as dust before the Red Queen's power. Soon, even you. With that, Lugh took both hands and placed each one on either side of his mask in one deft motion, he clenched his fists and tore the mask in two. With that, the Aether left the body, leaving behind a very weak man that was rattled and confused.

"W-where am I? OH GOD! Youre one of those monsters on the news! Please don't kill me! I'll tell the world your your horrible might, please I have a family, just let me live!!!" The man began to sniffle and sob, starting to have a panic attack, crying, and begging for mercy all at once.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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Jenniffer cursed under her breath. Red was getting smarter. This was going to be hard.
For now, she turned her attention to the sniveling man. "Hey, calm down," she said in a soothing tone. "I'm not going to hurt you. I... you were one of them, and I... made it go away."
Jenniffer gently lowered the man to the ground. "You can go. I won't hurt you, don't worry. Now go to your family."
As the man ran away, Jenniffer floated in place, thinking. If she were Red, where would she take Dani? Easy, the place she'd least expect her to be. But where would that be? They didn't go back to the hospital, did they?
Hmmmm, Voidbringer mumbled.
"What?" Jenniffer asked.
I was just thinking about what you were thinking. I'm not really sure ei-
Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Jenniffer's head. "The concert!" she exclaimed.
Huh? Why there?
"It was the place where we first discovered our masks. Red might have taken her there - or at least left some goons there to serve as a secondary base. She wouldn't have thought I would think of there, as that place has significance but not really too much importance."
Huh. Well, good thinking. Lead on, Void said appraisingly.
Jenniffer flew off in that direction. She came to the concert area, where she found a good hiding spot and watched out carefully.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross Character Portrait: Kali White
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#, as written by Sepokku
Once all was said and done, Apollo finished with his business, and Lugh in a new host, Red set out for the concert venue that Dani recalled so fondly. According to Epithemeus's plan, she went there alone, without her honor guard. Enjoying the chaos that the city was in, Red made her way slowly down to the place where she'd meet the avatars of Jennifer and Kali.

A stray police officer tried to stop her, poor thing gave rise to CΓΊ Chulainn his ego dying in the process. The newly risen Aetherkin set out to fulfill Red's plan. He took up a position near the concert venue, preparing himself to intervene when necessary.

Rita! Voidy! Darlings, it's so wonderful to see you both again. How have you both been since.... you know, the last reincarnation. I've been fine, my current host is a little sweetheart! It's so lovely to see you both again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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#, as written by Zaria
OOC - Now I regret not specifying that Rita intended to go to police station nonetheless - that's the place so well known to the other self, and she's not a reincarnation, that Void and Red queen could know, it's literally a different personality given a body ^^ (Also I should've told you that), lol, this went wrong ^^. Though question, do you two need Rita for this scene? (Still, I doubt she'll be there at the same time as the other two)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Rhorer Character Portrait: Jenniffer Ross
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Jenniffer started as Red noticed her even as she was hiding. Shit! She sensed our Aethereal Energy!
"Alright then," Jenniffer sighed under her breath. "It's showtime."
She rose up into the air, looking down on Red. "It's over, Red Queen. You've been running this town too long. It's time to put an end to your evil regime, so we can all just be normal again."