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Unsettling Circumstances

Unsettling Circumstances


When the remnants of a squad dedicated to taking down criminal organizations are captured by one of those organizations, what will happen? And what about the other prisoners?

1,281 readers have visited Unsettling Circumstances since Nykizta created it.


In a universe resembling Earth's, human beings have progressed significantly. They have colonized several planets and with the advance of technology, crime has almost disappeared. Almost. Rather than the petty crimes of the past, criminal activity has been contained to organized crime, and within a few decades it became obvious that the police force of centuries past had become dependent upon a specialized task force called SOOC, Specialists on Organized Crime (creative, I know.) Slowly, SOOC became the dominant authority figure and over the years, all but a few criminal organizations were taken down. Now, SOOC has sent a squad of it's best to taken down one of the few remaining organizations. However, the surprise attack turned into an ambush and the squad was taken down. Now, those who were captured find themselves chained to the floor in a huge warehouse with guards, other prisoners, and their remaining comrades.

There are five worlds under human control and we have no alien contact.

Thea: Resembles Earth. Homeworld.
Heaghen: Least habitable of all the planets. Desert world with limited water and lots of solar energy. Most buildings are underground.
Yueda: Water planet with one, South America-sized continent. Humans started building on land and slowly branched out over the sea. Floating colonies with little sun.
Karnae: Closet planet to the sun and years that are equal to about five on Thea. Seasons last a little over a year. Other than that, resembles Thea. People hereappear to live longer, but they have the same mortality rate. A woman looking about fifty will pass in her sleep because she's really over 80.

It's also possible to have been born on a space station, but that's a new development and you would have to be 17 or younger.



1. I'm going to refrain from putting the normal roleplaying rules, cause I expect anyone who joins to have the common sense as to know what those are.
2. You break my rules more than twice, you're out. Hell, if you break my rules more than once, I probably won't like ya much and will be staring at your posts like a hawk. But I don't expect to have any of those problems.
3. Be literate, please. Correct grammar, good punctuation, and a decent sized post. That's all I ask. Please keep it above 200 words per post.
4. Romance is fine. Hell, it's encouraged. But if it escalates past PG-13, take it out of the forums and into PMs, please.
5. This is a futuristic roleplay, and with futuristic roleplays come pretty new toys. However, please ask me before implementing your ideas of what would fit into the roleplay. Laser guns, yes. Lightsabers, you're dreaming.
6. This is sort of contained within the first post, but I wanted to make this clear;
NOT OK: Tanya jumped on Joshua, twisting his arm back and slamming him to the floor.
OK: Tanya jumped at Joshua, reaching for his arm as she attempted to put him into a hold and get him on the ground.
After thought: Killing NPCs under your own control, be my guest. If you bowl over players, the result will be a rather unhappy Nyki.
7. There can be violence, but please limit the gorey details. You slashed him across the stomach, got it. I don't want to know what came out, thanks.


Just a heads up, there will be a plot-ish line to this RP. It's mostly character driven, but my character, Kenyon's character, and whoever plays the leader of those who captured the squad members will be moving the plot along and only we will have even an inkling as to what will be happening in the future. *cue maniacal laughter*

By the way, I DO need someone to play the leader. And there WILL be competition for roles. If you submit a profile for the captain and I accept, but someone else submits another profile for the same character, I WILL choose whichever character I think fits the roleplay best.

Playable characters are squad members, other prisoners (could be captured for future selling, some being held for ransom, unfortunate bystander the group picked up, etc. Be creative), the leader of the criminal organization, guards. You CAN make a character that doesn't fit those roles, but be aware I might reject it if I don't think it fits the roleplay.

Last, but not least, this roleplay is flexible. If you have an idea about how we should go about this or something extra about the world/technology/etc., tell me. I love new ideas. :)

And now, here are the character sheets:


Age: (Prisoners: 14-40, Squad members/etc.: 20-30)
Appearance: I prefer written description, but pictures are ok. Just remember to NOT use anime pictures, pleeeease.)
Reason for being captured: (for squad members, this is kind of obvious)
World of Origin:


Age: (20-35)
Reason for joining the organization:
World of Origin:

Current players:

NorthenSoul -- Organization leader
Kenyon -- Squad Member
LittleFox -- Prisoner (Ransom)
blockcoder -- Prisoner (Nosy Reporter)
Comrade Vacilli -- Squad Member
Nykizta -- Prisoner (Government Experiment)
Valor -- Squad Member
Nykizta -- Organization Member
Valor -- Organization Member

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in


Thea by RolePlayGateway

Resembles Earth. Homeworld.


Heaghen by RolePlayGateway

Least habitable of all the planets.


Yueda by RolePlayGateway

Water planet with one, South America-sized continent.


Karnae by RolePlayGateway

Closet planet to the sun and years that are equal to about five on Thea.

Sol's Base

Sol's Base by RolePlayGateway

The headquarters of the criminal organization under Sol.

Holding Warehouse

Holding Warehouse by RolePlayGateway

The home to all held captive.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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#, as written by Nykizta
Jayna looked around at her surroundings for the fourth time in the last hour. There wasn't much else to do and she'd done her stretches this morning. She had no will to do anything else.

It was still dark gray steel everywhere. The windows placed high upon the warehouse walls so that no man, not even the tallest, could have reached them still hadn't moved from their bolted place on the walls. And the inch thick, solid steel cuff around her ankle attached to the floor with a 2 foot chain was still attached to the same spot on the floor, just like all the other prisoners. Well, all 5 of them now. They were all placed just far enough apart so they couldn't touch, and if they decided to talk amongst each other, they'd be forced to talk loud enough to let the two guards sitting on either side of the only entrance in and out of the warehouse could easily overhear, despite the sounds of waves outside.

Jayna's eyes strayed to the three new forms that had been brought into the warehouse, narrowing in contempt, the closest thing to an emotion she'd shown since she'd arrived here. They all seemed to be roughed up, wearing the same uniform, and all pleasantly unaware of their new ankle jewelry. Course, any kind of sympathy she might have had for them was obliterated as soon as she noticed the uniforms. Organized crime doesn't usually do uniforms past the dark colors theme, which meant they answered to the government. She didn't do government anymore.

Jayna shifted her legs under her as her eyes darted around again. She suspected Sol would have fun with this lot. Three members isn't a full squad, and Jayna didn't have to think too hard as to what might have happened to the rest of them. Not that she cared. Hell, it might be the second thing she needed to thank Sol for. If she was talking. To anyone. At all.

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Terrified would have utterly been an understatement.

Loraina had given up trying to struggle and fight shortly after they'd left her home. She was a rather small girl and the man that had a hold of her was anything but. The ride to...where ever she was, exactly, was unnerving, to say the least. For the most part, she'd managed to hold her tongue and not say the kinds of things that normally got herself into trouble. Though, there were a few times the goading got to the point where she'd make an unwise comment. A frightening step towards her, at that point, had been enough to draw a small squeak of fear from her and silence her very quickly.

Bound inside whatever type of craft they'd used to travel from Yudea, she held herself together as well as she could. Not wanting to reveal just how afraid she really was. What do they want? she kept thinking to herself. There were many people, she knew, who coveted the financial standings that her father had earned but she couldn't see it being solely about the money. She really should have stayed in the other room when that man came to their home. Maybe if she hadn't smarted off the way that she had, she wouldn't have found herself in this situation.

After what seemed like hours, Loraina felt the craft land, rather smoothly to her surprise. She may have actually been impressed had the situation been different. It was but a moment later when rough hands closed around her upper arm, lifting her from where she sat and all but dragging her forcefully from the craft. She did her best to keep from stumbling at the quick and sudden pace that the man walked, failing several times. Which only seemed to earn her a sharp jerk on her arm as he moved her forward.

"Where are we?" She braved herself enough to ask.

"You're new home," the man said with a nasty smile that made her cringe and her heart sink all in the same moment. He continued to all but drag her forward into a warehouse that, to her eyes was darkly lit. Though keeping up with him took nearly all her focus, it wasn't until he had dropped her onto the ground and fastened a heavy cuff to her ankle, that she began to look around slowly.

Tucking her legs as close to her body as she could and tucking her long skirt around her, Loraina took a studious glance at the others that were in the same position that she currently found herself in. Most were unconscious. All but the one girl who was a little ways down from her. For once, thinking before she spoke, Loraina, kept silent and ducked her head, looking at her hands that were clasped in her lap, remaining quiet for the time being.

She'd already been frightened enough for one day.

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Taleth awoke with a terrible headache. He stoodup, or well, attempted to, and fell down and there was a "klunk" noise. He looked down and saw shackles around his feet. He tried to rembere what happened.... All he remembered beforehand was them running through the base, then locked inside a small atrium and shot at by many thugs of Sol. An ambush. That couldn't have happened, he only gave who was in it, then they kicked him out before he could say when and where. This wasn't the only base. However, perhaps he did let something slip. A girl had been brought in and was hugging herself. The other one was just sitting there staring off into oblivion. Nym and the sarge were still out. Did one of them betray the whole group? Or was the person already killed?

He rubbed the many bruises he had from the beating by the guards. It wasn't too bad, considering what he'd been through during training. Looking up, he saw a window that could in theory be gotten to, if they formed a human pyramid, but only assuming they managed to get the chains off in the first place. It sickened him of how he ended up in a sitution like this, he should've gone for a desk job, not one of the respected ( and hated) SOOC members. Maybe wanting to go above average a bit was good.

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#, as written by Kenyon
The raid had been, for all intents and purposes, the perfect assault. Fourteen SOOC officers with some of the most advanced equipment and weapons that money could afford under Staff Sergeant Thabit Fatin Maroun had inserted in to the perimeter via a low-level drop-ship. They had rappelled down forty feet to the ground, breached one of the entrances, and they began storming the halls of the hostile facility. Thabit had looked at it as a perfectly staged play when they had come bursting in to a small atrium with guns blazing. The lights clicked off, the emergency shutters sealed the room up, and the squad had been left in the center with now idea what was going on until the darkness was lit up by gunfire from what seemed to be every direction. How he had survived was beyond the understanding of the tribal warrior but as he looked around he was starting to regret it.

Nym, little Nym Valentine had probably suffered the worst out of any of them. Thabit could remember when the tiny young woman had first come on to his squad with fire in her eyes and determination that reminded him a little of himself when he had first joined...but it seemed like she was always too determined to make everybody happy. Thabit knew that she would probably have a hard time surviving the horrors she would most likely encounter with Sol's thugs. She was young and pretty, that was strike one against her.

Lance Corporal Taleth Cicero was another story: he was probably already planning his speech for the press after he dramatically broke the prisoners out and killed Sol. The man was a psycotic, attention-hungry, and seriously messed up individual who still perplexed Thabit as to how he had managed to stay as a SOOC field operative all this time without getting forced in to a desk job, or just out of the law enforcement field all together given his previous behavior. However, as a plus side it seemed that Taleth probably had a greater chance of fighting off the interrogation techniques of the criminals. He probably knew that the real questioning wasn't just your captors politely asking for your identification number, your name, and rank before giving you regular meals, plenty of sleep, and leaving you alone for a while before setting you free for a bribe from the police. However, he had an attitude and record that practically labeled him as a traitor from the he worried about what Nym would think if she deduced betrayal.

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#, as written by Valor
Nym ached like mad. The more awake she became, the more apparent the pain became. Where had the pain come from? At first, Nym couldn't remember but it all flashed before her eyes as she became more conscious. She could see it all clearly on the back of her eyelids, the Ambush. As the images of gunfire in the dark room faded from her mind, she became more aware of the cold feeling that chilled her left leg and arm. The curiousity about what was causing this gave her the strength to pry open her eyes - only to be met with the cold concrete floor. Well that would explain it.

Her eyes wandered as far round the room as they could without having to move. From what she could see, the room was dimly lit and the only windows in the room were high above them - way too high for anyone to reach without alot of help. She could then hear the tinkle of metal hitting metal, which once again attracted her curiousity. She heaved herself up from the cold floor, a sudden wave of dizzyness hitting her enough to make her hold her head in on hand for a moment or too. Nym could already see the bruises that dotted her pale skin, she'd seen worse than them before, and so was pretty glad that she'd escaped with just that. She would've tried to stand, but as she moved her leg, she heard the tinkle of metal again, blinking a couple of times in bewilderment and looking to her ankle to find a hefty looking metal cuff holding her down to the ground. Looks like she was staying put then.

The situation was not looking good so far, in a cold massive dark room, chained to the floor. It seemed to feel like it was getting worse as she saw that she was not the only one here. The Ambush had also brought other captives, Lance Corporal Taleth and Sergeant Thabit were here too. What had happened to the others? If they were not here, then the only other explanation for the others was that they were dead. Death was always a risk that the SOOC took, and so Nym couldn't let herself get down upon the fact that her comrades were probably gone.
On the second look round, she noticed two other women - not from the squad. Why were they here then? Perhaps they were other plans that the organization were going through with alongside keeping herself, Thabit and Taleth.

Her gaze wandered back to the others that she knew, looking at her superiors with the look in her eyes that asked well now what?

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There was a loud clang as the door to the holding area opened,the two guards posted outside chuckled and mumbled a few things to their comrades.Two more men came into view,holding an averaged sized man with short brown hair that was slightly crusted with drying blood.Despite the man's short frame,the two were obviously struggling to haul his armored form to their destination,but still they smiled as they made a few short jokes about the foolish SOOC and their useless operatives,all the while holding the limp man between them as if he were little more than a heavy rag doll. One of the posted guards shackled his leg with a chain and then moved to attach it to one of the remaining mounts in the room.
The guard came back out and nodded to his comrade and clapped him on the back and the two men dragged their prisoner into the room. As the men were readying to drop their captive the brown haired man shook his head.

Baellys opened his pale blue eyes that nearly seemed to glow,for a brief instant wondering what had happened,then he realized that he was being roughly held by two of the men that had attacked him. His whole body tensed,which took the men by surprise,for they were readying to simply throw him,before the could respond Baellys let out a savage roar and brought his left elbow up into one of his captors' throat.The man fell back gagging and struggling desperately for air as Baellys arced back with his left and hooked the other man in the jaw,a satisfying crack reverberating beneath his knuckles,he then pivoted on his left foot and went to roundhouse kick the man but staggered,he was still chained to the unyielding mount a few feet away.He turned back just in time to see a fist crash into his temple,he stumbled back,trying to regain his bearing,shaking his head he sighted his prey,only something caught him in the head.There was an explosion of pain,and it seemed as if light flashed before his eyes.He felt himself hit the ground with jarring force and lay there stunned for a few moments.
The guards quickly dragged their dead comrade,who had suffocated,out of the room and slammed and locked the doors shouting,"You're lucky the boss wants you alive!",as they retreated.

Baellys shook his head trying to clear the haze from his vision,he sat up,a bit shaky yet,and he spit a mouthful of blood on the ground,but his adrenaline was quickly soaking the shock up,looking around he noted his helmet sitting next to him.
"Bastards...with my own helmet...",he whispered as he grabbed the helmet and locked it back into place over his head.
His armor pulsed,filling the room with an eerie,blue light for a moment as it powered back up before going dark once more.

Finally he stood and took another look around the room,he noted Lance Corporal Taleth,whom he gave a dark look beneath his helmet, and Private Nym's presence first,She didn't look good and he wished that he could ease her mind as his eyes rested on the civilians,they mattered little too him.
Grimacing at the thought of having to pull them through this he finally sighted the Staff Sergeant.
He walked as close as he could and sketched a salute before crouching down into a kneel.
"Sir!",he said,glad to see at least a few others made it,"Are you all that survived and what the Hell happened Sir?!"
He was furious that things had gone so awry,and that he hadn't been where he would have been needed most,but most of all the sense,no the knowledge of betrayal gnawed at him.No one should have known where he had been going.

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"How many?"

"Four. Including the Sergeant." The man, almost twice Sol's width, bald with thick, piggish eyes, shuffled his feet.

"Really? That wasn't necessary. But four's enough," he said, taking his cigarette out of his mouth then throwing it to the floor. He ground the embers into the concrete with the heel of his boot then turned to open the door to the main part of the warehouse.

"Uh- Sol, one of them just took a chop at Taton's throat. Poor bastard's lying down in the carrier round the back; he might need to see a doctor..." said the thug, apologetically.

Sol arched one eyebrow then turned back to the door. He paused before he pulled it open, hand resting on the metal bolt.

"Take Taton down to the safe-house on E'Leth Street, then call Dr Gupta, say I've asked him to take a look." The other man nodded tentatively, as if waiting for something. "And don't worry, Monty. You can have a go at the SOOC officer once the time's right," added Sol with a smile.

Monty grinned slowly then reached out his hands in front of him, cracking his knuckles in satisfaction. Sol watched him with inward boredom but outward neutrality. "Thanks, boss," said Monty. "Wandrir's teeth are gonna be my bowling pins when I get my hands on him."

Once the other man had lumbered away, Sol threw back the bolt and walked into the main warehouse, the sound of his boots on the hard floor echoing across the empty space. It was dark in here, with only a solitary window high above them letting a little second-hand light shine into the dimness and illuminate the figures chained to the floor and the lines of Sol's face.

They were all here. The four SOOC members- fresh from their little ambush that morning. And then the two other prisoners; Berais and Mauro- both new acquisitions and, although Sol knew who they were, he hadn't yet seen them in the flesh. Still, they could wait until later.

"If you're clever," he said, his voice cutting through the hush that had fallen upon his entrance. "And I expect you to be, since you passed your SOOC training, you'll probably be wondering, how your crack squad managed to be ambushed by amateurs like us..."

Sol paused taking in the hatred and steely stares like an actor looking out over an audience from a stage in a theatre. They probably weren't used to this; the female SOOC officer shaking and bewildered in chains in the corner certainly wasn't. They had no idea of the fear that was practically used as a currency down in the world Sol in habited.

"Any suggestions?" he asked.

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#, as written by Kenyon
For the first time since he had joined the SOOC, Thabit didn't have any sort of plan as to what they should do next: not even one as simple as killing anybody that wasn't chained down right now! Nym was looking to him for a plan, Taleth was totally unreadable in both mental attitude and physical body language, and after a brief show of violence he suddenly found himself being wrongly addressed by Baellys. To be honest, Thabit had been quite surprised to see the fourth squad member appear seemingly out of nowhere in a show of violence against their criminal captors. Thabit almost envied the younger squad member for being able to make sure that at least one of them paid for the ambush. However, since he had been responsible for it, any feeling of envy for dealing revenge to their captors faded almost as quickly as the feeling had manifested.

"Did they mess with your head?" Thabit asked, obviously in sarcasm "I'm only a sergeant." He replied.

Thabit looked around once again to analyze his situation. Nym was practically shaking like a leaf since she had regained consciousness, as mentioned Taleth was totally unreadable, Baellys seemed to still be in good mental order with how he had immediately 'reported' to Thabit which showed his prisoner training was kicking in, and the two civilians in the room with them were simply a presence as far as Thabit was concerned right now. They had yet to introduce themselves, greet the four SOOC officers, or show any signs of emotion or feeling outside of fear or silence. As far as he was concerned, Thabit looked to the two civilians as total liabilities until they proved themselves otherwise. It wasn't like it mattered though because Thabit wouldn't need to break out.

"It's simple soldier: we went in, a bunch of us got shot, and now we've been captured." Thabit wasn't going to entertain their (correct) notion of betrayal...assuming they all were thinking the same thing, which they probably were.

Then the door came open to reveal the scum bag of scum bags, the king of crooks: Sol Bretton himself. The man seemed to be relishing in the harsh or fearful stares issued from the others...but he would receive none of it from Thabit. He had put on a perfect mask of indifference towards the man after having spent several years in cruel slavery before he had joined SOOC. He knew that captors often got a sick joy out of seeing fear or hatred in the eyes of those who they had imprisoned.

"Why don't you just shut up?" Thabit asked, just short of interrupting Sol's question.

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Loraina felt herself jump both times that the door had come open. The first, another prisoner being brought in, she watched surprise rising to her features as the man attempted to fight against his captors. She shuddered in sympathy as the man was thrown brutally, from her view point, to the ground. She watched the others, as they woke one by one, shuddering again at the manner in which they'd come to be held captive. At that thought, she found herself rather thankful that she'd not been taken in the same manner.

As she watched them, she folded her legs underneath her, tucking her skirt in around her again out of habit. Loraina had a bad habit of getting antsy and restless at some of the worst possible moments and this seemed to be one of them. Though obviously standing up and moving around was out of the question, she perked her ears and listened to the going-ons around her. Maybe they knew where they were at, not that it'd do her any real good, but it was a thought.

She'd been on the verge of speaking to the group as a man opened the door and entered the warehouse. She watched the man very closely and listened to what he said and then found her gaze moved around to the warriors around her, chained to the floor in the same fashion that she was. That would truly have to be one of the worst ways to end up a captive, she thought to herself, doing her best to keep her expression as neutral as possible. To be betrayed by some one who should be as close as family.

Loraina couldn't help but jump when one of the chained men spoke out harshly. She studied him for a moment before switching her gaze back to the 'man in charge'. Waiting silently to see where the line of conversation was to lead.

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#, as written by Nykizta
Jayna wasn't quite sure who she should root for in the brief fight after the fourth squad member came in. The men here made her stomach churn in disgust, but her reaction wasn't far different when she looked at the prisoner's uniform. Instead, she just stayed where she was, a statue in her part of the room. Better to not give off an impression to the officers quite yet. Then Jayna noticed the non-uniformed woman nearest her, watching everything with wide eyes. She wasn't quite sure of her opinion on this one, but at least she felt something for her. The rest of them could burn for all she cared. Well, for now. She had a feeling that if she actually talked to any of them, her opinion, but she wasn't too keen on that idea.

She turned her attention back to the fight to realize that on of the men was on the floor. She grimaced. Injuring the help... Not a good idea if you ever plan on gaining favor with the higher ups. Of course, she doubted any of these people were thinking that far ahead, even if they would 'degrade' themselves enough to talk to people like Sol. She looked on with an uninterested facade as the new prisoner settled down after being dropped.

Not too long afterwards, Jayna looked up as the door opened and the man who was obviously in charge here finally made an appearance. As he spoke, one of her eyebrows rose and her lips pursed in an amused expressions. She doubted he was paying enough attention to her to notice the expression before it left her face. She'd been right. These guys were practically toys to Sol.

Shifting her position, Jayna put her legs out almost straight in front of her, bent at the knee so she could lean forward a bit and touch the floor, yet feel protected on both of her sides. She cocked her head to the side slightly as the SOOC officer barked like an irritated dog. The amused expression lit up her face again. She didn't really care that she was losing her facade of uncaring indifference. Life outside of the institute was more interesting than she'd expected, even being held prisoner.

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Baellys grimaced under his helmet,thankful that the Sergeant Thabit couldn't see the look,he would have been cuffed for it where he had come from. He finally shrugged as if it didn't matter and leaned against the wall and looked back at Thabit.
"Well Sergeant...I'm used to addressing my superiors in such manner,and you are my commanding officer,so I call you Sir out of habit,I'm sorry..Sir.",he said sarcastically as he rummaged through one of his pockets and then another.
After a few moment he made a sound of anger and kicked the ground in a futile gesture.
"The the depths of Hell with the thrice damned gods that watch over us.",he exclaimed,as he paced back and forth in anger before stopping for a moment and taking a calming breath and returning to his silent,tact self.

He wasn't particularly happy with Thabit's response,though he couldn't blame the man for being short tempered,he wasn't happy himself,but he was also damn near dead inside,so it was easy to ignore most of his emotions.
His eyes drifted over the woman that seemed to be jumping and shivering alot and again he couldn't blame her,were he not as battle hardened he might be the same way,Hells,he'd seen full grown men piss themselves in similar situations so he had to applaud her somewhat at least.
Then his eyes fell on the other woman,was that a look of contempt,no she had no emotion in her face at all,just like he had,maybe he was getting suspicious,oh well. He shrugged once more and took another bored kick at the floor.
When the man they were after came into the room,his instinct was to leap at the man and break him by any means,but his logic told him that he was too far away,what with the chains about his feet,so he simply ignored everything his training and instinct told him to do and simply stood there,watching him warily.

"Good,glad you're still alive,wouldn't want to be denied the pleasure of just revenge."

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Taleth wrinkled his nose at the smell of burning tabacco. " Really now? We could die and you smoke. How carefree." He lazily turned to look at Sol and sarcastcily said, "No Sol, I'm actually drafting the orders in my head for your non-existent balls to be crushed to powder. You can't do crap without your little minions can you?" He glanced around the room and saw that Thabit looked a bit uneasy, but then again who wouldn't? Very short tempered also.

Then he looked at the civillians cowering, and one of them was especially creepy, she just stared at them. What, she had some special mind powers thanks to the government!? " Hey girlie, stop smirking. I've seen enough faces to know when one of them is a spoiled pampered brat who just got ransomed. I've also killed many who get in the way of the misson. Oh wait, I wasn't supposed to admit that. Who cares." Then he looked at Nym, and felt geniuinley sorry for her. it was one of her first missons and they just screwed it up to hell, but he felt the need to lecture her. " Nym, girl, soldier up. Your part of SOOC. You can't really break from just this." However, he was expecting her too. She was rather young and inexperienced and hadn't been through enough things to toughen her up mentally.

Then he glared at Sol, " Which reminds me you bastard. How did you know we were coming. I mean your information network isn't that extensive. And I highly doubt you could've stumbled upon it. What, did one of us turn traitor and stab each us in the back?" The last part was with sarcasm, but with a hint if nervouness. He had in fact told who was going to be in it, but he highly doubted there were any ties here. But if there were and Sol decided to tell who said that... no, it didn't matter. He didn't know when and where. He kicked him out and sent his men after him.

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#, as written by Valor
Nym watched as Baellys attacked the guards that hauled him in. She was kinda happy that someone got hit, but she doubted that he'd be left alone after this. He was still full of energy by the looks of things as he still held all formalities and such. If she had brought herself to speak, she wasn't sure if she could keep up formalities. Her thoughts on this subject were rejected as heavier footsteps than others rung through the warehouse. Her gaze wandered to the source of the noise, finding disgust in the man responsible. He cast his cold, amused, gaze upon each and every one of them. It chilled her as he looked over her, unable to meet his stare, instead having to look down to the ground for a few momentrs.

She ignored Taleth's comment about soldiering up. How was she supposed to be a soldier when she was stuck here? Chained down like an animal. She was handling this perfectly well in her own mind - she could've been much worse. She did manage to pull her gaze up from the floor as Taleth mentioned something about one of them being a traitor. Would one of the SOOC do that? Was there really such corruption even in the peacekeeping society? She thought that this had been one of the best places to come if she was going to help the effort to end the organized crime. She'd been told that these people would be like family - and she knew for sure that family would not sell eachother out.

Her gaze wandered to the others that were supposed to be like family, who would do that? She couldn't imagine anyone here doing that, which made it all the more unbelievable that there would be a traitor among them.

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A smile, which had begun at Thabit's hasty reply, broadened as each of the male members of the SOOC team lashed out at him one by one.

"Well done," Sol said to Taleth, with the air of a teacher congratulating a child. "But I won't spoil it for you. You can work out which one of you it was amongst yourselves."

This was such an anti-climax. The SOOC members were supposed to be some of the most highly trained on the planet; they'd killed enough of Sol's men and disrupted enough of his operations for anyone to think so. And yet here they were, three air-headed testosterone-pumped idiots and a girl, cowering on the floor. It was a shame- so much planning had gone into that ambush.

Pausing for a moment, as if deliberating whether it was worth his effort in staying, Sol suddenly turned around and moved towards Taleth with unexpected rapidity and grace of movement. Stepping well within Taleth's range, he seized front of the man's uniform, hauling him upwards violently to bring him close to his face.

"You're not special," he said, his voice like the edge of a knife. His dark eyes were turbulent and bored into Taleth's unflinchingly. "You think you're any different from that 'brat' over there? Why else would I bother keeping you alive if not for a ransom?"

Sol dropped the other man with the clank of chains hitting the concrete and stepped back, eyes calm again. It was as if some of the energy tightly wound within him had been suddenly expended, like the bounce of a spring, then just as quickly compressed, ready for when it was next needed. Walking back across the warehouse, he stopped in front of Jayna and, in an uncharacteristic gesture of semi-servitude, knelt down to unlock her chains.

"This way," he said, starting back towards the door through which he had came. Of course, there was no where else for Jayna to go; he hoped she wouldn't make things difficult. Monty was already savouring the prospect of violence and Sol didn't want to have to prevent him from doing any more harm to her than was necessary.

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#, as written by Nykizta
Jayna watched as two of the SOOC officers lashed out at Sol, especially the mouthy one. For the first time since she'd been taken from the institute, she genuine wanted to beat someone senseless, and she was fully in control of herself. She barely restrained a full out growl at the foolish man. He'd just made an enemy out of someone he reeeally didn't want seeking him out if anything turned into a battle.

At least the other one was more composed. Sort of. After seemingly searching every pocket on his person, he looked like he suddenly wanted to jump of the walls or something. She had no clue what on earth that was all about. But he eventually calmed down and didn't even mouth off at Sol overly much.

Smart man. Well, as smart as you can be and still get caught in the ambush, she thought, another amused look ghosting over her face. She always found it comical when people called her emotionless. She wasn't, most people just didn't pay attention enough to actually notice. Plus, if they did, they usually doubted themselves to the point where they convinced themselves otherwise. She sure didn't mind.

But Jayna could suppress a full out grin as she watched Sol grab the mouthy one and snarl in his face. Ah, how she wished she could do it herself. When Sol threw the man down, she realized the grin was still in place and instantly cleared her face of emotions.

When Sol made his way to her and unchained her, she almost lost hold on her mask completely. He undid her chains himself, then straightened and walked to the door without so much as a backwards glance. While she really had nowhere to go unless she wanted to stay where she was, but what was he playing at?

Jayna finally decided she didn't care. If possible, she wanted to know why she was here. What they wanted her for. She knew her appeal, but why did they think they could handle her? At the moment, she was feeling rather inclined towards Sol, no doubt having to do with the display towards the SOOC officer, so she stood and followed the man.

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Loraina listened and watched closely to everything that was going on around her. As in her curious nature, she couldn't help but want to get all the information that she could about what was going on. Though it still barely told her what they wanted with her, but it informed her a little bit about her 'cell-mates' so to speak. She watched the interchange between the uniformed man and the 'man in charge'--she still wasn't totally certain about names--listening closely and gathering information, filing it away for later, once the other man had left.

Watching the man, she saw him move towards the woman who'd scarcely let any thoughts or emotions show on her expressions. Her instinct from helping her mother with the children, and looking after her (older) brother's to keep them out of trouble, her protective nature came through and she about spoke up in the woman's defense, though quickly silenced herself. That surely would not be the smartest idea that she'd ever had. But she watched closely as the other woman followed him out. Once the door was closed, she slouched slightly, almost in defeat.

Turning her gaze back to the rest of the captives, Loraina spoke up at last, "A-Aside from the obvious, is everyone alright?" she asked though her nervousness shined through her quiet voice. She didn't know any of these people, though she somehow new it was important to learn to trust these individuals, if ever the group was to escape. "Anyone know where we're at even? Surely we're not still on Yudea?"

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#, as written by Kenyon
"I'd say that's a stupid assumption, but..." Thabit stretched out his arms, some of the first major body movement he had made in a while now "'re no cop." Thabit finished.

He looked around at all of them, then the room as he had several times already.

"Criminals, at least the smart ones, don't like to move high risk packages over too far a distance: they know that if they get us on a shuttle then SOOC officers could probably have them before they even touched down, assuming they reached orbit." Thabit said "They know that we're all probably really valuable to somebody, especially three highly trained officers, and they probably also know that every time we're not secure in a static location that they're at a greater risk of being raided."

Thabit was basically explaining the tactics of defense and hostage/prisoner management from a normal officer's handbook "If you're in a facility or building that you know then you can set up choke-points, firing positions, and traps that you know will work but if you're not in a static facility, such as a shuttle, then you need to rely more on snap-bushes or on-the-fly choke points that you can't even be sure that the enemy will use."

The flow, or rather the gush of information didn't seem to fit the build of the large tribesman. To make the clash of appearance and knowledge even worse, he had listed it all off in a seemingly dull monotone of sorts that didn't fit his physique or general appearance at all. Then Thabit locked eyes on Nym, who still seemed to be shaking like a leaf in a monsoon.

"Private, I need you to stay strong for me: just because you're chained up doesn't mean I'm going to give you anymore lee-way than I did when you first joined my squad." Thabit said, his normally glazed and piercing eyes seeming to maybe hold some sort of emotion for the younger squad member before the trace flickered away to be replaced by the same old gaze...that found itself locked on Taleth "You, however, are an idiot: I don't know why I let you on to this squad but right now I'm regretting it, because you have obviously forgotten protocol!" Thabit's voice began to rise "Not only are you just making a fool of yourself, but you're insulting other hostages!" Thabit's brow furrowed in something akin to a glare "If we weren't chained down..." Thabit simply left his threat as that.

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As Sol,their quarry and objective began leading the tact,well controlled woman out of the room he felt as if he needed to stop them,something in him screamed to stop them,but he knew couldn't,chained up as he was to the walls,just like the rest.
He stood there,watching the pair go,his eyes never leaving the girl until the door swung shut and the locks clicked back into place.
He muttered something beneath his breath and then turned to the others,his gaze sweeping over them in a brief instant.
Everything that both Thabit and Taleth had said was pointless information that any of them should have known to begin with,but at the way Taleth so quickly and openly suggested it all kick started Baellys' mind into it's natural suspicions and his eyes narrowed as he watched the man. He now desperately wished he had a gun,or even a knife,any kind of weapon on hand really.

After turning his gaze from Taleth he looked back at Nym and shook his head.
"There is no such thing as a peacekeeping society,human nature is greed and murder. All of us do evil things in the name of so called peace. You cannot fight and kill for peace,you can only do it so that those in power don't look bad and rein in those that are too weak and naive to see the truth.The only true difference between us and them,is that we're back by the law."
As he spoke,Baellys occasionally kicked with his chained leg,and pulled on the chain,testing the chain's strength and that of it's mount,even going so far as to try slipping his boot out of the ring,he wasn't going to resign himself to this fate,but after a few moments of fruitless effort he realized he had to look at it from a different angle,but something else was on his mind.

He straightened and turned back to Taleth,an angry glint appearing in his concealed eyes.
"So how much did they pay you Taleth,and why are you in here with us?"

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Sol led Jayna out of the warehouse and down a long corridor before he paused outside a non-descript door. He opened it, revealing a room bare except for a small desk and two chairs. There was no sign as to what it had been used for back when the warehouse had been functional except for the drains that were set into the floor but Sol knew it had once been where bundles of the alloy used to build the super-lightweight structures of floating Yudean cities had been sprayed with chemical coating to prevent their corrosion.

He held it open for her before going inside himself and taking a seat on one side of the table.

"Sit down," he said, simply, as he stretched his legs out in front of him.

His discovery of Jayna had been fortuitous. One of the contacts on their payroll worked as a low-level lab technician in a government facility and had stumbled across the files of a top-secret project apparently going-on within the bowels of the laboratory complex. With a reward in mind, the contact had dug deeper and had finally secured details of what was going on- a weapon. Nothing new, perhaps, except that this weapon was in the form of a woman.

Within weeks, Sol had variously paid, tortured and conned out the timing of her transfer to another facility from anyone he could get his hands on. One swift roadblock later, two of his men were dead but Jayna was his.

"Tell me about yourself," he said, with a smile. "Tell me about your life at the facility."

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#, as written by Nykizta
Jayna followed Sol, staying back far enough to have a nice, comfortable space between them. As he stopped and opened a door for her, she restrained herself from letting her disgust show. An interrogation room. Peachy.

She bristled inwardly at his command, but took the seat. As if she would have stood around like an idiot. She looked around the room briefly, noticing nothing significant or overly interesting about it. It was a run of the mill interrogation room set-up. It really wouldn't be hard to get out of the room or this entire facility if she actually tried. It's what she was made for. But she wasn't too keen on running back into the arms of the government. At least, not until she knew what these people wanted from her.

"You know what I know, most likely. I wasn't conscious most of the time. Something about being humane." Jayna kept her voice in a monotone. She'd hadn't spoken with actual feeling since the government had taken her. No reason to.

What she said was true, for the few portion of her stay at the facility. During the physical experimentation and the mental probing, prodding, and implanting, she was blissfully unaware. The last several years, she'd been at a new facility. The new facility had decided to test her limitations. See how well their programs stuck. They'd finally finished, which was why she was being transferred again.

Jayna wasn't overly against sharing information with Sol, but she didn't really want to get into the fluff, which was all she remembered. She didn't want to get into the torture sessions, endurance trials, or degrading situations. They didn't matter. She wouldn't let them. If Sol wanted information, he'd have to ask the right way, but she wasn't even entirely sure if that's what he wanted. It was entirely possible that only her abilities were wanted. It would probably be better that way as she wasn't even entirely sure if it was possible for her to give him information.

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Loraina pondered silently over the information that had been given. They were still somewhere on Yudea. That thought alone was as discomforting as it was comforting, in an odd sort of way. Thoughtfully, she tapped her nails against the concrete floor, her gaze semi-studious and distant at once. Shaking herself from the thoughts of 'what ifs' and 'if onlys', the young woman brought her attention back to the people chained in similar fashion to herself. Everyone seemed relatively unharmed, if not for the shell shocked image the other woman seemed to hold to herself. The most evident wound that Loraina could read from the men was that of their pride.

She couldn't blame them though. Her own pride had been wounded simply from her inability to take care of herself and her home, evident in the fact that she found herself at the warehouse, chained to the floor. To be in the same position due to the possibility of betrayal or even simply from a surprise ambush, a trained military man would take that as a personal blow to pride. Shaking her head, Loraina mentally scolded herself. She felt ashamed to be analyzing the actions and reactions of these individuals whom she hardly knew.

"I feel like a simpleton in asking, but what do we do now?" She asked quietly. "I know there's not much we can do but even coming up with a far-fetched plan seems preferable to sitting in tense silence or looking for a direction to point the blame."

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#, as written by Kenyon
"We wait." Thabit replied simply "We wait and we plan."

Well, the others would plan, but Thabit would stay out of it. He had been promised that the survivors of his tribe would be waiting for him once Sol had decided he was imprisoned long enough. After that Thabit would have to force the thoughts of his squad to the back of his mind, but damn it all if that wasn't one of the hardest things he had ever thought of doing right now. He had fought and bled to get on to this force, pushing the thoughts of his butchered tribe to the back of his mind as an unchangeable evil, and he had instead set his sights on to the prospect of joining the SOOC so that he could make sure to reign in crime like what had destroyed his life before the team. He had risen up through the ranks, seeing faces come and go from the same old squad, and soon he found himself with the rank markings of a Sergeant on his uniform with fresh-face recruits all looking to him for guidance.

The first thing he did?

Lead them in to an ambush. It would be understandable that it would be hard for him to turn his back on these people fully, but when he had discovered that his people were still alive the tribal warrior couldn't have thought "logically" about anything as he heard that. However, Sol had made a mistake by giving Thabit time to think...what would his people say when they found out what he had done? He wouldn't lie to them, he couldn't lie to people he had been born along side before the raid that had ruined his life. Thabit knew deep inside that they wouldn't approve, as far as they would be concerned all he had done was betray family for family: like killing your sister for your brother. He didn't want to believe that though, he wanted to believe that they would approve of what he had done. They could be convinced, right?

Not likely.

"Right now we need to take stock, rest up, find out their routine, and act on that." Just because Thabit wouldn't actively help with the plan didn't mean he wouldn't provide guidance.

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Thea by RolePlayGateway

Resembles Earth. Homeworld.


Heaghen by RolePlayGateway

Least habitable of all the planets.


Yueda by RolePlayGateway

Water planet with one, South America-sized continent.


Karnae by RolePlayGateway

Closet planet to the sun and years that are equal to about five on Thea.

Sol's Base

Sol's Base by RolePlayGateway

The headquarters of the criminal organization under Sol.

Holding Warehouse

Holding Warehouse by RolePlayGateway

The home to all held captive.

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Character Portrait: Lance Corproal Taleth Cicero
0 sightings Lance Corproal Taleth Cicero played by Comrade Vacilli
Average person who at the same time wants to be known, famous or infamously,

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Thabit Fatin Maroun
Character Portrait: Sol Bretton
Character Portrait: Loraina Mauro
Character Portrait: Baellys Wandrir


Character Portrait: Baellys Wandrir
Baellys Wandrir

A merciless soldier who cares little for the pleas of his foe,and risks life and limb for his comrades.

Character Portrait: Loraina Mauro
Loraina Mauro

Soft spoken, avid learner

Character Portrait: Sol Bretton
Sol Bretton

Gang leader, synthetic drug addict and all-round opportunist, Sol is as sharp as steel and just as cold.

Character Portrait: Thabit Fatin Maroun
Thabit Fatin Maroun

A Staff Sergeant in SOOC, Thabit is a deadly tribal warrior known as "Hanania Bishr" or "Sipper of Blood" in his tribe language...enough said.


Character Portrait: Thabit Fatin Maroun
Thabit Fatin Maroun

A Staff Sergeant in SOOC, Thabit is a deadly tribal warrior known as "Hanania Bishr" or "Sipper of Blood" in his tribe language...enough said.

Character Portrait: Sol Bretton
Sol Bretton

Gang leader, synthetic drug addict and all-round opportunist, Sol is as sharp as steel and just as cold.

Character Portrait: Baellys Wandrir
Baellys Wandrir

A merciless soldier who cares little for the pleas of his foe,and risks life and limb for his comrades.

Character Portrait: Loraina Mauro
Loraina Mauro

Soft spoken, avid learner

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sol Bretton
Sol Bretton

Gang leader, synthetic drug addict and all-round opportunist, Sol is as sharp as steel and just as cold.

Character Portrait: Thabit Fatin Maroun
Thabit Fatin Maroun

A Staff Sergeant in SOOC, Thabit is a deadly tribal warrior known as "Hanania Bishr" or "Sipper of Blood" in his tribe language...enough said.

Character Portrait: Baellys Wandrir
Baellys Wandrir

A merciless soldier who cares little for the pleas of his foe,and risks life and limb for his comrades.

Character Portrait: Loraina Mauro
Loraina Mauro

Soft spoken, avid learner

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Thea by RolePlayGateway

Resembles Earth. Homeworld.


Heaghen by RolePlayGateway

Least habitable of all the planets.


Yueda by RolePlayGateway

Water planet with one, South America-sized continent.


Karnae by RolePlayGateway

Closet planet to the sun and years that are equal to about five on Thea.

Sol's Base

Sol's Base by RolePlayGateway

The headquarters of the criminal organization under Sol.

Holding Warehouse

Holding Warehouse by RolePlayGateway

The home to all held captive.

Holding Warehouse

Sol's Base Holding Warehouse Owner: RolePlayGateway

The home to all held captive.


Closet planet to the sun and years that are equal to about five on Thea.

Sol's Base

Yueda Sol's Base Owner: RolePlayGateway

The headquarters of the criminal organization under Sol.


Water planet with one, South America-sized continent.


Least habitable of all the planets.

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