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Uptown Living

Uptown Living


The Upper East Side: home to the rich and privileged, and enough drama to last a lifetime.

6,927 readers have visited Uptown Living since royals created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


New York's Upper East Side is home to some of the wealthiest people in the world. Celebrities, heirs, CEO's and the likes call the area home and although the paths that led them to their money may differ, they share the common trait of having a lot of it. The people who reside in the Upper East Side live lives that most people would die to experience and while their social groups tend to include only those of similar statuses, some of the heirs to these fortunes brush shoulders with those of less classes in their schools. Generally, an important family name and a fat wallet can get you a seat in the exclusive schools, but without that, it's possible to be admitted if you're extremely talented in an academic, artistic, or athletic area.

Constance Billard School for Girls and St. Jude's School for Boys are the two most elite private schools in New York, if not the entire country. Although admission to the schools are extremely competitive for scholarship students, or those who cannot afford to attend on their own, it seems like if your parents can afford the nearly the annual sixty-thousand-dollar tuition fee and have a big enough name, it isn't quite as difficult. Money equals power, right? In many respects, yes, but even the largest bank account doesn't exempt these wealthy children from criticism, gossip and drama. The class of 2016 survived three years of drama, but only time will tell if they'll make it through to graduation day.

OOC Information
Okay, hi! I just want to use this little section to give you a rundown on the idea for this roleplay. Obviously, it's based off of the television series Gossip Girl and is a remake of one that I ran a few months back. I'm sure there have been other fanfics of this show on this website, as I've seen a couple on other rp sites, but I'll do my best to make this one as unique and worthwhile as possible! I would like to give credit to M95 for the face claims and for collaborating with me on ideas for the characters and roles. She's unsure if she has the time to participate, but if she does, she will act as my co-GM here.

To start, this roleplay is going to pretend that Blair and Serena and all of the other original GG characters never existed. *Gasp* I know, how horrible. I love them too but I think that it would get too messy trying to match up every little detail to meet their world. There isn't going to even be a Gossip Girl blog (at least not to start), just because I think we can create enough drama without a blog to spread it.

Below, you will notice the list of available roles. Face claims with a short excerpt on the role at listed there, but I am completely open to swapping face claims, if you have a different idea in mind. I want you to love your character and for that to be possible, I think it's helpful for you to pick exactly what they look like. To be honest, I am not picky about "overused" face claims and such because that's such a subjective term. Besides, at least on other websites, most of these roleplays die out within one page of posts so it's not like many of these characters are really used and developed anyway. Touching on that subject, I really do want this roleplay to last. I beg you not to join if you don't want to stay committed. Please don't join this if you're one of those people who have a reputation to desert roleplays a day in!!!

It's your job to fall in love with your character and create relationships that will keep your character involved and relevant, but we all need to try to include/interact with every character. That doesn't (and shouldn't) mean that your character should be best friends with everyone, but it's boring when your character is consistently left out. I've included some pre-made relationships, to get the ball rolling, but if for some reason you hate one of the relationships associated with your character, let me know, and I will do my best to alter or remove it. Additionally, please make your characters unique. Characters may be very wealthy (or not, that's fine too!) but please don't make any characters who are famous or celebrities, unless that is part of the role I created for them.

I hope that this roleplay will be very interactive and that we can all communicate and make it enjoyable! If you are interested in creating a character and participating, please post in the OOC with which character you are interested in, the hex code you will use, and what I should call you out of character if it's something different than your username, and then fill out the character sheet code and submit it! I don't want to exclusively reserve roles for anyone so until a character is officially accepted, you are free to try for the spot. You can personalize your character sheet in any way you please. Just make sure you include all of the listed sections. I would hope this is already known, but if you have any questions for me, please message me or post in our out of character thread.

The Star in the Making
[Victoria Justice FC] is a musical prodigy. As a kid, she struggled with being bullied, and music had been her only outlet. Now, she's struggling with the concept of not just speaking up through her music, but will her everyday voice, in her everyday life, as well.
{Has strong feelings for The Jock, good friends with Adeline Arnault}
Available | Taken by eiraktten

The Brains
[Brooklyn Beckham FC] is an engineer in the making. He's incredibly intelligent, and though he gets a reputation for being "lost in his own mind", he's not someone who should be underestimated.
{Good friends with Lani Ellison}
Available | Taken

The Actress
"The Liar" would have been another good name for [Chloe Mortez FC], because a lot of the things that she tells her friends about her home life is just that--a lie. She prefers to think of herself as an actress though, and a good one, at that. One day it's going to take her far, just you wait and see.
{Slept with The Charmer, dislikes/is jealous of Sydney Persson}
Available] | Taken

The Underdog
[Bryshere Gray FC] is a foster kid, and probably the last person who would have ever thought that he would end up in some elite private school. However, his athletic skills are incomparable to most, and were enough to land him a full scholarship. What he's learned over the years, though, was that getting into St. Jude's was the easy part.
{His foster parents are Lani Ellison's parents, so he lives with her. Is very close friends with Kateri Eshkan.}
Available | Taken

The Free Spirit
Kateri Eshkan grew up in the Upper East Side, and was a witness to the drama that lies within from the very start. She spent a few years wrapped up in the craziness of it all before deciding that really, it wasn't worth it. She prides herself in being free from the backstabbing and illusive life that many of her peers live, but at the same time, she knows that she can't completely escape this.
{Good friends with The Dork, Lani Ellison and surprisingly, The Bully. Used to be friends with Adeline Arnault and Sydney Persson. Very close with The Underdog}
Available | Taken by °ẞ0llisīic°

The Dork
[Tyler Posey FC] is the kind of guy who can brighten anyone's day, with his goofy and playful mannerisms, but there's no denying that he's a bit... awkward. He always struggled to get past that "pathetically-awkward-in-a-sort-of-cute-way" and hopes that senior year will finally be his chance at breaking free of that.
{Has had a major crush on The Free Spirit for as long as he can recall. Everyone seems to know besides her.}
Available | Taken by eiraktten

The Leader
She's already the president of the Student Government Association and the Debate Team, and she's not going to let you forget it. Lani Ellison is strong, independent, and vocal. She knows that her thoughts are important, and her intellect combined with her refusal to be put down makes her an extremely strong individual.
{Strongly dislikes The Bully and The Hook-Up, good friends with The Brains and The Star in the Making, and is The Underdog's foster sister.}
Available | Taken by Girl2Fine2

The Hook-Up
Whether you need weed, booze underage, entrance into the hottest night club, or someone to fake a phone call from your parents into the school, to excuse you from classes, [Avan Jogia FC] is your guy. He's not really a badass, like most "bad boys" are pinned as being, because he's usually a really chill guy, but his utter disregard for authority --and the law-- make him your one stop connection for any of your guilty pleasures.
{His "clients" include The Bully, Adeline Arnault, The Jock, The Charmer and The Actress.}
Available | Taken by StarStruck

The Drama Queen
As The Queen Bee's best friend, people like to think of Adeline Arnault as being a sidekick, a mindless follower of Sydney who doesn't have any thoughts of her own. Give it a few minutes near her though, and you know that she has a lot on her mind, and she's going to make sure that everyone knows about it. {Friends with The Party Animal, dislikes The Bully }
Available | Taken by BurningBridges

The Charmer
Maybe it's his good looks, or how he always knows exactly what to say, but there's no denying that [RJ King FC] is the definition of a ladies man, and that if he wants to get into bed with you, you're going to have to work hard to keep yourself from falling for his well-played words and good looks.
{Has gotten intimate (degree of that may vary) with The Drama Queen, The Actress and The Free Spirit, among others}
Available | Taken

The Angel
Ness Oberlin seems to be the absolute sweetest girl in all of Constance Billard. It's like people just imagine a halo to hover over her head, because she's that nice. Senior year might just be the perfect time to prove that she's more than just "sugar and spice and everything nice", though. {Friends with Jamie Parata and The Charmer, dislikes The Jock}
Available | Taken by SuperfluousBuns

The Jock
Some call him the most popular guy in school, and others think that "The Asshole" is a more fitting title for him, but regardless of what you think of him, [Dylan Sprayberry FC] is one of the best (sport) players that St. Jude's has ever seen. {Recently ended a romantic relationship with Sydney Persson, after Adeline Arnault found out that he was cheating on her with The Star in the Making}
Available | Taken by Girl2Fine2

The Queen Bee
Sydney Persson is seen as royalty by her peers, for more than one reason, but one of the major and more recent ones, was her landing a major modeling gig to jump start her career. That seemed to justify the pedestal that she had been placed on since her younger years, but as anyone at the top of the food chain knows, it's not all fun and games up there, all alone. {Hates The Jock, after he recently and abruptly broke up with her. Is unaware of his fling/feelings for The Star in the Making.}
Available | Taken by StarStruck

The Secret Keeper
Jamie Parata is known for being great with advice and allowing people to feel like they can trust him with anything. Little do they know, though, that he's got a major secret that's weighing heavy on him, too. {Has very few enemies, but is especially close with Ness Oberlin and Lani Ellison}
Available | Taken by SuperfluousBuns

The Bully
[Elizabeth Gillies FC] spent most of her youth being bullied for various things, but most recently, her sexuality, once she came out as being homosexual in middle school. As theories seem to suggest, those who are abused may often turn into the abuser once they grow into themselves, and ever since she declared to herself that she didn't give a shit about what people thought about her, she's taken on a much more cynical personality, in order to prevent herself from ever being taken advantage of again. {Is very friendly with The Hook-Up, has been infatuated with Adeline Arnault for quite some time, but has tried to reject the feelings by being especially rude to her.}
Available | Taken by M95

The Party Animal
[Dylan Sprouse FC] is part of the popular crowd, but many people attribute this only because the other popular kids like to use him. He's constantly throwing parties and always seems to throw the parties that go down as the best ones that year. {Has had a crush on Sydney Persson for years, but has never been able to act on it seriously and romantically, due to The Jock's involvement with her, but recently developed feelings for Ness Oberlin}
Available | Taken by royals

Code: Select all
[size=110][b]Full Name:[/b]
First, middle (if applicable) and last



The roleplay will begin on September 5th, 2015 so you can use that to match their birthday up with their current age.

[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]


[b]Character Role:[/b]
Whatever role you chose from the list[/size]
[hr][/hr][center][size=300]Personal Life[/size][/center][hr][/hr][right][img]gif[/img]
Describe their family members and relationships with them.

[b]Home Life:[/b]
Describe their upbringing and history in general.

[b]Academic Career:[/b]
What got them into the school - Academics? Money? Sports? How well do they do academically? What clubs/sports do they belong to?

[b]Future Plans:[/b]
Do they plan on going to college? If so, which one? Career aspirations?
Include good and bad traits. No one is perfect and no one is totally flawed.


[b]Bad Habits:[/b]


[/size][hr][/hr][center][size=300]Physical Description[/size][/center][hr][/hr][right][img]gif[/img]
[img]gif[/img][/right] [size=110][b]Face Claim:[/b]



[b]Hair Color:[/b]

[b]Eye Color:[/b]

Anything else you think is important[/size][/font]

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson
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0.00 INK

As with many of her moods, it didn't take long for Adeline to get over the bad one that she was in following Thursday's lunch. She held her grudge for as long as possible, and surprisingly, long enough to get something out of Sydney that was as close to an apology as one could get from Sydney, and then she moved on. She had other people, like Cassidy and Ness and Anissa to worry about, so icing out one of her best friends who always got her way in the end anyway seemed futile. Besides, with Hunter's party being something that she was able to look forward to, Adeline managed to get through Friday without too many issues. Additionally, her day had gotten even better when following school, she had done some retail therapy and picked out a couple possible outfits for Sydney's party on Sunday. She detested having to wear white, though it was customary for any Labor Day party, but she hoped that by Sunday, she would still like the options that she had chosen today. If not, she would likely end up sulking through the party, downing alcohol in one of the outfits that she hated, or if she played her cards right, she would sneak out undetected and get back to the city, where she would be able to sit in bed and pity herself. Neither option seemed fun, and she was genuinely excited to attend her first annual summer-related event with her girls, after being gone all summer. Sydney's Labor Day party was always a good one and that was just what Adeline needed, some good, and easy fun. Hunter's party tonight was going to be completely different than the one that Sydney had spent months planning, but it was quite possible that at least in Adeline's world, his would allow her just as much fun. After all, all it took for Adeline to have a good time was some alcohol, music, and friends.

Getting ready at Sydney's house had been surprisingly enjoyable, too. A lot of the time, when they were at Sydney's, the blonde seemed uptight or on edge, and usually, that went hand in hand with her mother being present in the house. Tonight, Mrs. Persson wasn't home, and so between Sydney's nicer mood, and the fact that Adeline had consumed to glasses of lemon vodka and seltzer, she was ready for tonight. She was hyped up and excited and in that overflowingly bubbly mood that she was known for (when she wasn't having a mental breakdown over something petty). Adeline had only begun to wonder what Sydney was going to do when she ran into Liam, when they got into the taxi. This thought had only occurred, too, because she wondered what she was supposed to do when she saw him. Sydney had made it clear as water that she didn't want anyone even acknowledging Liam, but Adeline got flustered easily. If he said hello to her, she wasn't sure how she would react, since just blatantly ignoring him would feel so unnatural to her. It left her feeling a bit uneasy, and then remembering that Hunter's last party had been interesting in more ways than she wanted to recall, left her good mood being on the brink of extinction. However, she did her best to push those thoughts to the side. Who knows if Ness is even going to be here tonight? And I haven't seen Cassidy all afternoon, so even if Ness is there, as long as Cassidy doesn't show her ugly and unwanted face, I'll be fine. She's the only one who's so obsessed with whatever happened that she continues to bring it up and hold it over my head, as if I killed someone! It's not like Ness is chasing me down about it, so I bet she was probably just as drunk as I was! She probably even doesn't remember it... but not in a bad way, like she forced herself to forget it because it was a bad kiss! Obviously I wouldn't care if she did, but I know it wasn't a bad kiss. But it doesn't even matter, whatever! As the voice inside of her head refused to shut up, Adeline occupied herself with humming along to the music that was playing from the car's speaker. When she finally quieted her mind down and focused again, she reached over and clasped Lani's hand between both of hers. "I bet Hunter's friend Evan is going to be here again. Remember him, Dee? You should totally get with him tonight! Remember how into you he was last year? Don't you think she should, Syd? Totally do it! Totally do it! But only if you want to... but totally do it!"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison
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0.00 INK

Sydney hadn't allowed herself to feel anxious for Hunter's party at all, over the past two days, but now it was getting to her. She had avoided Liam since school had begun, and it hadn't taken that much of an effort to do so. Anissa was another story, and after lunch on Thursday had ended in Adeline leaving before she could eat the food that Sydney had ordered for her, Sydney had made sure that that the waitress had packed that tray of food in a "doggy bag", and delivered it, along with a note that Sydney scribbled onto a napkin, reading, "for the bitch who apparently loves my sloppy seconds. eat up! xoxo Syd", to the table that Anissa was sitting at, once she and Lani left. It was petty, but Sydney didn't really care. What it was for her, was the easiest way to signal to Anissa that she was a dirty slut who had been found out, and that unless she completely faded out of the social scene on her own, Sydney would ensure that it happened on her terms. Could she have called Anissa privately? Texted her? Walked over to her table and asked to speak with her in private? Of course she could have, but Sydney wasn't going to play like that. She wasn't going to be civil towards someone who had done something unspeakable to her, and being petty was just an easy mechanism in proving that Anissa had challenged someone who couldn't be defeated. In reality though, Anissa didn't owe her her loyalty. It wasn't her who Sydney had trusted and been in a relationship with... it was Liam. He was the one who was supposed to be faithful to her, and he had betrayed her, and that was probably why Sydney didn't want to see him, while she was almost eager to see Anissa, in order to shut her down even more. Liam had hurt Sydney, and seeing him would remind her of those vulnerable feelings, while Anissa's actions had only surprised her, and not elicited more emotions than rage, from her.

It had been easier to tell herself that she could still ignore Liam's presence, despite knowing that he would most definitely be at Hunter's, as she sipped on rosé back at her house while getting ready with the girls. While she had considering going all out and wearing something fancy or revealing, knowing how casual Hunter's parties could be (and also not wanting to seem like she cared or was trying too hard), she chose a casual, yet classy outfit, with the denim choice suggesting that she was ready for the fall weather that hadn't hit New York yet. Sitting in the back of the limo now, she tried to keep herself composed. It was what she did best, after all, and she was making an extra effort to do so tonight, as to not ruin her friends' vibes. Adeline's exuberance brought a smile to Sydney's face, as she hoped that this was just the normal bubbly side of Adeline, and not one who had already had too much to drink. "She's right, Lani," Sydney nodded, returning her phone to her bag, as to signal that she was done with being distracted with it, since she had been for most of the car ride. The smile that she sent Lani's way showed that she was only partly being serious, and partly just purposely playing into Adeline's pushiness in a playful manner to put Lani on the spot. "Evan definitely gets my approval for you, for the night. Wait, did you actually ever end up hooking up with him last year?" she questioned, curiously. This was the type of conversation that she needed to distract herself.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK


Mood: Amused Outfit Location: Taxi w/ Adeline & Sydney

Without having to take care of many of her Student Government Association responsibilities thus far, Lani had had a pretty decent first week of school. It wasn't a full week, for which she was grateful, but it was enough to assauge any worries she had about how the upcoming school year was going to be. The classes were pretty straight forward, teachers seemed to know what they were doing (and were less excited to be back than the students, but that was neither here nor there), and she was ready for the rest of what was to come. She probably wasn't as ready for the college application process and all that that entailed, but for now, Lani was pretty good. She was somewhat secure in not having any issues with Jamie for now, she had even gotten the ice cream with Ness after school the other day, and after school today, she had managed to get a pretty sweet manicure and matching pedicure at the Cornelia Spa at the Surrey with her kui fefine upon the older woman's return from Lanai. The skin softening experience of the Honey Harmony treatment along with the manicure and pedicure left her feeling readier than ever for Hunter's party. And if she happened to have chosen a much more licentious attire for the evening in lieu of her feel-good mentality, well, that was also neither here nor there. Her skin was super soft, her makeup was still more relaxed than a good number of her classmates' usually were on a good day, and she was in a great mood. Lani felt like she deserved to show off every now and then. Plus, conditioning in these last few weeks for the upcoming volleyball season had her abdomen just slightly more defined than its simply flat quality from earlier in the summer and Lani felt too proud to hide.

As a last minute decision on the way to Hunter's party to have a nail post for Instagram, Lani had just finished adding the faintest hint of a filter to the pic she had chosen when Adeline grasped her free hand, and the excitement from the other girl had Lani grinning widely. For the sake of the group, Adeline's better mood in the last few days had helped significantly. Sydney had slowly become less cold towards them and while Lani knew this wasn't the end of her rightful reaction towards Liam's fuckery, Adeline also being of a bad disposition did no one any favors. And Lani preferred the brunette the way she was now - exuberant and vivacious. Which was why she only laughed when her friend exclaimed that she obviously needed to give Evan a chance. Her laugh only continued when Sydney decided to hop on the let's-hook-Lani-up brigade. "Thanks, mom, I'm so glad I have your approval," she sarcastically joked, leaning back a bit more in the backseat of the taxi they took. Lani's laugh simmered down to chuckling before she bit her lightly glossed lower lip, humming to herself before grinning again. "And we may or may not have...indulged ourselves a little last year. But I didn't sleep with him!" The insistence was genuine, despite the laughing smile on her face. Because she didn't sleep with him. That didn't mean Evan had walked away completely unscathed if the plethora of hickeys Lani had left behind in their makeout session had anything to say about it. Evan had ended up being really cool later and while Lani had never slept with him, it wasn't like she hadn't entertained the idea of it. She also wasn't against it. However, if she was doing any hooking up, then both her friends had to be up for it as well. "But I better not be the only one letting loose tonight. I have two very hot and gorgeous friends who better not be lurking along the walls when there are probably gonna be hot guys all around," she exclaimed, a pointed look at Adeline before her gaze fell on Sydney. "And as much as we're avoiding speaking on it, the way I see it is this...the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else...or on top of it. Or you can use them to make a point, I don't really care. You can pick and choose, queenie, but anyone who manages to get Sydney Persson interested enough to stare at them more than her drink gets my approval for the night." She stated the last part with a wink, grin returning at the thought. For one, Liam was going to eat his heart out because Sydney was just always gorgeous and he was missing out while being an unworthy douche. But two, the idea of either of her friends hooking up and having fun was definitely something to enjoy. Especially if Lani got to hear about it later.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Avan Harrison Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett
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0.00 INK

#, as written by la.lune

Coating her bottom lashes with a thin layer of mascara, Nova smiles into the mirror, finishing up her minimal makeup routine for Hunter's party. It was rare to see the girl wearing much makeup and due to her natural attractiveness, she liked to keep it simple. While to school she'd really only wear mascara and a coat of lipgloss, parties were the rare time she'd put on a nude lipstick and dust some highlight onto her cheekbones. The look was still light compared to most, but definitely out of the ordinary for Nova. Her outfit for the night was also a change from her typically casual yet slightly preppy attire and Nova had opted for a black lace vest top and tight, wet look jeans with a pair of killer black heals and a faux leather jacket (she'd never wear real leather - that's just wrong). Keeping her hair as it naturally falls - long and wavy - Nova gives herself a once over before grabbing her red bag and heading out of her room.

"And where do you think you're going?" A voice calls out to her as she passes through the kitchen and Nova sighs, turning on her heels and giving her step mother a tight smile, "A guy at my school is having a party and I-" Before Nova can even finish her sentence she's cut off by Rose, "If you think I'm letting you leave this house you're delusional," She barks, moving closer to Nova, her usually delicate features contorted into a deep scowl at the younger girl. "You're lucky I even let you stay here, you know if I had it my way you'd be back on the streets with that whore mother of yours." Nova takes a step back from Rose, a pained look on her face at the mention of her real mother. "How long are you going to hold that over me?" Nova bites back, feigning nonchalance to cover her hurt, "As if I care, kick me out if you want, and I'll tell everyone who my real 'whore' mother is." Knowing she'd backed Rose into a corner, a small, sly smile slips onto Nova's face as Rose's expression turns from anger to conflict. "You little brat," She mutters, knowing full well that if Nova were to expose her true parentage, her reputation and social standing would be down the drain. "Fine, go, but don't you dare come stumbling in during the early hours and wake me up." Rose hisses before finally backing off.

Sending Rose a wave and sarcastically cheery "Bye, mother." As she steps out of the house, Nova breathes a sigh of relief once she's shut the door behind her. Feeling a cool night air on her skin settles Nova's mind and she makes her way toward the black car waiting for her. She'd phoned ahead and booked Rose's chauffeur without the woman realising, and hoped she wouldn't find out. Ducking down into the car and finding a seat on the plush interior, Nova is greeted by her first friendly face of the night as the car speeds off. "Miss Blanchett, so nice to see you again," The driver, George, smiles at her in the mirror. "Nice to see you too, Georgie," Nova giggles, happy to be back in the company of her father's old chauffeur - and someone she had spent much of her childhood with. Brushing a blonde strand from her face, Nova relaxes back into the car seat, letting the excitement she felt at heading to a party overtake the sad thoughts Rose had placed into her head. "Where might you be heading then?" George pipes up, making conversation but still with his eyes placed firmly on the road ahead. "This guy - Hunter - Is having a kind of back to school party tonight," Nova explains, checking the time on her phone to make sure she wasn't too late (but wasn't too early either). "Ah I see, don't do anything I wouldn't do!" George chuckles, his infectious laugh spreading to Nova as she joins in with her soft laugh. "So I can do anything then huh?" Nova teases, "Don't forget, I've heard the stories about you when you were my age." Nodding his head admittedly, George gives Nova a quick wink before settling back into driving.

Picking up her phone, Nova decides to text Ness to see whether she's already there or not - She didn't want to be stuck in a room full of jocks and airheads all night. Remembering Avan too, she texts to see whether she could pick up tonight or not.

To: Ness
Please tell me you're going to Hunter's, I don't wanna be stuck in a party full of Sydney Persson clones by myself :-(

To: Avan
Think I could get what I asked for tonight? I'm omw to Hunter's and I figured you'd be there too.

Putting down the phone, Nova rests her head back against the seat and lets her mind drift to thoughts of the party and what mischief she might get up to tonight.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Koch Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by royals
Hunter was too used to the crazy things that tended to happen at his parties to really be fazed by what was going on tonight, but he wasn't an idiot. When Trevor McNamara accidentally dropped a bottle of beer, sending alcohol and glass shattering all over his kitchen floor, he threatened that he was going to kick the guy out if he didn't clean that shit up that minute. When Kelsey Taylor, a girl from another private girls school in the city, got drunk on two shots of tequila, and became so careless that her cup of cranberry vodka spilled all over one of his couch cushions, that he knew his mother had just had reupholstered, he warned her friends that if they didn't take better care of her, and she didn't stop drinking, she was going to have to leave. He was a chill guy, and being relaxed and all about the fun was basically what he was known for, but at the same time, he wasn't stupid. His parents weren't going to be back home until Monday night, but he was leaving Sunday morning to go out to the Hamptons, so that meant that he only had tomorrow to clean up his entire house. And considering that he was already more than a few beers in, it was likely that he would end up sleeping into the late afternoon tomorrow, and therefore cut back even further on the time he had to redo his house if his friends left it in shambles. Luckily, most of the people here were classy enough to know not to trash his house, and he (possibly stupidly) trusted them enough to really give the guests a lot of freedom. Although the majority of his guests were currently located on the rooftop terrace, and in the room right below that, which had originally been a large bedroom space, but had since been converted into a "man cave", there were some floaters on all five floors of the house. Hunter didn't mind, since he was content with the "ignorance is bliss" motto, and knew that as long as he couldn't see anyone causing trouble, he couldn't blame himself for not stopping it. Besides, once he had realized that Ness had arrived, he became even more comfortable with remaining on the rooftop.

Even when he and Liam had crushed it in the game of beer pong that they had been playing, and were supposed to verse their next set of future-losers, Hunter couldn't focus on the game. "Man, count me out for this round. Gotta do some mingling. Y'know, fulfill my host duties," he reasoned, slapping the guy on the shoulder in a friendly see-you-in-a-bit sort of way, before departing from the guy. It seemed like a safe move to make, considering that there were bound to be a bunch of guys ready to jump into Hunter's spot, seeing as being Liam's partner basically automatically meant that you were going to win the game, and therefore be able to gloat in other people's faces. Plus, Hunter hadn't noticed Sydney around yet, and he knew that given how he was, he definitely would have noticed if she was here, so it seemed safe to leave his friend. It wasn't that Hunter felt like he couldn't trust the two of them in the same space... but more so, he didn't know what to expect from the two of them being in the same space. He had seen Sydney only a couple of times over the past few days, and none of those times had involved direct person to person contact between Sydney and Liam, and, well... given how little he knew about what had really went down between them, thanks to Liam being so damn casually dismissive about it all, Hunter just felt like he wanted to be there to simmer down anything that could possibly happen. If he thought a stained couch cushion was a night-ruiner, having one of them push the other off his roof would be in a league of its own, and given those two, you could never be too surprised.

"Hey Ness!" Hunter greeted, a tad more excitedly than he had originally planned on it sounding, before looking to Jamie and offering him a more casual, yet still friendly nod of his head. "What's up, man?" He continued just a second later, looking more at Ness now. "I'm glad to see you two here. I didn't see you around at any of my little get togethers over the summer. Thought that party last spring scared you off for good," he laughed. "But what've you been up to all summer? I'm gonna head downstairs to grab a drink. We've got the keg up here, but all of the bottled beers and the liquor and stuff are down there, so we can keep it cold. You two want anything?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison
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"Mom is not looking to get under anyone any time soon," Sydney declared, rolling her eyes playfully, as she mockingly exaggerated the moniker that Lani had given her. It wasn't her fault that she felt the need to give her stamp of approval - and sometimes unapproval on the people that Lani and Adeline sometimes chose, especially given how a lot of the time, the two of them were already a few drinks in by the time that they set their eyes on them. She was just looking out for them, not trying to be too controlling. That was how she saw it, at least. On a more serious note, hooking up with someone was the last thing on Sydney's agenda for tonight. She just wanted to survive a night in the same space as Liam, to prove to herself that she was over him and didn't need to give a fuck. Because why should she? Why should she waste another thought, another moment of her precious time, on that lying, cheating son of a bitch? Who cares if he had been good to her before that, or if they had chemistry that Sydney was sure she would never feel again? It was over now, and she needed to focus on herself. It was safer that way. No one could break your heart if you didn't have one. "But I will be fully supportive of whoever you two choose, as long as you're not wasted when you do it. Can we please not get out of control tonight?" she requested, sending looks in both girls' directions, but holding it longer on Adeline. She hadn't seen Adeline in months, so she hadn't had to deal with a drunk Adeline in months either, but it wasn't hard to forget just how intoxicated the girl could get, given her drinking habits. She liked to drink, and drink, and drink some more, and while she was fun as the buzz was growing, once all of that alcohol hit her, she quickly became a mess. In order to keep the mood up for now, Sydney left her voice light, rather than accusatory, as she added in, "My arms are still killing me from my kickboxing class Tuesday, so there's no way that I'm carrying either of you home tonight... and on that note, both of you are going to start coming with me to those classes! Like they literally offer the best workout that I've ever gotten, and I'm tired of going with Rebecca Hill and her friends."

Unlike Sydney, Adeline wasn't opposed to hooking up with someone tonight. She doubted that she would find anyone quite as delectable as Lani's Evan would be, but once she got a few drinks in her, all of the average looking people quickly found themselves nearing a 10/10 in Adeline's book. It had always been difficult for her to act on wanting to hook up with anyone, due to her own insecurities, especially physically. Even after her summer of positive growth, she wasn't over that, so she doubted that anything would actually happen unless she was really gone. While she almost hoped that she got to that point, despite Sydney's warning look, she also knew that it could be dangerous, given what happened last time, at Hunter's party, when she had gotten like that. She reassured herself that Ness wasn't going to be here this time, so there was no way that it would happen. That was the first time that she had ever seen the girl at any of Hunter's party, so it had to have been a one time thing. "I'm so down for kickboxing! I'll have to figure out a new day for my yoga class, since I like to do that on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, but whatever, I'll work it out," she agreed energetically, because doing her best to seem casual as she glanced towards Lani, just as the taxi slowed to a halt outside of Hunter's townhouse. "So, are Jamie and his friends coming tonight too? Like Ness and those weird theater people?" The "weird" had come out in a way that was all too naturally thoughtless for Adeline, but had purposely been added in this time, in an overcompensating sort of way, as if she thought that they were going to be suspicious for her asking a very normal question. "You better not ditch us for them! This is the first time we're partying together in like... forever!" She was waiting for Lani's answer, but stepping out of the car as she did so. With her bag over her shoulder, and her dress straightened out, she waited for the other two girls to get out, but more so, for Lani's answer.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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xxxxEven with an express invitation and a close friend at her side, Ness feels somewhat nervous about being here. It's not necessarily a problem with the drinking or the chaos of some of her peers, but the butterflies flitting about her stomach as the scene reminds her of a few months prior. A girl stumbles past clearly having pregamed before coming, and for a second Ness nearly mistakes her for Adeline, though of course it isn't. Lani and her friends would never arrive a moment sooner than fashionably late. Without a doubt they are finishing up putting the perfect touches on their outfits. Ness, meanwhile, had given up trying to run her fingers through her hair before Jamie forced her out of her room, and had worn one of her self-made dresses- a free flowing slip of a thing.

xxxxHolding an empty red cup in her hand (drained of it's non-alcoholic pepsi-brand contents), she can't help but let her eyes flicker about from group to group. Clearly she's being less than subtle about it, as Jamie grows impatient with her fidgeting within fifteen minutes of them arriving. "Who are you looking for Ness? I'm feeling antsy just watching you," he says, his own cup in hand. His drink, however, is not non-alcoholic. Ness turns bright red at his words and spins to look at him, light on her feet.

xxxx"Lani! She's definitely coming," Ness lies poorly, but Jamie elects to overlook it. Instead, he smiles at his friend and decides to try and help her relax at least a little bit, as this on edge look is sort of unsettling in the normally bright and somewhat unaware girl.

xxxx"She'll get here when she gets here. Now come on, Ness, I know you want to dance," he's not wrong, of course. Ness has always loved dancing, especially when it is the type that requires no particular synchronization or extreme flexibility. She smiles, breaking through the stiffness of her previous expression with a far more sparkling, more familiar Ness. Without a word she has grabbed Jamie by the hand and dragging him towards the music, making the young man slightly regret his choice. He isn't actually much of a dancer.

xxxxIt's a little while longer, with a time lapse in which drinks were spilled and glass broken, when Ness and Jamie have found themselves on Hunter's rooftop. By this point, Ness has taken the chance on a drink, and is clearly far more at ease than she had been at the beginning of the party. She's just enjoying the fresh air against her face, somewhat heated from moving around and being in a crowded space.

To: Nova
Already here! I'm on the roof, when you get here!

xxxxShe's just sending the text when a familiar face walks up to them to say hello. "Nice to see ya," Jamie responds, eyebrow slightly raised in that way it quirks when he's somewhat curious about something. "Ah, sorry- I'm not really used to this scene I guess," Ness confesses, but pauses when he mentions worrying that they may have been frightened away. There's no way for him to know what happened, and even if he did it's probably incredibly normal at his parties so Hunter wouldn't blink an eye at it. Still, it was strange for Ness and thinking about it again reintroduces butterflies to her internal organs.

xxxxThis sudden feeling of nervousness makes Hunter's offer of a drink far more tempting than it might typically be for Ness. "Yes, actually! Um. What do you recommend?" unversed in most drinks beyond the occasional wine or champagne, she doesn't have a specific request to give. Jamie gives her a somewhat surprised look, but he recalls a conversation during the summer in which she had mentioned wanting to branch out and experience more new things. Perhaps this is one of those things. Still, he makes a note to keep an eye on Ness just in case. She's exactly the sort to get into trouble when she has had a few drinks, he can already tell.

xxxx"How about we walk down with you?" he suggests, wanting to make sure Hunter doesn't pick out something too strong for Ness.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Avan Harrison Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett
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It was a lot easier to get away with a lot of things when you lived in a townhouse over an apartment, which was why Hunter's parties were always fun. They could play music as loud as they wanted, and as many feet could be stomping on the floor without any worries of angering a downstairs neighbor. The roof could be flooded with underage drinkers and kids smoking weed, but as long as no apartment company was liable, no one seemed to care. It probably helped that they were in a neighborhood where everyone had connections, and the police knew better than to bother certain people, but regardless, Avan rarely had any worries about his involvement in what went down at Hunter's parties. That was why it was so easy for him to sit on one of the couches on the rooftop, Cassidy by his side, and casually roll blunts for any kid that walked over with ten dollars in their hand. It was fast money, and since he had given Hunter his fair share of free weed over the years, it was an arrangement and understanding that worked well on both ends. While parties like this were good business opportunities for Avan, it was also just a nice time to socialize, like any other person would see it to be. With a cup filled with cold beer from the keg, Avan was having a pretty decent night, as he and Cassidy played one of their typical wallflower-esque party games, where they predicted everyone's fate by the end of the night.

"Okay, but what about that girl?" Avan asked, after they analyzed the boy sitting beside her, a couple of feet away. The girl was seated on his lap, already heart-eyed over whatever he was whispering into her ear. "Easy," Cassidy decided. "She has until ten o'clock before she's on her knees in one of Hunter's bathrooms, and then until nine in the morning tomorrow before she's rushing to Duane Reade to pick up Plan B." That was a predication that wasn't the worst that he had heard come out of Cassidy's mouth, but it was still bold enough to warrant a laugh from him. "I don't know," he challenged, as he leaned back into the outdoor couch that they were sitting on. "Her friends only left her, like, what? Ten minutes ago? I bet by the time they get back up here, they'll realize she's on her way to becoming the next star of 'Teen Mom' and they'll nix it before he can get to any of the bases." While it wasn't all that the pair did, Avan and Cassidy seemed to enjoy people watching more than actually socializing. If either of the two could claim that they did more direct socializing, it would definitely be Avan. It was just necessary for him to be a people person, in order keep a healthy clientele number and keep his sales up. Besides, he would tell you that a plank of wood had better socialization skills than Cassidy did.

"I don't think so," Cassidy argued, shaking her head before downing the last drops of her drinks. Despite knowing that the cup was empty, she peered into it just for confirmation, before frowning slightly. "But for now, our game's on pause until you come back with my drink refilled. Rum and coke, por favor," she said, an obviously fake smile appearing on her face, known as the one she used when she wanted someone to do something for her. She couldn't help that Avan caved for it. It was either a very convincing smile, or he just knew that he wouldn't hear the end of it until he refilled the drink for her. As he stood up and headed towards the door that led to the staircase which would bring him to the floor below the roof, which housed the man cave looking room that a lot of people tended to populate too, he got a text from Nova. He had left his bag with the more specific orders under Hunter's bed downstairs, after getting permission from the host, and was glad now, that he had brought the drugs. He had brought more than enough of the Adderall for Nova and Adeline, plus some other drugs, including the cocaine that Cassidy wanted for Adeline. All he saw was dollar signs, no guilt. At least not right now, as he typed back a response to Nova reading, "Yeah, sounds good. I'm on the fifth floor by the bar. If you wanna meet me up here, we can head downstairs together so I can grab them for you. You with Adeline by any chance?" Avan didn't want to necessarily give away that he sold to Adeline as well, but he figured that she and Nova were friends, so maybe she already knew that he did. Besides, it would safe time for him to get both sales done at once.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Liam Koch Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin
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Mood: Amused Outfit

"I was the one who told you hanging out with Hill was a bad idea. You didn't listen," Lani pointed out to Sydney with raised eyebrows, smirking at the thought of Sydney dealing with the girl and her merry band of followers. Luckily, they were at Hunter's place where a decent rum and coke was calling her name, or a beer. Lani had not planned on getting smashed out drunk and it usually took a lot to get her there, but a few good drinks never hurt anyone. It was Adeline, she reasoned, they really needed to worry about. She was the one who usually wound up black out drunk and needing to be carried out of the venue lest someone start snapping pics and posting them on social media. Lani had a bit more control and getting drunk like that was a rarity she only allowed in the safety of one of their homes, particularly her own. Besides, if she was going to hook up with someone, she wanted to be quite sober. Lani didn't exactly jump head-first into sex, though a good makeout session here and there never hurt anyone. And if her mind briefly flashed to Cassidy's face, well, then shit, Lani needed that drink like, yesterday.

"Yeah, I could be down for some kickboxing," she answered mildly, stretching a bit and feeling the smooth material of her cut-out bralette lift only slightly before settling back down. Her muscles would probably argue later, after a few sessions, but she'd probably need it once soccer was over. "I should probably get back to fighting anyway." Granted, her form of fighting had always been more along the lines of street fighting, something she picked up from her brothers. Being their only sister and the only girl, they had all reasoned Lani needed to defend herself. So, when she was able to square up with one of the local Lanai boys some years back, she couldn't really fault them with getting her all ready to take down anyone. She hadn't really sparred with anyone in awhile due their busy schedules and kickboxing just seemed like a fun way to get back into a really old habit. Plus, if the girls were doing it, she was bound to have some kind of fun watching Adeline after their second session whine about being too sore and wanting to stick to yoga or something. When the vehicle finally stopped, Adeline was the first one out and already giving Lani those demanding eyes that made her chuckle as she waited for Sydney to get out next so Lani could slide on out behind her without having to exit on the side closest to the busy streets.

"Of course, you'd think anyone who could recite Les Mis by heart weird, Addy," she lamented teasingly, running a hand through her just-then windswept hair as a hot summer breeze shot past them. "Honestly, I didn't even think Ness could be dragged to one of these, even if it's the first of the year. If we see them, we see them, but..." She could have pointed out that the girls not having had any time to party with one another was nowhere near Lani's fault as they had all known she had an internship and had scheduled it so that they could have time. Adeline was the one who ditched. But Lani did not speak on that. She turned to Adeline a firm stare, but her smirk was still present. "I'm not the one who ditches a bitch the second she catches a glimpse of vodka."


Mood: Jovial ☸ Outfit

"Awww, dude, you suck!" Liam mock-whined, accepting the slap on the shoulder with an ever-present grin as he took a shot of whiskey to the head with a few of the guys. Considering Liam hadn't missed too many of his shots during their beer pong matches to be at fault for mixing certain alcoholic beverages, the shot wasn't going to do nothing much to him. It burned in that familiar way that it always had, a lick of sweetness chasing the bitter heat that suffused his esophagus. With the glass back on the counter, Liam allowed his gaze to scan the "mancave" of the Devlin home, not at all surprised that he didn't see Sydney and her girls just yet. It wouldn't particularly be Sydney Persson to not make some kind of dramatic entrance at the exact crux of either being fashionably late or just plain late, and Liam was trying to tell himself that he gave absolutely no fucks in the world about whether or not she showed up. Which was a lie, if he was being honest, but since he never really liked honesty much, another shot of whiskey and another round of beer pong before making his own kind of rounds around the townhome would surely be enough to dispel the bullshit.

"Dave," he called without even looking at the guy, extending a pointed finger in the guy's way. "Since Devlin ain't loyal, welcome to the winning team. Who wants to get their ass kicked next?" The challenge hung in the air for only a second before a guy from another school - Evan, if he was remembering correctly - stepped up. "You've been talkin' a lot of shit, city boy. What we wagerin?" The thick Southern accent came out strong and, with the thrill of competition in the air and a wallet just ready to be plucked considering it would be refilled by tomorrow, Liam grinned. "Whatever you can afford, country boy."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by royals
"Yeah, yeah, come down with me," Hunter nodded, quickly agreeing with Jamie's suggestion that they come down with him. "I know you've got tastes that are higher than the keg beer up here, Ness, so hmm... what do I recommend...?" He pondered the thought for a moment, knowing that he wanted to pick something out that would be well suited for Ness. He wasn't the kind of guy who would purposely load her up with some drink that was just fruity enough to hide the strong kick of the alcohol hiding behind it, because he wasn't looking to get Ness plastered. Though he wasn't sure if she had drank at his last party or not, he knew that in general, she was an innocent kind of girl. He doubted that even if she had drank, she had went overboard, so he knew that it was best to start her off with something simple, yet something that was decent enough that it wouldn't look like he had bad tastes, since she was trusting him with the suggestion. Hunter knew that he was overthinking things, and purposely slowed his pace just a bit, when he realized that maybe that nervousness in him was causing him to walk faster than he needed to be. After holding the door to the stairwell open for Avan, who headed down before them, he walked down with Ness and Jamie. It only took a few seconds for them to get to the next floor, and with people coming up right beside them, there was no awkward silence, for which Hunter was grateful for. Though lots of familiar faces passed them, Hunter was surprised that he hadn't seen any of Sydney's crew members yet. Seeing Sydney would have excited Hunter in his own right, but he was also good friends with Lani, and Adeline was always a fun person to have around too, so he hoped that they would show up. He was tempted to just text them and find out, especially since knowing one way or the other meant that he could either prepare for a confrontation between Sydney and Liam, or relax and not have to worry about it for the night, but he was too preoccupied now, and also didn't want to seem like a nuisance to the girls.

Once they got to the fifth floor, Hunter led them towards the bar. No one was actually manning the bar, and it was more of a free for all, with bottles of liquor lining the counter top, and mixers on a table besides them. [color=#A36D00]"So, I actually suck with suggestions, since I usually just stick to beer or Jack & Coke, and I don't know if that's what you'd be into,"
he admitted, somewhat sheepishly with a smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Lots of the girls seem to go for cranberry juice or orange juice, with a splash of vodka, and we've got a ton of bottled beers and some of that fruity Mike's Hard stuff in the fridge of there," he said, pointing to a fridge at the back of the bar area. "Any of that sound like it would be up your ally?" He didn't offer anything to Jamie, simply because Hunter assumed that he was more capable of piking something out on his own, and he didn't want to insult him by suggesting otherwise.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison
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"Ugh, I know, I know! I should've listened to you, but I was desperate!" Sydney groaned. Desperate was a relative term, given that Sydney probably had most of the student body at her disposal when it came to things like hanging out with her. It wasn't even her being condescending, which happened sometimes too, but finding someone willing to socialize with her was easy, and that was a statement that was more factual than something used as a bragging right. Sydney was simply so selective, that even people who were socially acceptable, like Rebecca Hill, didn't compare to her real friends. She followed Adeline out of the car, not thinking more in depth about Adeline's inquiry about Ness, as it was easy for now, to believe that she was only asking because she really wanted the trio to stick together tonight. Not wanting to be alone, especially for when she ran into Liam, Sydney didn't push the topic any further, because for one, she wanted to hang out with the girls for the night, and secondly, she didn't need to press Adeline on the topic and turn off the girl's good mood. When that happened, everyone's mood was destined to go downhill fast.

"You must be talking about Sydney, because I don't remember ever ditching you! Not my Lani! Never!" Adeline exclaimed dramatically. "Remember" was the key word there, because there was a good chance that it had happened, and more than once, at that, but that the vodka that she was chasing itself had allowed her to leave those little details out by the time she woke up the next morning. The brightness in her eyes and the way that she grinned while talking spoke to how she might have been more aware of those occasions than she was alluding to, but she was in a playful mood, so she left it at that as she waited for the girls to get out of the car. It was easier to remain upbeat too, when Lani attested to how she doubted that Ness would be there. That was reassuring enough to get Adeline taking the lead as they approached Hunter's townhouse. The front door was unlocked, which wasn't quite surprising, given how nonchalant Hunter seemed to be about a lot of things, including who showed up at his parties. The girls had been to his house many times before, so Adeline knew how to get them up to where the party was actually happening, but once inside the foyer, she stepped aside and looked back to the girls, signaling for one of them to take over leading the group.

Sydney rolled her eyes, but couldn't resist laughing some at Adeline trying to claim that she was the one who frequently abandoned the group when alcohol entered the picture. That was laughable. "But really, Addy, please go slow tonight." Sydney followed the two girls into Hunter's townhouse. The foyer was empty, but that wasn't very surprising, and even though the party was likely going on four floors up, she could hear music from where they were. "I think we're going to have fun. No - we're definitely going to have fun, and that's an order. And to prevent Adeline from killing our vibe from the start," Sydney said, playfully still, as she looked to Lani, as if Adeline wasn't standing right there besides them, "Let's just hit the bar first. Get our drinks and start the night off right. Sound good?" The stairs would have been the easy option, but Sydney knew that Hunter's home had an elevator in it, and right now, that seemed preferable. She was too used to wearing heels to claim that a few flights of stairs would do her much damage, but she mostly didn't want to have to deal with passing anyone on the stairs, when she would feel unprepared. Rather, it seemed better to have a few more minutes of alone time and know exactly when she would have to face the rest of the party guests, when the elevator doors opened. Because she knew that she wanted to take the elevator, she didn't even offer the stairs as an option to the girls, and instead, lead them into the empty elevator, before pressing floor 5 as their destination. They would start on the fifth floor, and could walk up to the rooftop depending on how that went...

"I'm gonna hold my tongue and not call you Mom right now like she did, even though you totally deserve it!" Adeline said, upon Sydney's insistence that she go slow tonight. There were a lot of nights, tonight included, when Adeline was in the mindset of drinking a lot, but she never planned on becoming the sloppy mess that she sometimes became. It was just something that happened after all the fun was said and done... and she had never died because of it, so her motto on that was basically "whatever!". "But yes!" Adeline exclaimed, following them into the elevator. "Drinks first! I need a Red Bull vodka in me right now. Plus, we need to help out Evan and loosen Lani up," she declared cheekily.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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xxxxJamie slowed his pace to walk besides Ness as they head downstairs for the drinks, knowing that she has to work a bit to keep up with people who have longer legs such as himself. Hunter doesn't seem to have noticed this as he walks quickly ahead of them, prompting a bit of curiosity from Jamie. Hunter, from what Jamie has known of him, isn't the sort who would feel the need to rush around- especially not at his own house party. After all, this is his kingdom and hear Hunter is king. Why should a king hurry? Still, he seems to relax a bit and slip into his typical persona as others join them at the stairs and start small conversation on the way down. Ness engages a girl who is apparently in one of her classes. Jamie is content enough to walk quietly and listen to the little conversations around him, picking up things here or there but nothing particularly interesting. Of course, by the end of the night there will have to be something of note. For one thing, there is no way Liam and Sydney won't both make appearances- and he doubts that the two of them would do well in the same room at the moment.

xxxxAnd if Sydney stops by, Lani will without a doubt be with her. It's for the best that she confronted him at lunch the other day, as it to some degree released some of the tension that had formed between them over the summer. However, it means for certain that he can no longer get away with avoiding her and slipping out of notice at his convenience. His perhaps cowardly plan of avoiding the issue has failed, meaning that Jamie will simply have to stiffen his upper lip and suffer in silence. Genuinely talking to Lani about his feelings isn't even remotely an option to him, leaving grinning and bearing it the only possibility the young man can see. Perhaps a few drinks will make him feel more at ease with the situation. Jamie knows for a fact that he isn't a talkative drunk, so that shouldn't be a problem. He's fairly certain that he's just a sleepy, sort of cuddly one. Not too much room for trouble, which is fortunate for someone who prefers to fly just under the radar for the most part.

xxxxWhile Hunter makes his suggestions to Ness, who honestly has no idea what she wants, Jamie grabs a bottle of beer from the fridge. He spots Lani and her crew stepping out of the elevator and heading over towards the bar where they stand. "Hey, D-Mac, Did you just get here?" he uses her affectionate nickname, reserved for close friends. He can't remember where the nickname came from- was it one of her brothers, or did he himself originate it? Either way, he speaks it easily, knowing that he, if anyone, is permitted to use it. Jamie sort of nods at Adeline and Sydney, but doesn't know them well enough to say hello really. If anything, Sydney in particular makes him feel a tad uncomfortable. Lunch had been a bit rough for him partially for the reason.

xxxxNess is leaning more towards something light, which she figures Mike's Hard Lemonade would be, when she spots Adeline standing with Sydney and Lani. Jamie seems to have stopped them to say hello to Lani (which she's glad for), keeping them an arm's length away for the moment. Still, seeing Adeline makes her feel rather anxious yet again, and prompts a change of course in her drink selection.

xxxx"Um. Vodka and with a bit of cranberry juice sounds good, actually," she says, trying and failing to act casual as though she knows precisely what she's asking for and has done it a million times. As if she's had vodka before. "I can pour it myself if you need to help Sydney and them though!" she adds quickly. Though truth be told, letting her decide the proportions would perhaps not be the best of ideas.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by royals
"How about cranberry juice with a bit of vodka?" Hunter proposed, reversing her order with a smirk. It was probably what she meant to begin with, but it felt necessary to make a playful point out of him questioning just how much vodka she could really handle. He doubted it would be much, which wasn't necessarily saying anything bad about her, but spoke to Hunter's perception of her tolerance level. Ness definitely didn't seem like the kind of girl who had a tolerance built to take a bottle of Absolut to the body in a night, and he actually respected that. Though he wanted her to loosen up, so he could see what that version of Ness was like, he didn't need her blacking out at his house. He would save that job for Adeline, who had just entered the room with Lani and Sydney at her side. Hunter was glad to see the three of them. While anyone would feel honored to have the royal trio showing up at their party, Hunter was actually well enough acquainted with the three to like them for reasons beyond their reputations, so he was glad to see them for more personal reasons. He shook his head when Ness insisted that she could pour her own drink if he needed to help Sydney and them. While Hunter definitely planned on greeting the trio, he wasn't in that much of a rush to do so. "They can wait," he insisted. "It's not every day that I see Ness Oberlin at one of my parties. The least I can do is pour her a drink," he said teasingly, as he grabbed a red cup from the stack and filled it with cranberry juice, before pouring two shots worth of vodka into it. "I hope that's not too much of a kick for you," he said as he slid the drink towards her, wondering if he should have started her off with just a shot's worth.

Jamie had walked over to talk to the girls, but Hunter figured that even if they planned on going up to the roof immediately, they would stop by the bar that he and Ness stood by first, to make drinks. There was a keg upstairs, but he assumed that given their tastes, they would at least want to start off with something more "top shelf" quality. Adeline was easy, because Hunter knew that she would likely drink anything made for her, and just based off of their prior partying experiences together, he took a good guess and decided she would probably want a Red Bull vodka. If he was being smart, he would have known that that wasn't a good drink to give someone like Adeline, considering that she usually had enough energy to not need an energy drink on top of that, and that the vodka plus all of that caffeine right off the bat, usually led to her thinking she could handle more drinks later on than her body would really be able to tolerate. Hunter wasn't in the business of being anyone's parent though, and all that he knew was that Adeline was fun to party with, regardless of having a tendency to go overboard. "Adeline usually starts her night off with a Vodka Red Bull," Hunter said, explaining why he was grabbing a can of Red Bull from the fridge and pouring it into a cup before topping it off with a considerable amount of vodka. He moved quickly, doubting that Jamie would be able to keep the trio's attention and now feeling a more urgent need to get them drinks, when he remembered that Liam was upstairs. Stalling them down here seemed like a good move, even if he knew that Sydney and his best friend would have to face each other at some point. "And Sydney's usually a margarita drinker, but I don't have any margarita mix..." he bit his lip at that realization, before grabbing the cranberry juice that he had used for Ness, and tossing some of that into a cup with seltzer and vodka, as he recalled Sydney's preference for mixed drinks that were carbonated. "So hopefully she's cool with a vodka cranberry too... and Lani's a little bit more tricky, since I feel like she's not too specific with what she drinks... so she's getting one of those too." He didn't even realize that Ness and Lani were good friends, and therefore, he could have asked her for a drink selection, but he looked back to her with a smile when the three drinks were finished. "Mind grabbing Adeline's for me? I don't wanna drop these," he said, his hands already full with Lani and Sydney's drinks, as he nodded for Ness to follow him over to the group talking with Jamie.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK

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"We don't want her too loose. Don't be a bad influence on our President," Sydney said, laughing just a bit as she looked to Adeline, as if they weren't talking about Lani while she was standing right there. It took just a minute or two for them to reach the fifth floor of the townhouse, where the elevator doors opened to allow them an exit. She could hear music playing more loudly now, though it wasn't overbearingly loud. Just upon a quick glance, the vibes seemed good. There were lots of people in the party room, the one that was likely Hunter's father's "man cave" but was where the teens seemed to empty out into if they weren't on the rooftop. Sydney liked the area here, because it was where the liquor tended to be, but it also felt more intimate than the rooftop. Of course, there were guest bedrooms and actual areas downstairs that were normally completely vacant during the parties, if she wanted an area that was actually intimate, but if she just wanted to hang out and talk with her friends, she liked doing it down here, rather than upstairs. With that said, especially when her initial glance led her to believe that Liam had to be upstairs if he was already here, Sydney was in no rush to leave this room as she headed in with her girls. Though Jamie was the first to greet them (and even then, his greeting was mostly for Lani), she spotted Hunter just a few feet away with Ness Oberlin, and they looked like they were getting ready to come over to them too. While Sydney wanted to go say hello, she was much more used to letting people come to her. Even when it was someone like Hunter, who she was comfortably friends with, she liked it when people acknowledged her before she did to them. That was why Jamie received nothing more than a simple smile in response to his nod of acknowledgment, and why she overlooked the time that she should have given Lani to answer him, in favor of speaking up herself. "Drinks, ladies? What are we having?"

Lani rolled her eyes at Adeline's insistence at wanting to "loosen" her up. She still wasn't completely sold on getting significantly intoxicated for the night, but she couldn't help but grin after Sydney's response before replying, "Nah, this president's down for some corrupting. Be a bad influence, Addy." She probably shouldn't entertain that because knowing Adeline, she might actually shove shots in Lani's face. And Lani liked to consider herself tough when it came to drinking. She generally could hold her own sometimes against the guys, if she put her mind to it. But she wasn't invincible and there was no doubt in her mind that Adeline could probably get Lani absolutely trashed if she gave her too much leeway. However, she was also surmising that the year was just starting - their senior year. Just a smidgen of recklessness wouldn't hurt anyone, at least a little at the beginning, right?

Once they reached the fifth floor, Lani scanned the room, glancing fleetingly at all the familiar faces that she could possibly invest some time in while at the party. It wasn't strange for her to branch away from the girls during events. Lani always made it a priority to make it back to them, even if it was just for a quick check-in to make sure Sydney wasn't ready to claw someone's eyes out and Adeline wasn't passed out on the floor somebody, but making a few rounds always was on the agenda. Plus, it gave her time to hang out with Jamie, if he actually came out or not. Which, luckily, he did, this time around. Lani beamed when she saw him, taking that extra step, slightly away from the girls when he came over. "Hey, yeah. Ya know, the best way to make an entrance is to be fashionably late," she replied. She didn't bother looking around for Ness as she figured that if he was here, the girl was, but before she could ponder the other girl's actual location, Sydney had spoken up and Lani glanced back at her before humming, gaze falling on Jamie's bottle. "I could drink," she commented mildly to Sydney before turning back to Jamie. "That brew any good?"


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin Character Portrait: Avan Harrison Character Portrait: Nova Blanchett Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
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0.00 INK

In the elevator, Adeline sent out a text message to Nova that read, "Was that you who pulled up right after me and Lani and Syd? I hope so!!!! Find me tonight, we need to catch up!". She and Nova didn't necessarily run in the same friend group, but Adeline definitely considered Nova to be a friend. She was an exception from Adeline's perception of the theater kids being weird, because... well, Adeline just didn't think she was weird. She had gotten to know Nova, and had she given all of the other kids the same chance, she likely would have found that they were all far more normal and relatable than she pinned them as being. Adeline had no need to give any of them a chance though, given that she was content with her circle of friends as it was. Throw in the fact that she had gotten more than she had bargained for with her drunken encounter with another theater kid, who she was doing her best not to worry about as the elevator moved closer and closer to the fifth floor, and she was all the more content with Nova being a rare exception to her friend rule. Though she had seen Nova in a few of her classes over the past two days, they hadn't had enough time to actually catch up, and given that they hadn't actually hung out since last spring, seeing Nova tonight was definitely one of her priorities.

As she followed the girls out of the elevator, she didn't initially see anyone too interesting. Liam wasn't in her immediate line of sight, which was a relief, and Anissa wasn't either, though Adeline was pretty convinced that the girl wouldn't be showing her face around any social events for a good while. When Jamie approached, however, Adeline's energy level sunk for a moment. She felt like that meant that Ness had to be here, even if it realistically didn't mean that she was for sure. Her initial thought was proven right, however, when she looked further into the room, by Hunter's bar, and found the girl standing besides Hunter. Adeline was impulsive, and given that nature, she didn't let herself think the situation through fully and weigh the pros and cons. Instead, she took a split second to decide between turning around, getting back into the elevator and leaving the party immediately, before Ness could see her, or the other option, which was pretending like she wasn't bothered at all. With Sydney asking what they wanted to drink, and Lani already haven given her permission to, in Adeline's mind, get her obliterated, she felt like she had to go with the second option, if for nothing else than to start senior year off on the right note.

Though Lani's question wasn't directed to her, Adeline didn't mind chiming in with, "Doesn't matter if it's any good because you're not drinking beer tonight! We're having fun tonight, and fun requires something with more than a five percent alcohol content!" If she really wanted to be a pain, she would have grabbed Lani's arm right then and there and yanked her away from Jamie in search of some "real" alcohol, but she knew better than that. For one, she knew that just because she didn't understand Lani's closeness with Jamie didn't mean that there friendship was non-existent. It was quite existent, and Lani interacting with him before anyone else, given that she likely knew every single person at this party (or at least, they knew her), spoke to that. She didn't have to understand the friendship on a real level to respect it, and besides that, Adeline considered that leaving Lani here while she made their drinks could be fun. She was no mixologist but she knew the most basic drink recipes, and a few extras that were the ones that could get anyone obliterated. It wasn't a necessary talent, given that Adeline was the kind of girl who was quite content with other people making her fancy cocktails for her, or just taking enough shots of alcohol that the fruity mixers in drinks were no longer necessary to give her a buzz, but it was fun to make drinks occasionally. With Sydney by her side, she knew that she wouldn't be able to get away with going too crazy, but that didn't mean that she wasn't going to attempt it anyway.

On that note, she hurried away from the girls and Jamie, only verbalizing a "B-R-B!" as she darted towards the bar. There were a few kids standing by it, but the only ones who Adeline really cared about were Hunter, Ness, and Avan, who she noticed last, and only as she got closer. She was already being risky by acknowledging Ness, so she did her best to act like she hadn't seen Avan on the far side of the bar. "Hunter!" Adeline greeted cheerfully as she approached the pair, who were both holding two drinks each. That seemed more natural for Hunter than Ness, and in a move that felt daring to Adeline, but could only seem friendly to anyone who didn't know the girls' situation, she looked to Ness with a grin. Her words were directed at Hunter despite her eyes playfully remaining on (and possibly roving over) Ness, as she spoke. "It's not even nine o'clock and you already have someone like her double fisting? God, Hunter, you're a bad influence...but I don't hate it." Even though she had done a good job at convincing herself that Ness had been just as drunk as she had been that night last spring, the common sense side of Adeline knew that that probably wasn't the case. She didn't think that Ness had been as sober as she had been, but she also doubted that she was drunk. Therefore, seeing the girl with two drinks in her hand made her feel a little bit better, like maybe it hadn't been all her fault and doing that they had ended up in that bedroom together. "But I'm over here because I need something strong for me, stronger for Lani, and even stronger for Syd. You know that we need to get Syd trashed tonight if you-know-who is here, and I need Lani to add 'President of Alcoholics Anonymous' to her extracurricular activity resume for college by the end of this semester, aannnddd, I was just kidding when I said that I wanted the least strong of the drinks. You know that's not happening tonight. So, what am I drinking? And what are you two drinking?" This side of Adeline, the one that was overflowing with energy was the one that she liked, and even if it had taken a little bit of pregaming with drinks at Sydney's to get her back into embracing her fun side, she wasn't complaining.

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View All » Add Character » 19 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison
Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault
Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin
Character Portrait: Sydney Persson
Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox
Character Portrait: Liam Koch
Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin
Character Portrait: Avan Harrison


Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin
Hunter Devlin

"Dude, I swear to God, if you don't chug that beer right now..."

Character Portrait: Liam Koch
Liam Koch

"I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasures."

Character Portrait: Sydney Persson
Sydney Persson

"I don't owe anyone an explanation for anything."

Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin
Ness Oberlin

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others."

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault
Adeline Arnault

"Okay, so, like, I'm so excited!"

Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
Jamie Parata

"You may not know me, but I probably know you."

Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison
Lani Amasio-Ellison

"Homework is not life. This cheeseburger, however..."


Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin
Hunter Devlin

"Dude, I swear to God, if you don't chug that beer right now..."

Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
Jamie Parata

"You may not know me, but I probably know you."

Character Portrait: Sydney Persson
Sydney Persson

"I don't owe anyone an explanation for anything."

Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin
Ness Oberlin

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others."

Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison
Lani Amasio-Ellison

"Homework is not life. This cheeseburger, however..."

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault
Adeline Arnault

"Okay, so, like, I'm so excited!"

Character Portrait: Liam Koch
Liam Koch

"I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasures."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Liam Koch
Liam Koch

"I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasures."

Character Portrait: Sydney Persson
Sydney Persson

"I don't owe anyone an explanation for anything."

Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault
Adeline Arnault

"Okay, so, like, I'm so excited!"

Character Portrait: Jamie Parata
Jamie Parata

"You may not know me, but I probably know you."

Character Portrait: Lani Amasio-Ellison
Lani Amasio-Ellison

"Homework is not life. This cheeseburger, however..."

Character Portrait: Hunter Devlin
Hunter Devlin

"Dude, I swear to God, if you don't chug that beer right now..."

Character Portrait: Ness Oberlin
Ness Oberlin

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others."

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