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Hitori Ame


0 · 628 views · located in Japan- Kamakura

a character in “Unrequited”, as played by airyshiM




Name:Hitori Ame
"..Hitori means quiet...and Ame means rain.."

Age: 16
"i guess i look my age.."

Height: 5'7
"not too tall, am i..?"

"...i blame my high motabolism."

Role:Male #1 Protagonist;Childhood friend

  • Cats
  • Sweets
  • Spicy food
  • Food
  • Rain
  • Reading
  • Wandering around
  • Quietness
  • Traveling
  • Sleeping
  • Listening to music,alternative rock and classical music
"Likes?..more like loves."

  • Cleaning
  • Working
  • Flys
  • Heat
  • Milk
  • Loudness
  • Rap, hip hop,pop,metal, and country music
  • Sitting for too long

"Only human.."

Oddities: Hitori likes to add wierd things to his food, like eating a burger with carrots,
or putting chips into his Ramen..

"...I like experimenting."

Personality:Hitori is upfront, and he's a huge realist
and very laid back, but don't get him mad. He is often lazy and messy,
he's a level-headed guy and he's good at keeping his cool. He's very blunt and doesn't care
who it is, he will speak his mind, regardless of the emotional outcome, he
thinks atleast he had given
his honest input.
He's a bit intimidating at first, but after
getting to know him, he's really relaxe
d and easy going.
He can be unreasonable sometimes, and
if he's put into an arguement he wont give
in until he's prooven his point.
He does like to be alone alot..
All in all he's a kind humble guy.
really just a slob and he's very,very dense.

"You have to use logic when you argue, not oppinions."

flaws: Hitori cracks his knuckles alot, also he's not patient.

Spare time: Hitori spends his spare time after school at a cell phone shop, where
he helps customers with questions and information on cell phones for 2 hours, after
work he will often ridehis bike with his childhood friend on days he has breaks and
hang out with her, when
he's not hanging out with her, after work he's exhaugsted,
so he relaxes in his room.
A hobby of his is making
paper oragami animals.

"Nope, even if your my friend. No cell phone discounts."
Image(s)/gif(s) here

Family Members: His mother, father,grandmother, and older brother now in his second year
of college.

"I don't see em' much, maybe i should cut down my working hours.."


Future: Hitori wants to make cell phone designs
for big name companies.

"Im good with technology..and we are in the technology era so i thought i
should get into Techy stuff..But it's only a dream for now.."

Crush: Hitori isn't interested in being in a relationship.
"Highschool relationships never last, it's a waste of time and energy.."

  • Creating things. Hitori is good with a pencil
    and paper.Or..just paper.
  • He's good at soccer.
  • Surprisingly, he can sing.
"Hmmyeah, i guess im good in these areas.."

Bio: Hitori lived his whole life in Kamakura, born and raised. He lives with his Mother
Father, Grandmother, and Older brother. He goes to Seiko High, Attending this high school
with his childhood friend. They grew up together and spent evey minute of their days as chil-
deren togther. They still keep in touch but not as much as in the past of course. He doens't
know how to feel about relationships, and going out. He just ingores the fact that she likes him.

"Thats pretty much my simple as it gets..and i want to keep it that way."
Other: Hitori is often questioned for being a sadist/masochist.

So begins...

Hitori Ame's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hitori Ame Character Portrait: Tsubaki Kagome
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5:30-- Monday, February 9

"BZZ--BZZZT---" Hitori's cell phone alarm sounded. he heard it faintly opening his eyes slightly. Feeling a wave of Fatigue wash over him "...School.."Winter break had just ended. He turned his head to his left, where his nightstand was "BZZ---BZZZT--" he grabbed his phone, it was a black smart phone, one of the newest versions and model. He updated the version of his phone once in a while, since he got employee discount, he took full adavantage of it. He tapped it, turning the alarm off, he tapped on the "Text" section on his phone, he clicked on Tsubaki's name.

Hitori and Tsubaki walked to and from school together since she lived a few houses down from Hitori's, one of the main reasons they grew up togther was because Tsubaki lived pretty close, there really weren't any other kids around his neighbourhood block to play with besides Tsubaki, since the Majority of people residing in Hitor's Neighborhood were elderly, he never saw many kids. The nearest block with kids were too far, His mom wouldn't let him go any farther than to Tsubaki's house

He texted ""Hey be ready before 6:30"" he tapped send, and composed a new text " Don't make us late.(;¬_¬)"
He sent. Hitori knew Tsubaki liked him, he just didn't bring it up...ever. He doesn't want Tsubaki to feel negelected, so he text's her, hangs out with her, and acts like himself around her. But inside he feels awkward, guilty, and weird..He saw Tsubaki as, a freind and nothing more. But no matter how hard he tries he can't unsee the fact that she likes him.

He was brushing his teeth pretty fast, he looked at his phone, it was 5:49. Quickly rinsing and washing his face, he reached for a towel to dry himself, quickly wiggling out of his pajamas and grabbed his Uniform. He didn't want to be late on the first day back from winter break.

he fixed his hair, and arranged his tie, got his cell phone and put it in the back pocket of his slacks, then headed towards his bedroom door and opened it. He silently went through the narrow hall and walked down the stairs, trying not to wake his family. They're asleep at this time. Hitori didn't know what eat to for breakfast, his mom needed to go shopping. The pantry had some cereal he didn't care for, and the milk was out. But he had to eat something so his stomach woulnd't annoyingly grumble during long, silent class periods.

So he grabbed a bag with octopus shaped gummies he had started eating but didn't finish last night that were left on the kitchen counter. He walked over to the front door, put on his dress shoes and tied the laces, then pulled off his brown muffler from a hook on the wall and wraped it around his neck, he lost his gloves so he had to manage, then he put on his black blazer and opened the door. The snow was falling softly, it was very calm, " wind this morning" he thought, relieved. He closed the door behind him and set forth to Tsubaki's house. the snow crunched beneath his shoes as he walked. He let out a breath from how cold it was, a puffy smoke escaping as he breathed.

Pulling the bag of gummies out of his pocket, took out two gummies, and put the bag back in his blazers pocket, he began nibbling on the weird shaped gummies.Tsubakis house was a 5 minute walk, but it seems short. He would walk passed a few houses, he had to go through a small alley to reach Tsubaki's house, and wait at a small railroad crossing if a train were passing, which was only in the afternoons on weekends. Then he turns right, past a small conveniance store that Tsubaki and him go to occasionaly. Finnaly there are houses lined up in a row, Tsubaki's house was the third house. He went up to Tsubaki's door and rang her doorbell. He looked took out his phone from his back pocket. 6:15. "..Hope she's ready. he thought to himself, rocking back and forth on his heels waiting for the door to be answered, taking unusualy long.He tucked his hands in the pockets of his blazer, and looked up at the sky. "...Hmm."