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Winni Bellefleur

"I must be dreaming, right?"

0 · 461 views · located in Seattle, Washington

a character in “Unmasked Territories: Realm beyond Reality”, as played by Echo_Rose



Image Name:
Winifred Sabine Bellefleur

Winni, Bean, Flower


Believes shes human but actually is a Shadowhunter




Alette Fox Nightshade

Image Likes:
Horror Movies
Colors black and green
The stars

The color pink
Sappy romance movies
Being still
Idiotic people

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Winni has the parabati rune on her right shoulder but until she gains her sight back she doesn't see it.
She has a ragged scar on her back that she has no clue where she got it from but it was actually from a demon attack before her parents were killed
She has a few tattoos, one of horse rearing on her back and also has a star tattooed on her left thumb.
For piercings she has her bottom lip pierced and her nose pierced, she also has five holes in each ear.

Image Personality:
Naturally laid back amd carefree, Winni just takes things as it comes. She can always be found with a camera hanging from her neck, its her biggest passion in life and someday she wants to be a famous photographer. Winni was born to lead, never one to follow. Its never been in her nature, in school she was the one that other kids followed and did what she did, she really didn't care. As she got older she went her own path, she had a few close friends but she isn't ome for big groups. She found being alone was much more pleasurable then being in a huge group of people that try to talk over you and have a hard time getting a single word in.

She tends to be pretty quiet, not really talking unless someone talks to her first. Of course there is the exception with Brynn, with Brynn she can be bery outspoken and crazy. The only reason she likes to go to clubs is because she loves to dance, she loves losing herself into the music, letting her body sway and come alive.

In her free time she can be found laying outside drawing, music blaring in her ears or she could be found curled up on the couch with a blanket watching old horror films. Always wondering if there was more out there then what she could really see. Shes has had these weird feelings of having this connection with someone, she has also felt pain before when she actually wasn't hurt. Her adoptive parents always blamed it on growing pains but of course Winni didn't believe them. There was always something about her adoptive family that felt off to her, that they were hiding something from her but she never brought it up. She was thankful that they took her in after her parents died in a car crash.

As for relationships Winni hasn't really had any serious ones, she doesn't care what gender a person is. She believes if she feels something for a person rather they are male, it didn't matter. Its whats on the inside that really counts. She is a pretty likeable girl but you have to get past her tough layers to really find her and figure her out.

Winni was born to Jason and Anamarie Bellefleur, two very known Shadowhunters of the Shadow World. Her parents along with the Nighshades were assigned to the Seattle Institue, there was a lot of higher demons lurking about and the Clave wanted them to take care of them. Also keep watch over the other downworlders that resided there. Winni was only two when her parents were killed by an ancient demon, the demon wanted Winni also. To kill the Bellefleur line, but the Nightshades called upon a Warlock, having him take the sight away from Winni then she was put in the care of a werewolf family that also had a child around her age.

Unknown to her during those two years she was part of the Shadow World her parents and the Nightshades had there daughters bond together as Parabatis. Over the years she had this weird feeling that she was connected to someone but she always tried to just push the feeling away.She went through her life living with her adoptive family, the Warlock stepped in as her Uncle and once a month during the full moon she went and stayed with him. She never felt anything was amiss until she got into photography.

It was when she was fifteen she started to get into photography, she would take pictures of everything then develop them in the black room that her adoptive parents made for her. She started seeing things in the pictures, things that she never saw before. She didn't tell anyone for two years, she didn't want her family to think she was crazy. That was until she found the letter on her bedside table. After reading the letter, everything started to change and she started to see things as they truly were.

So begins...

Winni Bellefleur's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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Alicante, Idris
Everything is amiss at Alicante, downworlders are at the gates demanding to speak to the Clave but the Clave is not answering to them. They are all up at the Gard in a meeting to discuss what they are going to do about the new found death of a shadowhunter. The shadowhunter was killed by the hands of a downworlder and the price must be paid but the argument at hand is who will have to pay.

"We knew this was coming, downworlders can't be trusted-"
"But we can't blame all of th-"
"Oh yes we can!"
"What about just the vampires"
"We can't exclude just one-"
"Enough!" The Inquisitor spoke up finally as she listened to them all bicker back and forth "I believe the time has come, the Accords must be destroyed."
Once this news hits the Underworld all hell is going to break loose and there will be a War that soon will be begin.

Seattle, Washington

The alarm went off on her nightstand table letting her know it was time to get up. Curled up on her side under a pile of blankets a sigh escaped the girls lips. It was summer vacation, some people would wonder why a teenage girl would set an alarm during vacation but Winni liked to have an early start so she could enjoy her whole day fully. Just as she was going to roll over to turn off the blaring noise Harlequin, her six month old great dane, decided to jump on the bed and attack her with kisses. "Quin ya fool get your ass off me" she yelled as she scratched the pups neck before having her get off. "We will go for a run in a moment".

Winni shut off her alarm, slipping out of her bed she went to her dresser and took out a pair of black jogging shorts and a white tank top. After getting dressed she slipped on her nike sneakers, grabbed her camera, then headed on downstairs. Harlequin followed her into the kitchen where she took a piece of paper and pen from the island and wrote her parents and bryn a note letting them know where she went off to.

Going for a jog with Quin, be back soon -Winni

Even though she was seventeen her family was very overly protective, they didn't like her going out on her own. They actually preferred her staying inside. Sometimes it really earked her, she was going to be an adult soon, she has had constant arguments with them about it but she always got the same answer. "Wini you don't know what is out there, something could happen to you when you least expect it. We are just trying to look out for you, its because we love you and just don't want to see anything happen to you." And that would be the end of the conversation. What she has noticed is that even Bryn gets more leeway then she does, it pisses her off but its not like she could do anything about it.

Winni put the note where she usually puts it, on the fridge. She grabbed Halequin's leash, snapping it on the pup's collar then headed outside. As she got to the sidewalk she started jogging, Halequin kept pace to the right of her. As she jogged she thought back over the past month or so, the strange things she was seeing from her pictures were really starting to nag her. The past couple of days shes actually seen a few things with her own eyes, it was creepy. Some of the people, well she wasn't sure if she should call them people because they didn't look like a person, some looked odd, like the fantasy characters from her books. Some people had weird symbols on them or instantly appear where there was no one before. Even some of the buildings shes been by time after time since she was a child looked different. She w asn't sure if she should tell her family or not, she was afraid that she might be losing it.

As they reached the nearby park Winni waved to a few people that she knew then sat down on a bench took take a break and take a few pictures. Harlequin laid down at her feet seeming to be looking at something that Winni couldn't see. Looking down at the pup she scratched her chin "whatcha see girl" she asked then took her camera from her neck and started to take pictures of the area Harlequin was looking at. After a few shots she took more of the park.

Fifteen minutes later Winni finally got up and started to jog back home, she was halfway home when she bumped into someone that seemed to jist appear out of nowhere. Stopping briefly "oh sorry didn't see you..." she looked around but no one was there, she was sure she bumped into someone. Shaking her head she continued on home, her mind going over and over of the things she was seeing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alette "Fox" Nightshade Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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"Your mother's an idiot." Alette's half-brother said as he crossed the room gracefully to sit in the chair across from her and lean forward, elbows on his knees, pretty blue eyes on hers. "I'm telling you. You should just come live with us. We would let you be what you really are." He said, glancing towards their father for support.

"Your brother's right." Her father said, watching her with interest from the chair beside her half-brother's.

They did this every time. Alette would sneak out of the Institute to come see her father and her half-brother at the hotel, behind her mother's back, spend an hour or so listening to them bash on her mother, and then leave suddenly. Now was the time to leave suddenly. "She's not an idiot." Alette said towards her half-brother. "And he's not my brother." She said to her father. "Anyway, I have to go before someone notices I'm gone."

"Don't be stupid, your mother's working. No one will notice you're gone." Her father said, looking up at her as she stood from her chair.

That was true. A lot had gone amiss in the Shadow World lately, and the Clave needed her mother. Seeing as she had an institute to run, her mother couldn't just get up and fly to Idris, but she'd locked herself in her office for the past week, and was communicating with them holographically, able to send a holographic form of herself there so she could speak with them.

With a shrug, she looked at her father before crossing to the door, ignoring his comment and taking off. She didn't want to spend another minute with them. She was afraid they might be able to convince her if she did. Instead, she slipped her leather jacked back on and made her way down the street, glamour in place so that humans couldn't see her.

Her walk brisk, she made her way towards the Vonderman household. The house of her Parabatai. Her mother had told her never to go there, as had Portia, and Mr. Vonderman, but she had been doing it continually for the past two years anyway. She was curious about Winni, and wanted to see how much she knew, and how much her family knew about what she knew. Portia was smart, but she'd apparently failed to see the reason behind the girl's latest hobby of photography. She was starting to see things, and, according to Alette, it was about time someone starting telling her the truth. Mostly because it would cause mischief, and Alette was rather good at that, but partially because she would find out soon enough with so much unrest stirring in the Shadow World.

It wasn't long until Alette arrived outside the Vonderman household, and smiled wickedly as she made her way around to the side and slipped open a window near the stairs on the first floor, hopping up on the sill, and sliding in the other side, all without so much as a single rustling of the curtains.

Once inside, she made her way up the stairs silently and slipped into Winni's room. Her glamour was still on, so Winni wouldn't be able to see her if she was in there, but thankfully she wasn't, so Alette let her glamour drop and made her way over to Winni's bedside table, dropping a letter on it, which contents explained to her some of the weird things she's been seeing lately.

After dropping the letter, Alette took a moment to glance around the room from behind her shades before slipping out and making her way back downstairs towards the window.

However she didn't get very far before she heard a growl and someone grabbed the upper part of her arm painfully, forcing her to whirl around and face them. So close. She was so close to just slipping out undetected. The window was no more than a few feet away. "Portia." She smirked, looking straight into the eyes of the alpha female.


Portia woke to a buzzing alarm coming from the room next to hers. As a werewolf, her ears were extremely sensitive, and she didn't even need an alarm, as she always woke up to everyone else's. This one was Winni's. Her younger daughter's. Well, not exactly her daughter. Not by blood anyway, but Portia had raised her so she most definitely considered her her's.

Slowly, with a yawn, she sat up in bed and looked at the empty place next to her with slight sadness. Her husband was in Idris on business, hoping to put in a good word for the Downworlders, or, in the very least, the werewolves, and she was missing him every day he was gone. Yawning once more, Portia sat in bed and listened to Winni getting ready and leaving before standing up to get ready.

She crossed to the closet and flung it's double doors open, going through it's contents and selecting a simple pair of jeans, and a blue blouse.

After dressing, she brushed out her hair and braided it loosely behind her before heading down the stairs to the kitchen. Winni had gone out for a run, so she'd be back soon, and her other daughter was most likely still asleep, so she decided to start some breakfast after looking over Winni's note.

A moment later, Portia lifted her head suddenly from her consuming work of whipping pancake batter. There hadn't been a loud noise. Actually there'd hardly been any noise at all, but for a soft rustling, which, ordinarily, Portia would ignore if it hadn't been for the smell. Something, or someone, was in her house.

Instantly, Portia dropped the bowl and left the kitchen, turning the corner to find the window next to the stairs flung open and the smell stronger now. A Shadowhunter was in her house. When they'd opened the window to sneak in, the breeze had blown their scent towards her.

Portia hissed slightly. She hated most Shadowhunters. All they ever did was look down on Downworlders.

Without hesitation, Portia marched quickly, and quietly up the stairs, grabbing the arm of the Shadowhunter just as she was closing the door to Winni's room and dragging her roughly down the stairs.

"Portia." The girl smirked an infuriating smirk, and Portia snarled back.

"What are you doing here Alette?" She growled at the back of her throat. Unlike pretty much everyone else in the Shadow World, Portia refused to call the girl by that ridiculous nickname Fox. Partly because it wasn't her real name, but mostly because it irritated her, and Portia was more than happy to irritate Alette, as she found the girl's reckless bravado rather annoying. "I've told you a hundred times not to come here or I'll kill you. Maybe I'll do it this time." She hissed, eyes flashing with anger as she gripped the girl tighter and yanked her. "Tell me what you're doing here. You have to leave Winni alone."

"Calm down Downworlder," she said, causing Portia to growl slightly at the back of her throat. "I just came to check on Winni, but she's not here, so I was just leaving. You know, you could be a little nic-"

"Shut up." Portia cut her off. Another scent drifted towards her from the window. Winni's. She was coming home. And she was close. "She's coming back." She said to the girl as she shoved her towards the window. "Get out of here the way you came, and I swear to god, if you show up here again, I'll tear your throat out. I don't care what the Clave does to me."

Portia watched as Alette slipped back out the window and slid her glamour back on before running to the front of the house and throwing the door open, watching to make sure Alette wouldn't try to interact with Winni on her way back. "Winni!" She called, placing her hands on her hips. "You know you're not supposed to be out alone. Get your ass in this house now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alette "Fox" Nightshade Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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#, as written by Torex

Brynn pulled the covers over her head as Winni's alarm clock interrupted her dream, she was in wolf form running through the forest, not an unusual dream for Brynn, but she loved it all the same. Brynn growled "Why in the hell does she do that?" The answer was simple, Winni was clueless she was in a house full of wolves with perfect hearing. Hearing her adopted sister head down the stairs with that damned animal she called Harlequin, Brynn opened her window and lit a cigarette. She knew her mother knew she smoked, the awesome hearing also came with an awesome sense of smell, but hiding it from her was just too much fun.

Silently she watched Winni Jog until she was out of sight before leaning against the wall, she heard her mother getting ready herself, and guessed she had been doing the exact same thing, minus the smoking, a few rooms over, causing the young wolf to curse herself for falling into the habits of the alpha, even though he really didn't think it a bad thing. The smoke that filled her room had drowned out almost all of the other scents that any other wolf would have smelled, but Brynn didn't care. She closed her eyes and slowly drew the toxic mist into her lungs.

The smoke didn't cloud her hearing though, and she heard Alette say her mothers name, She felt a growl form in the base of her throat, but instead of letting it slide passed her lips, she drew on the cigarette once again and listened to the encounter. The shadow hunter has made her presence known quite a few times in their house, but she was growing bolder recently, and even more-so now that the Shadow World was falling apart. After the girl left, she heard her mother call to Winni, who was approaching the house, Brynn smiled and finished her cigarette. She tossed it out the window after putting it out on the sill and went to her closet to dress. After brushing her monochrome hair she made her way down the stairs, no doubt reeking of cigarettes. "Hey mom, hey Bean!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carter Hunter Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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#, as written by DyLAn:D

Carter yawned as she dashed through the green pine's in the early morning. Light mist reflected the light that shone through the tree's making light shining sun spot's. She paused for a minute and stood in a small sun spot, bathing in its warmth escaping the chilly morning. The sun warmed her fur and she purred slightly in joy, the joy soon disappeared though when the scent of smoke waffed in her nostril's and she choked.
'Disjusting' she growled, she could hear faint voices and being her she needed to know where they were coming from. Carter knew she was on some other pack's land but she sensed no danger. Creeping forward Carter popped her head out of a bush to see a house, a blonde girl and a dark haired woman. Alpha power poured from the dark female's skin as Carter's herself does. The blonde girl had a dog near her and Carter saw it stiffen and turn to her, it was only a pup still and Carter's tail started wagging at the idea of playing with another canine.
The dog barked at her and Carter howled back, revealing herself more slightly. Carter was to say big for a female wolf. She was pure white with a silver hue and had bright silver eye's that shone even in the dark, her frame was lean and muscular and she was 5'9ft in height thanks to her Alpha blood.
'Play?' she barked at the dog. She hadnt played since her pack was killed and the thought excited her greatly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alette "Fox" Nightshade Character Portrait: Carter Hunter Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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"Shut your stupid mouth Harley" Winni yelled to the dane who was barking at nothing. Though when Winni squinted her eyes she thought she saw a girl but the she comepletely disappeared. Blinking then rubbing her eyes she shook her heas as she started jogging down the driveway. Her mom was yelling at her to get inside, of course she was because a seventeen year old can't go out fo even a jog alone. Rolling her eyes she slowed to a walk just to annoy her mother, she was sick of being treated like shes fragile child, because she wasn't

Just as she was walking Harly stopped and started staring at a bush, then started barking. Winni tried to get the pup to move but it started growling "Harly come on moms going to blow a gasket if I dont get in-" just as she was talking a howl was heard, then a large white wolf came ut of the bushes. Harly growled more but Winni's went wide as she tried backing up but stumbled, tripping backwards before falling right down on her bump. "Harly...come on girl...lets go uh inside" she whispered as she tried to get footing just as she was trying to get Harly to come over near her.

Winni finally got herself standing, then preceeded to pull Harly to the house. Once she got to the stepps she ran up them, sliding behind her mother to get in the house with Harly "shut the door mom! that thing is so unreal and huge!" Looking towards Bryn she pointed to to door "look at that thing Bryn, I didn't even know we had wolves in Seattle." Looking back to her mother as she sat on the stairs to take off her shoes "maybe you should call animal patrol".

After finishing taking off her shoes she unhooked Harly's leash then started to head back upstairs "im going to take a shower and get dressed" she then continued to head upstairs to her room, Harly following behind her. As she went inside her room she went and flopped on her bed, she looked over to her alarm clock to see what time it was she saw a folded letter on her nightstand. Picking it up she was curious to what it was, maybe her mom put it there.

Opening it she started to read, her eyes widened at what she read, vampires...wolves...shadowhunters. It was as if something clicked in her mind, the things she was seeing lately, maybe this is what has been happening. Thinking about her family, was this why they were so overpotective, they must know all about this. As she got up she felt a bit of fury inside her as she walked out of the room and down the stairs then went to where her mother was.

Shoving the letter towards her Winni's glared "want to explain this mom? Is this why you treat me like im five, keeping this big secret from me. Are you one of them, one from this so called Shadow World. Is this some sort of sick joke because really I see nothing fun y about this" she started pacing across the floor "it explains why Ive been seeing things, taking pictures and things showing up on the photo that clearly wasn't there." She then looked into her mother's eyes. "Whow are my parents? Really I want to know because everytime I ask about them you stop talking, say they were great people but that is all. Has my whole life been a joke, a lie?"

"I want the truth Portia," her eyes gleamed tears as she looked at the women that raised her, the women that took her in and taught her everything she was suppose to know. The women that she called her mother, she has never called Portia anything but mom or mommy when she was a kid and now she was usings the women's first name. She knew she was being a little unrational but she couldn't help it, she was upset and angry and really was unsure of everything now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alette "Fox" Nightshade Character Portrait: Carter Hunter Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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"What are you doing here Alette?" Portia growled in her face, and Fox's eye twitched slightly at the use of her full name. Only her mother used her full name. "Tell me what you're doing here. You have to leave Winni alone."

"Calm down Downworlder," she said, lying quickly, as she was so good at. "I just came to check on Winni, but she's not here, so I was just leaving. You know, you could be a little nic-"

"Shut up." Portia cut her off, and Fox watched as she sniffed the air. "She's coming back." The woman informed her, though, unknown to Portia, the vampire blood in her veins allowed her to smell it too. "Get out of here the way you came, and I swear to god, if you show up here again, I'll tear your throat out. I don't care what the Clave does to me." She said, angrily shoving her out the window.

Fox smirked haughtily and hopped up on the window sill, turning back to the woman briefly. "With the way things have been lately, they'd probably thank you." She laughed lightly and slipped on her glamour, hopping out the window and making her way around to the front of the house.

Winni's dog, Harley barked at her as she passed, causing Fox to stop and bare her teeth at the pup playfully, knowing Winni couldn't see her. However, Winni seemed to pause to and peer at her direction, a flicker of something in her eyes for a second before it was gone and she moved along.

Interested, Fox stopped and watched Winni saunter up to the house with her dog, who was now growling at a bush concealing a werewolf. She raised her spliced eyebrow, watching as the wolf stepped out of the bush, causing Winni to frantically pull her dog and herself back inside.

Alette met eyes with Portia who's brown gaze seemed to be begging her to take care of the werewolf while she calmed down her daughter, but Fox just popped out a cigarette, lit it, and blinked, causing the woman to close the door angrily behind her.

Silent for a moment, Alette puffed her cigarette and watched the white wolf. "You should know better than cross on pack territory that isn't yours." She said to the creature.


Portia's eyes landed on Fox for a moment, noticing that she'd stopped in her tracks, and she hissed slightly under her breath. That girl was nothing but trouble. Why couldn't she just leave? She had to come in here, jepordize her whole family, and find every way she possibly could to irritate Portia while doing it.

Portia was so engrossed in her hatred of Alette that she didn't notice the scent of a wolf she didn't know until Winni's dog was barking at it.

Her eyes widened as the creature stepped boldly out of the bush, and Portia's eyes filled with rage. If Winni wasn't standing right there, she would have shifted and taught the female a lesson about crossing onto another pack's territory without permission. Especially her own yard!

However, because of Winni, there was nothing she could do about it at the moment, so she glanced briefly at Alette, hating the fact that she had to ask the arrogant Shadowhunter for help, but needing it all the same. Rudely, the girl ignored her as though she couldn't read the look in her eyes and Portia slammed the door angrily, going back to her task of making pancakes, beating the batter a little too harshly.

"Want to explain this mom?" Portia heard Winni's voice from behind her and instinctively froze. She'd been waiting to hear that question for fifteen years now. She didn't even turn around, just let her continue while she flipped a pancake. Maybe it was something simple. Like the fact that she'd accidentally shrunk one of Winni's shirts in the wash. "Is this why you treat me like I'm five, keeping this big secret from me. Are you one of them, one from this so called Shadow World. Is this some sort of sick joke because really I see nothing funny about this."

So it wasn't something simple. The day had come. The day she'd been dreading since the very first day the Clave had dropped a little shell-shocked girl on young, nineteen year-old Portia. She flicked off the stove and turned to face her daughter, eyes instantly dropping to the letter in her hand. Following it with her eyes as she followed her daughter's pacing movements.

"I'll kill that girl." She muttered under her breath, realizing now why Alette had come over and why she'd gone so easily. She should have known. Should have checked Winni's room.

Winni then stopped and looked right into her eyes. "Who are my parents? Really I want to know because everytime I ask about them you stop talking, say they were great people but that is all. Has my whole life been a joke, a lie?" Portia held the girl's gaze firmly.

"I want the truth Portia." She said, and Portia had to take a deep breath. There were few things in the world that could shake her, and this was one of them. Her adoptive daughter Winni calling her by her real name rather than mom. As though she was a traitor. As though she hadn't raised her.

"Don't call me that." She snapped back angrily before realizing that, if anyone had a right to be angry here, it was Winni, not her.

"We were protecting you honey." Portia tried again in a softer tone. "Yes, the Shadow World is real, and there's... A lot to explain," she proceeded slowly. "Your real parents were Jason and Annamarie Bellefleur. Two very famous Shadow Hunters. They protected a lot of people. Killed a lot of demons, but they were killed when you were young, by a demon who wanted your parents, and also you. You lived, and another famous Shadowhunter named Scarlet Nightshade, a woman still alive in Seattle today, had your sight taken from you by a warlock so that you couldn't see what we see. Scarlet wanted to keep you as her own, but she was struggling through some heartache of her own, and so, the Clave, our government, brought you to me to protect. We're all werewolves here. Your father and I are the alphas."

Portia stepped forward, placing a hand on Winni's arm, holding her gaze. "But honey, your life was never a joke. We never intended to hurt you, only protect you. And it most certainly wasn't a lie. I raised you, your father raised you, your sister grew up with you, we are your family. We love you. We never lied about that."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alette "Fox" Nightshade Character Portrait: Carter Hunter Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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#, as written by Torex

Brynn was about to follow her nose into the kitchen when a howl rang through the morning. Bristling she made her way to the door to spot the silvery wolf that had crossed into her parents territory, her territory and a growl rose in her throat, what was worse, Alette was still here, and so close to Winni. After her sister and the mutt got back into the house and the door was closed she tried to settle herself. She wasn't the alpha, but being she was next in line this young female unnerved her almost as much as she did her mother, it meant competition, one thing she didn't need. When Winni pointed to the door in utter fear and bewilderment, Brynn calmed the wolf enough to be able to make sense of the reality that was happening around her.

"Look at that thing Brynn, I didn't even know we had wolves in Seattle.

Brynn didn't know how to answer that one, being that she was told the lies she should tell her sister about questions about the strange things Winni might have seen by her parents. All of the wolves at the compound knew better than to show themselves so close to Winni, so of course the girl had never seen a wolf in person. Unknowingly she let the question hang in the air as she pondered what Winni would do if she ever saw her wolf form.

As her mother retreated to make pancakes, Brynn sat on the couch, bristling as she watched the strange wolf in her front yard, well at least until Winni tore down the stares, anger pouring off of the girl as she stomped into the kitchen. Brynn silently followed her in, curiosity of what had changed Winni into a rabid beast in a matter of moments, she listened as Winni tore into the alpha like she had teeth as sharp as a wolf, and rightfully so, technically, she was a daughter of the alphas as well. Brynn leaned against the door frame and watched the exchange in unnerved silence.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alette "Fox" Nightshade Character Portrait: Carter Hunter Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by DyLAn:D

'I scared her?' was the first thing Carter thought as the girl ran into the house. The alpha female glared at Carter but she didnt care she was Pure Alpha Blood she didnt back down. But she did feel bad about scaring the girl. Carter's ear twitched then she saw a shadow hunter and Carter nodded her head at the girls statement. She knew she wasnt suppose to be here but she had no where else to go and the vampire bussiness seemed close to here.
So this is where she would stay until the vampire's who destroyed her pack were dead. Then she would return home and rebuild her pack.

Angry shouting was heard from inside and before Carter knew it she had shifted in her human. She quickly took her close out of the back pack she had around her ankle and threw them on which consisted of a pair of under garmet's, jean shorts an a white t-shirt. She through the backpack over her shoulder then rushed over to the door and knocked.

"Hello?" she called out

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alette "Fox" Nightshade Character Portrait: Carter Hunter Character Portrait: Felix Fletcher Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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0.00 INK


"Why?" Felix asked quietly, on his knees, his hands bound in duct tape. A beautiful flame haired man reached down and began to caress the hair of a blank eyed girl who seemed to stare into nothing.

"Why? Why not? It's what I do, its what we as a species do. You are cattle that can occasionally be bred to be guard dogs. You were one of the lucky ones Felix. You were to be a pure bred, I could have shown you and Rebecca off to my friends. I guess you're adamant about remaining cattle......and I had such high hopes for you."

The man leaned down and whispered something into the girls ear. He then simply smiled at Felix and walked away.

The girl produced a knife and slowly walked towards Felix with purpose. He began to cry.

"Rebecca......Rebecca..." The knife was raised high poised to strike. "REBECCAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

Felix leaped out of bed and was on the floor with a wicked looking curved dagger, sweating bullets. He realized he was poised to strike his "Star Wars A New Hope" poster. He quickly dropped his knife and fell onto his ass, putting his face into his hands. He was trying to steady his breathing. Felix hadn't had that dream in a long time. He thought he had repressed that memory. Some things stay with you, he guessed.

He heard hard padding footsteps and a mountain of fur approached. Mouse, Felix's half Mastiff half wooly mammoth, trodded his way over to him and gave him a very sympathetic look. Mouse was very intelligent for a dog, a little too intelligent. Felix patted his head. "It's alright boy, I'll be fine."

Felix stood up and looked around his room. His room was actually a side space in the Institutes garage, as he was there driver. Now, he was supposed to be working today, but he really didn't care. He was meeting Winni today for another day of sitting around trying to figure out what to do and end up indulging the first whim that came to mind.

After he got dressed in a black shirt that states "Hunt Naked" with jeans and black hi-tops, he hopped in his Jeep and reved the engine. Mouse hoped in the front seat and soon they were off.

As he drove down the many different streets to Winni's house in his aviator sunglasses, Felix thought about how cool it was that Winni was on summer vacation so they could hang out a lot more. No one at the institute really wanted to ever hang with him, seeing as he was "Mundane" and none of the human kids at his school ever really understood him. Felix honestly dreaded the day Winni found out who she was. He was afraid she would turn into one of them and see him as just "Mundane" and stop caring about him. He wouldn't be sure what to do with himself after that.

Felix shook his head and turned on the radio. That day was probably a long ways off, he would cross that bridge when he came to it.

When approaching Winni's house, he heard Mouse let off a low bubbling growl from his throat. When he pulled over and looked up, he saw a naked girl getting clothes on. His face immediately went red and he nearly got whiplash from how fast he turned his head away. He was incredibly confused at what was transpiring and more than a little curious.

When he finally ventured another peek, the girl was dressed and approaching Winni's door. He swore he heard yelling coming from inside.

As he got out with Mouse and approached the house, he spotted Fox standing just off the property. He scowled and approached her. "Fox, what the hell are you doing here? You know your forbidden to approach Winni while she's under the wolves care. You could screw everything......wait. Whats.....whats going on in there?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alette "Fox" Nightshade Character Portrait: Carter Hunter Character Portrait: Felix Fletcher Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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0.00 INK


Winni stared into her mother's eyes, she has never felt this angry before and she felt like she was going to explode. "Don't call me that." Portia snapped at her for calling her by her first name, Winni didn't feel the need to say anything about it. The women before her that she called mom has been hiding something really big and she just could not forgive her, everything about her life was a lie.

"We were protecting you honey." Her mother started talking, Winni wanted to call out the bullshit but kept quiet, juet staring as her mother went on "Yes, the Shadow World is real, and there's... A lot to explain. Your real parents were Jason and Annamarie Bellefleur. Two very famous Shadow Hunters. They protected a lot of people. Killed a lot of demons, but they were killed when you were young, by a demon who wanted your parents, and also you. You lived, and another famous Shadowhunter named Scarlet Nightshade, a woman still alive in Seattle today, had your sight taken from you by a warlock so that you couldn't see what we see. Scarlet wanted to keep you as her own, but she was struggling through some heartache of her own, and so, the Clave, our government, brought you to me to protect. We're all werewolves here. Your father and I are the alphas."

As Portia stepped closer to her, putting a hand on her shoulder Winni shrugged it off and stepped back "I can't fuckin' believe this, don't touch me". "But honey, your life was never a joke. We never intended to hurt you, only protect you. And it most certainly wasn't a lie. I raised you, your father raised you, your sister grew up with you, we are your family. We love you. We never lied about that."

"So everyone knew who I was but me, everyone knew. Uncle Ardy was in it also too huh? I don't even know what to say." staring into Portia's eyes she felt tears rolling down her cheek "how could you? Ive always been truthful to you, I looked up to you...I can't believe it". Turning around she went to leave but she saw Brynn standing there, her angered flared as she went closer to her adoptive sister, her voice raising "you knew! you knew this whole time and didn't tell me! You were suppose to be my sister! We told each other everything...well at least thats what I thought!" She was screaming, running upstairs she grabbed her camera, phone, and canvas bag, she didn't know where she was going but she needed to get away.

Running down the stairs she stopped back in the kitchen to say one more thing "you know you should take a look in my black room, take a look at my pictures. Don't follow me" she said before she walked out the door, calling for Harley to follow her. As she opened the front door she saw a blonde at the door she didn't say anything as she walked by the girl and down the path to her jeep. Her face was beat red and her hands were clenched tight. She saw Felix in the yard talking to....nothing. But as she focused she thought she saw a girl, shaking her head she took a deep breath as she opened the door to her jeep and let Harley jumping in before she climbed in herself.

Who could she trust? She thought as she pulled out of the driveway and sped down the road "how could I not know?" She asked herself, pulling out her phone as she drove. Her mother was always telling her not to use her phone while driving, she never really listened. There was one guy she knew she could call and talk to, she pulled up the guys phine number and pushed call as she sped down the road into town. When she heard a voice answer she let out a small sigh "Thomas, its Winni...i need talk to someone" her voice was a whisper as she tried hard not to cry and also pay attention to the road.


Ardyon was relaxing in his chair smoking a cigar as he waited for the news to come. He knew the clave was meeting this morning and it would only be a matter of time till he would receive a letter. "Things are definately going to be interesting Ferosia" he looked down at his white cat as he spoke. The cat just purred and went back to licking its paws.

A few minutes later a black crow came flying through the window and landed on his shoulder handing him a letter. "What do we have here Des" he asked the bird before taking the letter and reading it over. A few minutes later a laugh escaped his throat "interesting, very very interesting. Venetia will be happy" he said to no one in particular.

Taking out a piece of parchment paper and a pen and quickly wrote the lovely Queen a letter, being very vague with his words just in case someone else was to read the letter.

My Darling Venetia,
Just received some interesting news. Believe we need to meet, id rather not write this on paper. Meet at the old paper mill in an hour, Ill tell you everything that I just found out. You will be very happy I think.

He rolled up the letter then tied a string around it before giving it to Des "take this to Venetia". The crow flew out the window and went to bring the letter to the Queen Vampire. Ardy proceeded to get up and get himself together, putting on a pair of black slacks and a button down black shirt. Brushing out his hair before he put on his black trenchcoat and walked out his door. He wasn't one to ride in cars, he wasn't particulary fond of them so he walked his way to the old mill.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alette "Fox" Nightshade Character Portrait: Felix Fletcher Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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0.00 INK


"So everyone knew who I was but me, everyone knew. Uncle Ardy was in it also too huh? I don't even know what to say." On the outiside, Portia stood firm, fingers wrapped a little too tightly around the back of a chair, but on the inside, her heart melted as she watched the tears start in her daughters eyes. "How could you? Ive always been truthful to you, I looked up to you...I can't believe it." The chair snapped in Portia's fingers as Winni turned and screamed at her sister before running upstairs and leaving the two traitors alone for a moment. Portia let out a miserable moan and slumped forward into the chair, dropping her face in her hands.

She knew Brynn was still there, and it was strange to see Portia broken, but she didn't care. Her daughter hated her. She was a strong woman. Nothing ever broke her, but this might be more than she could handle. She'd worked so hard to give her daughters a better life than she'd had. She'd raised them well, and given them all the love and motherly care that she'd never gotten, and her husband had been the perfect father.

Winni's returning footsteps caused Portia to lift her head, a look of hopefulness on her face, until she saw the expression on her daughters. "You know, you should take a look in my black room, take a look at my pictures. Don't follow me." Winni said and stomped out of the house.

Portia's shoulders drooped again and she groaned, letting a few tears drip onto the table. "Brynn." She said into her hands, "I know she said not to follow her, but I don't want her getting hurt because she'd angry. Please go after her." She said as she stood slowly. She was sending Brynn out for two reasons. Mostly because what she said was true, she didn't want Winni to hurt herself, but also because she wanted to be alone.

Portia was the type of woman who bore her suffering in lonely silence. She didn't want anyone to see her hurt.

So she left the room, heading up the stairs to Winni's black room where she gently pushed open the door and stepped inside, strolling around, looking at her pictures.

Captured on the small sheets were little depictions of fantastic things from the Shadow World. Slowly, Portia sat on the floor, sifting through a pile of photos with shaking fingers.


The yelling that came from the house a few moments earlier made a smile stretch across Fox's lips. It's not that she particularly liked their suffering it's more that she was a magnet for chaos. Her mother always told her that if she didn't have something to destroy, she'd go insane. Fox flicked the ash off the tip of her cigarette and, with her vampire hearing, listened to the entire argument. Inside, she supposed she felt a little bad for causing the family so much grief, but someone had to tell Winni. Otherwise she would have found out herself. And in a much more dangerous way.

The sound of an approaching vehicle caused her to whirl her head around, black hair flicking over her shoulder as she pushed her sunglasses up slightly to see Felix rolling up. She let them drop again, and turned back to face the house once more.

It was sad really, the girl's life. Litterally everyone around her was involved in the charade. Even her human friend Felix knew more than she did. Fox had done her a favor.

From behind, she heard Felix's approaching footsteps before he reached her.

"Fox, what the hell are you doing here? You know your forbidden to approach Winni while she's under the wolves care. You could screw everything......wait. Whats.....whats going on in there?" He said, obviously just realizing the yelling from inside the house.

Fox grinned and looked over at him, and slightly up, for she was small and he was insanely tall. "I'm screwing everything." She said with a smirk, using his words. "I know I'm not supposed to be here, but since when has that stopped me? I left Winni a little note." She said with a shrug. "She deserved to know."

Fox threw her cigarette into the grass and stamped it out. "Honestly, you're supposed to be friends with her aren't you? Why is it that Portia let's everyone in the fucking Shadow World come and get to know Winni but me?" She glanced at Felix briefly. "Don't answer that."

Just then, Winni came bursting through the door and hopped into her car. For a moment, she didn't seem to see her, but then she hesitated, her eyes focusing right on her, before tearing away from the curb angrily. Fox glanced at Felix. "Should we chase her?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur Character Portrait: Thomas Linette
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0.00 INK

Seattle, Washington, seems like an unlikely place to find a faerie. Well, finding a faerie in general is unlikely if they wish to remain unfound, but that is beside the point. Those mundane people who are so enthusiastic about the faeries portrayed in films and books, the cutesy flittering things that sprinkled fairy dust everywhere might suggest that, to find a faerie, one should look in Europe, particularly in Ireland and Great Britain with their great many faerie stories and legends. However, for those who knew about real faeries and not those caricatures presented to the mundanes, they might suggest New York. Not, it may be noted, for the big city, but rather for the portal to the Faerie Realm tucked away somewhere in the area. No, Seattle, Washington, to most people, would seem like a highly unusual place to find a faerie, particularly one of the oldest ones alive... It was an excellent thing that Thomas "Tam Lin" Linette was highly unusual anyways and didn't pay much mind to such things.

Tam was currently curled up on a plush, red sofa in his apartment, gazing out his window with a thousand-mile stare into the surrounding street. The building itself didn't appear to be very special on the outside, just an out-of-the-way building that didn't have noisy traffic going by all hours of the day. However, as many of the Fair Folks might tell you, it was very special indeed. The original owner had had the Sight, one of the rare mundanes born with the ability, and, on top of that, possessed good business sense. Faeries, out of all the magical creatures running amuck right under the noses of the mundanes, tended to have quite a bit of money tucked away due to their affinity for all things shiny. So, what better way to exploit that than by making an apartment building completely without iron, a substance that poisoned the faerie folk? It had cost quite a pretty penny to not use any iron at all, but, between making a steady profit and earning the affection of whatever faerie happened to be in town, it had all been worth it.

Yes, this building had served as an excellent home-base for Tam over the years, the interior a mishmash of comfort and trendy, an eclectic collection with pieces from all over the world. All right, he'd admit to be a pack-rat, always grabbing a souvenir when he traveled, and, after five-hundred or so years, it really started to add up. Still, even ensconced in his safe-haven from the mundane (and otherwise) world, he couldn't help the prickling feeling of anxiety that was threatening to dampen his amiable mood. It was like something important was going to happen today, a premonition of sorts, and he had no idea what it would be.

He sighed, stretching out from his curled up position, almost purring like a particularly pleased cat before padding his way over to his rather impressive book shelf, fingers ghosting over the well-worn spines and titles. It was still daylight, and, given that his fun tended to happen when the moon was bright in the sky, there wasn't much else to occupy his time. Besides, nothing was happening outside and that was just boring. His hand stopped over one particular tome, almost on its own accord, and he paused, tilting his head to one side.

"Well, hello there," He chirped, lips curling into a contented smile as he plucked it from the shelf. Tam's voice was a clear sound, almost like the ringing of a bell, not deep and masculine like most men, but not feminine either. It was...odd. Like his accent held a bit of everything. "Funny I should stop on you today."

He returned to the couch, flicking open the book and settling in to read when his landline began to ring. He froze before scrambling out of his living room, into his bedroom, before diving wildly over his bed, and plucking the phone from its receiver. Even if he was a faerie, he couldn't help but appreciate some things made by the mundies, and cellphones were something he adored in particular. Instant connection with people(and things that loosely could be described as people) even countries away? Marvelous. So, yes, he liked to use his cellphone, and that's what made the landline ringing so important. He'd only given the number to a handful of people, all that he probably shouldn't miss a call from.

"Hello?" His voice was as cheerful as always, despite his mad-dash for the phone. Whoever it was, he could already hear the familiar sounds of traffic and cars whirring by- so they were driving, then.

"Thomas..." Even before she continued, Tam Lin knew who it was. Only one person in the handful of people who had this number called him Thomas- it was silly, really, but Ardyon had insisted he use his mundane name, so intent he and so many others were to keep Winni away from even the barest hint of the world hidden by her lack of Sight.

"...its Winni...i need talk to someone" She was whispering now and sounded like she might cry. He pulled a blank for a moment, struggling to remember what to do with crying girls before completely giving up.

"Well, lovely," He said, the cheer still in his voice, the term of endearment as natural as anything else, flopping over onto his back as he spoke. "I'd be happy to listen. I'm at my apartment now- you still have my address, yes? You can come over now if you'd like." He didn't really like inviting people over to his inner sanctum(when there was fun to be had, he always went outside his home whether it be to a club or to someone else's home), but Winni was a special case, wasn't she? He'd have to make an exception for her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carter Hunter Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Torex

Brynn stood in a state of shock as she watched her adopted sister tear into her mother, and she just stood there and took it. Nobody talked to an alpha that way without punishment in the pack, not even her, their own blood. Winni was always different though and so well protected, Brynn learned not to get jealous of Winni's treatment at a young age, the two girls were very different, right down to the breed. Brynn never understood what Winni was meant for because she was never allowed to know, she wondered if the alphas even knew, but one thing she did know was it was her job to protect her sister and do her best to make sure she lived a normal life, which, until now, she had succeeded at.

Brynn was snapped out of her daze when she found her sister screaming in her face...

"You knew! You knew this whole time and didn't tell me! You were suppose to be my sister! We told each other everything...well at least thats what I thought!"

Brynn didn't even flinch as her sister stormed passed her, then she heard her say something about looking through her pictures and not to follow her, but she didn't need to. Brynn had been in there countless times with Winni, trying to explain away the glimpses of the shadow world that the camera had stolen. "Uncle Ardy" had taken her sister's sight, but he couldn't do a thing about the camera. Each picture Winni took brought her closer and closer to the truth, and Brynn loved that about the hobby of hers. She could be exposed to it, learning little by little, and there was nothing the warlock could do to stop it.

Brynn hated that Ardyon had taken something so special from Winni, made the world she belonged to a secret, but Brynn could'nt disobey pack orders and reveal what was hers to begin with......she just wished Winni hadn't found out like the person Brynn was closest to hated her, and there was nothing she could do about it. Brynn was becoming more like her parents than she had thought. Her head was raging to tell Winni that it wasn't her fault, that she had wanted to tell her all that she knew......she wanted to break down and cry, like her mother was now.....but instead, she stood there, blank faced and hard as stone.....she wanted a cigarette.

She stayed silent as her mother collapsed into the table and groaned, smelled her salty tears and anguish as her head met with her hands, and heard the gravel in her voice as she spoke her name. After a moment, the alpha commanded, and the mother asked, for the protection of one of her daughters from another.

Without a word spoken, Brynn obeyed. She made her way through the living room and opened the door to find the strange girl she recognized as the wolf from earlier, rivalry and anger finally crested over her lips as she let out a warning growl to the rogue who was too close for comfort. There were more important things to take care of now. "This is not the time........" Closing the door she bristled and stepped into the driveway, picking out her sisters scent, she set off after her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carter Hunter Character Portrait: Brynn Vonderman Character Portrait: Portia Vonderman Character Portrait: Winni Bellefleur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by DyLAn:D

Carter watched warily as the girls passed her. She didnt come here for a fight so she didnt know what the one meant by this is not the time......and her growled didnt scare her off as worry filled her chest for the blonde girl.....Winni, she thinks is her name from what she heard.
Not caring about the other wolf Carter rushed to the highway where she had left her car. The ran through the tree's, branches scrapped her pale skin and she ran like lightning through the bush. The scent of pavement waffed into her nose and she bursted through the under brush and spotted her blue chevy 1969 camaro. She fished the keys from her shorts pocket and opened the door and hoped in. She started the engine and it purred. She knew it wasnt her business but something about that girl reminded her of herself so she decided to follow Winni's scent. The tire's squeaked and the engine revved as she took off.